herald (1888-present)/1961-1970/1963/44)...

Post on 16-Jan-2020






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WAYNE FIRE DEPARTMENT instolled this signto inl.rm th~ public .1 the lire rOte in yne.It is IOCa~ed in ("t 01 the lire hall. Wi the

Norman Olsen, Wayne hdspi.tol administrator,Mrs. Julia Haas a,~d Mrs. iD<Jvid I Garwood, lookover one of' the bossinetttl!s purFhosed by theAuxiliary for the hospital. these ¢ompleted theirproject for which last ye~~'s bqzoar proceedswere used.


booths with 'earphones connected _to the con­trol p~nel, and 10 of th booths ~re also equip­ped ,Wlt~ tope recorders From ~e p0-':lel an in­structor 'can play five iffe,rent lesson'S at oncefrom lhreellape record rs and two record ploy­ers. Students also cOn record ond hear theirown ,voices - ,0 techniq e that speeds improve­ment in the use of a I nguoge.

rnt"lk J

tM 1 19 -Sec;o oneig ~tage


Co~munity Chest I IISwine Produ-flon'-L-'At: 81 % of Total' '

The total, at 1[,30 a.m wednh.1ln Ar a' Sw· I MdaY,lshowed lhe Wayne c~mmun'tyl ' Ie.· nchnf at 81 perceo!. 01 iJ', golal. iSo f r a little OVCI" $6,600 hUI> b~en 1-" -----'---. ----~_.--. ""~- ~,_:

reeo ded i IR h . h hI k",N",',',~;huel""it",'r~, ,'\r"':.•',,ka. ",~'" n"oll,Th re ~'" ,t\1I some bu'ineos dl'. et wise C i d Killed nlher' r' I' ".,

tr!C't' that h~vf; n,ol reported, alo:ng . prnthlC'~~)~1 S~:I ( r, stnll' in htlf:

:~~~ _~ote::~et~~nlm~:~eIO::':St ~~~l~ lin Tractor Accident V( I slty I; NI~~ ll:kon I.u;;~~l:ll Jj::~\bee turned in had bll>;'n l'O I \ •. spl'<,ln!lsl, at a, ,el'lJll~ of S\ IIWby 1 :30 a,m. untC'd t unl'ffll ser 'jel'li for (ifl'~(ll y In~~n, In W lyll\' I lbdll)' nl)lht

Gig b .. Lee, thret'}I'D old Mill of 'Mr. III tl l.o III 1l1l' TI~lI ,I'l/'rllllg Is IllI; 'lllg

year~",n fig~re:, pr~~ecg~~stOfd

II~st \ MfS. DWDlIlt' Rethwisch, Wllyn', 10, till: ('Ill \\ ... or 1111' "tilt" ( l\ (In'ShOrld' ,r e w.crll held We nl'sday'rnoon II litOI'll In 11111'1' n'~,s or Ih.I' I'l llll'$8,4 , agam reach It s goal, of (irDee Luther n ehurdl ' 111'1' :Villhll 10 .",r "~'l't I\('w('r it (',01

• The l'hild WII kllll'd Monday I'V' 11:( :::~.;:~,\d :;11 : I~,y l;rl' fllffn lug

T h• • nmg when he WIiS run OV('I" b .. II ' \111\ III [) plJ.lS, luv('

e~c ers In Prominent Itrador Otl whi'h tit' had [Wt'n ~i i I~:;~::;:I'r h::~;~ln;I~' protchH'I' In ur('I •• in~ ,:ilh his .al~ll'r. Till' foml y tWl"lb .andl pr()dl~~;: 1l:1~1:·I' 111':' ~~~

Roles 'at District Meet (a.lms lh~{'l' miles Wl'st of Waynt, 111111"!' I/lll(kly," I~' ellllllUU(HI,, I Hpv. K J, crnthal orrH'lillt'd III Swine men breed f dwJyne State College and 'faynp tht' nLl's. P ltb('lll'ers W('fl' Nl II er .... bUY4ln U I Irt, f" .

city school t.eaC'hers to?k. promi. Sandahl, Wald 011 .~u\l, Lt's!t'1' lIn brukll per~onn I.,,~r~h: ~"o ::nent r?les III the DIstnd IIII sen and Bus,sdl Lmdsay, Jr. B r- ltd the moe'lnG em. up with hecon en~lOn of ,the, Nebra~~a Stull' lui was I!l l.r {'lIwood Cl'IlJl'll'ry, 0"'''1'1111 .,conclu Ion 'he Iw no

~~rf;~:~~y ~s~~~~~~~n I hllf)'ir!ay , He Iii sUfvi 'ed hy hiS parpn s, produdlol1 lint up '0 p.r.


oover the 'entlre a. brolher, Ml'hat'l, II lush'r, 1\1; f Hob 1~,lllll'hl'l"l', JlUrkl'l' hll t'r

ve ion wu Mn, Lydia Butl,,~o~f c.l~;. grandpa, .~ts, Mr ,lind M s. sla\f!cL "'11lH' pon:t'sl, yioldjll~ I oJ{,~

the WSC mathem,tlci f. It HelllY Rethw! eh, Waynt, Dod 1', Ilrt' hl'll1~ prod\l I'd III lhit! Pllil ofOl rjct III pre,lde tell cu /' and Mrs, W Idemar E. Pl'lels, thl' slatl', ,tI 11 majorJlY of Iht'cui y rfn e m be r n, : ege:- t'~emonl: an unclo, Lowell Rc I fllrmNs in thiS IIn'lI don't H !l'mor reiided over m:e'j~g:ar':~r~ Wisch, and a aunt, Mrs. Dale .; 10 hI' Inll·rt'!>!f'( III jll'odutln' it

Lye Seymour Gilbert Nich I Johnson, !-tood pll('k('f',~ Ii ~ " ,Mit' Beul.h Neprud, Dr, C~:~ • ~ (;"01'1-:" PIck. Hilrliu/.(Ion, In':;,CII$ady. and Mrs. Mllry Ann • h 1:1,'nl of l~~l'. Nt,h·lI ...kll S,~lnt' (:lllll~Hat;'.. IWayne 19 Fall III SHld, 1.'arm'I't' art'llt jJl'otlOlS veral members of the music In~ l11l'lr f)Wn pr lilllr! , WI' lm'd

fac~ lty presented a coneNt at C 10 hlllll' pf'(JJlll' IIItl'l"l'~t('d ('fllllJ~hthe'I:30 Friday se~sion: Antony I oncert Nov 5 10 .~pf'lld llml' und IlHlnl'y to PfO,Gar~ick and James Day playing I' . molt' Ihl' ~WIl1t' Jlldll.~lry " ",the 'harpsichord Russel Anderson At A dt • II!' l"haJlt!n~('d hI' ,LCrouJI WI'lh IIbadtone; Dr. B'enja~jn Bernstein: U qu~, ... l11ln. :'1 ov,' lllu.IlY hog Pt'll

vlOl'nist, Mrs, B~rnslein, pianist, Th,!' Wayne Ili!-th, School \10 III ~:::'r::~)(~:~~~ ::rll \/ (~ 1~1~'I(~:::lt:~~(;u Il::~;:Stll(,en~S perfo~mm.g were Sharon depart ent WIll p. fesent ts Univ('rsil~' of ~ IJl"aska oHldals'.'"An~(;rson, Ann Galloway, Mts. annual fall co ('crt Nov il at 8' J' 'Gai Lovprcheck, Walter Thomas, p m in the ity auditorium,' oifrc y Lock Clod, Allen, nd

;~i ~c~ ~~tiegr:~~a~otl~~~ ~~~~~~ I , Th~: seniQr choir will perf01 ~ breed:;;,on;:~~ ~a:~.~. :~~ r::ing in the Wayne schools. Isevel ~il nUI~ ers along WIth I It' do.l hOi IT\on I 'he are.' are Utt

