holy family blessings, fr. john...a llevar el matrimonio y la familia a su forma original (cf. mc...

Post on 18-Mar-2021






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Fr.JohnWarburton/Pastorjohn@osjoseph.org (559) 673-3290 Ext. 203 Fr.CarlosEsquivelfrcarlososj@gmail.com (559) 673-3290 Ext. 204 Fr.ShajiAthipozhishaiathipozhi@gmail.com (559) 673-3290 Ext. 205 Fr.JamesCatalanojcatalanoosj@gmail.com (559) 673-3290 Ext. 241 DeaconAlanShearerDCNAlan.RCIA@sjoachim.org

DeaconEnriqueMedinaDCNEnrique.RCIA@sjoachim.org DeaconSteveTaylor

RichardFarinelli/BusinessAdministratormanager@sjoachim.org (559) 673-3290 Ext. 206 MariaM.Vasquez/Of iceSupervisorchurch@sjoachim.org (559) 673-3290 Ext. 201

FloraLeyva/Bookkeeperleyva@sjoachim.org (559) 673-3290 Ext. 236 OlgaRubiHernandez-Orozco/Secretaryruby@sjoachim.org (559) 673-3290 Ext. 202

Rectory(559)673-3290,FAX:(559)673-6471Hours Monday thru Friday: 9:00 am to 3:00 pm Closed Saturday and Sunday

PatriciaFarinelli/Wedding&FuneralCoordinatorpattifarinelli@sjoachim.org (559)479-8231




Tuesday—Friday1:00pm –5:00pm Saturday10:00am—3:00pm

L W ’ C


P F T W R D May the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace: HenryY.RodriguezCo-varrubias, Alicia M. Gallegos, Maria ElenaCordero, Maria Luisa Gil de Magdaleno, RomanCabreraGarcia,henryHermosillo,EnriqueEspino-za,AndresMedina

DianaSaenz/CCDDirectorccd@sjoachim.org (559) 673-3290 Ext. 220 MarybelE.Maravilla/Secretary Marybel@sjoachim.org (559) 673-3290 Ext. 221 CCDOf ice-(559)674-5871

HoursMonday -Friday: 9:00 am—4:00 pm Closed Saturday & Sunday LucyGomez/YouthMinistryyouth@sjoachim.org (559) 673-3290 Ext. 234 NatashaTrejo/Secretary natasha@sjoachim.org (559) 673-3290 Ext. 243

VictoriaAlvarado/Receptionistvictoria@sjoachim.org (559) 673-3290 Ext. 230 YouthMinistry-(559)674-9069

HoursMonday— Friday 10:00 am to 3:00pm Closed Saturday & Sunday AdultSacramentMinistry

English:RCIA:DonnaVanHoogmoedDonna.RCIA@sjoachim.org Call Rectory @ (559) 673-3290 AdultCon irmation:MaryShearerMary.RCIA@sjoachim.org Call Rectory @ (559) 673-3290 Spanish:Dcn.EnriqueMedinaDCNEnrique.RCIA@sjoachim.org Call Rectory @ (559) 673-3290

S .A C

• Massesareat9:00amintherearparkinglot.


TheHolyFamilyofNazareth–AShiningExampleofTrueLove. “«Jesus, who reconciled all things in himself, re-stored marriage and the family to their original form (cf. Mt 10:1-12). Marriage and the family have been redeemed by Christ (cf. Eph 5:21-32) and restored in the image of the Holy Trinity, the mystery from which all true love lows. The spousal covenant, orig-inating in creation and revealed in the history of sal-vation, takes on its full meaning in Christ and his Church. Through his Church, Christ bestows on mar-riage and the family the grace necessary to bear wit-ness to the love of God and to live the life of commun-ion»” (Amoris Laetitia 63).

