i think it’s in there“the contest for ages has been to rescue liberty from the grasp of...

Post on 22-Sep-2020






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I Think It’s in There

By Jim Deaton

“The contest for ages has been to rescue liberty from the grasp of The contest for ages has been to rescue liberty from the grasp of The contest for ages has been to rescue liberty from the grasp of The contest for ages has been to rescue liberty from the grasp of

executiveexecutiveexecutiveexecutive power.” power.” power.” power.”--------Daniel Webster, May, 1834

““““Our safety, our liberty, depenOur safety, our liberty, depenOur safety, our liberty, depenOur safety, our liberty, depends upon preserving the Constitution of ds upon preserving the Constitution of ds upon preserving the Constitution of ds upon preserving the Constitution of

the United States as our fathers made it inviolate. The people of the the United States as our fathers made it inviolate. The people of the the United States as our fathers made it inviolate. The people of the the United States as our fathers made it inviolate. The people of the

United States are the rightful masters of both Congress and the United States are the rightful masters of both Congress and the United States are the rightful masters of both Congress and the United States are the rightful masters of both Congress and the

courts, not to overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow the men courts, not to overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow the men courts, not to overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow the men courts, not to overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow the men

who pervert thewho pervert thewho pervert thewho pervert the Constitution. Constitution. Constitution. Constitution.”””” --Abraham Lincoln

[Governments receive]...."their just powers from the consent of the [Governments receive]...."their just powers from the consent of the [Governments receive]...."their just powers from the consent of the [Governments receive]...."their just powers from the consent of the

governed, that whenever any form of government becomes governed, that whenever any form of government becomes governed, that whenever any form of government becomes governed, that whenever any form of government becomes

destructive of these ends, it is the right of destructive of these ends, it is the right of destructive of these ends, it is the right of destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to the people to alter or to the people to alter or to the people to alter or to

abolish it, and to institute new government. But when a long train of abolish it, and to institute new government. But when a long train of abolish it, and to institute new government. But when a long train of abolish it, and to institute new government. But when a long train of

abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object, evinces abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object, evinces abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object, evinces abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object, evinces

a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it

is their duty, to tis their duty, to tis their duty, to tis their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new hrow off such government, and to provide new hrow off such government, and to provide new hrow off such government, and to provide new

guards for their future securityguards for their future securityguards for their future securityguards for their future security."--The Declaration of Independence

"Whoever controls the volume of money in any country is ab"Whoever controls the volume of money in any country is ab"Whoever controls the volume of money in any country is ab"Whoever controls the volume of money in any country is absolute solute solute solute

master of all industry and commerce.master of all industry and commerce.master of all industry and commerce.master of all industry and commerce." – James A. Garfield

““““Posterity: you will never know how much it has cost my generation to Posterity: you will never know how much it has cost my generation to Posterity: you will never know how much it has cost my generation to Posterity: you will never know how much it has cost my generation to

preserve your freedom. I hope you will make good use of it.preserve your freedom. I hope you will make good use of it.preserve your freedom. I hope you will make good use of it.preserve your freedom. I hope you will make good use of it.””””— John

Quincy Adams


Aaron Pickett (Mudd Library—Princeton) Bill Jerome (billjerome.com/tedknight) Cris (Support Team Zazzle.com Inc.) Debrina Williams (Director—Logan County [WV] Chamber of Commerce) Donald Simmons Ph.D (Associate Professor of Public Service and Leadership; Executive Director—McGovern Center for Leadership and Public Service; Chair—Division of Social Sciences [Dakota Wesleyan University]) Edward O'Donnell (holycross.edu) Eric Brooks (Curator—Ashland: the Henry Clay Estate) Geraldine Strey (Reference Librarian/Archivist Wisconsin Historical Society) Great Lakes Shipwreck Museum Greg Proops Jason Simpson (South Carolina Department of Parks Recreation & Tourism [SCPRT]) Kevin Katz (USHistorySite.com) Laurie Langland (University Archivist/Assistant Professor/Dakotas United Methodist Conference Archivist—McGovern Library [Dakota Wesleyan University]) Liz Safly (Library Technician—Harry S. Truman library) M. D. Bennett (TVHeaven.ca) Mardy Grothe (Dr. Mardy Grothe) (Oxymoronica.com) Mario Gomes (Al Capone Museum/ myalcaponemuseum.com) Matt Rosenberg (geography.guide@about.com) Michael McAlister (ShawChicago Theatre Company) Nancy Littlefield (BlackCommentator.com) Pat Lynch—(lyncho.com) Peter Lathan (British Theatre Guide) Steve Conrad (4-H YD Agent Boone County [KY] Cooperative Extension Service)

Terri/The Quote Garden Vincent Akiko (blueyonder.co.uk; uk-comedy.com) Zoltan Abraham

The Articles of Confederation (agreed to in the Continental

Congress November 15, 1777), America’s first written governing

document (ratified and in force from 1781 to 1789), didn’t work. The

individual states had too much power. Centralized (federal)

government took a back seat to its governmental members, the states.

There were no federal courts, the president was a figurehead,

requesting them from the states collected taxes; the federal

government asked member-states to contribute soldiers for a

military; interstate commerce was not the national government’s

domain and since there were no federal courts, there was no body to

settle disputes between or among the states. Under The Articles of

Confederation, state sovereignty was supreme and regardless of its

population, each state received one vote in a single chamber.

The colonies of Delaware, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Georgia,

Connecticut, Massachusetts, Maryland, South Carolina and New

Hampshire, then Virginia and New York combined for a

“supermajority” of the 13 colonies and formed The United States of

America, ratifying the Constitution.

Forty-two men have served forty-three presidential

administrations (Grover Cleveland served two nonconsecutive terms

in the late 1800s—kind of messes up the count). Throughout

America’s short, turbulent history great and near-great individuals,

despite close elections (Thomas Jefferson, Harry Truman, John F.

Kennedy, Woodrow Wilson, Rutherford B. Hayes) have emerged as

excellent presidents. And in the main, great leaders have followed

ineffective ones (Abraham Lincoln after Buchanan, Franklin

Roosevelt following Hoover) or generally unpopular ones (Ronald

Reagan after Carter or Andrew Jackson following J. Q. Adams).

Some Presidents enjoyed huge majorities, some had to fight for

every popular and electoral vote. Long periods elapsed before the

selection of a President after the hotly contested national elections of

1800, 1824, 1876 and 2000. Harry Truman’s 1948 win was nothing

short of a miracle (The Chicago Tribune had already given the

election to his opponent, Thomas E. Dewey). A Constitutional crisis

was avoided when Richard M. Nixon, during the Watergate cover-

up, yielded to the role and rule of Constitutional law.

Before the widespread use and popularity of sound and video

recording, Presidents and President wannabees had the luxury of

fine-tuning their words for posterity; now a gaff spreads across the

Internet in seconds---24 hour news channels amplify it in a matter of

minutes. Even speeches and words that have become near sacred

were, in their time, often ridiculed and belittled, especially Abraham

Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address. Now it has taken on mythic

proportions, in both style and substance; then, it was criticized (“We

did not conceive it possible that even Mr. Lincoln would produce a

paper…so puerile, so slipshod, so loose jointed…. By the side of it,

mediocrity is superb”).

Since George Washington and the Constitution (and before that

the Articles of Confederation), the United States has survived,

through good and lean times, hoping to fulfill Abraham Lincoln’s

vision-- “My dream is of a place and a time where America will once again

be seen as the last best hope of earth.”


1. George Washington, 1789-1797

2. John Adams, 1797-1801

3. Thomas Jefferson, 1801-1809

4. James Madison, 1809-1817

5. James Monroe, 1817-1825

6. John Quincy Adams, 1825-1829

7. Andrew Jackson, 1829-1837

8. Martin Van Buren, 1837-1841

9. William Henry Harrison, 1841

10. John Tyler, 1841-1845

11. James Knox Polk, 1845-1849

12. Zachary Taylor, 1849-1850

13. Millard Fillmore, 1850-1853

14. Franklin Pierce, 1853-1857

15. James Buchanan, 1857-1861

16. Abraham Lincoln, 1861-1865

17. Andrew Johnson, 1865-1869

18. Ulysses Simpson Grant, 1869-1877

19. Rutherford Birchard Hayes, 1877-1881

20. James Abram Garfield, 1881

21. Chester Alan Arthur, 1881-1885

22. Grover Cleveland, 1885-1889

23. Benjamin Harrison, 1889-1893

24. Grover Cleveland, 1893-1897

25. William McKinley, 1897-1901

26. Theodore Roosevelt, 1901-1909

27. William Howard Taft, 1909-1913

28. Woodrow Wilson, 1913-1921

29. Warren Gamaliel Harding, 1921-1923

30. Calvin Coolidge, 1923-1929

31. Herbert Clark Hoover, 1929-1933

32. Franklin Delano Roosevelt, 1933-1945

33. Harry S. Truman, 1945-1953

34. Dwight David Eisenhower 1953-1961

35. John Fitzgerald Kennedy, 1961-1963

36. Lyndon Baines Johnson, 1963-1969

37. Richard Milhous Nixon, 1969-1974

38. Gerald Rudolph Ford, 1974-1977

39. James Earl Carter, Jr., 1977-1981

40. Ronald Wilson Reagan, 1981-1989

41. George Herbert Walker Bush, 1989-1993

42. William Jefferson Clinton, 1993-2001

43. George Walker Bush, 2001


1. George Washington 1

2. Abraham Lincoln 16

3. Franklin Delano Roosevelt 32

4. Thomas Jefferson 3

5. Dwight D. Eisenhower 34

6. Theodore Roosevelt 26

7. Harry S. Truman 33

8. John F. Kennedy 35

9. Ronald W. Reagan 40

10. James Madison 4

11. James Monroe 5

12. John Adams 2

13. Andrew Jackson 7

14. Woodrow Wilson 28

15. James K. Polk 11

16. Gerald R. Ford 38

17. Rutherford B. Hayes 19

18. Lyndon Baines Johnson 36

19. William J. Clinton 42

20. William McKinley 25

21. George H. W. Bush 41

22. William Howard Taft 27

23. Grover Cleveland 22, 24

24. Millard Fillmore 13

25. John Quincy Adams 6

26. Calvin Coolidge 30

27. Jimmy Carter 39

28. Richard M. Nixon 37

29. Chester A. Arthur 21

30. Warren G. Harding 29

31. Martin van Buren 8

32. Franklin Pierce 14

33. Benjamin Harrison 23

34. William Henry Harrison 9

35. Zachary Taylor 12

36. Ulysses S. Grant 18

37. Andrew Johnson 17

38. James A. Garfield 20

39. Herbert Hoover 31

40. John Tyler 10

41. James Buchanan 15

42. George W. Bush 43




Overwhelming popular and electoral majorities in 1788 and 1792.

American names, phrases and events

“A free people ought not only to be armed and disciplined, but they should have sufficient arms and ammunition to maintain a status of independence from any who might attempt to abuse them, which would include their own government.” George Washington Boston Independent Chronicle 1790 “E Pluribus Unum”-- "Out of Many, One"--added to (gold) coins 1795 “It is always to be taken for granted, that those who oppose an equality of rights never mean the exclusion should take place on themselves” Thomas Paine On First Principles of Government 1795 “Old Ironsides” (USS Constitution) under construction 1794-1797 “Slavery is such an atrocious debasement of human nature, that its very extirpation, if not performed with solicitous care, may sometimes open a source of serious evil” Benjamin Franklin 11/1789 “The danger then consists merely in this: the president can displace from office a man whose merits require that he should be continued in it. What will be the motives which the

president can feel for such abuse of his power, and the restraints that operate to prevent it? In the first place, he will be impeachable by this house, before the senate, for such an act of maladministration; for I contend that the wanton removal of meritorious officers would subject him to impeachment and removal from his own high trust” James Madison Speech to House of Representatives 6/1789 “The papers will inform you of the death of our late illustrious friend Dr. Franklin. The evening of his life was marked by the same activity of his moral and intellectual powers, which distinguished its meridian. His conversation with his family, upon the subject of his dissolution, was free and cheerful. A few days before he died, he rose from his bed, and begged that it might be made up for him, so that he might die in a decent manner. His daughter told him, that she hoped be would recover, and live many years longer. He calmly replied, 'I hope not’” Dr. Rush to Dr. Price re: death of Benjamin Franklin 4/1790 “There was ‘more respect and veneration attached to the character of Doctor Franklin in France than to that of any other person in the same country’” Thomas Jefferson after Benjamin Franklin's death 1790 Act for the Establishment and Support of Lighthouses, Buoys and Public Piers 1789 Alexander Hamilton, Secretary of the Treasury Amendment 11 (Suits against a state) proposed 3/1794 Amendment 11 (Suits against a state) ratified 2/1795 Amendments 1→10 (Bill of Rights) proposed 9/1789 Amendments 1→10 (Bill of Rights) ratified 12/1791 American Minerva founded by Noah Webster 12/1793 An Act for an apportionment of Representatives among the several States 1792 anti-Federalists Ball bearings discovered 1794 Benjamin Franklin d. (advanced age, cough, fever) 4/1790 Bill of Rights (Amendments 1→10; originally 1 → 12) proposed 9/1789

Bill of Rights (Amendments 1→10) ratified 12/1791 Buttonwood Agreement 1792 Charles Lee , Attorney General Congress establishes U. S. Mint-Philadelphia 1792 Cotton gin patented 1794 Dissertation on the First Principles of Government 1795 Edmund Randolph, Secretary of State, Attorney General Eli Whitney , inventor Federal capitol founded on banks of Potomac River 1791 First Columbus Day-NYC 1792 First presidential veto 1792 First State of the Union Address 1790 First U. S. census 1790 Frederick Muhlenberg, Speaker of the House Gas light (William Murdock) 1794 George Washington lays cornerstone of the White House 1792 George Washington’s election as President 1789 George Washington’s Inauguration 1789 Georgetown University founded, operational 1789 (chartered, incorporated later) Giles resolutions 1793 Henry Knox, Secretary of War Independent Journal James Iredell, Supreme Court Justice James Madison, politician James McHenry, Secretary of War James Wilson, Supreme Court Justice Jay Treaty 1794 John Adams, Vice President of the United States John Blair, Supreme Court Justice John Hancock, first person to sign the US Declaration of Independence, Governor of Massachusetts d. (lingering illness) 10/1793 John Jay, Secretary of State, Supreme Court Justice John Paul Jones d. 7/1792 John Rutledge Supreme Court Justice Judiciary Act 1789

Moses Cleaveland, lawyer, politician Mount Vernon, house and garden where George Washington lived National bank chartered with Bank Act 1791 National Day of Thanksgiving 1789 Naturalization Act (replaced the Naturalization Act of 1790), [raised the period of residence from two to five years before a person could be naturalized] 1795 Neutrality Proclamation, declared the United States a neutral nation in the conflict between Great Britain and France 1793 New York Packet New York Stock & Exchange Board founded 1792 Old Farmer's Almanac is first published (The Farmer's Almanac) 1792 Oliver Ellsworth, Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wolcott, Jr., Secretary of the Treasury Patrick Henry declines the post of Secretary of State 1795 Pennsylvania Packet first United States daily 1784 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania becomes federal capital 1790 Pinckney Treaty 1795 Post Office established 1792 Presidential Succession Act of 1792 Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) Residence Bill (establishment of the permanent seats of government) 1790 Robert B. Thomas, first editor, Old Farmer's Almanac Samuel Adams, statesman, politician, political philosopher, brewer Samuel Chase, Supreme Court Justice Samuel Hopkins, inventor Statehood (12) North Carolina 1789 Statehood (13) Rhode Island 1790 Statehood (14) Vermont 1791 Statehood (15) Kentucky 1792 Statehood (16) Tennessee 1796 Supreme Court meets for the first time 1790 The Age of Reason 1795

The Federalist 1788→ The Power of Sympathy or The Triumph of Nature Founded in Truth 1789 Thomas Jefferson, Secretary of State Thomas Johnson, Supreme Court Justice Thomas Paine, Timothy Pickering, United States Postmaster General , Secretary of War , Secretary of State University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 1795 US Department of State 1789 US Department of the Treasury 1789 US Department of War 1789 US Marshals Service founded 1789 US National Debt: 1796 $ 83,762,172.07 US Revenue Cutter Service founded 1790 Whiskey Rebellion 1794 William Bradford, Attorney General William Cushing, Supreme Court Justice William Hill Brown William Murdock, inventor William Paterson, Supreme Court Justice Yellow Fever Attacks Philadelphia 1793

World names, phrases and events

“Be my friend, or I will kill you” Jacobins 1790s “Don't forget to show my head to the people. It's well worth seeing” “last words” ]before being guillotined] of Georges Jacques Danton 4/1794 “We have lost that valued, that venerable, kind friend, whose knowledge enlightened our minds, and whose philanthropy warmed our hearts. But we have the consolation to think, that, if a life well spent in acts of universal benevolence to mankind,

a grateful acknowledgment of Divine favor, a patient submission under severe chastisement, and an humble trust in Almighty mercy, can insure the happiness of a future state, our present loss is his gain” Mrs. Mary Hewson to Mr. Viny re: death of Benjamin Franklin 4/1790 Abdul Hamid I, 27th Sultan of the Ottoman Empire. d. 4/1789 Adam Smith economist d. (lingering illness) 7/1790 Alexander Andreyevich Bezborodko (Prince Alexander Andreyevich Bezborodko) Grand Chancellor of the Russian Empire Alexander Mackenzie (Sir Alexander Mackenzie), explorer Antonio Salieri, composer Armand-Guy-Simon de Coetnempren--Comte de Kersaint, politician Austria and Turkey sign Peace of Sistova 1791 Baron de Breteuil (Louis Charles Auguste le Tonnelier, baron de Breteuil), last Prime Minister of France before the storming of the Bastille 7/1789 Battle of Svensksund first (massive Swedish defeat) (Russo-Swedish War) 1789 Battle of Svensksund second (Swedish naval forces defeated the Russian coastal fleet ) (Russo-Swedish War) 1790 Battle of Valmy (French Revolution) 1792 Bow Street Runners (constables) Catherine II of Russia (Catharine the Great, the enlightened despot) d. (stroke) 11/1796 Charles-Louis-Victor--Prince de Broglie, politician/soldier Claude Joseph Rouget de Lisle, composer La Marseillaise (French national anthem) Committee of Public Safety (France) Constitutional Act of 1791 (create Upper and Lower Canada) Day of Daggers (France) 1791 Declaration of French Revolutionary Government 1789 Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen (La Déclaration des droits de l'Homme et du citoyen) 1789 Disaster-Unzen volcano lava dome collapse and tsunami 1792

Dominique-Jean Larrey, French surgeon in Napoleon's army Donatien Alphonse François de Sade (Marquis de Sade), French aristocrat Earl of Sandwich (John Montagu, 4th Earl of Sandwich) d. (deep depression, advanced age) 4/1792 Edmond Genet (Edmond-Charles Genêt), French ambassador to the United States Edmund Burke, Irish statesman, author, political theorist, and philosopher Edward Jenner, English scientist Enlightened absolutism (benevolent or enlightened despotism) Estates-General (meeting-general assembly, France) 1789 First Coalition (Republic of Austria, Great Britain, the Netherlands, Sardinia, Kingdom of Spain, Prussia) 1793 First Republic (France) 1792 → Fletcher Christian, Master's Mate on board the HMAV Bounty France declares war on Austria, Prussia and Sardinia 1792 Francisco de Goya, Spanish painter François Séverin Marceau-Desgraviers, French general d. (mortally wounded in battle) 9/1796 Franz Joseph Haydn, composer King Frederick William II of Prussia (Friedrich Wilhelm II) French Revolution 1789-1791 French Revolution: A Poem in Seven Books (William Blake) 1791 French Revolutionary Calendar (French Republican Calendar) French Revolutionary Tribunal French Revolutionary Wars 1792 → Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph von Schelling, philosopher Gauntlet of Viborg Bay 1790 Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, German philosopher representative of German idealism Georges Jacques Danton, first President of the Committee of Public Safety [France] d. (guillotined) 4/1794 Glorious First of June (Third Battle of Ushant) 1794 Guillotine first used 1792

Honoré Gabriel Riqueti, Comte de Mirabeau, French writer, and statesman Horatio Nelson, British naval commander House of Bourbon, France reign ends 9/1792 Immanuel Kant, German philosopher Inconfidência Mineira plot (Minas Conspiracy) of 1789 Jacobins James Cook, British navigator and explorer Jacques Necker dismissed, recalled 7/1789 resigns 9/1790 Jacques Necker, (Director-General of Finances, France) Jane Austen, British novelist Jardin des Plantes Zoo Jean-Paul Marat assassinated 1793 John Burgoyne, British army officer and playwright d. 8/1792 Joseph II--Holy Roman Emperor (German: Joseph II, Czech: Josef II, Slovak: Jozef II, Hungarian: II. József, Croatian: Josip II) d. 1790 King George III of the United Kingdom King Gustav III of Sweden d. (assassinated) 1792 King Louis XVI of France d. (guillotined) 1/1793 King Louis XVI of France sentenced to death 1/1793 La Marseillaise (French national anthem)1792 Law of Maximum Général 1793 Leopold II, Holy Roman Emperor, Grand Duke of Tuscany 1790-92 London Corresponding Society, worked toward reform of the Parliament of Great Britain London Monster (attacker of women in London) 1788-1790 Louvre opens 1793 Ludwig van Beethoven, composer Marie Antoinette d. (executed) 10/1793 Marie-Joseph-Paul-Yves-Roch-Gilbert du Motier, Lafayette (“Marquis de Lafayette" until 6/1790) Maximilien François Marie Isidore de Robespierre d. (guillotined) 7/1794 Maximilien François Marie Isidore de Robespierre, French

revolutionist Muséum national d'histoire naturelle Mutiny on the His Majesty's Armed Vessel (HMAV) Bounty

(after GW election, before term starts) ∼1789 Mutiny on the His Majesty's Armed Vessel (HMAV) Bounty survivors found 1789 Napoleon Bonaparte marries Rose (Josephine) de Beauharnais 1796 Napoleonic Wars 1789 → National Assembly (leads to National Constituent Assembly) (French Revolution) 1789 National Constituent Assembly (Assemblée nationale constituante) France 1789 Niccolò Paganini, composer Ottoman Empire (Reform) Paul I (Tsar Paul I ) of Russia → Peace of Jassy between Russia and Turkey 1792 Peace of Sistova between Austria and Turkey 1791 Peace of Verela between Sweden and Russia 1790 Philippe de Noailles--Duc de Mouchy, Pope Pius VI → Puget Sound Reflections on the Revolution in France (Edmund Burke ) 12/1790 Reign of Terror (France) 1793-1794 Richard Trevithick, inventor Rights of Man (Thomas Paine) 1791 Römishe Elegien (Roman Elegies) 1790 Russia and Turkey sign Peace of Jassy 1792 Russo-Swedish War (Gustav III's Russian War) 1789-1790 Russo-Turkish War → 1792 September Massacres, mob violence in Paris summer 1792 Smallpox vaccination, lancet scratch 1796 Storming of the French Bastille 7/1789 Sweden and Russia sign Peace of Verela 1790 Tennis Court Oath (After Louis XVI of France locked the

deputies of the Third Estate of the French States-General out of their meeting hall, the Palace of Versailles, they met instead in a nearby indoor tennis court, start of the French Revolution) 1789 The Daily Advertiser The Observer founded 1791 Thomas Hardy, founder and first Secretary of the London Corresponding Society Tom Paine elected to the French National Assembly 1792 Treaty of Tripoli (the Treaty of Peace and Friendship) 1796 Treaty of Värälä (ended the Russo-Swedish War) 1790 Tuileries Palace US declares neutrality in war between France and Great Britain 1793 Volcano-Unzen lava dome collapse and tsunami 1792 Wilhelm Meisters Lehrjahre (Wilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship) (Goethe) 1796 William Blake, poet William Bligh (Captain William Bligh, Vice-Admiral William Bligh), officer of the British Royal Navy William Pitt (the Younger) (The Right Honorable William Pitt the Younger, politician, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom) Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, composer

Notable Event: Treaty of Tripoli (the Treaty of Peace and Friendship) 1796 Notable Event: Russo-Turkish War ends 1792 Notable Event: Russo-Swedish War 1789-1790 Notable Event: Reign of Terror (France) 1793-1794 Notable Event: Napoleonic Wars begin 1789 Notable Event: Mutiny on the His Majesty's Armed Vessel (HMAV) Bounty (after GW election, before term starts) ∼1789 Notable Event: Louvre opens 1793 Notable Event: La Marseillaise (French national anthem) 1792

Notable Event: House of Bourbon, France reign ends 9/1792 Notable Event: French Revolution 1789-1791 Notable Event: Guillotine first used 1792 Notable Event: Whiskey Rebellion 1794 Notable Event: Statehood (12) North Carolina 11/1789; (13) Rhode Island 5/1790; (14) Vermont 3/1791; (15) Kentucky 6/1792; (16) Tennessee 6/1796 Notable Event: Neutrality Proclamation, declared the United States a neutral nation in the conflict between Great Britain and France 1793 Notable Event: Jay Treaty 1794 Notable Event: George Washington lays cornerstone of the White House 1792 Notable Event: Amendments 1→10 (Bill of Rights) ratified 12/1791 Notable Event: Benjamin Franklin dies 4/1790 Notable Event: Amendment 11 (Suits against a state) ratified 2/1795


“If the freedom of speech is taken away then dumb and silent we

may be led, like sheep to the slaughter.”

“My first wish is to see this plague of mankind, war, banished from

the earth.”

“The government of the United States is not, in any sense, founded

on the Christian religion”

“To be prepared for war is one of the most effective means of

preserving peace.”

“How soon we forget history.... Government is not reason.

Government is not eloquence. It is force. And, like fire, it is a

dangerous servant and a fearful master.”

“Associate yourself with men of good quality if you esteem your own

reputation. It is better to be alone than in bad company.”


George Washington, “the father of his country,” became the first

president elected under the Constitution, which replaced The Articles

of Confederation. Like so many of the Founding Fathers, he strongly

supported the first amendment, but since millions in Europe had

died from various forms of government-sponsored religious

intolerance, citizens should let religion be their guide but government

and religion should be kept separate. Washington was probably the

most admired, respected and best-known person of his time and the

logical choice for President. As Harry Truman would later say, “In

my opinion eight years as president is enough and sometimes too

much for any man to serve in that capacity.” After two terms in

elective office, Washington, not wanting another King George,

voluntarily stepped down.




Although the popular vote was much closer, Lincoln, the country’s

16th president, had large electoral majorities in both the 1860 and 1864

elections. Lincoln was the first Republican president.