SC students I directed by Mrs, ~adI'lgal, girl s sextetl(', and s {~- beginning to ,k for yield ret·

Ha s gave a! demonstration in lIsts Jean Ey on, Nancy ~(>lte s, cordi and ba kfa' probe In or·ell' entary p~ysical education. and John B rr, The cho,lr a d mo'ion. Howe er, mlny fa m·Th yare Dianne Bashara, Karen groups ~re nder the dlrect)ll Orl l!IrO conten wl'h 'he • all.Ki dschuh, Genie Little Beaver, of Mrs. I al, ropp, , Iquorv, animal II contrut,d IthGe trude Willoughby and Connie I Thef(~ Will be no admlsll n .. ,'ronger, m .'Ier.type bOI ,Wa ter. . charge for th s concert Whlll cun b(' IPllP about til hoU

ayne teachers speakmg Of pre- problems in Nt l!thcUlit Nl'brllSkll'1sid ng at meetings included Reulah Overall the gr ~up felt tlwL thi~80 nhoft, Mildred Witte, Mrs, An· area of lhl! 8 I~te hull a H ronftna Behmer and Dale Kropp. breeding progr' . Good hoar lIl'e

'. Shippers to Sioux City this we€k Kar I i Music' M n ~_-_-...:...I ~+~-....------ available, bul 0 many theSe

l!lcluded 1I11kman 'and SChnoort'l Mik K reI, .Wayne, 's a m.em· H • I A .1. PI M~rkets . go out of the' ate, Som the

~~q~~~II:I~'d4il~t:~,,~]:t~~:2~~k$:f~~~~;' ~~J~s .fn

~ eq~~~~~~~~~g :,go£ ~,~~~ OS .Ita ".1._I 'Iary " ans. .[Po.., ~e.·n,~·J~~cbe.r 1: ;~g~~st~~::a:~~ p,u';;~~ra':n :;'~~24 hfrs., wt. 889, $22. ?,; Joe WelsH, 1sic M n" whi~h is the first pro- III' ,r r- oV B..ns .. ... $2.55 I. Develop ml' r", orPender, 33 bU.t.. $15. 5; ,Dean Mey- duetio of the 'se'asofi f I' the Uni- .N I (.'.01 I t f B '.. 'onfe.l.oen..Jes Set . b.ts .58 mth:nl·

N",~traihtl·eoan'.t ebrask.a E I)eri·

,cr and Gene Lull, Wayne, 37 hfrs .. versit of Nebraska Th aier. The eo y 0 pee 0 alaar 1'- r t.I Cream .57 " ,-,wt. 937, $22, 16 hfrs" wI. 921, I show, wh eh' opened edne$day, ,I' beP"nagrens.cthetdeoalcebderlo!rcoNnfoevr.en.c,e7" aanrde Hens. lb. .05 s;j'neF:e~. an area as~oejatlm of

$22,75. _.. __.. _ _ ~n r n ~ rough Saturd y. _~_ks_,_lb_. .__~_~__.- - ---Plans ar heady completf for 8 at the Wayne Elementary SchooL 3. Develop boar buying Pl"O-'00'.. en the annual Wayne Hospital Auxil_ iof homemade otis and coffee. Mrs I In the Carroll Elementary jed for comm tcial feederH.. 8'ftI0·nn·al'res tu.rol. 9 iary Bazaa to be held Nov. 16 at 'I How~l'd. W~tt and Mrs, Elhardt schoo!' the co.nfet.ences are sched- 4. Establish a hoar te/lUn /ita_;J the City A dilorium. IPosplsl1l1 Will make the rolls. _ uied for Nov. 7 and 8, tion

An innov Hon this year will be A_complete dinner will be served Students will be dismissed short. S, 1I01d'a ca cuss Hhow.

W.e.llDin· W·..·ayne ( S' d' an. ~uction to be held ~hursda~ at noon in th~'s club rooms.ll y after LOO o'cl~ck each day and 6, f:ncourag - r~FA Ilnd 4-'.1(

nty tu Yevemng, N v. 14 at the Clly 'Auch· t The menu Wi I consIst of a chOlce.\ taken home if. th~y are on tpe bus young,~ters to (¢vf'lt)jI iI ...;win flro;

, ' torium im ediately fOllowin~ the of roast beef or ~am: ~nashed po· route :' j('et.; silver doll drawmg. The J ycees I. tatoes, salad, o.hOlce 01 vegetable, P<lI:ents ar:e receiving a notice •

Qu('stionnaires sent to county .~---.. - ---·--t- are in ch ge of the auctio wit.h, rolls and butt r, coffee or mltk and Ifro'm the sJhool with scheduled EI"t Park Preeidentresh:lcnts asking theHr views on the see thin s In I dlHe ent Ii~ht. all I? s going to, the HISPi.tall pie. Plans a e to charge $1.25 for time for lhe

Tconference, This ini· .,

county are being returned ,at the Th Id Auxillarv. Merchandise,. p nated 11 th.e .complet meal. Persons not tial meeting will be the time the I ren Park, Wayn~ City' ('hlJolrat~ of about 100 p'er day, accotd. sat~ ;ie; ;~~~St~: :a.,;; a:: ~o;',: by mereha t, and other Inle rsled WIShing to ,t,' complete meal parents rrcJive' their child', reo "Iem"ntary pr ""'pal. wa, e cel"ding: to Denzir Clegg, Area Ex.ten. whe eas 'he younger eople are i~dividuals will be sold t ~he, may p,urchas ~ot beef or hot ham Iport card anp a discussion will be pf(h~dent fI( f~ Dhdriet I 1 I (!-

) sion ~upervisor. sho ing more dissati faction. highest ~ dder. Anyone tavmg Is~ndwlches, n{i salad, vegetabl~, held regard~ng f.he student's pro. partmcnt of e cm('nta~y princip:lsThe:" qur,tionnalres welc ,ent merchandl e 10 donate 10 thc II'll', etc, a I~ carte. The aftel' gress and adju,"ment to schooL at th" Di,tel" III teachers ... n·

out bY" the Wayne CO,4Ilty Resource T~ n ed for indusUry seemed auction. is asked to contact ernie t noon coffe.e break, fro~ 2 to" 5 vention in Nor Ilk last we(~k. 1'''' r-Drvelopme~t Committee. para ou t in the thinking of mo,t Eiting 37 .1700. p.m.. conSlsl of sandWIChes, piC, I. rne J"w"lI. AI eo. wa, elect" 'c·

. Clegg said people are comment- of t e p ople returning lIjuestion- Friday, No\'. 15, the ladies Will\COffce, etc. I" r('tary·tn'asur on all segments' of the coun- nair s s far. . be busy ranging booths and dis- The vario s! booths include ~p. Name SplZZ Editorsty,P·, everything from coun- A othe point that seemed to be \ plays in eadiness for the opening rons, candy, Girl Scout shoPPI~I~ .' '.ty and city, roads, rep a~ed was that la,xation and of.the baz ar. Saturday, J\iov. 16, at cent~r, coun ry store, and as m Tw? SClllors Will s~are the cdI'schools and soli' COn?lttons, app fllsal are upequal and poor, 8 a,m. S mething new is planned t previOUS ye'rs, the large gIft \ torshlp of the 1964 SPIZZ, :yearboo~

Thus. far, Clegg'.1 said, th.e first TI e st Idy should be.' completed I this. year a "coffee break" from booth, featu ing Chnstm'.!s. decor· of ~aync Stat? College, the pubh·tabulation shows ~hat age groups in few more weeks, Clegg said, 8 am, to,lt a,m.-for the servinglations and gfts, and many, ma~y catlOns commlt~ee announced to·

