how not to be a shit as a leader- 10 things to avoid

Post on 06-May-2015






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Leadership skills are mostly inherent, but it can be acquired from experience and examples. Here, we present 10 thongs to avoid to be a complete disaster as a leader.


How not to be a shit as a leader: 10 things to avoid

Dr A. BaraiMBBS, MRCS Ed, MSc (Critical Care)

Registrar in Emergency Medicine


• Everyone is a leader at certain times or the other. Be it in a family gathering, work place, queue in the train station or even in a football match on the alley road.

• A leader can make a huge difference in the team

• Wrong strategy can be a disaster

• Leadership skills are mostly acquired

Who is a leader?• Someone who is a team member at first

• Someone who can motivate others

• Someone who knows how to appreciate others

• Someone who can take responsibilities

• Someone whom others can trust

• Someone who does not run away

Pitfalls of being a leader• Can be stressful

• Can be challenging

• Can be less rewarding if you fail

• May have to face criticism

• May be premature if not fully prepared

Things to avoid: 1Try not be the Boss.

• The reality is that the subordinates don’t like the Boss.

• In fact, they hate the Boss.

• A Boss is like a monkey at the top of a tree. When he looks down he can see smiley faces of monkeys below. But those monkeys below when look up can only see the bare bottom of the Boss at the top of the tree.

• However, if the boss becomes a team member, they become co-operative and helpful.

Things to avoid: 2Don’t order other.

• Nobody likes to be ordered.

• Instead, a gentle request can do the magic.

• Authority can still be maintained even after being gentle.

Things to avoid: 3Never insult or humiliate others.

• You don’t like to be insulted or humiliated.

• Same is true for the juniors or subordinates.

• Insult reduces motivation and concentration.

• Only a stupid ‘Leader’ will insult juniors.

• If you want the team to succeed, encourage them.

• Be very diplomatic when you give feedback.

Things to avoid: 4Never be indecisive.

• The best leader can take crucial decisions at appropriate time.

• All others look at you as a leader to lead the team.

• If you hesitate, others will lose respect and trust on you.

Things to avoid:5

Don’t expect undue respect

• Respect is an inherent capability of a human being.

• Everyone will use it if you deserve it.

• Your work and attitude will get you the respect from others.

• You don’t have to ask for it.

Things to avoid: 6

Don’t be isolated from the team

• Ask for suggestions and ideas from everyone in the team.

• Do it with honesty and sincerity.

• 10 brains can do a better job than 1 brain.

• To listen to others is an art. Master the art. You will see the difference.

Things to avoid: 7

Never run away

• As a leader, the team wants you to lead from the front.

• Show them your own examples.

• Create ideal situation and scenarios.

Things to avoid: 8Don’t dump responsibility to others

• It will be counter-productive to blame others for the failures.

• The wise thing to do is to give credit to the team for any success and take the blame for failures.

• That will motivate the team.

• Success will be the end result.

Things to avoid: 9

Don’t be mean

• If you are generous to the team, success will follow.

• Give them rewards for their achievements.

• Appreciate generously for every little achievement.

• Never bag the credits to your own pocket, share it among the whole team.

Things to avoid: 10

Never show your frustrations

• There will be ups and downs in professional or personal life.

• The whole team will look at you and follow you.

• If you show your frustrations, their moral power will be reduced.

• End result a complete mess and failure.


• It’s very easy to be a complete disaster as a leader.

• By avoiding a few simple things, one can become a successful leader who can be an asset to the company, the team and the institution.

Thank you.

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