idc dcim webinar - how to take control of chaos in a lights-out data center

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How to Take Control of Chaos in a Lights-Out Data Center

2016 November

SpeakersJennifer Cooke, Research Director, Datacenter Management, IDC 

Michael Piers, Senior Manager, Deployment & Infrastructure

Joseph Keena, Manager - Data Center Operations, UF Health Shands

Agenda• Objectives• Speaker Introduction• Analyst Industry Discussion• DCIM Expert Insight• Q&A• Learn More

Webinar ObjectivesLearn about• Best practices for efficient capacity

utilization. • Tips to avoid downtime during a move to a

lights-out data center. • Benefits of using DCIM for remote

monitoring and asset management processes. 

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DCIM Expert Insights

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Jennifer Cooke, Research Director, Datacenter Management, IDC will lead this interactive, one-hour DCIM

webinar that will identify the benefits of using DCIM as a single source of truth to manage data centers of all sizes.

Problems in the Data Center

N = 406Source: IDC Enterprise Datacenter survey, December 2015

Q: Have you experienced any of the following in the past 12 months?

% of respondents

None of the above

Run out of IP addresses

Downtime due to natural disasters

Insufficient bandwidth into or out of the datacenter

Security breaches

Regulatory or compliance issues

Latency issues

Downtime due to system failure

Downtime due to human error

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40

Top Datacenter Initiatives for 2016

N = 321Source: IDC Enterprise Datacenter survey, December 2015

Improve cooling efficiencies

Improve flexibility to move workloads as needed

Reduce downtime

Reduce power consumption

Improve asset management

Increase availability of compute resources

Improve workflow management

Speed time to deploy IT services

0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0

Q: Thinking of the challenges in your organization’s datacenters, please rank the top 3 most important initiatives for the next year

Agility and Speed Drive Infrastructure Innovation

IT Impact


DC decisions become more complex in terms asset placement Edge and IoT buildouts drive need for control of remote datacenters

Investment in smart datacenter technologies are a critical part of SDDC transformation

Remove siloes across critical facilities, network, and IT management

IDC FutureScape: Worldwide Datacenter 2017 PredictionsIn 2017, only 20% of enterprises will deploy software-defined datacenter technology on schedule because capacity constraints in critical facilities delay transformation efforts

Dynamic Connectivity:

Building and Managing the Edge

Drivers• Mobile, social, big data/analytics driven

workloads• IoT looming on the horizon• Speed/latency• Reducing bandwidth costs

Challenges• Remote management and maintenance• Scale and repeatable infrastructure• Data sovereignty and security• Capital cost

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DCIM Expert Insights

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Michael Piers, Senior Manager, Deployment & Infrastructure will share how DCIM has helped him manage

a number of data centers, including identifying problems before they happen, and how the integration of multiple

tools has helped to eliminate manual efforts.

DCIM Expert Insights

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Joseph Keena, Manager - Data Center Operations, UF Health Shands will share his experiences in the implementation and deployment of data center

infrastructure management (DCIM) solutions, and how the Shands’ data center has become one of the most efficient in

terms of managing data center resources.


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Additional Takeaways• Timing is key. DCIM enables the

identification of issues before they become severe problems.

• DCIM is a comprehensive data center infrastructure management tool as it providing linkages with other systems and eliminates manual steps.

• Vendor support is essential to success.

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