how to become an efficient learner - the grammar … to become an efficient learner...

Post on 18-May-2018






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How to become an efficient learner

George Petrou 2011 GS Graduate

University of Warwick

• The purpose of this presentation is to help science students understand how the learning process can become more efficient. Some of the information shared with you may seem trivial while other could seem rather hard to believe. However, all of the information presented has been well researched by neuroscientists and practised by successful educators for years. Scientific explanation and terminology is kept to a minimum.

• For more in depth information I suggest reading “A mind for Numbers” by Dr. Barbara Oakley.

Topics• Memory

• Chunks and Chunking

• Focused and Diffused Thinking

• Techniques and Tips to Learn effectively

• Techniques and Tips in Preparing and Taking Tests


Working Memory• Memory used on what you are currently

processing in your brain

• An average person has only four working memory slots. This means he can only hold four “chunks” of information which he can use to work on a problem

Short & Long Term Memory• Short term memory is where information is first stored for

only a short period of time

• Long term memory is where information is permanently stored

• Information is transferred to Long Term memory by a process called Consolidation and transferred back to Short Term memory or to the Working memory by Reactivation. Stored information could change by Reconsolidation

• Certain techniques have proven to be more effective that others in performing the mentioned processes

Chunks and Chunking

Chunks and Chunking• Chunk is a group of information you remember as

a whole

• When you form chunks (or perform chunking), you split the information into groups and store them in your long term memory

• This can prove effective and efficient as you can retrieve a whole chunk of useful information at once instead of trying to select the individual useful pieces of information when needed

Focused and Diffused Thinking

Focused and Diffused Thinking• The Focused way of Thinking is the usual

method used when we try to solve problems where a series of known steps is required. However, it is not useful where creativity is needed

• The Diffused way of Thinking is extremely useful when we are trying to understand a new concept or when the solution of our problem is not a known, simple method

• It is vital to learn how to access your diffused mode. It has been proven that the diffused mode can be accessed while you relax or exercise.

• A good method that can be used when working on a challenging problem is to first concentrate and work on it for some time (focused mode). If you cannot solve it then relax, take a break, go for a walk or sleep and return back to it. When you return, the problem could look a lot simpler.

• This is because as you relaxed, your brain strengthened ideas and concepts, washed away toxins(especially during sleep) and enabled your diffused mode to take over

Techniques and Tips to Learn effectively

• Repetition: Repetition can help you form chunks and consolidate information. The most effective repetition technique is proven to be spaced repetition. In this case, information is repeated over a long period of time, with increasing time intervals between each repetition. This has proven more effective than stressed repetition where information is repeated many times in a single day

• Understand: This is no secret, yet many people try to memorise information without first understanding it. If you understand the information to the point that you can explain it to others, then it will be a lot easier to consolidate and reactivate it

Techniques and Tips to Learn effectively

• Chunking: Try to form chunks and use spaced repetition and practise to store them firmly in your long term memory

• Deliberate Practise: Deliberately practise on what you find more difficult first before anything else that seems easier

• Interleaving: Jump between different chunks in order to make sure you fully understand them and that you do not confuse them

• Avoid “Overlearning": Do not reread information you already know. It may boost your confidence to see that you remember it but instead you should focus your time and effort on your hardest tasks

• Recall: Test your knowledge and make “chunking” more efficient by trying to recall the information you have learned

• Avoid Procrastination: Procrastination is something natural that occurs when we do not like a task we need to complete. A useful technique is called “Pomodoro” and it’s simply a timed study session. This could be 25min of work followed with 5min of rest and can be repeated as needed

• Be Organised: Learn how to organise your time by planning ahead. Have weekly schedule that you must follow and which also includes your recreational time as a way of motivation

• Process vs Product: Focus on the Process of studying instead of the Product(end result). Simply, If you are working on an assignment, for the 25min that you are working, focus on learning and understanding instead of finishing. Focusing on the Product may lead to procrastination

• Images & Diagrams: Are a powerful tool when learning as the human visual and spatial memory are very efficient. Form meaningful images and diagrams that relate to a theory or equation you need to learn and the information could be consolidated more efficiently

• Lists: Every night try to create a list of what tasks you will have to do for the following day. This will help you to be mentally prepared for any challenges

• Metaphors & Analogies: Are also a great way to understand and memorise information

• Practise: Another great way to build chunks as well as to train your diffused thinking is to practise by working on a variety of problems after you have understood the theory

• Motivation: Try to reward yourself after every successful study session. This can motivate during your study time and make learning more effective

• A.D.E.P.T = The ADEPT technique can be extremely useful when you are trying to understand and remember new information. It stands for Analogy (create an analogy of what you want to learn), Diagram (benefit from your great Visual Memory), Example (give an example), Plain english (explain the information in plain english), Technical (use technical terminology to explain the new information). ADEPT reassures that you have completely understood the information and are able to use it

• Avoid Einstellung Effect: Einstellung Effect takes place when well-developed patterns in your head prevent you from thinking creatively. To avoid this, in cases where creativity is needed, diffused thinking must be used

• Abbreviations: Can be extremely useful when trying to memorise phrases or even equations

• Studying in a Team: Studying together with classmates could be extremely beneficial. It provides the opportunity to discuss the material, explain it to each other and reassure that you have understood it correctly

• Sleep: Last but certainly not least, sleep plays an important role when learning. It washes toxins out of the brain, aids with the consolidation of information and enhances the use of diffuse thinking

Techniques and Tips in Preparing and Taking Tests

Techniques and Tips in Preparing and Taking Tests

• Easy to Hard: The most common test-taking technique is to start from the easiest problems first and then move to the harder ones. This technique can motivate you by tackling the easiest problems first and then with confidence try the hard ones after

• Hard Start - Jump to Easy: A more unconventional way is to start with the hard problems first. When you get stuck you immediately jump to the easier problems. This allows the diffused mode of your brain to work in the background on the harder problems while you tackle the easy ones. Then when you return to the hard problems, they may appear a lot simpler. However, this technique requires discipline as when you get stuck you should immediately change problem and not waste time or panic

• Quick Read: It is always a good idea to give the whole test a quick preview before you start working on it. This creates a mental plan on what is to follow.

• Relax: It is important enough to be mentioned that being relaxed before and during a test is vital. Use deep-breathing to relax before you start.

• Multiple Choices: When solving a multiple choice section, it is advisable to cover the solutions and try the solve the problem as an ordinary question.

• Last Day: Work hard until two days before your test. On the last day, revise calmly without tiring yourself too much. If you leave most of the work for the last day your brain will not be able to consolidate information efficiently and you will not have the time to practise

• Silly mistakes: It is common for us to make silly mistakes while solving a test especially if we are stressed. Therefore it is vital to return back to the problems and go through our working again if time allows it

• Sleep: Sleep is again, crucial. Try to get around 8 hours of sleep before taking a test to wash the harmful toxins away and enable you to concentrate better during the test

The EndI hope that this presentation has proven to be helpful in your studies. Try to utilise whatever you think will work for you while also try the more unconventional tips as well. You may be surprised by how efficient learning and studying can become.

George Petrou

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