how to write chapter 3

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How to write Chapter How to write Chapter 33

How to write Chapter How to write Chapter 33

Methods of Research and Methods of Research and ProceduresProcedures


Generally, the research design is explained in this chapter

• Method of research used• Method of collecting data and

development of the research instrument• Sampling design• Statistical treatment

Method of Research Used1. Descriptive2. Experimental3. Historical*

“The procedural part of the method, its appropriateness to the study, and some of its advantages should be given attention and should be well discussed”

Method of Research Used

Descriptive Research describes and interprets what it is concerned with conditions of relationships

that exist; practices that prevail; beliefs, processes that are going on; effects that are being felt, or trends that are developing

goes beyond mere gathering and tabulation of data for it involves the elements of interpretation of the meaning or significance of what is described

Method of Research Used

Descriptive Research– a purposive process of gathering, analyzing,

classifying, and tabulating data about prevailing conditions, practices, beliefs, processes, trends, and cause-effect relationships and then making adequate and accurate interpretations about such data with or without the aid of statistical methods

Method of Research Used

Experimental Research– a method or procedure involving the control

or manipulation of conditions for the purpose of studying the relative effects of various treatments applied to members of a sample, or of the same treatment applied to members of different samples

– involves manipulation and application of independent variables upon the dependent variables

Method of Data Collection 1. For descriptive research

Survey through questionnaire Survey through interview Case study Observation Secondary data

2. For experimental research Experimental method

Note: Related literature and studies are very useful in determining what type of method of data collection is appropriate to your research

Sampling Design

Sampling– may be defined as measuring a small

portion of something and then making a general statement about the whole thing

– Involves:• The size of the population• Study population• Margin of error and the proportion of the study

population• Technique of sampling – random sampling (pure,

systematic, stratified), purposive sampling, cluster

Statistical Treatment

1. Frequency distribution2. Measures of central tendency – mean,

median, mode3. Measures of variability – range, standard

deviation4. Significance of the difference – chi-square,

ANOVA5. Correlation


Submission of Chapter 1 – July 13, 2010 short bond paper double-spaced margin – 1.5 inch (left), 1 inch (right,

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