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Post on 27-Oct-2021






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rfu mrfu ire rmis qrfaigiv rmiT, rmq3mF uv6 /14-1 RE ftTfqi3FTRT¢ ,2o2i

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FT fro Ta ch ffroa- qu,E- I


fro.- ThT rm ti 5Eifta FT S rm FFTm tfr - wh-06EufflFTifro~g"E¥ mf (quoquo-49) fano 53 a 54 qfr an qEft tRRI;fro qTq (giv qRT 5RRE fro fro) ) S wi wi +mu 0.077 fo RE ap in 05 Tch a in a ft qTfap qtin qfr 3Tant} tijgr i I


qha'uqha .uirfu tl5TfatF iap a erFT F GrFT rm q@ drfu

FFOS-49Ten¥d@54¥anE-0:Ehadr=TfrondtiRT5Rifefaofro))Swind+mTTfro0.077forfuapgiv05 T8# a rm a it ffi rfu @ 3T5Ffu TalRT,ap Ta nI qREqi5rm ap ann fflrfu tT~ tft eeTffro aprm-08fl/tFT/06/162/2020/TtFti} /245 ffro 27.072021 # " #3TIrTFT 3"3qT ufo RE t fin pq5iT ire a-

ObS.NO. ObservationLegalStatusofthefol.estlandShall reReply

Imain unchanged.Compensatoff HPCL Meerut agrees that Legal Status of theForestlandShallremainunchanged.

2ry a orestation shall be taken up by theForestDepartmentforplantationoflootreesjn,Kin.56to57Moradabad-Haridwar-DehradunRoadT.

HPCL Meerut agrees that CompensatoryAft

ehsi| orestatlon wlll be takenupbytheForest.

dhampur Bijnor dhampur Range Bijnor at the cost of Department over degraded forest land (loo

the User Agency ,As far as practicable a mixture of local Plant Planted In Brick guard (Compartment

indigenous species will be planted and monoculture of a /khasra no. yet Provided. in, Kin. 56 to 57

species has to be avoided. Moradabad-Haridwar-Deliradun RoadTehsil dhampur Bijnor dhampur RangeBijnor at the cost of the User Agency As foras possible a mixture of local Indigenous

species shall be planted and monoculture of

any species has to be avoided.


The cost of conipensatory afforestation at the prevailing As Demand by Concern DFO vide his letter

wage rates as per compensatory afforestation scheme and No 264/14-1 dated 28.07.2021 HPCL Meerut

the cost of survey ,demarcation and erection of permanent has deposited of Rs.416300.00 for the

pillars if required on the CA land shall be deposited in Compensatory Afforestation in CAMPA

advance with the forest department by the project Fund through Challan Rs.464502.00/-dated

authority. The CA will be maintained for 10 years. The 30.07.2021(CA Amount 416300.00) Copy of

scheme may include appropriate provision for anticipated Paid Challan enclosed) and (UTR No SBINR

cost increase for works scheduled for Subsequent year. 52021073035124141 date 30.07.2021


The State Government shall charge the Net Present Value As Demand by Concern DFO vide his letter

(NPV) for the 0.077 ha. forest area to diverted under this No. 264/14-I dated 28.07.2021 HPCL

proposal from the user Agency as per the orders of the Meerut has deposited of Rs 48202.00 in

Hon` ble Supreme Court India dated CAMPA Fund through Challan Rs.

30/10/2002,01 /08/2003,28/03/2008,24/04/2008 and 464502.00/- dated 30. 07. 20210VPV

09/05/2008 in IA No.566 in WP(C) 202/1995 and as per Amount 48202.00) Copy of Paid Challan

the guidelines issued by the Ministry vide letter No.5- enclosed) and (UTR No SBINR

I/1998-FC (Pt-II) date 18-9-2003,as well as letter no.5- 52021073035124141 date 30.07.2021

2/2006-FC dated 3.10.2006 and 5-3/2007-FC date

5.2.2009 in this regard.


Additional amount ofNPV of the Diverted forest land, if HPCL Meerut undertake that Additional

any becoming due after finalization of the same by the amount of the NPV of the diverted ForestHon'ble Supreme Court of the India on receipt of the Land, if any becoming De after finalization ofreport from the expert Committee shall be charged by the the same by Hon'ble Supreme Court of lndia

State Government from the User Agency. The User on receipt of the report from the Expert

Agency shall furnish an and undertaking to this effect. Committee will be charged by the stateGovernment from the user Agency. TheUser agency will Furnish an undertaking to

this effect.

