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Hillsboro United Methodist Church Located in Historic Hillsboro/Leiper’s Fork—Over 100 years of Worship and Service

Making Disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world

5313 Old State Hwy 96 Franklin, TN 37064 (615) 595-0155 July 2019

A Note From Pastor Betty

I pray we are each having a sweet summer season. You’ll see many adventure oppor-

tunities this month. There will be a trip to Jellico, to Cherokee, and for the youth, the

month will close with Summer Sizzler.

Some of us are hearing about stress and division within our denomination. We’ll be

having an open meeting at Puckett’s this month to have conversation around any

topics of interest or concern. Please let Pastor Betty know of anything in particular

you would appreciate being on the agenda.

The SLI team continues to meet and work to align and support mission and ministries

within the church. We have completed our study of Anatomy of Peace and recom-

mend the book as a resource to any group or personal study.

Thank you all for the church community we form together. We anticipate having plans drawn up soon to share with the church

for renovating the pavilion. Landscape projects continue. The parking lot continues to be an adventure. Thank you all for the

joy and grace we share. Jellico continues to be fed and clothes will be delivered this month ahead of the school supply run. VBS

was a sweet success.

Please start thinking about Fall Festival. We plan to have a brief planning meeting on July 21 after the potluck. Bring your calen-

dars! Opportunities to minister continue through weekly fellowship with the residents of Claiborne Hughes and monthly ser-

vice at Community Cares. Small group connections are listed here and in the bulletins. We’d love you to connect and serve.

One body, one Spirit. Ephesians. 4:4

With blessings,

Pastor Betty

The 27th Fall Festival is coming!

Our annual Fall Festival will be held on Saturday, September 7th. Mark your calendars now, and look for the sign-up sheets to help out. It’s a great time for fellowship with both our church and community. Celebrating the heart of God’s people in the

heart of Leiper’s Fork. You don’t want to miss this yearly event.

Here’s what we’ll have:

• Scrumptious pit barbecue pork or chicken with all the fixins’

• A Silent Auction with a wide variety of items

• A Live Auction with a wide variety of items

• A Country Store with great buys on home canned vegetables, preserves, jellies, cakes, pies, cookies, etc.

• Inflatables for the Children

• Live Entertainment


The HUMC Book group meets a couple of times each month. Please contact Ginette Gallaure-si, if you'd like more infor-mation. We’d love to have you join us!

The Praying Men of Leiper’s Fork meet each Friday morning at

6:30 a.m. for breakfast, fellowship, prayer, and study. All men

of the church and community are invited to join us.

On Friday, July 5th, The Praying Men of Leiper’s Fork will serve

lunch to the homeless at Community Care Fellowship in Nash-

ville. We will leave the church at 10:00 a.m. and return around

1:30 p.m. Please let Troy Waugh know if you can serve: troy-

waugh@gmail.com or 615-476-4784.

HUMC Monday and

Wednesday Bible Study

Both the 9:30 a.m. Monday and the 6:00 p.m.

Wednesday HUMC study groups are studying Self

to Lose—Self to Find by Marilyn Vancil. This book

examines the in-

vitation of Jesus

to lose yourself in

order to find your

true, authentic

self, and it pre-

sents the person-

ality system known as the “Enneagram” within a

Biblical framework.

So far, there are 33 ladies in our two groups partici-

pating in this new study! Pretty soon you will begin

to hear “numbers” called out! If you want to find

out about enneagrams, join us on Monday morn-

ings or Wednesday evenings.

The Bible studies are open to anyone who wishes

to join. Please let Cherry Lane Darken (615-415-

9451) know by call or text if you would like to join

one of the groups.

Leiper’s Fork Mindfulness Circle

Mindfulness is defined as the “basic human

ability to be fully pre-

sent, aware of where

we are and what we’re

doing, and not overly

reactive or over-

whelmed by what’s

going on around us.”

The Leiper’s Fork Mind-

fulness Circle, led by

Kristy Robinson, meets in our sanctuary the

first Tuesday of each month from 5:30 to 6:30

p.m. for a time of mindfulness and meditation.

You are welcome to join this group. The Leip-

er’s Fork Mindfulness Circle meets July 9th

from 5:30-6:30.

HUMC’s Website!

If you miss church, you can listen to the sermon via the church website: http://hillsboroumc.com. You can also make an offering or donation to the church, view the church news-letter, and find information about special programs and activities. It’s all available there.


