how to reach the right audience with youtube video ads

Post on 14-Jul-2015



Small Business & Entrepreneurship



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How to Reach The Right Audience With YouTube

Video Ads

How To Reach The Right Audience On YouTube

Normally I will tell a story or shoot the breeze for a bit before I jump into the meat of my message. But we do not have time for that because I am about to show you something amazing.

Not Kidding!

This is the ultimate lesson on how to reach the right audience with YouTube ads. When I say “right audience” I mean those people who are looking for your product or service.

We are not just talking about clicks or cheap traffic. We are talking about conversions.

You can target certain groups that are interested in your product or service and I am going to show you how.

Note…there are some options for big brands who like spending a lot of money for top of mind purchasing, but I really want to focus on in-market audiences. In other words…Conversions

Let’s jump in.

Finding people who are interested in your product or service

Choosing the right audience in ad groups can make or break your campaign. Google Display Network provides you with a lot of options yet you have to be careful. Listen to what Google says. This is how they collect so much data on people and what they are searching for. Yes!

“When someone visits a Google partner

“Guys you should see these new super suits.” How do they know we needed one?”

website, we may use the content of the page or website to show contextually relevant ads. We use the main topics and themes from the page as well as data from third-party companies to associate interests with a visitor’s anonymous Cookie ID. This takes into account how often people visit sites like those, among other factors.

“Google may use information that people provide to these partner websites about their gender, age, and other demographic or interest information. We may also use the websites people visit and third-party data to infer this information. For example, if the sites a person visits have a majority of female visitors (based on aggregated survey data on site visitation), we may associate the person's cookie with the female demographic category.”

Basically you’re being tracked. Everything you are doing on the internet provides Google with information so that they can run you targeted ads.

This includes YouTube ads otherwise know as Trueview ads.

Back in February Google made a big adjustment to Trueview Video Ads. They divided the audiences into to groups.

1. Affinity Audiences 2. In-Marketing Audiences

Affinity Audience (broad)

If you are going to use Affinity Audiences you will want to make sure you have a nice chunk of money sitting around. This audience is set up for big brands who would like to extend their TV campaign to an online context. They can also do some targeting, but everything is more broad.

We do not suggest this, but to each their own.

Here is how to limit the affinity audience. For example, instead of reaching hotel lovers, a hotel located in San Francisco may want to

reach a certain tech audience that will fit their hotel style. Or instead of reaching Women, a Women’s clothing story may want to reach women who love a certain style of dress. You can do this by:

-Using free form interests entered as keywords -And/or using URLs as proxy for interests

In-Market Audiences (more Defined)

When you use In-market audiences you are able to reach customers who are actively searching for your product or service. Once again, Google uses all of your search history and browsing data to determine if you are actively searching for a certain product or service.

The biggest difference…this audience is close to completing a purchase. This will help us get more conversions.

Isn’t that what we want?

Here is an example from the almighty Google.

Say that you own a car dealership and want to advertise on AdWords. Here's how you could use audiences based on your goals: • When to use "affinity

audiences": Your goal is to reach as many people as possible and drive awareness of your dealership, so that

when people need to buy a new car or have their car serviced, your business comes to mind. You're probably running ads on TV stations and want to complement this campaign with an online campaign to expand your reach. With affinity audiences, you could go beyond car enthusiasts, and reach "green living enthusiasts" with ads about hybrid cars, "bargain hunters" with

“how does Ydraw know that I love crowns?”

ads about a big sale coming up, and "luxury shoppers" with ads about high-end cars.

• When to use "in-market audiences": Your goal is to reach people

who are actively considering buying a car and have narrowed their decision down to a handful of brands or types of cars. These customers are open to various options or dealers, but intend to make a decision soon. You could complement your search campaign or display keywords campaign with "in-market audiences," and reach people who are looking for "new sedans" or "new luxury vehicles."

So there you have it. Now lets jump into the video ad campaign and see where this is located.

Here’s a screen shot.

Here is another side note. Getting the right traffic to your website is expensive, bringing them back is not. So you want to make sure you have your remarketing pixels in place.

This is a key to getting the maximum amount of leads. Start building lists of people who visit your website. Once they land on your site, watch one of your videos, or click on an ad you can put them into your remarketing list. By the end of the year you will want to have thousands of people cookied.

I know I am going to get this question…

“What is the difference between interests and topics?”

Heck if I know! It’s not like I am a video marketing genius…or am I?

Wait, I think I am so I am going to answer this question for you.

In a pumpkin/nutshell, the big difference is context. Topics will place you video ads on websites or videos that are directly related to the topic.

For example

Sports products would go on

That is fine, but we still want to make sure we get the In-market interests dialed in. This is the big one. In-market allows you to find people who are actually searching for your product or service. It doesn’t matter what website or video the person is on.

Why not try both?

I am testing that right now to see happens. Google tells you to not do this because it might restrict your audience, but their motives are a little different than mine.

I have found that when Google suggests something, it will usually increase my cost per lead. Their goal is have us pay the maximum amount per lead, so be a little weary of their suggestions.

Finally, I must warn you that this is a new thing Google came out with February 17. Be tight on your budget until you have proven the concept. This is exciting because Google is only going to get better at it.

Also make sure you are tracking conversions. Set up the conversion pixel so know that the money spend is bringing you in leads.

Until next time this is Jace Vernon signing off.

One other thing…if you run the right ads, you get these types of comments. How long as it been since a person say they enjoyed your marketing ad?

I should get something for giving you guys such amazing content…oh wait, I do.

Look for our next Video Marketing Tip. Hope you enjoyed.

How To Reach The Right Audience On YouTube

Do You Need Help With With Your Video Marketing?

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