iata authorized training centers (atc) program

Post on 03-Feb-2022






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IATA Authorized Training Centers (ATC) Program


IATA Authorized Training Centers

Independent training organizations authorized by IATA to deliverclassroom instruction for IATA Distance Learning courses in the fields of:

Travel & TourismAviationCargo & DGR




200+ Authorized Training Centers in 70 countries

Complete list of IATA ATCs can be found here:http://www.iata.org/ps/resellers/Pages/index.aspx


Our Vision: Fortius quo Fidelius - Strength through Loyalty

Quality Network of Quality PartnersStrong partnership based on mutual trust and benefitProfitable LoyaltyYour success is our success



BENEFITS of joining IATA ATC network

Offer Transportable diplomas with global job opportunitiesMembership in a worldwide network of industry recognized training centersComplete curriculum providing all study materialsComprehensive vocational training providing essential skills and knowledgePre-arranged exam sessions IATA endorsement of academic reputationAbility to offer IATA courses at the school’s profit margins Ready-made professional marketing tools provided by IATA50% off DNA course fee for ATC instructors and administrators wishing to

attend IATA classroom courses


ATCs save approximately 25% on published course fees Reduced pricing for ATCs in developing countries ( avrg. 20%)ATC preferential pricing is NOT published on IATA website.

Example:IATA/UFTAA Foundation coursePublic price: USD 765 DNA USD 605ATC price: USD 565 DNA USD 465

Preferential ATC Pricing



Comprehensive training material is ideal for industry newcomersInternational contentTransportable diplomas valid worldwideDiversified IATA portfolio to include travel & tourism, aviation, and cargo distance learning courses.IATA is a travel, cargo and aviation industry authorityMultiple qualificationsEndorsement by the trade - UFTAA and FIATA

Our Advantage over Competition


How to qualify for an ATC ?

Demonstrate that the potential candidate is operating a recognized training institution, i.e., that training constitutes the institution’s primary business;Be properly registered and hold all necessary government licences and certificates as required in the country where they are located and agree to submit copies of relevant licences and certifications to IATA when requested;Have premises and classrooms at a fixed location. Residential property, hotel premises and other premises alike are not acceptable;Demonstrate that premises are equipped with all tools and furniture needed to offer an environment that supports learning, including without limitation: hygienic toilet and eating facilities;



Read the ATC Agreement Template and ATC Handbook which contain terms and conditions Complete the IATA ATC Application Form and sign on itPlease send your application to : atcinfo@iata.org

Becoming an IATA Authorized Training Center (ATC)



Simple ATC Authorization Process:

Authorization granted per ProgramOne standard ATC Application Form (serving as the ATC Agreementfor ATS) for all 3 IATA DL Training ProgramsAutomatic renewal every year, provided annual requirements are metATC Modification Forms – simple process to add/remove courses and locations

Becoming an IATA Authorized Training Center (ATC)



Annual Authorization Fee covers:2 branches per ATC at no chargeAnnual Free kits for all authorized courses per location for instructor use only Preferential pricing for ATC student enrolmentsIATA Marketing Collateral in hard copy and electronic format (flyers, brochures, posters, PPT presentation)IATA ATC Logo for advertising useFree access to on-line Practice Exams (Foundation course)

Becoming an IATA Authorized Training Centre (ATC)


Minimum Annual Student Enrolment Quota:30 enrolments across all training programsMinimum 10 enrolments per authorized program30 enrolments per authorized location

Becoming an IATA Authorized Training Center (ATC)

A course authorization can be revoked if no students are enrolled in the authorized course for a period of twelve (12) consecutive months.



ATC Instructors: The applying institution must identify an instructor who is deemed competent by the ATC to teach IATA Training Program(s), based on his/her educational qualifications and practical experience in the relevant industryA copy of Instructor’s CV must be submitted with ATC application for IATA information (for new applicants)Instructor approval by IATA is required only for Management courses requiring technical expertise, like Ground Operations Management, etc.ATC is responsible for the quality of its instructors.IATA will monitor ATC exam results, and in certain cases also the individual ATC instructors.

Becoming an IATA Authorized Training Center (ATC)


ATC Resource Site on IATA ExtranetInformation at your fingertips…

Dedicated staff to provide access / troubleshootATC Handbook (amendments to guidelines and procedures)ATC Memos and PricelistsModel Exam papersAccess to Course Addenda Updated Calendar of enrolment and registration deadlines per programMarketing Tool Kit Upcoming events



ATC Marketing Support…

Marketing CollateralFour-page flyers per ProgramATC posters per ATC locationIATA/ATC Logo (different formats)E-flyers per authorized course (PDF format)Promotion at Trade and Education FairsGoogle campaigns



Web-based enrolment formsPayment by credit card or bank transferDelivery of course training kits (within 15 working days)Automatic Exam registration (for newly enrolled students)Delivery of exam results and IATA certificates or diplomas

Enrolling students with IATA






FAQsCan a school offer only one IATA course, or do we have to offer all courses?

AnswerYou are able to teach one or all courses in the Authorized Program, provided you have qualified instructors and submit an application to IATA for authorization.

What is the pricing mechanism ? AnswerYour school remits the IATA course kit price plus shipping fees per registered student to IATA. You are free to set your own pricing structure above this amount, to take into account your overhead – instructor salary, advertising, profit, etc…


How often is IATA course content updated?Answer:Travel & Tourism: New course edition is normally released annually.Cargo: annually or bi-annuallyAviation: as needed, depending on subject matterWhat is the expected turn around in enrolling a new student in the IATA/UFTAA course and graduating the same student?Answer:A student can graduate with a diploma within 4 to 6 months of enrolling.




FAQsCan a school purchase course kits without having student names?Answer:A school can purchase students kits (for example, to take advantage of a promotion) and submit student names at a later date.How long does the school have to submit the student names?Answer:Each course has an Enrolment Validity Period, during which the assigned student can take the course examination (2 attempts). This Validity Period begins at the time of purchase as of the next available exam session. Therefore, a student name must be submitted prior to the expiration of the Enrolment Validity Period.


FAQsHow long is each Course Enrolment Validity Period?Answer:Travel & Tourism Courses: 24 monthsCargo Courses: 18 monthsDGR Courses: 12 monthsAviation Courses: 18 monthsWhen and where do the IATA exams take place?Answer:Local Coordinators organize the exam sessions, twice a year, in their region and advise the students of the exact date and location of the exam session. Travel & Tourism: March/SeptemberCargo / Aviation April / October

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