i am isc volume 1, issue 15 · “rudolf the red nosed reindeer,” and “feliz navidad.” their...

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Individuality Collaboration Involvement Respect Responsibility I AM ISC


November 25, 2015 I AM ISC VOLUME 1, ISSUE 15

Dates to remember:

November 26, 27: Thanksgiving Break, No School

December 4: Sinterklaas

December 7: Online progress reports

December 9-18: High School Midterm Exams

December 18: Early Dismissal

December 21– January 8: Holiday Break, School Closed

January 11: 3rd Quarter Begins

Dear ISC Community,

We have been busy around campus recently! Apart from the teaching

and learning happening inside the classrooms, our students, staff, and

parents have been engaged in numerous activities and events which sup-

plements our regular curriculum and enriches our student-body. As we

head into the Thanksgiving weekend, I would like to emphasize my ap-

preciation to everyone who has been involved, directly or indirectly,

with our school in one way or another. Thank you all for your continued

support of ISC!

The Board has approved the 2016-2017 school calendar. Please note the

specific events corresponding to each month have not all been specified

to date. Our intention is to provide you with the core structure with the

start and end dates of the school year as well as all of the holidays in

order for you to plan accordingly to meet the needs of your family. In

time, the Administration will determine specific dates for the events tied

to each month and the calendar will be updated.

We are just 3 weeks away from our holiday break. For high school stu-

dents, this means mid-term exams are also just around the corner. Stu-

dents; be sure to familiarize yourself with your exam schedule. Parents;

as always, during the examination period, regularly scheduled classes are

not in session– your son or daughter only need to be at school during the

times they have an exam scheduled.

Have a pleasant Thanksgiving holiday and we will see you all back at

school on Monday.


Douglas Vaughan




From The Director

Our Vision: An



today for the

global citizens

of tomorrow.

Our Mission: ISC educates students from diverse cultures to have the skills to think

creatively, communicate effectively, reason critically, and act compassionately.

Inside this issue:

Tennis Champions 2

Athlete of the Week 2

Middle School News 3

Holiday Drive 4

Super Singers 5

Happy Thanksgiving 5

Marketing Officers 6

Teener Parade 6

Individuality Collaboration Involvement Respect Responsibility I AM ISC


November 25, 2015 I AM ISC VOLUME 1, ISSUE 15

Tennis Champions: Jozef and Benjamin Haseth

Congratulations to 5th grade students Jozef and Benjamin Haseth, who won the

Curaçao Tennis Doubles Championship Tournament Series on Saturday, Novem-

ber 21st.

Varsity Sports: FDDK Recognizes Silka Dyett as Player of the Week (Article extracted from FDDK’s FB page)

During the school championships organized by

FDDK and ACU we select a player that best repre-

sents what a student athlete or better said a person

should be.

We select only the students we feel can be an exam-

ple for others both on and off the field. We always

contact the school’s first to see how the student is

doing at school as well.

Silka Dyett can not only be an example for her

school but for the whole country and we dare even

say the world. She always handles herself and others

with respect. Silka brings the much needed calmness

and skills to her team who are unbeaten so far in the

School competition. Miss Dyett is also one of the

best students at International School Curaçao.

FDDK and ACU applaud and congratu-

lates Silka Dyett s player of the week.


E hungadó di siman #2 den Vòlibòl femenino ta Silka Dyett

Silka ta un persona ehemplar. Na skol e ta un di e mihó studiantenan i riba vèlt e ta un di e hungadó nan esensial ku ta un

di e motibu nan dikon International School Curaçao ta invikto ainda pa loke ta trata e kampeonato eskolar di vòlibòl


Silka Dyett hungadó di siman #2 deporte eskolar FDDK i ACU.

Above, from left to right: High school principal Gustavo

Sever , Silka Dyett and Naisha Santiago (FDDK)

Individuality Collaboration Involvement Respect Responsibility I AM ISC


November 25, 2015 I AM ISC VOLUME 1, ISSUE 15

Leading up to World AIDS day, the 7th grade students have been developing projects to provide information and aware-

ness regarding the disease, as well as dispel myths and misconceptions. The collage represents some different groups

and their projects. Thank you to Mrs. Chugani, Ms. Hickok and Ms. Pam in guiding them through the process.

Parents are invited to join the 7th grade students, along with the rest of Middle School and 5th grade, to our AIDS

awareness assembly, scheduled for Tuesday, December 1st at 12:45 in the Gym.

-Mrs. van Grieken

PicCollage created by: Shreyaa Samtani

Middle School News: Grade 7’s World AIDS Awareness Projects

Individuality Collaboration Involvement Respect Responsibility I AM ISC


November 25, 2015 I AM ISC VOLUME 1, ISSUE 15

NJHS/NHS Holiday Drive

Dear ISC parents,

Once again it is that time of year when we begin to think of all the things for which we are thankful. As

Thanksgiving approaches we know that the holiday season cannot be far off. And the holiday season means the

annual Holiday Food Drive is getting underway.

As you may know, NJHS stands for National Junior Honor Society and NHS stands for National Honor Society.

The Kayena Chapter at the International School of Curaçao was founded in 1988. The purpose of this chapter is

to create enthusiasm for scholarship, to stimulate a desire to render service, to set an example for leadership,

and to encourage the development of character in students of the International School of Curaçao.