____ ___~_______ ,_ other items, Boy Scouts will assIst d,ay.. iwith dean- p_ \ I They a~e Elainc Lanphear,. f,or-Mrs, Joe ~rbit, general chair· merly of Randolph and now hvmg

Iman of the. a*aar, said the profi.ts i.n .Norf.olk' and. Darrell' Coppock,from the a ct~on and bazaar WIll Le Mars. lao MISS Lanphear, ma­be u.sed to purchase new futni- 'l]or.l~g 1!1 speec.~., will g.r~dua.te. in

i ture for ro ms at Wayne Com· Api'll. Coppoct a mUSIC major,I munity hos ital. w»] graduate Ih August.I-~----I-------'-'---'----

i(ens IsBureauRepo~ ShowsIWaye Cou,t~ Pay~s Up! Despite t e fact that In Walyne-~-~

',- I County as.i every other se1tion I' ~;port shows that there wereof the 'c.ou t y, the~e is m~re un- 689 people a. t work locally, duri~gIemploy men han usual, local ay' the tQ.bulat.ion r,enod last year, .m

'rolls are b g er than evcr. non-farm Jobs covered by socl'\l

I~~.." i ~!~"~~.~ II th~~a:lte i e:·3;;a:s{'a~:s du ;:;~ I! se~u~~~~la~~~ !~iai~~ l:~~;:rs ;~dthan compe ated, as far as overall kin~s of .eoncerns in the

!! I figures go, for any l'JSs caused by Urn,ted States mdlcates. foIew

Iunemploym nt. ' ones are contillmally sprmgmg moo

The facts arc diyclosed in a new 1being as ventu!resome people, anx­Governmen .lfeport, c. alled County Ilous to be on their own, strike outBusiness altterns. prepared by for themselveS.


the Census lu.reau With the assi~t- The m~rtality is h~avy. O.nlyance of th ocial Security Adffim-I a fourth of them surVive t~e flr~tistration. years. In some cases failure IS

I.It show hat taxa~le pa\yroll s ~:eot::r I~:~e,o.f t:x:::~~~en~":.:In Wayne C.unty bUSiness 'stab-I nancing or to.rsevere competition. ­I'ishments ~~ the past year came In Wayne c}unty, many new en~to ~ppro Imately ,$2,104,060. as terprises are born each year. Aagamst ~ .634.000 In 1959,. w~en fair proporati n of them lurn outthe previ ~ surve-.: of thiS type \ successfully_ They fill the gap left.",as mad.,L The Increase was by those that discontinue for one24.9 perc: ,_ reason or another. J

It comp rJs with a rise of '16.9' Currently ~ the county, accord~percent in the United Stales and ing to the re~, there are 187 non~V(ith 23.9 i'rcent in the State of farm business estaPlis.-hments. with.Nebraska. one or more e ployees. .


The! inf rmation was obtained The breakd' wn shows that 134from tax :t'rts submitted by em- of them have om one to three em­ployers in e ch' of those, yearS' uo- ployers each, i27 of them from four

l der the 01 Age and 'Survlvors In- to seven antll'!23 have from eight.urance pram, . to ometeeD, je olherl\ are larger.

Tickets or Ma

~,~u ~~~o~ tl k![O~'Y egil and ,J"II" In 0 r '" II.. 1 " b II ~ . 5 kNight'" This quusli In I. ~.p\l1 a e a OlItars eaasked hy IllCmliCIS (J the. \.~"'I$. I • IKm,lIIlS Cluh \\ho ar' ,'al"Jlg t, ~~. "Id Tmllrs Meetinglol' h\o lotH! !lIOJU'f.<" f ~ --:T:

The Klwa t· j 4t' \ft ('I and ned 5th )cndu~nst~lans h v d051gns cd ... ~ t' l..lJS 'Canlma swill tw

all net .Plotltl fr ~ the sale of t' ': -- 'uklfrs at U'c Wayn~>, tickets to 1hO sho t be divi &d Cil. 'b..n Monday Nov, II

e~Ui)IIV) b.oiwecn ~.o WaynJ HlOs, at b ~ 'he two baseball ~tarspita I A!uxlllllry and t'fe C,tv Park are b, ~g. S >onsorcd by he North

. BeaUI,t,'(lllO,l Plan. east ~ebras a Old Timer: BasebaJl'

Virgil. antj .JuLe w II ClPPCi.ll! at' Ass'. at tl is their nin b, anuudlWallie on Novemoer at the tity 1rn(\dm~. . ,...Aui.lltonUlll. Tnen' w'rJ be two ('I" A usual an mVltat~on IS belingfO~''l'-t~,~' 11 lJIi.ttill ~e. e,.;ped.aIlY ;xt. nd~~ .t~) an who WIS.h. to a.ttt:nd.for lilujl!'IlL .. t :1 (j,) pill, undl an and paltl(ll~.rly to boys plaYing(~\'£'l)lIlg !H'I:li(IHUnl'l' IJr!!jtlnio~ aL' le~l 0 ball. Ihe bo,Ys ",Ill bc Inter·8:JO p.ll! ' 'i ('lit d In ,th' quCytlOn and answer

, ,; . , !I!e'f od {'on lIe,tcd by Hoyer nnd

5,.'.,.'.1<.' ul III;., prugr:j'W.l hlg!lll~hts I]:,. aiter !>a.lkS' SU'In!'of "Ulll' I'dlll,"''lJl: N gill" IlleItH.!t', Lc,glun I'os oS an> lJrmglng entlI"l'lIl\,ISlllll' 1:1~:ltL linll1 IIISIIL adven'l tea llS to t (' meeting,ture lIlto n('\ ef nevl'l' land, u Mar. S'vpral ortheasl N£,Jjrasl\U oldi

tlall l'XI'I'llIJUIL \lOulio , 1.1 JUlsly de. ! tBn' hull payers WIU bt, honored.purtul"l', an advl'nlu'C' inlo t'elf'p,: TI1l' 'l' will I e entertainment by thl'atlly and cLlIrvo.1'lln e, and other ('Z(' 'h Dan 'crs' of Clarkson andIHh'pnhll"l's dll'('l'!l'd by UU';,e Jlla~· ! mll, ic by a Wayne group. Lunchtl'r pl'l'loJ'llIcn'. I and frt'l' 'efreshments' will be

i ava lable. VII gfl and .Jllli(, haH I"('l'(!ntl:, i I' nin Ka lrath, :\ladison, is pres'

