how tea is better than coffee?

Post on 15-Apr-2017






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How Tea is Better than Coffee?

Origin of Tea

According to legend, tea was a coincidental revelation. A Chinese head in 2737 BC was boiling water as procedure of guaranteeing its well, few leaves coincidentally fell into the boiling water and changed the composition of water. At the point when the head tasted it, he was amazed by its special taste and accordingly the long journey of tea started.

Origin of CoffeeThe origin of coffee was in Ethiopian highlands. A goatherd watched that his goats got to be hyperactive subsequent to devouring a specific sort of berries. After a couple of trials, the utilization of coffee spread to cloisters, where friars drank this drink so as to keep themselves alert during prayer.

Benefits of Tea Consistent utilization of tea results in aversion of specific sorts of

tumour. Its rich antioxidants fights inflammation. It brings down the danger of heart diseases and stroke. Tea contains L-theanine, an amino acid, which reduce stress and

gives relaxation. Green tea has proved to being useful to keep Parkinson's and

Alzheimer diseases under control. It sheds additional calories. It strengthens the bones and immunity system overall.

Benefits of Coffee

Coffee contains cancer prevention agents and drinking coffee in moderate amount does not create any unfavourable impact. But on another side, it doesn't provide significant benefits either. Besides the caffeine content in Coffee is substantially more than that of tea. Over the top utilization can bring about inordinate sharpness.

The Truth About Caffeine Content

Tea leaves contains more caffeine than coffee beans, yet while preparation the greater part of it gets diluted and discarded and some tea contains less caffeine than some coffee.

Loaded with decency of wellbeing and taste, tea is a perfect substitute for coffee.

You can buy tea online at Goodwyn tea, one of the best online tea store in India.

www.goodwyntea.com6 , Bishop Lefroy Road, 4th Floor, Kolkata


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