humble ux: let go of pride to build good products together

Post on 24-May-2015






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Humble UX was a talk I gave at a "Ladies that UX" night in London. Let me know if you want the version with the notes included! or tweet at me - @megdesign


Humble UX: !Let go of pride to build good

products together!!


Project under-staffed, !under-appreciated, !they misunderstood.!

Please put your hand up !if you’re under-payed and


Do you even UX?!!Much project, much uninformed, !

I am overwhelmed.!

Fear, Pride !and Humility!

The virtues of a good UX designer by Colman Walsh !!


Can’t say no, I’m a pleaser!!

Acquiesces, can’t push back!!

No attention to detail!!

Rash decisions, without info!!

I only see problems!!

“Yes, but” instead of “Yes, and”!!

Prima Donna UX evangelist!!

No client will stand in my way!!!

Client needs < user needs !!

I need all the answers…stalemate!

– David Gillis in “Humble Product Design” !!

stakeholders who finally “get it” !can be an appealing, !

though often elusive, prospect!

“Escaping to a better job with bosses, co-workers, and other !

But could it be that our collective frustration [at working cooperatively] says more about us than

those who are supposedly holding us back?” !

To do: !Work on Humility!

A hyper-awareness of what someone else

knows better than you.!

Sometimes outcomes for consumers and clients are more important than UX

processes and deliverables.!

Outcomes > Processes!Making > Analysis!

I ascribe to Jeff Gothelf’s Lean UX principles: !“Progress=outcomes, not output” and “Making over analysis"!

It’s impossible to care about empathy when you believe you understand perfectly.

Cultivate unquenchable curiosity about the product, the user and the client.!


Recap!!1.  Other people know more than you do. !2.  You need other people in order to make

something cool. !3.  You should be open to being wrong, and

learn to listen to other people. !4.  Making UX designs is not the same as

generating business outcomes.!5.  You’re only as empathetic as you are curious.!

1.  What role have fear and humility played in your projects? !

!2.  How have you been able to overcome

pride in your everyday? !!

3.  What are your favourite resources for learning humility and collaboration? !

Thanks ladies, <3 @megdesign!

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