igcse past paper october/november 2013 key by uconnectedu.com

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IGCSE past paper October/November 2013 Key by Uconnect Education www.uconnectedu.com Uconnect School copy right for education purpose only answer key by Teacher Pang Uconnect


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UNIVERSIry OF CAMBRIDGE I NTERNATIONAL DGMINATIONSlnternational General Gertificate of Secondary Educatim



ffilter t Rcadirtg atl|fw'inrig (Core)

;- Candidaie* aflgg,er dfi Ure ftlffitisfi RipEr,

No Additional Materials are required-

{l$tr|1octob€rrlrlair€liiner al g

t hourSll minutes


Wrile your Centre number, candidate nunfter and nanre ort atl fie trcrkyou helild in.

Write in dark Hue or Hadr pelDo not Ltse stases, Faper dlp" hi$tlightess, glue e conwtist fluid-


Ansner all questions-Dielis,aries are nnt dlo"fired"

At the end of tre exsrdnation" &sfien all your urork wtr$y togetfrer"

The ngcnber cf marks is gfuen in brackets I I at f]s end of each question CIr part queetion-

This document wnsists of {3 printed pages and 3 Hank page6-

rc (SJF/JG) 66O86X3


UNTVER$ITY O/ CAMBRIDGEInternational Examinations rnirn over

Yq\lluo I *Zr*n F)fru'6 i lt1b,+6a'4 {s' v"l


E:rercise 1

Bead *re finlloaring artide abut an unusua! rae !n lrdla" ard Uren arHHf,ter the quslicne on tteapposite pags.




The sunrkftshaw k the three*w*teeled fotm of .puhtie trensport that yoa ean see being drivmthmugh cruvsded cities in Indiu- Normally ytw wauld expeet thcse smsll vehicles with a lS$cc

engine to trapel only ufew kilonetres.

p€rmits are sold in one mimrte""' says James Austen,

a spokesmm for the company that organises the


ColourfuI vehicles

The race

The annuat international autorickshaw race issomething totally different- It is a two-weekjourney along India"s highways, o!'er mountains

andthrough valle,ys- Ikivi$g such lang distancs* inthis kind afvehiele ca*rld certalntybe dmcribed not

only as a sport brf also as an advanturs-

lhe ract $tuts in Kschi" in the southsn state ofKerala and trrds in Shillong" in the n$Ithesst. It isa nery- real challemge for the l8S drivers ntho come

fiom 19 different counbies to take pat in ihe S,tXil-kilometrc race. *Wb are risking our lives or at least

serious i4iur1r,- says Jenny Lucas" part of a team ofthree womsn fromthe {JSA"

The autsrickshau. race firsttockplace i&2006, luadditian to an autorickshasa vehicle, tmrns need toobtain a pemit to rsc€, and they also receive an

official starting ti*t- E'Ltrlel'Ittig4 gqmlrytitorywho are rmfruniliar with at&riekshaws bave-_1q-

of days before the event After ihat, participantsd to arrive at their

destination within a certain nunrber of days.

Each team must raise at least 1,600 US dollars forIndian charities- ""Online application tc take pafistarts a year in advance of the race, and all the

All cf the contestank in the race have theirautorickshaws paintid - smetimes they havepictrmes cf animals, such as tigers or elephants, anthe sides ofthe vehicles- One tmm hns even painted

its autorickshaw in the colours of a police cat, inthe hope that it will make it easier to get thmugftthe traffFc*

Ilifficalr conditionf

The intense hcat mems that every yer the race

is a great tsst of enduaniis- For the pa*icipants"

&\ren motc stressfui ffrmr frre lreat" is fte amornrt

of traffic cn the Indian roads and driving rryhillin the autorickshaw- Despite the dfficulties, it isa great opporhrnity far the drivers t$ s€e the parts

of India that tourists rarely visit. Scmetim*s good

experiences have resulted fr*m sornething goingwr-ong. For example, stlmo pecple have broken an

arm or a leg and odlers have sometimes lost theirway in isolated areas- On these occasions, however,

the local people have always been friendly and

helpful, and the participants have come away withpleasant memories.

6 UCLES 2013 (El0/11/gl.l/13 i'f

(a! Where in lndia.wquld you be mct likely to see the autori:fpts?c^*dBd d{iq ih fv,/,:n, ..-'"""-


(bl How far do autorickshaws usually travel? a I . I +E,nqp-...krn.. ...... .......4!." . I.9:*t....... kt..l?-.Y?1Y9.fr...... r1l'-"---""'-'ur'7'r'r':

(d) What must some parlicipants do two days before the race?

r#.*tffi{el Who benefits fromr the mofiry raised?


