hypothetical psychokinetic potential powerpoint

Post on 27-Jun-2015






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A brief PowerPoint detailing some of the mechanics of Psychokinesis and its potential implications within the world, given its practical existence.



What is Psychokinesis?

• Psychokinesis is an Umbrella Term…It comes from the Greek:

Psukhē (Psycho) – Spirit or SoulKinesis – Motion or Manipulation

”The Mental Ability to Manipulate Tangible Matter.”

However, Braude states it as “The causal influence of an organism on part of the physical world, without any sort of physical interaction between the two.”

What is Psychokinesis?

This ‘Umbrella Term’ means Psychokinesis is representative of all occurrences of behaviour beyond that of tangible manipulation, but does not specifically apply to any one occurrence.

Therefore, for each occurrence of manipulation, an individual name and definition, a sub-type, is given.

Types of Psychokinesis

The Role of Physics:

• Telekinesis: The influence over Tangible Matter with an Intangible Mind.

• Nanokinesis: The understanding and manipulation of Subatomic Particles.

Both focus upon manipulating the spatial positioning of matter, on different construct levels.

The Potential of Psychokinesis

The Role of Physics:

The Course of Motion Events of an Object/Set of Particles cannot change without the interference of an Exterior Physical Source.

Imagine what happens when you pick up an object. Your brain sends commands to Motor Neurons to proceed motion and a conversion of Chemical Potential Energy into Kinetic Energy occurs to make this possible.

The Potential of Psychokinesis

The Role of Physics:

By the Law of Conservation of Energy, energy cannot be created or destroyed.

Therefore, you take the conversion of your Chemical Potential Energy into Kinetic Energy and ‘force’ a transfer of Kinetic Energy onto a given object.

Using Minimum Energy Control, via Control Theory, if time is not taken as a factor, the expenditure of Kinetic Energy by the object would be the same as if you had lifted the object yourself.

Psychokinesis in Society

Nowadays, a limited, ‘cult’ knowledge of Psychokinesis exists within popular culture, whereby groups and individuals use a misconceived idea of Psychokinesis in an attempt to brag a feigned discovery of Psychokinetic abilities.

If the theories to ‘unlocking’ Psychokinetic Potential are true, then the actual execution of Psychokinesis will be far more complicated than the popular culture perceives it to be.

Psychokinesis in Society

What proof is there against these ‘hoaxes’ from actually being true Psychokinesis?

Psychokinesis in Society

TASK:Is it possible to use Psychokinesis on:

• A Piece of Paper• A Needle• A Rubber

To create motion without you touching or moving yourself in any way?

Can you prove that Psychokinesis is that easy?

The Viability of Psychokinesis

Of course, this is simply an example of Convection.

But this partially demonstrates an explanation for the Kinetic Energy Transfer theory of Telekinesis.

The Kinetic Potential of you spinning the paper manually is transferred (in this case, through Convection) to the paper itself, which causes the motion without touch.

Society’s Affect on Research

In the last 10-15 years, the creditability of Psychokinesis as a Scientific Theory has diminished because of the popularisation of this ‘Superhero Complex’.

Because of the resultant bad name created for Psychokinesis, the funding and interest towards the Scientific Research side of things has diminished greatly.

Applications to Science

However, with the onset of some Scientific discoveries, such as Nanotechnology and Hyperdevelopment, the issue of control over these ideas are being explained, potentially, through Psychokinetic means.

In other words, in order to control the unstable nature of these developments, more than just a ‘computer’s mind’ is needed.

Utilising the variety and adaptability a human mind can offer may be the only way of fully achieving these goals.

Psychokinesis: Real or Fake?On the one hand, the supposed mechanics for

Psychokinesis are far beyond the current capabilities of Science.

Furthermore, the technologies needed to implement these theories are but theories themselves.

On the other hand, the Science backing up many theories are sound.

Furthermore, the issue of genetics has yet to be researched into. If any given research poses influential, the future may tell so much more.

Psychokinesis: The Future?There are machines in development which are

designed to assist in stages of energy transfer, an otherwise anomalistic stage of the Physics theory.

“Wireless Energy Transfer System” allows electrical energy to be transmitted between a source and another object.

This allows the process of Telekinesis to be obtainable in full, where the energy needed can be transferred from the Telekinetic (with the focus of intent) to a third-party object.

Psychokinesis: The Future?But there are two main problems with Wireless

Energy Transfer.

Firstly, for a human, Electrical Energy isn’t compatible with us.

Our output for motion is Kinetic Energy, therefore we would need an external energy converter, with Potential Kinetic Energy as the input, in order for the process to take place.

But upon transmission, the energy is in the wrong form to be used as a spatial manipulator.

Therefore, another converter would be needed in order for the Kinetic output to take place.

Psychokinesis: The Future?Secondly is the hindrance of Electrodynamic

Induction, the starting process to the Energy Transfer.

