how to plan your content marketing efforts for maximum efficiency

Post on 18-Aug-2015






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How to plan your content marketing efforts for maximum efficiency



Edward Russell-JohnsonDigital Account Manager

Luke CopeContent Marketing Manager


1. Defining your KPIs

2. Personas

3. Research & idea generation

4. Content types

5. Using a promotional strategy to amplify your content



We wouldn’t recommend approaching Content Marketing from a direct sales angle.


Sales come later, often via a different channel.

e.g. links achieved to content = rise in search rankings for key terms which then can increase sales.



• Social engagement

• Quality Traffic

• Conversions… Sales? In a business where selling is a secondary function

Defining your KPIs


2. Personas


3. Using research to form winning content ideas

• Increases probability that your content will succeed

• Ensures you are not wasting time & budget on ‘losing’ ideas

• Research on influencers and content types at this stage can also help improve your content promotion


First steps

• Have an initial brainstorm on potential content topics

• Base these sessions around persona interests and relevant events that are coming up



Research popular content


Are there common themes and subjects that do well?


Can content be adapted? Bettered?


Are there enough Influencers in the nicheto amplify your content?


An influencer is a website or social profile that holds a large number of relevant followers and site visitors.



Do some influencer websites only share certain types of content?



4. Content types


Entertaining & Linkable Content


• Use the ‘build it and they will come’ approach. Content creation is only half the job!

• Create content that only you and your company care about. Consider the interests of your personas!

• Promote your own products and services

• Use an advertorial tone of voice



• Try and be innovative but realistic

• Focus on quality over quantity

• Research what types of content your influencers are more likely to share/link to

• Consider incentives, get feedback, get input pre content creation

• Educate, entertain, inform



5. PromotionContent is nothing without an intelligent

promotion strategy.


Your content will only reach a finite amount of people if you only promote it through your owned

media channels


Targeted Social Media Ads


Twitter event # targeting


Here you can use information gathered in the influencer research phase

Influencer promotions and outreach


If the idea is good enough then your influencers may want to use the concept for their own site & social profiles



This means you’ll be able to gain quality inbound links to your original content piece

= quality referral traffic and SEO benefits


3 quality links earned



Some may just endorse and post out on social networks

= Social referral traffic & endorsement from relevant influencer


Spike in traffic


Key takeaways

• Consider your KPIs at every stage of the research, build & promotion process, not just at the start.

• Use tools to analyse trends and identify ideas most likely to succeed, rather than plucking ideas out of thin air.

• Research the content types most commonly linked to by your target influencers or shared by your target personas.

• Plan your promotion and aim to spend as much time on promotion and outreach as you do on content creation.




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