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  • I . 1

    ' '


    ~ ! ! .N. 1 ! .Q .§. ! ~ .§. 1 Q N_, 8.10 o 1olook,


    hn 2J.i.th, i919 ~ 1 ~ \ '

    A Meeting of the Oi ty Council was held this

    evening at the above named hour, present His Worship Mayor Parker and Aldermen Col\'1ell, Whit~

    man·, Aot

  • June 24th, .1919

    Willow Street Repairs. Gerrish Street Repairs and. Improvement. Graf·ton Street Sidewalk. Annand.ale Street Sidewalk, Temperance Act Inspec·tor Tracey, Union Canadian Mun:toipali ties Convention. Water Bill 101-3 Agricola Street-Isabella

    Mai~ shall, Tenders for Printing, Stationery, Blank

    Books & etc, Streets Not taken over by the City. North West Arm Sewer Right of Way-Arbi-

    trator' s Awe:rd • . T~\ver Road Repairing and Paving.

    Great War Veteran' a Gra.n"t $3000, 00 Water Meter Bills. Storekeeper City Works Store Ya.rd. Market Building Clerk. Tower Road Repairs-Salaries of Officials. Governments Contributing towards Civic

    Taxation. Poll Taxes.

    ! • Numbering Buildings.


    Noises Unneoeeeary. Governments Contributing towards Civic Taxation, Housing Problem. Tuberculo~is Hospital Bo1;..~d o:t' •rrusteee. Tramway Extension Across the Common. Public U·bilftiea Boa;rd,. Loan $761,000.00 for various purposes, Chairman, Ad.U.ournmen t Lost. Aldermen Bissett and Kelly Retire, Tuberculosis Hospital. Market Clerk -V.G.Hospital Patients.


    The council being about to proceed with the

    consideration of papers submitted at this and

    lat the last meeting :-: I

    l Q.UESTION OF PRIVIT.JEGE - ALDERMAN POWEFI .• I I Alderman Power asked permission to address !the meeting on a question of privilege. I ~ The City Solioitor gave his opinion that

    q~'. ~ ~ ~ 'nothing have arisen at this seas ion of the Council


    !giving cause for any ";uestion of privilege" Alder-

    !man Power is not entitled to ad.dress the Council at I

    :this stage of the meeting unless the Counoil ex-,

    presses its willingness to hear him.

    - g3 -

  • June 24thrn 1919

    Moved.b1 Alderman Kelly seconded by Alderman

    Colwell that Alderman Power be permitted to address

    the meeting • Motion passed,

    Alderman Power addressed the me~ting complain-. '

    : ing that at the last session when the aubjeot of I

    ' i '

    \borrowing $400,000.00 for paving and ill!proving !

    I streets ·w,s under ooneidera.tion he had. made oar ... i I . I . . .

    I tain remarks which had. been misquoted and wrongly ' I

    i reported in the newspapers •


    Alderman.Bissett requested the privilege

    ! of addressing the meeting.

    Moved by Alderman Buokley sedonded by Alderman

    lRegan that Alderman Bissett be permitted to address i 'the couno 11 , ' I

    Motion passed.. i


    Alderman Bissett ad.d.ressed the meeting po in ting i I

    lout that he had obse:r.ved since becoming a member l

    lot· the Council that the meetina adjourn before I . . ]all the items in the Ruies of Order of Council

    ~nder the heading "~rder o:e: Business" are reached I ~d that ·members desiring to being before the I oo.unoil certain matters iil which they are interested I are thus debarred from the opportunity.

    I l i


    The Council resumes the consideration of the


    Ra~d petition Imperial Oil Company for per- ·-

    - g1+ ....

  • June E4tl11 1919

    mission to c.onetruot a ra,j.lway siding to their

    p~operty at the junction of West Young Street,

    Robie Street and Kempt Road •

    Halifax, N.S. June lg, 1919


    To His Worship the Mayor

    I and Aldermen of the City

    I of Halifax in Council Assembled.

    i Sirs -'1· On the 21st December, 1918, we applied to I the City Engineer for permission to construct a i Railw·ay S j.ding to our property and premises at 1! the juno·tion of. West Young , Robie st., and Kempt Road, This applioation~was referred to the Board

    ! of Control by the City Engineer, and the Board ; re:t'used our reciuest. I

    I ! Believing that the matter was not :fully under-ii stood by the Board, we made application direct , td> the Board of Control on the 18th March, and I Mr. Hector Mo Innes, together with the wri tar, :was on hand, and explained the situation; nrunely, I the Board of Control had granted us permission to 1


    1ooate on the site, and construction was then well under way, and we simply applied for per-

    \ mission to reaoh our property with a Siding~ ao 1 that we might operate it in the usual way. Also

    : the parties, whose Siding we were terr.rpol'arily us--\ ing on sufferance, asked us to discontinue its 1uae as soon as possible, and that we might at la.ny moment be unable to carry on our business. I \ In addition 1 we submitted a petttion signed 1by nearly all the nearby. residents, stating that I they had no obj eotion to the Siding being pl~oed I as required, etc. I I .

    I Notwithstanding this, our application was again refused by the Board of Control, and we take I the liberty o:f making the request of your honorable jbody to inatdl a siding, as per plans drawn by the ~ailway Engineer, and submitted herewith, and pray \that our request will be gran tad. I

    \ We will be pleased to give any further in:f'or-rnation ·che Council may desire in connection with !thtbs propoai tion. I l The West end and section of the City where we pave looa.ted is an industrial centre, and more Rail-~ay Sidings will be needed in that location from time ~o time as the business of the city expands.

    IMPERIAL OIL, ~imi ted.,, S.S.Sha.Dford,Manager.

  • JUl'le 2ltth, 1919

    ' ;.,,~ ,c~ .

    Referred to the committee on Works for

    report. I- \ I I .


    .t,/ I I


    i I

    I ! I I i


    Read peti tion for.repairs to Willow Street.

    Referred to the Committee on Works for report.

    GERRISH STREET REPAIRS AND 'IMPROVEMENT. . I Read pa.tit ion for repairs and improvement i

    \ Gerrish Street.


    I Referred to theCommittee on Works for report.

    AGRmCOLA STREET REPAIRS. I Read petition for repairs Agricola Street.

    Referred to the Commi ttea on Works for report.


    I I

    Read reports ·Committee on Works and City

    \Engineer re concrete sidewalk on the east side of I !Grafton Street between Blowers and laokville Streets • I I I I


    I Off ioe of Clerk of Works, Halifax, N. s. June i9·ch, 19

    . I

    IHia Worship the Mayor land City Council. !Gentlemen:-! At a meeting of the Works Department, ;June lSth, the City Engineer reported on petition jfor concrete sidewalk east aide Grafton Street, 1between B~owera and Sackville Streets, recommending :1 ta being ordered for oonstruotion under the Per-;manent Sidewalk Aot 1906. I Approved and ordered sent to City council. Estimated coat $2816.oo I


    A.F.Measervey, Clerk of Works.

    t''t-t+ t-ttt"-t-tt O i ty Engineer 1 a O:f'fioe, Halifax, N.S.June 17,1919

    His Worship the Mayor, Sir, · I beg to report on the attached petition asking for the oonstruotion of a concrete sidewalk on the eas.t side of Grafton Street between Blow·ers and

    - S6 -

  • .. i-:1"' '·' . , ......



    June 24th, 1919

    , Sackville Streets. '

    I There has.been no improvement made in this block II for a great many years,, and as the block.south

    of it ie to be paved,, and ·the street will grow i in imp or tanoe as the traf:fio increases; I would I recommend that a concrete sidewalk be ordered i for construction on the east side. of. Grafton I Street between Blowers and Sackville Streets , under the Permanent Sidewalk Act .1906. The esti-\ mated ooat is $2$16. 00 · ·

    I ( I


    I I

    F ~W.W. Doane,, City Engine·er.

    Moved by Alderman Finlay seconded by Alderman

    Power that the reports be adopted. M~~ion passed,


    J Alderman Hoyt asked when a report would be

    / !presented on a petition submitted for a concrete I .

    · · side\valk on Annandale Street.

    I I . I


    Referred to the Comm~ttee on Works for report.

    TEMPERANCE ACT INSPECTOR TRACEY • . . ·- .... Read letter Ald.erinanBuokley relating to the

    Nova Scotia Temperanoe Aot Insp·eotor E. s. Tracey.

    To His Worship the Mayor and City Council, GEintlemen:-

    Hal if ax, N. s. June ig,19

    . I desire to oaJ.l the attention of the I 1Couno il to the a.ct ions of Inspector Traoey,, who i a loanva.asing for sub so rip tions fo:r a paper called i"'l'he Chroniole" during office hours,, when he could pe be.tter employed lCioking after the ao called 1!BOOTLEGGERS" for which he i e paid. I Inspector Traoey has made efforts to throw ~ atigma.tRon the ef:f'ioienoy of our Police Depart-~en t which is un-oalled for,, and I desire a report ~roin Inspector Tracey on the number of oapturea ~ad.e during the month of May, with the named of the :0ol1oe Officials Who were with him when the captures

    were made. ' I

    l Proh1b1 tion is a Law~ which was "CONCEIVED lN HYSTERIA" and "BORN IN BIGOTRY" and the Provincial I

    'i - g7 -l

  • ~ . .: ... , ...... ' ..



    I-. -.,·, ,·,

    +" '"•'

    Government should be made responsible for it's enf oroemen t •

    . ! · As this "ANTI BRITISH" Law, called prohibition I was foisted on the City of Halifax~ against the 1 expressed wished of the City of Halifax, Inspector

    v \ Tracey should be under the control of the Provincial


    , ~ JI Government. ~~..; wm.P.Buok~ey,

    I ' "1 ' I \1-"" %Y I Moved by A.:).derman Ackhurst seconded by Alder• ~~r'\'.\~,(_"'1\ji.fnan Finlay that the letter be referred to the !cY//'~ ¥ 'i Police Committee, Motion passed. I/ I

    I ' l I I I I

    I I I

    UNION CANADIAN MUNICIPALITIES CONVENTION -------------~-------------------------------

    [ Rea.d. letter Union of Canadian Uunioipali ties

    I re Annual Convention at Kingston, Ont, August 12th,

    13th and 14.th. Montreal, May 23, 1919

    His Worship the Mayor andcouncil. Dear Sirs -

    By the cordial invitation of His vtorahip

    I Mayor Newman and City Council, the Annual Convention



    of the Union of Canadian Municipa.li ti~s 'tNill be held in the City of Kingston, Ont., on Tuesday, Wed-nesday and Thursday, August 12th, 13th and 14-th.