(f} Wlry musn parlicipants registerquiddy?

%gsn .....tuJ... ".fuk. f er"qe ...w-. tu\ .. M.... Enp-...ni.ry

(g) Hw have solne drivers decorated their autoridchaws? Give tuo details.

f*n+d ih auS."Rltsh^' M '+{r" eotrs 4 ^ p[

The lreasureof fducdtron

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p ry{ tlr" i.tdd..* .itu @:-k- .ry* M,ryr*

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6 ucl-Es 2013 osXdl#olN/13 [Tum cner


Exercise 2

Head ?he fdloring ar[de abo{rt a hreineceman ratlc malc and sdls tnadilion# snrveets in Mdaysiaand then afiswsr the quelions on the ryposite page.

ffit HfilffS]lt ilnf,-ntf, tttLeo C-hia is standng beflind his stall on a hot aftemoon, srniling wamily as

he serves his customere Three generations of his farnily have been selling

lingdng seets in Malrysia sine his grandfather started the business- "hbhof complains Leo" modng his stall into the shade- But I er{try what I do

and want as marry people as possiHe to try these fadilional sseeb."

Ting-ting $rcets are small and hard and tradtionally handmade by mixing

white sugar, rnaple synrp and stidqy rice. But Leo's family recipe uses

mahose and honeryr instead of rvhite sugar- Leo leamt the trade at the age of13 by helping his tather to measure the ingrdients- ln those days he oftenused to pop a fw $ilets into his mouth, wfridr explains wtry now that he is an adult, some of his front teeth

are missing- "Tlpfs only Fart d tre reason," he la*gtts- -[naybe I didn't brush my teeth prcperly when I rvas


Last year, Leo's ffirer finally gave his son permissian to run the business- When making the sseets, Leo

neds cofrtainers of differ$t sizes to mea$tre the ingredients accurately. On md days, he u.se enough tcmake abo;t twtr kilos of $ffeets- lt is essentiat to make the eweets when the temperature is noi too cdd, so

Leo makes his fingrling behrcen ntidday and @m.

It is equally inrpoytant to hane *re right tools rvhen breaking the solid sreets into srnall pircs, Only atradibonal metal dlisd and a small harnmer will da the task properly, The 6&year-old chisel that Leo uses

has been passd &$m fuorn generalion to gieneration and is of great lmporlance to him. Fktally, he neds tohave gpod storagp spaoe for htr the ingredients and the frmhly-made srireets.

ln fre dd dalp, his grandfather used to sell and ddlver the sweets from a basket on his biqlCe" His htheruses h-ls nmfiorbfle to sdl ting{ing, hJt LeCI prefers to use his car- He says, "The more places t go ta, themore customers I can find. I go wherever I think I can sdl the moet!"

$undays are always the busiest because that is tre day wfren mwt families go out togefter, and Leo enioysmeeting dd and nftv cllstomers. tlVhen there are big orders for a cfilldren"s party, far emmde, Leo rnakes theting ting three days before the delivery- a6ough the $rcet$ dc not have any presentatives, and they are best

eaten within three months, they can be stored for up to half a year. Refrigenalion is not necessary, hrt fteymust always be kept away from sunlight

Atlthe sweets are sold at 2RM a packet, andif txrsiness is good, Leo can make 10ORM aday, But on bad days, he might only sell onepacket- Howenrcr, he is a tlery deilerminedpercon and always looks on the bright side" Hesays, *ltfil fiatrer and grandfuther supportedtheir tamilhs W sellang tingrting and I hope tomntinue this tadfion- We haven't raised theprice of the sreb for the past eight yearsevwr though the cost of basic ingredients hasincreasd tremendcusly. So the profits areless and I don't rnake rnuch money, but it isenough to make a lMng."

Realising the importance ol education, lhe enterprising Leo has also enrclled for a college course in

accountancy. He continues, "Eventually, I hope to have a shop wilh a demonstration area to show childrenhow ting-ting is made and then maybe they will become interested in the process. lt is a long-term plan, but

hopefully it will happen."



in Rll{Malayr*an





@ucLEs20t3 osturtt/oiN/i3

{a} Hw many gerrerations cf Lmb family hac m$Fruntine?

