how effective is the combination of my main

Post on 05-Dec-2014






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How effective is the combination of my main product and ancillary tasks?

Due to a drop of record sales in recent years which is caused mainly by illegal downloading, it’s important for a band to have a strong brand and image through the consistency of themes.

I tried to keep in similar style and colour scheme. Bright colours + contrast + bold; makes it outstanding, freaky and crazy.

With my print work I used vinyl disks to reflect individuality of a lost music era and used it as art.

Link between video and print – newspaper theme and Ransom.

Lady Gaga

Ransom is the practice of holding a prisoner to extort money or property to secure their release, or it can refer to the sum of money involved. From it:Ransom note is message formed from words or letters cut randomly from a magazine or newspaper in order to avoid using recognisable handwriting- threats/ kidnap letter etc. link between print and video (paper dress; digipak fonts)

Fonts are significant for a band; it’s like signature - shows their character and reflects the genre.I used font called planned obsolescence planNed ObsoleScencE - where letters are all different. I used it, as it makes me think about Ransom note. I placed the band’s name in the middle- to keep symmetry and it is also on vocalist’s eyes – to cover her them, to make it look like eyeband. All that goes well with the album title ‘murder city’. I used vocalist’s full sized face to promote her and the band. Colour scheme and editing is same as the one used on digipak; by adding colourful flashes in my music video I made a connection between it and the print work.

For the CD front cover I decided to use a picture of a hand covered with blood. It highlights the genre; blood links to the ‘murder city’ name of the album; the

songs are about all the bad things such as affair, murder etc.

Aaron says:“Very effective, the way you used some of the effects and colour type things, goes well with the poster. and with the video not been like it all the way through it made it effective because it was enjoyable to watch”Jordan says:“Very! they're kind of zany pop punky indi-ish imagery; bright and vibrant; weird in a good abstract crazy way” Ryan says:“the cd cover gave a good impression and made me expect the video to be in some same theme, which it was”

That shows that the combination of my main product with ancillary tasks was effective, as people recognised the genre and they could easily link the video with prints.

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