human environment interaction

Post on 11-May-2015






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Unit 3 – Human Activity Shapes Earth’s Surface

Class Motto:

Knowledge is Power!

• Two types of Geography:- Physical & Human (vocab.)

Crater Lake, OR (deepest lake in the U.S.)

• Physical Environment (vocab.) – the external, tangible surroundings.

• Adaption (vocab.) – the process by which living things become better suited to it’s habitat (physical environment).

- It is all about survival!!!

Global Warming

Alaska The Middle East

• Local vs. Global- What is the difference?

• Local (vocab.) - refers to one’s immediate surroundings.


• Global (syn. International) (vocab.) - refers to the whole world; worldwide.

What is the most infamous company/corporation in the world?

What a strange picture!

Which one is global and which one is local?

Can local businesses compete?

• Urban vs. Rural (vocab.)

• Suburban (vocab.)

Indiana Chicago, IL

Tooele Co., UT (Skull Valley)

?Harlem, NY



Seattle, WA

urban, suburban or rural?

• By what natural resource do most people live?

- Do ecosystems/biomes play a role as well?

- Water

What is the percentage of all people who live near water?

• 80% of all people (globally) live near water.


• Why do people need to live near water sources?1. Survival (subsistence)

a. Consumption (drinking water)

b. Agriculture - farming

2. Transportation a. rivers/canals b. seas & oceans

Suez Canal, Egypt

Mississippi River

Venice, Italy

San Francisco Bay, CA

• Every type of environment has advantages and disadvantages.

1. Natural Resources







• Advantages

Example: water – the ocean, lakes, rivers, etc.

2. Climate

San Diego, CA

“The Del,” Coronado Island, San Diego, CA




Example: Central Valley, CA (agriculture)

(one of the best natural harbors in the world)

3. Landforms• Example: Elliott Bay – Seattle, WA

San Francisco Bay, CA

Great for shipping/trade

Port of Oakland – San Francisco Bay

- Disadvantages1. Few natural resourcesExample: little or no water

Monument Valley, Utah

2. Climate Example: Polar Regions (Antarctica)

Antarctica is the coldest of all the continents.

What type of ecosystem is this?

3. Isolated location


- Is Salt Lake City, UT isolated?

To a certain extent . . . yes. The reason for this is because of the mountains. . . especially, back in the day before the railroad.













Western United States Region

• 4. Natural Disasters – earthquake, tornado, flood, etc.(environment acting upon humans)

Earthquake in Chinadrought in Africa

flood in USA

hurricane in Gulf of Mexico

Mississippi River (2012)

The river was at a very low level due to a very long period of dry weather. What is that type of weather phenomenon called?

Santiago, Chile (2010)

Iran (2012)

Tsunami in Japan (2011)

tornado in Alabama (2011)

aftermath of tornados in Alabama (2011)

wildfires in Colorado Springs, CO (2012)

What states have the most natural disasters?


Most Natural Disasters:1.Texas2.California3.Oklahoma

Hurricane Ike – Texas (2008)




Most What states have the least?

U.S.Least Natural Disasters:1.Rhode Island2.Wyoming3.Utah

Grand Tetons - WY




SLC - 1983

Despite the fact that Utah has had few natural disasters, there are a couple of note.

SLC - 1999

• Humans modify (change) their environment . . . how?

surface mining, WY

1. dams 2. oil rigs3. smokestacks4. cities5. mining, etc.

Seattle, WA Gulf of Mexico

Specific Examples -1. A dam generates energy, however, it can, also, disrupt the whole ecosystem up and downstream.

Hoover Dam – Arizona & Nevada

Lake Mead

- Dams can, also, break and cause mass destruction.

Teton Dam, Idaho (1976)

Rexburg, ID (1976)

2. The oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico did serious environmental damage.

Yes, that is oil in somebody’s backyard after the gulf spill.

3. A smokestack can pollute air miles away.

Los Angeles, CA

Weathering/erosion caused by Acid Rain

Sulfur Dioxide and Nitrogen Dioxide

4. Pollution in a river upstream will effect the ecosystem and usage downstream.




Ganges River, India Ganges River, India

Buriganga River, Bangladesh

Ganges River, India

Citarum River, Indonesia

Cuyahoga River, Cleveland, Ohio

U.S. Steel dumping pollution into the Cuyahoga River (1965)

The river, actually, caught on fire several times throughout the 20th century.


• To more effectively live, humans have set up economic systems and governments.

• Economic Systems (vocab.) – theories of:

a. production (making)b. distribution (shipping, buying & selling)c. consumption (using)

Starburst activity

Production, distribution or consumption?

1. Capitalism (a.k.a.Free Market system) (vocab.) a. private ownership of property and/or businesses

b. no gov’t regulation (rules)c. encourages competitiond. class system.

Adam Smith

This company

• Class System (vocab.) - Upper (elites) - Middle (bourgeoisie) - Lower/workers

lower/working middle upper/elites

2. Socialism (vocab.) – A theory advocating some gov’t control (regulation) of economic activity.

3. Communism (vocab.) – “higher stage” of socialisma. Total gov’t ownership of property and businesses

b. Pro-worker (proletariat)c. Classless system (everyone is equal)

- What is the color of communism?