. ".,......,... thi*"..... g -e,{neffi *ikru .,.. ;z:.{b} Apert from syrr.rp and rice, yvfiat ingredFents dces Lg-use to mek€ ting-ling?

M*.tk... n{ndL.. i^'r gr.,........ *(:.."""""J'-"-/'"-""'--'/

(c) What yuas Leo's firstlob in lhe tamily business?

(d) Give two reasonswly Lec's teeth might be in suctt bad condition now.

..,",b. :w.,.,P...#n ."t*t +,,F.p.."*.fu.. s@l@""""'u"'1"" ."""""""". """"-""""". "-

ffiS, ,YJI*dilt:*bh'uh lr'Dffi W

(e) What tue melhods of transport has the Ghia farnily ued since the business started?

(f) Wtren would Leo need to prepare the ting-ting wellin advance?

.-.. Hp- " .-"*e*-...\^A/A..vlqft.-fu. ...?rcry'3...*fufuf...fu. nt.il^t=" d"yt h-'$* Y[* ae\>'1 I /- \/

What is the maximum lengh ct time the wets en be kept?

(h) Amrding iro tre charts, in wtric*r lrcar srere fi"re hrsiness cwts at dqeir lovrest and whatwas the average daily profit in2O12?

.....Thr....W?Ws....-qp"{f .-.."ff

f :...{4*tr-.]m-*rf ..in'..MJk-w..W"r{^.it#f*.fi.t..M.""?sL*l}..,e.*Ki{-.*

(i) w4ry have L€o's Brofits fellen? Give two details.

T{e Cosl- 4

kl *r h- .,:,:tn*J" . # .vp- .t ..MW. ..e...ysyi:' rn

' ''tf*r I r-(i) ln addition to selling tingrting, u*rat does Leo intend to do in his shop?

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@uclEszr)r3 ffiro/llrsir/is / [Tum over


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Erercise S

The largeet sports mrnpelilion for wrdary $dtoc{s *nd d!rys in nssrem Gernany tales plecegl|ery year in June in the city sf Bremen. Many of fte scfioo!* ia the region send teams ta ccmpete in

miS toumament end fte Strlller lffemafiCnal Seh6d en&fli n Erge nffmbef sf bqn* and gids eadtyear. The school's address is Hauptweg 62, Hamhtrg, and the sports deparftnent can be cortac*eddirwily bry email at sissportQinter.de. The Head of the Sfrts DeparFnent at the scfio(il" l(arl Anton,is responsiHe for the s{udent teams taking part in the next competition, and he will comf,ete lhe antryform"

The cadain af the girls team is 17-year-old $onia Botsdr and the boys- captatn is l&lBar-old ManfredHefner.They are both very takented basketbatl p{arcls and were sdectd at lhe begin*i*g of the year

by the teachers hcause they were the most suitaHe s:ftrdents to lead the teams in this tournament.

ln addition to basketballfor both teams, the school is taking part in aftletics and fmtballlor the boys,

and gymnastics and sMmming for thqgirls. The gchool.is sending a total of &5 students to compele,and iust under hatf of them are girla. i6ys ruil (yt,ls

The tcumament will begin on # June 2014 and end on Eh June 2O14-The teachers and students fromfle sd:iller lffefnetroiidl sehoolwiff aniire lwogays beforc ilr€ sterting {lete in crderto get used to thefacilities and mafue lheir final preparations for thFvents" They will refum home qljlg-@jdcl.thecompetition finishes-They hane decided that travelling ry bus is the most practical means of transport.

There is a cfroie of accommodatioll,,4uing their time in Bremen.Jn-glanisgsJgArs, fte school teamsharrra alurays stayd in the loq!_yqtrFSggtet- about 5 miles from the main stadium and sports centrewhere the evenb take pla6. During the past twelve monfrs, horrever, a new sportrs village mrnplochas beeft bruih right next to the stadiufin. The school teams wculd like to stay there because it is morecorn eriieifi, ft hes be€n hrilt iri oid€f to aecoiTimodate the sports teeriis that will eome frorii 8ll over fteworld to cornpete in a maior intemational tournament later in 2014.

lmagine you arc Kad. Fill in 8re entry form on tlre opposite page, u$ing Ure information absve.

tffiIcqnqgtsg',,!st(tlr?) Z09"illi* 'l

eucLEszrlls 05lsl110l{/13


TNNEilTflotal: 141

6L'CLES2013 (o82) zCIftisfiluN/l3[Tum over

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