July Youth News June was crazy! But super fun. We had fun at a family kickball night, we helped our dear friends at White Fawn Farm, and of course we had an amazing time at Vacation Bible School! VBS is one of the best events of the year and I'm incredibly thankful for everyone involved, from the kiddos to the teen volunteers to the adults who took time out of their busy schedules in order to make it an all around success. Thank you everyone for your support! July is going to be an excellent month as well as we will be going on a few trips. On July 11 and 12, we're going to be filling our church van with goods for Jellico and delivering them. After, we'll spend the night under the stars camping

out in the mountains out there taking in God's creation. I'm always so reminded of the beauty of the Creator by the creation, so I am so excited to take a group of youth (and adults!) out to breathe it all in. This trip is for any-one, youth and adults! On July 19 - 21 we will be headed to Summer Sizzler! This is an event for 6th - 12th graders and it is an awesome weekend. This event is put on by the Tennessee UMC Conference and is hosted by Beersheba Springs Assembly - an absolutely gorgeous setting up in the Tennessee hills. We'll hear a keynote speaker, worship with a great band, have small group times, pack some food for those in need, play fun games, eat good food! So much good stuff! You don't wanna miss this one. There's also a group headed to Cherokee, NC on July 22 - 24 to get a small taste of the Cherokee People's culture and rhythm. We'll see an amazing play, learn a few things at the museum and have a good time tubing down some rapids! This trip is also open to any and all. I'm very excited to go on these trips. When you go on trips with your church family, special stuff always happens. Everyone grows together in relationship with one another and with God. The Holy Spirit is so evidently with us when we go out into the world. We are the light of the world, we are a city on a hill, and I can't wait to go explore some new places and let this light of Christ shine bright. If you are interested in joining us on any of these trips, please do not hesitate to contact me: youthministry@hillsboroumc.com ; (320)444-5294. Thanks a million! Kevin Keenan

PEN Club Enjoys Brunch at Ruby Sunshine on the square in Franklin

In June, the PEN

Club met at Ruby

Sunshine’s in

downtown Frank-

lin for brunch. It

was fun to try out

a new restaurant

with friends and

to enjoy a morning of fellowship and food.

Would you like to talk to Pastor Betty?

Would you like to request prayer for yourself or for someone

that you know?

Call, text, or email

Office 615/595-0155 – Cell 615/428-3053


Bible Memory Verses for July 2019

Welcome to July with its hot weather,

vacations, and growing gardens! July gets

its name from Julius Caesar, and it is the

warmest month in the Northern Hemi-

sphere. Make this July even better by

memorizing this month’s verses:

Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down

from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change

like shifting shadows.

~James 1:17~

From the rising of the sun to the place where it sets, the

name of the Lord is to be praised.

~Psalm 113:3~

Happy July Birthday


2—Cindy Griffin

3—Larry VanHorn

5—Cheryl Farrar

10—Marissa Sands

11—Robin Brown

12—Ron Johnston

12—Kaylyn Jones

13—K.C. Jorgensen

14—Jenny Young

15—Barbara Holt

19—Ben Jones

24—Wilda Moss

29—River Proctor-Bjorgo

30—Connie Jones

Weekly Schedule

All meetings/groups take place at the church unless

otherwise stated Sundays

9:00—9:45 a.m. Contemplative Worship Service

10:00 a.m.—Sunday School

11:00 a.m.—Worship Service

11:00 a.m.—Children’s Church

5:00—7:00 p.m.— Senior Youth Group

6:00—7:00 p.m.—Leip for Joy Gospel Hour at Puck-

ett’s in Leiper’s Fork

Mondays 9:30-11:00 a.m.—Bible Study

6:00 p.m.—Cub Scouts (at Rec Center)

Wednesdays 6:00—7:30 p.m.—Elementary Youth

6:00—7:30 p.m.—Bible Study


6:30 a.m.—Praying Men of Leiper’s Fork

Greeter and Usher Schedule 1st Sunday






Blake Fox John


2nd Sun-




Roy Snow David




3rd Sunday Pete


Tony Jones Kevin




4th Sunday Curtis








5th Sunday Ron








Staff and Worship Team

Rev. Betty L. Proctor, Pastor

Kevin Keenan, Director, Children and Youth Ministries

Gladys Johnson, Administrative Assistant

Charles Craig, Lay Leader

Lori Grasso, Worship Chair

Chris Davis, Piano

Caneta Hankins, Organ

Bill Pope, Song Leader, Guitar

Jay Rogers, Sound


HUMC Vacation Bible School Was POWERFUL!