    You are earnestly invited to send one or more delegates to take an active part in the proceedings. Also to draft any resolution~ or any

    lmunoipal question wyou wish to be p·rought before the ¢onvent1on,

    The Union of Canadian Munioipali ties is your pa.rl iamen t. It is the only Dora inion -wide organization through which a municipality· oan co-operate and exert its influence, and required the united counsel of municipal men,

    1 Serious experiences of this present par-:11a111enta.ry session have demonstrated this.

    Tl1e Hif~·h Cost of Diving· is a big vital Q.'IJ,ea ti on of today. I We propose to demand relief from the 1Federal Government by:-ll a. Control of Monopolies.

    b. Tariff Changes, 1 o. Control of Cold Storage.

    d. Control of Oonnniseions,. e. Control of Profiteering. f, Control of Stock Mani~ulations g. P11 o·teo tion of Oen sumer in Oapi tal

    and Labor Agreements.

    - 8$ -

  • .... ' /~ ,/

    .. i . '

    '. ' i

    I I I I


    I !


    I I . I

    June .24th, 19~9

    . We want you to discuss with us -rrhe Reaponaibili ·by of the Councils in the

    Regula t~on o f :-a. Meat and Fish. b. Bread. and Milk. o. Fuel d. Housing. e. Prevention of Crime f. !t:r;e Inspeo t~on-;. ·

    Come .and discuss also -The Responsibility of the Citizen of your

    Municipality an.d Your Board of Trade, regarding -a. Comm~rdial Integrity. b. Frauds in Weights and Measures. o. Frauds in Packages. d·. Frauds_ in Prices. . e. Frauds in Adulterations.

    Other live questions are:-Undeveloped Water Povrer s in Quebec,

    Ontario, and British coiumbia, The Returned Soldier, War Memorials. · . The value of Bureaus .of Municipal

    affairs; some Of them recently established and all closely toughing your interests,.

    G. s. Wilson, Asst. Seo-Treas.

    Moved by Alderman Kelly seconded by Alderman '

    Colwell that.consideration of the letter be deferred. . .

    Motion passed, .

    \ · WATER BILL lOl-2 AGRici\llLA I MARSHALL •


    I Read reports Committee on Works and Aasiatant

    ·.City E~gineer re water bills 101-103 Agricol~ ,Street

    Isabella Marshall.

    His Worship the Mayor and City counoil, a.en tlemen: - --

    Office of Clerk of Wor sk, Halifax, June l9th,1919

    ~t a meeting of the Wor~e Department \held on the 'lgth day of June, the Assistant City !Engineer reported on water meter bills for 101-103 1Agr1oola Street, stating that after investigation he 1oould not r·eoommend. a rf!duotion for aooaunt in ioonneotion with 101 Agricola ·street, but for 103 '.Agrioo.la street reoorrimended that bill for $lS, l3 ,be reduced to $11. 29 1 I . l

  • June 24-th, 1~19

    Report adopted and ordered to City council for approval.

    A.F.Messervey, Clerk of Works.

    _ ...................... _ •••••••••

    City Engineer's Office, June 17, 1919

    His Worship the. Mayor, . Sir, .. I I beg to report on the complaint of excessive I rates :f'or water at #lO:b-103 Agricola Street. I At #101 the bill is $6. 42 for the year· from M~oh 191$ to March 1919. This is made up at the regular flat rate charges, and I cannot recommend

    I any reduction in it, . I 1 I At #103 the bill complained of is for the l~~/v"iperd>od between Sept. 19'17 and M~ch 191~ and I /"" .~ amounts to $18,13. There is no doubt thatthis · / 'vJ /" " large consumption was caused by having. to let ~-~~Y· the water run after the explosion •. The bills for ~/~ 1 the ~vo previous ~alf years were $11,18' and $11,29 I · ~ and I would recommend that the bill complained of 1 ~A. be reduced to the same as the· previous half year,

    v 1

    • 1! namely, $11, 29 -, H.W.Johnston,

    I.I Asst. City Engineer,

    1 Moved by -¢Alderman Finlay :eeoonded by Alderman

    I . IB_egan that the reports be adopted. Motion pa.seed,


    Read reports. Committee on Tend.era and City -· clerk re tenders for i'rinting, Statir.)nery, Blank

    IBopks, . Advertising, &

    I 0ff 1oe 1.


    of City,Clerk, Halifax, N,S,, May 6th, 1919

    I Hj.s Worship the Mayor and Board of Control,

    \ Gentleman:-1 In respect to tenders for various II serv:1.oes received in response to advertisement

    in the newspapers and opened at a meeting of ·1. the Board of Control held this mornj.ng, I geg

    to report and recommend as follows -'

    - 90 -

  • '. •.

    I .

    · June 24th, 1919._

    Printing Eists of Voters. Royal Pri'n t and 'rJi tho Ltd. 2 3/ 8 per name.

    The City Print. ~ " " The tender of the Royal Print being the low-

    1 est is recommended for aooeptanoe. : Printing Mi.nutes of' City ,,ouncil. i · 'l1he 01 ty Print . ,. $1. 55 per page

    T.C.Allen & Co. l.65 " " The !ender of the City Print being the lowest

    ~s recommended for aocepta.noe. J Rrin tin_g Annual Re,ort. ·

    Tne City Pr in $2. 25 per page. T.C.Allen & Co. l.75 " "

    : The ·tender of T. C. Allen & Co. being the ! lowest ia l'eoommended for acdepta.noe. 1 Blank Books.

    A.& W.Maok inlay· Ltd. prices per schedule 1 T. C • PJ. l en & Co. do I The tender of A.& W.Maokinlay Ltd. being' I

    the lowest is recommended for acoeptanoe. · N1Wspaper Advertisin~.

    I . · Aoatiian Recor er • 70¢ per inoh. . 1 This being the only tender received it is I r.eoommended for aooeptanoe. _ . I Under a resolution passed by. the Boall.1i of I Control some years ago and approved by the city I Council it was decided· to insert all City ad-; vertisements in the three evening newspapers in-stead Of the former practice Of advertising in only one morn~ng and one evening newspaper. In answer to telephone communication the Management O·f both the Herald and the Chronicle have prom-ised to give the City a flat rate of 70¢ per inch for all insertions in ei~her their morning or evening editions and I beg to recommend that their off 6rs be aooepted. Print:i..!!Jt Blank Forma. ·

    I T.C.Allen & co. prioes ~er schedule, 1 Only tende~ reomived. Recommended for aooep-1 tanoe. · ,


    · Stationery. T.C.Allen,& Co. Prices per schedule,

    11 Only tender received. Recommended for aooeptanoe.

    I I The City Council,, Gentlemen:-

    L. Fred Mohaghan,, CITY CJ.JEl'.\K.

    +-t-++- I

    Committee Room,, City Hall, June l gth,, i 9:i-9

    1 The Committee on Tenders beg to report lthat at a meeting held this day, present Aldermen \Guildford,, Chairman,, But~er., Bissett,, Aokhurst and

    - 91 -

  • I ,

    ! !

    I I I I I



    I ~J I ' I I , I~

    June 24-th, 191~-·

    Godwin, they had before them the various tenders received by the Board of Control for Printing, Stationery, blank books etc., together with a report of the City Clerk thereon.

    With the-·exoeption of the clause relating to tenders for printing the Annual Report which the committee desires to further consider, the City Cl erk' s report is recommended for approval of the council.

    Robert D.Gu1ldford, Chairman.

    Moved by Alderman Guild.ford seconded by

    Alderman Aokhurst that the report of the Commj_ttee

    on· Tenders be adopted.

    Moved in amendment by Alderman Finlay seconded

    by Alderman Murphy that the City· ine~rt ad.vertise-

    1 mente ~n the.newly published weekly paper called

    ! I I

    "The Citizen" whien in the opinion of the City

    1 officials it is· considered in the interest of the I I C i ty to do so. I I



    Amendment put and passed 9 voting for the

    same and $ against it as follows -

    For the Amendment

    Aldermen Finlay Regan Kelly Murphy Buokley Ritchie· Power. Godwin Hubley-9

    Against it.

    Aldermen Colwell Whitman Ackhurst Hoyt Bissett Butler

    Guild.ford Thompson _g

    The original motion as amended is put and



    Read report Committee on Works and City Engineer

    I recommending in oonjunotion with the Town Planning !

    - 92 -

  • June 24th, 1919

    Board that the following named streets be plotted

    on the 0:8.fioial City Plan :- Leppart Street from

    Mumford Road. to Phillips Street; Phillips Street

    from Chebuoto Road to Leppart Street; Studley

    Street from Oakland Road to South Street.

    Of:f:'ioe of Clerk of Works, June 18th, 1919 ·

    Hisworahip the Mayor and City council. Gentlemen:-

    At. a meeting of the Works Department held on the 18th of June the Ci 'by ~~ng:i.119 or rt.;_,:porte:l that under instructions from Town Planning Committee they have approved a subdivision ·\~hioh includes Studley s lire et from Coburg Road to Sou th Street, also a sub-division of the extension of Westmouht, which includa4 Leppart Street, and an extension of

    1 Phillipa Street and to recommend that these ·three

    I streets be placed on City Plan. \ · Approved and Ordered to City Council,

    I A.F.Meservey, ! Clerk of Works.

    ++++ ..

    City Engineer's Offioe, Halifax, June 25, 1919

    Hts Worship the Mayor, Sir,

    I am inst1'uoted lisp the Town Planning Oommi ttee to report to the City Council that they have approved. of a sub-division which includes Studley Street

    I from Oak~and Roadto South Street; also a eub-divi-1 sion of ihe extension of Westmouth which includes I Leppart Stree.t and an extension of Phillips Street, · and to recommend the~t Lepps..rt Street from Mumford

    Road.t o Phillips Street, Phillipa Str.eet f1•om Cha-1 bucto Road.to Leppart Street and Studley Street from \ Oakland Road to South Stree·t be placed on the Official ii City Plan.

    F.w.w.Doane, ·

    I City Engineer.

    I Moved by Alderman Finlay s eoonded by Alderman ! \Kelly that the reports be adopted. I

    Moved in amendment by Aldermart Buokely seconded

    - 93 -

  • .June 24-th, 1919

    ' by Alderman Power that the matter be deferred

    ior further consideration.

    The amendment is put w1d passed 11 voting for

    ·' the same and 6 against it as follows -

    For the Amendment.

    Aldermen Whitman Bissett Regan Kelly Murphy Buckley Ritchie Power Godwin Hu.bley Thompaon-:\.i

    Against it.

    Aldermen Colwell Finlay Ackhurst Hoyt Butler Guildford ~6


    Alderman Regan asked for a list of Streets

    in the ci·by which have not been officially accepted

    and taken over by the ·if.corporation.

    The City Engineer informed the Council that

    suoh lists had. been laid before the Council f i·om

    time to time and that it would be an easy matter

    ! to furnish a new. complete list up to date. I I

    I Referred to the City Engineer to submit the

    ! 11et asked for.


    Read reports Corllrtlittee on Works and Assistant ' ' l City Engineer re award of Arb1t:cator 1s appointed I i

    to determine the oompenaa t ion to be pa,id. by. the City

    for right of way for the s actions of the North West

    : Arm Se\ver respectively ; lat Section from Oakland

    : Road to Jubilee Road $9985.00, and 2nd Section from

    - 94 -

  • . . ··. '• .

