high-speed one-dimensional spatial light modulator for ... · high-speed one-dimensional spatial...

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High-speed one-dimensional spatial light modulator for Laser Direct Imaging and other patterning applications

Jan-Uwe Schmidt1a, Ulrike A. Dauderstaedta, Peter Duerra, Martin Friedrichsa, Thomas Hughesa,

Thomas Ludewiga, Dirk Rudloffa, Tino Schwatena, Daniela Trenklera, Michael Wagnera, Ingo Wullingera, Andreas Bergstromb, Peter Bjornangenb, Fredrik Jonssonb, Tord Karlinb,

Peter Ronnholmb, Torbjorn Sandstromb aFraunhofer Institute for Photonic Microsystems (IPMS), Maria-Reiche-Str. 2, D-01109 Dresden,

Germany; bMicronic Mydata AB, Nytorpsvagen 9, SE-18303 Taby, Sweden


Fraunhofer IPMS has developed a one-dimensional high-speed spatial light modulator in cooperation with Micronic Mydata AB. This SLM is the core element of the Swedish company’s new LDI 5sp series of Laser-Direct-Imaging systems optimized for processing of advanced substrates for semiconductor packaging. This paper reports on design, technology, characterization and application results of the new SLM. With a resolution of 8192 pixels that can be modulated in the MHz range and the capability to generate intensity gray-levels instantly without time multiplexing, the SLM is applicable also in many other fields, wherever modulation of ultraviolet light needs to be combined with high throughput and high precision.

Keywords: Laser Direct Imaging (LDI), Printed Circuit Boards (PCB), Spatial Light Modulator (SLM), Micro Mirror Array (MMA), gray-scale lithography, semiconductor packaging, semi-additive processing, substrate


1.1 Laser direct imaging for advanced substrates in semiconductor packaging

Modern electronics packaging increasingly utilizes high-end forms of printed circuit boards called ‘substrates’ and ‘interposers’. The first provide a mechanical support and an electrical interface between integrated circuits and the outside world, the latter act as an intermediate layer used for interconnection routing and as a ground/power plane. Advanced packages require substrates with a high density of interconnects with minimum interconnect line widths and spaces of about 10 µm, in few years even less. Such high density substrates are processed in form of large panels (e.g. 510 mm x 515 mm). To form the interconnect layers, the ‘semi-additive metallization’ process [1] is used (Figure 1): On a copper seed layer, a layer of dry film resist (DFR) is laminated (1). Next, the whole panel is exposed by ultraviolet (UV) light (2), in order to enable patterning of the DFR (3). The spaces in the patterned DFR act as template for the deposition of copper by electroplating (4). The removal of DFR (5) is followed by a flash etch to remove the Cu seed layer (6). As feature size decreases, several wiring layers and their vertical connections (vias) have to be aligned within smaller tolerances to avoid functional errors. Compared to mask-based steppers an exposure by Laser Direct Imaging (LDI) offers higher flexibility. LDI techniques utilize a programmable micromechanical element, a so-called ‘spatial light modulator’ (SLM) to print dose-patterns into the resist and have the potential to combine high resolution, high precision of alignment and high throughput. Small variations in the pitch of existing structures induced by strain in the substrates can be measured for each panel and compensated by appropriate algorithms, such that new layers perfectly match the preceding ones. Micronic Mydata AB has developed a novel LDI5sp laser direct imaging system optimized for this field of application. As a cooperation partner, Fraunhofer IPMS contributed to this system a novel fast one-dimensional diffractive spatial light modulator (SLM), which shall be discussed in the present article.