American names, phrases and events

“Atlanta is ours, and fairly won” William T. Sherman after The Battle of Atlanta (US Civil War ) 9/1864 “But, in a larger sense, we can not dedicate -- we can not consecrate -- we can not hallow -- this ground. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract. The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here. It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us -- that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion -- that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain -- that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom -- and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth” The Gettysburg Address, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania Lincoln 11/1863 “Damn the torpedoes! Full speed ahead!” David Farragut

Battle of Mobile Bay (US Civil War) 8/1864 “Don't know the manners of good society, eh? Well, I guess I know enough to turn you inside out, old gal—you sockdologizing old man-trap” Our American Cousin performance at Ford's Theatre 1865 “Don't swap horses in the middle of the stream" (Lincoln) Presidential campaign slogan 1864 “Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal” The Gettysburg Address, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania Lincoln 11/1863 “I can give my life for my country but I cannot betray a friend” David Owen Dodd (“Boy martyr of the Confederacy”) 1863 “I can’t spare this man; he fights” (re: U. S. Grant) Lincoln after Battle of Shiloh (Battle of Pittsburg Landing) (US Civil War) 1862 “I cannot raise my hand against my birthplace, my home, and my children” Robert E. Lee 1861 “I see in the near future a crisis approaching that unnerves me and cause me to tremble for safety of my country; corporations have been enthroned, an era of corruption in High Places will follow, and the Money Power of the country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the People, until the wealth is aggregated in a few hands, and the Republic destroyed” Lincoln, letter to Col. William F. Elkins 11/1864 “If the thing is pressed, I think Lee will surrender” Philip Sheridan, General, Chief of Cavalry , Union army telegram to U. S. Grant 1865 “If you don’t want to use the army, I should like to borrow it for a while” Lincoln letter to George B. McClellan, Commander of the Department of the Potomac 1862 “In God We Trust” added to coins 1864 “In your hands, my dissatisfied fellow countrymen, and not in mine, is the momentous issue of civil war. The government

will not assail you. You can have no conflict without being yourselves the aggressors. You have no oath registered in Heaven to destroy the government, while I shall have the most solemn one to ‘preserve, protect, and defend it’” Abraham Lincoln First Inaugural Address 3/1861 “It is well war is so terrible; we would grow too fond of it” Robert E. Lee Battle of Fredericksburg (US Civil War) 1862 “Let the thing be pressed” (re: “If the thing is pressed, I think Lee will surrender” Philip Sheridan, General, Chief of Cavalry, Union army telegram to U. S. Grant 1865) Lincoln 1865 “Nothing valuable can be lost by taking time” Abraham Lincoln First Inaugural Address 3/1861 “The surest way to secure peace, is to show your ability to maintain your rights. The principles and position of the present administration of the United States—the republican party—present some puzzling questions. While it is a fixed principle with them never to allow the increase of a foot of slave territory, they seem to be equally determined not to part with an inch "of the accursed soil” Alexander H. Stephens (Vice President of the Confederate States of America) 3/1861 “Then there is nothing left me to do but go and see General Grant, and I would rather die a thousand deaths” Robert E. Lee (ends US Civil War) 1865 “They couldn't hit an elephant at this dist—” Union General John Sedgwick “Last words” Battle of Spotsylvania (US Civil War) 1864 “We feel that our cause is just and holy; we protest solemnly in the face of mankind that we desire peace at any sacrifice save that of honor and independence; we seek no conquest, no aggrandizement, no concession of any kind from the States with which we were lately confederated; all we ask is to be let alone; that those who never held power over us shall not now attempt our subjugation by arms” Confederate States of America Message to Congress (Ratification of the Constitution) Jefferson Davis 4/1861 “With malice toward none; with charity for all” Second

Inaugural Address of Abraham Lincoln 1865 1st assault at Vicksburg, Mississippi (US Civil War) 5/1863 1st Confederate Congress, 1st Session, convenes 2/1862 1st Confederate Congress, 1st Session, dismisses 4/1862 1st Confederate Congress, 2nd Session, convenes 8/1862 1st Confederate Congress, 2nd Session, dismisses 10/1862 1st Confederate Congress, 3rd Session, convenes 1/1863 1st Confederate Congress, 3rd Session, dismisses 5/1863 1st Session, 37th Congress convenes 7/1861 1st Session, 37th Congress dismisses 8/1861 1st Session, Provisional Confederate Congress begins 2/1861 1st Session, Provisional Confederate Congress closes 3/1861 2nd assault at Vicksburg, Mississippi (US Civil War) 5/1863 2nd Session, 37th Congress convenes 12/1861 2nd Session, 37th Congress dismisses 7/1862 2nd Session, Provisional Confederate Congress begins 4/1861 2nd Session, Provisional Confederate Congress closes 5/1861 3rd Session Provisional Confederate Congress begins 7/1861 3rd Session Provisional Confederate Congress closes 8/1861 3rd Session, 37th Congress begins 12/1862 3rd Session, 37th Congress dismisses 3/1863 4th Session, Provisional Confederate Congress, convenes and adjourns 9/1861 5th Session, Provisional Confederate Congress convenes 11/1861 5th Session, Provisional Confederate Congress ends (final) 2/1862 Abraham Lincoln inaugurated as 16th President 3/1861 Albert Sidney Johnston d. (killed at Battle of Shiloh [Battle of Pittsburg Landing]) 4/1862 Albert Sidney Johnston, Confederate general Alexander Stephens (Alexander Hamilton Stephens), Vice President of the Confederate States of America Ambrose E. Burnside replaces George McClellan as Commander of the Army of the Potomac11/1862 Ambrose E. Burnside, Union Army general, politician Ambrose P. Hill, Confederate general

Amendment 13 (abolish slavery) proposed 1/1865 Andersonville Andrew Johnson, Vice President (Peace Democrat) Antietam Arkansas Post, Arkansas, captured by Union forces 1/1863 Arkansas secedes 5/1861 Army of Mississippi (Confederate) [Army of the Mississippi—Union] Army of Northern Virginia (Confederate) Army of the Cumberland (Union) Army of the Mississippi (Union) [Army of Mississippi--Confederate] Army of the Ohio (Union) Army of the Potomac (Union) Army of the Tennessee (Union) Army of the West (Confederate) Atlanta Campaign (US Civil War) summer of 1864 Atlantic Monthly (The Atlantic) Baltimore occupied by U.S. troops 5/1861 Battle at Dranesville, Virginia (US Civil War) 12/1861 Battle Hymn of the Republic 1861 published 1862 Battle of Crampton's Gap (Maryland) (US Civil War) 9/1862 Battle of 2nd Winchester (Virginia) (US Civil War) 6/1863 Battle of Antietam (Sharpsburg) [bloodiest day in U.S. military history] (US Civil War) 9/1862 Battle of Apache Canyon (New Mexico Territory) (US Civil War) 3/1862 Battle of Atlanta (of the Atlanta Campaign) (US Civil War) 7/1864 Battle of Ball's Bluff (Virginia) (US Civil War) 10/1861 Battle of Baton Rouge (Louisiana) (US Civil War) 8/1862 Battle of Beaver Dam Creek [part of Battles of the Seven Days (Virginia) (US Civil War) 6/1862] Battle of Big Bethel (Battle of Bethel Church/Great Bethel) (US Civil War) 6/1861 Battle of Big Black River Bridge (Mississippi)(Vicksburg Campaign) (US Civil War) 5/1863

Battle of Blackburn's Ford (Virginia) (US Civil War) 7/1861 Battle of Booneville (Missouri) (US Civil War) 6/1861 Battle of Brandy Station (Virginia) (US Civil War) 6/1863 Battle of Bull Run (Manassas ) (first) (First Battle of Manassas) (US Civil War) 7/1861 Battle of Bull Run (second) (Battle of Second Manassas ) (US Civil War) 8/1862 Battle of Camp Alleghany (western Virginia) (US Civil War) 12/1861 Battle of Carnifax Ferry (Virginia) (US Civil War) 9/1861 Battle of Carrick's Ford (western Virginia) (US Civil War) 7/1861 Battle of Carthage (Missouri) (US Civil War) 7/1861 Battle of Cedar (Slaughter) Mountain (Virginia) (US Civil War) 8/1862 Battle of Champion Hill (Mississippi) (Vicksburg Campaign) (US Civil War) 5/1863 Battle of Chancellorsville (US Civil War) 4-5/1863 Battle of Chantilly (Virginia) (US Civil War) 9/1862 Battle of Chaplin Hills, Kentucky (Perryville) (US Civil War) 10/1862 Battle of Chattanooga (First) (US Civil War) 1862 Battle of Chattanooga (Second) (US Civil War) 1863 Battle of Chattanooga (Third) (US Civil War)11/23-25/1863` Battle of Chickamauga (US Civil War) 9/1863 Battle of Chickasaw Bayou (Mississippi) (US Civil War) 12/1862 Battle of Cold Harbor (US Civil War) 5-6/1864 Battle of Corinth (Mississippi) (US Civil War) 10/1862 Battle of Cross Keys (Virginia) (US Civil War) 6/1862 Battle of Drewry's Bluff (Virginia) (US Civil War) 5/1862 Battle of Fort Donelson (Tennessee) (US Civil War) 2/1862 Battle of Fort Henry (Tennessee) (US Civil War) 2/1862 Battle of Fort Pillow (the Fort Pillow Massacre) (US Civil War) 4/1862 Battle of Frayser's Farm [part of Battles of the Seven Days (Virginia)] (US Civil War) 6/1862

Battle of Fredericksburg [First] (US Civil War) 12/1862 Battle of Fredericksburg [Second] (Second Battle of Marye's Heights ) (US Civil War) 5/1863 Battle of Front Royal (Virginia) (US Civil War) 5/1862 Battle of Gaines' Mill [part of Battles of the Seven Days (Virginia)] (US Civil War) 6/1862 Battle of Galveston Harbor (Texas) 1/1863 Battle of Gettysburg (Pennsylvania) (US Civil War) 7/1863 Battle of Glorieta (Pigeon's Ranch) (New Mexico Territory) (US Civil War) 3/1862 Battle of Hampton Roads (Battle of the Ironclads) (US Civil War) 3/1862 Battle of Jackson (Mississippi) (Vicksburg Campaign) (US Civil War) 5/1863 Battle of Kelly's Ford (Virginia) 3/1863 Battle of Kernstown (Virginia) (US Civil War) 3/1862 Battle of Logan's Cross Roads, Kentucky (Fishing Creek; Mill Springs) (US Civil War) 1/1862 Battle of Malvern Hill [part of Battles of the Seven Days (Virginia)] (US Civil War) 7/1862 Battle of McDowell (West Virginia) (US Civil War) 5/1862 Battle of Memphis (first—naval) (US Civil War) 6/1862 Battle of Milliken's Bend (Louisiana) (US Civil War) 6/1863 Battle of Mobile Bay (US Civil War) 8/1864 Battle of Murfreesboro (Tennessee) (US Civil War) 12/1862-1/1863 Battle of Nashville (US Civil War) 12/1864 Battle of New Madrid (and Island No. 10) (US Civil War) 4/1862 Battle of New Market (US Civil War) 1864 Battle of Opequon Creek, Virginia (Winchester) (US Civil War) 1864 Battle of Pea Ridge, Arkansas (Elkhorn Tavern) (US Civil War) 3/1862 Battle of Perryville (Kentucky) (US Civil War) 10/1862 Battle of Philippi (The Philippi Races) (US Civil War) 6/1861 Battle of Pittsburg Landing, Tennessee (Shiloh) (US Civil War)

4/1862 Battle of Plum Bend (Tennessee) (US Civil War) 5/1862 Battle of Port Gibson (Mississippi) (Vicksburg Campaign) 5/1863 Battle of Port Republic (Virginia) (US Civil War) 6/1862 Battle of Prairie Grove (Arkansas) (US Civil War) 12/1862 Battle of Raymond (Mississippi) (Vicksburg Campaign) (US Civil War) 5/1863 Battle of Rich Mountain (western Virginia) (US Civil War) 7/1861 Battle of Richmond (Kentucky) (US Civil War) 8/1862 Battle of Roanoke Island (North Carolina) (US Civil War) 2/1862 Battle of Sabine Cross Roads, Louisiana (Mansfield) (US Civil War) 1864 Battle of Savage Station [part of Battles of the Seven Days (Virginia)] (US Civil War) 6/1862 Battle of Secessionville (South Carolina) (US Civil War) 6/1862 Battle of Seven Pines (Fair Oaks, Fair Oaks Station) (US Civil War) 5/1862 Battle of Shiloh (Pittsburg Landing, Tennessee) (US Civil War) 4/1862 Battle of South Mountain (Battle of Boonsboro Gap) (US Civil War) 9/1862 Battle of Spotsylvania Court House (the Battle of Spotsylvania) (US Civil War) 1864 Battle of Stones River, Tennessee (Murfreesboro) (US Civil War) 1862-1863 Battle of the Crater (US Civil War) [part of the Siege of Petersburg] 7/1864 Battle of the Ironclads (Battle of Hampton Roads ) (US Civil War) 3/1862 Battle of The Monocacy (US Civil War) 1864 Battle of the Wilderness (US Civil War) 5/1864 Battle of Valverde (New Mexico Territory) (US Civil War) 2/1862

Battle of Vicksburg (US Civil War) 1863 Battle of White Oak Swamp [part of Battles of the Seven Days (Virginia)] (US Civil War) 6/1862 Battle of Williamsburg (Virginia) (US Civil War) 5/1862 Battle of Wilson’s Creek, Missouri (Oak Hills) (US Civil War) 8/1861 Battles of the Seven Days (Virginia) (US Civil War) 6-7/1862 Blockade of Southern coast. (US Civil War) 4/1861 Bombardment of Fort Sumter by Confederacy (US Civil War) 4/1861 Braxton Bragg Caleb B. Smith, Secretary of the Interior Capture of Ft. Henry & Ft. Donelson 1862 Chancellorsville Charles Wilkes court-martialed 1864 Charles Wilkes, naval officer (The Trent Affair) Charleston naval attack by Union ironclads 4/1863 Chickamauga Coinage Act of 1864 Confederate Army of Tennessee Confederate constitution ratified 1861 Confederate States of America Confederate troops enter Kentucky, Union troops capture Paducah, Kentucky 9/1861 Confederate White House David Davis (senator), Supreme Court Justice David Farragut, naval officer ("Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead!”) David Owen Dodd (“boy martyr of the Confederacy”) arrested as Confederate spy 1863 David Owen Dodd (“boy martyr of the Confederacy”) d. (hanged as a spy) 1864 David Owen Dodd (“boy martyr of the Confederacy”) trial/conviction 1863 Department of Agriculture established (to be headed by a Commissioner ) 5/1862 Draft riots 1863

Edward Bates, Attorney General Edwin H. Stoughton captured by Confederate raider John Singleton Mosby 3/1863 Edwin H. Stoughton, Union Brigadier General Edwin Stanton, Secretary of War Ellee Rhee (Carry Me Back to Tennessee) 1865 Emancipation Proclamation issued 9/1862 to take effect 1/1/1863 Fort Clark, North Carolina, captured by Union 8/1861 Fort Donelson surrenders to Union (US Civil War) 2/1862 Fort Hatteras, North Carolina, surrenders to Union 8/1861 Fort Henry Fort Pulaski (Georgia) captured by Union (US Civil War) 4/1862 Fort Sumter bombarded by Union 1863 Fort Sumter captured by union 1865 Fort Sumter surrenders to Confederates 4/1861 Frederick Douglass Fredericksburg Gatling Gun Company founded in Indianapolis, Indiana 1862 George A. Custer, Union Brigadier General George B. McClellan, general in chief of all the Union armies 11/1861-3/1862 George G. Meade, Union general Gettysburg Address 11/1863 Gideon Welles, Secretary of the Navy God Save Our Nation 1862 Greenbacks [legal tender notes unsecured by specie (coin)] issued since the start of the Civil War, were officially made legal tender 3/1862 Grierson's Raid begins (from La Grange, Tennessee) 4/1863 Hampton Roads Harpers Ferry Hatfield-McCoy feud begins 1863 Henry Clay Work, composer Henry Wager Halleck (Old Brains), militarist, lawyer Hugh McCulloch, Secretary of the Treasury

Irvin McDowell, Union general (notable defeat at the First Battle of Bull Run [First Battle of Manassas]7/1861) J. E. B (James Ewell Brown) Stuart James A. Seddon, Confederate Secretary of War James Longstreet James Mason James Speed, Attorney General Jefferson Davis elected provisional president of the Confederacy 2/1861 Jefferson Davis elected regular president of the Confederacy 11/1861 Jefferson Davis inaugurated as provisional Confederate States of America (CSA) president 2/1861 Jesse James John B. Hood John Bell John C. Breckinridge John C. Frémont John Hunt Morgan (Morgan's Raiders) John Palmer Usher, Secretary of the Interior John Pope John Singleton Mosby (the "Gray Ghost”), John Slidell Joseph E. Johnston Joseph Hooker (General Joseph “Fighting Joe” Hooker), Union commander Joseph Hooker replaces Ambrose E. Burnside as commander, the Army of the Potomac 1/1863 Jubal Early, Confederate general Julia Ward Howe Kentucky, Maryland, Delaware and Missouri affirm remaining in Union 1860-1861 King Cotton Lee surrenders to Grant at Appomattox 1865 Lexington, Missouri, surrenders to Confederates (US Civil War) 9/1861 Lincoln becomes the first U. S. president to be assassinated

1865 Lookout Mountain March to the Sea (US Civil War) [William Tecumseh Sherman] Federal destruction and advance, Atlanta to Savannah 11-12/1864 Marching Through Georgia 1865 Maryland rejects secession 4/1861 Mason-Dixon Line Matthew Brady, photographer Missionary Ridge Missouri admitted to Confederacy despite it has never seceded 11/1861 Montgomery Blair, Postmaster General Mud March (Army of the Potomac from Rappahannock River) 1/1863 Nathan Bedford Forrest New Orleans falls to Union (US Civil War) 4/1862 Noah Haynes Swayne, Supreme Court Justice North Carolina secedes 5/1861 Our American Cousin Overland Campaign (Grant's Overland Campaign, Wilderness Campaign) 5-6/1864 P. G. T Beauregard- Patrick Sarsfield Gilmore (Father of The American Band) Peninsular Campaign 1862 Philip H. Sheridan Pickett’s Charge (part of the Battle of Gettysburg; unsuccessful assault by Confederates against the center of the Union line on Cemetery Ridge) (US Civil War) 7/1863 Proclamation of Blockade against Southern ports Richard J. Gatling’s (Dr. Richard J. Gatling’s) machine gun patented 1862 Richmond, Virginia is named the capital of the Confederacy Robert E. Lee resigns from Union army 1861 Salmon P. Chase, Secretary of the Treasury, Supreme Court Justice Samuel Freeman Miller, Supreme Court Justice

Saratoga Racetrack opens 1863 September 17, 1862, the bloodiest day in US military history as Confederate General Robert E. Lee is stopped at Antietam by McClellan’s Union forces. By nightfall 26,000 men are dead, wounded, or missing Seven Days Battle 1862 Shiloh Siege of Lexington, Missouri (US Civil War) 9/1861 Siege of Petersburg (Richmond-Petersburg Campaign) (US Civil War) 6/1864-3/1865 Siege of Port Hudson, Louisiana (US Civil War) 6-7/1863 Siege of Vicksburg (US Civil War) 5-7/1863 Siege of Yorktown, Virginia (US Civil War) 4-5/1862 Signal Corps Simon Cameron, Secretary of War Sioux uprising in Minnesota 8-9/1862 Skirmish at Fairfax Courthouse, Virginia (US Civil War) 6/1861 South Carolina secedes 12/1860 Special Senate Session of 37th Congress convenes 3/1861 Special Senate Session of 37th Congress gavels adjournment 3/1861 Special Senate Session of 38th Congress, convenes adjourns 3/1863 Stars and Bars Statehood (35) West Virginia 6/1863 Statehood (36) Nevada 10/1864 Stephen Johnson Field, Supreme Court Justice Tennessee voters approve secession 6/1861 Texas convention votes to secede, Texas voters approve secession 2/1861 Theodore Tilton, journalist/social reformer (Tilton/Beecher adultery scandal) Thomas J. “Stonewall” Jackson , Confederate general Thomas J. “Stonewall” Jackson d. (“friendly fire”) 5/1863 Tullahoma Campaign begins by Union (Tennessee) (US Civil War) 6/1863

U. S. "Unconditional Surrender" Grant Ulysses S. Grant appointed commander of all Union armies 3/1864 Union forces capture Camp Jackson, Missouri (US Civil War) 5/1861 Union troops seize Alexandria, Virginia (US Civil War) 5/1861 US Civil War 1861-1865 US Civil War approximately 560,000-620,000 dead US National Debt: 1864 $ 2,773,236,173.69 US XI Corps (“the Flying Dutchmen.") USS Monitor and CSS Merrimack (Virginia) battle 3/1862 Virginia secedes 4/1861 War of the southern rebellion (War of Northern Aggression, War Between The States, Civil War)1861-1865 Wedding of Tom Thumb and Mercy Lavinia Warren 1863 West Virginia secedes from Virginia after Virginia secedes from Union 1861 When Johnny Comes Marching Home 1863 William Dennison, Postmaster General William H. Seward, Secretary of State William P. Fessenden Secretary of the Treasury William Quantrill (Quantrill's Raiders) William S. Rosecrans William T. Sherman Winfield Scott retires 11/1861 Woman's Hospital of Philadelphia established (first known chartered school for nurses in the United States) 1861

World names, phrases and events

British, French and Dutch fleets attack Japan 1864 Cyclone strikes Calcutta 1864 Elizabeth Barrett Browning d. (cause unknown, prolonged weakness, respiratory distress) 1861

Emancipation reform (Russia) 1861 French intervention in Mexico 1862 Gioacchino Rossini, composer Hector Berlioz, French Romantic composer Jacob Grimm d. (advanced age) 1863 Last Poems (Elizabeth Barrett Browning-posthumously published) 1862 Les Misérables 1862 Maximilian I, Emperor of Mexico 1864 Otto Bismarck's "Blood & Iron" speech 1862 Pope Pius IX → Qing Dynasty Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom Trent Affair [Seizure of Confederates Mason and Slidell from aboard the British Trent by the USS San Jacinto]. 11/1861 Victor Hugo, French poet, playwright, novelist Worldwide Red Cross organizes in Geneva 1863 Zoological garden of Paris opens to public 1863

Notable Event: Worldwide Red Cross organizes in Geneva 1863 Notable Event: When Johnny Comes Marching Home 1863 Notable Event: US Civil War 1861-1865 Notable Event: Statehood (35) West Virginia 6/1863; (36) Nevada 10/1864 Notable Event: March to the Sea (US Civil War) [William Tecumseh Sherman] Federal destruction and advance, Atlanta to Savannah 11-12/1864 Notable Event: Robert E. Lee surrenders to U. S. Grant at Appomattox 1865 Notable Event: Abraham Lincoln becomes the first U. S. president to be assassinated 1865 Notable Event: Gettysburg Address 1863 Notable Event: Hatfield-McCoy feud begins 1863

Notable Event: Draft riots 1863 Notable Event: Emancipation Proclamation issued 9/1862 to take effect 1/1/1863 Notable Event: Confederate constitution ratified 1861 Notable Event: Confederate States of America form [Constitution of the Confederate States of America] 3/1861 Notable Event: Battle Hymn of the Republic 1861 published 1862 Notable Event: Provisional Confederate Congress begins 2/1861


“America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and

lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves”

“As I would not be a slave, so I would not be a master. This expresses

my idea of democracy.”

“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and

remove all doubt.”

“Don't interfere with anything in the Constitution. That must be

maintained, for it is the only safeguard of our liberties.”

“If once you forfeit the confidence of your fellow-citizens, you can

never regain their respect and esteem.”

“My dream is of a place and a time where America will once again be

seen as the last best hope of earth.”

“Our safety, our liberty, depends upon preserving the Constitution of

the United States as our fathers made it inviolate. The people of the

United States are the rightful masters of both Congress and the

courts, not to overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow the men

who pervert the Constitution.”

“The ballot is stronger than the bullet.”

“These capitalists generally act harmoniously and in concert, to fleece

the people.”

“This country, with its institutions, belongs to the people who inhabit

it. Whenever they shall grow weary of the existing government, they

can exercise their constitutional right of amending it, or exercise their

revolutionary right to overthrow it.”

“With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the

right, as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the

work we are in, to bind up the nation's wounds.”

“You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people

all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time”

“A house divided against itself cannot stand… I believe this

government cannot endure, permanently half slave and half free. I do

not expect the Union to be dissolved -- I do not expect the house to

fall -- but I do expect it will cease to be divided”


Lincoln, a long-time conservative and Whig, guided The United

States during its most perilous time but held the Union together

through a long, bloody civil war that divided both nation and family.

Faced with growing public dissatisfaction and generally less-than-

forceful commanders before U. S. Grant, unlike the South’s Robert E.

Lee and Thomas J. Jackson, Lincoln forcefully prosecuted The War of

Southern Rebellion to preserve the entire United States of America.

His premature death deprived the Confederacy of one of the most

conciliatory of victors.




Ford replaced the elected Vice President, Spiro Agnew, who resigned

in October of 1973, then was elevated to the Presidency following

Richard Nixon’s resignation in August, 1974. Defeated Ronald

Reagan in the Republican primary but lost a close race to Jimmy

Carter in 1976.

American names, phrases and events

$20,000 Pyramid premiers 1976 $25,000 Pyramid (syndication ) 1974 “A little song, a little dance, a little seltzer down your pants” [Credo of Clown] (Chuckles Bites the Dust.) The Mary Tyler Moore Show 10/1975 “A man who has to make a list of his enemies has too many enemies” Ford 1974 “A year ago the Tokyo Provo Marshall claims you stole a steam shovel” “I couldn't get a cab” (Change of Command) M**A*S*H 9/1975 “Aaaayhh!" Happy Days “All we got on this team are a bunch o’ Jews, spics, niggers, pansies and a booger-eatin' moron!” The Bad News Bears 1976 “Attention all personnel, incoming wounded” M*A*S*H “B. B. Bumble and the Stingers, Mott the Hoople, Ray Charles Singers, Lonnie Mack and twangin' Eddy, here's my ring we're goin' steady. Take it easy, take me higher, liar liar, house on fire

Locomotion, Poco, Passion, Deeper Purple, Satisfaction Baby baby gotta gotta gimme gimme gettin' hotter Sammy's cookin', Lesley Gore and Ritchie Valens, end of story Mahavishnu, fujiyama, kama-sutra, rama-lama Richard Perry, Spector, Barry, Rogers-Hart, Nilsson, Harry Shimmy shimmy ko-ko bop and Fats is back and Finger Poppin'♫” Life Is A Rock But The Radio Rolled Me (Reunion) 1974 “Because I'm just human and I'm tempted and Christ set some almost impossible standards for us. The Bible says, ‘Thou shalt not commit adultery.’ Christ said, I tell you that anyone who looks on a woman with lust has in his heart already committed adultery. I've looked on a lot of women with lust. I've committed adultery in my heart many times.... This is something that God recognizes, that I will do and have done, and God forgives me for it” Jimmy Carter, The Playboy Interview 11/1976 “Brenda I'm very worried about you, It's bad enough that you live in this neighborhood but there's a drunk sleeping in your lobby. You ought to tell the doorman” “That is the doorman” (Joe) Rhoda 9/1974 “Candy-gram” SNL Land Shark “Carrie, you haven't touched your apple cake” “ It gives me pimples, Mama” “ Pimples are the Lord's way of chastising you” Carrie 1976 “Chuckles the Clown is dead. There was a freak accident. He went to the parade dressed as Peter Peanut and a rogue elephant tried to shell him” (Chuckles Bites the Dust.) The Mary Tyler Moore Show 10/1975 “Correctamundo!” Happy Days “Dammit, Stanley is your son?!” The Secret Life of John Chapman 1976 “Do you know what kind of a bomb it was?” “The exploding kind” The Pink Panther Strikes Again 1976 “Does your dog bite?” “No” “Nice doggie…I thought you said your dog did not bite!” “ That is not my dog” The Pink Panther Strikes Again 1976 “Don’t give me none of your honky bullshit…” ”Let’s not bring race into this…we’ve got enough problems as it is” The Bad News

Bears 1976 “Don't leave home without it” American Express ad “Fish, I think of you as experienced. In an emergency you would be the first one I would call” “You should call me first... I need time to put my teeth in” (Experience) Barney Miller 1975 “Ford to New York City: Drop Dead” The Daily News 1975 “Generalissimo Francisco Franco is still dead” SNL Chevy Chase 1975 “Generalissimo Francisco Franco is still valiantly holding on in his fight to remain dead” SNL Chevy Chase 1975 “Good evening. I'm Chevy Chase ... and you're not" SNL Chevy Chase “Hail Mary Pass” (quarterback Roger Staubach) 1975 “He took his gun and his toothbrush” “Shooting his mouth off again” (Margaret's Engagement) M*A*S*H 9/1976 “He’s crying” “Catharsis” “Gesundheit” (Margaret’s Engagement) M*A*S*H 9/1976 “Hong Kong Phooey, number one super guy. Hong Kong Phooey, quicker than the human eye. He’s got style, a groovy style, and a car that just won’t stop. When the going gets tough, he’s really rough, with a Hong Kong Phooey chop♫” Hong Kong Phooey opening credits 1974-5 “I haven’t been this excited since I got the oil drilling rights to Jack Lord’s hair!” Richard Dawson Family Feud (premier) 7/1976 “I hurt my foo-foo” (Chuckles Bites the Dust) The Mary Tyler Moore Show 10/1975 “I think I broke his fuckin’ neck!” “I think he broke his fuckin’ neck!” The Longest Yard 1974 “I will not carry a gun, Frank. When I got into this war I had a very clear understanding with the Pentagon: no guns…I’ll carry your books, I’ll carry a torch, I’ll carry a tune, I’ll carry on, carry over, carry forward, Cary Grant, cash and carry, carry me back to Old Virginny, I’ll even hari-kari if you show me how, but I will not carry a gun!” (Officer of the Day) M*A*S*H 9/1974 “I will not lie to you” Carter 1976 “I wonder which are the other clowns” “You’ll know soon.