    June 24-tha ,1919

    Oakland Road to Point Pleasant Park $23,133.00

    total $33,118.00 plus Arbitrator•s fees, coats

    to be taxesLas between party and party and value

    of rights expropriated from Capt. W.T.Rose, not

    fixed because of h'is absence from the ~rovince •

    The reports covered copies of the .original awards,

    the Arbitra:Dor•s being; 1st Section Dougald

    Mflagillivray on behalf of the owners ; J. Clifford

    Har1"ia on behalfoof the City of Halifax and James

    A.McDcinald third Arbitrator. 2nd Section Henry

    Roper on behalf of the owners; J.Clifford Harris

    on behalf of the City o±' Halifax and James A.

    McDonald. third Arbi tra:bor. The original awards

    filed in the City Enginaer•s office.

    Wf:f'ioe of Clerk of Works, Hal if ax, June 19, 1919

    ! His Worship the Mayor and .City Counoil. Gen tlamen: - .

    At a meeting of the Works Department held on the lg th of June ·bhe Assistant City En-gneer submitted report on arbitrator's award North West Arm Sewer expropriation, a oopy of the awa..Td

    \ being attached thereto. Thie covers all the proper-! ties in question except that of Captain W.D.Rose~ 1 who during 41 tting of the A:cbi tration Board was 1 out of the province on Military Duty. : Report approved and ordered sent to

    City Council. A. F. Messe1'vey 1

    Clerk of Works • .......... • • • • • City Engineer's Offioe1 Halifax, June 12~ 1919

    H*a Worship the Mayor, Sir,

    , The arbitrator's appointed to ve..iue the right of i way for the Norhh West Arm sewer 1 have filed thdtir

  • June !4th, 1919

    awards, copies of which are attached. For the section of the sewer between Oakland

    Road and Jubilee Road, the amount of the award is $9985. In addition to this, the arbitrators have

    , awarded that the City pay the ooats of the arbi-tration and also pay to each of' the claimants who

    1 appeared before them, the ooata to be taxed as between party and party.

    For th•~ section between Oakland Road and Point Pleasant Park, t~e award amounts ~o $23,133~ the City to pay the oo·sts of the arbitration; &ild costs are also allowed any ola.imant who appeared before the Boa.rd, the oosta to be taxed as be~veen party and party.

    These two awards cover all the property be-~veen Jd.bliee Road and Point Pleasant Park with the exception of. the property belonging to Capt. W .D.Rose. The arbitrators repo·rt with regard to this property, ·that the .owner was , during all the tirne of the arbitration, out of the Province on Military duty, and in his absence they did no·b deal vvi th it. '!'.he Waegwol tio Club and the North West Arm Rowing Club gave the right of way to the City without any compensation. ·

    Atta.ob.ad is a summary,, showing the amount · awarded to eaoh property owner.

    H. W. Johneton1 Asst. City Engineer.

    Summary of Arbitrators' award for right of way for North West Arm Sewer.

    First Section-Oakland Road to Jubilee Road.

    John E.Burns . James E. Fraser Birchdale. Ltd. Est. J, S.· Kenny Eat. Rod Macdonald

    $500.00 1500.00 2000.00 3700.00 22~.oo $9985.00

    Second Seo·tion-9alcland Road to Point Pleasant Park.

    Est. Rod Macdonald $2goo.oo Est. David. MoKeen 3300. 00 i11't. James rr•hornson 2000. 00 Pine Hill College 2000.00 Eat. B.F.Pearson l&)0.00 G.F.Pearaon 709.00 N. Doherty 300.00 N.S.Tramvays & Power co ~50.00 c ja a. Brister 2200. 00 C.H. Cahan 3200.00 Geo. Ritchie 1500.00 H.F.Adams be;.oo G.H.Fluok 400.00 Esther M.Clark 4-oo.oo J.A.Clark 750.00 D.Lorne McGibbon b50.00 W. D.Roee (Not deal th.With_ . 23133.00

    - 96b-Total amount$3311e.oo

  • Q"~ne 24th, l.~~9

    . l

    . ~ '"'1..: Moved by Alderman Finlay seconded 'oy Alderman Po·.'ier th!'l.t

    ~/ ! the reports of the Committee on works and. Assistant ~7~" JCity ~ngineer be adopted and tlle amounts of a1vard ~/':::: " \paid ini;o couri; as soon as possible,

    ~/ I Moved in amendment by Ald~rman Murf.!hY seoo nded by / - \J I , 11 Alderman Kelly that the payment of the awards of ·the

    v- /• &.Jt Arbi tratore for the rights expropriated from property p ~ : owners be referred i;o the Finance Comn.i ti;ee to :finance / and settle as soon as possible.

    Amendment put and passed 11 voting for the same and

    5 against it as follows -

    1 For the Amendment- Aldarmen Whi 'tman, Hoyt, Kelly,

    ; Murphy, Bue kl ey, Butler, Ritchie, Gu.ilclford, Godwin, l Hubley, rrhompson -11 i Against it. Alclermen COl\Vell, Ackhurs t, \ Finlay, Bissett, Power -5

    Alderman Regr=i . .n is excused :f1"orr: voting.

    Moved in amendment by Alderman Murphy. seconded

    by Alderman Ho1t that the balance of the reports in-

    c luding the ir1a. t t .. ~r af costs to be taxed as be ·tween i : p3-rty and party be referred back to the Committee on I ' ' Works for further report. Amendment put and passed,

    Moved by Ald.srman Mur.rhY aeconded by Alderman

    Kelly tha·t the City Engine er be 1.natruc ted to obtain

    from tl113 Arbitrators copieBof the sworn statemen'to

    made before th.em in connection wi.th the appraisment

    of the va.luesof ·properties t~1roup:b ~.vhich th~ right of

    way for the NO!.' th WerYt Arrt1 sewer runf> and hand the

    same ~o the City Assessor to be used by him in connection with tl·)(9 n1aking up of the Annual Civic

    Assesnmen t. Liotion passed..

  • . : .. ,..£:\'" ..

    t • \ .. , .•

    '. • .. . . ~· .


    • l '

    June 24-th, 1919

    F.C.C~AIG ACCOUNT $800,00 PART SALARY 1918-19

    Read report City Heal th Board re aoooun t F. C.

    Craig,$800,00 for eight mon·bha salary as an

    Inspector for the City HeEll ·bh Board during the

    Civic.Year 1918-19

    Halifax, N.S. June 6th, 1919

    To: Chairman Rogers Govt. Relief Commission, Ha:+ifax. Sir:-

    As a result of .the . terrible explo'sion of i December 6th, 1917 three of our sanitary inspectors I were injured and for sometime they were unable ' to do any work for the Board and Mr. Morrisoey, our I plumbing inspeo tor, whose whole time was occupied I inspecting the new plumbing being. ins ta'Jl.led in the \ housesbeing hurriedly erected for the homeless, I could give us no help with the regular work, and i Mr. Burns, who gives the Board only half his time ! under normal conditions, was a fireman and he had l to devote all his time to the fire department until ; things assumed normal condition. So immediately fol-l lowing the di aas ter the Boa.rd found i tael:f' without ! an inapeotor, r11he plumbing in nearly all the

    damaged buildings were more or lees destroyed, so we had to emply a plumber,, to inspeot and report

    , on the plumbing in these damaged houses, and as Mr. I Craig,, a member of the I-Ieal th Board was a good

    energetic praotioal plumber, I employed him in the emergenoy,"·to do this work. All the City plumbers were exceedingly busy at the tlme and it wa.s diffi-oul t therefore to get any help.. I made no arrangement

    : at the time with Mr. Craig,, 'about salary ap.d this I was not fixed by the Board until the 30th of April, 1 At a meeting of the Board help. on ·th:i.s date 1 t l was unanimously agreed to pay him a salary of· I $1, 200 annually and pay at that rate for the time

    I, he had served d:>he Board. This Mr. Cr air; accepted, . At this antoun t he is doing 'din valuable WOl'k for the I Board. and as matters are at present we cannot get. 1 along without the services of a good energetic !plumber. and I do not know that we could get many 1 in the trade who could do the work as well as he I .

    I has been doj.ng it. I may observe that we had to I employ another r.aan for two weeks to do inspectors I I works wh~le our regular inspectors were incapacitated. I In view of all the oiroumstanoes above cited \ I feel that the Relief Commission should pay : Mr. Craig• s salary for the financial yea:r 1918-19 ! as well as back salary. I have every confidence that

    - 9g....

  • June 24-th, 1919

    you Will give the matter favorable consideration.

    N. E' MaoKay' Chairman City Heal th Board.

    Halifax, June 3th, 1919

    Chairman-Board of Heal th,

    CITY. Dear Sir:-

    Replyj.ng to yours of June 6th, the Commission has given this matter their utmost careful oonsideration, and has finally ·a.eoided that the u tmoat ·that it could do in this matter would be to pay Mr. Craig' a aale.ry from the date . of his engagement to May 1st la.at. . ·

    The Comm5.s s ion would, of cour s~ regard this as a Liability of the City's and would ex-pect that it would be taken into consideration in the final adjustment of matters ae between the

    . city and the Commiasj.on at a later date. i The Commission cannot co~~ider the _pay-

    ment of Mr. Craig's salary after May ist.

    To Mayor Parkel"' and .. Members City Council. Gentlemen:-

    Ralph P.Bell, Secretary

    Office of City Health Board, ZHalifa.x, N.S.June 24th,1919

    Wi th reference ·to the salary acooun t of F.C.Craig for $SOO covering services rendered as an Inspector of the Board of Health for 1916-19

    1 I beg to say that the amount has been paid by the Relief Connnission. The a.moun-c was evidently paid on the strehgth of a latter received from the Provir+cia.l Secretary in which he assured the City that "he will use his best endeavours to secure legislation desired in respect to payment of salary of F. C. Craig as an employee o:f' the City Heal th Board whilst being a member o'I the body".

    Under date of July 29th, l9lg the City clerk aant a copy o:f' the ····above extra.ct, 41' ~~·4b

  • ' ~ ' /' '. . ~vtl: ; ~ : :~ / ; ;· ,,.·~ ,' !

    1V.·· I /'


    June 24th1 1919

    or, in other words, paid Mr. Craig. If the amount in question is passed for payment i'b will be drawn im~ favor of the Relief Cornmission, not Mr. Craig"•

    John A. Watters, Secretary C.H.B.

    Moved by Alderman Whitman seconded by Alder-

    man Bissett that the report be referred to the

    Finance Commit 'tee for report.

    ~lder.man Murphy dissenting.

    Motion passed,


    Read report city Heal th Board ooveri ng account

    $125. 00 :for salary f'Ol' F. C. Craig an Inspector Of

    the 01 ty Heal th Board for the month of May 1919-

    F. H. Bel 1, K. C. , City Sol ioi tor. Dear Sir,

    0f f ioe of City Health Board, Halifax, June 4th, 1919

    I am directed to ask you to give an opinion on the question as towhether Mr. F.C.Craig is entitled to be paid a, salary for services zenda.red to the City Health Board as an Inspector while being

    , a member of the Board. Is there any Aot whereby ! payment :for such services for the civic year 1919-20 I can legai1y be made ?/ I John A. Watters,

    Secretary C.H.B.