6 User agency Shall restrict the felling of trees to minimum User agency Shall restrict the felling of trees

number in the diverted land and the trees shall be felled to minimum number in the diverted land and

under the strict supervision of the State Forest the trees shall be felled under the strict

Department and the cost of felling of trees shall be supervision of the State Forest Department

deposited by the User agency with the State Forest and the cost of felling of trees shall be

Department. deposited by the User agency with the StateForest Department.


7 Greenery will be maintain by user agency around HPCL Meerut undertake that Greenery will

periphery of petrol pump. be maintained by user agency aroundPeriphery of Petrol Pump.

8 The Complete Compliance of the FRA,2006 shall Copy ofFRA Prescribed Certificate from theensured by way of prescribed certificate from the District Concerned district collector is alreadyCollector. annexed in proposal.

'9User Agency shall use the land between entry and exit of User agency shall use the land between entry

petrol pump for plantation and conservation of trees the and exit of petrol pump for plantation andsame shall be demarcated by 2feet wall. conservation of trees the same shall be

demarcated by 2feet wall.

10 Plantation shall also be done along the inside boundary of HPCL Meerut agree plantation shall also be

plantation done along the inside boundary of Fuel


11 No Violation of FCA Certificate from concern DFO shall No violation certificate is annexed

be provided.

12 Certificate of DFO certifying that the proposed RO is not It is Certified that proposed forest land to be

in close proximity of any existing RO in accordance with diverted for Entryrexit of approach to HPCL RO

MORTH guidance dated 24-07-2013 lias to be provided on Moradabad-Seohara-Dhampur Road (SH-.49)

Road Kin. 53 to 54 (RHS)khasraNo. 06 Village

Data Nagar, Tehsil Dhampur District Bijnor is not

Close proximity of any existing RO in accordancewith MORTH guidance date 24.07.20] 3.


The Boundary of tlie diverted forest land shall be HPCL Meerut undertakes that The BoundarySuitability demarcated on ground at the project Cost as of the diverted forest land shall be Suitability

per the direction of the Concern division divisional demarcated on ground at the project Cost asForest officer. per the direction of the Concern division

divisional Forest officer

14 The Period of diversion under this approval shall be co- HPCL Meerut undertakes that Period ofTerminus with period of lease to be granted in favour of diversion under this approval shall be co-

user agency or the project Life, whichever is less. Terminus with period of lease to be grantedin favour of user agency or the project Life,whichever is less.

15 Any other condition that the ministry of Environment, HPCL Meerut undertakes that the ministry offorest and climate change may stipulate from time to time Environment, forest and climate change mayinterest of conservation ,protection and development of stipulate from time to time interest offorest & wildlife, conservation ,protection and development of

forest & wildlife,

16 All the Funds received from the User Agency under the It is certjfied that all funds received from the

project shall be transferred /deposited to be Campa fund User Agency under the project will be

only though e- portal (https:pravesh.nic.in) transferred /deposited to CAMPA fund onlythougli e- portal (https:pravesh.nic.in). As

-iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-Idemand by Concern DFO Vide his Letter no.No. 3746/14-1 dated 12.04.2021 HPCL

Meerut has deposited in CAMPA Fund,through Challan Rs. 309452/- dated 28-04-

2021 (CA amount Rs. 183000.00 & NPV

Amount 126452.00 ) Copy of Paid Challan

enclosed) and (UTR No PUNBR52021042860115002 date 28.04.2021ItiscertifythattheCompliancereport has

17 The Compliance report shall be uploaded on e-portalbeen upl oaded on e-portal


CA amoiint as per proposal

CA amount deposited-Difference in amount

Reason for difference

48202.0048202.00NPV amount as per proposal

NPV amount Deposited

Difference in amount -

Reason for difference -~|Anyotheramountdeposited-(Completedetailsbe)

Online Paid Slip| CAMPA confirmation

Four Copy of compliance Report

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farfuiLdrcq5mF / 1 4-1 i3iid rqi I.rq7Ta

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Online Pro osa] No.