I etUll]( d. In'I.H .. :1 l:lll.llIOllS \'(,nLlIl"t'l ide' 1.1 of .th aSSOl'I.Cltion· Leo .101...·lakwg 11 Ill,I'-;SI'. (' p,'odueLoll and don ('Hrro, vit(, pJ'l'"ldent, andlarge l',JJllj,dn) OJ] I a IJ\e yeal:, No ris Wl'i Ie. Wayne, Sf'('[l'tal'}tour \'ompldl'ly acol)nd tll(' wurld In" surerpl'l'Sl'ntlllg fH',rfol m,!tlet's III thl! "lurgl'Sl tl1l'lltJ"l'S oj th~' capital dtiesof l'\'l'I"Y 1:0:11111') vi~ II,ed. lIldud;ng At ends Cancer MeetingLo~dUl:. l<.tlllil~llrgh, ('I<lSgOW, 8('1, j\. rs. 0, BrandMettllf. Wayne,fast, Lilk~JlLa', Oomhay. Smgaporl', Wii. 11 lay (l'legate of the AmericanHong KlJ,ng. Bankol,,: Sydrwy. Ml'l" ('a l'PI" SO( iety from Nlbl'USka

~~~~~::,'~ 1~'J\:lI~~,i~\("I~I~.\~~, ~~:~:~t~~~~i ~~, ~~~t S~~.~~~~~ s ~~~eti.~gainl ~~;)e~orO~'prepar:ttinn ,lI:d 0lwrllllOn was tlw'state )oard of dinclors, theu quart('t" 01 a ml!llon d()llal".~ ('Xl' 'utlve ('omn-tit\ee nd state

When LlH' l'tll lain ri:,l"s nn "Om' leuu 'alion ommittce.

Fantaslit, 1'\1:.-;i!1", you will witnt's" I •th,Ci.l" 1~I('rt'(.lliJl(' a11d rpcct~l('ulal" SO' ial 5 curity Aidacts. !I<I\'l' thnlled Hudlelll'('S J "1 if . Iand dC'!tghled critios around the I 0 man" ",fle,d rep~e-world fro'm critical Hollywood to sept ~Ive f o.m the. NorJlk, socIalSOPhis.. ticated London to the skep. ~cu Ity 0 ftl~e, WIll e l.n thetical l,'a(" East. . t:;t ;,~~ rhU~~~~/r~~ ~ 7~'~I~f~~_ man advis's disabled w rkers, un-Area Shippers . der '5 to inquire abou benefits.. '

lirshey's I~ I

dy b~rs








Open Every Night

Except Saturday

Closed Sunday

2..: 31c


Vel B....uty Bar


Get Your Christmas Tree

FREE with Cash Purchoses.Sove your cosh register

tapes storting Oct. 31

End Cuts

'Pork Chops .... ,.,Lb..

C~nter Cuts

Pork Chops."., .. Lb.


Franks , .


Beef Roast ... :.... Lb. 49cI

~.Sf Choice

IRound Steak. ,,,.Lb. 69c

P RE GROUND BEEF .. 3Lbo, 1.29BI•• Bonne' I Boten••margarine evap. milk

0)4 '·'" 12'''.:- alnlo. ca.1......,~ $100 ''': 2.5c ,,,,,,




Re'g, 1,49

Now )29

Reg. 79c'

Now ,,6Sc




Baby Powder

i Automatic shutoffHahdscraft Reg. $6.95 SALE

Vdporizer ... ,$5.95

I 'H~ndscraft Reg, $R,91iA iustable steam flow SAL,~

oporizer .... $7.95Plastic bowl

W yne N bra ka

',,2 hursd y~ October 31" 19631 Kruse \ ere guests in tI c Edwin iMartl'n. !'I1 s ~ Wu!t('l' Fenske. Mrs. IDiane Itchl I', Karen Amend, \Herman Bluggemnn, Mr and Mrs. \ from the utlu.'flm ('ol11mun ty hOM per ~ucMh< ( lIll' CiliUM;.;.-.......;;,.....~.;.,~....;.,....,4-.,j.;....+'f.----.;..- Brogle lOme Thursdav 1\11" and Lfllll·CllCi· .ochens, Mrs Clarence Mal'dell leJ~,n, Lmda Anderson. Elmer Pel rand lamlly, Mr and pilat homc Sund , ,

H' .. Id Mrs J. E. Pmllel and Richard IH{)/..,man, a d Mrs Herman Op~er, DJane B 'ugg man, Debbie Peters IMrs Geral Bruggeman nnd lam- Mr. 0:1) Mu, Donald ...... rlnk, Mr. and 11'1', I>~d Wlnt.r imler. 'r 8.a wer~ C:V ning visitors AI birt~da cake was baked aDdIand Kat y an Patty Marten lly, Mr. a d Mrs Dwib"ht Brue.gc.\cnrrOIJ, w rc visitors In 1I c Glen tained for' hi'" blrthdlly 5»0(11)' i

, Mr la Id Mrs Rbf J nsen and decorated Y' Mrs. Waller I>"'enske. 'Mrs II. brvl! Kleensang relurned lnan and Douglas, Rnd Mr. and Frmk ho c Thursday, evcnlnA 10 rclntlvcM and lr'~ondl, iGr It F,'mlng Ar.. CamBy, Omaha, Silent 'riday to __ borne fr m t e Lutheran commun, '\MrS WaYI e Thomas. Cakes were Mr nnd MIs. Hobert arlJhnU, 'amela Kelly, Norfol , 'P'c. ,

-~·:-.:;::;;2~~~~::;:~!=~4:"':'+---'-"";=-'-'----- Sundny m the lIemy L ngenbcrg, IHoskins arden Club .dy bosp tal, ~orrolk, Thul'Sday aC. baked by Mrs Joh.n Munter and Norfolk, .. ere VISitors In ,le My Lesll. HI , Fort Carlo. C:.Ol.~.'rllsr. ho , , Hoskins Gurden nlub met· in the Iternoon. I M,rs. Wayne Thomas. 1ron Mars nil home Sund I)' CVl~' 'prl I, .up .r .nd

\ Mrs. Donald Volwlll T, Kelly 1 Mrs. Ed in S('hellenberg home Georg Wa*ner entered the Lu- Mr. and Mr/i,! Bill Holfman and I!ling, 'I evening .... In the' EdW.rd ,and To(d, Carroll, spent ThUl'sday !'1~hllrsday. A poem was rend bYj

Uleran c mm~nity hosplhll, F'ridny 1MI'. and 1\ rs. Lyle Wade, Winside, >1 Mr, and Mrs. Wfl1tl~r Re hwl8ch, Drum.I.' om. Sunday, I

in the ans Asmus bo c. ;'Ilrs. Edwi Schellenberg who aJ6~ 'morning were Sumay afternoon and supper ,~nrroll, u d Ilal'~'v Voss CI'll vis· .IIII11C8 S tll'r, n ,;Iu(II' II ~t",thOIMr. a d Mr~. J. E. p. ~gel were Ign. \.(' the .cDmprehenSiIVq. study, I Mrs. Awalt Walker returned guests in th.e. E'vt.~l'ett New~nuo ~ I~Of!; l~n~1 luncheoll. guest in the llnlverlollty' of Nl'hl'll~kn, L.I.nCOln,:.

supper ucsts m the W. ',Broeke- "Turn ave a New LeaC."'Election home f m tie Lutheran cOmmUll-jhome. IG1C'n Fn k home Sundll)'. lind Mllhl nll'S!;cllll'lll Waynolmeier orne, Osmond, l'l'Iday ~nd lof 'officer was held, ~rs. Carl ity hos ital Vcdnesday afternoon.' Mr, an Mrs. Ernest Frevert, Gerilld Ehh'rs, Lincnl, spent Stllte" vii cd Snlurdny' eveninGevening visitors 'in t e Ca.<;per! I;lmzman was elerted vice presi- Mrs. a,ry Rieser and pamela'l Wayne, a d ,Mr. and Mrs. Arthur 'Ilhe \','e/..'k nd with hili par nts, htr. wil;h CHntll Itt'tit'rH, I I

