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Inspiration • Ambition • Passion • Integrity

Term 1Volume 14, 2015

Kinross College, Falkland Way, Kinross, WA 6028 Telephone: (08) 9306 6000 Fax: (08) 9306 6011

House Orientation Day Friday 6 March 2015

Dates for your Diary 2015April

20 Term 2 commences

24 ANZAC ceremony (TBC)

Student Achievements

College contact details: Phone: (08) 9306 6000 (8 am - 4 pm) Fax: (08) 9306 6011 Absentee SMS No: 0408 948 286 Address: Falkland Way, Kinross WA 6028 Website:

College email contacts Attendance: Enrolments: Payments: Newsletter:

Uniform Shop Cathy Searson (Manager) 9270 4660 (message service) 3/86 Winton Rd, Joondalup email:

Kinross College useful information:Session times : 2015

Session 1 ........................... 8:50 am Session two .....................9:43am Recess............................... 10:36 am Session three ...................11:04am Session four ..................... 11:57 am Lunch ..............................12:50pm Sessionfive ...................... 1:18 pm Session six .......................2:11pm Close ................................. 3:04 pm

Session times are the same each day of the week. Monday-Friday

Studentstarttime 8:50am Studentfinishtime 3:04pm

Please note: Dates may be subject to change

May7 Yr 10 Lightning Carnival

11 Yr 10 Art extn excursion to AGWA

19 ICAS Digital Technology testing

26 Yr 9 Lightning Carnival


2 Pupil free day (PD staff)

3 ICAS Science testing

8 Yr 8 Immunisations

12 Yr 10 exams to Mindarie SC

15 15 - 19 ICAS writing and spelling

18 Yr 8 Lightning Carnival

19 Yr 10 River Cruise

Congratulations Jessica Claxton


in the Australian Youth Triathlon Championships.

Jessicaachievedanamazing1st place in her age group



I must congratulate the vast majority of parents and students for their efforts in supporting the school uniform focus. We have had many comments from parents and the community about how good the students look in 2015; however we realise that some students are awaiting certain aspects of the uniform, as the final transition to the full implementation of this uniform, expected in 2015. This process has been a three year phasing in and was always going to have some minor problems in this last year. With the uniform and other issues, we are always open to ideas and opinions from parents and the wider community. In the case of the uniform, we have already met with a group of parents and some minor adjustments may arise out of their ideas.

As such, if you have any concerns or ideas please contact me at the College as we would rather know about your issues directly and attempt to deal with them. If we don’t know about a concern we are not in a position to assist you.

I have spent the last eleven years at Mindarie Senior College and hence have an intimate understanding of what is in stall for our students over their last two year as a Senior College student and beyond their secondary years.

In short, students must take their education seriously at Kinross College, as it is in effect too late to begin doing so only in these last two years. Students must understand that the competition for jobs, for TAFE and University entry in today’s world is extremely competitive.

I will be introducing some initiatives such as an “Academic Standards Policy”, exams for all years, a program whereby parents have greater and more direct communication with staff and access to what their child is doing, or not doing at school. These strategies and others will be introduced to lift the academic levels for all students at Kinross College, providing the student adds their own application to the task at hand.

I want all students to value, respect and take pride in what they have at Kinross College and will be attempting to set in place some activities and initiatives that hopefully will rekindle these ideals.

Letter from the Principal ..Dear Parents and Caregivers

As the new Principal of Kinross College I am genuinely excited by the future I can see for Kinross College.

I will obviously be attempting to put my personal influences into aspects of the Kinross College operations and culture and did welcome the chance to speak with parents about these at the recent parent evenings. For those who could not attend, I will briefly mention, via this newsletter, some of the philosophies, programs and ideas that I would really like to introduce into Kinross College.

The first concept I would like all parents to consider is like what the African proverb indicates, and that it does take “A whole village to raise a child”. There are three components or influences as to how a child does at school, and there are the parents, the teachers and the child themselves. Without any one of those individuals or groups working together consistently, the outcome for the child will be less than it could, or should be.

As such we all must communicate and support one another in the pursuit of a positive educational outcome for the individual, your child and our students.

I have asked the students, in particular the Student Council, to come up with a “School Creed”, written by the students, for the students to articulate what they expect from one another and the staff at Kinross College. This creed will hopefully be a powerful acclimation from the students that they are here to learn, to belong and do not want other students or groups to engage in any behaviours that affect their well-being or that steals away their educational opportunities.

