how to drop nuggets of yoga wisdom into your already ... · how to drop nuggets of yoga wisdom into...

Post on 01-Jul-2018






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How to drop nuggets of yoga wisdom into your already amazing KAY outline

Welcome & Namaste!

Today we will review What is the full Science of Yoga?

What is Raja Yoga?

How the Full Science of Yoga is already built into the Outline.

How/Where to add more nuggets of yoga philosophy into your outline

What is the FULL science of yoga?

Includes Six Branches Hatha Yoga

Karma Yoga

Bhakti Yoga

Jnana Yoga

Japa Yoga

Raja Yoga

“Ha” - Sun/Male Energy

“Tha” – Moon/Female Energy

Hatha is the balance of these two energies

Hatha includes: Physical body


Energetic body pranayama

The science of mantra repetition

Japa can be done in silence during meditation

or aloud as in Kirtan

This is the Yoga of the mind, of wisdom and the path of the sage or scholar

The Yoga of Knowledge or Insight

Jnana yogis study the scriptures and yogic texts

It involves analysis and self-inquiry uses the mind to analyze an experience

similar to Zen Buddhism

This is the path of devotion, the Yoga of the heart

In Bhakti Yoga we see the Divine in all creation

Bhakti literally means FEARLESS

Practiced through devotional chanting, called Kirtan, prayer and religious rights or rituals

This is the path of selfless service “SEVA”

We practice Karma Yoga whenever we perform our work and live our lives in a selfless fashion as a way to serve others

The Yoga of action

We gain joy by not being attached to the results of the actions

Savor these actions

This is the highest form of Yoga

The ROYAL path

This practice is an investigation of the mind, how it works and tools to learn to control it

• Incorporates all other paths 2 main focuses

Meditation is the focal point

The 8 fold Path The Yoga Sutras of Sri Patanjali

Patanjali does not say we should stop our poor habits; instead we should practice the Eight Limbs

When we stop putting effort into ‘breaking bad habits’ and start practicing/living the Eight Limbs, our bad habits simply drop away from us

The Eight Limbs

Yama Moral disciplinary practices or restraints

Niyama Moral observances

Asana Postures

Pranayama Energy and breathing practices

Pratyahara Withdrawal of the senses

Dharana Concentration practices

Dhyana Meditation practices

Samadhi Bliss or union with God

YAMAS / RESTRAINTS Ahimsa Non-harming in thought, word, or


Satya Truthfulness

Asteya Non-stealing

Brahmacharya Observing moderation in all areas of life

Aparigraha Non-grasping, non-hoarding

NIYAMAS / OBSERVANCES Saucha Cleanliness of body and mind

Samtosha Contentment, trusting in the bigger picture

Tapas Acceptance of the uncomfortable parts of life

Svadhyaya Deep study of spiritual texts

Ishvara Pranidhana Self-surrender to a higher source in ALL things

Where to find it in the outline Asanas:

BLISS Sun or Sergeant Salutations Om Workshop Songs Activities

Pranayama Intro (Om) Throughout some asanas

Downward arf, upward owwwwwooooo Bumble bee during child’s pose While in tree pose

After secret garden Closing Circle/Mindful Mixer

Where to find it in the outline: If you don’t know this you should retake the training

Opening circle

After Secret Garden, After Pranayama

Closing Chant

Where to find it in the outline:

During Meditation 2 practices in KAY

4 finger meditation Peace Begins With Me

I am totally Awesome

* “Insert” your favorite

Japa Mala

Knotta Mala

Mardi Gras Beads PBWM



Bhakti Style Japa Kirtan form

Closing Chant

Om Shanti

May the Long Time Sun

Lokah Lullabye

This is the least represented in the KAY outline

However we review Jnana or help kids “Study” When we repeat Sanskrit words

The Yoga Class Test in the manual What does NAMASTE mean?

What does OM mean?

What does Karma Yoga Mean?

What does Shanti mean?

What does Peace Begins With Me Mean?

Where to find it in the outline? Mentioned earlier in the Japa slide

Talking Stick What inspires you? What makes you awesome?