They’re all gonna jump out of a little hearse!” (Chuckles Bites the Dust) The Mary Tyler Moore Show 10/1975 “I’m as mad as hell and I’m not going to take this anymore!” ([not] “I’m mad as hell and I’m not going to take it anymore!”) Network 1976 “I’m just a sweet transvestite, from Transsexual, Transylvania♫” The Rocky Horror Picture Show 1975 “It’s just a jump to the left” “And then a step to the right!” “Put your hands on your hips” “You bring your knees in tight! But it’s the pelvic thrust that really drives you insane. Let’s do the time warp again!♫” “Time Warp” The Rocky Horror Picture Show 1975 “It’s not nice to fool Mother Nature” Chiffon margarine ad “Jane, you ignorant slut” SNL Dan Aykroyd “Just tell in your own words the incident at the helicopter pad, yesterday at 0900 hours.... But first, a number” (The General Flipped at Dawn ) M*A*S*H 1974 “Lieutenant Colonel Henry Blake’s plane was shot down over the Sea of Japan. It spun in. There were no survivors” (Abyssinia, Henry) M*A*S*H* 1975 “Life’s a bed of roses whirling perfume on me You can spare me the blues I don’t sing in that key And if there’s a man who’d leave me I am happy to say I haven’t run into him yet. … how lucky can you get!♫” “How Lucky Can You Get?” Funny Lady 1975 “Live from New York, it’s Saturday Night” SNL “Lucy always relied on slapstick, pratfalls and physical comedy to make people laugh; and that was just on her honeymoon” Milton Berle Dean Martin Celebrity Roast of Lucille Ball 1975 “My name is Rhoda Morgenstern. I was born in the Bronx, New York in December, 1941. I’ve always felt responsible for World War II. The first thing I remember liking that liked me back was food. I had a bad puberty; it lasted 17 years. I’m a high school graduate. I went to art school. My entrance exam was on a book of matches. I decided to move out of the house when I was 24; my mother still refers to this as the time I ran away from home. Eventually I ran to Minneapolis, where it’s cold, and I figured I’d keep better. Now I’m back in Manhattan. New York, this is your

last chance!” [1st season opening credits] Rhoda 1974-5 “Never mind. Bitch” SNL Miss Emily Litella (Gilda Radner) “Never mind” SNL Miss Emily Litella (Gilda Radner) “No employee of the United States Government shall engage in, or conspire to engage in, political assassination” Executive Order 11905 1976 “Now get back to the stands before I shave off half your mustache and shove it up your left nostril” The Bad News Bears 1976 “Now, therefore, I, Gerald R. Ford, President of the United States, pursuant to the pardon power conferred upon me by Article II, Section 2, of the Constitution, have granted and by these presents do grant a full, free, and absolute pardon unto Richard Nixon for all offenses against the United States which he, Richard Nixon, has committed or may have committed or taken part in during the period from July 20, 1969, through August 9, 1974” Ford 1974 “On your marks! Let’s start The Family Feud! With the star of Family Feud, Richard Dawson!” Gene Wood Family Feud “Our top story tonight: Generalissimo Francisco Franco is still dead” SNL Chevy Chase 1975 “Our top story tonight…” SNL Chevy Chase/Garrett Morris “Pierce, you disgust me!” “That’s right Frank, I discussed you with everyone I know, they all think you’re disgusting” (Out of Sight, Out of Mind) M*AS*H 10/1976 “Plop, plop, fizz, fizz, oh what a relief it is” Alka Seltzer ad “Sit on it!” Happy Days “So come up to the lab and see what’s on the slab. I see you shiver with antici...pation♫” The Rocky Horror Picture Show 1975 “So how come you’re not wearing a bra?” “Ma, I’m 33 years old” “All the more reason!” (Joe) Rhoda 1974 “Step this way, criminal person” (Hash) Barney Miller 1976 “Survey said!” Richard Dawson Family Feud “There is no Soviet domination of Eastern Europe” Ford , The Second 1976 Presidential Debate “This could’ve happened to any of us” “Yeah. Somewhere out there, there’s an elephant with your name on it” (Chuckles Bites the Dust) The Mary Tyler Moore Show 10/1975 “This is the big one! I’m coming to join you Elizabeth!” Sanford

and Son “This just in… Generalissimo Francisco Franco is still dead” SNL Chevy Chase 1975 “Union President Fitzsimmons was reported to have said that former President Jimmy Hoffa will always be a cornerstone in the organization” SNL Chevy Chase 1975 “Well, it just goes to show you, it’s always something” Roseanne Roseannadanna (Gilda Radner) SNL “What is all this fuss I hear about the Supreme Court decision on a deaf penalty? It’s terrible! Deaf people have enough problems as it is!” SNL Miss Emily Litella (Gilda Radner) 1976 “What is it now, Ted?” “Aw, Lou. How come every time I come here to say something you say ‘what is it now, Ted?’ like I’m going to say something dumb?” “How come every time I see a duck, I expect it to quack?” “No, no you answer my question first” (Ted Baxter’s Famous Broadcasters’ School) The Mary Tyler Moore Show 2/1975 “What say ya, Ferret Face?” (Welcome to Korea) M*A*S*H 1975 “What we are dealing with here is a perfect engine, an eating machine. It’s really a miracle of evolution. All this machine does is swim and eat and make little sharks and that’s all” Jaws 1975 “Whatever happened to Fay Wray?” The Rocky Horror Picture Show 1975 “Who is Jimmy Carter?” re: Carter candidacy 1974 “Who’d want to put a contract on me?” “Jealous husbands! Outraged chefs! Humiliated tailors! The list is endless!” The Man with the Golden Gun 1974 “Why’d you drive her car into the bay?” “ Couldn’t find a car wash” The Longest Yard 1974 “Would you let this woman cook your meatloaf?” The Rocky Horror Picture Show audience shout 1975 “Yes, boys come next. After the blood the boys come. Like sniffing dogs, grinning and slobbering, trying to find out where that smell is. That...smell!” Carrie 1974 “You big dummy" Sanford and Son “You couldn't ask for a better boss than Jackie Gleason. Because if you did, he would fire you” Audrey Meadows Dean Martin

Celebrity Roast of Jackie Gleason 1975 “You saved my life Lou. You saved my life” “Please, Ted, I feel bad enough already“(Chuckles Bites the Dust.) The Mary Tyler Moore Show 10/1975 “You spell it just like it sounds” Barney Miller “You talkin’ to me?” Taxi Driver 1976 “You're gonna need a bigger boat” Jaws 1975 “You're insubordinate” “Right” “You're insolent” “Right! And you're nuts!” (The General Flipped at Dawn ) M*A*S*H 9/1974 “You've ruined that piano!” “What is the price of one piano compared to the terrible crime that's been committed here?” “But that's a priceless Steinway!” “Not anymore!” The Pink Panther Strikes Again 1976 A Star Is Born 1976 ABBA, musicians ABC Movement -- Anyone But Carter AH-64 Apache Helicopter (Hughes Helicopters ) debuts 9/1975 Ain’t Nothing Like The Real Thing Aretha Franklin 1974 Al Pacino, actor Albert Finney, actor Alexander Haig, Supreme Allied Commander Europe (SACEUR) Alice Cooper (Vincent Damon Furnier), singer Alice Doesn’t Live Here Anymore 1974 Alice Ghostley, actress Alice premiers 1976 All in the Family→ All the President’s Men 1974 All the President’s Men 1976 Allman Brothers, musicians Altair 8800 (MITS [Micro Instrumentation and Telemetry Systems]) 1975 Alvin Theater Ambassador Theater Amnesty (Limited—for Vietnam War conscientious objectors) Andy Messersmith, athlete (baseball) Ann-Margret, actress Apollo-Soyuz Test Project (the first joint flight of the U.S. and

Soviet space programs) 7/1975 Apple Computer founded 1976 Aretha Franklin, singer Aristotle Onassis d. () 1975 Art Carney, actor Aryan Nations founded 1974 Assassination attempt on President Ford [by Lynette Alice “Squeaky” Fromme] 9/1975 Assassination attempt on President Ford [by Sara Jane Moore] 9/1975 At 17 1975 AT&T/Bell System breakup starts 1974 Atlantic City Jackpot 1975 B-1 Lancer 1974 Bad News Bears 1976 Barbra Streisand, singer, actress Barney Miller premiers (The Life and Times of Barney Miller—1974) 1975 Barry Lyndon 1975 Barry Manilow, musician BART (Bay Area Rapid Transit)/US Urban Mass Transportation Assistance Act of 1974 Beach Boys, singers, musicians Belasco Theater Benjamin Franklin Literary & Medical Society founded 1976 Benjamin Hooks, minister Betty Ford (Mrs. Gerald), First Lady Big Red Machine 1975-6 Cincinnati Reds Bill Clinton weds Hillary Rodham 1975 Bill Cosby, actor, comedian Bill Shoemaker, jockey Billie Jean King, athlete (tennis) Biltmore Theater Bionic Woman premiers 1976 Blondie (musicians) forms 1974 Blood on the Tracks 1975 Bob Dylan, musician

Bob Woodward, journalist Bobby Bonds, athlete (baseball) Bobby Fischer (Robert James “Bobby” Fischer), chess master Bobby Murcer, athlete (baseball) Bohemian Rhapsody 1975 Booth Theater Born Innocent (NBC World Premiere Movie) 1974 Born to Run 1975 Bound for Glory 1976 Bowie Kuhn, baseball commissioner Brenda Vaccaro, actress Brian Wilson, musician, composer Broadhurst Theater Broadway Theater Bubbling Brown Sugar 1976 Burgess Meredith, actor Burt Young, actor Busch Gardens Williamsburg, Virginia (Busch Gardens: The Old Country) opens 1975 Busing Candide revival (Bernstein/Hellman) → 1976 Captain Fantastic and the Brown Dirt Cowboy (first Billboard #1 debut) 1975 Carl Bernstein, journalist Carl Weathers, actor Carla Anderson Hills, Secretary of Housing and Urban Development (2) Carlton Fisk, athlete (baseball) Carpenters, musicians Carrie 1976 Caspar W. Weinberger, Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare (1) Catfish Hunter (James Hunter),athlete (baseball) Cathy Cathy Lee Crosby, actress Centennial 1974 Charlie Rich, singer

Cher, singer Chi Chi Rodriguez, athlete (golfer) Chicago Broadway 1975 Chico and the Man premiers 1974 Chorus Line Broadway 1975 Chrysler Church Committee (United States Senate Select Committee to Study Governmental Operations with Respect to Intelligence Activities) 1975 Clarence Norris [the last of the Scottsboro Boys] pardoned by Governor George Wallace (Alabama) 1976 Claude S. Brinegar, Secretary of Transportation (1) Convoy CRAY-1, first supercomputer invented 1976 Creative Artists Agency founded 1975 Darren McGavin, actor Davey Lopes, athlete (baseball) David Bowie, singer David Brinkley, newscaster David Mamet, playwright Day of the Locust 1975 Daylight saving time starts two months early 1975 Dean Martin Celebrity Roast premiers 1974 Dear Abby [Abigail Van Buren ] (Pauline “Popo” Esther Friedman), radio series ends 1974. Dennis Eckersley, athlete (baseball) Dick Van Patten, actor Do You Know Where You’re Going To? (Theme from Mahogany) 1975 Dog Day Afternoon 1975 Domestic abuses (by CIA) investigation 1975 Donald H. Rumsfeld, Secretary of Defense (2) Donald H. Rumsfeld, White House chief of staff Donny & Marie premiers 1/1976 Doobie Brothers, musicians Dorothy Hamill, ice skater Dustin Hoffman, actor Earl Butz, Secretary of Agriculture (1)

Earthquake 1974 Ed Sullivan, television host d. 1974 Edison Theater Edward Albee, playwright Edward H. Levi, Attorney General (2) Einstein on the Beach 1976 Eldridge Cleaver, author/civil rights leader, returned to the United States 1975 Elizabeth Seton canonized (first American saint) 9/1975 Ella T. Grasso elected governor of Connecticut (the first woman to serve as a Governor in the United States who did not succeed her husband) 1975 Ellen Burstyn, actress Elliot L. Richardson, Secretary of Commerce (3) Elton John, musician Employee Retirement Income Security Act Equus (Broadway) 1975 Erik Estrada, actor Euell Gibbons d. (arteriosclerosis) 1975 Evergreen (Love Theme From A Star Is Born) Exorcist (film) (released late 1973) F. David Mathews, Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare (2) Fame Family Feud (Richard Dawson, host ) premiers 7/1976 Family hour Faye Dunaway, Federal Rules of Evidence (admissibility of evidence) 1/1975 Fiddler on the Roof revival 1976 Fire—World Trade Center 1975 First drive up McDonald’s opens 1975 First episode of Saturday Night Live [SNL] (George Carlin is the first host; Billy Preston and Janis Ian are the first musical guests 10/1975 Fleetwood Mac, musicians Ford pardons Nixon 1974 Francis Ford Coppola, director

Franco Harris, athlete (football) Frank Church, politician (D-Idaho Senator) Frank Robinson, athlete (baseball) Franklin Mint Frederick B. Dent, Secretary of Commerce (1) Freedom of Information Act amendments veto 1974 Fujiwhara effect (two cyclones e. g. Ione/Kirsten appear to “orbit” each other) 1974 Funny Lady Gary Gilmore d. (executed by firing squad) 1/1977 Gena Rowlands, Gene Wilder, Gene, Gene, the dancing machine (The Gong Show) General Hospital George Burns, George Carlin, George Foreman, athlete, (boxer) George Lee “Sparky” Anderson, manager (baseball) George Lucas, director, producer, screenwriter George Steinbrenner, owner, businessman, (baseball) Give ‘em Hell, Harry! Gladys Knight & the Pips Summer Series Godfather Part II 1974 Godspell Broadway 1976 Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla (USA no release until 1977) 1974 Gong Show premieres 1976 Gonna Fly Now Goodtime Charley Government in the Sunshine Act 1976 Grateful Dead (The Dead), musicians Greensboro Massacre 1979 Gregg Allman, Gunsmoke Guys & Dolls Gypsy Broadway revival 1974-1975 H. R. Haldeman, Habitat for Humanity International founded 1976

Hal Linden, Hank Aaron, athlete (baseball) Happy Days Harkness Theater Haroldson Lafayette (H. L. )Hunt, Jr. d. 1974 Harry and Tonto 1974 Heart Like a Wheel Helen Hayes Theater Henry Kissinger, Secretary of State Henry Mancini, Herbert W. Kalmbach, Herbie Rides Again 1974 Hindenburg Hong Kong Phooey (cartoon) premiers 9/1974 Hot l Baltimore House Committee on Internal Security abolished 1975 How Lucky Can You Get? 1975 Hurricane Carmen 1974 Hurricane Ione 1974 Hurricane Kirsten 1974 I Honestly Love You I Write the Songs Indian Health Care Improvement Act 1976 Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act 1975 Indianapolis 500 1975 Bobby Unser Indianapolis 500 1976 Johnny Rutherford Industrial Light and Magic Ingrid Bergman, actress Irwin Allen, Jack Albertson, Jack Benny (Benjamin Kubelsky) d. () 1974 Jack Nicholson, Jack Nicklaus, athlete (golfer) Jack Warden, Jackson Browne, singer Jacqueline Susann, writer d. () 1974 Jacqueline Susann’s Once Is Not Enough

Jacques Clouseau, James A. Michener, writer James Brown, James R. Schlesinger, Secretary of Defense (1) James T. Lynn, Secretary of Housing and Urban Development (1) James Whitmore, Jamie Farr, Jane Blalock, Jane Pauley, Janis Ian, Jason Robards, Jaws 1975 Jeb Stuart Magruder, Jeffersons Jim Palmer, athlete (baseball) Jimmy (James Riddle ) Hoffa disappears 7/1975 Jimmy Connors, athlete (tennis) Joanne Carner, Jodie Foster, Joe “Broadway Joe” Namath, athlete (football) Joe “Smokin’ Joe” Frazier, athlete (boxer) Joe Morgan, athlete (baseball) John A. Knebel, Secretary of Agriculture (2) John Chancellor, John Denver, John Ehrlichman, John Golden Theater John J. Sirica, John Lennon, John Mitchell, John Montefusco, John Paul Stevens, John Thomas Dunlop, Secretary of Labor (2) John W. Dean III, Johnny Cash, Judge John J. Sirica, Julius Erving,

Kander & Ebb (), Kareem Abdul-Jabber, athlete (basketball) Keenan Wynn Ken Holtzman Ken Norton Kent State Kentucky Derby turns 100 1975 Kiss Land of the Lost premiers 1974 Land Shark (SNL) Last Tycoon Laurence Olivier Laverne & Shirley Led Zeppelin Lee Strasberg Lee Trevino struck by lightning Legionnaire’s Disease (Philadelphia) first outbreak 34 killed 1976 Legionnaire’s Disease identified (Legionella pneumop) 1/1977 Lenny Leroy Anderson d. () 1975 Liberty Bell Lies My Father Told Me Life Is A Rock But The Radio Rolled Me (Reunion) 1974 Lincoln Center Linda Blair, actress Linda Ronstadt, singer Lindsay Wagner, Little House on the Prairie (TV) 1974 Little Theater Logan’s Run Longest Yard 1974 Lou Brock, athlete (baseball) Louise Fletcher Love Will Keep Us Together Lovin’ You (Minnie Riperton) 1975 Lowell Thomas, Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds (Elton John) 1974

Lunt-Fontaine Theater Lyceum Theater Lynette Alice “Squeaky” Fromme assassination attempt on Gerald Ford 9/1975 Lynn Swann, Mack & Mabel 1974 MacNeil-Lehrer Report premiers 1975 Madeline Kahn Magnum Force (released late 1973) Mahogany Man in the Glass Booth Man Who Would Be King Man with the Golden Gun 1974 Mandy Marathon Man Marcus Welby, MD Mark Spitz Market Square Arena Martina Navratilova Marvin Hamlisch, Mary Tyler Moore Show → Mass murder by Ronald Defeo, Jr., 1974 Mattel independent audit discloses that the company has falsified financial information to boost stock prices 11/1975 Maximilian Schell McDonald’s restaurant opens first drive-up window service 1975 Mel Brooks Mel Tillis Michael Learned Michael Ovitz, talent agent Mike Marshall Mike Oldfield, musician Mike Schmidt Milton Friedman Minnie Riperton Minskoff Theater Morosco Theater

Muhammad Ali Murder by Death 1976 Murder on the Orient Express (film) 1974 My Fair Lady Nashville Natalie Cole NBC Nightly News Ned Beatty Nelson Rockefeller Network Nevada Test Site Night At The Opera 1975 Nightstalker Nixon pardoned 1974 Nolan Ryan, athlete (baseball) Not Ready For Prime Time Players (Saturday Night Live) Obedience to Authority: An Experimental View (Milgram experiment) 1974 Oh! Calcutta! Ohio Players Omen One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest `1975 Outlaw Josey Wales 1976 Palace Theater Papillon (film) (released late 1973) Pat Harrington, Jr., actor Patricia Campbell Hearst kidnapped by Symbionese Liberation Army (S.L.A.) 2/1974 Patricia Campbell Hearst recruited by Symbionese Liberation Army (S.L.A.) 4/1974 Patricia Hearst (Patty Hearst, Patricia Campbell Hearst), heiress Patti Smith, singer Patty Hearst captured in San Francisco 9/1975 Paul Williams Peter Finch Peter Frampton Peter J. Brennan, Secretary of Labor (1)

Phil Ochs, singer d. [suicide] 4/1976 Philip Glass Pine Ridge Shootout (Pine Ridge Indian Reservation) [South Dakota ] [Two FBI agents and 1 AIM (American Indian Movement) member die] 6/1975 Pink Panther Strikes Again 1976 Play That Funky Music (White Boy) Police Woman premiers 1974 Privacy Act of 1974 Punk Queen Ramones (musicians) organize 1974 Randy Newman, musician Reggie Jackson Renee Richards Return of the Pink Panther 1975 Rhoda premiers 1974 Rhoda’s Wedding 1974 Ric Flair, wrestler, suffers a broken back in plane crash near Wilmington, NC 1975 Ric Flair, wrestler, wins world tag title (with Greg Valentine to beat NWA World Tag Team champions Gene and Ole Anderson) 1976 Rich Little Show Rich Man, Poor Man Richard (Dick) Gautier, actor Richard “Dick” Cheney, deputy to the White House chief of staff Richard G. Butler, Aryan Nations founder Richard Nixon pardoned for Watergate crimes by Gerald Ford September 8, 1974 Richard Nixon’s resignation effective August 9, 1974 Robber Bridegroom Broadway 1975 Robert Blake, actor Robert De Niro, actor Robert E. ( Edward) Lee posthumously pardoned 8/1975 Robert Redford (Charles Robert Redford Jr.), actor Rock Around the Clock (Theme from Happy Days)

Rock Me Gently 1974 Rockford Files premiers 1974 Rocky 1976 Rocky Horror Picture Show 1975 Rocky Horror Show NYC 1975 Rogers C. B. Morton, Secretary of Commerce (2) Rogers C. B. Morton, Secretary of the Interior (1) Rollie Fingers, Ronald Reagan Roy Rogers Rubik’s Cube (Magic Cube) Ryan’s Hope Salem’s Lot 1975 Same Time, Next Year Samuel Bronfman, son of the Seagram’s president, is kidnapped 8/1975 San Diego Chicken Saturday Night Live premiers (George Carlin is the first host; Billy Preston and Janis Ian are the first musical guests 10/1975 Saturday Night Special (Lynyrd Skynyrd) 1975 Saul Bellow Secret Life of John Chapman (The Secret Life of John Chapman) 1976 Serpico (released late 1973) Seven-Per-Cent Solution Shampoo Shenandoah Shootist Shubert Theater Sidney Lumet Silver Streak 1976 Simon Oakland Sissy Spacek Snow falls in Miami, Florida 1/1977 Soca music Somerset Something’s Afoot Sonny & Cher

Space Mountain St. James Theater Stand by Me Stanley K. Hathaway, Secretary of the Interior (2) Stanley Kubrick Stephen King, writer Stephen Sondheim Stephen Wozniak Steve Garvey, athlete (baseball) Steven Jobs Steven Spielberg Steven Weed, fiancé of Patty Hearst Stevie Wonder, Stockholm syndrome (the hostage shows signs of loyalty to the hostage-taker) Sunshine Boys 1975 Super Bowl champions 1975 Pittsburgh Steelers 9 Super Bowl champions 1976 Pittsburgh Steelers 10 Switch Sylvester Stallone, actor Symbionese Liberation Army (S.L.A.) Talia Shire Talking Heads, musicians Taxi Driver Teamsters Technicolor ceases dye transfer process 1974 Ted Turner Terrence McNally Terry Funk Texas Chain Saw Massacre (released) 1974 Thank God I’m a Country Boy That’s Entertainment! 1974 The Sting (released late 1973) Thomas S. Kleppe, Secretary of the Interior (3) Three Days of the Condor 1975 Thurman Munson Today Show

Tom Bosley, Tom Seaver, Tom Skerritt, Tom Stoppard Tommy Tony Dorsett Tony Orlando & Dawn Towering Inferno Toxic Substances Control Act Trans-Alaska Pipeline begins 1975 Trial of Billy Jack 1974 Two dollar bill bicentennial notes United States Senate Select Committee to Study Governmental Operations with Respect to Intelligence Activities (Church Committee) 1975 Uris Theater US Department of Justice files anti-trust suit against AT&T 1974 US National Debt: 1976 $ 653,544,000,000.00 US President’s Commission on CIA activities within the United States formed 1/1975 US President’s Commission on CIA activities within the United States report 6/1975 USS Constitution Museum opens 1976 Vida Blue Viking 1 launched 8/1975 Viking program (National Aeronautics and Space Administration [NASA]) Volkswagen Golf (Mk I and Mk V, Volkswagen Rabbit in the US) first production 1974 W. J. Usery Jr., Secretary of Labor (3) Walls and Bridges (John Lennon) 1974 Walter Brennan, actor d. 1974 Walter Matthau, actor Walter Washington, Waltons Watergate cover-up trial Watergate pardon 1974

Watergate scandal: John N. Mitchell [United States Attorney General], H. R. Haldeman [White House Chief of Staff] and John Ehrlichman [Assistant to the President for Domestic Affairs] found guilty of cover-up 1/1975 Watergate scandal: John N. Mitchell [United States Attorney General], H. R. Haldeman [White House Chief of Staff] and John Ehrlichman [Assistant to the President for Domestic Affairs] sentenced 1975 Weather Underground (the Weathermen) bombs State Department offices 1975 Welcome to My Nightmare (Alice Cooper) 1975 Whatever Gets You Through the Night (John Lennon) 1974 Wheel Of Fortune When Will I Be Loved? Whip Inflation Now (WIN) William B. Saxbe, Attorney General (1) William E. Simon, Secretary of the Treasury William J. Baxley, William T. Coleman, Jr., Secretary of Transportation (2) Wings Wings at the Speed of Sound Winnie the Pooh and Tigger Too! 1974 Winter Garden Theater Wish You Were Here ( Wiz (The Wiz) Broadway 1975 Woman Under the Influence 1974 Wonder Woman premiers 1976 World Football League World Series Champion 1974 Oakland Athletics World Series Champion 1975 Cincinnati Reds World Series Champion 1976 Cincinnati Reds World Trade Center fire 1975 Young Frankenstein 1974 YUH-60 helicopter 1974

World names, phrases and events

“Chunnel” work (France-England tunnel) cancelled by England 1/1975 “I can’t kill chickens” “That’s all right. When you’re not looking I’ll have their heads off with my Black and Decker” (Plough Your Own Furrow) The Good Life 4/1975 “Rumble in the Jungle” (Zaire ) boxing match [Muhammad Ali defeats George Foreman; Ali regains world’s Heavyweight crown] 10/1974 “Thrilla in Manila (Phillipines) boxing match [Muhammad Ali defeats Joe Frazier ] 10/1975

1976 Olympics: Montreal, Canada Aldo Moro, Prime minister of Italy 1974-1976 Algiers Agreement (Algiers Accord) Iraq and Iran announce a settlement over their border dispute 1975 Anarchy In The UK (Sex Pistols) `1976 Anastasio Somoza Debayle (“Tachito”), President of Nicaragua 12/1974 → Anatoly Karpov, Russian chess grandmaster Andrei Sakharov, Russian nuclear physicist, human rights activist Anwar Sadat, President of Egypt → Apollo-Soyuz Test Project (the first joint flight of the U.S. and Soviet space programs) 7/1975 Arabic Monetary Fund Are You Being Served? → Augusto Pinochet, President of Chile 1974 → Australopithecus afarensis skeleton (“Lucy”) discovered 1974 Banqiao Dam (China) breaks 200,000+ killed 8/1975 Benjamin Britten d. () 1976 Birmingham pub bombings 1974 Birmingham Six (Hugh Callaghan, Patrick Hill, Gerard Hunter, Richard McIlkenny, William Power and John Walker) Birmingham Six convicted 1975 Birmingham Six sentenced to life imprisonment 8/1975

British Empire ends (Britain withdraws its military forces from bases “East of Suez” [imperial interests beyond the European theater]) 1/1975 British Leyland Motor Corporation (BLMC) nationalized 8/1975 Cape Verde gains independence (from Portugal) 7/1975 Cast in Order of Disappearance (A Charles Paris Mystery) (Simon Brett) 1975 Cearbhall Ó Dálaigh, President of Ireland resigns 1976 Charlie Chaplin knighted 1975 Chess “nonmatch” (Bobby Fischer/Anatoly Karpov) 1975 Chiang Kai-shek, President of the Republic of China Chiang Kai-shek, President of the Republic of China d. (renal failure/advanced cardiac malfunction ) 4/1975 Civil war between UDT (Timorese Democratic Union) and Fretilin in Portuguese Timor 8/1975 CN Tower completed 1976 Collapse of South Vietnam (Vietnam War) 1975 Comoros (Union of the Comoros) independence (from France) 7/1975 Cyclone Tracy 1974 Dassault Super Étendard first flown 1974 David Bowie, musician David Frost Deep Purple, musicians Democratic Kampuchea (Cambodia) 1975 → Disaster- Banqiao Dam (China) breaks 200,000+ killed 8/1975 Disaster-Granville railway disaster Australia 83 killed 1/1977 Disaster-Lufthansa Flight 540 crashes 59 killed 1974 Disaster-Operation Babylift flight C5A 80218 crashes 138 killed Disaster-Skyline Sweden Vickers Viscount 838 airplane crash 22 killed 1/1977 Disaster-subway crash at Moorgate station, London 48 killed 1975 Disaster-Tasman Bridge (Tasmania, Australia) struck by British carrier Lake Illawarra, 12 killed (includes 7 crew 5 on bridge) 1/1975

Disaster-train derails in Zagreb, Yugoslavia 150 killed 1974 Disaster-TWA Flight 841 crashes between Athens and Rome, 88 killed 1974 Dmitri Shostakovitch, Donald Neilson (the Black Panther) kidnaps Lesley Whittle 1975 Džemal Bijedić, Prime Minister of Yugoslavia d. (plane crash) 1/1977 Earthquake-Bucharest over 1500 killed 3/1977 Earthquake-predicted (China) 1975 Edmund Fitzgerald (SS Edmund Fitzgerald) sinks on Lake Superior in Canadian waters 29 killed 11/1975 Edward Heath, politician Elton John, musician Emperor Haile Selassie I of Ethiopia deposed 1974 Emperor Hirohito of Japan → Enzo Plazzotta, artist Eric Clapton, musician Erskine Hamilton Childers, President of Ireland d. 1974 European Space Agency Evonne Goolagong Explosion-bomb claimed by the Provisional Irish Republican Army detonates at Green Park tube station in London 10/1975 Fall of Saigon to Communists (Vietnam War) 1975 Félix Malloum, general made leader of Chad following coup 1975 Fidel Castro, Premier of Cuba → Fire-Kucic Hospital Rijeka, Yugoslavia 25 killed First petroleum pipeline opens [from Cruden Bay to Grangemouth, Scotland (by British Petroleum)] 11/1975 France divides department of Corse was divided into Haute-Corse and Corse-du-Sud 9/1975 Francisco Franco (Generalissimo Francisco Franco) d. () 1975 François Tombalbaye, president of Chad overthrown, killed 1975 François Truffaut, director, actor Gang of Four Genesis

Greece military junta of 1967 sentenced to death 1975 Greek monarchy rejected by voters 1974 Green March, mass demonstration to force Spain to hand over the disputed province of Sahara to Morocco; 300,000 unarmed Moroccans converge on the southern city of Tarfaya and wait for a signal from King Hassan II of Morocco to cross into Western Sahara 11/1975 Guildford Four (Paul Hill, Gerry Conlon, Patrick “Paddy” Armstrong and Carole Richardson) wrongly convicted 1975 Guildford pub bombing 1974 Gustav Heinemann, President of Germany → 1974 Haile Selassie d. () 975 Harold Pinter, Harold Wilson resigns 3/1976 Harold Wilson, politician, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom 1974-1976 Hawker-Siddeley Hawk flown 1974 Helmut Kohl Helmut Schmidt, Chancellor of Germany 1974 → Helsinki Accords (Final Act of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe, the Helsinki Final Act, Helsinki Declaration) [officially recognizes Europe's national borders, respect for human rights] signed in Finland 8/1975 Hua Guo-feng Hue Falls to Communists 1975 Human Rights Group Hurricane Becky 1974 Hurricane Carmen 1974 Hurricane Fifi 1974 Hurricane Gertrude 1974 Hurricane Orlene 1974 Ian Smith, Prime Minister of Rhodesia Ichihara Prison opens (Japan) 1969 Idi Amin, President of Uganda Ilie Nastase, athlete (tennis) India annexes Sikkim 1975

Indira Gandhi, Prime Minister of India Ingmar Bergman Inheritance tax/estate tax/death duty abolished (Queensland) 1/1977 Inland Sea (Japan) oil spill 1974 Intercontinental Broadcasting Corporation (IBC) (Philippines) founded 2/1975 International Bill of Rights International Women's Day sponsored by United Nations (UN) 1975 IRA (Provisional Irish Republican Army) bombs the London Hilton hotel 2 killed and 63 injured 9/1975 IRA killing: Stephen Tibble, London Metropolitan Police Constable 1975 Iva Toguri D'Aquino (Tokyo Rose suspect) pardoned by Gerald Ford 1/1977 Jacques Chirac, Prime Minister of France 1974-1976 James Callaghan Japanese Red Army (Anti-Imperialist International Brigade (AIIB), Nippon Sekigun, Nihon Sekigun, Holy War Brigade, Anti-War Democratic Front) Jean-Paul Sartre Jiang Qing John Stonehouse, politician arrested for faking his own death 1974 Juan Carlos I of Spain becomes acting Head of State 10/1975 Juanita Nielsen, Sydney (Australia) newspaper publisher, disappears, presumed murdered 7/1975 Junko Tabei, mountain-climber, first female on the peak of Mount Everest 1975 Kakuei Tanaka, Prime Minister of Japan resigns 1974 Khmer Rouge (Communist Party of Kampuchea, Khmer Communist Party, National Army of Democratic Kampuchea) Kim Jong-pil, Prime Minister of South Korea → 1975 King Baudouin of Belgium King Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden

King Faisal of Saudi Arabia d. (assassinated) 1975 King Hassan II of Morocco → King Khalid of Saudi Arabia crowned 1975 King Norodom Sihanouk of Cambodia placed under house arrest 1976 Kings Arms, Woolwich bombed 1974 Kurt Waldheim Labour Party (UK) Lebanese Civil War begins 1975 Leonid Brezhnev Liberal-Conservative Junta of Nicaragua ← 12/1974 Listen to What the Man Said Lomé Convention (European Economic Community and 46 African, Caribbean and Pacific countries sign a financial and economic treaty) 1975 London Hilton hotel bombed by the Provisional Irish Republican Army 2 killed and 63 injured 9/1975 Lop Nor Madrid Accords (Madrid Agreement, Madrid Pact), treaty between Spain, Morocco, and Mauritania to end the Spanish presence in the territory of Spanish Sahara 11/1975 Mao Tse-Tung (Mao Zedong), Chairman of the Communist Party of China Mao Tse-Tung (Mao Zedong), Chairman of the Communist Party of China d. () 1976 Margaret Thatcher elected Conservative Party leader (UK) [defeats Edward Heath] 1975 Margaret Thatcher, politician Mário Lemos Pires abandons the capital Dili following UDT coup and outbreak of civil war between UDT and Fretilin 8/1975 Mário Lemos Pires, Governor of Portuguese Timor Martial law declared in India by Indira Gandhi 6/1975 Maurice Gibb weds Yvonne Spencely Mayagüez incident (SS Mayagüez, ,ship and crew taken, released by Khmer Rouge, last official battle of the Vietnam War) May, 1975

Mick Jagger, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, Shah of Iran → Monty Python's Flying Circus Mount Neighbor Primary School (Australia) opens 9/1975 Movement 2 June (June 2 Movement, June 2nd Movement), West German militant group Mozambique independence (from Portugal) 6/1975 Mujibur Rahman of Bangladesh d. (killed in coup) 8/1975 Nguyen Van Thieu Night Watch (The Night Watch) [Rembrandt] vandalized by unemployed school teacher, Wilhelmus de Rijk 9/1975 Nina Hagen North Sea Ocean Park Hong Kong opens 1/1977 Operation Babylift crash/tragedy 138 killed 1975 Order of Australia (an order of chivalry established "for the purpose of according recognition to Australian citizens and other persons for achievement or for meritorious service" 2/ 1975 Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) Algeria, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, Nigeria, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, and Venezuela] price increase [10%] 1975 Overthrow of the Lon Nol regime (Lon Nol resigns) in Cambodia 4/1975 Palestine Liberation Organization Panavia Tornado 1974 Park Chung-Hee, President of South Korea Park Chung-Hee, President of South Korea d. (assassination) 1979 Pele retires Peter Gabriel Peter Lorenz, German politician kidnapped, released 1975 Peter Sutcliffe (the "Yorkshire Ripper") first killing 10/1975 Pham Van Dong named prime minister of Socialist Republic of Vietnam 1976 Philippine Basketball Association debuts 1975

Phuoc Long Province falls to Communists(Vietnam War) 1975 Pierre Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada → Pieter Menten Pol Pot, Prime Minister of Democratic Kampuchea (Cambodia) Pope Paul VI → Portuguese Timor independence (from Portugal) becomes East Timor 1975 Prevention of Terrorism Act (United Kingdom) 1974 Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom → Queen Juliana of the Netherlands Race riot in Cape Town, South Africa Raid on Entebbe (by the Israel Defense Force [IDF] in Uganda,) 7/ 1976 Rainier III, Prince of Monaco Red Army Faction (Red Army Fraction; Baader-Meinhof Group, RAF) kidnapping, arrest (Sweden) 1975 Rembrandt’s Nightwatch damaged by unemployed school teacher, Wilhelmus de Rijk 9/1975 Reunification of North & South Vietnam Richard Bingham, 7th Earl of Lucan disappears 1974 Richard Ratsimandrava, President of Madagascar, assassinated 1975 Ringo Starr & Maureen Cox divorce Rocky Horror Picture Show Rumble in the Jungle (Zaire ) boxing match Muhammad Ali vs. George Foreman 1974 Saigon falls to Communists (Vietnam War) 1975 Salyut 5 (OPS-3, Russian space station) launched 6/1976 São Tomé and Príncipe declare independence (from Portugal) 7/1975 Sikkim annexed by India 1975 So Much Blood (A Charles Paris Mystery) (Simon Brett) 1976 South Vietnam surrenders unconditionally(Vietnam War ends) 1975 Soyuz 15 Soyuz 17 returns 1975

Soyuz 19 Spaghetti House Siege (Knightsbridge , London) 9/1975 Springer Press building bombed 1975 SS Edmund Fitzgerald sinks on Lake Superior in Canadian waters 11/1975 Star Trap (A Charles Paris Mystery) (Simon Brett) 1977 State of Guanabara and Rio de Janeiro merge 1975 Suez Canal reopened 1975 Sun Myung Moon Takeo Miki, Prime Minister of Japan resigns 1976 Tasman Bridge in Tasmania damaged/struck 1975 Teruo Nakamura, Japanese WWII soldier, surrenders `12/1974 or 1/1975 Tommy Tropical Storm Alma 1974 Tuanku Abdul Halim (Ke Bawah Duli Yang Maha Mulia Al-Sultan Sir Almu'tasimu Billahi Muhibbudin Tuanku Alhaj Abdul Halim Mu'adzam Shah ibni Almarhum Sultan Badlishah), 5th Yang di-Pertuan Agong ("Supreme Ruler" of Malaysia) ends term 9/1975 Turkey invades Cyprus August 1974 Turkish Federated State of North Cyprus declared, fails 2/1975 TWA Flight 841 crashes between Athens and Rome, 88 killed 1974 Typhoon Nina (Super Typhoon Nina) 8/1975 Unification Church United Nations General Assembly Resolution 3379 (equates Zionism with racism) passes 72-35 11/1975 Valeri Sablin Valéry Giscard d'Estaing, President of the French Republic 1974 → Vietnam War ends 1975 Volcano erupts-Mount Nyiragongo (Zaire) 1/1977 Walter Scheel, President of Germany 1974 → West Side Story London revival, Shaftesbury Theatre reopening 1974

Yahya Petra (Almarhum Al-Sultan Yahya Petra ibni Almarhum Sultan Sir Ibrahim Petra) 6th Yang di-Pertuan Agong ( "Supreme Ruler" of Malaysia) begins term 9/1975 Yasser Arafat Yitzhak Rabin, Prime Minister of Israel 1974 → Notable Event: Suez Canal reopened 1975 Notable Event: Saigon falls to Communists 1975 Notable Event: Raid on Entebbe 1976 Notable Event: “Rumble in the Jungle” (Zaire) 10/1974 Notable Event: Mayagüez incident 1975 Notable Event: Two dollar bill bicentennial notes 1976 Notable Event: Saturday Night Live premieres 1975 Notable Event: Richard Nixon pardoned for Watergate crimes by Gerald Ford September 8, 1974 Notable Event: Lee Trevino struck by lightning 1975 Notable Event: Legionnaire's Disease (Philadelphia) 34 killed 1976 Notable Event: Kentucky Derby turns 100 1975 Notable Event: Jaws 1975 Notable Event: Chorus Line Broadway 1975 Notable Event: Captain Fantastic and the Brown Dirt Cowboy 1975 (first Billboard #1 debut)

Notable Event: Vietnam War ends 1975


“My fellow Americans, our long national nightmare is over.”

“I had pro offers from the Detroit Lions and Green Bay Packers, who

were pretty hard up for linemen in those days. If I had gone into

professional football the name Jerry Ford might have been a

household word today.”

“Richard Nixon was just offered $2 million by Schick to do a

television commercial-for Gillette.”

“Our constitution works. Our great republic is a government of laws,

not of men.”

“I know I am getting better at golf because I am hitting fewer



“My fellow Americans, our long national nightmare is over.” Gerald

Ford was the first person to become president without having been

elected president or vice president. Ford then pardoned former

president Nixon, using compassion and a desire to end controversy

as his reasons. But the pardon, like Henry Clay’s “corrupt bargain”

charge, became a perpetual political millstone. He then proclaimed a

conditional amnesty for Vietnam War resisters but the program had

limited success.

Because of the Nixon administration’s preoccupation with

Watergate, Ford inherited a troubled economy in which inflation,

recession, and unemployment had all become worse.

But, like Rutherford B. Hayes, Ford assumed the Presidency when

public confidence was shaken and restored the office’s dignity. His

autobiography, A Time to Heal, was published in 1979.




Outpolled William Jennings Bryan in 1908 to become the 27th

President then lost to Woodrow Wilson in 1912.

American names, phrases, and


“The Pole at last!!! The prize of 3 centuries, my dream and ambition for 23 years. Mine at last " Robert Peary 1909 “This New Nationalism regards the executive power as the steward of the public welfare. It demands of the judiciary that it shall be interested primarily in human welfare rather than in property, just as it demands that the representative body shall represent all the people rather than any one class or section of the people” Theodore Roosevelt 1910 “We've dressed in our best, and are prepared to go down like gentlemen” Benjamin Guggenheim, Henry Samuel Etches (RMS Titanic) 1912 Aerial photography 1911 Ah! Sweet Mystery Of Life published 1910 Al Jolson, entertainer Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition 1909 Albert Einstein, scientist Alexander's Bag-Pipe Band 1912

Alexander's Ragtime Band 1911 Alice Huyler Ramsey, first woman to drive across US (from

coast to coast) Amendment 16 (Income Tax) ratified 1913 Amendment 17 (Direct election of Senators) proposed 1911 American College of Surgeons 1913 Anti-gag law 1912 Armory Show (International Exhibition of Modern Art in New York, New York) 1913 Avalanche, Steven's Pass, 118 killed 1912 Avtex Fibers Incorporates (Rayon) 1910 Ballinger-Pinchot scandal (Collier's accuses US Secretary of the Interior Richard Ballinger of questionable dealings in Alaskan coal fields 1909 Benjamin Guggenheim, businessman d. 1912 Boy Scouts of America incorporates 1910 Bureau of Mines (U.S. Bureau of Mines) created 1910 Can't You Take It Back And Change It For A Boy? 1911 Cape Cod Canal groundbreaking 1909 Carl Laemmle, businessman, film producer (Universal Pictures) Carlisle Trust Co., Pennsylvania Charles Albert “Chief” Bender, athlete Charles Ives, composer Chevrolet enters the automobile market 1911 Choosing a vocation published (posthumous) 1909 Christmas Club (Carlisle Trust Co.), 1910 Collier's Weekly (accuses US Secretary of the Interior Richard Ballinger of improper dealings in Alaskan coal fields/ Ballinger-Pinchot scandal) Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism opens 1912 Come Josephine in My Flying Machine (Up She Goes!) 1910

Comiskey Park (Chicago White Sox) opens 1910 Cracker Jack "A Prize in Every Box" introduced 1912 Crisco introduced 1911 Cup Campaigner (pamphlet) 1909-10 D. W. Griffith (David Wark Griffith), director E. H. “Boss” Crump (Memphis mayor), politician

Edgar Rice Burroughs, writer (Tarzan) Edison Studios Elevator Man Going Up, Going Up, Going Up, Going Up!" 1912

Emerald City of Oz 1910 Enoch Arden Part I 1911 Eugene Burton Ely, pilot d. 1911 Everybody Loves A Chicken 1912

Fanny Brice, entertainer Fenway Park (Boston Red Sox) Opens 1912 Fire, Triangle Shirtwaist Company 1911 First aircraft landing on a ship (Eugene Burton Ely , USS Birmingham) 1911 First aircraft rescue at sea (USS Terry, James McCurdy) 1911 First unassisted triple play 1909, shortstop Neal Ball (Modern era) Frederick Cook, explorer George M. Cohan, entertainer Gifford Pinchot, politician, conservationist, head of the Division of Forestry(the Department of Agriculture), fired by Taft 1910 Glacier National Park established 1910 Grand Central Station demolition → 1913 Grand Central Terminal opens 1913 Ham radio (Amateur radio) 1909 Harvest Moon (The Harvest Moon) (Broadway) 1909-1910 Health Kup 1912

Henry Lane Wilson, US Ambassador Hiram Bingham III, explorer, politician Hoffmeyer's Legacy (first appearance of the Keystone Kops) 1912 Hugh Chalmers, automaker (suggested Baseball MVP) Hurricane in Louisiana and Mississippi (The Grand Isle Hurricane) 1909 Indianapolis 500 (first ) race (Indianapolis Motor Speedway) 1911 Individual Drinking Cup Company of New York incorporates 1910

International Business Machines Corporation (IBM) 1911 Irving Berlin (Israel Isidore Beilin), composer Isidor Straus, businessman, politician d. 1912 It's A Long Way To Tipperary 1912 I've Got The Time I've Got The Place But It's Hard To Find The Girl 1910 Jack “Happy Jack” Chesbro , athlete (baseball) Jack Johnson, athlete (boxer) Jack Lawrence Theater James J. Jeffries, athlete (boxer) James S. Sherman, Vice President of the United States d. 1912 Jim Thorpe, athlete Johannes Peter “Honus” Wagner, athlete (baseball) John Jacob Astor IV, businessman d. 1912 John Marshall Harlan, Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States d. 1911 John Wesley "Jack" Coombs, athlete (baseball) Joseph Gurney Cannon ("Uncle Joe"), Speaker of the United States House of Representatives Joseph Pulitzer d. 1911 Julia Ward Howe d. 1910 Kappa Alpha Psi founded 1911 Keystone Comedy Keystone Kops Keystone Studios forms 1912 L. Frank Baum, writer Let Me Call You Sweetheart published 1910 Lincoln penny 1909 Los Angeles Times building bombed 1910 Mack Sennett (Michael Sinnott), director Manhattan Bridge opens (connecting Lower Manhattan and Brooklyn) 1909 Mark Twain (Samuel Langhorne Clemens ) d. 1910 Matthew Henson, explorer Melville Fuller, Chief Justice of the United States d. 1910 Meteorite strikes Columbia County, Wisconsin 1911

Meteorite strikes Holbrook, Arizona 1912 Middle Tennessee State University (Middle Tennessee Normal School) founded 1911 Minimum wage law (Massachusetts) 1912 Mister Crump (The Memphis Blues) written 1909 published 1912 Mother Machree 1910

Nap Lajoie (Napoleon Lajoie), athlete, baseball National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) founded 1909 National Urban League founded 1910 Naughty Marietta 1910 New Nationalism New York Public Library dedication 1911

Oliver Twist (film), America 1912

Omega Psi Phi founded 1911 Parcel post deliveries 1913 Paul Bunyan stories appear (James MacGillivray, The Detroit News) 1910 Payne-Aldrich tariff bill 1909 Pearl Harbor Navy base 1909 Pennsylvania Station (New York City) completed 1910 Photoplay (short-fiction magazine) founded 1911 Pippa Passes (First movie to be reviewed by the New York Times) 1909 Plant A Watermelon On My Grave And Let The Juice Soak Through” 1910

Plant Quarantine Act 1912 Progressive (Bull Moose) Party Public Law 62-5 (sets United States House of Representatives at 435) 1911 Radio Act of 1912 Ragtime Mocking Bird 1912

Ragtime Soldier Man 1912

Richard A. Ballinger, US Secretary of the Interior (Ballinger-Pinchot scandal) 1909 Robert Peary, explorer, reaches North Pole (claim—20 miles

short?) Rosicrucian Fellowship, Washington founded 1909 Scott Joplin, composer Shibe Park (Philadelphia Athletics) Social Insurance Committee created by the American Association for Labor Legislation 12/1912 South Pacific Railroad Standard Oil Company ruled a monopoly by Supreme Court of the United States 1911 Statehood New Mexico and Arizona join Union 1912 Steven’s Pass avalanche, 118 killed 1912 Tarzan of the Apes (Tarzan of the Apes-A Romance of the Jungle) 1912 The Crisis founded by W.E.B. Du Bois 1910 Theodore Roosevelt Safari 1909 Theodore Roosevelt shot (by saloonkeeper William Schrank) 1912 There’s A Girl In Havana 1911 Triangle Shirtwaist Company fire 1911 Tris Speaker, athlete (baseball) Ty Cobb, athlete (baseball) Universal Pictures created (Independent Motion Picture Company, Powers Picture Company, Champion Films and American Éclair merge) 1912 US Bureau of Mines 1910 US cold snap 1911 US National Debt: 1912 $ 2,868,373,874.16 US Senate inquiry re: RMS Titanic 1912 US troops form “Maneuver Division” for possible Mexico invasion 1911 Victor Herbert, composer W. C. Handy (William Christopher Handy) ("Father of the Blues"), musician W.E.B. Dubois (William Edward Burghardt Du Bois (pronounced [du’-boyz), activist, writer Waiting for the Robert E. Lee published 1912

Walter Johnson (The Big Train), athlete (baseball) What Happened to Mary? (first serial) 1912

When Irish Eyes Are Smiling 1912

William P. Frye, politician Winter Garden Theater completed 1911 Woodrow Wilson (Thomas Woodrow Wilson) elected 1912 World Series Champion 1909 Pittsburgh Pirates World Series Champion 1910 Philadelphia Athletics World Series Champion 1911 Philadelphia Athletics World Series Champion 1912 Boston Red Sox Wright Brothers receive Congressional Medal of Honor (Wright Brothers' Home Days Celebration) 1909

World phrases, names and events

“Banana republic” “Great God! this is an awful place and terrible enough for us to have laboured to it without the reward of priority. Well, it is something to have got here, and the wind may be our friend to-morrow. ...Now for the run home and a desperate struggle. I wonder if we can do it” Captain Robert Scott Tragic Expedition to the South Pole 1912 “Had we lived I should have had a tale to tell of the hardihood, endurance and courage of my companions which would have stirred the heart of every Englishman. These rough notes and our dead bodies must tell the tale...We shall stick it out to the end, but we are getting weaker of course and the end cannot be far. It seems a pity, but I do not think I can write more. For God's sake, look after our people” Robert Falcon Scott’s diary [discovered] 1912-3 “I do not think we can hope for any better things now. We shall stick it out to the end, but we are getting weaker, of course, and the end cannot be far.

It seems a pity, but I do not think I can write more” Robert Falcon Scott’s journal/diary [discovered] 1913 “I am just going outside and may be some time" Lawrence Oates, Tragic Expedition to the South Pole 1912 “It's every man for himself” Captain Edward John Smith, RMS Titanic 1912 “The end cannot be far” Tragic Expedition to the South Pole 1912 “We saw one woman in her night dress, with a baby clasped closely to her breast. Several women passengers screamed and left the rail in a fainting condition. There was another woman, fully dressed, with her arms tight around the body of a shaggy dog” Johanna Stunke, passenger, German liner Bremen re: RMS Titanic bodies in water 1912 1/1, 1912, “First day of the Republic” China 10 Day Tragedy of Mexico City 3,000 killed 1913 11th edition of the Encyclopædia Britannica (most famous edition) 1910-1911 1912 Olympics: Stockholm, Sweden Aerial bombing of cities (first) 1912 (Balkan Wars) Agadir Crisis (Second Moroccan Crisis,) 1911 Agnes Baden-Powell, first president of the Girl Guides Albanian insurrection (in Kosovo) 1910 Albanian revolt 1910 Alfred Deakin, Prime Minister of Australia Algerine body retrieval (for RMS Titanic) Alvaro Obregón, leader Mexican revolution Andrew Fisher, Prime Minister of Australia Arnold Schoenberg, composer August Strindberg, playwright d. 1912 Australia drops pound note 1910 Balkan League (Serbia, Montenegro, Greece, Bulgaria) (Balkan Wars) Balkan War, First (Tripolitan War) 1912-13 Balkan War, Second 1913 Battle of Adrianople (Siege of Adrianople)1912-3 Battle of Stepney (Siege of Sidney Street), gunfight- East End of

London 1911 Bernhard von Bulow, German politician Bonnot gang attack (France) 1911 Bonnot gang trial (France) 1913 Boutros Ghali, Prime Minister of Egypt assassinated (by Ibrahim Nassif al-Wardani) 1910 Bram Stoker, writer d. (exhaustion) 1912 British Board of Trade inquiry re: RMS Titanic 1912 British National Health Insurance Act 1911 British Seafarers' Union founded 1911 Canton Uprising of 1911 Carl Jung, psychiatrist Ciudad Juárez, Mexico siege 1911 Crystal Palace, London Dali Lama, Tibetan leader David Lloyd George (David Lloyd George, 1st Earl Lloyd George of Dwyfor), British politician Dedë Gjon Luli Dedvukaj, Leader of the Malësori Albanians Denmark abolishes death penalty 1911 Der Rosenkavalier (The Cavalier of the Rose, The Knight of the Rose) 1911 Deutsche Opernhaus in Charlottenburg opens 1912 E. M. Forster, writer Earthquake in Germany 1911 Edward Elgar, composer Eleftherios Venizelos becomes prime minister of Greece 1910 Emiliano Zapata, leader, Mexican Revolution Emperor Meiji, Japan d. 1912 Emperor Taisho (Yoshihito ) begins reign, Japan 1912 Empress Dowager Longyu (Her Imperial Majesty Dowager Empress Xiaoding Jing Longyu Huangtaihou of China) abdicates [ending imperial rule in China]1911 Empress Dowager Longyu (Her Imperial Majesty Dowager Empress Xiaoding Jing Longyu Huangtaihou of China) d. 1913 Erik Satie, composer Ernest Shackleton (Sir Ernest Henry Shackleton), explorer

External Affairs Act, Canada 1909 Felix Diaz (Porfirio Díaz's nephew) Fire-Constantinople 1912 Firebird 1910 Flood Paris 1910 Florence Nightingale (The Lady with the Lamp) d. 1910 Frances Hodgson Burnett, writer Francisco I. Madero assassinated 1913 Francisco I. Madero resigns 1912 Francisco I. Madero, President of Mexico Francisco León de la Barra, Secretary of Foreign Affairs, interim president of Mexico Franz Kafka, writer Freezing weather in Balkans 1913 French anti-public executions demonstrations 1910 G. K. Chesterton (Gilbert Keith Chesterton), writer Georg Ritter von Trapp and Agathe Whitehead marry 1912 George Bernard Shaw, playwright Gerhart Hauptmann, playwright Girl Guides/Guide Movement (Agnes Baden-Powell) 1910 Gold discovered Cochrane, Ontario 1909 Greco-Bulgarian treaty in Sofia 1912 Greece constitution revised 1910 Greece/Crete union 1913 Guglielmo Marconi, inventor, engineer Guillaume Apollinaire arrested, released re: Mona Lisa theft 1911 Guillaume Apollinaire, writer, art critic Gustav Holst, composer Gustav Mahler d. (streptococcal blood infection) 1911 H. G. Wells, writer Halley's Comet 1910 Henri Matisse, artist Herbert Henry Asquith (The Right Honourable Herbert Henry Asquith, 1st Earl of Oxford and Asquit), Prime Minister of the United Kingdom HMS Hawke rams RMS Olympic 1911

Honduran Civil War 1911 Horatio Kitchener (The Right Honourable, Lord Horatio Kitchener) named Viceroy of Egypt and the Sudan 1911 Howards End 1910 Igor Stravinsky, composer I'm Henery the Eighth, I Am (Fred Murray and R. P. Weston) 1910 India capitol to New Delhi from Calcutta 1911 Innocence of Father Brown 1911 International Boundary Waters Treaty Act 1911 International Cricket Council (England, Australia, South Africa) International Exhibition (World’s Fair): Brussels fire 1910 International Exhibitions (World’s Fairs): Dresden, London, Rome, New York, Tokyo, Turin (Italy), Brussels, Buenos Aires, Nanking, San Francisco, Vienna 1910-12 International Opium Convention signed The Hague 1912 Irish Home Rule Bill rejected by House of Lords 1913 Italy attacks Turkish North-Africa (Libya), takes Tripoli and Cyrenaica 1911 Ito Hirobumi assassinated (first Prime Minister of Japan) (by An Chung-gun)1909 Japan Annexes Korea (Cho-sen) 1910 Japan Ching Dynasty--Meiji Period Jean Cocteau, writer Joaquim Teófilo Fernandes Braga, Portuguese politician, President of the Provisional Government, writer John Galsworthy, playwright John Millington Synge, playwright José Batlle y Ordóñez, president of Uruguay Jose Maria Pino Suarez, Vice-President Mexico Jose Santos Zelaya overthrown 1909 Jose Santos Zelaya, Nicaraguan dictator King Albert I of Belgium crowned 1909 King Edward VII of the United Kingdom d. (numerous heart attacks) 1910 King George I of Greece King George V of the United Kingdom 1910 →

King Leopold II of Belgium d. 1909 King Manuel II flees Portugal 1910 Kuomintag, (Nationalist Party) China 1912 La sucesión presidencial en 1910 (The Presidential Succession of 1910). (Francisco I. Madero) → 1911 Leo Tolstoy d. (cold/exhaustion) 1910 Lewis Vernon Harcourt, 1st Viscount Harcourt, Secretary of State for the Colonies (Colonial Secretary) Liberte (French navy ship) explodes and sinks 1911 Louis Bleriot, 1st flight across the English Channel 1909 Louis II, Prince of Monaco

Machu Picchu ("Lost City of the Incas") “discovered” (by Hiram Bingham III )1911 Mackay-Bennett, Cable Ship (C.S.), body retrieval (for RMS Titanic) Madero government (Mexico) arrested 1912 Manchu (Qing) Dynasty Marc Chagall, artist Marcel Duchamp, artist Marie Curie, physicist and chemist Martial Law in Spain 7/1909 Maurice Ravel, composer Max Heindel (Carl Louis von Grasshoff), writer Mexican Revolution 1910 → Mexico City unrest 1911 Mine explosion Hokkaido, Japan 1912 Mine explosion--Hulton (England) 1910 Minia body retrieval (for RMS Titanic) Mohandas K. Gandhi, lawyer Mona Lisa stolen 1911 Montenegro joins the first Balkan war 1912 New Machiavelli 1911 Northern Territory separates from South Australia 1911 Nude Descending a Staircase (Marcel Duchamp) 1912 Oliver Twist (film), Britain 1912

Ottoman Sultan Abdul Hamid II deposed 1909

Outline for the Organization of a Provisional Government (Sun Yat-Sen)1911 Pablo Picasso, artist Pancho Villa (José Doroteo Arango Arámbula, Francisco Villa), Parliament Act, Great Britain (An Act to make provision with respect to the powers of the House of Lords in relation to those of the House of Commons, and to limit the duration of Parliament) 1911 Passive Resistance Movement People's Budget (1st) passed, Britain 1909 People's Budget (2nd) passed, Britain 1910 Persian Revolution → 1909 Pierre Reverdy, writer Plan of San Luis Potosí 1910 Pope Pius X (258th Pope of the Roman Catholic Church—The Catholic Encyclopedia) → Porfirio Díaz resigns 1911 Porfirio Díaz, president of Mexico Portuguese Revolution/Republican National Union secedes 1911 Prague Party Conference (Russia) 1912 Pravda founded 1912 Provisional Constitution of the Republic of China 1912 Puteaux Group, cubists Qing Dynasty ends in China 1912 Republic of China (Asia's first constitutional republic) founded 1912 Revolution of 1911, China Revolutionary Provisional Assembly (Yanking China)/ Revolution in Central China 1911 Richard Strauss, composer RMS Carpathia, rescue ship (for RMS Titanic) RMS Titanic sinks 1912 Roald Amundsen discovers South Pole 1912 Robert Baden-Powell, 1st Baron Baden-Powell, Founder of the World Scout Movement, Chief Scout of the World Robert Borden elected Prime Minister of Canada 1911 Robert Falcon Scott, explorer Tragic Expedition to the South Pole

d. (exposure/freezing) 1912 Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 1909 Rosicrucian Fellowship international headquarters, Mount Ecclesia, California 1911 Royal Flying Corps founded 1912 Savonlinna Opera Festival founded 1912 Seamen's strike (Great Britain ) 1911 Secret Garden 1911 Selandia (first diesel ship-Denmark) 1911 Sergei Prokofiev, composer Shah Mohammad (Muhammad) Ali, Qajar dynasty, Persia, deposed exiled in Russia 1909 Solar eclipse Europe 1912 Song Jiaoren, leader of the Nationalist Party, China Spanish steamer Principe de Asturias sinks 1912 Stora landsvägen (The Great Highway) published 1909, performed 1910 Sultan Abdul Hamid II of the Ottoman Empire deposed 1909 Sun Yat-Sen ("The Father of the Revolution”), Chinese political leader Terra Nova (ship) Tragic Expedition to the South Pole 1912 Thomas Crapper, plumbing engineer d. 1910 Titanic (RMS Titanic) sinks 1912 Treaty of Ciudad Juarez 1911 Tripolitan War (First Balkan War: Bulgaria, Serbia, Greece vs. Turkey) 1912 Union of South Africa (Transvaal, the Orange Free State, the Cape Colony [Cape Province, Cape of Good Hope Province], Natal) forms 1910 United Kingdom general election 1910 University of Iceland founded 1911 US Marine Corps in Cuba 1912 US military invades Nicaragua 1909 Venustiano Carranza, First Chief of the Constitutionalists Mexico Victoriano Huerta, military officer (Mexico) Volcano erupts Taal (Philippines) 1911

W. S. Gilbert (Sir William Schwenck Gilbert) d. (heart attack)1911 Winston Churchill, politician Wuchang Uprising (leads to the Xinhai Revolution) 1911 Xinhai Revolution (leads to fall of China’s Qing Dynasty) 1911 Yuan Shikai, politician, militarist (China) Yukio Ozaki, politician, Mayor Tokyo Zeppelin’s first flight (the Deutschland) 1910

Notable Event: Titanic (RMS Titanic) sinks 1912

Notable Event: Tragic Expedition to the South Pole 1912

Notable Event: Republic of China (Asia's first constitutional

republic) founded 1912

Notable Event: Mona Lisa stolen 1911

Notable Event: Theodore Roosevelt shot (by saloonkeeper William

Schrank) 1912

Notable Event: Amendment 16 (Income Tax) ratified 1913

Notable Event: Chevrolet enters the automobile market 1911

Notable Event: Fire, Triangle Shirtwaist Company 1911

Notable Event: Boy Scouts of America incorporates 1910

Notable Event: Indianapolis 500 (first) race (Indianapolis Motor

Speedway) 1911

Notable Event: Paul Bunyan stories appear (James MacGillivray, The

Detroit News) 1910

Notable Event: Mark Twain (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) dies 1910

Notable Event: National Association for the Advancement of

Colored People (NAACP) founded 1909

Notable Event: Robert Peary, explorer, reaches North Pole (claim—

20 miles short?)