Our goal this year is for everyone to donate as much as possible so that each classroom’s box can be entirely

donated to a family. We will still be collecting the same items we have in the past: canned and non- perishable

foods, basic household supplies, and toiletries. Below, please find examples of items that can be donated. Please

make sure that the food you donate has not expired!

The deadline for receiving donations in the classrooms is: Tuesday, December 15th


As members of the ISC community we are fortunate to have an abundance of good in our lives. We have good

food to eat and good clothes to wear. Let’s take this time to share that abundance with those less fortunate.

The NJHS and NHS wish to thank you for all your support and we wish you a very Happy Holiday Season!

Non-Perishable Foods/ Alimentos no perecederos:

Canned Fruits- Frutas enlatados

Canned Vegetables- Vegetales enlatados

Canned Meats (Tuna, Chicken, Spam etc.)- Carnes enlatados

Canned Soups- Sopas enlatados

Fruit juices (in non-breakable containers)- Jugos de frutas (en recipientes irrompibles)

Rice- Arroz

Pasta- Pasta

Coffee- Café

Cereals- Cereales

Dry or canned beans- Frijoles secos o enlatados

Powdered/evaporated milk- Leche en polvo / evaporada

Boxes of crackers- Cajas de galletas

Boxes of cookies- Cajas de galletas (dulce)

Cooking oil (canola, olive, vegetable etc.)- Aceite de cocina

Cleaning Supplies/ Artículos de limpieza:

Laundry detergent- Detergente para ropa

Cleaning supplies- Artículos de limpieza

Paper towel- Toalla de papel

Dish soap- Jabón para lavar platos

Toiletries and Personal Items/Artículos de tocador y artículos personales:

Deodorant- Desodorante

Body soap- Jabón de cuerpo

Shampoo- Champú

Conditioner- Acondicionador

Toilet paper- Papel higiénico

Toothpaste- Pasta de dientes

Toothbrushes- Cepillos de dientes

*We are unable to accept: expired foods, glass jars and baked or used products.*

Individuality Collaboration Involvement Respect Responsibility I AM ISC


November 25, 2015 I AM ISC VOLUME 1, ISSUE 15

ISC’s Super Singers Perform at Landhuis Bloemhof

This past weekend Landhuis Bloemhof had it’s

annual Christmas Fair. At the fair, there were

over sixty stands with homemade crafts, gifts,

and yummy foods. In addition to the trinkets for

sale, there was live music that was sung by none

other than our Super Singers and Middle School

Choir! Each group of singers sang a few favorite

holiday hits including “Carol of the Bells,”

“Rudolf the Red Nosed Reindeer,” and “Feliz

Navidad.” Their enthusiastic performance and

holiday cheer was well received by the commu-

nity of Curaçao. What a great way to kick of the

holiday season. Well done singers!

Right: Ms. Allison Grubb and the elementary section

of the Super Singers.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Today, students in elementary and middle school enjoyed a Thanksgiving lunch before

heading home for the extended weekend. Thank you to the PTA and all the parents who

helped make today’s feast possible!

Individuality Collaboration Involvement Respect Responsibility I AM ISC


November 25, 2015 I AM ISC VOLUME 1, ISSUE 15

Dear Parents,

We are looking for bright and savvy parent volunteers to join us in developing ISC’s Marketing program. They will

work directly with the Director, who is very supportive and willing to let the right candidate run with their ideas and

manage their timelines.

To apply, you should be a compelling copywriter, confident in writing in a variety of styles, for a number of audiences.

You should also have good design skills, be comfortable with social media and have the ability to oversee projects. Re-

sponsibilities include supporting ISC’s marketing and PR; planning social media campaigns and generating online and

offline campaigns to reach potential students.

We hope you will help create something for I.S.C. that could potentially develop into a future program. If you are inter-

ested, please send an email directly to Mr. Vaughan (vaughand@isc.cw) before December 15th.

The International School of Curaçao (ISC) is a preK-12,

accredited, private, nonprofit, coeducational day school

recognized by the local government of Curaçao that pro-

vides instruction in English. ISC was founded in 1968

and offers a rigorous academic program in order to pre-

pare students who plan to pursue higher learning at col-

leges and universities around the world.

International School of Curaçao

P.O. Box 3090, Curaçao

Dutch Caribbean

Tel: +(5999) 737-3633

Fax: +(5999) 737-3142

Website: www.isc.cw


Email: info@isc.cw

We’re on Facebook!

Click here

Credits: Layout design: D. Vaughan Editing: D. Vaughan, C. Dijkhuizen

Contributors: D. Vaughan, J. Rigaud-Elhage, D. Melfor, J. van Grieken, G. Hart, G. Ayoubi, A. Grubb, N. Kommeroh, S. Samtani.

ISC is Looking for Marketing Officers!


-Every Thursday morning from 8:00-8:30.

-Sign up in the main office or email Ms. Camille

(dijkhuizenc@isc.cw). Space is limited.

-Sit with the Director and other parents for coffee

or tea– and doughnuts.

-Discuss the direction and future of ISC.

-Share your ideas for a stronger ISC.


ISC is happy to be joining the 2016 Teener Parade! Students from

grades 7 through 12 are invited to sign up for the superhero themed

carnival parade which will take place on February 5th, 2016. There

was an informational meeting for parents and students on Monday

November 16th. We are still looking for participants for the parade!

A deposit of NAF. 150, - is needed for registration. For more infor-

mation please email the committee at: karnaval@isc.cw. Also, for

more details of the Carnival in general, click here:


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