ffro:- i]FTiT faEN qfr FT5th e]Tng{ S rm anTapi` tfl `gffl{T th-o6

Brmffl+dr-£7FTg¢ wi (quoTFO-49) fano 53 a 54 qfr tlfl qtft qirail;RE vTq (GiFT qRT q5Tyrm fao qir6) ) a wi wi aHrfu 0.077 ±0 rfu fl em 05 q8ir E} qiFT t} it qTfjryfr wh qfr 3T5Ffaa tijq i Ied:-qrfu,ap Ta tiirmB qian F]Trm ap an:T flrfu aqFS qfreeTffro ap th-08@ztmz06zi62z202i zTqi.th.z245 feliqi 27.07.202i qu 3]TqiFT qfr q3T in-264/14-1 ffro 28.07.2021qha'

uqha VIffa ti± ap t$ 3]=vii]T F q]piT faGrife qfr FT5dii7qFTg¥ a; rm flfflTiiT zft tEi]iT qqT-06 gngqTq-wlFRT-giTTg` Th(TuOTFO-49) fano 53 a 54 qfr an qi€;ft qi ape;RE qq (Q=REraiin 5Rthwi fao fro) ) t} qTqt5 qiif + q`:rrRI 0.077 fo ticarF H ipr05 Tch EB qTffl t} it ffl pdr qfr 3TIrfa qrfu,qT qu qffli¥ qRqthFiffli]tT Ttfty ffi 5Talffl aqli3; a tifflifa dinein-08flzapz06zi62z202Ozng.th.z245 faTftF 27.07.2021 qfr wh zfl3T5qTFT 3]itHT ufo RE t fir 37tFTi i]fha €-

ObS.NO. Observation Reply


Legal Status of the forest land Shall remain unchanged.Compensatoryafforestationshallbetakenupbythe HPCL Meerut agrees that Legal Status of theForest land Shall remain unchanged.

2 HPCL Meerut agrees that CompensatoryForest Departrpent for plantation of loo trees in, Kin. 56

to 57 Moradabad-Haridwar-Dehradun Road Tehsil Afforestation will be taken up by the Forest.dliampur Bijnor dhampur Range Bijnor at the cost of Department over degraded forest land (I 00the user Agency ,As faras practicable a ture of local Plant Planted ln Brick guard (Compartmentindigenous species will be planted and mom u ure ofa /khasra no. yet Provided. in, Kin. 56 to 57species has to be avoided. Moradabad-Haridwar-Deh rad u n Road

r , , - ,`L -I \ , I d

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as possible a mixture of local Indigenous

species shall be planted and monoculture of

any species has to be avoided.


The cost of compensatory afforestation at the prevailing As Demand by Concern DF0 vide his letterwage rates as per compensatory afforestation scheme and No 264/14-I dated 28.07.2021 HPCL Meerutthe cost of survey ,demarcation and erection of permanent has deposited of Rs.416300.00 for thepillars.if required on the CA land shall be deposited in Compensatory Afforestation in CAMPAadvance with the forest department by the project Fund through Challan Rs.464502.00/-datedauthority. The CA will be maintained for ]0 years. The 30.07.2021 (CA Amount 416300.00) Copy ofscheme may include appropriate provision for anticipated Paid Challan enclosed) and (UTR No SBINRcost increase for works scheduled for Subsequent year. 5202107303 5124141 date 30.07.2021

4The State Government shall charge the Net Present Value As Demand by Concern DFO vide his letter(NPV) for the 0.077 ha. forest area to diverted under this No. 264/]4-I dated 28.07.2021 HPCL

proposal from the user Agency as per the orders of the Meerut has deposited of Rs 48202.00 inHon` ble Supreme Court India dated CAMPA Fund through Challan Rs.30/ 10/2002,01 /08/2003,28/03/2008,24/04/2008 and 464502.00/- dated 30. 07. 20210VPV09/05/2008 in IA No.566 in WP(C) 202/1995 and as per Amount 48202.00) Copy of Paid Challanthe guidelines issued by the Ministry vide letter No.5- enclosed) and (UTR No SBINR1/1998-FC (Pt-lI) date 18-9-2003,as well as letter no.5- 5202107303 5124141 date 30.07.20212/2006-FC dated 3.10.2006 and 5-3/2007-FC date

5.2.2009 in this regard.