During this short term we have had many extra-curricular activities including the Orientation House Carnival that was well supported and coordinated by the Physical Education Department in particular. The event was really well organised and students and staff had an excellent day. One of the less physical activities on the day gave students the opportunity to view the Motivational Media production entitled “Jigsaw”. This production was aimed at presenting many serious issues that the youth of today face in a manner which will assist their understanding of their own world. The English Department are now using these issues as a creative writing motivator and the best of the students’ work will be on display for all to read and consider. Students and staff will choose a popular winner and the student author will receive an iPad mini as the winner’s prize.

A wonderful weekend Rangers Camp was held over Friday and Saturday 20 and 21 March in Moore River and Lancelin. Approximately 120 students and staff attended and again, from all reports, the student behaviour and application was impeccable. Many positive comments were mentioned to our staff by complete strangers about the behaviour of our students. These events do not happen without the time and effort given by our staff, in particular Tina Nottle and all Ranger Staff.


After a 3am wake-up call on Friday 28 November, we were on a bus and on our way to the airport to commence our amazing expedition. Getting through the airports was a pretty rushed experience, but at least no passport issues this time!

World Challenge Expedition 2014Mexico, Guatemala & Belize

It was the visa waiver transiting through the US that gave us a bit of grief, but nothing we couldn’t handle!

On arriving in Mexico City, we encountered our first ‘language barrier experience’ – literally no one here speaks English! Luckily for us, Christian (our amazing Expedition Leader) spoke fluent Spanish, so was our saviour on many occasions. Mexico City is awesome! Great food, great sights and a great

overall vibe. You just need to keep your belongings VERY close to you as one of our students found out on day 1! Although, we got through the remainder of the trip without any other ‘theft issue’, so our ‘eye opening third world travel experience’ on day one was a timely and valuable one!

From here, we headed to Tehuacan to commence our Project Phase in a local SOS village. We had the opportunity to work closely with

both the kids (interacting with small groups and playing games) and the staff. Our project work consisted of painting a mural on a classroom wall, building a goat pen, maintaining some garden beds and constructing a piece of playground equipment for the kids. We actually achieved

a lot in the time we were there and felt genuinely rewarded by the difference we had made.

We were also able to donate some old laptops which were received really enthusiastically!

Then on to Oaxaca for a brief exploration of the city before heading out to the alpine highlands of Sierra Norte to commence our main trek. The trekking here was absolutely beautiful! Very cold and very thin air (being at 3000m), but all very worth it! The only down side was that it was here that D & V (diarrhoea & vomiting) ran riot through nearly our whole team!! Once again, a timely reminder of the importance of being obsessive over washing your hands and not sharing food/drinks!

From here we travelled to San Cristobal, possibly one of the prettiest colonial towns I’ve ever seen. The kids went nuts shopping in the markets, and the pre-Christmas festivities made the atmosphere really amazing to be a part of.

Then on to visit the awe-inspiring Mayan Ruins set in the Jungle at Palenque. Our guides gave us a really informative insight into the ancient Mayan civilisation and we had the chance to climb the temples! We

then had our first border crossing (by wooden long boat across a river) followed by having our passports stamped in what was much like a shed! Welcome to Guatemala! It was here that we got to see our second

lot of Ancient Mayan ruins dating back to 700BC in Tikal. We climbed a temple to watch the sun rise over the pyramids protruding from the jungle. Pretty amazing!

We then crossed our second border into Belize and commenced our final trek in the Cockscomb Basin. The jungle trekking was much different to our previous trek in the highlands of Mexico. It was really fantastic to have such different hiking experiences. We were freezing cold on the first, and swimming at waterfalls on the second! We weren’t fortunate enough to see any jaguars but we did see a deer, a snake and about 8 billion spiders who’s eyes glowed from our head torches at night!!

After our final trek, we headed out off the coast of Belize to the beautiful Caye Caulker for some well earned R&R. The water was crystal clear, the beaches were lovely and the snorkelling along Shark Ray Alley was one of the best snorkelling trips I’ve ever done! A perfect way to spend our final days before heading on the long flights home.

Everyone was happy to meet their family and friends at the airport on our arrival. Many stories to tell after an unforgettable travel experience!

Tina Nottle

ResultsHouse Brearley Stirling Forrest

Quiz Quest 137 81 67

Team Challenge 74 67 82

Total 211 148 149


House Orientation Day6 March 2015


House Orientation Day at Kinross College is hosted to familiarise students with the structure of the College House System, promote opportunities for student leadership, peer mentoring and encourage students to get involved in Inter-House activities over the year.