1 Corresponding author: jan-uwe.schmidt@ipms.fraunhofer.de; phone ++49-351-8823-119; fax ++49-351-8823-266; www.ipms.fraunhofer.de

MOEMS and Miniaturized Systems XIII, edited by Wibool Piyawattanametha,Yong-Hwa Park, Proc. of SPIE Vol. 8977, 89770O · © 2014 SPIE

CCC code: 0277-786X/14/$18 · doi: 10.1117/12.2036533

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Dry Film Re(DFR)

Cu seed laysSubstrate

Laminate 1)1



FR Expose


/FR (by LDI)

al 15

je DFR Ret6

move Cu seed lay


Pattern DFR


Figure 1: Schem(SAP) using a

1.2 Diffr

To motivate briefly summthe location oorders also deintensity reflwaves. They un-deflected slits and idealintensity is padeflection conBased on thissources. For intensity in tdiffraction orsystem. In andeflected mirThe illustratedeflection of instantly into modulators fodimensional a

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the 0th diffracrders are blocn image generrors will appeed concept fof mirrors (“an

gray-scale infor the generaanalog MMAs

ea of the one-nalog tilt defleows a top-viewded colors highone “optical pvides the requre. The three t

additive metalliresist.

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ulated by chanbe reflected sprs). Already smed into the hig

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) [4][5][6][7],. The describe

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(1D) modulato

electron microf identically adSLM. The SLd auxiliary polayers (mirror


s of programm

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on orders. The

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writers [3][7][8


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igure 2: Micron

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ly used with ontinuously callows to use as. This motiv



by an array of

M) image of msynchronouslyo integrated atly to the SLMonnect 2) can

nic Mydata LDI

mirror array

modulation us(MMA) acts a

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ors: a light wal be in the 0th irrors modify the 0th order

ent monochron imaging sycontribute to tons in the Fo

will appear brtion. MMA device

controlled miranalog MMAs

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mirrors in the y tilting mirro

active driver eM. Figure 4 shbe seen.

I 5sp system


sing micro-mias an optical g, the positionsnterference, thp between re

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ourier plane oright, whereas

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mmercial appli

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row-band lighlows only the

while the otherof the imagings regions with

for an analogn is converteded spatial lighication of two

micro mirrors

tive area. Thehe 8192 mirrorn external data-section of the

s e r f

al f e

at n

ht e r g h

g d

ht o


e r a e

Proc. of SPIE Vol. 8977 89770O-2

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Sena WD 8.2mm ' MAXI IND

Figure 3: SEMbelonging to sa Figure 5 showBond pads arrouted to the The pixel areThis design wMHz range licontinuous exultra-violet lamirror temperBuilding the high fundamsacrificing mexposed micrelectronics rethe control ecomponents b Figure 6 shoelectrode (3).all pixels. Thdata electrodethe global eleSince actuatonegative globreversal of til(3) of the neigThe yoke strdifference beregion (5) of Separate struBy use of a lowavelength.

M image of tilt mame pixel.

ws the fully pre arranged inpixel area (3) a has approximwas preferredimited only byxposure proceasers. Since a ratures, the de“optical pixe

mental resonanmodulation spe

ro mirrors aneduces the comelectronics habecome availa

ows a single The global el

he electrodes (es (3) of all mectrodes in theors in even andbal electrode (lt directions fghboring pixeructure (4) is etween data anthe yoke strucctural layers fow-creep hing

mirrors. Colors i

processed SLMn 4 rows to bo

comprising 2mate dimensio

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esign also helpls” of the 1D

nce of micro eed. This againd contributemplexity of SLave no impaable at accepta

actuator eleclectrodes (1) a(1), (2), and (3micro mirrors e hidden intercd odd rows ar(2) change sidfor even and oels.

supported bynd global eleccture. A post (for mirror andge material, hy

indicate mirrors

M to illustrateoth sides of th2.2 million mirons of 4 mm xreasons: all opental resonancows an efficietion rate of thps to minimiz

D-SLM from smirrors, but

in helps to res to a long SLM processin

act on SLM able cost.

trostatically aand (2) procee3) are formed are connectedconnect layer re offset by hades within theodd pixels ass

y two posts rectrodes (arrow(6) resting on d springs allowysteresis effec

s Fi


e its layout. Thhe SLM (1). Irrors grouped x 82 mm. ptical pixels ce of the microent utilization

he laser also ime laser inducesets of small i

also allows educe power dSLM lifetime

ng, SLM costtechnology a

addressed viaed in vertical dfrom intercon

d by vias to th1.