Brock.e eicr homt', Os land.' and Mrs, E.dwin MClierhenry, jMrs, G ne L'haye, Steve and Lori, Behmer ere Vi.Sitors In the AWlilt all.d JIolrs" (;/..'ol"g:e 1':hll.'l's NIl'. nnd Mrs n, :,\1,. l~tlUy nOcli.

~I~"cretary treasurer. Plans were Mr. an Mr~, Gustav Stepftat, Val- Walker h me Sunday evening. II Mrs. :uJ.!t'lll' Ilnrtmll ent('r· hunlly, i nnklllo, Min!" wero l

So'·ety I made to I 8\'C D' Camily tuirkCY.din. entine, pent Friday to S';I0day in I Pic. L sll. Hlntl" who ,pent the 1~ll~ed 12 ladies IIt,l\ lunc ('on lust Thursday mil 1"1'.hillY. lHHIIs at

e. ncr in he Edwin Meierhenry the Ed Green home to Visit Mrs, past we k visiting reletlves, loft d'rldnv (' '('nlng wllh gUl."ts from CUnton n en hUIll(' \\'h It' he (It.',Phone ':J15~260(l Ihome No '. 17, Mrs. George .Witt·IBer~ha Step at. SundlY or Cemp CnsDn, Colo. II Norfolk ml Hoskins. u'nded N. I:, A, ('OnVl'lItll~n nK PIISt"

G & Club ~eet~, lel' gave he lesson, "Shbuld Gar. Mr. hd ~Irs. Max Stahl, Sholes, Mr. an Mrs. Gary Salyers, Frc- Mr. J\ I Mrs, M~r?n Marshall P~esident (n\stncl III. j' . ,EglabIlJ'lh.'(j In 187[,:' a n~wt:P/lper I! blll'llNl weeldy by 'Mrfl. Margaret Mr nd Mrs Carl 1t1ler en I d H B L' I rI f I I I th 'I M IE. CtllnWr; l111tcrcl" In till' 1ll,1I office at WII no. Nobriurl<n, aM tlecond cla~II' : d' " I ~ T' d' - 1r!cllcrs Sop Dusting an.'d Spray- were d nne~..and afternoon guests m(lnt, an .enr.y uri, m~o n, an lUll "Y were VISI or' n t' I." r. lll\( rs, ~.. lln WiltlPr, Lyenlllll mutter, I'((.tu n l'oatnl;O GUIlI'antllo I. CO ly must be tlubmlltl~d by Mon~ tertam . G & G c u ~es ay, I lng." Pri ,cs in contests. were won in lhe WI~ 18m Brogrcn home, were guests 10· the Arnold l\hller 1RobeI'I Impson home, Norfolk, lind Vern)1 w(,.n, VI~llll'~ In tilt!~ny nrt'-'l'noon. , ' Th,e ev ,nmg w~s spe~t layt,ng ten IhV Mrs. alter Fenske 'and MrS'lWinSid , Wednesday. home Sll!d8Y. ISaturdllY" lIfnry I ngl'l\lwl'g, J. IWllw

Jllmoa W. ],I'arsh pomt Itch With p,rlze· ?Olng ~o Edwin Meierhenry, DenJ e, R once and Dianhe PuIs Mr. an Mrs. Marvin Grothe and Mr. a d Mrs, Claus athmln Monday, j ,I!vllrtlrllng mnn~ger ~r. a d Mrs. Erw~n Inch, Wlt- 1_ , visiled in tll home of their great· IfamilY' vii rc visUors in the Wilbur met M, and Mrs. VI' I' t..n· Mr. ll~ll Mrs F.dWlIn!III'lIl11eIH

-P'-"-'''~Y-__-T:::'h:::''=W:::.=,;f'.n-':::'':::'I,=,"':'',-,,-.I~o-,"~no-t+-r,-,,+,"-"-,-",,-,,=.~,y"-'--p-"n":::..:.c..,o-d-do-e~ ham esely and (,eo g~ Wittler. I Town a Country Club! grand othe, Mrs. Lizzie Puis, Bruns borne SUI1:day evening, I gcnberg Ind ion, Mark, Omah., Wt'rl' vls'{ JI·S [n 1111' I': llll'l' 7.ns.• -R-k IbM 1 Town nd Country GaJ..den club ,.Monday eve. ing, Mrs. Mattie Voss Mr. and Mrs. J:lilbert Neitzke lit Scr bfler Frldav. Rutten trow hpn " Norfolk, Tl.llll',~dIlY.nut IlUV(1 1I, Iltor~ry editor, Tlwre(orl poe T'y III ·not accepted fur 00 u eets 1 ' I R t h ed th 1

lluhlkntlon. M d ' 'I a I mel las Tuesday afternQoon with \was also a Ivisilor. I were guests in the home of her II "n Iccompa • MI". nl ~rs Blilvi Klnt.'pkc,tert;in ~ R~lr~~' ~~~{ ~~~~{~e s'C~~: I Mrs, Wa ne Thomas. Mrs. Ward,:. ,mother, Mrs. Fred Mler, Norfolk, V.rne angenbergs to, Omah~ Timmy I\(\ "odd, ~ W~'~'I' d~nn('r

Wa:rne. the Count:r .. ,Y,Johnson presented the thoughts, Ch ..(he !Sunda y. where- they left for Manhlt gUl'sls II 'tht' {;Il'n 1"111nk home_____..L:...::==--=r:::....:.:=--i=:.:.+::.'..:N.::•.::":.:'n:.:.=k.::......___ n~Jng. rJ:l('S wenl tn 1\11~ and Mr';. '''ll Is Po 'sible to Have Too Much" I U ·5 • '.. Mrs, Harry Schwede was a 1 lan, KI ., to attend tho Nebru. S 'I't '

- TE!'!i F rpd ol'hpm, Walter I· ('oske and Iand "I'm Fine." A bud vase and ,_ guest in the Mrs. Dale Silacl'k I ka and Klnsas footba game, . UI\{ a . " .1In' W/l,yn(l, T'lt>rce; Cedar, J)Ix II, Thul"ton, umlng,' 14lllllt~)'il and Madison Mrs. IIt-rman \1arl('o. 't t M A It W lk-. Trinity I Lutheran ,Church Ihome Pierce and the Lucille Ro_ They ere Saturday vernlght Mr. II ( Mr.~. (1'1l1.~'1 HII'thmnncounUell; '$1.00 per ;year, $11.( 0 for HI m nths, $2.00 for thrfle montll!!, - , ' .~()se was sen. 0 ~s. I wa a (G'. B Frank, pastor) b ' ho~e Meadow Grove guests In the Robert Fletcher \\'\'1'(' vi: ors III tlH' I'l'('d HIII·~·nut.I1Jde COUlltll'a,f.enttone.d: fi.fJO por cnr, U,OO CUI' six months, $2.71i for Mrs. an,ge~berg Hostess I',Or. ",At tCh

lbWda'"rdnerJO'hSnSPonahnh·odm.N,OV, T~ursd,a~J Oct. 31: Junior and ~~d~~~day, Thursda'y afternoon 'I home. slladl horl' M\Hulllr

thrl1il munths, S! &10 cOpies 1 c, ... - M ( I h t I h q, 8" rs J.t'0rgt', ,angen erg en .er- Roll Ci II was a bulb exchange,; senIOr C air:, p.. m. ,in the Mrs. Gle~ Peterson hom~, .Johnn RehllH'r was an over.' •

l?Jned Blrthdaj rlu)b W{'dnes:lay, The gro p planted tulip bulbs at' Sunday, ov.. 3., Sunday school, IWayne, and Friday afternoon 11\ mghl gu'st in the lIenr LangenI ' (,llest W('l'f-' \1rs. 1 flnald :VP1h1 (', h, f t l' C ittee' 9:45 a.m.; serVices, 10:30. the Martin Koehler home, Pierce. berg, jr, /WllW Friday Ch!lrle~ Mr." Mrs, Roberti SI\11mohs,

