how to prepare your car for winter

Post on 08-Aug-2015






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How to prepare your car for winter?

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Emergency Kit

Carrying an emergency kit is the first and foremost thing you should do. Never get stranded in the middle of the road while travelling with your family/friends. And think about the torrential monsoon rains and the foggy early morning weather without an emergency kit if you need to step out of the car. A spare tyre, flashlight, bottles of engine oil, jumper cables, extra gloves, flares, band-aid are some of the items advisable to carry. And, an ice scraper is a must-carry item in your emergency kit.

Wiper Blades

Making sure that wiper blades are in perfect condition is a must-do in winter. For a safe and trouble-free traveling experience, visibility is a key especially during early morning and late night journeys. If your windshield is clogged with mist or slush, it makes driving extremely difficult. Hence, it is suggested to keep your wiper fluid filled since fluid can prevent mist formation on the windshield by breaking it down.


As the name suggests, antifreeze is not only useful in winter but also during summer days. It guards your engine against freezing and brings down the corrosion. A tester costs around Rs 600 – 700 bucks in to check the efficiency of your coolant or you can take it to a nearby workshop and get it done. A 50:50 (50% water and 50% antifreeze) ratio in the tester is a standard and can prevent coolant from freezing even at extremely cold temperatures. So, always keep a check at the condition of the coolant periodically.


Never go by the convention that only heat is battery’s worst foe. Car engines work harder and draw more efficiency in winter. If your car has a non-sealed battery, check if the fluid levels are right. Try to avoid parking your car in outdoor without cover. Lack of coolant will also make your battery lifeless. Regular care can be taken by protecting battery cables and clamps from corrosion. Clean the white powdery substance (battery acid) in the clamps with your gloves. If your battery has a cap on top, you can open it and see the fluid level inside. It’s advisable to fill it with distilled water if the fluid level is low.

Do you have any doubts regarding your car maintenance? You can call us for all your car care needs at 0-92233-22233.

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