ibm bpm case study: how this maritime ship agency eliminates costly government fines

Post on 05-Apr-2017






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InterConnect 2017Maritime Ship Agency Eliminates Costly Government Fines with IBM BPM

Luis Santiago ArangoCEO, Turbaduana

Nicolas EchavarriaManaging Partner, ne Digital

HPB-66231 2/20/2017

Agenda1 Turbaduana2 ne Digital3 Business Drivers4 Need5 Solution6 Implementation7 Challenges8 Benefits9 Future10 Resources

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1 TurbaduanaAbout Us

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InterConnect 2017

We are one of the leading maritime agencies and operational support enterprises for cargo vessels in North, Central and South America. With commercial operations in Florida and field operations in the largest ports of Colombia: Santa Marta, Cartagena and Turbo. Turbaduana helps the most recognized fruit import/export business brands in the world navigate the legal and operational requirements for cargo transportation and

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Who is Turbaduana? Over 3K export/import operations in 2016

Over 600 port-call operationsin 2016

42 years of heritage

Present in the 2 largest banana ports in Colombia

80% of the Banana exportedfrom Colombia to the world ishandled by us.

2 ne DigitalAbout Us

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We are an IT consulting practice with dedicated MSP and Digital Transformation offerings. Our passion is hybrid cloud deployments for managed infrastructure, BPM, ECM and Portal workloads.Offices in:US: Chicago,IL Miami, FLCO: Medellin, AN

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Who is ne Digital? BPM and IaaS specialized partner with presence in theUS and LATAM

VAP IBM Bluemix Infrastructurepartner with direct relationship to IBM

Expert consulting team withindustry expertise and deepknowledge in BPM and itsinfrastructure.

Close relation with vmWare, RedHat and Juniper Networks.

3 Business DriversWhat makes a maritime ship agencysucceed

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• Understanding cargo origin and destination country regulations, keeping up with political change.

• Timely filing of customs, vessel, legal forms and taxation documents to avoiddelays in cargo embarkment and reduced produce shelf-life.

• Paying very close attention to detail, about 90% of transactions still requirephysical documentation, to be valid and legal.

• Being flexible and forgetting about local business hours. Weather changes, mechanical failure and human error are present in every transaction.

Business DriversWhat makes a maritime ship agency succeed?

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• Understanding cargo origin and destination country regulations, keeping up with political change.

• Timely filing of legal forms and taxationdocuments to avoid delays in cargo embarkment and reduced produce shelf-life.

• Paying very close attention to detail, about 90% of transactions still requirephysical documentation, to be valid and legal.

• Being flexible and forgetting about local business hours. Weather changes, mechanical failure and human error are present in every transaction.

Business DriversWhat makes a maritime ship agency succeed

Fast onboarding of new staff

Alarms and mechanisms to avoidpaying fines

Integrated archival of ALL documents and transaction history

Don’t be constrained by anunchangable rail, adaptation of rules

4 NeedWhat did the business required?

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A desktop and mobile application that could handle the complexities of customs operations and import/export transactions, easy to use for untrained staff and flexible to adapt with new rules over time.• Could provide “On-the-job” training.• Rigorous control of embarking phases

with alarms and notifications to supervisors in real-time.

• Access to all the paper and digital trail of documents and communications for every operation.

• Ability to analyze business performance and try to predict future demand.

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NeedWhat did the business required?

5 SolutionHere’s what we did…

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A desktop and mobile application that could handle the complexities of customs operations and import/export transactions, easy to use for untrained staff and flexible to adapt with new rules over time.• Could provide “On-the-job” training.• Rigorous control of embarking phases

with alarms and notifications to supervisors in real-time.

• Access to all the paper and digital trail of documents and communications for every operation

• Ability to do analytics over finished transactions with archival access.

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SolutionHere’s what we did…

• Responsive design UI• BPM “Hybrid” Application, with support

for Case AND Process• Ability to create/edit business rules

(BAL)• Access to process documentation in

desktop UI• Alarm monitoring with escalations• Capture of documents with IBM

DataCap using content recognition integrated into BPM via API.

• Integrated Box ECM inside solution, accessible outside the application.

• Delivery of pipeline data to DB2 for real-time analysis using Watson Analytics

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DEMOHere’s what we did…

6 ImplementationThis is how we did it…

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ImplementationIBM BlueWorks Live Process Discovery

InterConnect 2017


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ImplementationInfrastructure Software Components

Document capture is made with a DataCap Application, that triggers the start of a BPM process.The documents are centrally accessible in Box ECM, from Content Navigator, BPM and Box clients.All Data for and from the BPM pipeline is stored in DB2 with direct connection to Watson Analytics.