    Thie years Aot legaltzea the payment until 30tp April 19 20.

    _ .............. _ ••••


    . .. Off ioe Of City H.eal th Board,

    I Halifax,, N.S. Jllile 21st, 1919

    ! Vl.W.Foster, Esq.,. ! City Audi tor.

    Dear Sir:-At a meeting of the City Health Board on

    Friday June 20th, it was decided on motion that the attached accou.nt be pas sec~ for payment.

    John A.Watt er s,, S eor e tar y C • H. B •

  • ' ' '· •'

    •. :. "'

    " ~ " c" •

    ·, /,_·,


    ' I

    June 24th, l~].~

    Moved by Alderman Finlay seoon.ded by Alderm n

    Guildford that the report be adopted ind the

    aoooun t paid.

    Moved in amendment by Alderman Bissett seconded

    ! by Alderme~n Power ·chat the report be referred to the i !

    ! Fj .. nanoe Committee for report.



    The amendment is put and lost 8 voting for the

    same and 9 against it~ as follows -

    For the Amendment. Against it.

    l Alderrnan ·Colwell ! Whitman

    Alde:r.~men Aokhurat Finlay Kelly· Murphy Buckley



    Hoyt Bissett Regan Butler Pan er. Hubley - g

    Ri tohi e Guildford Godwin Thompson -9

    ! Moved in twiendrnent by Alderman Regan seconded I

    ! by AldermanHoyt that it is the opinion of this i

    \council that the aooout of Mr. Craig should not be I . i pa,id

  • June 24thJ .1919

    ior the Amendment. Aga.ins t it.

    Aldermen Colwell Whitman Aokhuret

    Aldermen Murphy Guildford. Godwin -3

    Finlay Hoyt Bissett Regan Kelly Buckley

    Butler Ritchie Power Hubley Thompson -14

    .r:g]ERCULOSIS HOSPITAL PLANS-ARCHITECTS FEES. ' Read notice from Ross & Macdonald of intention

    to bring action against the City to recover $56~5.oo

    fo1' services as Arohi teota of the proposed Tuber-

    oulosd.s Hosp'i tal~

    To-The City of Hal if.ax -and-

    To John S.Parker,Esquire, Mayor of said City

    -and-~o-L. Fred Monaghan,, Esquire,

    City Clerk.

    * We, Rosa &. MacDonald,, of Montreal in the Province of o~ebeo,, but at present practising in the City of Halifax, Province of Novasootia, Arohiteota, aooor-ding to the statute in that behalf made and pro-vided,· hereby give you notice that we, the said Roas & Maod~nald ,, on our own behalf will at" or soon after the expiration of twenty days from the time of the service of this notice upon

  • ' ..

    ' :

    ~·· 't' : .

    I . I I

    . I I

    I .. ' . I I

    1· I

    ' .

    ··: ...

    • < ~ • • : • •• :~

    ' " . .

    1 . I .

    Am~.nt lowest .ten~~·r·i~eceiv·e·d $225:1 000 ...... ··arc ~'li.teo ts .fa.es · belng .. commi a·a ion of two .. · .. . and one-.hllf per o.erit"."( 2tl of amount ·· .

    : .. · of lowe et tender ••. ··.• • ·~ • ~ •••• ·• .••• •• •••• ':$51 625. 00

    togeth~r with euoh .other reli•f .as may in.the ~re-'. · mis~a be just and right and· 'the· costs of. the· action.

    Dat·e:d at Ha.li~ax this 17th day of J.une ·A·. D. 1919 . < .

    Ross & Macdonald, . ,. Sackville Stre·et, .· ..

    . . . · · : . , .·. · 11al if ax, No~a Sco.tia. . . , ' . '

    Moved by Al9.erman Whitman seconded. by A~derman · ' "

    1 Colwell that the ... noticeof ao·tion be referred to the I I

    .. . . .,. committee _on· Laws and·Privileges. :Motlon .passed.

    AFRICVILLE. BOLICE 'PROTECTION. ' . . ~ . ' .'. ·. . ' ......

    Read peti tfon· r.esidents:. of .Afrioville' fo·r· .... . . ' . . . ' .

    the. a.ppoin:bmen t ·of two. police constables for the" · . " '•.. '. .

    p~~teotion of the district •.

    Referred. to the P.olioe Committee for repor~. · •: • I'•


    Read report a i ty Heal th B.oard recommending

    . the temp011a.ry a.ppointnient of a.n Assistant City

    . Medical Officer. Office of City Health Bo~d, Hali fa.~, N ~ s. June 24-th, · 1919

    Mayor Parker & Members City council/ · Gentlemen:- .. ·

    At a meeting of the City· Health .Board 1 held on Friday, June 20th, a resolution was passed.

    directing me to submit .for yo·ur action the recom-mendation · that an assistant ~edical officer be a,ppo~nted temporarily. The City Health Board h~s no power to m~'any such appointment exoept as. provided in suoh oases specified in section S7b of. the PUblio gea,lth Aot which read.a:. .

    . "In the event of an outbreak d>n the City Of smallpox· or other infectious d.isease 1 rendering it necessary for a. medical praoti tioner to be qua,r-an tinad in attenda.noe upon patients affected with

    . 1' 103 -

    , ' .. '

    '.·· ,-..


  • t})~,


    June ~4th, 1919

    such disease, and confined in a hospital in "that behalf, the City Health Board may appoint any duly qualified praoti ti oner for that purpose and may ··9y him such sum for hie services as the Boa.rd deems fit. "

    John A. Watters, Secretary O.H.B,

    loved by Alderman Finlay s eoonded by Alderman

    Quj.ldford that the ·report be adopted.

    Moved in amendment by. Alderman Murphy secon-

    ded by Alderman ·nGuildf ord that the City Council

    oonour in and endorse any action taken by the

    City Health Board with respect to the appointment

    of a physician in oonneotion with the endeavor

    to stamp out the prevalent epidemic of Small Pox.

    lmendment pui' and passed,


    Read reports Committee on works and Assistant

    City Engin,3er re Water Bill 150 Creighton Street,

    T~arry J. Kitz •

    His worship the Mayor arid City Counoil,

    Off ioe of Clerk of works, June 24-, 1919

    Gentlemen:-At a meeting of the Works Department

    held on the 24-th day of June the Assistant City Engineer submitted a report recommending that water meter bill for 150 Creighton Street for half year ending March 3ls.t, 1919 be reduced to $3.00

    Report adopted and ordered to City oounoil for approval.

    A. F. Messervey 1 Clerk of works •

    ..... 104 -

  • ,June 24th, .1~i9

    City Engineer's Office, Halifax, June 21, 1919

    His Worship the Mayor, Sil',

    I beg to report on the attached bill for water used between Sep, 1918 and March 1919 at #150 Creighton Street, owned by Harry J. Kitz end claimed to be excessive,

    The consu1nption :f'Ol' the various months of th•s period was as follows -

    Oct. 1900 gals .• Jan.2500 "

    Nov •... Dec. 5900 gals. Feb'. 30,100 gals

    Mar • 4-$00 " The large consumption during February was

    due to a closet wasting. The owner was notified of this, and repairs were made immediately. Under these cirou.matanoes, it is recommencled that as the owner took prompt steps to remove the def eot in hie plumbing when the matter was brought to his attention, a reduction be allowed, and the bill reduced to $3.00

    H, W. Johnston, Asst. City Engineer.

    Moved by Alderman Finl~y seconded by Alderman

    Aokhurst that the reports be adopted. Motion passed.


    Read reports Committee on Works and Assistant

    City Engineer re Water Bills 5g..5st West Young

    Street, Mrs. McAlden.

    Office of Clerk of Works, . Halifax, June 24, 1919

    His Worship 'the Mayor and City council. Gen tl em en: ....

    At a meet1ng of the works Department held on June 2~th the Assistant 01~¥ Engineer reported on water meter bills 5g..5ar West Young Street, reoanmending that bill forhalf year ending March 31st, 1918, be reduced from $29.61 to amount oh~·ged for oar,1espc)n:.11.ng lH~rlod o:i "J' 1"31J-r 1917. He could. not recommend. any reduo ti on on bill for half-year ending Sept. 1919.

    Report .a,e adopted and ordered to be , sen1i to O:t ty council for approval.


    - 105 -

  • June 24th, 1919

    City Engineer's Office, Halifax, N. s. June 21, 1919

    His Worship the Mayor, Sir,

    I beg to report ... en the complaint of excessive water rates at #5g..~gt W.Young Street, owned by M.ra, MoAlden, that the period during which 1 t

    I ~as claimed, the rates were excessive, was from v; Se].Dt, 1917 to Sept. 191$, The bill. for the first

    •:. ~ .V 1: six mo~tha was$29.bl and for the. last six months ~ er/ ~~9 • oo . . .

    "'~ 1 With regard to the former b'ill, the large . 1 .,_ .. - /" .. ! consumption wa.s due to the explosion, Aa pointed ~::.%· ,/·'/ \f.11 1 Out in former reports, in some ca.sea owing to the

    / ff" damage done to the buildings, it was absolutely 1

    / ,,,rJ J necessary· to let the water run to prevent freezing, i . ~ '\ · and tt was also impossible in ca.sea of da.ma.ge to !t)T" / / pipes • to obtain plumbers to have repairs made. :


    / /, • I woudl recommend that this bill be reduced to the /, , same amount a,s charged during a. sd:mllar period.

    ! / '., Wi·bh regard to the bill of $9. ~ a large ; 7

    / ~ of the previous year. ! pa.rt o:e the consumption took place in two monhta, ' April and August, the former being due to the

    effects of 'the plumbing fixtltres not having been repaired, and the latter to the oonstruotion work, plastering, etc., that was going on in the building, I do not think that the bill for this period should be reduced, as t·here is no doubt that the water

    . was used, and i:f there is any claim for reduction on account of 1~tGbeing used for repairing damage caused by the explosion, this would be a matter for the owner to t13'ke up with the Relief Commiasion and would be part of her claim for damages.

    H.W.Johnaton, Asst. City Engineer,

    Moved by Alderman Finlay seconded by Al·ierme,n

    Ackhurst that the repor·ts be adopted. Motion passed.


    Read reports committee on Works and Oity Engineer

    re oonorete sidewalks Jubilee Road and Birmingham


    - 106 -

  • June 24-th 1919 Office o~ works DepaI'tment,

    . June 24th, 1919 His Worship the Mayor and City Council • Gentlemen:-

    At a meeting of the Works Department held on the 24·th day of June the City Engineer submitted report on Permanent Sidewalks Jubilee

    · ROad. and Birmingham Streets, referred to him on the 1$th inst., and recommended that a concrete sidewalk be laid on Jubilee Road, south side between Edward and Vernon Streets, at an estimated coat of $4997 .oo

    Regarding Birmj.ngham Street, he reoo1mnend-ed that a sidewalk be oonstruoted on the west side of Birmingham Str~et between Morrie and Spring aarden Road and on the east side between Rottenburg St and S~ring Garden Road, both at an estimated cost of $6102.00

    Ill to b·e done under the Permanent Side-walk Aot 1906, Report was adppted and ordered sent to City council for approval.