“The covenant of love and idelity lived by the Holy Family of Nazareth illuminates the principle which gives shape to every family, and enables it better to face the troubles of life and history. On this basis, every family, despite its weaknesses, can become a light in the darkness of the world” (Amoris Laetitia 66). In his Apostolic Exhortation “Amoris Laetitia”, on Love in the Family, Pope Francis ended the document by proposing a prayer of consecration of families, and of the apostolate of families, to the Holy Family of Nazareth. This beautiful prayer is a synthesis of the whole message of the document. Let us meditate and pray as proposed by the Pope (Amoris Laetitia, 325): “Jesus, Mary and Joseph, in you we contem-plate the splendor of true love; to you we turn with trust. Holy Family of Nazareth, grant that our families too may be places of communion and prayer, authen-tic schools of the Gospel and small domestic church-es. Holy Family of Nazareth, may families never again experience violence, rejection and division; may all who have been hurt or scandalized ind ready com-fort and healing. Holy Family of Nazareth, make us once more mindful of the sacredness and inviolabil-ity of the family, and its beauty in God’s plan. Jesus, Mary and Joseph, graciously hear our prayer. Amen.”

Holy Family Blessings, Fr. John

Volume 55 Number 6 F S O T


Monday,February8, 7:00am Henry Staab - Daughter 8:00am Rafael Castalleda - Mama y Familia Tuesday,February9, 7:00am Bennie Leal - Family 8:00am Rafael Castalleda - Mama y Familia Wednesday,February10, 7:00am Peter Lopez Gonzales - Family 8:00am Jackyn Rose Ibarra - Nina Elisa 7:00pm Josefina Ochoa Ceja - Familia Thursday,February11, 7:00am Mario Montagna - Louise Chiarelli 8:00am Renia Lopez - Hija y Familia Friday,February12, 7:00am Enrico Cortopassi - Jerry Houlding Family 8:00am Herminio Ramirez - Sr. Isabel Saturday,February13, 8:00am Ryan Bi er - Mom 5:00pm Anita Cas llo - Carmen - Daughter 6:30pm Kevin Vega - Padres Sunday,February14,(Because of how pandemic affects our mass times, some of the intentions for Sunday are offered by the priests in the rectory Chapel during the week) 6:30am Luis, Margarita, Gilberto Hernandez - Eva Vega 8:00am El Señor de la Misericordia - Rosalva Duran 9:00am (Raymond) Pat Perez - Tom & Cheley Spencer 9:30am Ma. Elena Aguirre - Martha Cardona 11:00am For the People of the Parish 12:30pm Jorge Aguilar - Wife 4:00pm Rafael Rodriguez - Socorro Rodriguez 5:30pm Natalie Cruz Deniz - Family 7:00pm Josefina Ochoa - Family

O M E : W M Monday-Friday- 7am Courtyard 1st & 3rd Saturday of the month - 8:00am Courtyard S V M 5:00 pm in the Courtyard S M 7:00 am courtyard vulnerable parishioners 8:30 am – Courtyard 10:00am - Courtyard 5:00 pm - Courtyard


Or to make a reservation for your family go to the parish Web page at sjoachim.org and click on the Eventbright link for an online reservation. Or call the Youth Ministry of ice at 674-9069 to make a reser-vation by phone. We are allowed 300 persons for each Mass. If you have your own chairs, please bring them with you. At times of windy cold or rainy weather may cause a change in this schedule. C We have confessions in the courtyard on Wednes-day evenings 6:00pm – 8:00pm and Saturday morn-ings 9:00am – 11:00am A We have adoration of the Blessed Sacrament in the courtyard from 6:00pm – 8:00pm on Tuesday and Thursday evenings.

E A If you would like to receive the bulletin through email, just send us your email address to: church@sjoachim.org

Catholic Books & Faith -Filled Gifts 211 North J Street --- Madera, CA 559-662-0682 13P W P

byEamonTobinPrayer nourishes your soul in won-derful ways. Just as there are many different foods for the body, so too are there many different types of prayer for the soul. And a healthy prayer diet will include a variety of them for different times and seasons. But what are these different methods of prayer? In this practical book by Fr. Eamon Tobin, you'll dis-cover thirteen of the most common ways to com-municate with God. You'll also gain a deeper under-standing of why prayer is essential to your life, how it comforts and transforms you, and what to do when it seems dry or dif icult. The bookstore feels that you need is book and is of-fering it to you at a SpecialPriceofjust$5.00.