Notable Event: Ballinger-Pinchot scandal 1909


“I think I might as well give up being a candidate. There are so many

people in the country who don't like me.”

“Don't worry over what the newspapers say. I don't. Why should

anyone else? I told the truth to the newspaper correspondents - but

when you tell the truth to them they are at sea.”

“I have come to the conclusion that the major part of the work of a

President is to increase the gate receipts of expositions and fairs and

bring tourists to town.”

“Politics makes me sick.”


When William Howard Taft was elected in 1909, grand things

were expected of him. The preceding president, Theodore Roosevelt

had supported him passionately, and Taft vowed to carry on

Roosevelt's policies. Roosevelt genuinely liked Taft and tried to avoid

disparaging him. Yet many of Roosevelt's progressive friends insisted

that Taft had sold out to the party’s far right wing. In 1912, Roosevelt

decided to oppose Taft for the Republican presidential nomination.

In the campaign for the nomination Roosevelt won the votes of most

of the delegates from states where presidential primaries were held

but a majority of the convention delegates were not chosen by the

voters but instead by politicians. Roosevelt felt that he had been

cheated of the nomination and decided to form a new party and run

for the presidency on his own.

In 1921, President Warren Harding named Taft chief justice of the

United States. This was the post he had always wanted, and the last

decade of his life was the happiest.


$20,000 Pyramid premiers 1976................................................................. 42 $25,000 Pyramid (syndication ) 1974 ........................................................ 42 “A free people ought not only to be armed and disciplined, but they

should have sufficient arms and ammunition to maintain a status of independence from any who might attempt to abuse them, which would include their own government.” George Washington Boston Independent Chronicle 1790 ................................................... 12

“A little song, a little dance, a little seltzer down your pants” [Credo of Clown] (Chuckles Bites the Dust.) The Mary Tyler Moore Show 10/1975 .................................................................................................... 42

“A man who has to make a list of his enemies has too many enemies” Ford 1974 ................................................................................................. 42

“A year ago the Tokyo Provo Marshall claims you stole a steam shovel” “I couldn't get a cab” (Change of Command) M**A*S*H 9/1975 ....................................................................................................... 42

“Aaaayhh!" Happy Days............................................................................. 42 “All we got on this team are a buncha Jews, spics, niggers, pansies,

and a booger-eatin' moron!” The Bad News Bears 1976 ..................... 42 “America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and

lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves” Lincoln ..................................................................................................... 39

“Atlanta is ours, and fairly won” William T. Sherman after The Battle of Atlanta (US Civil War ) 9/1864 ....................................................... 24

“Attention all personnel, incoming wounded” M*A*S*H ................... 42 “B. B. Bumble and the Stingers, Mott the Hoople, Ray Charles

Singers, Lonnie Mack and twangin' Eddy, here's my ring we're goin' steady. Take it easy, take me higher, liar liar, house on fire Locomotion, Poco, Passion, Deeper Purple, Satisfaction Baby baby gotta gotta gimme gimme gettin' hotter Sammy's cookin', Lesley Gore and Ritchie Valens, end of story Mahavishnu, fujiyama, kama-sutra, rama-lama Richard Perry, Spector, Barry, Rogers-Hart, Nilsson, Harry

Shimmy shimmy ko-ko bop and Fats is back and Finger Poppin' Life Is A Rock But The Radio Rolled Me (Reunion) 1974...................... 42

“Banana republic”...................................................................................... 82 “Be my friend, or I will kill you” Jacobins 1790s .................................. 16 “Because I'm just human and I'm tempted and Christ set some almost

impossible standards for us. The Bible says, ‘Thou shalt not commit adultery.’ Christ said, I tell you that anyone who looks on a woman with lust has in his heart already committed adultery. I've looked on a lot of women with lust. I've committed adultery in my heart many times.... This is something that God recognizes, that I will do and have done, and God forgives me for it” Jimmy Carter, The Playboy Interview 11/1976 .................................................................. 43

“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt” Lincoln.................................................................... 39

“Brenda I'm very worried about you, It's bad enough that you live in this neighborhood but there's a drunk sleeping in your lobby you ought to tell the doorman” “That is the doorman” (Joe) Rhoda 9/1974 ...................................................................................................... 43

“But, in a larger sense, we can not dedicate -- we can not consecrate -- we can not hallow -- this ground. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract. The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here. It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us -- that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion -- that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain -- that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom -- and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth” The Gettysburg Address, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania Lincoln 11/1863. 24

“Candy-gram” SNL Land Shark.............................................................. 43 “Carrie, you haven't touched your apple cake” “ It gives me pimples,

Mama” “ Pimples are the Lord's way of chastising you” Carrie 1976................................................................................................................... 43

“Chuckles the Clown is dead. There was a freak accident. He went to the parade dressed as Peter Peanut and a rogue elephant tried to shell him” (Chuckles Bites the Dust.) The Mary Tyler Moore Show 10/1975 .................................................................................................... 43

“Correctamundo!" Happy Days ................................................................ 43 “Dammit, Stanley is your son?!” The Secret Life of John Chapman 1976

................................................................................................................... 43 “Damn the torpedoes! Full speed ahead!” David Farragut Battle of

Mobile Bay (US Civil War) 8/1864...................................................... 24 “Do you know what kind of a bomb it was?” “The exploding kind”

The Pink Panther Strikes Again 1976...................................................... 43 “Does your dog bite?” “No” “Nice doggie…I thought you said your

dog did not bite!” “ That is not my dog” The Pink Panther Strikes Again 1976................................................................................................ 43

“Don’t give me none of your honky bullshit…””Let’s not bring race into this…we’ve got enough problems as it is” The Bad News Bears 1976........................................................................................................... 43

“Don't forget to show my head to the people. It's well worth seeing” “last words” of Georges Jacques Danton 4/1794.............................. 16

“Don't know the manners of good society, eh? Well, I guess I know enough to turn you inside out, old gal—you sockdologizing old man-trap” Our American Cousin performance at Ford's Theatre 1865................................................................................................................... 25

“Don't leave home without it” American Express ad .......................... 44 “Don't swap horses in the middle of the stream" (Lincoln)

Presidential campaign slogan 1864 ..................................................... 25 “E Pluribus Unum”-- "Out of Many, One"--added to (gold) coins 1795

................................................................................................................... 12 “Fish, I think of you as experienced. In an emergency you would be

the first one I would call” “You should call me first... I need time to put my teeth in” (Experience) Barney Miller 1975 ............................ 44

“Ford to New York City: Drop Dead” The Daily News 1975 ............. 44 “Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this

continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal” The Gettysburg Address, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania Lincoln 11/1863...................... 25

“Generalissimo Francisco Franco is still dead” SNL Chevy Chase 1975................................................................................................................... 44

“Generalissimo Francisco Franco is still valiantly holding on in his fight to remain dead” SNL Chevy Chase ........................................... 44

“Good evening. I'm Chevy Chase ... and you're not" SNL Chevy Chase........................................................................................................ 44

“Great God! this is an awful place and terrible enough for us to have laboured to it without the reward of priority. Well, it is something to have got here, and the wind may be our friend to-morrow. ...Now for the run home and a desperate struggle. I wonder if we can do it” Captain Robert Scott Tragic Expedition to the South Pole 1912........................................................................................................... 82

“Had we lived I should have had a tale to tell of the hardihood, endurance and courage of my companions which would have stirred the heart of every Englishman. These rough notes and our dead bodies must tell the tale...We shall stick it out to the end, but we are getting weaker of course and the end cannot be far. It seems a pity, but I do not think I can write more. For God's sake, look after our people” Robert Falcon Scott’s diary [discovered] 1912-3 82

“Hail Mary Pass” (quarterback Roger Staubach) 1975 ........................ 44 “He took his gun and his toothbrush” “Shooting his mouth off again”

(Margaret's Engagement) M*A*S*H 9/1976 ..................................... 44 “He’s crying” “Catharsis” “Gesundheit” (Margaret’s Engagement)

M*A*S*H 9/1976 ................................................................................... 44 “Hong Kong Phooey, number one super guy.

Hong Kong Phooey, quicker than the human eye. He’s got style, a groovy style, and a car that just won’t stop. When the going gets tough, he’s really rough, with a Hong Kong Phooey chop♫” Hong Kong Phooey opening credits 1974-5 .......................................................................................... 44

“I am just going outside and may be some time" Lawrence Oates, Tragic Expedition to the South Pole 1912........................................... 83

“I can give my life for my country but I cannot betray a friend” David Owen Dodd (“Boy martyr of the Confederacy”) 1863..................... 25

“I can’t spare this man; he fights” Lincoln after Battle of Shiloh (Battle of Pittsburg Landing) (US Civil War) 1862 ........................................ 25

“I cannot raise my hand against my birthplace, my home, and my children” Robert E. Lee 1861 ................................................................ 25

“I haven’t been this excited since I got the oil drilling rights to Jack Lord’s hair!” Richard Dawson Family Feud (premier) 7/1976 ........ 44

“I hurt my foo-foo” (Chuckles Bites the Dust) The Mary Tyler Moore Show 1975................................................................................................. 44

“I see in the near future a crisis approaching that unnerves me and cause me to tremble for safety of my country; corporations have been enthroned, an era of corruption in High Places will follow, and the Money Power of the country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the People, until the wealth is aggregated in a few hands, and the Republic destroyed” Lincoln, letter to Col. William F. Elkins 11/1864 .............................. 25

“I think I broke his fuckin’ neck!” “I think he broke his fuckin’ neck!” The Longest Yard 1974 .......................................................................... 44

“I will not carry a gun, Frank. When I got into this war I had a very clear understanding with the Pentagon: no guns…I’ll carry your books, I’ll carry a torch, I’ll carry a tune, I’ll carry on, carry over, carry forward, Cary Grant, cash and carry, carry me back to Old Virginny, I’ll even hari-kari if you show me how, but I will not carry a gun!” (Officer of the Day) M*A*S*H 9/1974 ....................... 44

“I will not lie to you” Carter 1976............................................................ 44 “I wonder which are the other clowns” “You’ll know soon. They’re

all gonna jump out of a little hearse!” (Chuckles Bites the Dust) The Mary Tyler Moore Show 1975 ................................................................. 44

“I’m as mad as hell and I’m not going to take this anymore!” ([not] “I’m mad as hell and I’m not going to take it anymore!”) Network 1976........................................................................................................... 45

“I’m just a sweet transvestite, from Transsexual Transylvania” The Rocky Horror Picture Show 1975 ............................................................ 45

“If the thing is pressed, I think Lee will surrender” Philip Sheridan, General, Chief of Cavalry , Union army telegram to U. S. Grant 1865........................................................................................................... 25

“If you don’t want to use the army, I should like to borrow it for a while” Lincoln letter to George B. McClellan, Commander of the Department of the Potomac 1862 ........................................................ 25

“In God We Trust” added to coins 1864................................................. 25

“In my opinion eight years as president is enough and sometimes too much for any man to serve in that capacity” Truman ..................... 23

“In your hands, my dissatisfied fellow countrymen, and not in mine, is the momentous issue of civil war. The government will not assail you. You can have no conflict without being yourselves the aggressors. You have no oath registered in Heaven to destroy the government, while I shall have the most solemn one to ‘preserve, protect, and defend it’” Abraham Lincoln First Inaugural Address 3/1861 ...................................................................................................... 25

“It is always to be taken for granted, that those who oppose an equality of rights never mean the exclusion should take place on themselves” Washington ...................................................................... 12

“It is well war is so terrible; we would grow too fond of it” Robert E. Lee Battle of Fredericksburg (US Civil War) 1862 ............................ 26

“It’s just a jump to the left” “And then a step to the right!” “Put your hands on your hips” “You bring your knees in tight! But it’s the pelvic thrust that really drives you insane. Let’s do the time warp again!” “Time Warp” The Rocky Horror Picture Show 1975 .............. 45

“It’s not nice to fool Mother Nature” Chiffon margarine ad .............. 45 “It's every man for himself” Captain Edward John Smith, RMS Titanic

1912........................................................................................................... 83 “Jane, you ignorant slut” SNL Dan Aykroyd ........................................ 45 “Just tell in your own words the incident at the helicopter pad,

yesterday at 0900 hours...But first, a number” (The General Flipped at Dawn ) M*A*S*H 1974 ..................................................................... 45

“Let the thing be pressed” (“If the thing is pressed, I think Lee will surrender” Philip Sheridan, General, Chief of Cavalry , Union army telegram to U. S. Grant 1865) Lincoln 1865 ............................. 26

“Lieutenant Colonel Henry Blake’s plane was shot down over the Sea of Japan. It spun in. There were no survivors” (Abyssinia, Henry) M*A*S*H* 1975 ....................................................................................... 45

“Life’s a bed of roses whirling perfume on me You can spare me the blues I don’t sing in that key And if there’s a man who’d leave me I am happy to say I haven’t run into him yet. … how lucky can you get!♫” “How Lucky Can You Get?” Funny Lady 1975.............................................. 45

“Live from New York, it’s Saturday Night” SNL ................................. 45

“Lucy always relied on slapstick, pratfalls and physical comedy to make people laugh; and that was just on her honeymoon” Milton Berle Dean Martin Celebrity Roast of Lucille Ball 1975 ....................... 45

“My dream is of a place and a time where America will once again be seen as the last best hope of earth” Lincoln....................................... 39

“My fellow Americans, our long national nightmare is over.” Gerald Ford .......................................................................................................... 74

“My name is Rhoda Morgenstern. I was born in the Bronx, New York in December, 1941. I’ve always felt responsible for World War II. The first thing I remember liking that liked me back was food. I had a bad puberty; it lasted 17 years. I’m a high school graduate. I went to art school. My entrance exam was on a book of matches. I decided to move out of the house when I was 24; my mother still refers to this as the time I ran away from home. Eventually I ran to Minneapolis, where it’s cold, and I figured I’d keep better. Now I’m back in Manhattan. New York, this is your last chance!” [1st season opening credits] Rhoda 1974-5 .................. 45

“Never mind. Bitch” SNL Miss Emily Litella (Gilda Radner)........... 46 “Never mind” SNL Miss Emily Litella (Gilda Radner)....................... 46 “No employee of the United States Government shall engage in, or

conspire to engage in, political assassination” Executive Order 11905 1976................................................................................................ 46

“Nothing valuable can be lost by taking time” Abraham Lincoln First Inaugural Address 3/1861........................................................... 26

“Now get back to the stands before I shave off half your mustache and shove it up your left nostril” The Bad News Bears 1976............. 46

“Now, therefore, I, Gerald R. Ford, President of the United States, pursuant to the pardon power conferred upon me by Article II, Section 2, of the Constitution, have granted and by these presents do grant a full, free, and absolute pardon unto Richard Nixon for all offenses against the United States which he, Richard Nixon, has committed or may have committed or taken part in during the period from July 20, 1969, through August 9, 1974” FORD 1974... 46

“Old Ironsides” (USS Constitution) under construction 1794-1797 .... 12 “On your marks! Let’s start The Family Feud! With the star of Family

Feud, Richard Dawson!” Gene Wood Family Feud ............................ 46

“Our top story tonight: Generalissimo Francisco Franco is still dead” SNL Chevy Chase 1975 ......................................................................... 46

“Our top story tonight…” SNL Chevy Chase/Garrett Morris ........... 46 “Pierce, you disgust me!” “That’s right Frank, I discussed you with

everyone I know, they all think you’re disgusting” (Out of Sight, Out of Mind) M*AS*H 10/1976 ........................................................... 46

“Plop, plop, fizz, fizz, oh what a relief it is” Alka Seltzer ad.............. 46 “Rumble in the Jungle” (Zaire ) boxing match Muhammad Ali vs.

George Foreman 1974............................................................................ 64 “Sit on it!” Happy Days ............................................................................. 46 “Slavery is such an atrocious debasement of human nature, that its

very extirpation, if not performed with solicitous care, may sometimes open a source of serious evil” Benjamin Franklin 11/1789 .................................................................................................... 12

“So come up to the lab and see what’s on the slab. I see you shiver with antici...pation♫” The Rocky Horror Picture Show 1975............. 46

“So how come you’re not wearing a bra?” “Ma, I’m 33 years old” “All the more reason!” (Joe) Rhoda 1974............................................ 46

“Step this way, criminal person” (Hash) Barney Miller 1976............... 46 “Survey said!” Richard Dawson Family Feud ........................................ 46 “The danger then consists merely in this: the president can displace

from office a man whose merits require that he should be continued in it. What will be the motives which the president can feel for such abuse of his power, and the restraints that operate to prevent it? In the first place, he will be impeachable by this house, before the senate, for such an act of maladministration; for I contend that the wanton removal of meritorious officers would subject him to impeachment and removal from his own high trust” James Madison Speech to House of Representatives 6/1789 ......... 12

“The end cannot be far” Tragic Expedition to the South Pole 1912 ... 83 “The government of the United States is not, in any sense, founded

on the Christian religion” Washington .............................................. 22 “The papers will inform you of the death of our late illustrious friend

Dr. Franklin. The evening of his life was marked by the same activity of his moral and intellectual powers, which distinguished its meridian. His conversation with his family, upon the subject of his dissolution, was free and cheerful. A few days before he died,

he rose from his bed, and begged that it might be made up for him, so that he might die in a decent manner. His daughter told him, that she hoped be would recover, and live many years longer. He calmly replied, 'I hope not’”Dr . Rush to Dr. Price re: death of Benjamin Franklin 4/1790 .................................................................... 13

“The Pole at last!!! The prize of 3 centuries, my dream and ambition for 23 years. Mine at last " Robert Peary 1909.................................. 76

“The surest way to secure peace, is to show your ability to maintain your rights. The principles and position of the present administration of the United States—the republican party—present some puzzling questions. While it is a fixed principle with them never to allow the increase of a foot of slave territory, they seem to be equally determined not to part with an inch "of the accursed soil” Alexander H. Stephens (Vice President of the Confederate States of America) 3/1861..................................................................... 26

“Then there is nothing left me to do but go and see General Grant, and I would rather die a thousand deaths” Robert E. Lee (ends US Civil War) 1865....................................................................................... 26

“There is no Soviet domination of Eastern Europe” The Second 1976 Debate Ford............................................................................................. 46

“There was ‘more respect and veneration attached to the character of Doctor Franklin in France than to that of any other person in the same country’” Thomas Jefferson after Benjamin Franklin's death 1790........................................................................................................... 13

“They couldn't hit an elephant at this dist—” Union General John Sedgwick “Last words” Battle of Spotsylvania (US Civil War) 1864................................................................................................................... 26

“This could’ve happened to any of us” “Yeah. Somewhere out there, there’s an elephant with your name on it” (Chuckles Bites the Dust) The Mary Tyler Moore Show 1975 .......................................................... 46

“This is the big one! I’m coming to join you Elizabeth!” Sanford and Son ............................................................................................................ 46

“This just in… Generalissimo Francisco Franco is still dead” SNL Chevy Chase 1975 .................................................................................. 47

“This New Nationalism regards the executive power as the steward of the public welfare. It demands of the judiciary that it shall be interested primarily in human welfare rather than in property, just

as it demands that the representative body shall represent all the people rather than any one class or section of the people” Theodore Roosevelt 1910 ........................................................................................ 76

“Union President Fitzsimmons was reported to have said that former President Jimmy Hoffa will always be a cornerstone in the organization” SNL Chevy Chase 1975................................................ 47

“We feel that our cause is just and holy; we protest solemnly in the face of mankind that we desire peace at any sacrifice save that of honor and independence; we seek no conquest, no aggrandizement, no concession of any kind from the States with which we were lately confederated; all we ask is to be let alone; that those who never held power over us shall not now attempt our subjugation by arms” Confederate States of America Message to Congress (Ratification of the Constitution) Jefferson Davis 4/1861 ...................................................................................................... 26

“We have lost that valued, that venerable, kind friend, whose knowledge enlightened our minds, and whose philanthropy warmed our hearts. But we have the consolation to think, that, if a life well spent in acts of universal benevolence to mankind, a grateful acknowledgment of Divine favor, a patient submission under severe chastisement, and an humble trust in Almighty mercy, can insure the happiness of a future state, our present loss is his gain” Mrs. Mary Hewson to Mr. Viny re: death of Benjamin Franklin 4/1790 ...................................................................................... 16

“We saw one woman in her night dress, with a baby clasped closely to her breast. Several women passengers screamed and left the rail in a fainting condition. There was another woman, fully dressed, with her arms tight around the body of a shaggy dog” Johanna Stunke, passenger, German liner Bremen re: RMS Titanic bodies in water 1912 ............................................................................................... 83

“Well, it just goes to show you, it’s always something” Roseanne Roseannadanna (Gilda Radner) SNL .................................................. 47

“We've dressed in our best, and are prepared to go down like gentlemen” Benjamin Guggenheim, Henry Samuel Etches (RMS Titanic) 1912............................................................................................. 76

“What is all this fuss I hear about the Supreme Court decision on a deaf penalty? It’s terrible! Deaf people have enough problems as it is!” SNL Miss Emily Litella (Gilda Radner) 1976 ............................. 47

“What is it now, Ted?” “Aw, Lou. How come every time I come here to say something you say ‘what is it now, Ted?’ like I’m going to say something dumb?” “How come every time I see a duck, I expect it to quack?” “No, no you answer my question first” (Ted Baxter’s Famous Broadcasters’ School) The Mary Tyler Moore Show 2/1975 ...................................................................................................... 47

“What we are dealing with here is a perfect engine, an eating machine. It’s really a miracle of evolution. All this machine does is swim and eat and make little sharks and that’s all” Jaws 1975....... 47

“Whatever happened to Fay Wray?” The Rocky Horror Picture Show 1975........................................................................................................... 47

“Who is Jimmy Carter?” re: Carter candidacy 1974 ............................. 47 “Who’d want to put a contract on me?” “Jealous husbands! Outraged

chefs! Humiliated tailors! The list is endless!” The Man with the Golden Gun 1974 ..................................................................................... 47

“Why’d you drive her car into the bay?” “ Couldn’t find a car wash” The Longest Yard 1974............................................................................. 47

“With malice toward none; with charity for all” Second Inaugural Address of Abraham Lincoln 1865...................................................... 26

“Would you let this woman cook your meatloaf?” The Rocky Horror Picture Show audience shout 1975........................................................ 47

“Yes, boys come next. After the blood the boys come. Like sniffing dogs, grinning and slobbering, trying to find out where that smell is. That...smell!” Carrie 1974 .................................................................. 47

“You big dummy" Sanford and Son .......................................................... 47 “You couldn't ask for a better boss than Jackie Gleason. Because if

you did, he would fire you” Audrey Meadows Dean Martin Celebrity Roast of Jackie Gleason 1975 .................................................... 47

“You saved my life Lou. You saved my life” “Please, Ted, I feel bad enough already“(Chuckles Bites the Dust.) The Mary Tyler Moore Show 10/1975 .......................................................................................... 48

“You spell it just like it sounds” Barney Miller ...................................... 48 “You talkin’ to me?” Taxi Driver 1976..................................................... 48 “You're gonna need a bigger boat” Jaws 1975 ....................................... 48

“You're insubordinate” “Right” “You're insolent” “Right! And you're nuts!” (The General Flipped at Dawn ) M*A*S*H 1974 ................... 48

“You've ruined that piano!” “What is the price of one piano compared to the terrible crime that's been committed here?” “But that's a priceless Steinway!” “Not anymore!” The Pink Panther Strikes Again 1976 ................................................................................... 48

1/1, 1912, “First day of the Republic” China......................................... 83 10 Day Tragedy of Mexico City 3,000 killed 1913 ................................. 83 11th edition of the Encyclopædia Britannica (most famous edition)

1910-1911 ................................................................................................. 83 1912 Olympics: Stockholm, Sweden ....................................................... 83 1976 Olympics: Montreal, Canada .......................................................... 64 1st assault at Vicksburg, Mississippi (US Civil War) 5/1863............. 27 1st Confederate Congress, 1st Session, convenes 2/1862.................... 27 1st Confederate Congress, 1st Session, dismisses 4/1862 ................... 27 1st Confederate Congress, 2nd Session, convenes 8/1862 .................. 27 1st Confederate Congress, 2nd Session, dismisses 10/1862................ 27 1st Confederate Congress, 3rd Session, convenes 1/1863................... 27 1st Confederate Congress, 3rd Session, dismisses 5/1863 .................. 27 1st Session, 37th Congress convenes 7/1861 ......................................... 27 1st Session, 37th Congress dismisses 8/1861......................................... 27 1st Session, Provisional Confederate Congress begins 2/1861........... 27 1st Session, Provisional Confederate Congress closes 3/1861............ 27 2nd assault at Vicksburg, Mississippi (US Civil War) 5/1863 ........... 27 2nd Session, 37th Congress convenes 12/1861 ..................................... 27 2nd Session, 37th Congress dismisses 7/1862....................................... 27 2nd Session, Provisional Confederate Congress begins 4/1861......... 27 2nd Session, Provisional Confederate Congress closes 5/1861.......... 27 3rd Session Provisional Confederate Congress begins 7/1861........... 27 3rd Session Provisional Confederate Congress closes 8/1861............ 27 3rd Session, 37th Congress begins 12/1862 ........................................... 27 3rd Session, 37th Congress dismisses 3/1863........................................ 27 4th Session, Provisional Confederate Congress, convenes and

adjourns 9/1861 ..................................................................................... 27 5th Session, Provisional Confederate Congress convenes 11/1861 ... 27 5th Session, Provisional Confederate Congress ends (final) 2/1862 . 27 A Star Is Born 1976...................................................................................... 48

ABBA, musicians........................................................................................ 48 ABC Movement -- Anyone But Carter.................................................... 48 Abdul Hamid I, 27th Sultan of the Ottoman Empire. d. 4/1789 ........ 17 Abraham Lincoln............................................................................................. 2 ABRAHAM LINCOLN............................................................................. 24 Abraham Lincoln inaugurated as 16th President 3/1861..................... 27 Act for the Establishment and Support of Lighthouses, Buoys and

Public Piers 1789..................................................................................... 13 Adam Smith economist d. (lingering illness) 7/1790........................... 17 Aerial bombing of cities(first) 1912 (Balkan Wars) ............................... 83 Aerial photography 1911 .......................................................................... 76 Agadir Crisis (Second Moroccan Crisis,) 1911 ...................................... 83 Agnes Baden-Powell, first president of the Girl Guides...................... 83 Ah! Sweet Mystery Of Life published 1910............................................... 76 AH-64 Apache Helicopter (Hughes Helicopters ) debuts 9/1975...... 48 Ain’t Nothing Like The Real Thing Aretha Franklin 1974 ....................... 48 Al Jolson, entertainer................................................................................. 76 Al Pacino, actor........................................................................................... 48 Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition 1909 ................................................... 76 Albanian insurrection (in Kosovo) 1910................................................. 83 Albanian revolt 1910.................................................................................. 83 Albert Einstein, scientist ........................................................................... 76 Albert Finney, actor ................................................................................... 48 Albert Sidney Johnston d. (killed at Battle of Shiloh [Battle of

Pittsburg Landing]) 4/1862 .................................................................. 27 Albert Sidney Johnston, Confederate general ....................................... 27 Aldo Moro, Prime minister of Italy 1974-1976 ...................................... 64 Alexander Andreyevich Bezborodko (Prince Alexander Andreyevich

Bezborodko) Grand Chancellor of the Russian Empire................... 17 Alexander Haig, Supreme Allied Commander Europe (SACEUR)... 48 Alexander Hamilton, Secretary of the Treasury ................................... 13 Alexander Mackenzie (Sir Alexander Mackenzie), explorer .............. 17 Alexander Stephens (Alexander Hamilton Stephens), Vice President

of the Confederate States of America ................................................. 27 Alexander's Bag-Pipe Band 1912................................................................. 76 Alexander's Ragtime Band 1911.................................................................. 76 Alfred Deakin, Prime Minister of Australia .......................................... 83

Algerine body retrieval (for RMS Titanic) .............................................. 83 Algiers Agreement (Algiers Accord) Iraq and Iran announce a

settlement over their border dispute 1975 ......................................... 64 Alice Cooper (Vincent Damon Furnier), singer .................................... 48 Alice Doesn’t Live Here Anymore 1974....................................................... 48 Alice Ghostley, actress .............................................................................. 48 Alice Huyler Ramsey, first woman to drive across US (from coast to

coast) ........................................................................................................ 76 Alice premiers 1976 .................................................................................... 48 All in the Family→....................................................................................... 48 All the President’s Men 1974.................................................................... 48 All the President’s Men 1976....................................................................... 48 Allman Brothers, musicians ..................................................................... 48 Altair 8800 (MITS [Micro Instrumentation and Telemetry Systems])

1975........................................................................................................... 48 Alvaro Obregón, leader Mexican revolution......................................... 83 Ambrose E. Burnside, Union Army general, politician ....................... 27 Ambrose P. Hill, Confederate general.................................................... 27 Amendment 11 (Suits against a state) proposed 3/1794 ..................... 13 Amendment 11 (Suits against a state) ratified 2/1795 ......................... 13 Amendment 13 (abolish slavery) proposed 1/1865 ............................. 28 Amendment 16 (Income Tax) ratified 1913............................................ 77 Amendment 17 (Direct election of Senators) proposed 1911.............. 77 Amendments 1→10 (Bill of Rights) proposed 9/1789 ......................... 13 Amendments 1→10 (Bill of Rights) ratified 12/1791 ........................... 13 American College of Surgeons 1913........................................................ 77 American Minerva founded by Noah Webster 12/1793 ..................... 13 Amnesty ...................................................................................................... 48 An Act for an apportionment of Representatives among the several

States 1792 ............................................................................................... 13 Anarchy In The UK (Sex Pistols) `1976 ..................................................... 64 Anastasio Somoza Debayle (”Tachito”), President of Nicaragua