    His worship the Mayor,, Sir ) \

    ................ • • •••

    A.F.Messervey 1 Cl erk of Works •

    City Engineer's Office,, June 19,, 1919

    . I beg to report on the resolution of the Works Committee respecting concrete sidewalks as ~ollow·s -

    Jubilee Road- The grade of this road is very flat from Robie ~treet to Vernon Street, and it is difficult to prevent the water from lying in pools.

    : The oona truo ting of a permanent gutter- would remove . a great deal of the o~itioism and practically

    all the auiaanoe oaused by the dif:ficul ty in keeping . ·bhe gutter clear now, I would recommend that the \sidewalks ori Jubilee Road be placed in.the sidewalk : schedule,, and the oonstruc·bion of· a oonorets side-!Walk be ordered for the south eid.e of J'ubilee Road :between Edward and Vernon Streets,, under the Per-:manent Sidewalk Aot 1906, The estimated oos·b is $4997 .oo . ~irrningham Street. A. sidewalk has bean ordered \for tlie east side of this street between Morris and :Ro ttenburg Streets,, but the other thr 30 blocks ibetw·een Morris and Spring Garden Road. have not been !before the council • I would recommend the oonatruotio :of a oonorete side\valk on the west aide of Birmingham :street between Morr ia Street .and Spring G~den Road ;and on the eaet side of Birmingham Street between 'Rot·ben.burg Street and Spring Garden Road unde:r the

    - 107 -

  • June 24th,, 191~

    permanent sidewalk Act 1906. cost if ~~6102,00

    The estimated

    F.W.W.Doane, City Engine er.

    Moved by Alderman Finlay seconded by Alderman I .

    1 Hmy t that the reports be adopted. Motion passed. I


    Queat:i.ons asked by Alde11 man Power Relating_ to 'rower Boad Repair j.ng and .Pay.1-ng,

    l. Has any work been done by the City Engineer's Department in repai1· ing, grading and paving the main way on 'rower Road in this City wi·bhin the l:aet six months?

    ; 2, If so what was the nature .of the work?

    3. When was said w·ork commenced and when finished 7

    4. Was the "ork under taken by the depar·tmen t of the City Engineer, and if so by what authority and whose orders, and when was said authority granted and orders given?

    , •: 5 Did the City Eng1n€r instruct his subordinates W ! ?r assistants to do the work find did he superintend

    :;ry~ ~ ! ~he same, and if so, when? ' / ~ .// ;. 6. If the City Engineer did not inati~ct the (~«· · · ~ ! ~t~d s~*rk to be done or supervise the same, who

    . /' ~ 7. What are the names of the foremen and men who did the said Vierk,, and on what days were they

    , employed ?

    a, What did. the said work and ma te1~ ial th er ef or cost ?

    9. Was the Ci ·ty Engineer at any time interviewed 1 by anyone with respect to or aslt.:ed to do or further

    the doing of said work?

    10 If so, by whom, and is the list of the said parties so interviewing him, in :full and exhaustive ?

    Referred to Committee on Works for report.

    - 108-

  • June 24-th, ~919


    Alderman Buckley asked if at a reoent meeting

    of the Finance Committee Alderman Butler voted

    to defer aotion in the matter of proposed Civic

    grant of $3000.00 towards the funds of the Great

    War Veterans Assooiation.

    Ruled out of order, the matter being still

    in Committee


    Alderman Bissett .desired to ask a number I./

    . of questions in connection with amounts paid / . / I by consumers of water supplied through meter.

    :~/·~·~'If! Alderman Bissett is requested to submit h:!.e 1 ~tr' : questions in writj.ng. ' , "- / .J ; .. . Y V\,-0/ . I !O"-/. ! STOREKEEPER CITY WO,RKS STO~_YDD.!-. ,

    Alderman Hoyt asked if Cornelius A.Riordan

    / wa.s appoi'nted storeke aper of the. City store Yard


    Bell Road by the Committee on Works.

    Referred to the Committee on works • . '


    Alderman Aokhurst stated that in response I

    ~; to request he had received a report relating to

    the Clerk or Superintendent of the City Marke~

    and that he desired to get further in:t'o:cmation.

    Alderman Aokhurst is requested to bring

    the matter before the Conm1ittea on· works.



    Alderman P0\7er aubmi ta the following written

  • f> ' . '•

    : . . ,.,..-. ~

    •,f' ... : ... ,


    ·' ... ''

    June 24th, 191.9.. ~


    notice of motions • . i

    1 Alderman Power gives notice that on a future day at a meeting of this Council when the questions now asked ( or any supplementary questions in reference thereto afterwards asked.) by him of the City Engineer• s Department with regM'd to

    ! work recently done on Tower Road in paving, grad-. ! ing and repairing of the same are fully and satis-

    factorily answered that he will move-:; ·

    l. For an Order of th:'s Council that all resolu-tions,, orcters,, documents,, paper writings,, vouchers

    , bills,, receipts,, pay rolls,, and correspondence with reference to said work be returned to this Council at the next meeting thereof after the passing of the said order and

    2, A resolution by this council that His Worship · the Mayor,, be respectfully requested to humbly

    cidd.ress the Ci .. own in right of the Government of Nova Scotia that a Royal Commias io~J do forthwith i issue to enquire and report under what oiroumstances and by whom Legj.slation was introduoed and after-wards enacted at the lae·b session of the local Legislature in the Legisla."bive Council increasing the salaries of certain officials in the servj .. ce of the City of Halifax after the· said inoreaae4 of salaries had been vetoed by. the late Mayor and were not ratified or approved or requested to be passed. into LavY by the late Board of Control


    His Worship the M~yor addressed. the Council

    oalling attention to the large proportion of the

    real estate of the. Cj.ty owned by the Imperial,

    Dominion and Provincial Governments fDom much

    of which the City derived. revenue in the form

    of:. taxes before be1ng taken over ·by the saicl

    Governments which revenue is now lost to the City;

    Also to the fact that the Government ie collecting

    ren ta from oi tizens on gove:r.nmen·c properties upon

    which no ta..~ee are paid to the City. He advised

    that a special Committee be appointed to investi-

    gate and make suitable representations to the

    - 110-

  • I

    ! . I


    the various Governments in the premises and

    make an early repoi"t to th.is Council and nomi-

    ~ated the following as such Committee 1 Aldermen

    Whitman, Bissett and Povver.


    Alderman Bissett asked that such committee

    take up the matter of more energetic efforts to . .

    i collect the Poll Tax1 stating that through lack

    of effort to c~lleot the City loses hundreds of

    .thousands of dollars in availa.bl e poll taxes.


    Alderman Bis·sett asked that an order be

    ,,/ pa.seed requ:l.ring that all buildings i.n the City

    be aouurately numbered. Ruled out of order

    thete being another subject before the meeting.


    "' ... · Alderman Bissett protewted agai?at the . ..qY, praotioe of faotories a.nd etc, blowing steam cl\ !

    ,~ ·whistles and a.ga.inst other unnecessary noises in

    ' the City and u11 ged that steps be taken to surpress


    Ruled out of order therm being another subject

    · bef·ore the meet:hng.


    • Moved by.Alderman Kelly aeoonded by Alderman

    Colwell that the suggestion of His worship the

    - lll-

  • ""'""•.-: "

    '~ "

    ,Jµne 2i+th, 1919

    a.pp,ointmen t of a S'fl ecial Commi tteeto investigate

    · and report on the matter of obtaining contri-!

    ; butions by the Governments towards Civic I

    ! taxation be approved and that the nominations I I

    · \ as inembers of suoh Committee made by His Worship I i i be .oon_ourrad in by the Council. Motion passed.. I



    His Worship the Mayor called attention to

    I an Aot passed at thG last session of the Legia-, 1 lature (Chapter 4) entitled "An Act to provide I :for the Erection of Dwelling Houses and for the I .

    i : Incorporation of Housing Companie a " knonn and I

    ~ : . ; A "l cited as 11The Nova Sootia Housing Ao~ 1919" and I I

    I " : nominated aa a special Cammi ttee to consider and

    I Cli \~~'the City ta.king action in the matter the following .v-'f- 1named:- Aldermen Thomps:on, Guildford,, Colwell

    ~t»'' - ! :and Kally and Ralph H. Ianor • • ' I l Moved by Alderman Power aecor1ded by Alderman i

    lAokhurst that the suggestion of Hie Worship the

    \Mayor :for the appointment of such Commi tt;ee and !

    \the nominations made be a;ppr oved. Motion ' I l>assed,


    His Worship the Mayor informed the Counoil

    1that it VU;\,S the desire of the Board of Trustees

    of the Tuberculosis Hospital that their rapres-,

    ~ntation on aaid Board, instead of as nominated

    at the meeting of the City Council held June 5th~l919

    - 1l2 -

  • -~ l


    June 24-th, 1919

    should bonsist of the following named, c.c. Blaokadar, M.E.Kaefe, Mrs, A.I.Mader, Mrs,

    William Sohon,

    Move~ by Alderman Colwell seconded by Alderman

    Finlay that the nominations be oonourred in and

    the membership of the Committee he amended aooordingly.

    Mot ion passed,


    Alderman Regan submits the.following resolution-

    RESOLVED the Ci-ty Clerk is hereby instructed to write the Nova Scotia Tramway & Power Company requesting that the construction of the double ·bi9 aok trrunway from the corner of Quinpool Road and W:Lndso:r Street directly aorosa tha Common to Cogswell Street and do~vn Cogaswel l Street to Got tingen Stree·b be immediately undertaken.

    Moved by Alderman Regan aeoonded by Alderman

    : Hoyt and passed.. I


    At request of His Worship the Mayor, Deputy

    !Mayor Kelly takes the Chair.


    ~; Moved by Alde1•man Murphy seconded by Alderm'-'n \.'\? / ;Hoyt that the Board of Pllblio Utilities be requested

    not to take up any matter respecting ~Publio

    Utilities a..ffeoting the City of Halifax until the

    said Boa.rd is properly cone ti ttt ted and that a

    :oopy of this resolution be forwarded by the Oi ty

    Solioitor to the Board of Public Utilities before

    10 o•olook tomorrow moltning. Motion passed.

    - 113 -

  • ,,, .•h


    June 24th., ·191~

    LOAN $761,000.00 .FO~ VARIOUS PURPOSES.

    Alderman Regan asked if the F:i.nanoe Committee

    : had. any repor~ to submit to the Council tonight

    · in wnend.ment to their report submitted at last '

    : meeting respecting calling for tenders for proposed

    : loan of ~~761,000.00 for Vai'ious purposes in oon-1

    ! sequence of the tenders for loan of $1, 200,000.00 ..

    : recently received by' the Government of Nova, Scotia. i I

    ., !

