how important is it to find the right financing for your business

Post on 14-Feb-2017






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How Important Is It to Find the Right Financing for Your Business?

Many people slave away at their jobs on a day-to-day basis. However, some individuals prefer to be their own masters. So, they leave behind the perceived stability of a regular job and focus on following their dreams. Not all of them end up becoming success stories certainly. But, the ones that do often end up inspiring hundreds of others to do likewise. 

What Connects Small Business Success Rates to their Funding or Credit Requirements?

 Over the past few decades, the small business landscape in America has undergone immense change. Statistics reveal that only about one percent of American businesses are publicly traded organizations. Unsurprisingly, over a third of the American workforce work in businesses that have less than 100 employees. 

But, it’s one thing to have a great idea and quite another, to implement that idea perfectly. As a result, it is hardly surprising to see that nearly 50 percent of small businesses fail within the first four years. Nearly half of these businesses wound up because of incompetence-related causes. But, it is worth

pointing out that businesses also require a steady stream of credit for functioning. 

Estimates suggest that nearly 82 percent of start-up ventures fail because of cash flow problems. A National Small Business Association (NSBA) survey revealed that 27 percent of businesses were unable to receive the funding they needed. From unsecured business credit to a loan, start-ups typically require ample funding.Without it, their chances of failure can increase manifold. 

A new business typically requires a lot of credit in the first few years. This is especially so because it takes time to generate a steady volume of sales. Without credit or funding, no business owner will be able to pay for the business expenses of the start-up. As a result, the collapse of the venture will be imminent.

 What is Unsecured Business Credit?

Unsecured business credit refers to a loan, an account payable or a financing option that a business receives. This line of credit will not require the entrepreneur to secure collateral with the lender. Unsecured business credit tends to feature shorter terms and higher interest rates. The higher rate of interest serves to protect the lender’s interests in case the borrower defaults on the loan. 

Banks typically offer business loans of higher amounts. So, if you require a loan that is below the minimum amount for a business loan, the bank will probably not lend you the money. Unsecured business credit is ideal for small business owners as it helps them meet their short-term cash needs. This credit can be immensely useful to an entrepreneur because:

- It does not require the entrepreneur to offer any collateral, assets, or security

- It comes with favorable interest rates – especially for low-risk borrowers

- The entrepreneur does not need to make any payment until the loan is in use – unlike conventional business loans where the borrower needs to start making payments immediately after the end of the grace period, regardless of whether the loan is in use or not

- It provides entrepreneurs with continuous access to revolving capital for meeting their ongoing needs and,

- The entrepreneur can use this credit for a diverse range of purposes unlike business loans that usually serve to meet only one objective

Why Business Owners Depend on Midwest Corporate Credit for Obtaining Unsecured Business Credit?

At Midwest Corporate Credit, we specialize in connecting small business owners with the financing they require. We analyze and compare data of the nation’s institutionalized lenders who offer business products that meet our clients’ demands perfectly. In addition, we cross reference t is data with historical data of past clients. This enables us to arrive at the best financing mix for almost any small business. As a result, we’re able to predict the approval patterns of lenders in our database. This enables us to provide optimal results to our clients. 

With us, business owners can obtain unsecured business credit with minimal fuss. Our unsecured business credit lines do not require any collateral. They feature low interest rates ranging from 6.99 percent to 8.99 percent for full doc and stated income applicants respectively. You will face no restrictions on how you use the credit. And, drawing these credit lines will have no effect on your debt-to-credit ratio either. This is because our business credit lines do not report to the personal credit bureaus. Above all, you will be able to obtain the funding you seek in as little as 15 days. To get a funding estimate, click here.

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