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Record Breakers Welcome back! I hope you had a fantastic Summer break and that you are looking forward to

achieving great things in 2016/17. Just in case you missed the news over the holiday, we are

delighted to report another set of record-breaking examination results at GCSE and in the Sixth

Form for the fourth consecutive year. Like last year, these results were achieved when grades

continued to drop nationally. Some of you may be asking how students and staff did it and the

simple truth is that we aimed high, worked hard and believed in ourselves. We are so proud of

their achievements. Best wishes for the year ahead — we’re looking forward to celebrating your

future achievements with you.

Hertswood Academy Aim High Achieve Excellence

Hertsbeat Monday 12th September 2016 | Issue 12:01

Peter Gillett, Headteacher

Our best ever GCSE results for the

fourth consecutive year

Highest ever 5+ A*-C incl. maths and English - 63%

Highest ever maths results - 76%

Highest ever English results - 75%

Highest levels of progress in maths (82%) and English (85%)

Highest ever value added score - 1016.7

Find videos and more pictures from our GCSE and A Level results days at

www.hertswoodacademy.org and facebook.com/hertswoodacademy.

Our best ever Sixth Form results in 2016

Highest ever overall average point score

86% A*-C (highest ever)

43% A*-A (highest ever)

Greatest number of A* grades ever

Highest ever number of students continuing to university

Oxbridge entry success!

www.hertswoodacademy.org | facebook.com/hertswoodacademy | twitter.com/hertswooduk

Alumni Lunch by Joseph Nunes (Year 13, Head Boy)

The most valuable assets that a school has are its students. Over the years, Hertswood

Academy alumni have gone on to achieve some amazing things, including financial jobs in

the city, running shows on national television, and being accepted to world leading

universities in the UK and the USA.

On Wednesday the 7th of September, our current Year 13 students, myself included, met

with some of our alumni to share thoughts, advice and even contact information during

an intense “speed dating” session. Being the first of its kind for our year group, students

have said that they feel more aware of the fruits of hard work and that they look forward

to sharing their own thoughts once they become part of the alumni network.

The Sixth Form team are hopeful that this new arrangement will open up a range of

opportunities and support for Sixth Formers and their transition to university or the

world of work. One student explained that ‘there is no one more aware of this process

than those who have just gone through it.’

Head Boy Joe & Head Girl Lauren (front),

with Head Boys & Girls from recent years

Welcoming Year 7 by Miss Webb (Assistant Head of Learning, Year 7)

Last Monday we welcomed our Year 7s for their first official day of

secondary school, and what a great start we have had!

Students arrived looking smart and eager to begin. The year group spent

the day familiarising themselves with their timetables, navigating the

school and getting to know their new classmates. Nerves soon turned to

confidence and I am really pleased with how well they have settled.

Students are now in normal lessons and are impressing staff across their

subjects. The amount of Year 7s offering help and displaying impeccable

manners is admirable and I hope their positive attitude continues so we

have lots to celebrate at the end of the term. A group of Year 7s gave us their thoughts on their first week

“Drama has been fun as I’ve never done it before. This week we got in groups and made still images of things we

were excited or nervous about. I was nervous about getting lost, but I haven’t got lost once!” Emma (Year 7)

“I enjoy maths a lot at Hertswood, much more than I did at primary school. Chemistry and Biology are new, and

we’re about to do Physics which I’m excited about – I really like Science!” Keir (Year 7)

“The teachers are quite supportive and here to help us. Some of our lessons so far have been introductions to

what we’ll be learning this year — I’m a bit nervous, but very excited!” Max (Year 7)

“Because there’s more people in the year group, you get to bond more. At Hertswood you’re with different

groups for different lessons, so we get to make lots of new friends!” Amelia (Year 7)

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