    Alderman Whitman , Chairman of the Committee

    Finance explained the details and finanoiaJ.

    the tenders received by the Pr~vinoial

    ; Government for their bond issue and reported that

    , the City• s Finance Committee d.id not deem it ad• '

    '.viaable to make any change in the recommendations

    'reported to Council at its last meeting. I I


    His worship the Mayor resumes the chair.


    Moved bi' Alderman Bissett seconded by Alderman

    'Whitman that the Council do now adjourn. Motion

    ·put and lost 6 voting for· the ea.me and. l~ against

    it as follows -

    For the Motion.

    Aldermen Whitman Bissett Kelly Guild.fmrd Hubley Thompson-6


    _Again at it.

    Aldermen Colwell Aokhurat ~·Finlay Hoyt Regan Murphy Buckley Butler Ritchie

    · Power-10

    - 114 ...

  • ;rune 24th, 1919


    Aldermen Bissett and Kelly by leave of His.

    \Vorshi.p the Mayor retire from the ~eeting.


    Moved by Alderman Finlay seconded by Alderman

    Aokhuret that the sum of $100,000,00 towards

    ~• the oonstruotion of the proposed Tuberculosis Hospital be added .·to the Oity•s contemplated

    "' i •oY \ bond issue of $761,000.00 I


    Ruled out of order the matter being at present I

    i before the Finance Cammi ttee.


    Alderman Aokhurat again brought up the matter

    ! of the employment of w. E.Messervey as Clerk or I

    ! : superintendent of the Ma.I'ket Building and as I

    ~ ~ i Collector of aooounts for Maintenance of Patients . I .

    : ,/ ~!

    : /,, i in the Victoria General Hospital •

    . ¥ i Oolv1ell that this matter be referred to the Committee ·~ I .

    ion works. Motion passed.

    Moved by Alderman Power seconded by Alderman

    !Whitman that the Council donovv ad.joU?n. Motion I I I

    : passed, I I

    Council adjourns 11.50 o•olook.

    1 John s. Parke1·/ '. M.AYOR. I

    ~~~ L, Fred Monaghan


    ... 115 -

  • I

    · 1

    I I


    A F T E R N 0 0 N S E S S I 0 N ------------ ~------...--5. 10 o 1 cl oak,


    July 3rd,, 1919

    A Special Meeting of the City Council was

    held this afternoon at the above named hour,,

    present His Worship ·Mayor parker and Alde~men

    Colwell, Whi~man,,Aokhurst,, Finlay ,, Hoyt, Bissett,,

    Regan, Kell~r,,_ Douglas,, Buckley,, Bu·bler., Ri cohie,

    Power,, Guildford,, Godwin,, Hubley, and Thompson.

    The Council was sumraoned to oonside1, "City

    Loans. "


    The following named papers are submitted -

    Alderman Whitman submits r~:pol'ts (7) Finance

    Committee re City Loans viz :-.

    Tenders for Loan $761,000.00 Special Report re $660,000.00 of above.

    do re 101,000,00 do do re l,000.00 expenses of above. do re Tender for printing Bonds for above.

    Loan ~t25000.oo from Relief Commj.ssion. Loan $550.00 for Schools Playgrounds.


    _TENDERS .FOR. LOAN $J.61,_0QQ. 00 _

    Read l'eport Fina.nae comnt: .. ttee re tenders for

    1 oan of ~~761,,000.00 for variOllS :purposes,

    Particulars of the Taxation Debt, Etc., _ of the City of Halifax, N.S.

    Assessed Value Real Estate 1919-20 ~~36., 095,, 625 " " Bua iness & Household

    Tax.1919-20............. o,, 2~0,, 000 $1J:2,9 5,t>25


  • July 3r.d, 1919

    Estimated value Taxable P1·operty •••••.•••. $~6,000,000 Value of Property Exerrrpt from taxation ••••• a1,04o,300


    Land Tax •••••••..•••••••.• 5.42 per $100 Improvement Ts.x .... , .... 1, 75 Eer $100 Business Tax •••••••..•.•.• l~JOI[ 'f~2, 000 and ov0r Busj.ness Tax •.••••.•••• , .-f>of 1% under $2,000

    on retail only, Household Tax ••••••••••••• ~ of 1% on value of


    Total Deben·cu:re Deb·b (including. Schools and present Loan) ••••••••• ~~7 ,.18S,, 60 6

    Water Debt,included in the above •••• $1,572,013 s;.nic:.ng and Reserve Funds on hand

    N et C i ty D e b t • . . • • • • • • • • • • , • • • • • • • . . . • . $ 4-, 715 , 5 4 3 • O O

    Floating Debt, paycible yearly from Taxes •• Value of C~rporation Property other than

    W a. ter Works •••••••.•••••• 5, 378,165. 00 Vt:ilue of Wa:bar. Works (Estimated) ••••••••••• 2, 400, 000. 00 Revenue from Taxation, including Banks, .

    Insurance and other Companiea •••••••• 1,325,385.00 Revenue from Water Works, af·ber paying

    all e:q"J en a ea ••••••••••••••••••••••••• Revenue from other sources •••••••••••••••••

    Population, 60,, 000. Population 5 yea.rs ago 55,000

    Area of Munioipali·ty i+, 300 acres.

    Separate Tenders for Loan, - -----------

    10,000,00 59,000.00

    So marked, will be received at thie office up to 12 ,noon on the 3rd day 9_f July next,. f.rom pa.1'ti·es disposed to purchase Dabemtures of Stock of the Ci t-y of I-Ialifax, in whole or in pa11 ·b, as below desc11 ibed, sufficient to produce at the price offered the sum of ~~761,000, to be used b·y· the City for the following purposes :

    Particulars of Present Issue.

    Redemption of Consolidated Fund Deben turea, clue July 1, 1919 $101,000,

    Under Chap. 51, Acts 1905-Dha~.$4,,Acts 1919)

    Wa·ter Extension a •••••••••• (Part) •••••...• $75, 000 I Conat11uotion fublio Sewers " ••••••••••. 150, 000

    I. " ·Pa1~1nanent Sidewevlks "• ••••••••••• 15,000 , Pavini3: and otherwise Improv-! ing streets • • • • . . • ". . • • • • • . . . 4-0o,, ooo ! Completion Public Abevttoil' ,additional.. 20>000 ! (Under Cb.ap S2,, Acts 1919)

  • I I

    I • I


    Terms Under· Tender for Loan with Sinking Fund Provided

    Term to run 34 years from July l, 1919. Rate of interest 5 per oent1 per annum. Coupon Debentures for $1,000,00 each or Stock Certificates of multi-ples of· $100, 00 will be given, payable in J.awf\1,l money of Canada, or in gold of the present standard weight and fineness.

    Debentures can be registered as to principle.

    Interest pl:iyc..i,,ble half-yearly in lawful money of Canada1 or in gold. of the present weight and fine-ness on tl1.e let January and lst July, ·Principal payable lst July 1953.

    Engraver's plate ready 1 but Deben·cu!'es are not printed. De+ivei,y within one month.

    A general Smiting Fund is provided by law (Sec.11 Chap. 51 1 Acts 1902) for the redemption of the Funded Debt Of the City. --- ... -~---Plc..oe of pe~ymen t for principal and in teres·b : The Office of the City Treasurer1 Halifax1 N.S. 1 or at a Bunk at Montreal, Toronto or Ne\'V' York,

    Parties loaning ·bhe money will be required to pay the accrued interest to the time of Pc\ying over the amount loaned, The loan to be paid in Halifax Funds,, and the securities to be delivered in Halifax at the Office of the City Treasurer,

    The Committee on Fina."'loe, subject to the approval of the City Council, will ~vard the tender,

    The City does not bind itself to aooept the high-est or any tender, and reserves the right to accept :from, any tenderer suoh portion of the whole as it deems nedeasary,

    There has never been any defaulb on the part of the City on payment of its obli ti one; nor has there ever been tmy 11 tigation aff eating the validity of 1 ta bonds.

    James J. Hopewell, CI~PY TREASURER,

    Hal if a.:\., N. s.,, June 25th, 1919 -..... -•••••

    Halifax1 N.S., July 3rd, 1919 I !Hie Worship Mayor Parker flnd City Council. pen tl amen :-l In response to the call of the City for


  • tenders fo. loan the Cit¥ a sum su:f'f icient to -oro-duoe m;76l,OOO.OO (plus m;l,OOO)loan expenses) re-quired for -Redemption of Consolidated Fund Debentures due July lat,, 1919 •••••.•••.•.•••.••. ,., .•. $101,000.00

    Uncler Cap. 51,, Ao ts 1905-Cap 84-. Adte 1919,

    Wate1" Extension ¢onstruction;of Public Sewers ·con struot ion! of Peri:t'lanen t Side-, wa'J,.ks Po..v:i.ng & Otberwise Improving . streets Cort1ple tion o ~ Pubiic Abat·toir

    :Additional I


    " " "

    ' I

    ithe following tenders were received ..... i I

    Under Cap 82

    Acts 1919

    75,,000. 150,,000


    4oo,ooo 20,,000

    ., Royal S'eouri ~j.es Corpora·tion Ltd, tot::wl amt. 91+. 76 & int. " " 9 4. 31 " " Aemilius Jar is & Co. r.roron to .

    Wood Gundy & Co, Eastern Seou ities co.

    Ltd. Halifax. I

    : I

    " ) For :~250,,000 ) with 30 day ) op ti on on Balance 94. 21 "

    ;tr.B.McCurdy ~ co. Halifax l1k!,::c i. time 'l1rui t Corp. " Nova Scotia ·rust co. "

    total amt. 94,10 "

    tv·. H. HoKenzie & Co. r11oron·bo I I He.:rris Fo.Tbe~ & Co. Mon tree.l ti.A.Stimson & Co. Toronto I I I I Eastern Seou~ities Co. Hfx.~ ' I Wood Gurjdy Co. Toronto I I : I A.E.Ames & c9. Toronto)per A.M.Jaok & Son

    r "

    " "

    " I. M, Robertson & Son " ) Dominion Seotbitiee Cor.Toronto, per J.C.

    t'taoKintosh & oo. "

    " 9 3. 25 11 " 93.05 "

    ·tt 9 2. 71 "




    " " " ft

    After careful oonside11 ation your Committee has d.eoided to recommend that the tender of the Royal Seouri ties Corporation· Ltd. for ~~804,000 @ 94-. 7 6 of par be a.oo·:~pted on the oondi tton as. stated in their tender under date July 3rd, 1919

    Alfred Whi ·bma.n, Ch~irman, Finance Committee.·

    Alde1'nian Power dissenting~

    -::::: -Halifax1 N.~. Ju,y 3rd,, 1919

    City Clerk, City of Halifax,

    Dee .. r Sir:-We beg to tender prio~ of Ninety-four


  • \ .....

    . i 1

    . . . j

    • •

    " . . ...

    •1 t •••

    • ,, 41

    I • + '•'

    ,, ....