„ 5 Additional amount ofNPV of the Diverted forest land, if IIPCL Meerut undertake that Additionalany becoming due after finalization of the same by the amount of the NPV of the diverted ForestHon'ble Supreme Court of the India on receipt of the Land, if any becoming De after finalization ofreport from the expert Committee shall be charged by the the same by Hon'ble Supreme Court of IndiaState Government from the User Agency. The User on receipt of the report from the ExpertAgency shall furnish an and undertaking to this effect. Committee will be charged by the state

Government from the user Agency. TheUser agency will Furnish an undertaking to

this effect.

6 User agency Shall restrict the felling of trees to minimum User agency Shall restrict the felling of treesnumber in the diverted land and the trees shall be felled to mlnimum number in the diverted land andunder the strict supervision of the State Forest the trees shal] be felled under the strictDepartment and the cost of felling of trees shall be supervision of the State Forest Departmentdeposited by the User agency with the State Forest and the cost of felling of trees shall beDepartment. deposited by the User agency with the State

Forest Department.

7 Greenery will be maintain by user agency around HPCL Meemt undeilake that Greenery willperipheryofpetrolpump "\/ be maintained by user agency around

Periphery of Petrol Pump.

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89 The Complete Compliance of the FRA,2006 shensuredbywayofprescribedcertjficatefl`omtheDistrCollector.UserAgencyshaHusethelandbetweenentryandexitaH Copy ofFRA prescribed certi.ficate from thei'ctConcerneddistrictcollectorisalreadyannexedI.nproposal.ofUse


petrol pump for plantatl.on and conservation of trees tsameshallbedemarcatedby2feetwalI.Plantationshallalsobedonealongtheinsideb r agency shall use the land between entheandexitofpetrolpumpforplantationaryndbe

conservation of trees the same shalldemarcatedby2feetwall.


Plantatl.on. Oundary oNoViolationofFCACertificatefromconcernDFOshalb f HPCL Meerut agree plantation shan also bdonealongtheinsideboundaryofrueStatl`on.INoII.


e provlded.CertificateofDFO certifying that the proposed RO is notincloseproximityofanyexistingROinaccordancewithMORTHguidancedated24-07-2013hastobeprovi.dedTheBoundaryofthedivertedforestlandshaHbeSuitab"tydemarcatedongroundattheprojectCostasperthedirectionoftheConcerndivl.siondl.visionalForestofficer.hePeriodofdiversionunderthisapprovalshaHbeco- vlo ation certificate ls annexedItisCert.fid


I ie that proposed forest land to bedivertedforEntry/ExitofapproachtoHPCLRO

on Moradabad-Seohara-Dhanpur Road (SH-.49)

Road Kin. 53 to 54 (RHS) khasraNo. 06 Village



eerut undertakes that The BoundaryofthedivertedforestlandshaHbeSuitabl.Ii.ty

demarcated on ground at the project Cost asperthedirectionoftheConcerndivisl.ondivisionalForestofficerHPCL

erminus with.period of lease to be granted in favour ofuseragencyortheprojectLife,whicheverisless.15AnyotherconditionthattheministryofEnvironmentfi Meerut undertakes that Period ofdiversionunderthisapprovalshaHbeco-

Termlnus with period of lease to be grantedinfavourofuseragencyortheproj.ectLife,whicheverI.sless.HPCLM

0intfo16Allrest and climate change may stipulate from time to time Eerestofconservation,protectionanddevelopmentofsrest&wildljfe,CfitheFundsreceivedfromthelJserAgencyunderthelt eerutundertakesthatthemini.stryofnvironment,forestandclimatechangemaytipulatefromtimetotimeinterestof

onservation ,protection and development oforest&wildlife,

project shall be transferred /d osited to be campa fund Uonlythoughe-portal(https;pvesh.nic.jn)trthde1,i,,t,.,I,tlN`r=r,t``£``r>L`3?\:5ri-rdlHd```?in.yMls certified that all funds recei.ved from theserAgencyundertheproj.ectwillbe

ansferred /deposited to CAMPA fund onlyough e- portal (https:pravesh.nic.in). AsmandbyConcernDFOVidehisLetterno.o.3746/]4-Idated12.04.2021HPCLeeruthad

ch`:`T'l:`.`?I<|\"+{ `r+0 \/C°{`r;'„... S ep°S'ted in CAMPA Fund,Hu\ju,`.;:.`:;:,::Ta\`rTCLr;I:ii`Oo,7:`GL:m``rd7an,cO.,,--,`,\^„

