how angularjs embraced traditional design patterns

Post on 10-May-2015






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Ran Mizrahi talks about how AngularJS embraced traditional design patterns and used the benefits of JavaScript for that cause.


How Angular Embraced Traditional OOP Design


Ran Mizrahi (@ranm8)Open Source Dpt. Leader @ CodeOasis

About CodeOasis

• CodeOasis specializes in cutting-edge web solutions.!

• Large variety of customers (from startups to enterprises).!

• We’re passionate about JavaScript (-:!

• Technologies we love:!

• Play Framework• AngularJS • nodeJS • HTML5• CSS3!

• Our Microsoft department works with C#, WPF, etc.

Implementing Design Patterns in


Implementing Design Patterns in JavaScript

• Classes.!

• Interfaces.!

• Inheritance.!

• Encapsulation.!

• Polymorphism.

Most traditional object-oriented languages

var User = new Class({ initialize: function(name) { = name; }, setEmail: function(mail) { this.mail = mail; } }); !var someUser = new User('Ran Mizrahi');

We don’t have classes…

* MooTools Example

Implementing Design Patterns in JavaScript

We don’t have interfaces…

* Taken from the book “Pro JavaScript Design Patterns”

Implementing Design Patterns in JavaScript

var DynamicMap = new Interface('DynamicMap', ['centerOnPoint', 'zoom', 'draw']); !function displayRoute(mapInstance) { Interface.ensureImplements(mapInstance, DynamicMap); ! mapInstace.centerOnPoint(12, 34); mapInstace.draw(5); mapInstace.zoom(); }

var User = new Class({ ! extends: BaseUser, initialize: function(name) { = name; }, setEmail: function(mail) { this.mail = mail; } }); !var someUser = new User('Ran Mizrahi');

We don’t have classical inheritance..

* MooTools Example

Implementing Design Patterns in JavaScript

Stop Forcing It!

Embrace It!

Learning To Embrace JavaScript

“When I see a bird that walks like a duck and sounds like a duck, I call that bird a duck”

— James Whitcomb Riley

Learning To Embrace JavaScript

function isWindow(obj) { return obj && obj.document && obj.location && obj.alert && obj.setInterval; }

This is how a duck looks like…

* Angular implementation of the isWindow method…

Learning To Embrace JavaScript

JavaScript is simple (can be explained over a beer) and makes us write less code…

Java:!  List<Book> books = new ArrayList<Book>();!!JavaScript:!  var books = [];!

Learning To Embrace JavaScript

Object is a unit responsible for state and behaviour and JavaScript function has them both.

function Unit() { var state; ! function behaviour() { // Some behaviour } return function() { // Do something } }

Learning To Embrace JavaScript

We don’t have visibility keywords (e.g. private, protected, public) but we do have closuresvar Service = (function(window, undefined) { // Private function base64Encode(string) { return window.btoa(string); } // Public return { encode: function(string) { return base64Encode(string); } }; }(window));

Learning To Embrace JavaScriptState management can be as easy by using constructor functions or closures…

function someFunction(baseUrl) { var config = { url: baseUrl }; return function() { return config.url + '/hey'; } };

function Duck(name) { // Object state = name; }

Learning To Embrace JavaScript

Polymorphism can be beautiful without interfaces, if it’s just a duck… function Duck() { // Private state here… ! // Public state return { walk: function() { // Walk like a duck return quack(); }, talk: function() { // Talk like a duck } }; }

function Bird() { // Private state here… ! // Public state return { walk: function() { // Walk like a bird return tweet(); }, talk: function() { // Talk like a bird } }; }

function talker(someBird) { // Make it talk; }

Learning To Embrace JavaScript

But what will happen if the duck won’t talk…

JavaScript has prototypical inheritance but yet, I don’t often feel I need to inherit anything (prefer polymorphic composition over inheritance).

Learning To Embrace JavaScript

For true coverage and confidence, compilers won’t do the job and they can’t replace real unit test coverage.

• Almost everything is mutable.!

• Easily stub anything.!

• Easily fake dependencies.

Design Patterns in AngularJS

MVC and Controllersangular.module('myModule') .controller('MyCtrl', ['$http', MyCtrl]); !// Dependencies are in closure (-: function MyCtrl($http) { var someState = {}; function doSomething() { // Closure is accessible. } }

• Controllers are just JavaScript function.

• They can encapsulate and preserve state by using closures.!

• Exposes behaviour with $scope.

Dependency Injection

• Simple dynamic dependency injection based on arrays and naming convention.

• Makes your code polymorphic by easily replacing your implementation.!

• Super easy to isolate and test.

angular.module('myModule') .controller('MyCtrl', ['$http', MyCtrl]); function MyCtrl($http) { $http.get('').then(getTheMonkey); }

DecoratorDecorator is a pattern used to “decorate” functionality of certain object.


Angular made service decoration really easy…

$provider.decorator('$log', ['delegate', function(delegate) { // Convert warning to error delegate.warn = delegate.error; // Return the decorated service return delegate; }]);

Ask for a function, manipulate it and return a new one (-:

FacadeA facade is an object that provides a simplified interface to a larger body of code and logic.

angular.module('myModule') .factory('ReallyComplicatedService', [Service]); !function Service($http) { // Do all the private stuff and handle the other library // Expose really simple interface return { get: function() { // Get it }, del: function() { // Delete it } }; }

SingletonSingletons is a design pattern that restricts the instantiation of a class to one object.var Singleton = (function() { function privateFunction() { // Do private stuff } return { someMethod: function() { // Do public stuff }, anotherMethod: function() { // Do some more public stuff } }; }());

JavaScript makes singleton really easy (-: But still, it’s global and hard to configure…

SingletonAngular used it and provided us with dependency injection to avoid singleton downsides among others.angular.module('myModule') .provider('myHttp', myHttp); function myHttp() { var baseUrl; this.baseUrl = function(value) { if (!value) { return baseUrl; } baseUrl = value; }; this.$get = ['$q', function() { // myHttp service implementation... }]; }

Questions?Thank you!

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