alf the width oe actuator cellsuming the sam

esting on the ws in Figure 6

the yoke suppw optimizingcts are elimina

igure 4: SEM crmoval of sacrif

he approximaIn the electrodto 8192 “opti

can be updateo mirror tilt-mn of quasi-conmplies a loweed degradationidentically adto increase t

density at thee [10]. The Sand processinand can be i

a global voltadirection and nnect layer 2.

he same data l

of an actuator,l for even andme sign of da

data electrod). The restorin

ports the mirromechanical a

ated and the m

ross-sectional imficial layer.

ate chip dimende fan out regical pixels” (4

ed in parallel movement. Thintinuous, i.e. Mr energy per l

n of mirrors. ddressed microthe total areae SLM and thSLM design ng time, and inimplemented

age electrodessupply the co Within one oline. The latte

, the positive gd odd pixels rata voltage ap

de. It is tiltedng force is deor (7). and optical chmirror can be

mage of tilt mir

nsions are 15 mgion (2) data-


at a modulatiis enables highMHz-repetitiolaser pulse an

o mirrors alloa per optical he temperaturewithout integncreases yieldwhenever m

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global electrorespectively. Tpplied to the d

d depending oefined by the

haracteristics ioptimized for

rrors after

mm x 88 mm-electrodes are

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ows to reach apixel withou

e of the lasergrated addressd. Upgrades omore powerfu

and the dataer potentials tothe segmented

erpendicular to

ode (1) and theThis results indata electrodes

on the voltagenarrow spring

independentlyr the operating

m. e

e e d r

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a o d o

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e g

y. g

Proc. of SPIE Vol. 8977 89770O-3

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I oo






ó 0 0 ó

0 ó

ó ó



50 100

Tip defied

agonal minor

tangular /square rt


fion of mirror [i


Figure 5: Photo(2), and active Applying theof two compreference potallows for a hFor this specthe effect ofrectangular mside lobe nexrectangular othe first intenof 355 nm). Due to the fathe optical fiefficiency and

Figure 6: Schem

ograph of the dpixel area (3).

e variable datapared to the atential. Reduchigher speed. ific SLM, a hf mirror shapmirrors at a wxt to the first r square mirro

nsity minimum

act that the slitill factor of thd achievable c

matic of single

iced chip with rThe dotted line

a potential to talternative opcing the data

hexagonal mirpe, Figure 7

wavelength of intensity min

ors with rotatm is slightly hi

ts are very nahe pixel area contrast are in

tilting mirror.

removed sacrifie (4) shows the

the yoke/mirrtion of addrevoltage range

rror plate has shows simul355 nm. Plott

nimum is cleaion axis paraligher for hexa

arrow and the is very high,

ncreased. A su

ficial layers. Maorientation of a

ror electrode (essing electrode lowers the

been used to lated modulatting the intenarly less pronllel to the sideagonal mirrors

mirror post is, about 90 %.

ummary of par


arkers indicate ba single optical

(3) reduces thede (1) while cost of electr

optimize the tion character

nsity in the 0th

nounced for thes. On the oths (for the chos

s completely h Scattering lo

rameters of th

igure 7: Intensitnd rectangular/s

bondpad regionpixel.

e required datkeeping electronic compon

modulation cristics for (idh order vs. tiphe hexagonal

her hand, the dsen design abo

hidden undernosses are there new SLM is

ty modulation csquare mirrors.

n (1), electrode f

ta voltage rantrodes (2) annents for the

characteristicsdeally flat) h deflection ofmirror shape

deflection reqout 110 nm at

neath the mirrreby reduced, s given in Tab

characteristics f

fan-out region

nge by a factord (3) at fixeddata path and

s. To illustratehexagonal andf a mirror, thee compared toquired to reacht a wavelength

ror (Figure 3)while optica

ble 1.

for hexagonal

r d d

e d e o h h

), al

Proc. of SPIE Vol. 8977 89770O-4

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The SLM hasfor the monosacrificial lay(Figure 6) par