Sodal Fc es: y Div*ap

through Challan Rs. 309452/- dated 28-04-

202] (CA amount Rs. 183000.00 & NPV

Amount 126452.00 ) Copy of Paid Challan

enclosed) and (UTR No PUT`lBR

52021042860115002 date 28.04.2021

17 The Compliance report shall be uploaded on e-portal It is certify that the Compliance report has

(https:pravesh.nic.jn) bee n upl oaded on e-portal


CA amount as per proposal 416300.00

CA amount deposited 416300.00

Difference in amount

Reason for difference

NPV amount as per proposal 48202.00

NPV amount Deposited 48202.00

Difference in amount

Reason for difference

Any other amount deposited-(Complete details be)

CAMPA confirmation on|inepaidRp

Five copy ofcompliance Report i/

fffi ^IC„tflq



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UndertakingProject Name:-Construction of Entry & Exit For HPCL Retail Outlet Protected land isrequired to be diverted urcA Act for Non forestry purpose) Along Moradabad-Seohara-DI.ampur Road (SH.49) Road Kin. 53 to 54 (RIIS) khasra No. 06 Village Datanngal., TehsflDhampur District Bijnor (U.P.)

Proposal No. FP/UP/Others/54286/2020

Condition No-I: HPCL Meerut agrees that Legal Status of the Forest land Shall remainunchanged.

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HndertakyProject Name:-Construction or Entry & Exit For HP6L RetaH Outlet Protected land isrequired to be diverted (FCA Act for Non foi.estry purpose) Along Moradabad-Seoliara-Dliampur Road (SH.49) Road Kin. 53 to 54 (RES) khasra No. 06 Village Data Nagar, TelisilDhampur District Bijnor (U.P.)

Proposal No. Fprup/Others/54286/2020


Provided. in, Kin. 56 to 57 Moradabad-Haridwar-Dehradun Road Tehsil Dhampur Bijnor Dhampur

RangeBijnoratthecostoftheUserAgencyAsforaspossibleamixtureoflocallndigenousspeciesshall be planted and monoculture of any species has to be avoided.





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Project Name:-Construction of Entry & Exit For HPCL Retail Outlet Pi.otected land isrequired to be diverted (FCA Act for Non forestry purpose) Along Moi.adabad-Seohara-Dhampur Road (SH.49) Road Kin. 53 to S4 (RHS) khasra No. 06 Village Data Nagab TehsHDhampur District Bijnor (U.P.)

Proposal No. Fprup/Others/54286/2020

Condition No-3: As Demand by Concern DFO vide his letter No 264/14-I dated 28.07.2021 HPCL






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UndertakingProject Name:-Construction of Entry & Exit For IIPCL Retail Outlet Protected land isrrequired to be diverted urcA Act for Non forestry purpose) Along Moradabad-Seohara-Dhampur Road (SH.49) Road Kin. 53 to 54 (RIIS) khasra No. 06 Village Data Nagar, TehsilDhampur District Bijnor (U.P.)

Proposal No. FP/UP/Others/54286/2020

Condition No-4 As Demand by Concern DFO vide his letter No. 264/14-I dated 28.072021 HPCL

Meerut has deposited of Rs 48202.00 in CAMPA Fund through Challan Rs. 464502.00/-dated 30. 07.

202lovpv Amount 48202.00) Copy of Paid Challan enclosed) and (UTR No SBINR

5202107303 5124141 date 30.07.2021



ftiFT tiRT q7i<u`i\¥ii fao:`?.-.? i





UndertakingProject Name:-Construction of Entry & Exit For HPCL Retail Outlet Protected land isrequired to be diverted urcA Act for Non forestry purpose) Along Moradabad-Seohara-Dhampur Road (SH.49) Road Kin. 53 to 54 (RIIS) khasra No. 06 Village Data Nagar, TehsilDhampur District Bijnor (U.P.)

Proposal No. FP/UP/Others/54286/2020

Condition No-4 As Demand by Concern DFO vide his letter No. 264/14-I dated 28.072021 HPCL

Meerut has deposited of Rs 48202.00 in CAMPA Fund through Challan Rs. 464502.00/-dated 30. 07.