- The color of communism - red

Origin of Communism - Karl Marx (German philosopher)

Published in 1848

• What type of economic system does the U.S. have?

• The U.S.A., technically, has a Mixed Economy (socialism) . . . capitalist (free market) economy with some government regulation .

• Where is the U.S. on the capitalist/communist continuum? What about Canada? 1 to 10



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

• Despite the technicalities, most people call our economic system . . . CAPITALISM!!!

• Does capitalism work?

Donald Trump – 2.9 billion

#2 (richest in the world) Bill Gates – 61 billion #3 Warren Buffet

– 44 billion

For some . . . capitalism is great!

Paris Hilton

Oprah Winfrey is worth 2.7 billion

Who is the richest person in the world?

Carlos Slim (Mexico) - #1 richest person in the world @ 70 billion

Capitalism fosters greed

For others . . . not so much


Capitalism vs. Communism and/or Socialism . . . you be the judge.

Again, what type of system does the U.S. have?

Occupy Wall Street movement (2011) which protested against greed, corruption, economic inequality, etc.

• Capitalists use propaganda to demonize communism and socialism.

“Communism” and “Socialism” are considered dirty words to many people in the United States.


• Political Systems – a system of government; a form of rule over people.

- What are some different forms of government?

1. Democracy (vocab.) – Government by the people.

Two types:a. Direct Democracy

1. Everyone participates and has a say in gov’t.

b. Republic (vocab.) – Gov’t system in which the people elect leaders to

represent them. a.k.a. representative democracy. Example: USA

• Difference between (direct) democracy and republic. Students will draw


2. Autocracy – government in which one person has unlimited power over others.

- Two types: a. Totalitarian dictatorship

Pol Pot - Cambodia

Augusto Pinochet - Chile

Bashar al-Assad - Syria Saddam Hussein - Iraq

All are infamous and, generally, narcissistic.

Muammar Gaddafi - Libya

Idi Amin - Uganda

Rafael Trujillo – Dominican Republic

The state/country is in control of everything

Also comes with a ridiculous fashion sense.

• Regime (vocab.) – authoritarian/dictatorship and/or corrupt government

b. Monarchy (vocab.) – Government rule by king or queen. Two types:

1. Absolute Monarchy – all powerfulEx. Saudi Arabia

King Abdullah

2. Constitutional or Limited Monarchy – llittle or no power

“I just came out to say, POWER TO THE PEOPLE.”

• Is Queen Elizabeth II, of the United Kingdom, an absolute monarch?

• NO!!! She is a constitutional or limited monarch.

3. Oligarchy – Government rule by a group of people.

Example: Communist State (country) – single-party (communist) rule which professes allegiance to Marxist-Leninist communist ideology; led by a dictator; indoctrination.

North Korea

Karl Marx Vladimir Lenin

Communism is thought of as both an economic system and a gov’t system.

- Current Communist States (countries) – Cuba, China, Laos, Vietnam & North Korea

Western Hemisphere

Eastern Hemisphere

4. Theocracy (vocab.) – gov’t rule by a religion. Ex. – Iran (Islam)

Ayatollah (Supreme Leader) in Iran


Based on Sharia Law

Iranian fashion police

Showing hair is a form protest.

Women’s rights protest in Tehran, Iran. The theocratic gov’t took it very seriously.

“Women should have the same rights as men.” Farsi/Persian

5. Fascism (vocab.) – led by a dictator; emphasizes ancestry, culture and blood; emphasis of nation (nationalism) over the individual; indoctrination; forcibly suppresses any opposition.

Examples: Germany, Italy & Spain in the 1930’s & ’40s

Francisco Franco (Spain)Hitler and Mussolini (Italy)

As mentioned before, dictators are, generally, infamous and very narcissistic.

6. Plutocracy – the rule or control of a society by the wealthy.

7. Anarchy (vocab.) – no government

Nester Makhno (1918) – leader of the Anarchist Free Territory in Ukraine during the Russian Civil War.

Pierre-Joseph Proudhon (French) – father of modern Anarchism

Mikhail Bakunin (Russian)

What would life be like without gov’t?Think about it.

You would have to deal with people like this.

• What is the role of government?

- To serve and protect (we hope)

• We are all linked (connected) together . . . how?

1. Transportationa. Waterwaysb. Roadsc. Aird. rail

2. Economics

• - Currency (paper money)1. Example: euro

- Distribution . . . Trade

• What percent (%) of trade travels by water?

- 90%

- Top five trading partners (countries/states) with the U.S.?

Long Beach, CA port

1. Canada 2. China 3. Mexico 4. Japan 5. Germany

- Examples of major trade networks.

Major trade networks - Oil

• Tariff (vocab.) – a tax on imports & exports . . . why tariffs?

• Tariffs protect locally made products.

3. Communicationa. Language

1. Internet2. Telephones3. Mail4. T.V./Radio

Hemisphere & “World”?????


4. Migration (vocab.) – movement from one place to another.

World migration since 1700


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