history of counseling

Post on 08-Jul-2018






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  • 8/19/2019 History of Counseling



    History of CounselingHistory of Counseling

    The Vocational Guidance Movement

     – Lysander S. Richards and Vocophy: The first to envision the role of acounselor or “vocopher” in helping people choose professions.

     – Frank arsons! “The father of the guidance "ove"ent#” and credited $ith%eing the first true counselor. He used a scientific process to help peoplechoose careers.

     – &essie '. (avis! 'rought vocational counseling into the schools.

    “Copyright ) *llyn + 'acon ,--”

  • 8/19/2019 History of Counseling



    History of CounselingHistory of Counseling

    The Vocational Guidance Movement (continued)

     –  *nna /. Reed and 0li 1eaver! 2n the early 34--5s they esta%lishedcounseling services %ased upon the concept of Social (ar$inis".

     – 6ational 7ocational 8uidance *ssociation! 0sta%lished in 3439# itadvocated counseling in regard to career choice.

    “Copyright ) *llyn + 'acon ,--”

  • 8/19/2019 History of Counseling



    History of CounselingHistory of Counseling

    The Mental Health Counseling Movement

     – (orothea (i:! 2n the early 3;--5s# she advocated for the esta%lish"ent ofinstitutions that $ould treat people $ith e"otional disorders in a hu"an


     – Clifford 'eers! Founded the

  • 8/19/2019 History of Counseling



    History of CounselingHistory of Counseling

    The Mental Health Counseling Movement (continued)

     – 1ilhel" 1undt! 2n the late 3;=-5s# in 8er"any# he founded the first

    e:peri"ental psychology la%oratory and studied the hu"an "ind.

     – 1illia" &a"es! He carried on 1undt5s $ork regarding the hu"an"ind in the >nited States.

     – 8ranville Stanley Hall! He proposed a scientific approach to the

    study of social pro%le"s. He also founded the first psychology la%in the >nited States.

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  • 8/19/2019 History of Counseling



    History of CounselingHistory of Counseling

    The Mental Health Counseling Movement (continued)

     – (avid Spence Hill! He organi?ed the first guidance and counselingservices in 6e$ @rleans and used Si"on 'inet5s appraisal instru"ents

    to provide vocational counseling for kids in school.

     – &a"es Cattell! He $as the first person to focus on $ays to "easureintelligence in the 3;4-5s.

     – 'inetASi"on Test! 2n 34-B# this test $as used in France to deter"ine


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  • 8/19/2019 History of Counseling



    History of CounselingHistory of Counseling

    The Mental Health Counseling Movement (continued)

     – L. nitedStates. 2t $as called the StanfordA'inet as Ter"an $as fro" Stanford

    >niversity. *t this ti"e the ter" 2 D2ntelligence uotientE %egan to %eused.

     –  *r"y *lpha and 'eta Tests! These $ere used during 112 to help decideplace"ent for soldiers. This ushered in the proliferation of standardi?edtesting.

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  • 8/19/2019 History of Counseling



    History of CounselingHistory of Counseling

    The Development of Professional Identity

     – 0. 8. 1illia"son! (eveloped $hat so"e consider to %e the first theoryof vocational counseling and utili?ed a directive counselorAcenteredapproach $hich ca"e to %e kno$n as the “

  • 8/19/2019 History of Counseling



    History of CounselingHistory of Counseling

    The Development of Professional Identity (continued)

     – 6ational (efense 0ducation *ct of 34B;! This $as the govern"ent5sresponse to Sputnik. The act provided for resources to deter"ine $hich

    youths of *"erica had "athe"atical and scientific talent that could %enurtured for use in the *"erican space progra".

     – 1122! Counselors $ere needed during 1122 for testing and place"ent ofsoldiers. *s soldiers returned $ith “%attle neuroses” "ore counselors $ereneeded to treat the".

     – 7eterans *d"inistration! 'egan hiring counselors in earnest to helpreturning soldiers cope $ith personal and vocational issues. Theyprovided training and opened nu"erous positions.

    “Copyright ) *llyn + 'acon ,--”

  • 8/19/2019 History of Counseling



    History of CounselingHistory of Counseling

    The Development of Professional Identity (continued)

     – The 6ational 2nstitute of

  • 8/19/2019 History of Counseling



    History of CounselingHistory of Counseling

    The Influence of ederal !egislation

     – 8reat (epression! 2t inspired govern"entAsponsored progra"s thatincluded counseling.

     – 349; 8eorgeA(ean *ct! *ppropriated 3 "illion dollars for vocationaleducation.

     – Throughout the history of the counseling profession# the Federal8overn"ent has %een influential. The follo$ing slides are a highlightof so"e legislation. Space constraints prohi%it detailing all of it.

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  • 8/19/2019 History of Counseling



    History of CounselingHistory of Counseling

    The Influence of ederal !egislation (continued)

     – 343=! The S"ithAHughes *ct created funding for a nation$idevocational education progra".

     – 34! The 7eterans *d"inistration esta%lished a nation$ide net$orkof guidance services to aid veterans including reha%ilitation#counseling# training and advise"ent.

     – 349! The Co""unity

  • 8/19/2019 History of Counseling



    History of CounselingHistory of Counseling

    The Influence of ederal !egislation (continued)

     – 34=,! Title 2G of the 0ducation *"end"ents to the 34 Civil Rights *ct"andated that no one is discri"inated against# including through se:A%iased


     – 34;3! The @lder *"erican *ct $as enacted to i"prove the lives of thoseover age -.

     – 344! The School To 1ork @pportunities *ct set up partnerships %et$eenfaculty# %usinesses and e"ployers to aid student5s transition into the $orld of$ork.

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  • 8/19/2019 History of Counseling



    History of CounselingHistory of Counseling

    The Influence of ederal !egislation (continued)

     – 344;! The 1orkforce 2nvest"ent *ct reva"ped all the o% trainingprogra"s and reauthori?ed the Reha%ilitation *ct.

     – 3444! The 0le"entaryASchool Counseling *ct allocated ,- "illiondollars for schools to hire Iualified school counselors.

     – 3444! 1ork 2ncentives 2"prove"ent *ct re"oved the financialdisincentives that have kept the disa%led out of the $orkforce.

     – There are "any "ore i"portant acts and pieces of legislation and anyof the %ooks used to "ake this presentation cover this area $ell.

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  • 8/19/2019 History of Counseling



    History of CounselingHistory of Counseling

     – 34B,A34;9! 2t $as kno$n as the *"erican ersonnel and 8uidance *ssociation.

     – 34;9A344,! 2t $as called the *"erican *ssociation for Counseling and(evelop"ent.

     – 344, to present! 2t is called the *"erican Counseling *ssociation.

    “Copyright ) *llyn + 'acon ,--”

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