202lovpv Amount 48202.00) Copy of Paid Chalwh enclosed) and (UTR No SBINR5202107303 5124141 date 30.07.2021



Ir erxp q-FFT PrRT q7i{u`i\¥ii f€

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ftiFT trffi q7I<u`i`¥Ii fao

UndertakingProject Name:-Cousti.uction of Entry & Exit For IIPCL Retail Outlet Protected land isrrequired to be diverted (FCA Act for Non forestry purpose) Along Moradabad-Seohara-Dhampur Road (SH.49) Road Kin. 53 to 54 (RIIS) khasra No. 06 Village Data Nagar, TehsilDhampur District Bijnor (U.P.)

Proposal No. FP/UP/Others/54286/2020

Condition No-5: HPCL Meerut undertake that Additional amount of the NPV of the diverted ForestLLand, if any becoming Due after finalization of the same by Hon'ble Supreme Court of India on receiptof the report from the Expert Committee will be charged by the state Government from the UserAgency. The User agency will Furnish an undertaking to this effect.





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UndertakingProject Name:{onstruction of Entry & Exit For HPCL Retail Outlet Protected land isrequired to be diverted OTCA Act for Non forestry purpose) Along Moradabad-Seohara-Dhampur Road (SH.49) Road Kin. S3 to 54 (RIIS) kliasra No. 06 Village Data Nagar, TehsilDl)ampur District Bijnor our.)

Proposal No. FP/UP/Others/54286/2020

Condition No-6: User agency Shall restrict the felling of trees to minimum number in the diverted landand the trees shall be felled under the strict supervision of the State Forest Ibepartment and the cost offelling of trees shall be deposited by the User agency with the State Forest Department




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UndertakingProject Name:-Construction of Entry & Exit For IIPCL Retail Outlet Protected land isrequired to be diverted q]CA Act for Non foi.estry purpose) Along Moradabad-Seohara-DIIampur Road (SH.49) Road Kin. 53 to 54 (RIIS) khasra No. 06 Village Data Nagar, TehsnDhampur District Bijnor qup.)


Condition No-7: HPCL Meerut undertake that Greenery will be maintained by user ageney aroundPeriphery of petrol Pump.



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UndertakingProject Name:{onstruction of Entry & Exit For HPCL Retail Outlet Protected land isrequired to be diverted (FCA Act for Non forestry purpose) Along Moradabad-Seoliara-dhampur Road (SH.49) Road Kin. 53 to 54 (RIIS) Khasra No. 06 Village Data Nagar, Tehsildhampur District RIjnor (U.P.)

Proposal No. FP/UP/Others/54286/2020

Condition No-8: Copy of FRA Prescribed Certificate from the Concerned district collector is alreadyannexed in proposal.





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FndertakjngProject Name:-Construction of Entry & Exit For HPCL Retail Outlet Protected land isrequired to be diverted (FCA Act for Non forestry purpose) Along Mol.adabad-Seoliara-Dhampur Road (SH.49) Road Kin. 53 to 54 qus) khasra No. 06 Village Datanagar, Tehs"Dhampur District Bijnor (U.P.)

Proposal No. Fpmp/Otliers/54286/2020

ConditionNo,-9:UseragencyshaHusethelandbetweenentryandexitofpetrolpumpforplantationand conservation of trees the same shall be demarcated by 2feet wall.



RF5REi-:_---:-::--.-: HiiE7tF

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UndertakingProject Name:-Construction of Entry & Exit For HPCL Retail .Outlet Protected land isrquired to be diverted urcA Act for Non forestry purpose) Along Moradabad-Seohara-Dhampur Road (SH.49) Road Kin. 53 to 54 Orlls) khasra No. 06 Village Data Nagar, TehsilDhampur District Bijnor (UP.)

Proposal No. FP/UP/Others/54286re020

Condition No-10: HPCL Meerut agree plantation shall also be done along the inside boundary ofFuel Station


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. v ..-. |`all ...- |,onstruction of Entry & Exit For HPCL Retail Outlet Protected land isrequired to be diverted (FCA Act for Non forestry pul.pose) Along Mol.adabad-Seolial.a-Dhampur Road (SH.49) Road Kin. 53 to 54 (RES) khasra No. 06 Village I)atanagar, TellsHDhampur District Bijnor (U.P.)

Proposal No. FP/UP/Otllers/54286/2020

condition Noii: FTTfro en rm a far rm iT5FT qfr tRI HO- 06 qT

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Project Name: -Construction

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CertificateProject Name:-Construction of Entry & Exit For HPCL Retail Outlet Protected land isrequired to be diverted (FCA Act for Non forestry purpose) Along Moradabad-Seohara-Dhampur Road (SH.49) Road Kin. 53 to 54 (RIIS) kliasra No. 06 Village Datanagar, TehsilDhami)ur District Bijnor (U.P.)

