how to create a viral personal branding campaign!

Post on 19-Oct-2014



Social Media



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A case study of my personal branding campaign (Fanisnews) that generated 80,000 unique visitors in 2 days and reviews from major online portals worldwide.



taking online personal branding to new heights

the problem

Fanis (pha’nis) had a very diverse, exciting, and demanding careerFanis didn’t work night & day for the last 10 years to put his career on a piece of paper (aka resume)Fanis knew that in a new market they don’t care about your past (sbt)

the solution

a personal online branding site that showcases Fanis’ past experience, branding skills, social media abilities and passion, passion, passion! not just to succeed but surpass every previous record

the result

an online virtual resume unlike any other 80,000 unique visitors in 2 days reviews by major online portals worldwidecongratulations from CNN’s Editor in Chief and Head of Social Media. keeping Fanis sane (creativity keeps him alive - he is pretty sure you are the same)


Canadian Broadcasting (CBC)




Largest tech site in Brazil (part of

details of a winning strategyWhy CNN? A global site everybody is familiar with. Brain makes connections quicker.

It can’t just be a copy. Needs to showcases Fanis creativity, ideas and diversity in every single pixel.

details of a winning strategy

Right from the top screen: explaining his past experience and what he can do professionally.

details of a winning strategy

Title: Encourages curiosity and makes Fanis appear as an object of desire. Pic to validate he is real

details of a winning strategyMore validation. He is human. He has humor too. You won’t get bored.

Answering all questions; Who is he what are his achievements, where would he love to work?

details of a winning strategy

More details. If they read that far it means they are interested. Let’s tell them who Fanis really is.

details of a winning strategy

President Obama: I approve Fanis.

The video was produced mainly so users have an “aha” moment (Boy this guy is smart!) and share the site to social media.

details of a winning strategy

A Goldendoodle puppy on Wall Street?Fanis loves dogs. People love people who loves dogs. If you don’t like his resume you will definitely like his puppy! Getting to users’ soft side!

details of a winning strategy

United Nations awards Fanis startup!

International recognition. Awards always help. Americans love awards.

details of a winning strategy Photo: Robin Williams

meets Fanis

Americans love celebrities too.

details of a winning strategy His Twitter killer news


Statistics are often used to create a clickable title. More appealing than saying “Creator of a News Portal”

details of a winning strategy Photos: Inside the loft

he left behind

Old ad technique. Before you think negatively I stop you. He left an amazing loft to follow his dream. It’s not about the money!

details of a winning strategy Backed by science:

Trilingual and more

Same thing. The fact he is not native is an asset! And it’s not Fanis saying so, but proved by science!

details of a winning strategy Top industry professionals give more validation

details of a winning strategy

Opinions, Values, and what Fanis reads online. Real companies don’t just hire professionals. They Hire amazing, emotional, truly diverse, passionate risk takers.

details of a winning strategy “We are in this together”. Connecting with potential employers. Making them feel Fanis is already part of their company.

details of a winning strategyProviding useful information and new services is always a good way to connect. By being curious and clicking on the weather banner the users get informed about an amazing new weather fun service.

They will definitely appreciate it and remember Fanis next time they get their weather notification!

details of a winning strategyShowcasing Fanis’ diversity when it comes to new ideas.

From conceptualizing TV formatsand redesigning a major homepage, to creating social media ideas for dry-cleaners.

above all remember

to check out the footer. Every single detail matters.

and Fanis’ big words…

“It's not what I've done in the past. But what I am capable of doing.” Thank you for reading


taking online personal branding to new heights

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