S H :Tues. Wed. Thurs. Friday 1:00-5:00 Saturday 10:00-3:00

O G Our Parish Online Giving is now set-up at www.sjoachim.org/giving or scan the icon below Thank you for your generosity

AT M Si desea poner un artıculo en el coletin por favor en-vielo a church@sjoachim.org a mas tardar los lunes a las 12:00pm. C Formed.Org

Vaya a Google y escriba: sjoachim.formed.orgSiga las instrucciones en el sitio web de F . Va a necesitar su correo electronico y una contrasena. Cada persona o familia necesitara su propio correo electronico y su contrasena. Puede encontrar peliculas catolicas, libros, numero-sos estudios biblicos, videos espirituales y descargar ebooks, todo es gratis para su uso. Estan disponibles en ingles y espanol.

J El Dıa Mundial de la Vida Consagra-da se celebrara en la Iglesia el mar-tes 2 de febrero de 2021 y en las parroquias durante el in de sema-na del 6 al 7 de febrero de 2021. Ore por todos aquellos que se han comprometido en la vida consagrada y asegurese de agradecerles en su dıa especial. Que sigan inspirandose en Jesucristo y re-spondan con generosidad al don de Dios de su vocacion.

W D C L World Day for Consecrated Life will be celebrated in the Church on Tues-day, February 2, 2021 and in parish-es over the weekend of February 6-7, 2021. Please pray for all those who have made commitments in the consecrated life, and be sure to thank them on their special day. May they continue to be inspired by Je-sus Christ and respond generously to God's gift of their vocation.

P S .J Blessed Joseph, husband of Mary, be with us this day. You protected and cherished the Virgin; loving the Child Jesus as your Son, you rescued him from danger of death. Defend the Church, the household of God, Purchased by the blood of Christ. Guardian of the holy family, be with us in our trials. May your prayers obtain for us the strength to lee from error and wrestle with the powers of corruption so that in life we may grow in holiness and in death rejoice in the Crown of victory. Amen.

L C … P L

T !R / D M C - / R The Ministry of the Most Holy Rosary of the Diocese of Fresno invites the parish community to spend some time to pray as a family together on February 2, 2021 at 6:00pm in honor of the Presentation of the Lord in the Temple. ZoomMeetingID:9340783894

Passcode:familyThank you and God bless you and all that you do!

O S J Bienaventurado San Jose, casto esposo de la Virgen Marıa, per-manece con nosotros en este dıa. Tu protegiste a la Virgen; y amaste al Nino Jesus como a tu propio Hijo, le rescataste del peligro de muerte. De iende la Iglesia, la casa de Dios, comprada por la sangre de Cristo. Custodio de la Sagrada Familia, permanece con nosotros en nuestras pruebas. Que tus oraciones nos obtengan la fuerza para huir del error y luchar contra los poderes de la corrupcion de manera que en esta vida crez-camos en santidad y despues de la muerte nos regocijemos con la Corona de Victoria.

M E M D Lunes-viernes- 8:00 am en el patio Miercoles—7:00 pm en el patio 2, 4 y 5 sabado del mes- 8:00 am en el patio M 4:00pm en el estacionamiento de la escuela M 8:30 am - En el campo de futbol de la escuela 10:00 am - En el campo de futbol de la escuela 4:00pm- En el estacionamiento de la escuela Se puede registrar para estas misas en eventbrite usando el cuadrito de abajo

O puede reservar espacio para su familia en una Misa dominical comunicandose a la o icina de Pastoral Ju-venil al 674-9069 o vaya a la pagina web sjoa-chim.org y click en eventbright. Este horario de Misas puede cambiar dependiendo de un viento frio o un dıa lluvioso. Por favor traiga su propia silla si es posible. C Tenemos confesiones cada miercoles de 6:00pm – 8:00pm y los sabados de 9:00am – 11:00am en el pa-tio del centro parroquial. A Tenemos adoracion del Santısimo los martes y jue-vesde 6:00pm a 8:00pm en el patio parroquial

