how to create custom sign up email capture forms for your website

Post on 28-Jan-2015






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Sign Up forms are simple to complex web forms placed on your website (or if you prefer, hosted on our website on your behalf) that provide a means for visitors to your website to enter their email address and subscribe to your Mailing List. Once the form is submitted, the data is stored in your online database of Contacts


How to create custom sign up email capture forms for your


Email Marketing Sign Up form Generator

In early 2014 EmailerGo released it’s new and improved Email Marketing Sign Up form Generator. We managed

to retain all of the functions and features developed over the last decade, even add several new features, while

making it easier to use and understand by harnessing new scripting technologies. It’s now a matter of point, click

and you’re done, your form is ready to use. You don’t need any fancy programming skills to start collecting Opt-In

email addresses, we’ll even host the form for you if you prefer. Experienced developers can take it even further

by downloading the generated form, editing it offline and uploading to their own website.

Generating a simple sign up form for collecting email addresses and first names will literally take just a minute or


What is a Sign Up Form?

Sign Up forms are simple to complex web forms placed on your website (or if you prefer, hosted on our website

on your behalf) that provide a means for visitors to your website to enter their email address and subscribe to

your Mailing List. Once the form is submitted, the data is stored in your online database of Contacts. With each

new subscription, your list of Contacts grows, and you’re newsletter reaches a greater audience each time you

create and deliver an email campaign.

You’re not limited to collecting only email addresses. Our system supports up to 35 different fields, our point and

click system allows you to easily include form fields such as Address, Birth date, Sex, Location, and automatically

captures additional data which will assist in demographically targeting Contacts.

Sign Up Form Functions

Web Forms, including Email Sign Up Forms, can probably be found on 95% of websites on the web today. They

are an integral part of the Internet providing a means of interaction between User and Business. Several years

ago, Pop Up web forms were the prevailing trend of the time. Web Browsers responded by introducing Pop Up

Blockers. Because statistics show that a well positioned, not too intrusive Pop Up subscription form can increase

sign ups several fold, we developed the PoP Up layer, unaffected by Pop Up Blockers. This is just one of the

many functions available in our Sign Up Form Generator.

Sign Up Form Statistics

On a busy website, it’s not unusual to receive several hundred new sign ups each day. A sign up form at the top

of your page may fair better or worse than one half way down. This is why we’ve built in the ability to create an

unlimited number of sign up forms, each of which keep their own statistics.

1. Log in

2. Forms

3. View Sign Up Forms

4. Click the graph

This will show you the percentage ratio of displays to sign ups. That is,

how many times was the form displayed, to how many times did the User actually sign up. You can then compare

this to other forms you have created and presented elsewhere on your site, or even on an affiliate’s site.

Creating Sign Up Forms

Emailer Go has no limit on the number of Sign Up Forms you can create. You could place a different Sign Up

Form on every page of your website to see which performed better.

1. Log in

2. Forms

3. New Sign Up Form

The first two fields displayed are both required. You must enter a Reference Name and select the Mailing List Users

will be added to when filling in and submitting the form. Selecting a Mailing List will also pre-populate some of the

other available options with the relevant data. All other options are accessible by clicking the navigation tabs :

To add either Common or Custom form fields, click the tab labelled Form Fields. A Common form field is one we

think is often used and we’ve pre-defined some values for them. Custom fields are fields you can create yourself,

such as checkboxes, radio buttons and select menus.

To include a field in your form :

1. Click the Form Fields tab

2. Select a field to include

3. Click the checkbox labelled Include

The selected field will then appear in the preview pane below the options. You can continue assembling your

form in this manner until you’re happy with your form.

Hover your mouse cursor over the elements in the preview pane to remove elements or move elements up or


Field markers, represented by %%%fieldname%%%, offer a powerful means of personalizing campaigns as well

as sending segment targeted campaigns. Lets assume for example, that in your form, you request a User’s

geographical location (City) and their sex (Male of Female) and their Age or Birth Date. You could then create a

campaign that targeted all Females living in London aged between 30 and 40.

In the message you send to the targeted segment of Contacts, you could enter something similar to :

Dear %%%fname%%%,

It has come to our attention that all females aged %%%age%%% living in %%%city%%% should seek medical

advice in regards to ….

The above is an example showing how field markers can be inserted into email. To learn how to segment an

existing mailing list so only the desired Contacts are sent the message, please see segment targeted campaigns.

Once you’ve created your Sign Up Form, it’s stored on our server until you delete it, and you can link directly to

your form from your website. If you prefer, you can download the entire form, make further design edits then

upload the form to your website.

The code for your Sign Up form can be obtained by going to :

1. Forms tab in the main menu

2. Click View Sign Up Forms

3. Click Get Code

4. Scroll down to see all available options

Maximizing Sign Ups from Email Sign Up Forms

The best way to increase the number of Contacts in your Mailing List, thereby increasing the number of people

you campaigns reach, is through Opt-In Sign Up Forms. They ensure you have a high quality Mailing List

consisting of recipients that actually asked and are eager to receive your Newsletters.

If you’re offering something free on your website, such as an ebook, free software download or a free electronic

short course via AutoResponders, then you can also require the Users sign up to your newsletter. You must

make it clear they will be subscribing so there are no complaints at a later date. We suggest setting up at least

1 AutoResponder for each of your Mailing Lists. In this AutoResponder, you’d send a welcome message to the

new Contact, maybe even asking that they whitelist you and explain how’d they go about doing this, so that your

messages are always delivered directly to their inbox.

Your Sign Up Forms should also be as compact as possible, not requesting so much information that the User

feels they don’t have the time to complete the form. Requesting a First Name and Email Address for starters may

be sufficient. The Contact can always log in at a later date to complete or update their profile, you could also

mention this in the Welcome message AutoResponder if you’re sending one.

They should be placed in a prominent area of your website, on every page, not only a hidden dedicated page that

no-one may ever see or visit.

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