H·Q',.,·S'K; I."I.N N·EWS W:IY~ ~lr~..Ch.:ll"les rarran, :nCch~~; i~r~r:a~~nKOll~~mMrs.:-, 'Mrs, Henry Langenberg, s'r.,:Lang('nb'.n: was an' ov('ml~ht Bruce,.d !.l'IHlIll', il·OlTinJ.:to~\W.lnsHC' an.d MI'.S' ~.tanlt,y I'.<lngen 'l' S. h d QI M' J !pe8Ce Ev, ,land Reformed Church was a visitor in the Claus Rath- ,gllflSI. in. Ihl' \'('I'n.on B,l.'h WI.' home Wyo., VI l'lt'd ltll'.I'IJ.~I.n,w £IllY" Inhl':~. Mr: . .!!t'nry . La~g\'~l~)('r(;., ~r~~eT~~m~~ pre~:~tedi (John IE, Sa~t~n pastor) ]! man home Friday, I Friday. , tilt' Joh ()W('Il:-i honll'

, Mrs, J. E. Plngel- hone 73 M~s. aUl.! I ('~sk(', \lrs. ,'I().r~C' lhp com reh('nsive study, "Buck- ThU~sdaYI Oct. 31. ChOir rehl'al'- 1IJJrs', Adolph Bruggeman, Mrs., Mr nel Mrs Verne Langen- Bonnl pwens, Grar'djhl4nd' Wit------1----.....-..;".-1--1----------- Wagn r", Mr~<; b~WJ~, ~r,(),g,J(' ",ntl brllsh," rs. Lyle Marotz present-; sal, .8,00 - 9,15 p:m. ,Wayne Thomas, Mrs, Clarl?nCt> I hprg an I Mark, Omaha, and Mrs. Ia wpekl' d g\l('~! 1ll Iht, (Jlln Owe,nHMrs. (,eor~(' L.ln,( n HI g v.on, I h "D t Ff "1 Friday, Nov, 1. World Commun· '~chroeder Mrs George Lang£'n·' Henry 1angen!wrg ~r ere sup- homt'

Corn,Pic~i", Ber .' enr, Mrs., Mlevin Meierh{'nry, prizes ~O\'t 2C6 e~:~~~g is ~~rh'Mr~~~~sE. ity Service,1 Norf~lk, 2 p,m, 1berg ,and ,Mrs, J', E, PIngel at~end.I---~- ' . ,.' , I 1

NCighbors an~ relatives of: Henry drs. IrVin Werner. 1" ,; I Sunday, lNO~. 3. S~nday schoo!. Ied The Wayne Herald Best of ·AII :Kleinbach whQ recently under PfnOC Ie Club Meets 1O,.,{'. 10 a.m.; worship serVice, 11; Install- Days Cooking school at the citywent surg~ry m a Norfolk hhsPltal, M and Mrs Alfred Eckman Mr and \Irs J ('n --- ation servicie, Trinity church West I audItorium Wayne, Thursday Iheld a cornplc~mg bee 'I1uesday 10 eapo!ls and Martha Green' :)~~'sal cd the' \llmt:~~1 P ~~Sk~ set~ ~:n~:t at the new Pomt, for Rev Charles A Kurlz, I Mr and Mrs Robert Wemn('hal hiS home and harvested 75 acres \ aid WlsnC'[ were dmner guests I ;\1 h I Wi M d 7 30 Ptm Iand famllv Norfolk, were VISitorsWorkers were ~mll Koll, Lep Voss un ay III the Gustav Et kmann :vi rs CI;Jrpnc( ,lT1( I III t' a st on ay evemng -, III the Wlibur Behmer home F IIFred Maas, Art Kruse, Geo~ge and 10m ,md Mrs Clmton, Wf'J ( (ommJt ees named were pubhclty, Ev ngeflul United Brethren day m IJohn Amend, Marvin sc

4roeder, M and Mrs IIans Asmus spent guest Prill'S \'-{'Il 1)\ 1\11 ',rlS" Ii: III Ulrich and Mrs Jack (endell Da\ilS, pnstor) Doris Luce, Chicago, accom.

Ray Jochens, Philip an JohniJHJ y to Sunday WIth relatives and rs Erlwm \lr;; '\1 lin ('I ostl'IS Mrs Harold Witt Sunday,lNov 3 WorshIp ser I panied Duane Green to OmahaScheurich, Clauf> Rathman, August I rt your S D lhur I plJlnl [ It( \ (, I H I< Idnk lIe I am Mrs Don, Langenberg, Vice, 930 am. Sunday school, Sunday to board the trllin forand Melvm Mele ~enry, 'WIllis I(t<1rc~c(' Schlo('drrs pnd rllntnn <.;cr,lp!Jo k Mrs G( orge Lsngen-110 30 Blbl~ study, 730 pm Lenox. She had spent threeFalk Ed Ave V rnon $chmer M and Mrs Gary Asmus and R{'bet' TIl(' n(:\l m('('ltltlj.~ v. ill b{' WednesdflY Nov 6 WSCS WI! I weeks with her mother MrsCarl 'Wittler, L~Roy Wachtter, Rob' {'~ v, Norfolk spent Monday In h('l{! IN()\C'lllhr! It) ,11 1111' Ed\\l0 pI'( Il'd for the year was diS ham Wesely 'home ' Bel"tha Steppat, In the Ed Greencrt Kennedy, Larry Bohl, John SIC Ih( lans Asmus home WlOh( hOInP {l1~S('d and a new electl'lc mixer 1 home.gert, Arthur Ulnch Donald Mell;~r- I a.ul Lackey, Apollo: Pa., was I-~ 1 1m the school kitchen was thought I Mr and Mrs Adolph Brugge I Mr and Mrs Edward Brumelsh~elll'Y, Philip Ave Fre~Kleen- ~ ~::~~y a~: ~:e~~~~~v g~:~~ Blrt ~ay",ClUb Meets. " I til \bt worthwtl\e pr~~:c~ and man ente~tamed at dmner Sun were VISitors in the Ernest Kol isang, Albert Beh er, urence .M , l'rNI JochCtlSI ('nlC'rLll.nce f ro m coun was e day III ho?or of Mrs Bruggeman's lath home Sunday.Jochens, Robert N rnberg and Ed n home. Bll't day. club Satul'r!ay ('venmg. \\on b Mrs Edith Strates seeond birthdav Gu('sts well' MI and Mr and Mrs Henry Asmus andMaas. ThOse who prepaded and M·. 1:a,O(I Mrs. Kennard J:Ialll G\le.~ s \\erc l\~r,;, La111'cIlce .J,och- ,m.d th rd grade~i. Fife Chief ~~ IMrs. Me~l:vr; jSruggeman, Gary, I Ronnie, Mr, and Mr:i, Wilbur Beh- I!<crved. din.ner ~nd 1 neh Wfre Mrs. weI" VISllors in the Kenneth Kle p.. {'ns, [Mrs. Clarcnce Il..qem. an, I am· nldn 0. fer presented. t~e progr 'Paul and; Joh1il Des Moines Mr. 1m. er and family were visitors in ~Ray Joch os, Mrs Rober Nul'll- k~ orne, Plainview, Sunday eve· ela ~nd Paula, and ~Jh. John Ku- "Profe ing Our Comrnu~lIty." The Iand Mrs. 'Johh' Munter, Ran'doph, Ithe Vernon Behmer horrie Friday'

~. _inlll , dl'ra The afternoon I was spent new fl e truck was on dJsplay. Mr and Mrs Eddie Fork Linda evening to visit with Mrs. Bl'h- 1