12/1974 →............................................................................................... 64 Anatoly Karpov, Russian chess grandmaster........................................ 64 Andersonville ............................................................................................. 28 Andrei Sakharov, Russian nuclear physicist, human rights activist . 64 Andrew Fisher, Prime Minister of Australia ......................................... 83

Andrew Johnson, Vice President (Peace Democrat) ............................ 28 Andy Messersmith, athlete....................................................................... 48 Ann-Margret, actress ................................................................................. 48 Antietam...................................................................................................... 28 anti-Federalists ........................................................................................... 13 Anti-gag law 1912 ...................................................................................... 77 Antonio Salieri, composer ........................................................................ 17 Anwar Sadat, President of Egypt → ....................................................... 64 Apple Computer founded 1976 ............................................................... 49 Aretha Franklin, singer ............................................................................. 49 Arkansas secedes 5/1861.......................................................................... 28 Armand-Guy-Simon de Coetnempren--Comte de Kersaint, politician

................................................................................................................... 17 Armory Show (International Exhibition of Modern Art in New York,

New York) 1913...................................................................................... 77 Army of Mississippi (Confederate) [Army of the Mississippi—Union]

................................................................................................................... 28 Army of Northern Virginia (Confederate)............................................. 28 Army of the Cumberland (Union)........................................................... 28 Army of the Mississippi (Union) [Army of Mississippi--Confederate]

................................................................................................................... 28 Army of the Ohio (Union) ........................................................................ 28 Army of the Potomac (Union).................................................................. 28 Army of the Tennessee (Union)............................................................... 28 Army of the West (Confederate) ............................................................. 28 Arnold Schoenberg, composer................................................................. 83 Art Carney, actor........................................................................................ 49 Articles of Confederation.......................................................................... 23 Aryan Nations founded 1974 ................................................................... 49 Assassination attempt on President Ford [by Lynette Alice “Squeaky”

Fromme] 9/1975..................................................................................... 49 Assassination attempt on President Ford [by Sara Jane Moore] 9/1975

................................................................................................................... 49 At 17 1975 .................................................................................................... 49 AT&T/Bell System breakup starts 1974................................................. 49 Atlanta Campaign (US Civil War) summer of 1864 ............................ 28 Atlantic City Jackpot 1975 ........................................................................... 49

Atlantic Monthly (The Atlantic) .............................................................. 28 August Strindberg, playwright d. 1912 .................................................. 83 Augusto Pinochet, President of Chile 1974 →....................................... 64 Australia drops pound note 1910 ............................................................ 83 Australopithecus afarensis skeleton (“Lucy”) discovered 1974 ......... 64 Austria and Turkey sign Peace of Sistova 1791..................................... 17 Avalanche, Steven's Pass, 118 killed 1912 .............................................. 77 Avtex Fibers Incorporates (Rayon) 1910 ................................................ 77 B-1 Lancer 1974........................................................................................... 49 Bad News Bears 1976 ................................................................................... 49 Balkan League (Serbia, Montenegro, Greece, Bulgaria) (Balkan Wars)

................................................................................................................... 83 Balkan War, First (Tripolitan War) 1912-13 ........................................... 83 Balkan War, Second 1913.......................................................................... 83 Ball bearings discovered 1794 .................................................................. 13 Ballinger-Pinchot scandal (Collier's accuses US Secretary of the

Interior Richard Ballinger of questionable dealings in Alaskan coal fields 1909................................................................................................ 77

Baltimore occupied by U.S. troops 5/1861 ............................................ 28 Barbra Streisand, musician, actress......................................................... 49 Barry Lyndon 1975....................................................................................... 49 Barry Manilow, musician.......................................................................... 49 BART (Bay Area Rapid Transit)/US Urban Mass Transportation

Assistance Act of 1974 ........................................................................... 49 Battle at Dranesville, Virginia (US Civil War) 12/1861 ....................... 28 Battle Hymn of the Republic 1861 published 1862 ................................... 28 Battle of Crampton's Gap (Maryland) (US Civil War) 9/1862.......... 28 Battle of 2nd Winchester (Virginia) (US Civil War) 6/1863............... 28 Battle of Adrianople (Siege of Adrianople)1912-3 ................................ 83 Battle of Antietam (Sharpsburg) [bloodiest day in U.S. military

history] (US Civil War) 9/1862 ............................................................ 28 Battle of Apache Canyon (New Mexico Territory) (US Civil War)

3/1862 ...................................................................................................... 28 Battle of Atlanta (of the Atlanta Campaign) (US Civil War) 7/1864 28 Battle of Ball's Bluff (Virginia) (US Civil War) 10/1861....................... 28 Battle of Baton Rouge (Louisiana) (US Civil War) 8/1862 ................. 28

Battle of Beaver Dam Creek [part of Battles of the Seven Days (Virginia) (US Civil War) 6/1862] ...................................................... 28

Battle of Big Bethel (Battle of Bethel Church/Great Bethel) (US Civil War) 6/1861 ............................................................................................ 28

Battle of Big Black River Bridge (Mississippi)(Vicksburg Campaign) (US Civil War) 5/1863........................................................................... 28

Battle of Blackburn's Ford (Virginia) (US Civil War) 7/1861............. 29 Battle of Booneville (Missouri) (US Civil War) 6/1861....................... 29 Battle of Brandy Station (Virginia) (US Civil War) 6/1863 ................ 29 Battle of Bull Run (Manassas ) (first) (First Battle of Manassas) (US

Civil War) 7/1861................................................................................... 29 Battle of Bull Run (second) (Battle of Second Manassas ) (US Civil

War) 8/1862 ............................................................................................ 29 Battle of Camp Alleghany (western Virginia) (US Civil War) 12/1861

................................................................................................................... 29 Battle of Carnifax Ferry (Virginia) (US Civil War) 9/1861................. 29 Battle of Carrick's Ford (western Virginia) (US Civil War) 7/1861... 29 Battle of Carthage (Missouri) (US Civil War) 7/1861 ......................... 29 Battle of Cedar (Slaughter) Mountain (Virginia) (US Civil War)

8/1862 ...................................................................................................... 29 Battle of Champion Hill (Mississippi) (Vicksburg Campaign) (US

Civil War) 5/1863................................................................................... 29 Battle of Chancellorsville (US Civil War) 4-5/1863 .............................. 29 Battle of Chantilly (Virginia) (US Civil War) 9/1862 .......................... 29 Battle of Chaplin Hills, Kentucky (Perryville) (US Civil War) 10/1862

................................................................................................................... 29 Battle of Chattanooga (First) (US Civil War) 1862 ................................ 29 Battle of Chattanooga (Second) (US Civil War) 1863 ........................... 29 Battle of Chattanooga (Third) (US Civil War)11/23-25/1863............. 29 Battle of Chickamauga (US Civil War) 9/1863...................................... 29 Battle of Chickasaw Bayou (Mississippi) (US Civil War) 12/1862.... 29 Battle of Cold Harbor (US Civil War) 5-6/1864 ................................... 29 Battle of Corinth (Mississippi) (US Civil War) 10/1862...................... 29 Battle of Cross Keys (Virginia) (US Civil War) 6/1862 ....................... 29 Battle of Drewry's Bluff (Virginia) (US Civil War) 5/1862................. 29 Battle of Fort Donelson (Tennessee) (US Civil War) 2/1862............... 29 Battle of Fort Henry (Tennessee) (US Civil War) 2/1862 ................... 29

Battle of Fort Pillow (the Fort Pillow Massacre) (US Civil War) 4/1862 ...................................................................................................... 29

Battle of Frayser's Farm [part of Battles of the Seven Days (Virginia)] (US Civil War) 6/1862........................................................................... 29

Battle of Fredericksburg [First] (US Civil War) 12/1862 ................... 30 Battle of Fredericksburg [Second] (Second Battle of Marye's Heights )

(US Civil War) 5/1863........................................................................... 30 Battle of Front Royal (Virginia) (US Civil War) 5/1862...................... 30 Battle of Gaines' Mill [part of Battles of the Seven Days (Virginia)]

(US Civil War) 6/1862........................................................................... 30 Battle of Galveston Harbor (Texas) 1/1863............................................ 30 Battle of Gettysburg (Pennsylvania) (US Civil War) 7/1863 .............. 30 Battle of Glorieta (Pigeon's Ranch) (New Mexico Territory) (US Civil

War) 3/1862 ............................................................................................ 30 Battle of Hampton Roads (Battle of the Ironclads) (US Civil War)

3/1862 ...................................................................................................... 30 Battle of Jackson (Mississippi) (Vicksburg Campaign) (US Civil War)

5/1863 ...................................................................................................... 30 Battle of Kelly's Ford (Virginia) 3/1863.................................................. 30 Battle of Kernstown (Virginia) (US Civil War) 3/1862 ....................... 30 Battle of Logan's Cross Roads, Kentucky (Fishing Creek; Mill

Springs) (US Civil War) 1/1862 ........................................................... 30 Battle of Malvern Hill [part of Battles of the Seven Days (Virginia)]

(US Civil War) 7/1862........................................................................... 30 Battle of McDowell (West Virginia) (US Civil War) 5/1862 .............. 30 Battle of Memphis (first—naval) (US Civil War) 6/1862.................... 30 Battle of Milliken's Bend (Louisiana) (US Civil War) 6/1863 ............ 30 Battle of Mobile Bay (US Civil War) 8/1864 ......................................... 30 Battle of Murfreesboro (Tennessee) (US Civil War) 12/1862-1/186330 Battle of Nashville (US Civil War) 12/1864 ........................................... 30 Battle of New Madrid (and Island No. 10) (US Civil War) 4/1862.... 30 Battle of Pea Ridge, Arkansas (Elkhorn Tavern) (US Civil War)

3/1862 ...................................................................................................... 30 Battle of Perryville (Kentucky) (US Civil War) 10/1862..................... 30 Battle of Philippi (The Philippi Races) (US Civil War) 6/1861 ......... 30 Battle of Pittsburg Landing, Tennessee (Shiloh) (US Civil War)

4/1862 ...................................................................................................... 30

Battle of Plum Bend (Tennessee) (US Civil War) 5/1862.................... 31 Battle of Port Gibson (Mississippi) (Vicksburg Campaign) 5/1863... 31 Battle of Port Republic (Virginia) (US Civil War) 6/1862................... 31 Battle of Prairie Grove (Arkansas) (US Civil War) 12/1862............... 31 Battle of Raymond (Mississippi) (Vicksburg Campaign) (US Civil

War) 5/1863 ............................................................................................ 31 Battle of Rich Mountain (western Virginia) (US Civil War) 7/1861 . 31 Battle of Richmond (Kentucky) (US Civil War) 8/1862...................... 31 Battle of Roanoke Island (North Carolina) (US Civil War) 2/1862... 31 Battle of Savage Station [part of Battles of the Seven Days (Virginia)]

(US Civil War) 6/1862........................................................................... 31 Battle of Secessionville (South Carolina) (US Civil War) 6/1862 ...... 31 Battle of Seven Pines (Fair Oaks, Fair Oaks Station) (US Civil War)

5/1862 ...................................................................................................... 31 Battle of Shiloh (Pittsburg Landing, Tennessee) (US Civil War)

4/1862 ...................................................................................................... 31 Battle of South Mountain (Battle of Boonsboro Gap) (US Civil War)

9/1862 ...................................................................................................... 31 Battle of Stepney (Siege of Sidney Street), gunfight- East End of

London 1911............................................................................................ 83 Battle of Svensksund first (massive Swedish defeat) (Russo-Swedish

War) 1789................................................................................................. 17 Battle of Svensksund second (Swedish naval forces defeated the

Russian coastal fleet ) (Russo-Swedish War) 1790............................ 17 Battle of the Crater (US Civil War) [part of the Siege of Petersburg]

7/1864 ...................................................................................................... 31 Battle of the Ironclads (Battle of Hampton Roads ) (US Civil War)

3/1862 ...................................................................................................... 31 Battle of the Wilderness (US Civil War) 5/1864................................... 31 Battle of Valmy (French Revolution) 1792 ............................................. 17 Battle of Valverde (New Mexico Territory) (US Civil War) 2/1862.. 31 Battle of White Oak Swamp [part of Battles of the Seven Days

(Virginia)] (US Civil War) 6/1862 ...................................................... 32 Battle of Williamsburg (Virginia) (US Civil War) 5/1862 .................. 32 Battle of Wilson’s Creek, Missouri (Oak Hills) (US Civil War) 8/1861

................................................................................................................... 32 Battles of the Seven Days (Virginia) (US Civil War) 6-7/1862........... 32

Beach Boys, singers.................................................................................... 49 Benjamin Britten d. 1976 .......................................................................... 64 Benjamin Franklin d. (advanced age, cough, fever) 4/1790................ 13 Benjamin Guggenheim, businessman d. 1912 ....................................... 77 Benjamin Hooks, minister ........................................................................ 49 Bernhard von Bulow, German politician ............................................... 84 Betty Ford, (Mrs. Gerald), First Lady...................................................... 49 Big Red Machine 1975-6 Cincinnati Reds............................................... 49 Bill Clinton weds Hillary Rodham 1975................................................. 49 Bill Cosby, actor, comedian ...................................................................... 49 Bill of Rights (Amendments 1→10) ratified 12/1791 ........................... 14 Bill of Rights (Amendments 1→10; originally 1 → 12) proposed

9/1789 ...................................................................................................... 13 Bill Shoemaker, jockey .............................................................................. 49 Billie Jean King, athlete ............................................................................. 49 Bionic Woman premiers 1976..................................................................... 49 Birmingham pub bombings 1974 ............................................................ 64 Birmingham Six (Hugh Callaghan, Patrick Hill, Gerard Hunter,

Richard McIlkenny, William Power and John Walker) ................... 64 Birmingham Six convicted 1975............................................................... 64 Blockade of Southern coast. (US Civil War) 4/1861............................ 32 Blondie (musicians) forms 1974............................................................... 49 Blood on the Tracks 1975.............................................................................. 49 Bob Dylan, musician.................................................................................. 49 Bob Woodward, journalist........................................................................ 50 Bobby Bonds, athlete ................................................................................. 50 Bobby Fischer (Robert James ”Bobby” Fischer), chess master............ 50 Bobby Murcer, athlete ............................................................................... 50 Bohemian Rhapsody 1975............................................................................. 50 Bombardment of Fort Sumter by Confederacy (US Civil War) 4/1861

................................................................................................................... 32 Bonnot gang attack (France) 1911........................................................... 84 Bonnot gang trial (France) 1913 ............................................................... 84 Born Innocent (NBC World Premiere Movie) 1974............................... 50 Born to Run 1975 ......................................................................................... 50 Bound for Glory 1976 ................................................................................... 50

Boutros Ghali, Prime Minister of Egypt assassinated (by Ibrahim Nassif al-Wardani) 1910........................................................................ 84

Bow Street Runners (constables) ............................................................. 17 Bowie Kuhn, baseball commissioner ...................................................... 50 Boy Scouts of America incorporates 1910 .............................................. 77 Bram Stoker, writer d. (exhaustion) 1912 ............................................... 84 Brenda Vaccaro, actress............................................................................. 50 Brian Wilson, musician ............................................................................. 50 British Board of Trade inquiry re: RMS Titanic 1912 ............................ 84 British Empire ends (Britain withdraws its military forces from bases

“East of Suez” [imperial interests beyond the European theater]) 1/1975 ...................................................................................................... 65

British National Health Insurance Act 1911 .......................................... 84 British Seafarers' Union founded 1911 ................................................... 84 British, French and Dutch fleets attack Japan 1864............................... 37 Bubbling Brown Sugar 1976........................................................................ 50 Bureau of Mines (U.S. Bureau of Mines) created 1910......................... 77 Burgess Meredith, actor ............................................................................ 50 Burt Young, actor ....................................................................................... 50 Busch Gardens Williamsburg, Virginia (Busch Gardens: The Old

Country) opens 1975.............................................................................. 50 Busing .......................................................................................................... 50 Buttonwood Agreement 1792 .................................................................. 14 Caleb B. Smith, Secretary of the Interior ................................................ 32 Candide revival (Bernstein/Hellman) → 1976 ...................................... 50 Can't You Take It Back And Change It For A Boy? 1911........................... 77 Canton Uprising of 1911 ........................................................................... 84 Cape Cod Canal groundbreaking 1909 .................................................. 77 Captain Fantastic and the Brown Dirt Cowboy (first Billboard #1 debut)

1975........................................................................................................... 50 Capture of Ft. Henry & Ft. Donelson 1862............................................. 32 Carl Bernstein, journalist .......................................................................... 50 Carl Jung, psychiatrist ............................................................................... 84 Carl Laemmle, businessman, film producer (Universal Pictures) ..... 77 Carl Weathers, actor .................................................................................. 50 Carla Anderson Hills, Secretary of Housing and Urban Development

(2) .............................................................................................................. 50

Carlisle Trust Co., Pennsylvania.............................................................. 77 Carlton Fisk, athlete................................................................................... 50 Carpenters, musicians ............................................................................... 50 Carrie 1976 ................................................................................................... 50 Caspar W. Weinberger, Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare

(1) .............................................................................................................. 50 Cast in Order of Disappearance (A Charles Paris Mystery) (Simon

Brett) 1975................................................................................................ 65 Catfish Hunter (James Hunter),athlete (baseball)................................. 50 Catherine II of Russia (Catharine the Great, the enlightened despot)

d. 1796 ...................................................................................................... 17 Cearbhall Ó Dálaigh, President of Ireland resigns 1976 ...................... 65 Centennial 1974 .......................................................................................... 50 Chancellorsville.......................................................................................... 32 Charles Albert “Chief” Bender, athlete .................................................. 77 Charles Ives, composer ............................................................................. 77 Charles Lee , Attorney General................................................................ 14 Charles Wilkes court-martialed 1864..................................................... 32 Charles Wilkes, naval officer (The Trent Affair) ................................... 32 Charles-Louis-Victor--Prince de Broglie, politician/soldier ............... 17 Charleston naval attack by Union ironclads 4/1863 ............................ 32 Charlie Chaplin knighted 1975 ................................................................ 65 Chess “nonmatch” (Bobby Fischer/Anatoly Karpov) 1975 ................ 65 Chevrolet enters the automobile market 1911....................................... 77 Chiang Kai-shek, President of the Republic of China.......................... 65 Chiang Kai-shek, President of the Republic of China d. 1975 ............ 65 Chicago Broadway 1975 ............................................................................. 51 Chickamauga.............................................................................................. 32 Chico and the Man premiers 1974.............................................................. 51 Choosing a vocation published (posthumous) 1909 ............................ 77 Chorus Line Broadway 1975 ...................................................................... 51 Christmas Club (Carlisle Trust Co.), 1910.............................................. 77 Church Committee (United States Senate Select Committee to Study

Governmental Operations with Respect to Intelligence Activities) 1975........................................................................................................... 51

Ciudad Juárez, Mexico siege 1911........................................................... 84

Civil war between UDT (Timorese Democratic Union) and Fretilin in Portuguese Timor 8/1975..................................................................... 65

Claude Joseph Rouget de Lisle, composer La Marseillaise (French national anthem) .................................................................................... 17

Claude S. Brinegar, Secretary of Transportation (1) ............................ 51 Coinage Act of 1864 ................................................................................... 32 Collapse of South Vietnam (Vietnam War) 1975 .................................. 65 Collier's Weekly (accuses US Secretary of the Interior Richard

Ballinger of improper dealings in Alaskan coal fields/ Ballinger-Pinchot scandal) ..................................................................................... 77

Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism opens 1912..... 77 Come Josephine in My Flying Machine (Up She Goes!) 1910 .................... 77 Comiskey Park (Chicago White Sox) opens 1910 ................................. 77 Committee of Public Safety (France)....................................................... 17 Comoros (Union of the Comoros) independence (from France)

7/1975 ...................................................................................................... 65 Confederate Army of Tennessee ............................................................. 32 Confederate constitution ratified 1861 ................................................... 32 Confederate States of America................................................................. 32 Confederate troops enter Kentucky, Union troops capture Paducah,

Kentucky 9/1861.................................................................................... 32 Confederate White House ........................................................................ 32 Congress establishes U. S. Mint-Philadelphia 1792.............................. 14 Constitutional Act of 1791 (create Upper and Lower Canada)........... 17 Cotton gin patented 1794.......................................................................... 14 Cracker Jack "A Prize in Every Box" introduced 1912.......................... 77 CRAY-1, first supercomputer invented 1976......................................... 51 Creative Artists Agency founded 1975................................................... 51 Crisco introduced 1911.............................................................................. 77 Crystal Palace, London ............................................................................. 84 Cup Campaigner (pamphlet) 1909-10..................................................... 77 Cyclone strikes Calcutta 1864................................................................... 37 Cyclone Tracy 1974 .................................................................................... 65 D. W. Griffith (David Wark Griffith), director ...................................... 77 Dali Lama, Tibetan leader......................................................................... 84 Daniel Webster ............................................................................................... 2 Darren McGavin, actor.............................................................................. 51

Dassault Super Étendard first flown 1974.............................................. 65 David Bowie, musician ............................................................................. 65 David Davis (senator), Supreme Court Justice...................................... 32 David Farragut, naval officer ("Damn the torpedoes, full speed

ahead!”) ................................................................................................... 32 David Lloyd George (David Lloyd George, 1st Earl Lloyd George of

Dwyfor) , British politician................................................................... 84 David Owen Dodd (“boy martyr of the Confederacy”) arrested as

Confederate spy 1863 ............................................................................ 32 David Owen Dodd (“boy martyr of the Confederacy”) d. (hanged as

a spy) 1864............................................................................................... 32 David Owen Dodd (“boy martyr of the Confederacy”)

trial/conviction 1863 ............................................................................. 32 Day of Daggers (France) 1791 .................................................................. 17 Daylight saving time starts two months early 1975 ............................. 51 Dean Martin Celebrity Roast premiers 1974 ............................................. 51 Declaration of French Revolutionary Government 1789 ..................... 17 Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen (La Déclaration des

droits de l'Homme et du citoyen) 1789 .................................................... 17 Dedë Gjon Luli Dedvukaj, Leader of the Malësori Albanians............ 84 Deep Purple, musicians ............................................................................ 65 Democratic Kampuchea (Cambodia) 1975 →........................................ 65 Denmark abolishes death penalty 1911.................................................. 84 Department of Agriculture established (to be headed by a

Commissioner ) 5/1862......................................................................... 32 Der Rosenkavalier (The Cavalier of the Rose, The Knight of the Rose) 1911

................................................................................................................... 84 Deutsche Opernhaus in Charlottenburg opens 1912 ........................... 84 Dick Van Patten, actor............................................................................... 51 Disaster- Banqiao Dam (China) breaks 200,000+ killed 8/1975 ......... 65 Disaster Tasman Bridge (Tasmania, Australia) struck by British

carrier Lake Illawarra, 12 killed (includes 7 crew 5 on bridge) 1/1975................................................................................................................... 65

Disaster-Granville railway disaster Australia 83 killed 1/1977 ......... 65 Disaster-Lufthansa Flight 540 crashes 59 killed 1974 ........................... 65 Disaster-Operation Babylift flight C5A 80218 crashes 138 killed....... 65

Disaster-Skyline Sweden Vickers Viscount 838 airplane crash 22 killed 1/1977 ........................................................................................... 65

Disaster-subway crash at Moorgate station, London 48 killed 1975.. 65 Disaster-train derails in Zagreb, Yugoslavia 150 killed 1974 .............. 66 Disaster-TWA Flight 841 crashes between Athens and Rome, 88

killed 1974 ............................................................................................... 66 Dissertation on the First Principles of Government 1795 .................... 14 Domestic abuses (by CIA) investigation 1975 ....................................... 51 Dominique-Jean Larrey, French surgeon in Napoleon's army........... 18 Donald H. Rumsfeld, Secretary of Defense (2)..................................... 51 Donald H. Rumsfeld, White House chief of staff.................................. 51 Donald Neilson (the Black Panther) kidnaps Lesley Whittle 1975..... 66 Donatien Alphonse François de Sade (Marquis de Sade), French

aristocrat.................................................................................................. 18 Doobie Brothers, musicians...................................................................... 51 Draft riots 1863 ........................................................................................... 32 Džemal Bijedić, Prime Minister of Yugoslavia d. (plane crash) 1/1977

................................................................................................................... 66 E. H. “Boss” Crump (Memphis mayor), politician............................... 77 E. M. Forster, writer................................................................................... 84 Earl Butz, Secretary of Agriculture (1).................................................... 51 Earl of Sandwich (John Montagu, 4th Earl of Sandwich) d. (deep

depression, advanced age 4/1792 ....................................................... 18 Earthquake 1974 ........................................................................................... 52 Earthquake in Germany 1911................................................................... 84 Earthquake predicted (China) 1975......................................................... 66 Earthquake-Bucharest over 1500 killed 3/1977..................................... 66 Ed Sullivan, television host d. 1974......................................................... 52 Edgar Rice Burroughs, writer (Tarzan) .................................................. 78 Edison Studios............................................................................................ 78 Edmond Genet (Edmond-Charles Genêt), French ambassador to the

United States........................................................................................... 18 Edmund Burke, Irish statesman, author, political theorist, and

philosopher ............................................................................................. 18 Edmund Fitzgerald (SS Edmund Fitzgerald) sinks on Lake Superior in

Canadian waters 29 killed 11/1975.................................................... 66 Edmund Randolph, Secretary of State, Attorney General................... 14

Edward Bates, Attorney General............................................................. 33 Edward Elgar, composer .......................................................................... 84 Edward H. Levi, Attorney General (2) .................................................. 52 Edward Heath, politician.......................................................................... 66 Edward Jenner, English scientist ............................................................. 18 Edwin H. Stoughton captured by Confederate raider John Singleton

Mosby 3/1863......................................................................................... 33 Edwin H. Stoughton, Union Brigadier General .................................... 33 Edwin Stanton, Secretary of War............................................................. 33 Einstein on the Beach 1976........................................................................... 52 Eleftherios Venizelos becomes prime minister of Greece 1910........... 84 Elevator Man Going Up, Going Up, Going Up, Going Up!" 1912............ 78 Eli Whitney , inventor ............................................................................... 14 Elizabeth Barrett Browning d. (cause unknown, prolonged weakness,

respiratory distress) 1861...................................................................... 37 Ella T. Grasso elected governor of Connecticut (the first woman to

serve as a Governor in the United States who did not succeed her husband) 1975......................................................................................... 52

Ellee Rhee (Carry Me Back to Tennessee) 1865 ........................................... 33 Ellen Burstyn, actress ................................................................................ 52 Elliot L. Richardson, Secretary of Commerce (3) ................................. 52 Elton John, musician.................................................................................. 66 Emancipation Proclamation issued 9/1862 to take effect 1/1/1863.. 33 Emancipation reform (Russia) 1861 ....................................................... 38 Emerald City of Oz 1910 ........................................................................... 78 Emiliano Zapata, leader, Mexican Revolution ...................................... 84 Emperor Haile Selassie I of Ethiopia deposed 1974 ............................. 66 Emperor Hirohito of Japan....................................................................... 66 Emperor Meiji, Japan d. 1912 ................................................................... 84 Emperor Taisho (Yoshihito ) begins reign, Japan 1912 ........................ 84 Empress Dowager Longyu (Her Imperial Majesty Dowager Empress

Xiaoding Jing Longyu Huangtaihou of China) abdicates [ending imperial rule in China]1911.................................................................. 84

Empress Dowager Longyu (Her Imperial Majesty Dowager Empress Xiaoding Jing Longyu Huangtaihou of China) d. 1913 ................... 84

Enoch Arden Part I 1911.............................................................................. 78 Enzo Plazzotta, artist ................................................................................. 66

Eric Clapton, musician .............................................................................. 66 Erik Satie, composer .................................................................................. 84 Ernest Shackleton (Sir Ernest Henry Shackleton), explorer ................ 84 Erskine Hamilton Childers, President of Ireland d. 1974 .................... 66 Estates-General (meeting-general assembly, France) 1789.................. 18 Eugene Burton Ely, pilot d. 1911 ............................................................. 78 Everybody Loves A Chicken 1912 ................................................................ 78 Exorcist (film) (released late 1973) ........................................................... 52 External Affairs Act, Canada 1909 ......................................................... 85 F. David Mathews, Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare (2) 52 Fall of Saigon to Communists (Vietnam War) 1975 ............................. 66 Family Feud (Richard Dawson, host ) premiers 7/1976........................ 52 Fanny Brice, entertainer ............................................................................ 78 Federal capitol founded on banks of Potomac River 1791 .................. 14 Federal Rules of Evidence (admissibility of evidence) 1975 ............... 52 Felix Diaz (Porfirio Díaz's nephew) ........................................................ 85 Félix Malloum, general made leader of Chad following coup 1975 .. 66 Fenway Park (Boston Red Sox) Opens 1912 .......................................... 78 Fiddler on the Roof revival 1976 ................................................................. 52 Fidel Castro, Premier of Cuba →............................................................. 66 Fire, Triangle Shirtwaist Company 1911 ................................................ 78 Fire, World Trade Center 1975................................................................. 52 Fire: Kucic Hospital Rijeka, Yugoslavia 25 killed ................................. 66 Firebird 1910................................................................................................. 85 Fire-Constantinople 1912 .......................................................................... 85 First aircraft landing on a ship (Eugene Burton Ely , USS Birmingham)

1911........................................................................................................... 78 First aircraft rescue at sea (USS Terry, James McCurdy) 1911............. 78 First Coalition (Republic of Austria, Great Britain, the Netherlands,

Sardinia, Kingdom of Spain, Prussia) 1793........................................ 18 First Columbus Day-NYC 1792 ............................................................... 14 First presidential veto 1792....................................................................... 14 First Republic (France) 1789 ..................................................................... 18 First State of the Union Address 1790..................................................... 14 First U. S. census 1790 ............................................................................... 14 First unassisted triple play 1909, shortstop Neal Ball (Modern era).. 78 Fleetwood Mac, musicians ....................................................................... 52

