how does advertising influence us?

Post on 13-Feb-2016






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How does advertising influence us?. Juliette Defoux Magali Orban Group F. 1. The different types of advertising. Informative & persuasive advertising. Arouse and hold interest. Capture attention. Provoke the desire. Make you Buy. 1. The different types of advertising. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


How does advertising influence us?

Juliette DefouxMagali OrbanGroup F

1. The different types of advertising

Informative & persuasive advertising

Capture attention

Arouse and hold interest

Provoke the desire

Make you Buy

1. The different types of advertising

Mechanistic advertising

- Our economic behavior ≠ rational & conscious BUT PASSIVE !

- Pavlov and the behaviorism Aim = create an automatic Stimulus = the advertising signal !

1. The different types of advertising

Mechanistic advertising

1. The different types of advertising

Projective & Integrative advertising

1. The different types of advertising

Suggestive advertising

- Psychological approach to the individual Freudian theory

- Advertisements of connotation SENSES

Influences the unconscious

2. The different techniques of advertising

Different types of media

2. The different techniques of advertising


2. The different techniques of advertising

Flag – waving or patriotism

2. The different techniques of advertising

Name – callingDIRECT

2. The different techniques of advertising

Name – callingINDIRECT

2. The different techniques of advertising

Plain folks


2. The different techniques of advertising

The scientific evidence

2. The different techniques of advertising

2. The different techniques of advertising

Snob appeal

2. The different techniques of advertising

Glittering generalities

3. The consumer’s psychology & neuromarketing

Consumer’s psychology

Conformity - Consumer considered more and more

as merchandise- The Hegel’s theory of desire

3. The consumer’s psychology & neuromarketing

Consumer’s psychology

Conformity : Asch paradigm

3. The consumer’s psychology & neuromarketing

ELM (Elaboration Likelihood Model)

Central route

• Direct route of persuasion

• High involvement• Facts & logic• Depends on the

quality of the argument

• Fear

Peripherical route

• Indirect route of persuasion

• Low involvement• Emotions & feeling• Superficial cues • Message =

unimportant & ignored

3. The consumer’s psychology & neuromarketing


- Person’s brain responds to advertising messages

- To better mesure a consumer’s preference

Products & services more effectively

3. The consumer’s psychology & neuromarketing

Pepsi vs Coke : it’s all in the head

Pepsi vs Coke : it’s all in the head

3. The consumer’s psychology & neuromarketing


What do you think about the influence of advertising on people?

Do you think that because of advertising we risk to become sheeps ?

According to you what are responsabilities of advertising in our lifestyle?

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