Students rotated through a series of presentations, team-building challenges and some fun activities within their House group, under the supervision of their Form teachers.


Student submissions:ReverieNOUN - State of being pleasantly lost in one’s thoughts

I am always conflicted about whether I am happy. There are times when I love breathing and living on this beautiful planet. There is sunshine in my laughter and constellations in my eyes. There are also times when tears flood down my cheeks and into the pillow and I plead with the walls for things to be different, but my prayers fall on deaf ears.

No matter how wide I stretch my fingers, I can never hold the amount of time I desire in my hands. Seconds slip through my fingers like drops of rain and I find myself grasping for time like gasping for air. Moments become memories and people leave faster than you can stutter the first letter of goodbye.

I wish we were told as little kids that life becomes difficult when we grow up and to enjoy our childhood while it lasts. Then at least we could be prepared for the different forms of pain awaiting us in the future. Seven years ago, I didn’t care if my hair was messy or if it had bits of dinner stuck in it. All I cared about was being able to complete that race car track made up of my grandfather’s encyclopaedias before bed time. I wonder if there’s some sort of remote that exists that can control people’s childhoods and the person in charge of it just decided to hold their finger on the fast forward button when it came to mine.

We get exactly one life, we don’t get to choose when and where we’re born and the life we will be brought up in. I won’t ever get to be born in the 80’s, or have blue eyes, or grow up with my parents. I won’t ever get to have a different name, or have little siblings, or be one of those kids who wake up on Christmas morning to find twenty presents addressed to them under the tree. These things I have no control over. The truth is that things happen around us, things happen to us, but the only thing that truly matters is how we choose to react to it and what we make out of it.

The struggles that I have faced in the past may have painted my knees blue and black, but they have made me realise that falling down, no matter how many times, does not mean it is the end. There are breaths yet to take, memories yet to unfold, people I have yet to meet and dreams I have yet to discover.

When I was younger I used to help my mother with gardening out of boredom, but I have never realised until now that if you do not pull the weeds in the garden the flowers will never grow.

Yr 8 student

PaperPeople are like paper, if you don’t take care of it, they’ll get damaged. It can be crushed, scrunched up, stepped on or even torn apart. You can always straighten it or flatten it again but it will never be the same as it was before. The lines and scars of what’s happened will always be there. Saying sorry to it won’t heal it or make it anew. Apologies don’t solve everything. If you write something on that paper then erase it or use white-out, it is still there. It has just faded or been covered up to make everything look like it’s okay. Words can hurt and scar people. Be careful with what you say about others ....

Yr 8 student

Whole College English writing competition

During House Orientation Day our students watched a presentation, from YFC Australia, that challenges and inspires students about attitudes and life. This presentaion tackles issues relevant to today’s youth in a fun and contemporary way. With these themes in mind we launched a competition, open to all students, to submit a piece of their written work on any aspect of life. We have gathered many great pieces of work so far, here is a small selection. One piece of work will win the author an iPad mini, presented in Term 2.