Figure 8: Schem After growthThe first intebarrier layer finally removpatterned andmetal is depoThe post matfrom the regilayer, i.e. themirror post anchips. The sa(6). Figure 9 contrast (DICsensitivity of mirrors. After the releA metal holdthe metal holdNext, metal care then mounpads on SLM4096 data chFIA connectoFigure 12 shoview on the S

s been fabricaolithic integra

yer. Figure 8 srallel to the sp

matic processin

h of an insulatrconnect laye(2) is deposi

ve SiO2 sacrid planarized. Tosited and patterial is deposion next to the

e distance betwnd the sacrific

acrificial SiO2shows an im

C) microscopyf DIC to pre-d

ease etch, the er for a quartzder to protect carrier plates fnted to the car

M and FIA boahannels, the glors establish thows the wire bSLM.

3 S

ated in the MEation of anal

schematically prings and thro

ng sequence of

ting SiO2 filmer is covered wited to protectficial layers. The first sacriterned (3). A sited such that

e post (5). Theween mirror acial layer are l2 layers are re

mage of a comy image of thdeflection of m

SLM chip is z glass is mouthe SLM agaifor two multirrier plates, su

ards are connelobal voltageshe link to the dbonded SLM-


EMS pilot fabrlog MMAs oillustrates theough the two


m on the Si suwith SiO2 intet the underneVias down toificial SiO2 lasecond sacrifiit completely

e wafer surfacand stoppers (leveled. Next,emoved by a H

mpleted produhe boundary omirrors. The im

glued to a higunted to the ceinst particle-c-layer printeduch that bond cted by 4 layes and test potdigital-analog-unit. The wir


rication line oon CMOS in e main steps oyoke posts.

ubstrate, the ferlayer-dielecteath SiO2 layo interconnectayer is deposiicial SiO2 lay

y fills the post e is planarizednot shown in , the mirror isHydrogen Fluct wafer just of the pixel amage illustrat

ghly planar ceeramic carriercontamination d circuit board

pads on SLMers of fine-pitctentials. During converter (Dre bond protec


of Fraunhofer a “MEMS-l

f the process f

first interconntric (ILD) and

yers against att 1 are formedited, vias for t

yer is depositedvia (4). The p

d and the finaFigure 8) is d deposited and

uoride gas-phabefore dicing

area. Individuates the extrem

eramic carrier,. The quartz gduring furthe

ds are mounteM and FIAs are

ched wire bonng a later use,

DAC) boards oction cap has


IPMS, based ast” technoloflow using a c

nect layer is dd planarized. ttack of Hydrd, and intercothe hinge posd and vias forpost material ial thickness ofdefined. At thd patterned. Tase etch, in org. Figure 10 isal pixels are

mely uniform d

, which is thenglass window er assembly and. These “Fane aligned and nds. Each FIA, flexible ribb

of the data pathbeen removed

on a technoloogy-scheme ucross-section o

deposited and On top of therogen Fluoridonnect layer 2sts are etched r the mirror pois removed an

f the second sahe same time tThe wafers arerder to releases a differentiajust resolved,deflection of n

n mounted to is fitted into t

nd use. n-In-Adapter”leveled to eac

A board holds cbon cables pluh unit controlld to enable an

ogy developedusing SiO2 asof the actuator

patterned (1)e ILD, an inerde gas used to2 is depositedand the hinge

ost are etchednywhere, aparacrificial SiO2the protrudinge then diced toe the actuatorsal interference, to maximizenon-addressed

a metal platethe aperture o

” boards (FIA)ch other. Bondconnectors forugged into theling the SLM.n unobstructed

d s r

). rt o

d, e

d. rt 2 g o s e e d

e. f

) d r e . d

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Figure 9: Image of completed product wafer

Figure 10: DIC microscopy image of pixel area after sacrificial layer etch. Minimal and homogeneous tilt of idle mirrors.

Figure 11: Close-up onto the wire bonds on one side of the SLM.

Figure 12: Close-up image of the assembled SLM unit showing the wire bonds connecting SLM and FIA boards.


4.1 Fundamental resonance of mirror tilt movement

For a current spring design the resonance frequency has been measured at ambient pressure using a MSV-300 Microscope Scanning Vibrometer (Polytec) by modulating the data-voltage with a rectangular voltage function. The resonance frequency has been determined to be higher than 1.3 MHz.