    Jul1 3rd, 1919

    decimal Seventy-six (9~.76) and accrued interest for ~9proximately Eight Hundl'ed and Three Thousand and Eighty-One Dollars ($803,081), (being the am:)un1i suff'icient at the price to produce So:v:en Hundred and Six·by-one Thousand Dollars ($761,,000) Debentures dated First day of July Nineteen Hun-dred and Nineteen,, to run for a term of ·Thirty-four years, rate of interest Five per cent per annum,, subject to the following conditions :

    Our solicitors opinion as to the legality of ·the is sue, ·

    Ei~her engraved coupon Debentures of One thousand Dollars (~~l,, 000) each or engraved Regis-tered Certif'ioates of' Mul t3.ples of One Hundred Dollars ($100) each, at our option. Interest to be paid half-yearly. Principal and interest pay-able in gold at the present standard weight and fineness, at par,, at Halifax, Montreal, Toronto and New York.

    This tender is also subject to immediate aco eptanoe and prompt delivery of the Bonds.


    W, B, Wilbut,, Bre.noh Manager

    Moved by Alderm$Xl Whitman seconded by Alderman

    Bissett that the report ba adopted,

    Moved in amendment by Alderman Regan that the

    City withhold the awarding of $100,000,00 of the

    proposed lmen so that the same may be purchased

    by local buyers of investments in small denomina-

    tions at a prioa to be named.

    Afl!;er discussion the arnend.ment is vvi thdrawn

    by leave of ·bhe seconder and of the council

    The original motion

    I voting for the same tmd 3 I

    is put and passed 14

    against it as follows -

    Against. it.

    Aldermen Regan Buckley

    PO\Ver -3

    !'or the Mo ti on,

    1 Aldermen Colwell

    1 Whitman I · Ackhurst

    -120 ....

  • For the Motion-cont j.:r1uec1, A· dermen Finlay

    Hoyt Bissett· Kelly Douglas Butler Ritchie BUildf ord Godwin Hubley Thompson .... 14

    Against it, -3

    Read report Finance Committee re the issuing

    of bonda for ~~69 6, 000. 00 to %'ai.se the sum of 1 $6601 000.00 for part of the above loan, covering

    resolution -Halifax, N. s. July 3 l'd, 1919

    His Worship Mayor Parker, and City Council. Gentlemen:-·

    The Committee on F:·~nanoe recomraend :for acl.op·bion by the City Council the acc ompanyi:g;g re-solution in re loans for the following purposes:

    ~ Water· Extensions · 75000

    Under Conatruo·bion Public Sewers 159000 Cap. 52 " Pe:i:manent Sidewalks 15000 Acts 1919Completion of Public

    ~Abattoir, additional Paving ancl. othe11 wise Improving Streets


    400000 $ ' 660000

    Alf red Whitman, - Chairman,

    The following -resolution is submitted -

    WHEREAS by an Aot of the Legislature of the Province of Nova Scotia passed in the year 1919 as Cap. 82, ·bhe c:·.:by of Halifax is authorized. to borrow the following sums for the purposes &herein set :f'orth :-

    l, The sum of $100000 for the further extneaion and improvement of water aervioe. 2, The sum of $200000 to defray the ooat of additional sewers.

    " " " 3, The sum of ~~ 200000 to permanent sidewalks. ~. The aum of ~~500000 " " " "

    " tt

    Paving and otherwise improving the street.a. 5, The sum of $20000 to defray the cost of com-pleting a public abattoir •

    ... 121-

  • .. i

    eaoh of such sums to be borrowed in auoh amountsJ from time to time as the Counoil of the said City should determine,

    AND WHEREAS the Counoil has not heretofore borrowed any sums or any portion thereof for the purpose mentioned in said Aot;

    AND WHEREAS it is now desirable to borrow the following amounts under the authority Of the

    , said Adt for the following purposes: · ! l. The sum of $75900 for the :further extension ; and improvem~nt of Water se11 vioe. ! 2. The sum of $150900 to defray the cost of i additional sewers. · i 3. The sum of $15000 to defray the cost of perman-: ent sidewalks. / ; 4. The sumo :f' ~~4oqooo " " " " "(paving : and otherwise ii.nprciving the streets. i 5. The sum of ~20000 to defray the coat of oomplet-: ing ·bhe public abattoir.

    . NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that for the purposes I afo:t'eeH1id there shall be borrowed cbn ·bhe credit 1

    of the City Qf Halifax at large and as a part of ·the Halifax Conaolida·ted Fund 1905 the sum of

    : ~~69 6, 000 for the follo\ving purposes : 1 l. The sum of $75000 for the :further extension and

    improvement of the water service. 2. The sum of ~~150000 to defray ·bhe cost of additional

    I public ae~vera. \ 3, The sum of $15000 to defrtty the cost of per-i manen·b sidewalks,

    4. The sum of ~~l.!-00000 to defray the cost of paving ancl otherwise improving ·bhe streets. 5. · The sum of ~}~20000 to defray ·the cost of complet-ing the Public Abattoir. ·

    And· that deb en turea or stock amounting to ~~69 61 000 . e~all be issued therefor, dated as of ·the :tat day i of July l9:b9 bearing interest from the said let day i of July 1919. at the rate of 5% pe1' annum payable · half-yearly , on the 1st day of D'a:nuary and July i in each year. The said debentures or stooJ shall : be payable in tl1irty-four years from the date the1'eo:f.

    i The money so borrowed as s;Ooreaaio. shall be ~apportioned oredi'b:Lng each work with the a.mount of the ; loai1 provided for a,e above set forth. : The said debentur ea shall be in th1 form 1 set out in the Halifax Consolidated Fund Act 1905 : Cap. 51 shall be sealed ~vi th the Corporate Seal : o:t' the City and. shall be signed by the Mayor and ' Treasurer of the said City and ooun tei·sie,ined by the ! Clerk o:f ·bhe said City. The interest coupons . attached to the said de3ben turea shall be signed i by the Mayor and rrreuaurer and their signatures

    thel'eon mu.y be printed , a t~~mped1 lithographed o:r ) engraved.


  • ;«.

    ·The sc:iid. deben tu.res as to both principal and interest ab.all be payable at the option of the holder at the Royal Bank of Canada. in Montreal,, Toronto or New York, ·

    The resolution is moved by Alderman Whitman

    seconded by Alderman Bissett and j9assed,, 14 voting

    for the same and 3 against it as follows :-

    For the Resolution.

    Aldermen Colwell Whitman Aokhurst Finlay Hoyt Bissett Kelly Douglas Butler Ri toh:i.e Gaildf ord Godwin Hubley Thompson -14

    Against it. ~ ..

    Aldermen Regan Buckley Power -3

    Read report Finance Committee re the issuing of

    bonds for ~~107 > 000. 00 to raise the sum of $101,, 000. 00

    :f'or paxt of the foregoing named lo:m of ~~761,,000.00

    covering resolution.

    H~- ifax,,N.S.~ July 3rd,, 1919

    Hie Worshi·n Mayor Parker and City Council, Gentlemen:-

    The Committee on Finance reoonnnend for adoption '11)y the City Council the aooompe.nying re-solution in re loan of $101, 000 to pa~r off matured debentures.

    Alfred Whitma.n, Chairman.

    The following resolution is submitted-

    WHEREAS by Aots of the Legislature of the Province o:f Nova Scotia in ·bhe yesx 1915 as Cap. 51 and in 1909 as Cap.$1.!-~4-~ the City of Halifax ia authorized to borrow money. a.nd issue deban·curea

    , or stock for the purpose of paying o:f'f outstanding debentures and stock of the sa,id City as the aa.lr1e

    ,,..--'t ina ·bur e.


  • q

    Juli 3rd, .. ).919 . ..

    AND WHFREAS deben·cures and stock of the said City amounting to ~~101,000 matured. on the 1st day of ·July 1919 ai1d it is nee .es sax y to 1 a :~iue debentures or stock of the City o:f' Halifax to the amount o:f' $107 ,000 for the purpce of paying off the s-a.,id debne tures Which have matured as af·Ore-S~id.

    NOW THEREFORE BE IT HESOLVED that for the purposes aforesaid there shall be borrowed on.the cred-it of the City or Halifax at ls.r.ge and as part of the Halifax Consolidatsd Fi..lnd 1905 the sum of $107,00 0 and the debentures or etook amounting to ~~107, 000 shall be issued therefor dated as of ·bhe let day of July ~919 bearing interest from the l st day Of July 1919 at the rate Of 5% per annum payable half yearly on the lat day of January and July in each year.

    The aa:ld debentures or stock shall be payable in thirty four years from the date thereof.

    The said debentures or stock shall be in the forms aet out in the said Aot of 1905, Cap. 51 shall be sealed with the Corporate Seal of the City a.nd shall be signed by the Mayor and Treas-urer of the said City and oountersigned by the Clerk of the said Ci·by. The interest coupons attached to the saicl debentures shall be signed by the Mayor and Oity Treasurer and their signatures thereon may be printed, stamped, lighographed or engraved. The said debentures as to both principal and.·'. in tereat shall. be payE:'1ble at the option of the holder at the Royal Bank of Ctmadt.\ in Montreal, Toronto or New York.

    Moved by Aldei·man Whitman seconded by Alderman

    Bisae·b t and. passed..

    Read report Finance Commit tee re the issuing

    of a bond. for the sum of ~~1000. 00 to oover ex:penaes .

    of the foregoing na1ned loans of ~fi761,ooo,oo cover-

    1 ing resolution,

    Halifax, N. s., July 3rd, l9:b9

    His Worship Mayor Parker and. City ~ounoil Gan tl em en:·-

    The committee on Finanoe reoommend :f'v~ adoptio11 by the Cit¥ council the aooompa.nying resolu-tion in re loan of $1000. for expenses of loan for various ptj.rpoaea amounting to ~~762, 000. 00

    Alfred Whitman, Chairman.


  • July 3rd, 1919

    The following resolution is submitted -

    WHEHEAS the City of Hal if ax has agred to sell its debentures aggregtvbing $7 61,, 000. 00 and the costs in connection with the issuing, printing and delivering of 'the said debentures will amount to the sum of ~~1000. and it is desirable to issue a debe11. ti.ire for the saic.l amount, under Seo, 345. City Char·ter.

    NOW THEREFORE BE IT RTBSOLVED that for the purpose eLf oresaid there shall be borrowed on the oredit of the City of Ha,lj,fax at large, and as part of the Hal i:f'a.x C:i.ty Consolidated Fund 1905 the sum of $1000 and a debenture for the said sum of ~~1000. shall be issued therefor da,ted as of the lst day of July 1919 beal'ing interest from ·bhe said lat day of July 1919 at the rate 9f 5% per annum payable half yearly on the lst day o:e January and July in each year, the said debentures shall be payable in thirty four years from 'bhe date=' thereof. The said Debentures shall be in the form set otrb in the Halifax "LfCity Consolidated Fund Act 1905 Cap.51 shall be sealed with the corporate seal of the City and shall be signed by the Mayor and Treasurer of the said City and countersigned by the oierk of the said City. The interest ooupona attached to the said debenmres shall be signed by the Iv1'..ayor and City Treasui·er and their signE~turea may be printed, stamped lithographed or engraved. The said deb en tu.res

    1 as to both principal and interest shall be payable l;;t the option of' the holder at the Royal Bank 4f of Canada in Montreal, Toronto e.r New York, · \ The .resolution is moved by Alderman Whi ·bman IJ I 1 seconded. by Alderman Bissett and passed unanimously i ' : the :f'ollowing naaned mem bere of Coi.inoil being pres-' ' 1 en t and 11~ting for ·bhe same viz :- Alde:i:·rnen Col-

    \Yell,, Wh:ltman, Ackhurst, Finlay, ~oyt,, Bissett,, ' .