Vacation Bible School was held June 17-21 with the theme, “Power Up: Raise Your Game.” The scripture

for the week was “God’s Power has given us everything we need to live a godly life.” (2 Peter 1:3)

There were 43 children, 27 teen volunteers, and 37 adult volunteers involved in VBS, along with many par-

ents. Kevin Keenan, Millie Grasso, and Clark O’Byrne did a creative job of presenting the “bottom line”

theme each day, as well as lively music and dance.

Participants enjoyed their Small Groups, named after video games Sonic, Mario, DonkeyKong, Yoshi, and

Zelda. They learned Bible stories from Pastor Betty... played games... created kindness rocks, night lights,

and sparkly discs... and feasted on various snacks.

Friday brought a “VBS Celebration”, complete with certificates, picnic supper, bouncy house, and games. A

special thanks goes to Jeff and Jenny Sowell, who designed special “Power Up” t-shirts for all involved.

Everyone was feeling the effects of God’s Power by the end of the week!

Disciple 1 Class Completes 34-Week Bible Study

HUMC’s Disciple I Class completed their study in June. The group was led by Charles and JoAnne Craig. Members

were Steve Bartlett, Cherry Lane Darken, Carol Johnston, Ron Johnston, Kevin Keenan, Rachael McCampbell, Linda

Mefford, Clarke O’Byrne, Curtis Stewart, Sheryl Waugh, and Troy Waugh. Congratulations to all of them for com-

pleting this significant commitment!

Disciple Bible Studies require a commitment of up to several hours a week of in-

dependent study, Bible reading, and preparation, plus two and a half hours each

week for the group meeting. The group meetings involve watching a brief video

about the week’s readings, and then guided group discussion, Bible Study, and


A new Disciple 1 class will be offered beginning in late August/early September. Graduates of Disciple 1 will be able

to participate in a Disciple 2 class beginning in early September, too. Look for more information coming soon.


Pastor Betty Was Ordained an Elder in Full Connection with the United Methodist Church

SERVICE OF LICENSING, COMMISSIONING AND ORDINATION Wednesday, June 12, 2019, at Brentwood United Methodist Church

Becoming an elder in full connection in The United Methodist Church requires candidates to complete seminary, be examined by the Board of Ordained Ministry, complete physical and psychological evaluations and complete a 3-year residency program that involves ad-ditional evaluations, training, and mentoring. The entire process culminates in a final Board of Ordained Ministry examination. That final interview was completed this spring, and official ordination took place during the Annual Tennessee Conference in June.

"An elder is called to share in the ministry of Christ and of the whole Church: to preach and teach the Word of God and faithfully administer the sacraments of Holy Baptism and Holy Communion; to lead the people of God in worship and prayer; to lead persons to faith in Jesus Christ; to exercise pastoral supervision, order the life of the congregation, counsel the troubled, and declare the for-giveness of sin; to lead the people of God in obedience to Christ's mis-

sion in the world; to seek justice, peace, and freedom for all people; and to take a responsible place in the government of the Church and in service in and to the communities. These are the duties of an elder." - ordination service, Brentwood UMC 2019

I am thankful to have completed this journey and am so grateful for the kindness of Hillsboro throughout. It thas been a long, beautiful process that required the support and participation of our entire church. We have done this together. Thank you. Sincerely, Pastor Betty

Church-Wide Trip to Cherokee, N.C.

You are invited to join us on a trip to Cherokee, N.C. The group will leave the church on July 22nd and return on July 24th. The group will be seeing a drama about the Trail of Tears. The drama is both interesting and enlight-ening. There will be opportunities to explore an Indian Village, the Cherokee Museum of History, golfing, tubing down the river, fishing, walking/jogging/running, and biking. There will also be a bonfire one night with stories and roasting marshmallows. Margaret Herman put this trip together and needs your reservation immediately. Please refer to the email sent out in June for more details. You can contact Margaret Herman at 727-776-4213, or mynanni@aol.com. It will be a wonderful time of traveling and learning together!

Some of the HUMC folks who attended the Ordination service

in support of Pastor Betty

July 11 & 12 – Jellico Trip

July 19 – 21 – Summer Sizzler for the Youth

July 21 – Potluck after the Worship Service

July 21 – Fall Festival Planning Meeting after the

Potluck Lunch

July 22 – 24 – Church-wide trip to Cherokee, N.C.

July 25— 6:00 p.m. Small Group Leaders meeting

September 7th—Fall Festival

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