4.2 Planarity of chip within pixel area

An imperfect planarity of the SLM within the pixel area will lead to errors of the generated SLM image. The imaging system and software of an LDI system may compensate or correct for certain errors of SLM shape: e.g. a cylindrical bow of the MMA can be compensated by the imaging optics. Planarity specifications therefore have to be considered with respect to the specific imaging system. The planarity within the large pixel area is measured using a Wyko® NT9800 optical profiler. Single measurements covering an area of 1.2 mm x 1.6 mm sampled with 4.7 µm resolution are stitched together to cover the whole pixel area. Figure 13 shows a typical height map of the pixel area after subtraction of bow.

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or ti

p -



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ka0 >







12 14



5 80


';) 60


? 40v


80192 7168 6144 5120Data p


4096 3072 2)ixel number




'048 1024


co E



Figure 13: Plan

4.3 Mirr

To obtain a smust be kept planarity is mon 3 arbitrarirange. Figure

4.4 Defl

The deflectiovoltages of gdeflect the mresulting defl“black state”,

Figure 15: Mir

narity measurem

ror planarity

sufficiently hiwithin a narr

measured usingily chosen wafe 14 shows a r

lection charac

on characteristlobal electrod

mirrors, the volection respon, 110 nm (acco

rror tip-deflectio

ment of pixel ar


igh contrast (hrow range (leg a Wyko® Nfers (in total 2epresentative


tic of micro mdes (1 and 2 inoltage of the dnse curve for dording to Figu

on vs. data volt


here defined ss than about

NT8000 optica2416 mirrors)height map of

mirrors is measn Figure 6) ardata-line conndifferent valueure 7) is reach



as ratio of “w7 nm surface

al profiler. An resulted in a f mirrors.

sured using a re set to same nected to yokes of global v

hed at a global


igure 14: Surfac5±0.2nm

white” and “be RMS). Aftern exemplary te

mean RMS o

Wyko® NT9absolute valu

ke/mirror and oltage used asl voltage of 15

igure 16: Full-mith a common bxel number. Ins


ce planarity of r

lack” intensitr removal of est using a conof 1.5±0.2nm,

800 optical prue but oppositstoppers is v

s parameter. T5.5 V and a da

matrix deflectionbias for all pixeset: Deflection

released mirror

ty), the planarsacrificial layntrol sample owhich is wel

rofiler. For thte polarity foraried. Figure

The target defata voltage of

n test. The MMls. Plot of meanmap for all mir

s. RMS value

rity of mirrorsyers the mirrorof 10 test-sitesl within targe

hat purpose ther all pixels. To

15 shows theflection for theabout 14.5 V.

MA is addressedn deflection vs. rrors (same data

s r s t

e o e e .



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Table 1: Summary of SLM parameters.

LDI SLM Parameter Value

Chip dimensions [mm] 15 x 88

Dimensions of pixel area [mm] 4 x 82

Fill grade of active area [%] > 90

Number of pixels 8192

Mirrors per pixel 268

Mirror shape hexagonal

Mirror material Al-alloy

Operating wavelength [nm] 355

Mirror reflectance at 355nm [%] > 85

Max. mirror deflection [nm] > 110

Pixel resonance frequency [MHz] > 1.3

Achieved contrast Up to 1000

Mirror RMS planarity [nm] < 7

4.5 Deflection test of assembled SLM-unit

The functionality of the completely assembled and wire bonded SLM-units is verified by a deflection test using a Wyko® NT9800 optical profiler. Herein the SLM unit is addressed through the FIA boards to include FIAs and wire bonds in the test. All pixels are addressed with the same voltages to check for non-working pixels. The lateral resolution for the interferometric measurement is chosen such that the deflection amplitude of each individual mirror can be determined. The pixel area is covered by stitching a set of subsequent measurements. Figure 16, a plot of mean pixel deflection vs. pixel number, illustrates a typical result. All pixels are functioning. Due to design-related systematic differences in the routing of data electrodes, the observed deflection values vary slightly with pixel number in a systematic way. Irregular features, like the one at pixel 3072, are attributed to small variations in hinge width caused by small tolerances of lithography. Before the SLM is finally used in a LDI system, the mentioned systematic effects are compensated by a calibration procedure. After calibration for all individual pixels the voltages required to reach certain deflection values can be retrieved from look-up tables. A two-dimensional representation of the same data, i.e. a map of deflection for each individual mirror of the SLM (inset in Figure 16) can be used to check for possible non-working mirrors and to retrieve their positions.