R P A S J (3)


“Jesus, que reconcilio cada cosa en sı misma, volvio a llevar el matrimonio y la familia a su forma original (cf. Mc 10,1-12). La familia y el matrimonio fueron redimidos por Cristo (cf. Ef 5,21-32), restaurados a imagen de la Santısima Trinidad, misterio del que bro-ta todo amor verdadero. La alianza esponsal, inaugu-rada en la creacion y revelada en la historia de la sal-vacion, recibe la plena revelacion de su signi icado en Cristo y en su Iglesia. De Cristo, mediante la Iglesia, el matrimonio y la familia reciben la gracia necesaria para testimoniar el amor de Dios y vivir la vida de co-munion” (Amoris Laetitia 63). “La alianza de amor y idelidad, de la cual vive la Sagrada Familia de Nazaret, ilumina el principio que da forma a cada familia, y la hace capaz de afrontar mejor las vicisitudes de la vida y de la historia. Sobre esta base, cada familia, a pesar de su debilidad, puede llegar a ser una luz en la oscuridad del mun-do” (Amoris Laetitia 66). En su Exhortacion apostolica sobre el amor en la familia, el Papa Francisco inalizo el documento pro-poniendo una oracion de consagracion de las familias y del apostolado de las familias a la Sagrada Familia de Nazaret. Esta hermosa oracion es una sıntesis de todo el mensaje del documento. Meditemos y recemos como propone el Papa (Amoris Laetitia, 325):

“Jesus, Marıa y Jose, en vosotros contempla-mos el esplendor del verdadero amor, a vosotros, con-iados, nos dirigimos. Santa Familia de Nazaret, haz tambien de nuestras famılias lugar de comunion y ce-naculo de oracion, autenticas escuelas del Evangelio y pequenas iglesias domesticas. Santa Familia de Naza-ret, que nunca mas haya en las familias episodios de violencia, de cerrazon y division; que quien haya sido herido o escandalizado sea pronto consolado y cura-do. Santa Familia de Nazaret, haz tomar conciencia a todos del caracter sagrado e inviolable de la familia, de su belleza en el proyecto de Dios. Jesus, Marıa y Jose, escuchad, acoged nuestra suplica. Amen.”

Sagrada Familia Bendiciones, Padre John.

St. Joachim School - 674-7628 St. Joachim PreSchool - 662-0372

Holy Spouses & Griffin Hall Rental - 674-9489

C E Si desea recibir el boletin a traves del correo elec-tronico por favor envienos su correo electronico a church@sjoachim.org.

Escanee para registrarse a la misa

D L T R Ya se puede donar a traves de la red solo tiene que ir a: www.sjoachim.org/giving o escanee el icon Gracias por su generosidad

Q D D T O Al salir de la sinagoga, Jesus se fue inmediatamente a casa de Simon y de Andres, con Santiago y Juan. La suegra de Simon estaba en cama con iebre. Se lo dijeron a Jesus y el se acerco, la tomo de la mano y la levanto. Sele quito la iebre y se puso a servirlos. Al atardecer, cuando ya se habıa puesto el sol, le llevaron todos los enfermos y endemoniados. La poblacion entera se agolpaba a la puerta. El sano entonces a muchos enfer-mos de diversos males y expulso a muchos demonios, pe-ro a estos no los dejaba hablar, pues sabıan quien era. Muy de madrugada, antes del amanecer, se levanto, salio, se fue a un lugar solitario y allı comenzo a orar. Simon y sus companeros fueron en su busca. Cuando lo encontraron, le dijeron: Todos te buscan. Vamos a otra parte, a los pueblos vecino, para predicar tambien allı, pues para esto he venido. Y se fue a predicar en las sinagogas judıas por toda Gali-lea, expulsando los demonios. (Marcos 1:29-39)

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