hogg jessica 665361 parta pages1

Post on 23-Jul-2016






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Week 1


This is the first printable page in your book and will print on the right side.

These instructions should not appear in your exported pdf.

Please be sure to complete your Pages design prior to creating your Cover template. The Page Count must be exact when creating your Cover template.. You’ll need to upload a PDF for the pages and at least one cover type.

Remember, all books must be an even number of pages. The first page will be on the right side as you open the cover and the last page will be on the left side as you close the book. Hardcover books include an end sheet on both the front and back of the inside pages for binding purposes.

Please note, all critical text and art should appear within this gray area. Any content outside this area may be unevenly trimmed or hidden by the gutter when the book is bound. If you would like your artwork to extend to the very edge of your finished book then pull your artwork edge to the red bleed line.

Be sure to review your exported PDF in an outside program (like Adobe Reader) to ensure it appears correctly and without these instructions.

Further info can be found at:http://www.blurb.com/apps/indesign-plugin

Book Size: Standard Portrait 8x10


RED = Final File Size/Bleed LineBLACK = Page Size/Trim LineMAGENTA = Margin/Safe Art Boundary



M e r r y C r e e kCity of Yarra

in viverra mauris. Sed sit amet mollis massa. Praesent dui erat, faucibus non porttitor vitae, gravida id sapien. Proin hendrerit metus vel mollis tincidunt. Quisque ac sagittis turpis, ut luctus metus. Maecenas efficitur augue sed pellentesque congue. Ut in ligula enim. Donec hendrerit mi vitae venenatis interdum. Cras tempor urna ipsum, eu viverra sapien mollis et.

Nulla eget luctus purus. Nullam elementum, quam non dapibus auctor, libero dui vehicula velit, vitae interdum

orci, et condimentum nulla. Nulla facilisi. Etiam a tincidunt est. Nulla facilisi. Vestibulum a leo at risus tristique sagittis. Curabitur a quam pellentesque, dignissim nisl quis, pretium elit. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nam semper leo vel leo scelerisque, eu venenatis lacus consequat. Nullam et ex dui.Sed ipsum erat, placerat vel libero a, cursus aliquam diam. Mauris condimentum laoreet ipsum volutpat tempus. Integer eget magna


RED = Final File Size/Bleed LineBLACK = Page Size/Trim LineMAGENTA = Margin/Safe Art Boundary



RED = Final File Size/Bleed LineBLACK = Page Size/Trim LineMAGENTA = Margin/Safe Art Boundary


This is the last printable page in your book and will print on the left side.

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