human agent interaction and information architecture at hai2016

Post on 16-Apr-2017






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The Rise and Fall and Rise Again of Information Architecture © 2011 The Understanding Group Euro IA VII, Prague, Czech Republic, September 23, 2011 Page 2

So while computer scientists tend to deal with data issues in the vein of Shannon, people that use the systems they create certainly do care about the meaning of the data. Which brings us to the flood, the deluge of information we now face.

Meaning, of course, is important to those receiving the information, but we live in a world much like Jorge Louis Borges’ Library of Babel that contained all the knowledge of the world...if you could only find it. We often despair of finding meaning in the midst the deluge of information, or rather, in the deluge of data parading as information that comes our way every day.

“Ours is a world about which we pretend to have more �and more information �but which seems to us increasingly devoid of meaning.”

Jean-Pierre Dupuy

So while it’s taken me a while to get where I am today professionally, I am quite glad to have started an information architecture company. Although until recently I’ve been an outsider to the field, I’ve always cared about the same kind of things an information architect cares about. In particular, my hope in starting The Understanding Group (aka TUG) is for us to help people navigate the world of information and help them structure information to deliver real meaning.

To TUG the idea of IA is rather broad: Like building architects did for the industrial age, creating plans and blueprints for turning raw material into structures which enable us to work, play and live, information architects work in the “information age” and design, develop and plan structures and blueprints for digital spaces.

We distill the essence of IA down to three core concepts:

Increasingly, we’ve started talking less about IA as a thing we do, and more about how IA is the way we see things, a lens applied to all that we do.

Left: Erik Desmazieres: La Salle des planetes, from his sieries of illustrations for Jorge Luis Borge's "the Library of Babel' 1997–2001.

What we mean by meaning, Marsha Haverty, IA Summit 2015

CONCENT,inc New Logotype Desing by Shintaro Kobayashi

ロゴタイプコンセプト“新しさを感じさせながら、10 年後に古く感じさせない” デザインを目指しました。角を少し丸める事で、有機的で親しみやすい雰囲気を出しつつも、文字の骨格はあくまでもニュートラルに設計することで、“奇をてらわない”現代らしさを表現しています。また、右への傾きには、これから先、ますます加速していくだろう世の中の変化に、WEB(コンセント)と紙(アレフ・ゼロ)のハイブリットにより対応し、絶えず前進していこう、という意志を込めました。

ロゴマークコンセプトロゴタイプの右肩に付いているマーク。丸の中の二本の棒は、良く見れば右が少し短く、左が少し長い。これはコンセントです。わかりづらいです。しかし、この丸には可能性があります。WEB ではボタンになるかもしれません。紙ではハンコになって押されるかもしれません。そうして様々なかたちで使用していくと、いずれこのマークだけで“CONCENT” と読めるようになる。そんな存在になってくれることを望んでいます。


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