brrg, Mrs, John Sl gert, rs. Le, r. and Mrs, Clarence Kruse, I play_ ng "Bunco," PrJl;('S \\,PH' won H.o~t sses were Mrs. Myron Iand Lonnie Carroll Mr ill~d Mrs mer who recently returned hooll' 1!---I------4------++-----;-----'Roy Wachter, Mrs. Augus Meier" Sus n and Kip, Pilger, ilnd Arthur I by 'rs. H. C. Falk,! \Irs. Frank Walke, Mrs. Walter Strate, Mrs. __~~~:....- '__'_. :.-~ ~

- '\VIllar Klecnsang and Mrs. Carl:\Iann Welcoming the guests were 1!\Ir.~ Falk, ~Jrs, Ray JOCh-1 •

Ii DenniS Pu]s.

~~;\11' and j\,lrs, August Spangler,!

Nor!'o] .' l\lr.,. Minnie Kraus(' and IIf' w('rc ('allNs in the Er"

1 I angt>nberg home Sunday,I 1\'lr lIld Mrs. Edwin Brogie, Mark I


and dell!', w,ere afternoon and Iguests In the Arnold Witt·

ler me Friday.I Mr and Mrs ErWin Hans, Ris-

ling Cty', at/l'nlled services at the 'I'

1~l~)~ki '~r~ri~~~~e~ut~~~anaf~~::~~~! ,guest. 10 the Uev. G. B. Frank

harpe Sunday, IM , and Mrs, D, M. Duffy and

four children, Mankato, Minn.,wer Thursday overnight anddinn r guests in the Clinton Re­ber home. Mr _ Duffy is a past Ipres dent of NEA District IIIand attended the Teacher's Con-

~:1 Friday in Norfolk. I::'Ill' and Mr's. Clinton Reber

hosts Friday night to CardCll1h }\'1~', and \lrs. Lester Kleen­

Lmll Gut!.mann and Mr.


,~r.~. Herb!'rt Kle.ensan g won

pr~~~' ~y Lou Scheurich, Hastings.sprn last weekend III t~e Paul,Sehc rich home. Iit:r:l'inat~~eM~~r~~~y~e~~~e~o~s~,Wed It':~day mght I

),11. ami Mrs. jerry Suhr, Vickya'nd Tammy, Norfolk, were din­ner guests in the Arthur Behmer

I hO~., ~~(~d~~s. Edwin Winter en-IItert' ined .16, relatives and frien.ds


Sun ay mght in honor of Mr. Will'ter', birthday. Mrs. Harvey Kues- I

ter )aked. and decor.ated the b.irth-I:,day cake

j rs, Ella Buchanan, Osmond,

:f ,:h;~r;J:::;~~;;dnaOn~.;: Iand Mrs. Lester Deck and fam­ily were Sunday ~inner gUoests in Ithe Paul Miller home.

r. and Mrs, Clarence_ Schroed·er were Sunday dinner guests Z'

the Erwin Ulrich home. Il\ r; and Mrs, Alvin Wagn I'

~v: ~en~i~i~~~ S~nd~~eev~;~rge,nc'e.1 Irs. August, Brohzynski and I

gr nddaughter, Jud.v, Winside,. andM . and Mrs. Herbert Schwmdt,5t nton, were visitors in the Mrs.Mi nie Krause home Saturday Iaf ernoon.

Mrs. Ed,na Miller, Los An­9 les, arrived at the Ed Greenh me Wednesday for .an inde·


Staley 3gefie~~tavi~:e;~t:t,her mother, Mrs. pOp corn oil".pt. .

r~. Minnie Krause and Marjorie 'HI-e 3a d Mrs. Arnold Fr?elick, visitedI' fruit drinks ~L 89c ------ I-.;..--.j.......;.!----+~.,in th¢ Rud"oIph Raasch .home, Nor- ,I .,ange. Orange Plne.-PPlel' fi'aII k, : Tuesday afternoon. 9

Irs, Bill Selling, Des Moines,! s"'u·PGe

·A~R~':.~i~;~:~~e.lbr.iIIPetrUlt.. . u-et. 3 Cvisiting in th:.'e Vernon Behmer, Ihnny ,Krausel and Mrs. Irene FaItetcher homes this week_Mr. and Mrs.; A·lf:red Smith and 89 r... 31cmily, Lincoln; 'WO'e Sunday din·I With $5.00 or C _

b ~~~{i.~~~i~;~;;:.:~;II: .mO'BeO'de~I·,II·'C M


a r et Sa' keMrs. clare~4e emann enter- ~ined \10 girl~ Th sd:ay for Peg- 1 I: o~~e:'I\te'::;' '::~' p~= 11._:O~pe:n:.:E~v~e:ry.:..N~,=i:9:h:t~E:x:c:e:p:t:.:S:o~tu=trd2o::y_a~,n~d.:...S_u_n_d_ay~_ _+-----+---:::~-4r----t"-:-~tr:~;IU~~~:r~~....;......-tr-'-fi..:oo----~-:- ....t----"-t-....:.----JI :f~se present


.. " I






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C. Jaeg r - G., .Jorgcnse~.Engage ent Announced

.\11'. an I ?lIn. G,)tthilf Japgflr,Winsdt" annotmc(' the cn'~,lg('

tllt'nL of thl'lr dnughter, Carol,to Gene ,J(Jrg('nsen, son of 1\lrancl Mrs Chris Jorg('n~('n, Bei·den. A eCl'mber 1 wedding isplanned.

IDorlen iWi~lr Melvin IShufelt Wed 1I~~\~~ay~.~r;-p2';'.~I~~':';:.~:~~Th. W.y•• ~N~br.)" 2 t'aUma devotion. to follow .eeond I:t:,,~r,~8~I~b~.. ~9j,,7,,·, ;T~lId~e:n~h:o:'P:ljt;I.I-==:;=;tt===::;::I~ar~?~ IYO Wl~!~ Nor~l~r.e,!!ony _9ct~~~r__l;~i~~t~~ir::'~~f~,r:;hO~~ ~~1Z~\~~'p,. ~;'\I~:~..~I. :: ~i!.,4-_.H~:,-I~#..'....WI__._'I:lllr'hter ,of M~. and Md. Ervin I 1:30-3,p.m, ", Wllkl.'flcld, a't! grundlUlrc.onlli, rR, I"\\·ittlj'r; Car 'ollj and :\h'I~;in Shu~ I I Sunday. Nov, ~. Low moss, 7[ tiu!! Schulz 's Rrt'At,~rllndmoher. M~"y .Idft>lt. snn of *r.: and Mrs.! William I a,m:; low, mass and ·benedlcthm" Oct. 20: M', nnd Mrs. 10nl1 1m. Mild rurll m Uri.S11l1f('!t, CaljrQl1. were 11l3rricd Ju.n~or eholr, 8; ,hiR,h mass, .seninr~i. bell, Allen, a son, G, Ibs., '~ OZ, to uI'llCl' wll, "I mentllt,r. p .ant.)ehher 21 at ~t. Paul's l~utheran' chOIr, 10, "Wakerlelll he Nilitill. I Innll rnl WII Invnrltc hum" b.k.hurch. Winsirh' Rt·\!, H. M, 111I-1 ,Monday, Nov, 4: Holy commun· i Oct. 20: 11': Ilnd Mrs VII'llt'r I t'll hUH! T l' ~llll1owe(ln mit.Ii'rt offi('inlNI at the do~ble ring: ion, chapd, 7 a.m.; mas-s, chap('1, I Mutlsen, 1.11', n'l, (l 80n, 9 Ihs" 1111 h'(' dl~ci l(lc! 10 '!old q party I llSO

., \·r('f]Jony. "The Wt'(hling Prayer": 8:3?.. ,I oz., Wnkl'fle d hospital. '1111 Unit )\Vt'tl1 light. Mary IIJ!.'o;;,n''',I, ~:'J',o'I'u"ffJrU"MfeOr·tnhC~, ~lf.~I'df?,rw:'°rue I lues~ay, Nov. 5. Mass, 7 p.m, I1Wl'mUI WIl 111\'ll'd R!udlltlnt MWN- u " '-- JU ... I confeSSIOns, 6·7 p.m. I rtJpnrt('!, 11IIt ~lf('tl\ry. Ann 11m•png hv ~lrs, l.aVern lIurlbert and, Wednesday, Nov, (]: Holy com· COURTH USE tllt'rmll~~.ll .(' \ dl!ffionslratl. on.