Term 1 - Subject Award Winners

Endeavour Year 7

ENGLISH Ansu Halgryn

MATHS Rebecca Guot

SCIENCE Ansu Halgryn

S&E Connor McKay

T&E Mikayla Mann

ART Eloise Rudkin

PE Kade Savage

Year8ENGLISH Orla Jordan

MATHS Ebony Jones

SCIENCE Tiannanh Hewitt

S&E Adam Smedley

T & E Megan Baker

ART Abbie James

PE Grace Tucker

Year 9ENGLISH Jared van Tonder

MATHS Erin Darwall

SCIENCE Jevon Watson

S&E Yvonne Thomas

T & E Lauren Marshall

ART Matthew McLean

PE Ethan Davies

Year10ENGLISH Georgia Green/Amber


MATHS Nicole Wynd

SCIENCE Shaylyn Calder

S&E Ethan Davies

T & E Isabelle Pitts

ART Brittanae Jones

PE Moana Edwards

Excellence Year 7

ENGLISH Emily Dickson

MATHS Kellen Dodsworth

SCIENCE Natasha Burstein

S&E Corey Gallagher

T&E - (Endeavour) Elke van Vuuren

ART - (Endeavour) Breyden Hall

PE Jordan Bates-Pukura

Year8ENGLISH Jocelyn Yao

MATHS Jocelyn Yao

SCIENCE Isaac Mulcrone

S&E Riley Castle

T&E - (Endeavour) Tommy Onion

ART - (Endeavour) Talia Simpson

PE Tyla Gough

Year 9ENGLISH Rachel Burstein

MATHS Chantell Fourie

SCIENCE Rachel Burstein

S&E Rachel Burstein

T&E - (Endeavour) Jordan Breiner-Jensen

ART - (Endeavour) Amy Dickerson

PE Katie McNamara

Year10ENGLISH Cara Atherton

MATHS Dario Parker

SCIENCE Brooke Montague

S&E Cara Atherton

T&E - (Endeavour) Jack Whitham

ART - (Endeavour) Izabelle Morrison

PE Sophie Holden

Excellence Year 7

ENGLISH Nurul Izzah Zulkernain

MATHS Jackson Facey

SCIENCE Rhyce Jarvis

S&E Emily Jenkins

T&E - (Endeavour) Bradley Maden

ART - (Endeavour) Taryn Salmond

PE Luke Reilly

Community Service Award

Ansu Halgryn

Year8ENGLISH Hayley Mack/Ryan


MATHS Dina Jamal

SCIENCE Jamie Porteous

S&E Zac Clement

T&E - (Endeavour) Juan Scheffer

ART - (Endeavour) Natasha Harris

PE Rhys Mizon

Community Service Award

Ryan English

Community Service Award

Kiara Volmer

Year 9ENGLISH Chantell Fourie

MATHS Matthew Sabadini

SCIENCE Chantell Fourie

S&E Charlotte Law

T&E - (Endeavour) Regan Devine

ART - (Endeavour) Chantell Fourie

PE Donavan McLeod

Community Service Award

Caelee Ashworth

Community Service Award

Katie McNamara

Year10ENGLISH Vladislav Danilchuk

MATHS Georgia Green

SCIENCE Jamie Gray

S&E Jack Whitham

T&E - (Endeavour) Amber Khan

ART - (Endeavour) Neve Willets

PE Tom Pilcher

Community Service Award

Indiah Parker Ettridge

The following students received awards in recognition of their achievement over Term 1. Awards were acknowledged at the end of term assembly.

Society and EnvironmentYear 8 Extension and Acceleration class

Owls visit Hogwarts A surprise visitor to the Stirling area

On Wednesday, March 11, this beautiful owl was spotted by students and staff in the Stirling undercover area. Despite the bustle of interest from the students this little creature got a good rest perched next to the air conditioning unit all day. The students were all very interested but also very considerate of this sleeping beauty.After a quick online search, it appears to be a young Southern Boobook, or ‘Mopoke’. The Southern Boobook is the smallest and most common owl in Australia. On a previous occasion we spotted a Tawny Frog-Mouthed owl sitting on the Admin letter box.









Kinross College

Kinross College staff - email contact details 2015 Tel: 9306 6000 e-mail: Website: www.

COLLEGE ADMIN Principal Mr Rod Buckenara Associate Principal Mrs Dale Beaton

Associate Principal Mr Jeff Stone

Business Manager Ms Heather Butler Admin support - generic emails: Payments and contributions


Enrolments Communications


English Ms Jeanavieve Walia Science Mr John Avenell

Mathematics Mr Michael Williams

S & E Ms Janette Thompson Health & PE Miss Tina Nottle

CCT Mr Steve Adcock

TEACHING STAFF Mr Adcock Ms Malone

Mr Alexander Mr McDougall

Miss Allingham Mrs Menhennett

Mr Avenell Mr Moss

Mr Barclay Ms Mulligan

Miss Boyer Miss Nottle

Mr Burtenshaw Mrs Parker

Mr Cavallaro Mrs Peppercorn

Ms Crompton Miss Posener

Mr Davies Mr Ross

Mrs Downer Mrs Salib

Mrs Drummond Ms Smith

Miss Dwyer Mr Swallow

Mr Fitzgerald Miss Tan

Mrs Gibson Miss Tasovac

Mr Gorman Ms Thompson

Miss Hafekost Ms Titlestad

Mr Haydn-Smith Ms Walia

Mr MacBride Mr Williams

STUDENT SERVICES Student Services Mgr Mr Grant Edwards School Psychologist Miss Alicia Wills

Chaplain Mr Joel Bond

Learning Support.Leader Ms Sue Mulligan Yr 7 Coordinator Mrs Mary Salib

Yr 8 Coordinator Mr Toa Ross

Yr 9 Coordinator Miss Mel Posener Yr 10 Coordinator Ms Sarah Malone

RANGERS Coordinators

Miss Tina Nottle

Mr Graham Gorman









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