Content Navigator


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ImplementationHybrid IBM BPM Process Application

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ImplementationIBM DataCap application for document capture and recognition

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ImplementationIBM Watson Analytics drills down into BPM pipeline data to generate valuable business insights

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ImplementationInfrastructure Topology – IaaS for Hybrid Cloud

Turbaduana HQFL & CO

Juniper SRX220 Cluster

vmWare NSX

Management and Capacity Cluster 01

Endurance SAN

IPSEC VPN 01Object Storage Backup

The solution implements our vmWare Starter Kit for IBM Bluemix – Size: Small3 ESXi Nodes with in-cluster vCenter ApplianceShared SAN Storage (1TB)

7 ChallengesA road with multiple obstacles

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• Knowledge Workers do not like being measured. Sell the tool internally by demonstrating benefits for the users daily life.

• If using the application and following theprocess means doing extra work, forget it. Sell the tool internally by demonstrating benefits for the users daily life.

• Why is this process asking me to do thisnow? I can’t, but I can do this… If the process forces the flow of business users will not be happy.

• This thing is asking for stuff we don’t need. Start with the bare minimum, users will start to ask for more.

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ChallengesCultural and Social

InterConnect 2017

• If Business Owners do not actively participate in the process activities, business issues will start to show up. BPM brings a constant oversight, even for the business users lead the initiatives, be prepared.

• Somehow processes started expiring in the final phase. Again, BPM uncovers operational failures that everyone thought were not happening.

• Mobile task completion became a must. Adaptive coaches and portal are a much welcome addition to Process Manager.

• Changing embark dates mid-operation it’s a tough action to resolve.

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ChallengesOperational and Technical

8 BenefitsWhat have we achieved?

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• New and existing employees execute in the same manner, consistently.

• Interns are now able to get into production processes after 3 days of training.

• Increased customer satisfaction and elimination of fines originated by company error.

• 100% Elimination of fines due to company error.

• Decreased time to invoice for services due to easier recollection of proof and complete visibility.

• Time to invoice reduced from 7 business days to 1.

• Increased ability to report and supervise knowledge workers labor and involvement

• Now we measure employee performance with real data.

BenefitsTo the Business

• Document repository is consolidated• Eliminated siloed repositories and

reduced IT footprints. From 3 to 1.• Business analytics are feasible, and

generate real value, in real-time• We now are starting to incorporate

route and customer analysis with forecasted budgets and executions. We had none.

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• No need to memorize regulation and legislation, the process “knows” it.

• Less risk of legal or adverse disciplinary action.

• Real-time capacity and workload information.• Supervisors are able to see if the team is

overloaded and the business case for less or more members is based on facts, not appreciations.

• Single tool to execute and document alltransactions.

• They are able to go home faster!• Unified digital and paper trail.

• Pleasurable experience doing their job.

BenefitsTo the Exports Team

9 FutureBut we want more…

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• Grow the processes covered in the application:

• Sales and estimation.• Invoice generation.

• Augement Datacap OCR to incorporate content insights, to automatically fill more meta-data and variables in the process.

• Test DataCap AR application and integrateto ERP.

• Externalize business rules with ODM, so the we don’t need to do RFE’s with ne Digital.


10 ResourcesThese should really help…

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• IBM Education:

• We can’t stress this enough. BPM/ODM courseware is outstanding, and a great place to start.

• IBM Support:

• The support team at IBM is a very valuable resource, well written PMRs go a long way.

• IBM RedBooks:

• Business Process Management Design Guide.

• How to Design an IBM BPM Solution.• IBM BPM Performance Tuning and Best

Practices.• Process Discovery Best Practices Using

IBM Blueworks Live

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ResourcesThese should really help…

ne Digital Blog: We have BPM, ODM and process transformation tagged articles and downloads that could be of interest.

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Other ne Digital PresentationsIn Digital Transformation, BPM and IIB

Set your EHR and Laboratory InformationSystems “on FHIR” with IBM Integration Bus

Session: HHI-6457 / 6457A

Date: Wed, 22-Mar

Time: 01:00 PM – 01:45 PM

Location: Mandalay Bay South, Level 2 - Lagoon I

Online Check-In for Healthcare: AdmissionsProcess Innovation with IBM BPM at GELA

Session: HBP-6457 / 6548A

Date: Tue, 21-Mar

Time: 01:30 PM – 02:15 PM

Location: Mandalay Bay South, Level 2 – Mandalay Bay Ballroom I

InterConnect 2017

Thank you!

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