Proposal No. FP/UP/Others/54286/2020

Condition No-12 It is Certified that proposed forest land to be diverted for Entryn3xit of approach to HPCLRO on Moradabad-Seohara-Dhampur Road (SH-.49) Road Kin. 53 to 54 (RIIS) khasra No. 06 Village DataNagar, Tehsil Dhampur District Bijnor is not close proximity of any existing RO in accordance with MORTH

guidance date 24.07.20 I 3 .







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UndertakingProject Name:-Construction of Entry & Exit For HPCL Retail Outlet Protected land isrequired to be diverted urcA Act for Non forestry |]urpose) Along Moradabad-Seohara-Dhampur Road (SH.49) Road Kin. 53 to 54 (RIIS) khasra No. 06 Village Data Nagai., TehsilDhampur District Bijnor (U.P.)

proposal No. FP/UP/Others/54286/2o20

Condition No-13: HPCL Meerut undertakes that The Boundary of the divertecl forest land shall beSuitability demarcated on ground at the project Cost as per the direction of the Concern divisiondivisional Forest officer

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UndertakingProject Name:-Construction of Entry & Exit For HPCL Retail Outlet Protected land isrequired to be diverted a]CA Act for Non forestry purpose) Along Moradabad-Seohara-Dhampur Road (SH.49) Road Kin. 53 to 54 (RIIS) khasra No. 06 Village Datanagar, TehsilDhampur District Bijnor (U.P.)

Proposal No. FP/UP/Others/54286/2020

Condition No-13: HPCL Meerut undertakes that Period of diversion under this approval shall be co-Terminus with period of lease to be granted in favour of user agency or the project Life, whicheveris less.


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UndertakingProject Name:-Construction of Entry & Exit For HPCL Retail Outlet Protected land isrequired to be diverted ITCA Act for Non forestry purpose) Along Moradabad-Seohara-Dhampur Road (SH.49) Road Kin. 53 to 54 (RIIS) khasra No. 06 Village Data Nngar, TehsHDhampur District Bijnor (U.P.)

n.oposal No. FP/UP/Others/54286/2020

Condition No-14: HPCL Meerut agrees that Legal Status of the Forest land Shall remainunchanged.

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UndertakingProject Name:-Construction of Entry & Exit For HPCL Retail Outlet Protected land isrquired to be diverted a]CA Act for Non forestry pur|}ose) Along Moradabad-Seohara-Dhampur Road (SH.49) Road Kin. 53 to 54 (RIIS) kliasra No. 06 Village Data Nagar, TehsnDliampur District Bijnor qu.P.)

Proposal No. FP/UP/Others/54286/2020

Condition No-15: HPCL Meeut undertakes that the ministry of environment, forest and climatechange may stipulate from time to time interest of conservation ,protection and development of forest

& wildlife'





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Project Name:rfonstruction of Entry & Exit For ~ Retail Outlet Protected land isrquind to be diverted qucA Act for Non forestry purpose) Along Moradabadrfuhara-Dhampur Road (SH.49) Road Kin. 53 to 54 (RIIS) khasra No. 06 Village Datanngah TehsnDhampur District Bijnor qu.P.)

Proposal No. FP/UP/Others/54286/2020

Condition Nol6: It is certified that all funds received from the User Agency under the project win betransferred /depesited to CAMPA fund only though e- portal thttps:pravesh.nic.in). As demand by

Concern DFO Vide his Letter no. No. 264/14-1 dated 28.07.2021 HPCL Meerut has deposited in

CAMPA Fund, through Challan Rs. 464502/-dated 30ro7-202l (CA amount Rs. 416300.00 & NPV

Amount 48202.00 ) Copy of Paid Challan enclosed) and (UTR No SBINR 52021073035124141 date




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UndertakingProject Name:-Construction of Entry & Exit For HPCL Retail Outlet Protected land isrequired to be diverted q]CA Act for Non forestry purpose) Along Morndabad-Seohara-Dliampur Road (SEL49) Road Kin. 53 to 54 (RIIS) khasra No. 06 Village Data Nagar, TehsnDhampur District Bijnor quJ'.)

Proposal No. FP/UP/Others/54286/2020




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