igor erickson hypno headings

Post on 27-Jan-2016






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igor erickson hypno headings


28 Information Packed DVDs:DVD #01:Introduction To Ericksonian Hypnosis And Unconscious Moments- This is the foundation on which everything else is built - it's easy so that anyone can do itDVD #02:Hypnotic Language, Language Softeners And Priming Phenomena.- Master the core for hypnotic language- The secret for getting deep trance phenomena easily - first step is revealed- Special demo: I work with a subject who is afraid to go deep in case she doesn't come back. 7 minutes later she is delighted to go into deep trancesDVD #03:Natural Trance Phenomena & Ericksonian Fractionation Revealed- Develop the qualities of an Ericksonian hypnotist - your voice and fractionationDVD #04:How To Get Hypnotic Phenomena And The Trance Signals Induction.- More advanced uses of hypnotic language- The secret to the famous "embedded suggestions" - the way Erickson used them- More details on how to get phenomena easily- New induction that uses the subject's responses to ride into tranceDVD #05:The Revivification Induction & Dealing With Problematic Revivifications.- Review of day 1 (first 4 dvds)- How to easily do revivifications - one of the key hypnotic techniques of Erickson- A student says she can't access the memories to revivify them - in less then 8 minutes I show you how to get the result anyway- How to give feedback to the unconscious mindDVD #06:How To Revivify Trance Phenomena, Dealing With A Resistant Arm Levitation And The Early Learning Set.- Advanced strategy for deep trance phenomena (DTP)- Student complains he keeps failing to get an arm levitation - and is getting frustrated. Watch how I turn things around - not only does he get an arm levitation, he ends up unable to put it down again afterwards (until of course I cancel that suggestion)!- The power of hypnotic sets: Erickson's famous early learning set explained - and a variation that makes trance safer to exploreDVD #07:The Unconscious Protector Set And Fractionation Cycles.- How to master the unconscious protector set- How to train someone to go into very profound trancesDVD #08:"Dr. Unconscious", The Dr. Unconscious Induction and MakingFractionation Even More Profound.- How to use Ericksonian confusion during the trance induction so that your subjects races into a deep trance to resolve it- How to play with the conscious mind so that their resistance becomes as slippery as a wet fish and just disappears

DVD #09:Purposeful Trance Phenomena and Ericksonian Arm Levitations.- Learning summary to remind you of everything you have learned- More advanced secrets of DTP - how to get results, fast! Erickson's favorite Deep Trance Phonomena - explained, demonstrated and experiencedDVD #10:Hijacking Inner Dialogues And Dealing With Resistance Or A "Doubting Thomas".- More secrets for getting an arm levitation easily- Student complains that his thinking is getting in the way: watch how I hijack those thoughts to actually get the result- An exercise to help you deal with "Doubting Thomas" type of people more easilyDVD #11:Erickson's Classic Routines And The Memory Lane Induction.- Classic routines from Erickson's actual casework- How to start working with regression the way Erickson did- How to gently & easily explore memoriesDVD #12:Developing Regression With Erickson's "Imaginary Crystal Ball" Induction.- Erickson's famous "crystal ball" induction demonstrated and explainedDVD #13:Erickson's Key "Dreaming Arm" Levitation Revealed Part 1.- Detailed Q&A session on concepts so far- The powerful "dreaming arm" for quick, easy and effective therapy - demonstrated and explainedDVD #14:"Dreaming Arm" Levitation Revealed Part 2.- How to practice the dreaming arm therapeutic induction for yourselfDVD #15:How To Overcome Problems Of Denial, Avoidance And OtherDefense Mechanisms - Part 1.- Another key concept in Ericksonian therapy: the objective review - demonstrated & explainedDVD #16:How To Overcome Problems of Denial, Avoidance And OtherDefense Mechanisms - Part 2.- Step by step instructions for succeeding with the objective review yourself - with student demo and full debrief discussionDVD #17:Precision Language And How To Use Negation The Right Way.- More advanced sophisticated language patterns of erickosnian hypnosisDVD #18:Direct And Covert Ericksonian Conscious/Unconscious Dissociations- This was Erickson's favorite induction - watch it in action, then...- Get the secrets for creating your own versions- How to make Erickson's favorite induction more covert with the "hypnotic lecture"DVD #19:Strategic Therapy, "Hidden Talents" And The hidden Talent Induction.

- How to think like Erickson did when he saw a new client- The strategy that helps you choose what techniques you want to use- Discover the hidden talents each subject has that will have them access dtp with easeDVD #20:The Key Elements Of All Therapeutic Trances Revealed.- Long & detailed Q&A session - we've covered a lot so far, so lets make sure it's all clear!- Q&A on how to turn your trance skills into therapeutic skills- A simple structure that you can use for Ericksonian hypnotherapyDVD #21:Using The Principles Of Therapeutic Trances In Hypnotherapy- Apply the hypnotherapy induction for yourself - with step by step setup, full student demo and debriefDVD #22:How To Weave Therapeutic Trance Principles With Erickson's KeyProcesses To Create Powerful Ericksonian Hypnosis.- How to make the hypnotherapy structure more Ericksonian- The dreaming arm revisited- The dreaming arm used for therapy inside this new Ericksonian model demonstrated by meDVD #23:Ericksonian Strategies And The 6 Trance Skills Revealed- Q&A session + in depth review of all the skills (and there are many)- Time for your conscious mind to catch up with everything your unconscious has learned- More strategies of Ericksonian hypnotherapyDVD #24:How To Create Simple Hypnotic Stories Easily.- This is the foundational training of hypnotic stories. It warms up the storytelling mind to make it easy to find therapeutic stories.- Develop your own hypnotic stories with ease- 4 simple exercises that will let you create a good repertoire of hypnotic stories for use on many occasionsDVD #25:How To Turn Simple Stories Into Killer Ericksonian Stories ThatCreate Lasting Change- Advanced storytelling for therapy- How to make stories so subtle the conscious mind never knows what is happening- How to ensure the stories are therapeutic and help the client resolve an issueDVD #26:How To Apply Ericksonian Hypnotherapy To Physical Healing- Learn to adapt all your skills for physical healing- How to create your own protocols to deal with allergies, pain, surgery and other physical applications of hypnosis- Student demo of the "Physical Healing" protocol in actionDVD #27:Hypnotherapy Practice Dos & Don'ts.- Learn the important practice management skills you will need to know for your private practice including important legal & ethical things that you need to think about!

DVD #28:Final Student Demo Putting All That Has Been Learnt Into Practice & Conclusion- Watch a student put all the skills of the program together to do a genuine piece of Ericksonian hypnosis that last about 1 hour - see someone that had little or no previous experience of Ericksonian hypnosis using all the skills of the course naturally to get a great result[/spoiler]Read more at http://ebookee.org/Igor-Ledochowski-Advanced-Ericksonian-Hypnosis_2962717.html#qiWHpObjqRMYfByH.99

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