Fletcher Christian, Master's Mate on board the HMAV Bounty ......... 18 Flood Paris 1910 ......................................................................................... 85 Florence Nightingale (The Lady with the Lamp) d. 1910.................... 85 Ford pardons Nixon 1974 ......................................................................... 52 Fort Clark, North Carolina, captured by Union 8/1861 ...................... 33 Fort Donelson surrenders to Union (US Civil War) 2/1862............... 33 Fort Hatteras, North Carolina, surrenders to Union 8/1861............... 33 Fort Henry................................................................................................... 33 Fort Pulaski (Georgia) captured by Union (US Civil War) 4/1862... 33 Fort Sumter surrenders to Confederates 4/1861................................... 33 Founding Fathers ....................................................................................... 23 France declares war on Austria, Prussia and Sardinia 1792................ 18 Frances Hodgson Burnett, writer ............................................................ 85 Francis Ford Coppola, director ................................................................ 52 Francisco de Goya, Spanish painter ........................................................ 18 Francisco I. Madero assassinated 1913 ................................................... 85 Francisco I. Madero resigns 1912............................................................. 85 Francisco I. Madero, President of Mexico .............................................. 85 Francisco León de la Barra, Secretary of Foreign Affairs, interim

president of Mexico ............................................................................... 85 Franco Harris, athlete (football)............................................................... 53 François Séverin Marceau-Desgraviers, French general d. (mortally

wounded in battle) 9/1796 ................................................................... 18 François Tombalbaye, president of Chad overthrown, killed 1975 ... 66 François Truffaut, director, actor............................................................. 66 Frank Church, politician (D- Idaho Senator) ......................................... 53 Franz Joseph Haydn, composer............................................................... 18 Franz Kafka, writer .................................................................................... 85 Frederick B. Dent, Secretary of Commerce (1) ..................................... 53 Frederick Cook, explorer .......................................................................... 78 Frederick Muhlenberg, Speaker of the House....................................... 14 Freedom of Information Act amendments veto 1974........................... 53 Freezing weather in Balkans 1913 ........................................................... 85 French anti-public executions demonstrations 1910 ............................ 85 French intervention in Mexico 1862........................................................ 38 French Revolution 1789-1791 ................................................................... 18 French Revolution: A Poem in Seven Books (William Blake) 1791... 18

French Revolutionary Calendar (French Republican Calendar) ........ 18 French Revolutionary Tribunal ............................................................... 18 French Revolutionary Wars 1792 → ....................................................... 18 Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph von Schelling, philosopher......................... 18 Fujiwhara effect (two cyclones e. g. Ione/Kirsten appear to ”orbit”

each other) 1974...................................................................................... 53 G. K. Chesterton (Gilbert Keith Chesterton), writer............................. 85 Gas light 1794 (William Murdock) .......................................................... 14 Gauntlet of Viborg Bay 1790 .................................................................... 18 Georg Ritter von Trapp and Agathe Whitehead marry 1912............. 85 Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, German philosopher representative

of German idealism ............................................................................... 18 George A. Custer, Union Brigadier General.......................................... 33 George B. McClellan, general in chief of all the Union armies

11/1861-3/1862 ...................................................................................... 33 George Bernard Shaw, playwright.......................................................... 85 George Foreman, athlete, (boxer) ............................................................ 53 George G. Meade, Union general ............................................................ 33 George Lee “Sparky” Anderson, manager (baseball) .......................... 53 George Lucas, director, producer, screenwriter.................................... 53 George M. Cohan, entertainer.................................................................. 78 George Washington ................................................................................... 23 GEORGE WASHINGTON ....................................................................... 12 George Washington lays cornerstone of the White House 1792 ........ 14 George Washington’s election as President 1789.................................. 14 George Washington’s Inauguration 1789............................................... 14 Georges Jacques Danton, first President of the Committee of Public

Safety [France] d. (guillotined) 4/1794............................................... 18 Georgetown University founded, operational 1789 (chartered,

incorporated later) ................................................................................. 14 GERALD FORD.......................................................................................... 42 Gerhart Hauptmann, playwright ............................................................ 85 Gettysburg Address 11/1863....................................................................... 33 Gideon Welles, Secretary of the Navy .................................................... 33 Gifford Pinchot, politician, conservationist, head of the Division of

Forestry(the Department of Agriculture), fired by Taft 1910.......... 78 Giles resolutions 1793................................................................................ 14

Gioacchino Rossini, composer ................................................................. 38 Girl Guides/Guide Movement (Agnes Baden-Powell)1910 ............... 85 Glacier National Park established 1910 .................................................. 78 Glorious First of June (Third Battle of Ushant) 1794 ............................ 18 God Save Our Nation 1862.......................................................................... 33 Godfather Part II 1974.................................................................................. 53 Godspell Broadway 1976 ............................................................................ 53 Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla (USA release 1977) 1974 .............................. 53 Gold discovered Cochrane, Ontario 1909 .............................................. 85 Gong Show premieres 1976........................................................................ 53 Government in the Sunshine Act 1976 ................................................... 53 Grand Central Station demolition → 1913............................................. 78 Grand Central Terminal opens 1913 ....................................................... 78 Grateful Dead (The Dead), musicians .................................................... 53 Greco-Bulgarian treaty in Sofia 1912....................................................... 85 Greece constitution revised 1910 ............................................................. 85 Greece military junta of 1967 sentenced to death 1975 ........................ 67 Greece/Crete union 1913.......................................................................... 85 Greek monarchy rejected by voters 1974 ............................................... 67 Green March, mass demonstration to force Spain to hand over the

disputed province of Sahara to Morocco; 300,000 unarmed Moroccans converge on the southern city of Tarfaya and wait for a signal from King Hassan II of Morocco to cross into Western Sahara 11/1975 ....................................................................................... 67

Greenbacks [legal tender notes unsecured by specie (coin)] issued since the start of the Civil War, were officially made legal tender 3/1862 ...................................................................................................... 33

Greensboro Massacre 1979 ....................................................................... 53 Grierson's Raid begins (from La Grange, Tennessee) 4/1863............. 33 Guglielmo Marconi, inventor, engineer ................................................. 85 Guildford Four (Paul Hill, Gerry Conlon, Patrick “Paddy” Armstrong

and Carole Richardson) wrongly convicted 1975............................. 67 Guildford pub bombing 1974................................................................... 67 Guillaume Apollinaire arrested, released re: Mona Lisa theft 1911... 85 Guillaume Apollinaire, writer, art critic................................................. 85 Guillotine first used 1792 .......................................................................... 18 Gustav Heinemann, President of Germany → 1974............................. 67

Gustav Holst, composer............................................................................ 85 Gustav Mahler d. (streptococcal blood infection) 1911........................ 85 Gypsy Broadway revival 1974-1975......................................................... 53 H. G. Wells, writer ..................................................................................... 85 Habitat for Humanity International founded 1976 .............................. 53 Halley's Comet 1910 .................................................................................. 85 Ham radio (Amateur radio) 1909 ............................................................ 78 Hampton Roads ......................................................................................... 33 Harold Wilson resigns 3/1976 ................................................................. 67 Harold Wilson, politician, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom

1974-1976 ................................................................................................. 67 Haroldson Lafayette (H. L. )Hunt, Jr. d. 1974........................................ 54 Harpers Ferry ............................................................................................. 33 Harry and Tonto 1974.................................................................................. 54 Harry Truman ............................................................................................ 23 Harvest Moon (The Harvest Moon) (Broadway) 1909-1910 ................... 78 Hatfield-McCoy feud begins 1863........................................................... 33 Hawker-Siddeley Hawk flown 1974....................................................... 67 Health Kup 1912......................................................................................... 78 Hector Berlioz, French Romantic composer .......................................... 38 Helmut Schmidt, Chancellor of Germany 1974 → ............................... 67 Helsinki Accords (Final Act of the Conference on Security and

Cooperation in Europe, the Helsinki Final Act, Helsinki Declaration) [officially recognizes Europe's national borders, respect for human rights] signed in Finland 8/1975....................... 67

Henri Matisse, artist................................................................................... 85 Henry Clay.................................................................................................. 74 Henry Clay Work, composer ................................................................... 33 Henry Kissinger, Secretary of State......................................................... 54 Henry Knox, Secretary of War................................................................. 14 Henry Lane Wilson, US Ambassador ..................................................... 78 Henry Wager Halleck (Old Brains), militarist, lawyer......................... 33 Herbert Henry Asquith (The Right Honourable Herbert Henry

Asquith, 1st Earl of Oxford and Asquit), Prime Minister of the United Kingdom .................................................................................... 85

Herbie Rides Again 1974.............................................................................. 54 Hiram Bingham III, explorer, politician ................................................. 78

HMS Hawke rams RMS Olympic 1911...................................................... 85 Hoffmeyer's Legacy (first appearance of the Keystone Kops) 1912 ...... 78 Honduran Civil War 1911......................................................................... 86 Honoré Gabriel Riqueti, Comte de Mirabeau, French writer, and

statesman................................................................................................. 19 Horatio Kitchener (The Right Honourable, Lord Horatio Kitchener)

named Viceroy of Egypt and the Sudan 1911 ................................... 86 Horatio Nelson, British naval commander ............................................ 19 House of Bourbon, France reign ends 9/1792....................................... 19 Howards End 1910..................................................................................... 86 Hugh Chalmers, automaker (suggested Baseball MVP) ..................... 78 Hugh McCulloch, Secretary of the Treasury ......................................... 33 Hurricane Becky 1974................................................................................ 67 Hurricane Carmen 1974 ...................................................................... 54, 67 Hurricane Fifi 1974 .................................................................................... 67 Hurricane Gertrude 1974 .......................................................................... 67 Hurricane in Louisiana and Mississippi (The Grand Isle Hurricane)

1909........................................................................................................... 78 Hurricane Ione 1974................................................................................... 54 Hurricane Kirsten 1974 ............................................................................. 54 Hurricane Orlene 1974 .............................................................................. 67 Ian Smith, Prime Minister of Rhodesia................................................... 67 Ichihara Prison opens (Japan) 1969 ......................................................... 67 Idi Amin, President of Uganda................................................................ 67 Igor Stravinsky, composer........................................................................ 86 I'm Henery the Eighth, I Am (Fred Murray and R. P. Weston) 1910 ... 86 Immanuel Kant, German philosopher.................................................... 19 Inconfidência Mineira plot (Minas Conspiracy) of 1789...................... 19 Independent Journal.................................................................................. 14 India annexes Sikkim 1975 ....................................................................... 67 India capitol to New Delhi from Calcutta 1911..................................... 86 Indian Health Care Improvement Act 1976........................................... 54 Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act 1975 ....... 54 Indianapolis 500 (first ) race (Indianapolis Motor Speedway) 1911 . 78 Indianapolis 500 1975 Bobby Unser ........................................................ 54 Indianapolis 500 1976 Johnny Rutherford.............................................. 54 Indira Gandhi, Prime Minister of India.................................................. 68

Individual Drinking Cup Company of New York incorporates 191078 Ingrid Bergman, actress ............................................................................ 54 Inheritance tax/estate tax/death duty abolished (Queensland)

1/1977 ...................................................................................................... 68 Inland Sea (Japan) oil spill 1974............................................................... 68 Innocence of Father Brown 1911.............................................................. 86 Intercontinental Broadcasting Corporation (IBC) (Philippines)

founded 1975 .......................................................................................... 68 International Boundary Waters Treaty Act 1911 .................................. 86 International Business Machines Corporation (IBM) 1911.................. 79 International Cricket Council (England, Australia, South Africa) ..... 86 International Exhibition (World’s Fair): Brussels fire 1910 ................. 86 International Exhibitions (World’s Fairs): Dresden, London, Rome,

New York, Tokyo, Turin (Italy), Brussels, Buenos Aires, Nanking, San Francisco, Vienna 1910-12 ............................................................. 86

International Opium Convention signed The Hague 1912 ................. 86 International Women's Day sponsored by United Nations (UN) 1975

................................................................................................................... 68 IRA (Provisional Irish Republican Army) bombs the London Hilton

hotel 2 killed and 63 injured 9/1975 ................................................... 68 IRA killing: Stephen Tibble, London Metropolitan Police Constable

1975........................................................................................................... 68 Irish Home Rule Bill rejected by House of Lords 1913 ........................ 86 Irvin McDowell, Union general (notable defeat at the First Battle of

Bull Run [First Battle of Manassas]7/1861) ....................................... 34 Irving Berlin (Israel Isidore Beilin), composer....................................... 79 Isidor Straus, businessman, politician d. 1912....................................... 79 Italy attacks Turkish North-Africa (Libya), takes Tripoli and

Cyrenaica 1911........................................................................................ 86 Ito Hirobumi assassinated (first Prime Minister of Japan) (by An

Chung-gun)1909..................................................................................... 86 It's A Long Way To Tipperary 1912............................................................ 79 Iva Toguri D'Aquino (Tokyo Rose suspect) pardoned 1977 ............... 68 I've Got The Time I've Got The Place But It's Hard To Find The Girl 1910

................................................................................................................... 79 Jack “Happy Jack” Chesbro , athlete (baseball) .................................... 79 Jack Benny (Benjamin Kubelsky) d. 1974 ............................................... 54

Jack Johnson, athlete (boxer) .................................................................... 79 Jackson Browne, singer ............................................................................. 54 Jacob Grimm d. (advanced age) 1863 ..................................................... 38 Jacobins........................................................................................................ 19 Jacques Chirac, Prime Minister of France 1974-1976............................ 68 Jacques Necker dismissed, recalled 7/1789 resigns 9/1790................ 19 Jacques Necker, (Director-General of Finances, France)...................... 19 James A. Garfield............................................................................................ 3 James A. Michener, writer ........................................................................ 55 James A. Seddon, Confederate Secretary of War.................................. 34 James Cook, British navigator and explorer .......................................... 19 James Iredell, Supreme Court Justice...................................................... 14 James J. Jeffries, athlete (boxer)................................................................ 79 James Madison, politician......................................................................... 14 James McHenry, Secretary of War .......................................................... 14 James R. Schlesinger Secretary of Defense (1) ...................................... 55 James S. Sherman, Vice President of the United States d. 1912 .......... 79 James Speed, Attorney General ............................................................... 34 James T. Lynn, Secretary of Housing and Urban Development (1).. 55 James Wilson, Supreme Court Justice..................................................... 14 Jane Austen, British novelist .................................................................... 19 Japan Annexes Korea (Cho-sen) 1910 ..................................................... 86 Japan Ching Dynasty--Meiji Period ........................................................ 86 Jardin des Plantes Zoo............................................................................... 19 Jaws 1975 ...................................................................................................... 55 Jay Treaty 1794 ........................................................................................... 14 Jean Cocteau, writer................................................................................... 86 Jean-Paul Marat assassinated 1793.......................................................... 19 Jefferson Davis elected president of the Confederacy 10/1861.......... 34 Jefferson Davis inaugurated as provisional Confederate States of

America (CSA) president 2/1861 ........................................................ 34 Jim Thorpe, athlete..................................................................................... 79 Joaquim Teófilo Fernandes Braga, Portuguese politician, President of

the Provisional Government, writer ................................................... 86 Joe “Broadway Joe” Namath, athlete (football) .................................... 55 Joe “Smokin’ Joe” Frazier, athlete (boxer).............................................. 55 Johannes Peter “Honus” Wagner, athlete (baseball) ............................ 79

John A. Knebel, Secretary of Agriculture (2) ......................................... 55 John Adams, Vice President of the United States ................................. 14 John Blair, Supreme Court Justice ........................................................... 14 John Burgoyne, British army officer and playwright d. 8/1792......... 19 John Galsworthy, playwright................................................................... 86 John Hancock, first person to sign the US Declaration of

Independence, Governor of Massachusetts d. (lingering illness) 10/1793 .................................................................................................... 14

John Jacob Astor IV, businessman d. 1912 ............................................. 79 John Jay, Secretary of State, Supreme Court Justice ............................ 14 John Marshall Harlan, Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the

United States d. 1911 ............................................................................. 79 John Millington Synge, playwright......................................................... 86 John Palmer Usher, Secretary of the Interior......................................... 34 John Paul Jones d. 7/1792......................................................................... 14 John Rutledge Supreme Court Justice .................................................... 14 John Stonehouse, politician arrested for faking his own death 1974. 68 John Thomas Dunlop, Secretary of Labor (2) ........................................ 55 John Wesley "Jack" Coombs, athlete (baseball) ..................................... 79 José Batlle y Ordóñez, president of Uruguay........................................ 86 Jose Maria Pino Suarez, Vice-President Mexico.................................... 86 Jose Santos Zelaya overthrown 1909....................................................... 86 Jose Santos Zelaya, Nicaraguan dictator ................................................ 86 Joseph Gurney Cannon ("Uncle Joe"), Speaker of the United States

House of Representatives ..................................................................... 79 Joseph Hooker (General Joseph “Fighting Joe” Hooker), Union

commander ............................................................................................. 34 Joseph II--Holy Roman Emperor (German: Joseph II, Czech: Josef II,

Slovak: Jozef II, Hungarian: II. József, Croatian: Josip II) d. 1790 ...... 19 Juan Carlos I of Spain becomes acting Head of State 10/1975 ........... 68 Juanita Nielsen, Sydney (Australia) newspaper publisher, disappears,

presumed murdered 7/1975 ................................................................ 68 Jubal Early, Confederate general............................................................. 34 Judiciary Act 1789 ...................................................................................... 14 Junko Tabei, mountain-climber, first female on the peak of Mount

Everest1975 ............................................................................................. 68 Kakuei Tanaka, Prime Minister of Japan resigns 1974......................... 68

Kappa Alpha Psi founded 1911 ............................................................... 79 Kentucky, Maryland, Delaware and Missouri affirm remaining in

Union 1860-1861 ..................................................................................... 34 Keystone Comedy...................................................................................... 79 Keystone Kops............................................................................................ 79 Keystone Studios forms 1912 ................................................................... 79 Khmer Rouge (Communist Party of Kampuchea, Khmer Communist

Party, National Army of Democratic Kampuchea) .......................... 68 Kim Jong-pil, Prime Minister of South Korea → 1975 ......................... 68 King Albert I of Belgium crowned 1909 ................................................. 86 King Baudouin of Belgium....................................................................... 68 King Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden............................................................. 68 King Cotton................................................................................................. 34 King Edward VII of the United Kingdom d. (numerous heart attacks)

1910........................................................................................................... 86 King Faisal of Saudi Arabia (assassinated) d. 1975............................... 69 King Frederick William II of Prussia (Friedrich Wilhelm II) .............. 18 King George ................................................................................................ 23 King George I of Greece............................................................................ 86 King George III of the United Kingdom................................................. 19 King George V of the United Kingdom 1910 →.................................... 86 King Gustav III of Sweden d. (assassinated) 1792 ................................ 19 King Hassan II of Morocco →.................................................................. 69 King Khalid of Saudi Arabia crowned 1975 .......................................... 69 King Leopold II of Belgium d. 1909 ........................................................ 87 King Louis XVI of France d. (guillotined) 1/1793 ............................... 19 King Louis XVI of France sentenced to death 1/1793......................... 19 King Manuel II flees Portugal 1910 ......................................................... 87 King Norodom Sihanouk of Cambodia placed under house arrest

1976........................................................................................................... 69 Kings Arms, Woolwich bombed 1974 .................................................... 69 Kuomintag, (Nationalist Party) China 1912........................................... 87 L. Frank Baum, writer ............................................................................... 79 La Marseillaise (French national anthem)1792........................................ 19 La sucesión presidencial en 1910 (The Presidential Succession of

1910). (Francisco I. Madero) → 1911 ................................................... 87 Labour Party (UK) ..................................................................................... 69

Land of the Lost premiers 1974................................................................... 56 Land Shark .................................................................................................. 56 Last Poems (Elizabeth Barrett Browning-posthumously published)

1862........................................................................................................... 38 Law of Maximum Général 1793............................................................... 19 Lebanese Civil War begins 1975 .............................................................. 69 Leo Tolstoy d. (cold/exhaustion) 1910 ................................................... 87 Leopold II, Holy Roman Emperor, Grand Duke of Tuscany 1790-92 19 Leroy Anderson d. 1975 ............................................................................ 56 Les Misérables 1862 ................................................................................... 38 Let Me Call You Sweetheart published 1910............................................. 79 Lewis Vernon Harcourt, 1st Viscount Harcourt, Secretary of State for

the Colonies (Colonial Secretary) ........................................................ 87 Lexington, Missouri, surrenders to Confederates (US Civil War)

9/1861 ...................................................................................................... 34 Liberal-Conservative Junta of Nicaragua ← 12/1974 .......................... 69 Liberte (French navy ship) explodes and sinks 1911 ............................. 87 Lincoln penny 1909.................................................................................... 79 Linda Blair, actress..................................................................................... 56 Linda Ronstadt, singer .............................................................................. 56 Little House on the Prairie (TV) 1974 ......................................................... 56 Lomé Convention (European Economic Community and 46 African,

Caribbean and Pacific countries sign a financial and economic treaty) 1975.............................................................................................. 69

London Corresponding Society, worked toward reform of the Parliament of Great Britain................................................................... 19

London Hilton hotel bombed by the Provisional Irish Republican Army 2 killed and 63 injured 9/1975.................................................. 69

London Monster (attacker of women in London) 1788-1790 .............. 19 Longest Yard 1974........................................................................................ 56 Los Angeles Times building bombed 1910 ............................................ 79 Lou Brock, athlete (baseball) .................................................................... 56 Louis Bleriot, 1st flight across the English Channel 1909 ..................... 87 Louis II, Prince of Monaco........................................................................ 87 Louvre opens 1793 ..................................................................................... 19 Ludwig van Beethoven, composer.......................................................... 19

Lynette Alice ”Squeaky” Fromme assassination attempt on Gerald Ford 1975 ................................................................................................. 57

Machu Picchu ("Lost City of the Incas") “discovered” (by Hiram Bingham III )1911 ................................................................................... 87

Mack & Mabel 1974 ..................................................................................... 57 Mack Sennett (Michael Sinnott), director............................................... 79 Mackay-Bennett, Cable Ship (C.S.), body retrieval (for RMS Titanic). 87 MacNeil-Lehrer Report premiers 1975....................................................... 57 Madero government (Mexico) arrested 1912......................................... 87 Madrid Accords (Madrid Agreement, Madrid Pact), treaty between

Spain, Morocco, and Mauritania to end the Spanish presence in the territory of Spanish Sahara 11/1975 ................................................... 69

Magnum Force (released late 1973)........................................................... 57 Man with the Golden Gun 1974 .................................................................. 57 Manchu (Qing) Dynasty ........................................................................... 87 Manhattan Bridge opens (connecting Lower Manhattan and

Brooklyn) 1909........................................................................................ 79 Mao Tse-Tung (Mao Zedong), Chairman of the Communist Party of

China........................................................................................................ 69 Mao Tse-Tung (Mao Zedong), Chairman of the Communist Party of

China d. 1976 .......................................................................................... 69 Marc Chagall, artist.................................................................................... 87 Marcel Duchamp, artist............................................................................. 87 March to the Sea (US Civil War) [William Tecumseh Sherman]

Federal destruction and advance, Atlanta to Savannah 11-12/1864................................................................................................................... 35

Marching Through Georgia 1865................................................................. 35 Margaret Thatcher elected Conservative Party leader (UK) [defeats

Edward Heath] 1975.............................................................................. 69 Margaret Thatcher, politician................................................................... 69 Marie Antoinette d. (executed) 10/1793................................................. 19 Marie Curie, physicist and chemist......................................................... 87 Marie-Joseph-Paul-Yves-Roch-Gilbert du Motier, Lafayette (“Marquis

de Lafayette" until 6/1790)................................................................... 19 Mário Lemos Pires abandons the capital Dili following UDT coup

and outbreak of civil war between UDT and Fretilin 8/1975......... 69 Mário Lemos Pires, Governor of Portuguese Timor ............................ 69

Martial law declared in India by Indira Gandhi 6/1975...................... 69 Martial Law in Spain 7/1909.................................................................... 87 Mary Tyler Moore Show → ......................................................................... 57 Maryland rejects secession 4/1861.......................................................... 35 Mason-Dixon Line ..................................................................................... 35 Mass murder by Ronald Defeo, Jr., 1974 ................................................ 57 Matthew Brady, photographer ................................................................ 35 Matthew Henson, explorer....................................................................... 79 Maurice Ravel, composer ......................................................................... 87 Max Heindel (Carl Louis von Grasshoff), writer .................................. 87 Maximilian I, Emperor of Mexico 1864................................................... 38 Maximilien François Marie Isidore de Robespierre d. (guillotined)

7/1794 ...................................................................................................... 19 Maximilien François Marie Isidore de Robespierre, French

revolutionist............................................................................................ 19 Mayagüez incident (SS Mayagüez, ,ship and crew taken, released by Khmer

Rouge, last official battle of the Vietnam War) May, 1975...................... 69 Melville Fuller, Chief Justice of the United States d. 1910................... 79 Meteorite strikes Columbia County, Wisconsin 1911 .......................... 79 Meteorite strikes Holbrook, Arizona 1912 ............................................. 80 Mexican Revolution 1910 →..................................................................... 87 Mexico City unrest 1911............................................................................ 87 Michael Ovitz, talent agent....................................................................... 57 Middle Tennessee State University (Middle Tennessee Normal

School) founded 1911 ............................................................................ 80 Mike Oldfield, musician ........................................................................... 57 Mine explosion Hokkaido, Japan 1912 ................................................... 87 Mine explosion--Hulton (England) 1910................................................ 87 Minia body retrieval (for RMS Titanic) .................................................. 87 Minimum wage law (Massachusetts) 1912 ............................................ 80 Missionary Ridge ....................................................................................... 35 Missouri admitted to Confederacy despite it has never seceded

11/1861 .................................................................................................... 35 Mister Crump (The Memphis Blues) written 1909 published 1912 ........ 80 Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, Shah of Iran →............................................ 70 Mohandas K. Gandhi, lawyer .................................................................. 87 Mona Lisa stolen 1911 ............................................................................... 87

Montenegro joins the first Balkan war 1912 .......................................... 87 Montgomery Blair, Postmaster General ................................................. 35 Moses Cleaveland, lawyer, politician ..................................................... 15 Mother Machree 1910................................................................................... 80 Mount Neighbor Primary School (Australia) opens 9/1975............... 70 Mount Vernon, house and garden where George Washington lived 15 Movement 2 June (June 2 Movement, June 2nd Movement), West

German militant group ......................................................................... 70 Mozambique independence (from Portugal) 6/1975........................... 70 Mud March (Army of the Potomac from Rappahannock River)

1/1863 ...................................................................................................... 35 Mujibur Rahman of Bangladesh d. (killed in coup) 8/1975................ 70 Murder by Death 1976 ................................................................................. 58 Murder on the Orient Express (film) 1974 ................................................. 58 Muséum national d'histoire naturelle..................................................... 20 Mutiny on the His Majesty's Armed Vessel (HMAV) Bounty (after

GW election, before term starts) ∼1789 ............................................... 20 Mutiny on the His Majesty's Armed Vessel (HMAV) Bounty survivors

found 1789............................................................................................... 20 Nap Lajoie (Napoleon Lajoie) , athlete, baseball................................... 80 Napoleon Bonaparte marries Rose (Josephine) de Beauharnais 179620 Napoleonic Wars 1789 →.......................................................................... 20 National Assembly (leads to National Constituent Assembly)

(French Revolution) 1789...................................................................... 20 National Association for the Advancement of Colored People

(NAACP) founded 1909........................................................................ 80 National bank chartered with Bank Act 1791........................................ 15 National Constituent Assembly (Assemblée nationale constituante)

France 1789.............................................................................................. 20 National Day of Thanksgiving 1789........................................................ 15 National Urban League founded 1910.................................................... 80 Naturalization Act (replaced the Naturalization Act of 1790), [raised

the period of residence from two to five years before a person could be naturalized] 1795.................................................................... 15

Naughty Marietta 1910................................................................................ 80 Neutrality Proclamation, declared the United States a neutral nation

in the conflict between Great Britain and France 1793.................... 15

New Machiavelli 1911 ............................................................................... 87 New Nationalism....................................................................................... 80 New Orleans falls to Union (US Civil War) 4/1862 ............................ 35 New York Packet........................................................................................ 15 New York Public Library dedication 1911............................................. 80 New York Stock & Exchange Board founded 1792 .............................. 15 Niccolò Paganini, composer..................................................................... 20 Night Watch (The Night Watch) [Rembrandt] vandalized by

unemployed school teacher, Wilhelmus de Rijk 9/1975 ................. 70 Noah Haynes Swayne, Supreme Court Justice ..................................... 35 North Carolina secedes 5/1861................................................................ 35 Northern Territory separates from South Australia 1911.................... 87 Notable Event: Abraham Lincoln becomes the first U. S. president to

be assassinated 1865 .............................................................................. 38 Notable Event: Amendment 11 (Suits against a state) ratified 2/1795

................................................................................................................... 22 Notable Event: Amendment 16 (Income Tax) ratified 1913 ............... 90 Notable Event: Amendments 1→10 (Bill of Rights) ratified 12/179122 Notable Event: Ballinger-Pinchot scandal 1909.................................... 91 Notable Event: Battle Hymn of the Republic 1861 published 1862 ....... 39 Notable Event: Benjamin Franklin dies 4/1790.................................... 22 Notable Event: Boy Scouts of America incorporates 1910.................. 90 Notable Event: Chevrolet enters the automobile market 1911 .......... 90 Notable Event: Confederate constitution ratified 1861....................... 39 Notable Event: Confederate States of America form [Constitution of

the Confederate States of America] 3/1861 ....................................... 39 Notable Event: Draft riots 1863............................................................... 39 Notable Event: Emancipation Proclamation issued 9/1862 to take

effect 1/1/1863 ....................................................................................... 39 Notable Event: Fire, Triangle Shirtwaist Company 1911.................... 90 Notable Event: French Revolution 1789-1791....................................... 22 Notable Event: George Washington lays cornerstone of the White

House 1792.............................................................................................. 22 Notable Event: Gettysburg Address 1863 ................................................ 38 Notable Event: Guillotine first used 1792 ............................................. 22 Notable Event: Hatfield-McCoy feud begins 1863 .............................. 38 Notable Event: House of Bourbon, France reign ends 9/1792 .......... 22