Kirtan: Closing Chants as mentioned earlier

Japa: PBWM

Arts and Crafts: Meditation Alters/Peace Stations/Pizza Boxes

Practicing the outline itself is a ritual of sorts

Where do we find it in the outline During/After the Secret Garden

Closing circle-hand out OM Work

During a story you wrote

Ideas for Karma Om Work Karma Cards

Give examples

During the Secret Garden

After the Secret Garden Kids are rested



Follow the manual on preparing the body and breath

Make your Secret Garden contain a lesson Worry Tree

Find a special power

Discover your own planet/super hero

Find a spirit animal

Have your Secret Garden incorporate the 5 senses

Today our secret garden we discover our special power!

Think about what your special power is.

Is it Kindness? Love? Compassion? Sharing?

And then, look around, where do you find your special power?

There is something in your garden that you get your special power from, it could be a jewel, a flower, a special rock, water, a plant, anything...

Find where you get your special power from and pick it up and put it right in your heart so you can keep it there always.

And if you ever get low on your special power you can come back to your secret garden and get some more!

Now that you have your special power and you know where it comes from think of how you can use your special power to help people.

Maybe you see someone crying and you could say something nice to them or give them a hug,

maybe if you see your parents struggling you can help them with the dishes or cleaning off the table.

Maybe you can open the door for someone who has their hands full.

Take sometime to think about all the ways you can help people with your special power....

Now after helping people with your special power notice how that makes them feel.

Notice how happy it makes others when we are kind to them...

Notice how it makes you feel when you are kind to others...

I'm going to leave you for a little while all by yourself to keep using your special powers to help people....

Same concept

Yoga mat is a rocket ship flying into outer space

Notice how quiet it is in outer space

Sound does not travel in zero gravity

Locate your planet

Fly to it

What color/shape is it

Land on the planet

Look for your super hero power

Where does it come from?

Use your power for good to help people Help people with 4 major destructive emotions

Anger Anxiety Guilt Depression

Find someone who is mad…

Find someone who is afraid/worried…

Find someone who feels bad for something they’ve done wrong…

Find someone who feels everything they do is wrong…

Use your special power to help them feel better

What would you do or say to help someone who is ____ feel better?

Do that now

Notice how does it makes them feel?

Notice how does it make you feel to help them?

Now see yourself or think of a time when you were feeling ____

Use your special power to help yourself feel better

What would you do or say to make yourself feel better

Do that now and notice how that feels

While kids are lying on their side Give them OM Work

Introduce Karma Yoga

Explain what it is

Give examples

Ask them to pick one

Share with the talking stick

Using the Talking stick kinds words what makes you awesome, one reason you love your mom or dad one nice thing about your parent/sibling/aunty uncle

Witches brew: Stir up a pot of GOOD INTENTIONS put in kind words, etc

Make a pizza/pie, SHARE with your neighbor

Toega take all of the pom poms you collected and give them to your

neighbor/friend; being content with the pompoms you do have

Contentment: You get what you get and don’t make a fit!

Share a lions breath with a neighbor?

Make a neighbor laugh

Passing out scarves have each person pick a color give to their neighbor/brother/ sister

IN Secret Garden find your secret power, find your own planet, what kind of spirit animal are you

-Orange You Grateful One girl said even the bad things in life (Tapas)

-Roll up your neighbors mat

-Karma Cards

Crystal in a bowl meditation



Pick a Yama/Niyama as a theme for your class

Practice the Metta Meditation (loving kindness meditation) during Secret Garden: See yourself and send yourself friendly wishes

Find someone you love and send them friendly wishes

Find a Teacher and send them friendly wishes

Find a person you don’t know very well (neutral) and send them friendly wishes

Find a person you don’t like very much, someone you have difficulty with and send them friendly wishes (we all know its like to have a bad day)


The BEST way to teach RAJA yoga is to LIVE your yoga

Live by example

Start/Maintain your own practice

Watch your own thoughts, emotions and actions and be responsible for them

This will come through naturally in your classes

Webinar coming soon on how to set up your own practice!

We are all growing and learning

We are all perfect in our imperfection

Study yourself

Practice the Yamas and the Niyamas yourself

When you get mad stop and say PBWM

Take a deep breath

Teach from a place of empirical knowledge and you will be radiant!

Thank You for your time!

Email/Call me with Questions


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