how to allocate time to do life & achieve your goals...

Post on 23-Oct-2020






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  • 5 DAY FOCUS copyright protected page 1

    How To Allocate

    Time To Do Life &

    Achieve Your Goals


    Annette Chesney

  • 5 DAY FOCUS copyright protected page 2


    Copyright ©2018 by Develop U, LLC

    All rights reserved. No part of this video/audio series and/or workbook

    may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means

    without written permission of the author.

    Scripture quotations marked (NIV) are taken from the

    Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®.

    Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™

    Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved


  • 5 DAY FOCUS copyright protected page 3

    A couple of notes before you

    tackle the exercises in this workbook...

    Be sure to view the short training video that accompanies this workbook before beginning the exercises.

    It helps to set aside a consistent time to view the video and work on the daily application exercises.

    There’s no single “best” time. Just try to be consistent. For example—you can attach the viewing of the

    video with a daily habit, i.e. watch the video while you brush your teeth or apply your makeup first thing

    in the am. Then complete the workbook exercise as part of how you start your workday, along with your

    lunch, or as part of your “wrap up the day” ritual before you leave work.

    If a particular exercise really speaks to you but you are tight on time, simply jot a few bullet points so you

    don’t lose the thoughts, then set an alarm in your phone for a time later that day when you give it more

    time. (Setting alarms on your phone are a great way to not forget a one time something, or while cre-

    ating a new habit!)

    No two weeks of 5 Day Focus trainings, and no 2 days of workbook exercises will be the same, so enjoy

    the varied approach and allow it to challenge you.

    You’ll get out of this what you put into it. If you watch the video, but don’t do the exercises you might

    have a nice moment of food for thought, but it will be quickly forgotten by lunchtime if you don’t do the

    exercise to move it from “That’s an interesting thought” to “Wow—this really stretched me/opened my

    eyes to something/gave me what I needed to solve that team struggle/move me to a new course of ac-

    tion/set me free to fly”

    After each daily application exercise be sure to jump on the “Annette Chesney at Develop U” Facebook

    page and share your insights or questions, maybe take a moment to share your experience or a word

    of encouragement on another persons post on the page. Hint: it helps a lot if you “Like” the page. Feel

    free to hit the “Share” on a meme or post from the page and invite others to join us.

    I know you are a woman of integrity and this will be a non-issue, but as a reminder, please bear in mind

    that these recordings and workbooks are copyrighted. I’m sure you know other amazing women, full

    of potential, desiring to grow in their Influence and Impact, so please help by encouraging these women

    to subscribe at so they start receiving the weekly 5 Day Focus training too!

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    Step One: Identify Your “Big Rocks”

    Before actually laying out a schedule, you must first identify your “Big Rocks”. These are the things that make life worthwhile.

    Examples: Faith, Date night with spouse, Family time, You time, Exercise/Nutrition

    We must consider our Big Rocks first or they will get squeezed out in the crush of the day to day and the tyranny of the moment.

    Big Rocks often don’t have deadlines assigned to them. Sometimes they involve ongoing habits you must deliberately, proactively,

    doggedly insert into your week.

    You can build a P.A.T.T.I. goal around a Big Rock if it will help you prioritize it.


    In the space below list what your Big Rocks are that must go into your weekly schedule before everything else.

    Validate each of the Big Rocks with a statement about why you’ve designated it as such.

    Assign a time value to each of your Big Rocks, meaning, how much time on a daily or weekly basis needs to be allocated



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    Step 2—Identify the Other Important Stones

    Repeat the same process from yesterday, but this time consider the actions and habits associated with achieving the P.A.T.T.I.

    Power Goals you’ve established.

    This is a good time to have the action plan you created last week in front of you as a reference



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    Step 3—Identify the Sand & Water

    Now we add in all the other stuff, like grocery shopping, household chores, meal prep, driving the kids places, etc.

    These things need to get done by someone to keep things running, but it doesn’t necessarily have to be you! is it possible that

    any of these things can be delegated or hired out? Can you take turns with another parent driving the kids or assign chores to

    your teenagers?

    Think in these terms for the “sand and water” tasks associated with your work life as well.

    Make a list again like the previous couple of days, but this time for the “sand and water” tasks.



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    Create Your Ideal Weekly Plan Template

    Now it’s time to put the pieces together from what you’ve inventoried over the last several days.

