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Post on 27-May-2015






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• Expand MPS, a scale used to measure the overall potential of workers' intrinsic motivation and used in the Job Diagnostic Survey developed by Richard Hackman and Greg Oldham

• Motivating Potential Score

• How do we better know the employment agencies and executive recruiters who locate suitable candidates

• Head hunters

• What's the term used to describe an employee who is not tied to one country or company but moves around?

• Mobile worker

• ASA Framework was developed by Ben Schneider, a researcher from University of Maryland, and used in selection of personalities. What does ASA stand for?

• Attraction-Selection-Attrition

• In Clayton Alderfer's ERG Theory, R stands for Relatedness and G for Growth then what does E mean?

• Existence

• Employees hired or contracted by organisations on a temporary basis to fulfill the needs of the labor for a specific period are known as what?

• Contingent Workers

• Who introduced the modern concept of 360 Degree Appraisal?

• General Electric Company

• Which internationally acclaimed Indian movie has been included as a case study for 'Human Behavior at Work' by Indian Institute of Management, Indore?


• Elton Mayo, one of the pioneers in human behavior studies, called the assumptions of McGregor as "Rabble Hypothesis". What are they?

• Theory X and Theory Y

• Who is known as the "Father of 401k"?• Ted Benna

• What is MBGO and who proposed it?• Management By Group Objectives by Likert &


• Name the personality who introduced the concept of 'Bureaucracy' in 1922?

• Max Weber

• In McKinsey's 7S Framework there are four 'soft variables', Staff, Skills, Style and Shared Values. What are the other three 'hard variables'?

• Strategy, Structure and System

• Fill in the blank. In Expectancy theory Force = ________ x Expectancy?

• Valency

• What is known as 'Great man Theory'?• Leaders are Born and not Made

• Who proposed the "Surplus Value Theory of Wages". The theory states the labor was an article of commerce, which could be purchased on payment of 'Subsistance Theory'?

• Karl Marx

• Where is the famous 'Western Career Fair' take place annualy?

• Silicon Valley

• Name the person who called for the scientific selection of workers and 'Harmonious Cooperation' between labour and management?

• Henry L. Gantt

• Who is known as 'The father of Social Systems Approach' to organisation and management?

• Vilfredo Pareto

• The degree to which a person prefers doing two or more things simultaneously is known as what?

• Polychronic

• Name the creativity-simulation technique which tries to make the strange familiar and the familiar strange?

• Synectics

• The degree to which people are willing to take chances is known as what?

• Risk Propensity

• Which term is used to describe the use of a person's cultural reference points to evaluate others?

• Ethnocentrism

• This term is derived from the typographer's word for a painting plate made from the previously composed type. Walter Lippman applied this word to perception in 1922. Since then it has became a term frequently used for perceptual errors. What is it?

• Stereotype

•Expand COBRA?

• Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconicliation Act

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