    ! Rega..Yl, Kelly,, Doug~as,, Buckley, Bu~ler,, Ritchie, '

    Power, Guildford, Godwin., rfubley and Thompson.

    Read report F5.nanoe Co~i t tee r~ coat of

    : making alterations in steel engravings and of

    . aupplyj.ng bonds for foregoing loans.


  • ... ; I ,•'1

    /i ' I

    I I I

    I I

    I I I

    . I

    Jul::[, 3rd, 19.l.9

    Office of City Treasurer, Halifax, N.S. July 3, 1919

    His Worship li!aycr Pal'ker,, and Ci·by Council. Gentlemen:-

    The at·baohed offer of the British Amer-ican Bank note Company to print the de'ben·turea req,uired ia recommended for aooeptanoe.

    J.J.Hopewell, Esq., Ci ·by Tr easu:c er,, Halifax, N.S.

    Alfred Whit man,, Chairman •

    • • • • • • -..... -Ottawa, Canada, June 28th,1919

    Dear Sir,, On receipt of yomr esteemed favor of

    the 26th we wired you this morning as follows : "Will make alterations and supply 765 Bonda for ~·~730. OD"

    In reading over your proapeo tus we note in the fifth paragraph from the lower right hand page of your prospectus that the pla.o e of payment of interest is at the office of the City T~eauurer Hal if ax, N. s. or evb a 13Iank at ~!on·treal .. Toronto or New York, We are presuming however tha·t you will have to name a Bank and oonsequen·bly we are basing our calculations on allowing tl'le Royal Bank of Canada to remain on the various portions of the Bond. Kindly let us know if there is any alteration :tn this respect. The first coupon on the Bond will be dated January 19?0, and vvill be numbel' 30.

    We will place ·~his vtork in hand at once a.n progress as far as we can vti th it while w-ai ting your reply re Bank, Thanking you very mtioh for your letter, ·

    G. W.Bur land, General manager.

    Mov·ed by Alderman Whitman seconded by Alder-

    man Bissett that the report be adopted. Motion passed.


    Read report Finance Cornmi ttee re lor~-n of

    ~t25,,ooo.oo :f'rom the Relief Commj.aaion on account

    of Explosion damages to Public Schools and. City

    -126 ....

  • \ 1,.

    I I !

    I I

    I I

    I I I


    I 1 I

    Property oova:dn.g resolution.

    O:f'fioe of City Treasurer,, Hal i±'ax,, N. S. 1 JUlY 3rd., 1919

    His Woi·ship Iviayor Pro1 ker 1 and C i'b y Couno il. Gentlemen:-,

    The off er of the· Hal i:f'ax Rel ie:f Commission to loan th.e Ci ·by the sum of ~P 25000 for payrnen ts of accounts named in at·tached resolution is recommended :f'or aoo eptanoe.

    Alff ed. Whj.tman, Chairman •

    .... :::::-

    Board of School Commieaionera Hlaif a.."

  • July 3~d"' 1919

    190 5 for TWO t-TIJNDRED FIFTY ( 250) Shc~res, under -the authori. ty oonf er1"ed by Cap. S2 Acts of the Legislature of Nova Scotia 1919, The same to be dated July 1st, 1919, to be repaid Jan 1st, ·1920 and to be held by said Commission as collateral dollar :for dollar pending the final settlement of. damages to City properJGy an.d the shcool


    1 ; The resolution is moved by Alderm·.;n Whitman

    i r / ~ aeconded by Alderman Bissetj;, i·~ // i ttoved. ln amenclmen·t by Alderman Poi.~.rer seoorided ! / i ... • I (/ by Alde1"man Regan that the repo1"·t and resolution


    \ '• .,::r

    ! be refel'red back to the Finance Conun:l ttee for

    further consideration and report,

    Amd.nement put and lost ~ voting for the same

    and 10 against i-t as follO\VS -

    Fore the Amendment.

    AldermenBissett Regan Buckley Power Godwin Hubley -6

    Ag1,;iinst it,

    Aldermen Colwell Whitman Ackhurs·b Finaly Hoyt Kelly Butler Ritchie Gu~ldford · Th.onrpson-10

    The or igin1£1,,l motion is put and passed 10

    voting for the same Md 6 against it as fpll~vs

    For the motion.

    Aldermen Colwell Vfhi tman Ac khur r.;i t F:Lnlay Hoyt Kelly Bu tl el' Ritchie Gt.i. j_ ldf or d Thompson -10

    I '

    . Ar:aains ~ it •.

    Alder men Bis sett Regan Buckley Power Goc1Ytin !.PA6Rip8QB - 6 Hubley -6


    The Finance Committee verbally reported up


  • ,.

    \ lj

    for the consideration of the City Council the

    following letter from the Deputy Provincial

    Secretary. '~.

    Halifax, N~ s., 3rd July 1919 Hia Worship the Mayor, Halifax, N. s. Dear Sir,

    I run directed by the Pro~incial Secretary to in:t'orm you that the Board of School Commissioners of the City of Halifax has applied to the Governor inCouncil ·for the approval of the following resol-utions ad.opted by the Board. at their meeting on the 6th of June :-

    11RESOL VED Th · t the Governor in Council be fequested to approve the sale of a stiip of land on the West end of Kaye Streat to the Rome .. n Catholic Co11 poration. Said Land being 11 1 front on Kaye Street nar-rowing to e• at the Southern extremity being pci.l' t Of' the land knOWl'l as S·t, Joseph IS School Grounds, for the sum of One Hundl'ed and Fifty (l~l50) Dollars"

    "RESOLVED That the Governor in Council be r eq,ues ted to a;ppr ove the payment of Four Hundred (~~4oo) Dollaxs from the Bos.rel of School Commissioners Construction Account for the purchase of a lot on Russell Street from the Relief Oonm1ission required by the Bo.~rd to extend the School Playgrounds of St, Joseph's School. This in accordance with Clause A. Section 902, Pa.r t 121 01 ty Char·ter. n·

    I am ala o to inform you thevb the Gove1"nor in council haa appointed Friday, the 4th day of July, at twelve o•olook noon, in the Executive Council Room, Province Building, as the ·bime and place a.t which the matter of the said applications will be heard and that the City May appe~ at the hear-ing.

    Arthur S.Barnatead1 Deputy Provincial Secretary.

    Alde1·man Fj.nlay explained. that it waa not

    · necessary the subject matter of the communication

    should be brought before ·the Ccunoil and asked that

    it be wi thdrt!!..Wn f rotp. oonsic1eration l?Y the Council.


  • ..,,..By leave of Council the letter ie ~aonsidered

    (J..i:.~(~iY wi thdra.wn. . ~ ~ '\ Moved by Alderman Power seconded by Alderman

    'Wbi tman that the Council do now adjourn. Motion


    Council adjounna 6.4o o•olock.

    ~re-~ L. Fred Mon.aghan,


    J. s. Park er,,




  • . !


    CIVIC ADD'RESS TO LT. OC'iL. JOHN WI RF, • ..................... 44 "' 24 WWW4Wi._......,._,. ~........-......

    Oounoil Chamber, 01 ty Hall,

    An addrese from the Mayor and Aldermen of' the

    ; City Council and the presentation of a gold watch and I . . I chain euit~ly engraved apd bearing the A~e of the I Citt cf Halifax· were presented at noon to~day in the l

    1 City Oeiuno11 Chamber to Colonel John Wise D. S, O; M. c; ..

    C de G; o. c. 25th Nova Scotia Battalion. . 1l'here . '

    1were also presented to Colonel's Wise•e Wife, a-

    l silver mesh purse containing $250.00 in gold and a boquet of flowers. . The gifte were procured. by

    a oommi ttee of Ci tizene through publ io subscription.

    Hie Worship the Mayor p1·eaid.ed and seated near.

    him were Colonel and Mre. Wiee,, Hie .Honor I1ieutenant

    Governor Grant, Premier Murray, General Thacker,

    I Brig. Gen. Hilliam, Capt. Hose R. N. 'l1here- was a I I large number of people presen·t 1nolud.1ng nee.rl y all

    : ~he j

    I the I

    membera of the City Council, representatives of •

    Military, Navy and all the professions and

    pereons in all walks of life. Those in attendance

    1 included many ladies. . . '

    I Mayor Parker weloomed Colonel and Mrs. Wise

    ! and call ad upon City Cl erk ~lonagha.n to read the I I

    I I civic a.d,dreee \Vhioh was ae followe:·-,

    Ha.l ifax, N. s. July ;th, 1919. i To Lieutenant Colonel John Wise, D.S.O., M.C. C de G; l Off'icer Commanding 25th Nova Scotia. Battalion, ! Canadian Expedi tiona.ry li'01'ces. I Rir~

    . 'l'he Sixteenth da~' of May 1919 wa.e a memorable da:y I in the City of Halifax- the day of the Homecoming i I

  • from the Great War of alien of the Canadian 0 'rhe F' i~h ting 25th." was e. disappointment.

    . the 2·5th Nova ~cotia Bait-Fxpenditionary Forces; That you were not with them

    J.. \

    We were proud of them wh·en. they left us to def end our Country, to strive for the preservation of honour amongst na ti one, the righ ta of hun1an1 ty and the freedom of the World and bravely went forth to face unknown problems and trials. We were over-joyed and gra.te.ful w!\en they came back tci us. We followed their record with pride - We read the oasua.1 ty 11ste with- tea.rs, yet with· our indi v1dual

    , sorrows all evie.ted through the knowledge of' the spirit and heroism of the boye who made the supreme sacrifice. 1hey have won the imperishable gratitude ot' a nation and an Empire.

    'I'oday the Citizens of Halifax are publicly e.asem-bled to man if est their recognition of your great · achievements and well merited promotions.

    That you earned y9ur Comm1e810n during the ebort period of a year and a half of service and received it on your twenty first birthday ie a record to be very proud of, but to have 1 ef't your civilian life for Overseas only five years ago ae a private soldier and to return as a Lieutenant Colonel with the high honor of being Commanding Officer of "'I1he ~"ight.ing 25th" at the age 0.f: ,

    !twenty four years marks an achievement calling for ;th~igheet encomiums from your t'ellow Citizens.

    We have learned of your eerioue wounds, 01 your capable conduct and exampla.ry devotion to duty.

    We congratula.te and accord honor .to you on 1your attainments, evidenced and acknowledged by the

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