ignite budapest #2 - the beautiful bridges of budapest and the history of our beautiful language...

Post on 16-Apr-2017






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Our beautiful bridges

The fascinating coincidences between the beautiful bridges of Budapest and the history of our beautiful profession

In 1845, Henry (Higgins) Sweet was born, our first phonetician, es grnt so grn wenn Spaniens blten blhen

Pygmalion, put on in the Burgtheather, Vienna for the first time in 1913 in German.

And at the same time, the Scot, not the Englishman, Adam Clark was working on the Lnchd

1878 Margit Hd and Maximillian Berlitz

Zichy Mihly Arany Jnos

1898, Szabadsg hd, previously Ferencz Jzsef hd, Francois Gouin discovered that you cant learn a language by learning its rules like you cant learn to drive by reading the highway code.

1937 Petfi hd, formerly Horthy Mikls hd and A.S Hornby

A pontoon bridge in Budapest observed by my grandfather in 1946

Spanning the Danube from Buda to Pest is a bridge of boats built by the Russian armies. Over that frail structure, hour after hour passes the flotsam and jetsam of Europe.

1950, Stalin bridge, now rpd Hd and the rise of audiolingualism. B.F. Skinner, so much to answer for! Teachers of the world unite, we have nothing to lose but our behaviouristic beasts. In 1958, Stalins name disappeared from the face of this bridge

Erzsbet hd 1964 and Dell Hymes Language in Culture and Society

And the Mria Valria hd, just up the river in Esztergom. Sissys daughter!

1995 Lgymnyosi hd and the start of the Cambridge International Corpus, Ronald Carter and Michael McCarthy

Even Jim Scrivener saw the newest Budapest bridge, the Megyeri hd 2008, to be the key to the sales of the latest edition of his book

Can teaching still be a subversive activity?

Has ELT settled down into a calm, measured maturity? Have the years of exciting creativity and risk passed by? Should we now obediently open our expert-written coursebooks and tick off a few more can-do statements?

So who was the most influential?

The baby chain bridge

Pestalozzi and Ironbridge 1779Dont throw out the bridge with the bathwater

Never divide ELT from general pedagogy

Understanding and knowing where weve come from helps us to work out better where were going to

Enjoy our bridges, pause for a moment when you pass one,you may never see them in the same light again. Bridges are like languages Connecting people and places!

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