how to 'nail it' at networking

Post on 26-May-2015






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Networking events give you the opportunity to meet and establish connections with people in similar fields of work to yourself. But, being in a room with a load of strangers may feel daunting to some - here are our quick tips.


How to ‘Nail It’ at Networking Events

Networking events give you the opportunity to meet and establish connections with people in similar fields of work to yourself.

Events like these can be an interesting way to enhance your working knowledge and maybe a way to find you a new job opportunity if your looking for something new.

Being in a room with a load of strangers may feel daunting as people run up to you to shake your hand and say hi. Here our are tips to help you out.

Look and Smile!

The key to communication is to look like you want to talk to people.

Smile and shake hands, the more you do it the more confident you will feel!

Have a rehearsed ‘elevator pitch’ ready

No good networker will just be coming up to you to say hi and not ask what you do.

Have an ‘elevator pitch’ ready at all time to so you can explain concisely and effectively who you are and what you do.

Example Elevator Pitch

“Hi, my name is Jo Bloggs and I am a [job role] working in [location]. I am looking to meet likeminded people in my sector”

Have Business Cards

If you don’t get handed a fist-full of business cards, you’ve had a poor day at a networking event.

People will be expecting to trade business cards with one another, so make sure you have some ready to hand out. (If you don’t have any, you can get some made really cheaply!)

Follow up after the event

Once you’ve had a good chat with people, traded business cards and said your goodbyes. Make sure, from the people you would like to keep in contact with them, with a polite email or message on LinkedIn.

That way people will remember you the next time they see you at an event.

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