Notable Event: Jay Treaty 1794............................................................... 22 Notable Event: La Marseillaise (French national anthem) 1792 .......... 21 Notable Event: Louvre opens 1793......................................................... 21 Notable Event: March to the Sea (US Civil War) [William Tecumseh

Sherman] Federal destruction and advance, Atlanta to Savannah 11-12/1864............................................................................................... 38

Notable Event: Mark Twain (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) dies 1910................................................................................................................... 91

Notable Event: Mona Lisa stolen 1911................................................... 90 Notable Event: Mutiny on the His Majesty's Armed Vessel (HMAV)

Bounty (after GW election, before term starts) ∼1789 ....................... 21 Notable Event: Napoleonic Wars begin 1789 ....................................... 21 Notable Event: National Association for the Advancement of

Colored People (NAACP) founded 1909 ........................................... 91 Notable Event: Neutrality Proclamation, declared the United States a

neutral nation in the conflict between Great Britain and France 1793........................................................................................................... 22

Notable Event: Paul Bunyan stories appear (James MacGillivray, The Detroit News) 1910 ................................................................................ 91

Notable Event: Provisional Confederate Congress begins 2/1861 ... 39 Notable Event: Reign of Terror (France) 1793-1794............................. 21 Notable Event: Republic of China (Asia's first constitutional

republic) founded 1912 ......................................................................... 90 Notable Event: Robert E. Lee surrenders to U. S. Grant at

Appomattox 1865................................................................................... 38 Notable Event: Robert Peary, explorer, reaches North Pole (claim—

20 miles short? ........................................................................................ 91 Notable Event: Russo-Swedish War 1789-1790................................... 21 Notable Event: Russo-Turkish War ends 1792 ..................................... 21 Notable Event: Statehood (12) North Carolina 11/1789; (13) Rhode

Island 5/1790; (14) Vermont 3/1791; (15) Kentucky 6/1792; (16) Tennessee 6/1796................................................................................... 22

Notable Event: Statehood (35) West Virginia 6/1863; (36) Nevada 10/1864 .................................................................................................... 38

Notable Event: Theodore Roosevelt shot (by saloonkeeper William Schrank) 1912.......................................................................................... 90

Notable Event: Titanic (RMS Titanic) sinks 1912 .................................. 90

Notable Event: Tragic Expedition to the South Pole 1912 .................. 90 Notable Event: Treaty of Tripoli (the Treaty of Peace and Friendship)

1796........................................................................................................... 21 Notable Event: US Civil War 1861-1865 ................................................ 38 Notable Event: When Johnny Comes Marching Home 1863 ................... 38 Notable Event: Whiskey Rebellion 1794................................................ 22 Notable Event: Worldwide Red Cross organizes in Geneva 1863 .... 38 Nude Descending a Staircase (Marcel Duchamp) 1912............................ 87 Obedience to Authority: An Experimental View (Milgram experiment)

1974........................................................................................................... 58 Ocean Park Hong Kong opens 1/1977 ................................................... 70 Old Farmer's Almanac is first published (The Farmer's Almanac) 1792

................................................................................................................... 15 Oliver Ellsworth, Supreme Court Justice ............................................... 15 Oliver Twist (film), America 1912............................................................. 80 Oliver Twist (film), Britain 1912................................................................ 87 Oliver Wolcott, Jr, Secretary of the Treasury......................................... 15 Omega Psi Phi founded 1911 ................................................................... 80 Operation Babylift crash/tragedy 138 killed 1975................................ 70 Order of Australia (an order of chivalry established "for the purpose

of according recognition to Australian citizens and other persons for achievement or for meritorious service" 2/ 1975........................ 70

Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) Algeria, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, Nigeria, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, and Venezuela] price increase 1975 [10%]......................................................................................................... 70

Otto Bismarck's "Blood & Iron" speech 1862 ......................................... 38 Ottoman Empire......................................................................................... 20 Ottoman Sultan Abdul Hamid II deposed 1909.................................... 87 Our American Cousin .................................................................................. 35 Outline for the Organization of a Provisional Government (Sun Yat-

Sen)1911................................................................................................... 88 Overland Campaign (Grant's Overland Campaign, Wilderness

Campaign) 5-6/1864.............................................................................. 35 Overthrow of the Lon Nol regime (Lon Nol resigns) in Cambodia

4/1975 ...................................................................................................... 70 Pablo Picasso, artist ................................................................................... 88

Panavia Tornado 1974 ............................................................................... 70 Pancho Villa (José Doroteo Arango Arámbula, Francisco Villa),

leader, Mexican Revolution.................................................................. 88 Papillon (film) (released late 1973) ........................................................... 58 Parcel post deliveries 1913........................................................................ 80 Park Chung-Hee, President of South Korea .......................................... 70 Park Chung-Hee, President of South Korea (assassination) d. 1979.. 70 Parliament Act ,Great Britain (An Act to make provision with respect to

the powers of the House of Lords in relation to those of the House of Commons, and to limit the duration of Parliament) 1911....................... 88

Passive Resistance Movement.................................................................. 88 Patrick Henry declines the post of Secretary of State 1795.................. 15 Patrick Sarsfield Gilmore (Father of The American Band).................. 35 Patti Smith, singer...................................................................................... 58 Paul Bunyan stories appear (James MacGillivray, The Detroit News)

1910........................................................................................................... 80 Paul I (Tsar Paul I ) of Russia →.............................................................. 20 Payne-Aldrich tariff bill 1909 ................................................................... 80 Peace of Jassy between Russia and Turkey 1792.................................. 20 Peace of Sistova between Austria and Turkey 1791 ............................ 20 Peace of Verela between Sweden and Russia 1790.............................. 20 Pearl Harbor Navy base 1909................................................................... 80 Peninsular Campaign 1862....................................................................... 35 Pennsylvania Packet first United States daily 1784 .............................. 15 Pennsylvania Station (New York City) completed 1910...................... 80 People's Budget (1st) passed, Britain 1909 ............................................. 88 People's Budget (2nd) passed, Britain 1910 ........................................... 88 Persian Revolution → 1909....................................................................... 88 Peter J. Brennan, Secretary of Labor (1).................................................. 58 Peter Lorenz, German politician kidnapped, released 1975 .............. 70 Peter Sutcliffe (the "Yorkshire Ripper") first killing 10/1975.............. 70 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania becomes federal capital 1790 .................. 15 Philippine Basketball Association debuts 1975 ..................................... 70 Photoplay (short-fiction magazine) founded 1911 .............................. 80 Phuoc Long Province falls to Communists(Vietnam War) 1975 ........ 71

Pickett’s Charge (part of the Battle of Gettysburg; unsuccessful assault by Confederates against the center of the Union line on Cemetery Ridge) (US Civil War) 7/1863............................................ 35

Pierre Reverdy, writer ............................................................................... 88 Pierre Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada →....................................... 71 Pinckney Treaty 1795................................................................................. 15 Pink Panther Strikes Again 1976............................................................. 59 Pippa Passes (First movie to be reviewed by the New York Times)

1909........................................................................................................... 80 Plan of San Luis Potosí 1910..................................................................... 88 Plant A Watermelon On My Grave And Let The Juice Soak Through” 1910

................................................................................................................... 80 Plant Quarantine Act 1912........................................................................ 80 Pol Pot, Prime Minister of Democratic Kampuchea (Cambodia)....... 71 Police Woman premiers 1974 ..................................................................... 59 Pope Paul VI → .......................................................................................... 71 Pope Pius IX →........................................................................................... 38 Pope Pius VI................................................................................................ 20 Pope Pius X (258th Pope of the Roman Catholic Church—The

Catholic Encyclopedia) → .................................................................... 88 Porfirio Díaz resigns 1911......................................................................... 88 Porfirio Díaz, president of Mexico .......................................................... 88 Portuguese Revolution/Republican National Union secedes 1911... 88 Portuguese Timor independence (from Portugal) becomes East Timor

1975........................................................................................................... 71 Post Office established 1792 ..................................................................... 15 Prague Party Conference (Russia) 1912.................................................. 88 Pravda founded 1912................................................................................. 88 Presidential Succession Act of 1792 ........................................................ 15 Prevention of Terrorism Act (United Kingdom) 1974.......................... 71 Privacy Act of 1974 .................................................................................... 59 Proclamation of Blockade against Southern ports................................ 35 Progressive (Bull Moose) Party................................................................ 80 Provisional Constitution of the Republic of China 1912...................... 88 Public Law 62-5 (sets United States House of Representatives at 435)

1911........................................................................................................... 80 Puget Sound................................................................................................ 20

Puteaux Group, cubists ............................................................................. 88 Qing Dynasty.............................................................................................. 38 Qing Dynasty ends in China 1912 ........................................................... 88 Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom → ...................................... 71 Queen Juliana of the Netherlands ........................................................... 71 Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom ................................................. 38 Radio Act of 1912 ....................................................................................... 80 Ragtime Mocking Bird 1912 ........................................................................ 80 Ragtime Soldier Man 1912........................................................................... 80 Raid on Entebbe (by the Israel Defense Force [IDF] in Uganda,) 7/

1976........................................................................................................... 71 Rainier III, Prince of Monaco.................................................................... 71 Ramones (musicians) organize 1974 ....................................................... 59 Randy Newman, musician ....................................................................... 59 Red Army Faction (Red Army Fraction; Baader-Meinhof Group,

RAF) kidnapping, arrest (Sweden) 1975 ............................................ 71 Reflections on the Revolution in France (Edmund Burke ) 12/1790 . 20 Reign of Terror (France) 1793-1794 ......................................................... 20 Religious Society of Friends (Quakers)................................................... 15 Rembrandt’s Nightwatch damaged by unemployed school teacher,

Wilhelmus de Rijk 9/1975 .................................................................... 71 Republic of China (Asia's first constitutional republic) founded 1912

................................................................................................................... 88 Residence Bill (establishment of the permanent seats of government)

1790........................................................................................................... 15 Return of the Pink Panther 1975.................................................................. 59 Revolution of 1911, China......................................................................... 88 Revolutionary Provisional Assembly (Yanking China)/ Revolution in

Central China 1911................................................................................. 88 Rhoda premiers 1974 .................................................................................. 59 Rhoda’s Wedding 1974 ............................................................................. 59 Ric Flair, wrestler, suffers a broken in plane crash near Wilmington,

NC 1975 ................................................................................................... 59 Ric Flair, wrestler, wins world tag title (with Greg Valentine to beat

NWA World Tag Team champions Gene and Ole Anderson) 1976................................................................................................................... 59

Richard (Dick) Gautier, actor ................................................................... 59

Richard “Dick” Cheney, deputy to the White House chief of staff.... 59 Richard A. Ballinger, US Secretary of the Interior (Ballinger-Pinchot

scandal) 1909........................................................................................... 80 Richard Bingham, 7th Earl of Lucan disappears 1974.......................... 71 Richard G. Butler, Aryan Nations founder............................................ 59 Richard J. Gatling’s Dr. Richard J. Gatling’s) machine gun patented

1862........................................................................................................... 35 Richard Nixon pardoned for Watergate crimes by Gerald Ford

September 8, 1974................................................................................... 59 Richard Nixon’s resignation effective August 9, 1974 ......................... 59 Richard Ratsimandrava, President of Madagascar, assassinated 1975

................................................................................................................... 71 Richard Strauss, composer ....................................................................... 88 Richard Trevithick, inventor .................................................................... 20 Richmond, Virginia is named the capital of the Confederacy ............ 35 Rights of Man (Thomas Paine) 1791........................................................ 20 RMS Carpathia, rescue ship (for RMS Titanic)........................................ 88 RMS Titanic sinks 1912 .............................................................................. 88 Roald Amundsen discovers South Pole 1912 ........................................ 88 Robber Bridegroom Broadway 1975........................................................... 59 Robert B. Thomas, first editor, Old Farmer's Almanac........................ 15 Robert Baden-Powell, 1st Baron Baden-Powell, Founder of the World

Scout Movement, Chief Scout of the World ...................................... 88 Robert Blake, actor ..................................................................................... 59 Robert Borden elected Prime Minister of Canada 1911 ....................... 88 Robert De Niro, actor ................................................................................ 59 Robert E. Lee............................................................................................... 41 Robert E. Lee resigns from Union army 1861........................................ 35 Robert Falcon Scott, explorer Tragic Expedition to the South Pole d.

(exposure/freezing) 1912...................................................................... 88 Robert Peary, explorer, reaches North Pole (claim—20 miles short?)80 Robert Redford (Charles Robert Redford Jr.), actor ............................. 59 Rock Around the Clock (Theme from Happy Days) .................................. 59 Rock Me Gently 1974 ................................................................................... 60 Rockford Files premiers 1974...................................................................... 60 Rocky 1976.................................................................................................... 60 Rocky Horror Picture Show 1975 ................................................................ 60

Rocky Horror Show NYC1975 .................................................................... 60 Rogers C. B. Morton, Secretary of Commerce (2) ................................ 60 Rogers C. B. Morton, Secretary of the Interior (1)................................. 60 Römishe Elegien (Roman Elegies) 1790....................................................... 20 Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 1909 ..................................................... 89 Rosicrucian Fellowship international headquarters, Mount Ecclesia,

California 1911....................................................................................... 89 Rosicrucian Fellowship, Washington founded 1909 ............................ 81 Royal Flying Corps founded 1912........................................................... 89 Rumble in the Jungle (Zaire ) boxing match Muhammad Ali vs.

George Foreman 1974............................................................................ 71 Russia and Turkey sign Peace of Jassy 1792 .......................................... 20 Russo-Swedish War................................................................................... 20 Russo-Turkish War → 1792...................................................................... 20 Saigon falls to Communists (Vietnam War) 1975 ................................. 71 Salem’s Lot 1975 ......................................................................................... 60 Salmon P. Chase, Secretary of the Treasury, Supreme Court Justice 35 Salyut 5 (OPS-3, Russian space station) launched 6/1976................... 71 Samuel Adams, statesman, politician, political philosopher, brewer 15 Samuel Chase, Supreme Court Justice.................................................... 15 Samuel Freeman Miller, Supreme Court Justice ................................... 35 Samuel Hopkins, inventor........................................................................ 15 São Tomé and Príncipe declare independence (from Portugal) 7/1975

................................................................................................................... 71 Saratoga Racetrack opens 1863 ................................................................ 36 Savonlinna Opera Festival founded 1912............................................... 89 Scott Joplin, composer............................................................................... 81 Seamen's strike (Great Britain ) 1911....................................................... 89 Secret Garden 1911..................................................................................... 89 Selandia (first diesel ship-Denmark) 1911............................................... 89 September Massacres, mob violence in Paris summer 1792 ............... 20 Sergei Prokofiev, composer...................................................................... 89 Serpico (released late 1973)........................................................................ 60 Seven Days Battle 1862.............................................................................. 36 Shah Mohammad (Muhammad) Ali, Qajar dynasty, Persia, deposed

exiled in Russia 1909.............................................................................. 89 Shibe Park (Philadelphia Athletics) ........................................................ 81

Shiloh ........................................................................................................... 36 Siege of Lexington, Missouri (US Civil War) 9/1861 .......................... 36 Siege of Petersburg (Richmond-Petersburg Campaign) (US Civil

War) 6/1864-3/1865 .............................................................................. 36 Siege of Port Hudson, Louisiana (US Civil War) 6-7/1863 ............... 36 Siege of Vicksburg (US Civil War) 5-7/1863 ......................................... 36 Siege of Yorktown, Virginia (US Civil War) 4-5/1862 ........................ 36 Sikkim abbexed by India 1975 ................................................................. 71 Silver Streak 1976......................................................................................... 60 Simon Cameron, Secretary of War .......................................................... 36 Sioux uprising in Minnesota 8-9/1862 ................................................... 36 Skirmish at Fairfax Courthouse, Virginia (US Civil War) 6/1861..... 36 Smallpox vaccination, lancet scratch 1796 ............................................. 20 So Much Blood (A Charles Paris Mystery) (Simon Brett) 1976.......... 71 Soca music................................................................................................... 60 Social Insurance Committee created by the American Association for

Labor Legislation 12/1912.................................................................... 81 Solar eclipse Europe 1912 ......................................................................... 89 Song Jiaoren, leader of the Nationalist Party, China............................ 89 South Carolina secedes 12/1860.............................................................. 36 South Vietnam surrenders unconditionally(Vietnam War ends) 1975

................................................................................................................... 71 Soyuz 17 returns 1975................................................................................ 71 Spaghetti House Siege (Knightsbridge , London) 9/1975 ................... 72 Spanish steamer Principe de Asturias sinks 1912.................................... 89 Special Senate Session of 37th Congress convenes 3/1861 ................. 36 Special Senate Session of 37th Congress gavels adjournment 3/186136 Special Senate Session of 38th Congress, convenes adjourns 3/1863 36 Springer Press building bombed 1975 .................................................... 72 SS Edmund Fitzgerald sinks on Lake Superior in Canadian waters

11/1975 .................................................................................................... 72 Standard Oil Company ruled a monopoly by Supreme Court of the

United States 1911.................................................................................. 81 Stanley K. Hathaway, Secretary of the Interior (2) ............................... 61 Star Trap (A Charles Paris Mystery) (Simon Brett) 1977 ..................... 72 Stars and Bars ............................................................................................. 36 State of Guanabara and Rio de Janeiro merge 1975.............................. 72

Statehood (12) North Carolina 1789........................................................ 15 Statehood (13) Rhode Island 1790 ........................................................... 15 Statehood (14) Vermont 1791 ................................................................... 15 Statehood (15) Kentucky 1792.................................................................. 15 Statehood (16) Tennessee 1796................................................................. 15 Statehood (35) West Virginia 6/1863 ...................................................... 36 Statehood (36) Nevada 10/1864............................................................... 36 Statehood New Mexico and Arizona join Union 1912 ......................... 81 Stephen Johnson Field, Supreme Court Justice..................................... 36 Stephen King, writer.................................................................................. 61 Steven’s Pass avalanche, 118 killed 1912................................................ 81 Stora landsvägen (The Great Highway) published 1909, performed

1910........................................................................................................... 89 Storming of the French Bastille 7/1789 .................................................. 20 Suez Canal reopened 1975........................................................................ 72 Sultan Abdul Hamid II of the Ottoman Empire deposed 1909 .......... 89 Sun Yat-Sen ("The Father of the Revolution”), Chinese political leader

................................................................................................................... 89 Super Bowl champions 1975 Pittsburgh Steelers 9 ............................... 61 Super Bowl champions 1976 Pittsburgh Steelers 10 ............................. 61 Supreme Court meets for the first time 1790 ......................................... 15 Sweden and Russia sign Peace of Verela 1790 ...................................... 20 Takeo Miki, Prime Minister of Japan resigns 1976 ............................... 72 Talking Heads, musicians......................................................................... 61 Tarzan of the Apes (Tarzan of the Apes-A Romance of the Jungle)

1912........................................................................................................... 81 Tasman Bridge in Tasmania damaged/struck 1975............................. 72 Technicolor ceases dye transfer process 1974........................................ 61 Tennessee voters approve secession 6/1861.......................................... 36 Tennis Court Oath (After Louis XVI of France locked the deputies of

the Third Estate of the French States-General out of their meeting hall, the Palace of Versailles, they met instead in a nearby indoor tennis court, start of the French Revolution) 1789 ............................ 20

Terra Nova (ship) Tragic Expedition to the South Pole 1912................ 89 Teruo Nakamura, ,Japanese WWII soldier, surrenders `12/1974 or

1/1975 ...................................................................................................... 72 Texas Chain Saw Massacre (released) 1974............................................... 61

Texas convention votes to secede, Texas voters approve secession 2/1861 ...................................................................................................... 36

That’s Entertainment! 1974 ......................................................................... 61 The Age of Reason 1795 ............................................................................ 15 The Crisis founded by W.E.B. Du Bois 1910 .......................................... 81 The Daily Advertiser ................................................................................. 21 The Declaration of Independence.............................................................. 3 The Federalist 1788→ ................................................................................ 16 The Observer founded 1791 ..................................................................... 21 The Sting (released late 1973).................................................................... 61 Theodore Roosevelt Safari 1909............................................................... 81 Theodore Roosevelt shot (by saloonkeeper William Schrank) 1912 .. 81 Theodore Tilton, journalist/social reformer (Tilton/Beecher adultery

scandal).................................................................................................... 36 There’s A Girl In Havana 1911.................................................................... 81 Thomas Crapper, plumbing engine901910 ............................................ 89 Thomas Hardy, founder and first Secretary of the London

Corresponding Society.......................................................................... 21 Thomas J. “Stonewall” Jackson , Confederate general......................... 36 Thomas J. “Stonewall” Jackson d. (“friendly fire”) 5/1863................. 36 Thomas Jefferson, Secretary of State ....................................................... 16 Thomas Johnson, Supreme Court Justice............................................... 16 Thomas S. Kleppe, Secretary of the Interior (3)..................................... 61 Three Days of the Condor 1975 .................................................................... 61 Timothy Pickering, United States Postmaster General , Secretary of

War , Secretary of State ......................................................................... 16 Titanic (RMS Titanic) sinks 1912.............................................................. 89 Tom Paine elected to the French National Assembly 1792 ................. 21 Trans-Alaska Pipeline begins 1975.......................................................... 62 Treaty of Ciudad Juarez 1911................................................................... 89 Treaty of Tripoli (the Treaty of Peace and Friendship) 1796............... 21 Treaty of Värälä (ended the Russo-Swedish War) 1790....................... 21 Trent Affair [Seizure of Confederates Mason and Slidell from aboard

the British Trent by the USS San Jacinto]. 11/1861 ............................ 38 Trial of Billy Jack 1974 ................................................................................. 62 Triangle Shirtwaist Company fire 1911.................................................. 81

Tripolitan War (First Balkan War: Bulgaria, Serbia, Greece vs. Turkey) 1912 ........................................................................................... 89

Tris Speaker, athlete (baseball) ................................................................ 81 Tropical Storm Alma 1974 ........................................................................ 72 Tuileries Palace........................................................................................... 21 Tullahoma Campaign begins by Union (Tennessee) (US Civil War)

6/1863 ...................................................................................................... 36 Turkey invades Cyprus August 1974 ..................................................... 72 TWA Flight 841 crashes between Athens and Rome, 88 killed 1974 . 72 Ty Cobb, athlete (baseball) ....................................................................... 81 U. S. "Unconditional Surrender" Grant .................................................. 37 Ulysses S. Grant appointed commander of all Union armies 3/1864 37 Union forces capture Camp Jackson, Missouri (US Civil War) 5/1861

................................................................................................................... 37 Union of South Africa (Transvaal, the Orange Free State, the Cape

Colony [Cape Province, Cape of Good Hope Province], Natal) forms 1910 ............................................................................................... 89

Union troops seize Alexandria, Virginia (US Civil War) 5/1861 ...... 37 United Kingdom general election 1910 .................................................. 89 United States Senate Select Committee to Study Governmental

Operations with Respect to Intelligence Activities (Church Committee) 1975 .................................................................................... 62

Universal Pictures created (Independent Motion Picture Company, Powers Picture Company, Champion Films and American Éclair merge) 1912 ............................................................................................. 81

University of Iceland founded 1911 ........................................................ 89 University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 1795 ................................ 16 Unzen volcano lava dome collapse and tsunami 1792......................... 17 US Bureau of Mines 1910 .......................................................................... 81 US Civil War 1861-1865............................................................................. 37 US Civil War approximately 560,000-620,000 dead,............................. 37 US cold snap 1911 ...................................................................................... 81 US declares neutrality in war between France and Great Britain 1793

................................................................................................................... 21 US Department of Justice files anti-trust suit against AT&T 1974 ..... 62 US Department of State 1789.................................................................... 16 US Department of the Treasury 1789...................................................... 16

US Department of War 1789..................................................................... 16 US Marine Corps in Cuba 1912................................................................ 89 US Marshals Service founded 1789 ......................................................... 16 US military invades Nicaragua 1909....................................................... 89 US National Debt: 1796 $ 83,762,172.07 .................................................. 16 US National Debt: 1864 $ 2,773,236,173.69 ............................................. 37 US National Debt: 1912 $ 2,868,373,874.16 ............................................. 81 US National Debt: 1976 $ 653,544,000,000.00......................................... 62 US Revenue Cutter Service founded 1790 ............................................. 16 US Senate inquiry re: RMS Titanic 1912.................................................. 81 US troops form “Maneuver Division” for possible Mexico invasion

1911........................................................................................................... 81 US XI Corps (“the Flying Dutchmen.")................................................... 37 USS Monitor and CSS Merrimack (Virginia) battle 3/1862 ................... 37 Valéry Giscard d'Estaing, President of the French Republic 1974 → 72 Venustiano Carranza, First Chief of the Constitutionalists Mexico... 89 Victor Herbert, composer ......................................................................... 81 Victor Hugo, French poet, playwright, novelist .................................. 38 Victoriano Huerta, military officer (Mexico) ......................................... 89 Vietnam War ends 1975 ............................................................................ 72 Viking 1 1975............................................................................................... 62 Viking program (National Aeronautics and Space Administration

[NASA])................................................................................................... 62 Virginia secedes 4/1861 ............................................................................ 37 Volcano erupts Taal (Philippines) 1911 .................................................. 89 Volcano-Unzen lava dome collapse and tsunami 1792........................ 21 Volkswagen Golf (Mk I and Mk V, Volkswagen Rabbit in the US)

first production 1974.............................................................................. 62 W. C. Handy (William Christopher Handy) ("Father of the Blues"),

musician .................................................................................................. 81 W. J. Usery Jr., Secretary of Labor (3)...................................................... 62 W. S. Gilbert (Sir William Schwenck Gilbert) d. (heart attack)1911... 90 W.E.B. Dubois (William Edward Burghardt Du Bois (pronounced

[du’-boyz), activist, writer .................................................................... 81 Waiting for the Robert E. Lee published 1912 .......................................... 81 Walter Brennan, actor d. 1974 .................................................................. 62 Walter Johnson (The Big Train), athlete (baseball) ............................... 82

Walter Matthau, actor ............................................................................... 62 Walter Scheel, President of Germany 1974 →....................................... 72 War of Southern Rebellion ....................................................................... 41 War of the southern rebellion (War of Northern Aggression, War

Between The States, Civil War)1861-1865 .......................................... 37 Watergate scandal: John N. Mitchell [United States Attorney

General], H. R. Haldeman [White House Chief of Staff] and John Ehrlichman [Assistant to the President for Domestic Affairs] found guilty of cover-up 1975.......................................................................... 63

Watergate scandal: John N. Mitchell [United States Attorney General], H. R. Haldeman [White House Chief of Staff] and John Ehrlichman [Assistant to the President for Domestic Affairs] sentenced 1975........................................................................................ 63

Weather Underground (the Weathermen) bombs State Department offices 1975 .............................................................................................. 63

Wedding of Tom Thumb and Mercy Lavinia Warren 1863 ................ 37 West Side Story London revival, Shaftesbury Theatre reopening 1974

................................................................................................................... 72 West Virginia secedes from Virginia after Virginia secedes from

Union 1861 ............................................................................................. 37 What Happened to Mary? (first serial) 1912............................................. 82 What say ya, Ferret Face?” (Welcome to Korea) M*A*S*H 1975 ........ 47 When Irish Eyes Are Smiling 1912.............................................................. 82 When Johnny Comes Marching Home 1863................................................ 37 Whiskey Rebellion 1794 ............................................................................ 16 Wilhelm Meisters Lehrjahre (Wilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship)

(Goethe) 1796 .......................................................................................... 21 William B. Saxbe, Attorney General (1)................................................. 63 William Blake, poet.................................................................................... 21 William Bligh (Captain William Bligh, Vice-Admiral William Bligh),

officer of the British Royal Navy ......................................................... 21 William Bradford, Attorney General ...................................................... 16 William Cushing, Supreme Court Justice .............................................. 16 William Dennison, Postmaster General ................................................. 37 William E. Simon, Secretary of the Treasury......................................... 63 William H. Seward, Secretary of State.................................................... 37 William Hill Brown.................................................................................... 16

William Murdock, inventor...................................................................... 16 William P. Fessenden Secretary of the Treasury................................... 37 William P. Frye, politician ........................................................................ 82 William Paterson, Supreme Court Justice.............................................. 16 William Pitt (the Younger) (The Right Honorable William Pitt the

Younger, politician, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom) ........ 21 William Quantrill (Quantrill's Raiders).................................................. 37 William T. Coleman, Jr., Secretary of Transportation (2).................... 63 Winfield Scott retires 11/1861.................................................................. 37 Winnie the Pooh and Tigger Too! 1974 ....................................................... 63 Winston Churchill, politician................................................................... 90 Winter Garden Theater completed 1911................................................. 82 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, composer.................................................. 21 Woman Under the Influence 1974 ............................................................... 63 Woman's Hospital of Philadelphia established (first known chartered

school for nurses in the United States) 1861 ...................................... 37 Wonder Woman premiers 1976 .................................................................. 63 Woodrow Wilson (Thomas Woodrow Wilson) elected 1912.............. 82 World Series Champion 1909 Pittsburgh Pirates.................................. 82 World Series Champion 1910 Philadelphia Athletics .......................... 82 World Series Champion 1911 Philadelphia Athletics .......................... 82 World Series Champion 1912 Boston Red Sox ...................................... 82 World Trade Center fire 1975................................................................... 63 Worldwide Red Cross organizes in Geneva 1863................................. 38 Wright Brothers receive Congressional Medal of Honor (Wright

Brothers' Home Days Celebration) 1909 ............................................ 82 Wuchang Uprising (leads to the Xinhai Revolution) 1911 .................. 90 Xinhai Revolution (leads to fall of China’s Qing Dynasty) 1911 ........ 90 Yellow Fever Attacks Philadelphia 1793 ................................................ 16 Yitzhak Rabin, Prime Minister of Israel 1974 → ................................... 73 Young Frankenstein 1974 ............................................................................ 63 Yuan Shikai, politician, militarist (China).............................................. 90 YUH-60 helicopter 1974 ............................................................................ 63 Yukio Ozaki, politician, Mayor Tokyo ................................................... 90 Zeppelin’s first flight (the Deutschland) 1910 ......................................... 90 Zoological garden of Paris opens to public 1863 .................................. 38

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