    You’re going to create a template of how your week would flow in a perfect world.

    You’ll find a blank template to use after Day 5 in this workbook

    Play with the blank weekly plan like a worksheet, and move pieces around like putting a puzzle together.

    Take the time to do this exercise with an actual pencil and papers. There’s something about doing it that way rather than elec-

    tronically that triggers a different part of the brain and its associated problem solving process.

    Once you’ve created something that seems do-able to you, then make another copy of the blank weekly plan to create your

    actual upcoming week.

    Key Concept:

    Moving forward, you’ll create your “Actual Weekly Plan”

    each week BEFORE the week begins,

    using your “Ideal Weekly Plan Template” as a guide.

    In your Actual Week you may need to rearrange some pieces to accommodate a dentist appointment for example, or other things

    that aren’t normally a part of your week.

    Don’t get caught up in the overwhelm of perfectionism in this exercise. Put down what you think might work, then execute it for a

    couple of weeks and make revisions.

    On the other hand, don’t neglect creating your Actual Week plan each week or you’ll be flying by the seat of your pants feeling

    overwhelmed and sucked into the tyranny of the urgent while neglecting steps forward on your important goals!

    Your “Ideal” will naturally need to be updated and tweaked from time to time, because real life happens, seasons change, pri-

    oritizes shift, etc.

    Once you get your “Ideal” in place, feel free to replicate it in an electronic version, complete with color coded blocks of time if that

    helps to guide you when you are creating your “Actual” each week.

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    Common Mistakes & Suggestions

    Once you have a reasonable “Ideal Weekly Plan Template” in place, review it for these common errors.

    Forgetting to factor in realistic travel time.

    Calculate the time it takes when you don’t risk life and limb and speeding tickets, then add a little cushion

    for the unanticipated. How much nicer would it be to arrive at your destination not frazzled, with fresh

    lipstick applied and time to pray over your meeting and gather your thoughts before you calmly walk in?

    Scheduling tasks and activities back to back in every available slot throughout the day.

    It’s best to build in a “blank” 30 minute block here and there to serve as “catch-up” time, or a buffer

    against unforeseen and unpreventable interruptions

    Underestimating how much time activities actually take.

    ...Then attempting to bend the laws of physics to catch back up again. You’ll only get irritated and overwhelmed.

    It’s better to factor in what you think is too much time rather than not enough.

    Neglecting to set aside time for refreshment.

    No matter how hard you are running after a goal, take off the superhero cape on a regular basis and just

    breathe. Figure out what speaks beauty to your soul and find a way to partake of it on a regular basis.

    Create space for it as an appointment in your schedule. You’ll actually be far more productive when you

    step back in the game. No matter how exhilarating the chase, you’ll crash and burn badly in one way

    or another if you live life always in a hard sprint.

    Underestimating the time commitment involved in striving for the achievement of important goals.

    Look back over your P.A.T.T.I. goal deadlines and action plan in comparison with your weekly plan.

    Does it work? If not, then something has to give. Figure out what needs to be changed, i.e. the goal

    deadline, conflicting priorities that need to take a backseat for a season while you achieve this goal,

    “sand and water” that really could be handled by someone other than you, relaxing your standards of

    perfectionism around the house, etc.

    Your thoughts:




  • Weekly Plan Worksheet


    5:00 am














    12:00 pm












    6:00 pm









  • Appendix

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    You can find forgiveness, peace, hope, and leadership for life through a profoundly intimate relation-

    ship with Jesus Christ.

    There is a difference between knowing about God – knowing about Jesus,

    and Knowing HIM in vibrant relationship.

    The deepest desire of God’s heart is to enjoy you in relationship and to have you enjoy Him… every day,

    both in this life and for eternity.

    He longs to have you trust Him with your innermost heart then believe and live out His word as you

    walk through each day. He will give your life meaning and purpose beyond anything you could imagine

    as you follow Him. His love for you knows no bounds and He’s gone to great lengths to reach out to

    you and offer forgiveness from all wrongs (whether in attitude or deed) and restoration to the relation-

    ship He meant you to have with Him all along.

    He has an amazing plan for your life that when experienced will not only bring you incredible joy and

    fulfillment, but will allow you to leave a legacy of good in the lives of others.