Both the Telekinetic (or Converter) and the Receiver must share a mutual frequency in order for the Electrical Transmission to be picked up. This is inconvenient from a Human ‘Channel’ point of view.

But Electrodynamic Induction has its positives over other Induction methods, such as Electrostatic. These include relatively large energy transmission sizes, potential distance covered and lesser energy loss.

Current Evidence for the FutureElectrodynamic Induction, in a

different context, is already used within Contactless Smart Cards.

The idea of Smart Cards as such give credibility to a minimally adapted receiver of the Telekinesis.

However, this still implies that it is “Assisted” Telekinesis, rather than completely independent Telekinesis.

Furthermore, the problem of Energy Conversion still remains.

Implications: The GoodThere are huge medical benefits attached to the

awareness of Biological Psychokinesis, or Biokinesis, the ability to understand and control one’s bodily functions.

Subtypes such as:Cardiokinesis – The Ability to Control

Cardiovascular Movement.Myokinesis – The Ability to Control and Sustain

Muscle Movement.

Have great potential to sustain a healthy human.

Implications: The GoodThe benefits of these Psychokinetic Controls are

that a human is fully aware of their bodily processes and are able to regulate them consciously.

Contrary to the current way a ‘primitive’ body works, a Psychokinetically Adept Human will be able to adjust certain neuron flows, (Neurokinesis – The ability to control mental processes) within their brain.

Implications: The GoodThis, therefore, effectively removes the potential

for illnesses such as Stress, Scenario-Induced Strokes and Heart Attacks, as well as other bodily processes which occur from a Biological Irregularity.

Although a Human will be in full control of their body within a consistent environment, the combination of Biokinesis and Neurokinesis cannot regulate the body from diseases such as Cancer, as they have an exterior basis.

Implications: The GoodThere is a way, however, where a Human can

effectively recover from any bodily irregularity.

Vitakinesis – The ability to Spontaneously Regenerate oneself to a pre-perceived ideal.

Vitakinesis is basically a System Restore of one’s body, whereby an ‘imprint’ of how one’s body works is stored, and any alteration to this imprint is manipulated back to the ideal model.

This, therefore implies, any injury or illness, including the likes of Cancer, can be healed by a body’s own healing intent.

Implications: The GoodBut there are problems with this.

Firstly, a Human Body is only capable of replacing so many cells. Therefore, by Regenerating every irregularity, you are essentially using up your body’s finite resources. Because of this, Vitakinesis could potentially limit one’s lifespan.

Secondly, the effectiveness of Regeneration relies on one’s biological imprint. If brain damage is incurred, then the imprint perception may be altered, resulting in a damaged reconstruction.

Implications: The GoodThere are huge benefits that could be obtained by

one of the first recorded Psychokinetic Occurrences, Tychokinesis (the ability to analyse and supposedly manipulate probability fields).

This is done by using the Human Brain as a computer, taking in factors, scenarios and variables that a computer cannot ‘comprehend’.

Tychokinesis, on a small scale, can potentially analyse risk factors on constructions and projects with great certainty, therefore essentially limiting any problems at any stage of an event.

Implications: The GoodBut on a large scale, Tychokinesis has the ability of

assessing Weather Patterns and, ultimately, Global Warming.

Assessing the Probability Fields of each course of action in terms of CO2 levels and other relevant data will result in, for example, the net impact of each person to an end result.

But, what is key to important problems like this is a certain solution to the problem. Unlike statistical analysis used at current, where an estimate or guess is given, Tychokinesis effectively ‘manipulates’ the line through the results, showing the optimum path through.

Implications: The BadWarfare is a great problem if Psychokinesis is

utilised in a more violent way.More so than ever, humans will become the

greatest weapon in combat, using otherwise harmlessly perceived Psychokinetic abilities.

On a very personal level, Biokinesis, and forms thereof, can, specifically speaking, manipulate and control anyone’s bodily processes, albeit with greater difficulty to it being a third-party recipient. Because of this, one can incapacitate someone on a biological level.

Implications: The BadBut, the most fearsome implementation of

extended Psychokinesis is the potential for:Radiokinesis – The ability to utilise and optimise

Radiation and its frequency.

Whereby the human mind can process optimum and hidden frequency levels at a more adaptable way to Particle Detectors.

This, along with the ability to suppress any Radioactive Instability through the Energy Transfer Process means that one can set up Nuclear Warheads safely and hidden to outside detection, as no digital signals are being used.

The ConclusionPsychokinesis, and all its appendages, may seem

like a lot of effort in terms of research and development, simply to add human use into the process of whatever activity that is going on.

But the ultimate goal of humans being at the forefront and sole runner of many, to all, aspects to life cannot be upturned, if our reliance on exterior technology is to be minimised…

The ConclusionAnd the reason why Human Psychokinesis is

better than Technological dependence is…Humans can adapt, “Psukhē”, The Soul.Whereas Artificial Intelligence is stuck on a Linear

Path of Cause and Effect.

In an ever changing world, Humans can change, too…

But you need a Human to change a computer.

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