how to study in a fun way

Post on 22-Jan-2018






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‘‘How to study in a fun way“

16 05 2017

Aurelija Dirginčienė, primary school teacher, Šiauliai “Juventos“ progymnasium, Ambassador of eTwinning programme in Šiauliai/Telšiai region

How to study in a fun and moreinteresting way?

We use interactive and creative teaching methods: worktogether in pairs, in groups, having countless discussions,

various practical challenges. Learning becomes a gamewhen we do experiments, construct, perform, associateand discuss. It is important that the child does not have

merely to remember new information, but wouldunderstand and apply it creatively. That would have

aroused his thinking, creativity, desire to learn more – to achieve that I use the PROJECTS.

Our school works on these projects

• Erasmus + KA1

• Nordplus

• eTwinning

• environmental project funded by our city municipality

"Healthy life is fun"

Health - is everyone‘s personal wealth. Healthy human diet has become the topical issue all over the world recently. The project will aim to show pupils more often that not only genetic factors, or the environment determine good health but also their behaviour. Too flippant attitude to the health and lack of will of self-control are the main reasons of many diseases and even mental health disorders. The project activities will assist to implant the healthy principles in primary classes, including students' families.

Traditional drinks of parter countries. Making coctails and their presentation –"Healthy Coctails' Fiesta".

Meetings with dance trainers. Creation of dance-exercises. The contest ofexercises between classes, project partners. Making a film "It is funny to exercise".

Integrated education becomes routine,it is in need and necessity.

"Mathematics surrounds us.“

Aim: to foster creativity and learn in maths lessons using unconventional measures.

“Schoolovision 2017“

We are now into the 9th year of the Schoolovision journey and would like to welcome all members, new and old, to this unique eTwinning project, which guarantees fun for all participants, students and teachers alike, as we learn a bit about each others' cultures through the medium of music and song. with the added excitement of knowing that this is actually a competition.

The idea of working on the project“My Earth depends on me“

The last decades have highlighted signs of climate change: the air temperature and the World ocean level are rising, glaciers are melting, snow cover is reducing. Climatic fluctuations have been on our planet in the past, and for the time being, however, everyone came to the conclusion that human economical activity is the main reason of climate warming.

The teacher's responsibility is to develop environmental children's approach to the Earth. Everyone of us may be small, but together we can stop climate change.

Ambient air pollution research (tested with snow) –the snow everywhere is white. But is it stay long white?

Which form will the first formers be until theapple, the napkin, the cotton and the

rubber decompose?

"Spring search"

We have big plans ahead ...

A lot of work to do, a lot of people to meet....

The programme „eTwinning“ in Lithuania is administrated by

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