    As we put our trust in Him and commit our ways to Him he will help us grow in character and effective-

    ness. Though it doesn’t mean we’ll do everything perfectly, it does mean that He’ll be there to instruct

    us in the areas we need to change, direct our footsteps each day, and catch us when we stumble.

    The LORD your God is with you, the Mighty Warrior who saves. He will take great delight in you;

    in his love he will no longer rebuke you, but will rejoice over you with singing.”

    Zephaniah 3:17

    For I know the plans I have for you,”

    declares the LORD,

    “plans to prosper you and not to harm you,

    plans to give you hope and a future.

    Jeremiah 29:11

  • 5 DAY FOCUS copyright protected page 13

    What does it take to engage in this kind of relationship with Him? No rituals, no fancy religiosity – just a

    sincere heart desiring to commit to Him.

    Talk to Him. Tell Him of your desire to know Him and follow Him. The precise words you use aren’t im-

    portant. It’s the attitude of your heart that matters.

    If you’re unsure what to say to Him as you pray, let me help you with some ideas. Just speak your heart to


    “Jesus, I believe that you are who you say you are – the Son of God who came to this

    earth that we might learn of you and relate to you. I believe you willingly hung on the

    cross to bear the penalty of my sins - my wrong attitudes, motives, choices, and behaviors.

    It’s hard for me to fathom love that sacrificial and intense, but I thank you and humbly

    receive it. Thank you for forgiving me. I want to become the person you envisioned I

    would be so I commit my heart to you. Please heal me of the past hurts that interfere

    with my perspective and grant me your peace. Grow my character and show me the pur-

    pose and calling you have for my life. I can’t do this on my own – I desperately need and

    want your leadership. Thank you for granting me the hope of eternal life in the future and

    the thrill of walking with You from this day forward.”

    If you invited the Lord into your heart and life today—congratulations, and welcome to the family of God!

    Know that as you asked Jesus into your life you didn’t join a religion, you began a relationship with Him.


    I’d love to hear from you!

    Please contact me at: and share with me

    about this step you made. I’d love to pray for you and point you to a couple of next steps!

    May the Lord bless you and lead you

    in your newfound relationship and life journey with Him!

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    I believe God is calling women to become whole, free, and

    EMPOWERED as the Esther’s and Deborah’s of our day. A

    new era is upon us, and as women, we have an urgent and

    vital role to play!

    I’m passionate about building leadership on the right founda-


    Our sure foundation is embedded first and foremost in vibrant

    relationship with God and the development of Christ-like

    character. This positively impacts our self-awareness and self-

    concept, our goals and ambitions, our emotional intelligence

    quotient, the criteria we base decisions on, our ability to rally

    people and resources in common purpose, and to LEAD WELL.

    This is your time! Every experience you’ve had—positive or

    negative—is a part of the preparation process for you to be-

    come an atmosphere shifter and world changer.

    The days of playing small, just going through the motions, of settling, are over. It’s time to develop your poten-

    tial and step into your purpose because what you have to offer the world is desperately needed. It won’t be

    easy, but it will be exhilarating and fulfilling. I’m here to help you unleash the potential within you that is in-

    tended to impact whatever circle of influence you find yourself operating in.

    I’m experienced at identifying latent potential and have coached people into discovering their gifts and pas-

    sion, equipping them to practically and strategically step into leadership and/or advance their leadership acu-

    men to a new level.

    I absolutely love coaching and training “leaders of leaders” to develop strong communication and emotional

    intelligence skills and create healthy team culture that draws out the best in everyone and units them in com-

    mon purpose, ready to crush their goals.

    I also specialize in wholeness issues, connecting self-awareness (how we relate with ourselves, awareness of

    our internal drivers), social-awareness (how we relate to others and cultivate emotional intelligence), and God-

    awareness (partnering with Him and redeeming our lives, our purpose, and the culture we live in).

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    I’ve worked in the corporate world, spent 15 years in full time ministry as a staff pastor, and since 2009 have been

    a professional life and leadership coach, author, and trainer.

    I’ve had the special privilege of investing years working closely with Sales Directors and Consultants within the

    world of Mary Kay, helping these amazing women rise to new personal and team levels of achievement.

    As a graduate of Liberty University I focused on psychology and Christian counseling. I’m also a member of the

    American Association of Christian Counselors and the International Christian Coaching Association.

    If you’d like to learn more about individual and group coaching,

    training programs, and resources available

    to help you unleash your potential and move into your destiny,

    please visit

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