5.1 Description of exposure system

Figure 17 is a schematic of the LDI5sp system developed by Micronic Mydata AB. The coherent light source of the exposure system is a high-power, 355 nm diode-pumped solid state laser. The SLM is illuminated by the rectangular laser beam. Light reflected into the 0th diffraction order passes the aperture in the Fourier plane of the optical system, while the higher diffraction orders of the SLM are blocked. Behind the lens system, the beam is reflected via a rotating prism into one of four imaging arms rotating in synch with the prism before it is imaged onto the substrate. During exposure the intensity modulated line focus is laterally scanned in an arc across the substrate panel, always keeping the same orientation similar to a windscreen wiper. After it has passed the panel edge, the laser beam hits the next facet of the prism and is directed into the next imaging arm to expose the next arc. Since at the same time the panel is steadily moved, subsequently exposed arcs are seamlessly stitched together until the whole panel has been exposed. To maximize throughput, the twin table system aligns the next panel already while the preceding panel is being exposed. After exposure, the aligned panel is briefly flipped upwards to enable the passage and unloading of the already exposed panel. The tool exposes dry film resist on substrate panels with dimensions up to 510 x 612 mm² at a resolution better than 10 µm L/S. The constant-speed operation of both rotor arms and panel stage contribute to a highly precise pattern placement. Feature edges can be smoothly shifted laterally utilizing the gray-leveling capability of the presented SLM. An adjustment of exposure dose is possible by tuning the speed of rotation for the imaging arms. Based on the high SLM modulation rate and high optical efficiency of the SLM, a high write speed and efficient use of laser power are achieved.

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SLM Real-time data path that enablesadvanced pattern alignment


Analog Spatial Light Modulation(SLM) with high modulationfrequency

Rotor -based optical system withhigh scanning speed and lowoverhead time



Twin -table stage system thatenables concurrent alignmentand exposure




Mi-My AB 2013 -06 -18 10:45 F D14,9 x800 100 um

5.2 Exposure results

Examples of patterned substrates are shown to illustrate the successful utilization of the presented SLM in Micronic Mydata’s LDI5sp Laser Direct Imaging systems. Figure 18 shows a 15 µm high dry film resist on a copper seed layer patterned with 6 µm minimum line/space dimensions. Figure 19 shows a 25 µm high dry film resist on a copper seed layer structured with a pattern typical for the routing of interconnects around a pad. The minimum line/space dimensions in this image are 10 µm. Using the presented new SLM, contrast values (here defined as ratio of maximum and minimum intensity at the exposed substrate) of up to 1000 have been measured.

Figure 17: Schematic of Micronic Mydata’s LDI5sp system

Figure 18: 15 um DFR on Cu seed layer, patterned with a micro-VIA interconnect test pattern. Minimum line/space feature size is 6 um.

Figure 19: 25 um DFR on Cu seed layer, patterned with a structure typically used in the pad region of a substrate. Minimum line/space feature size is 10 µm.

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Fraunhofer IPMS has developed a fast one-dimensional analog spatial light modulator (SLM) in collaboration with Micronic Mydata AB. The SLM supports a pixel rate of >10 billion grayscale-pixels per second and handles tens of Watt of laser power at a wavelength of 355 nm. The SLM has successfully passed all performance tests and is now utilized in Micronic Mydata’s novel LDI5sp series of Laser Direct Imaging systems optimized for the processing of advanced substrates for semiconductor packaging. A first Micronic-Mydata LDI5sp tool equipped with the IPMS-SLM has reached acceptance status at a final customer.


The authors wish to acknowledge Per Askebjer and Jarek Luberek for their valuable contributions to this development.


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