how to stay anonymous online

Post on 17-Jul-2015






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How to Stay Anonymous Online

The awareness of becoming an anonymous online is continuously increasing these days. But, if

you are still not aware of hiding your online identity, then you are probably working in a

dangerous area. You can be the next victim of the identity thieves. This article about staying

anonymous online will be helpful for all online users to stay safe from snoops while shopping

online with their credit/debit cards, working online and exchanging important data online.

Many Internet users have experienced the attacks of hackers and Identity thieves. It is the right

time for everyone who uses the advantage of the Internet to protect themselves by disguising

their online identity. Your IP address is your online identity and it is the only information that

can give away your details to hackers. If your IP address will remain visible publicly, then there

is a great chance of losing your data in the hacker’s hand. That means you should avoid

exposing your online identity to hackers that may spell doom for you.

The hackers will remain to be unbeatable in this wicked act until you take the necessary actions

of hiding your online identity or location.

Basic Tools: Usually, the browsers being used by people come with various security features to

prevent users from hackers. People also install private firewalls and spyware programs to

secure their data from snoops. But, your firewalls and anti-virus programs may not be good

enough to do the magic.

Proxy Servers: One of the many ways to become anonymous is to use proxy servers. This online

program helps you to browse anonymously without leaving your internet protocol address

exposed to hackers. But the disadvantage of using a proxy server is that all the data is bypassed

through a server, if that server is compromised then there will be a possibility of theft.

VPN: To overcome the danger posed by proxy servers, you can give a chance to VPN; which is a

better way to browse the internet anonymously. You don’t need to have any technical

knowledge to use this software, just install and start using it. Your online identity will be hidden

by the VPN behind one of many IP addresses which all are anonymous. VPN services will allow

you to access blocked sites anonymously at your school/office and they will not come to know

that you are using it.

Hope that the article will help you to hide your online identity and become anonymous in order

to displace those who trace you all the time.

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