Karen Hurlbert, Carrull,1 accom·! ml\nlon. chapel. 7 ~,m.; TIl?SS, IROUND P <,'(·IJ.\('rp!N'(·l> • 'he n,,'xl m ClUngjli\ni('d by l\1'rs. Alfred Patl·nt, nan., ehapel, 11 :30; Nt>wmlln club, Birch will hl' 'O\'I II I t.1r 22. .

: J(I~~I~ bride, given: maJri by ;"lm, WSC Stud('nt Union, 6:30 I)· I II '

hpr fath('r, wore a f10Qr length I ", I co~~( I~~u ~~IS l\h-Derrnoll, Ins. SCOD N !s •••I ·""~"·'~h'n'a' O,rf",t~rdo<baodd"'~n swa,ttihnaJdevSing..~ekd·1 W r. 'tal N t I ,Mrs. R y Su~er Hosts c cc cc ayne nosp. 0 es wo,' J, fin('d $10 and $' "osl,. 101'1

Q IJIl(~ and long tapered sle~veB. The ,."1' ·1 proper t\l.rn Complaint hy ., L. !ll'n I), PIle 175, Tn('t 1\llIdAYGee ub J..ast Tuesday 'own was designed and Imade by , :. '[ Hailey, ('II) police, LlI tlw 1\lvln I ('I:: home with Mn,Mrs ay SllI'b('r was hosless :hr' hridC', Sll(' wore a [bOUffant I ,I 1 Admitted: Mrs, Ellen Johnson, Oct. 17: ~llrry Nkhols, W ynC'. Rf'I'1l ulnd M I Allan Willi I ••

at' GQC ast Tuesday. Mrs. Ted i \..t'f[ of whitt' nel held byla ,.crown Laurel; Mrs. Arthur Young, Laur· I fined $20 a d $4 {'o~!s. Spc dl1l~: !lisllnij Thl' I rt'lJnl! 01)~cd withI"uoss a d Mrs, lIarold Surber ,f ll('ill'lS and rhineSlonCSfShC car- ,. , el; Mrs. Jay Drake, Carroll, Mrs. in city. C mpillinl hy Haill'. i·tll(' fl1lli !l1l1;11' and tIlt' Cub Seoutwere gu sts. Prizl'.'. at .500 wenl 1'1C'·J rtVl rOSl'S on a whit Bible. I Ludolf Kunz. Wakefield; Rhonda Oct 18: )on MInt's lIal'lin Inn [ Ito Mrs. I'('arl Criffith, Mrs. Hal'· ; !llaid of honor was Jan. Patent, I . Afulcrson, Wakefield; Gene San· fined'$l0 aId $4 l'OSI~. Imp n"I'~ .I'rlllll!!oo' I~III ('111\ WIiS "M F~.old Surb r, Mn. Fuoss and ~Irs ,lta.!ldOIPh. Marr,ella Shu It, Car. registered ,th.". guest~. Joyce Dang- dahl, Wayne; ·Mrs. Joseph King, registration ('omplulnt hy I': \'Orltl' .'\' Prj I'am," 'rhe r ld'nJl~C. J. Per in. Nov. 2li m{'('!ing will 'r:)I!. was bridesmaid, T ey wore berg, Karen Hurlbelt aln? Sherree Winside; Mrs. Robert Haberer, Dtlghman, )1111'01 '!lilPl'l" lHIPpl'\ \\·,'rt' r1nlshe forbe with I'S, ~rl Auke!' !drntieally styled dresse or red Dangberg arranged lhe ,giftS. H~st. W.ayne; Walter Lage, car~o~1; .Od. 18.: .arry Sampson, Ilkl' 1)\1' I'llll'k lin' ,tin"., The m ttun'A:

hrnt'arl(' safin with cap sl~evcs and IeSs was Mrs. Earl ShlJ?ley, or .. Richard Lippman, Wayne; rll. fll,ld. fined 25 and $4 eosts S .'·"d l'I()~,'d wilh 11 Iivlnu cirri. R(l.Marsh II Waller Baptiz.ed elrclt't neckline. They wo~e match- folk. Mrs. Murra~_ 1:('lcy, Ran.! LeRoy Clark, Wayne, l'ump atilt uy H. Mll\ IS pi! : frt'~hrnj'Mh w' (J !lpn'('(1 hy David

Marshlll AI.ln son (Jfl 1 arry J.n~ pl~lbox h~ls and carr~~d'a lon~ ~~~PhRa~~~~~~: c~~s~n~usre-~~~d ~;~ I Dismissed: Mrs. Raymond ~Ioan l~amJlr~lh ---'.and Mar CDC Lois I.t'hman Wall· ! 'itt'mmed w.hlte rose, II Iweddin ca~e and daughter, Laurel; Mrs. SadIe {leI, 18: Eug:erw Bnl\\n, ok,' ---,t'f, who was born Oct I al ' Harold Wlttlpr. Carroll, was best, . g . nie Glassmeyer, Wayne; Rhonda field, fined 25'und $4 rusl~. S)('pdO'NC'ill. as haplin'd Oel, '27 at ,man Hllllald Rohtk, Ca~roU, w~s I ~altrcs~C's. w:r.r Joy .S~Ch, I Longnecker, Winside; Mrs. Min. Ing Coin 'oint by MaVIS

St. Pal I's I.tI(h(~ran Ichurch, . Usl1l'rs wc~e D~am E.. hn~.r ,M~lt.t~I,S' ~~IlY Lo.,~~n~ . ~~d I Anderson, wakefiel.d:. Mr, ~._ Albert .',l.d. IH· I IllJI.das MJlI('I'. ~. !l'T duta. 'ChamlH' s. H,", ll. I.. Hra\l!l('r (arr01l, and . D I C k 1Anna \ ac J< Lilim I. O~hcr s asslsl· Frost, Wayne; Mrs Herman Lund· III fllwd S ;J and $,1 eo:-.t:-. S (,t'dstreut.hcl officiakd at Iht, ser ,Wayne. Can~lclighterslmg were ~1rs. Allrll.l'rahm, Ml's. berg W'dyne; Waller LilIH'. JlI',' ('Olll] lllnl hy Ma\'is\-ices. SI un.'",urs W('["(' ilnd Sands. Labrel, and I Mprlm ~enn~, l\-lrs. ;h'.lrlt's Broe~-, Carr'oll; Mrs. Gene Sandahl,'I ;kl. ::!H. Hudulph (' III 11:-.Mrs. WI liam Podoll l'am· Sandre] Lllrt'lll, nandolph. Dy- man. 1.lIa Sandbur,... ,1I1d Bonme i Wayne· Mrs Henry Gehner Win·· I II! $IC ! $0 I

l'la POlul!. ,\101 l(-'('J] N{'11Jl'tllll, Wa~n(', wlas,flower Frahm. , . "[Side; Mrs. joseph Klng, Wi~side; '.;~~~':~':: ::~:: '~':::::)l<;JI~t~lJ~1\11'. and Mrs. gll'l and l\.lark ~ rahm, Carroll, 'I .The ?fldr graduated fro~ W~J'ne ~Irs. Jay Drake. CarrolL I ~'t'IJblt' :--li{ nff I .])rlJxi('s :)r tht' gudpart'Il'h ~('n'('d a:-. flng bearer. High School, anti the brIdeg,o?m , ", ' .

A ]"('cl'llIHlIl was hl'ld irl th~ gradualed from Carroll HIgh I Oct',:!l-\ .. ('I'lllll ~\'lrIFh, [ '~Ii{'Honor Circle Meets ot chur('h, .1Ja.S('llH.'llt fOIl,owing' the ISrhonl. Th\' ,l'I)UP]{' will l"l'sidp at I ~rnmum: \l rl.. Jill( ,j .111 ,mil .$.;) ,.(lud

\\'l' Iilin" S~irlt,v Wiltlpr. Lincoln, 408 South ThIrd Stree,t, Norfolk, I ":'\..~. . -t; ("I .~illli"lln In. 1ll'ltlli 1!IllK, N. arke Residence ' --- .----'- .~___. Iplalnl hy \i1rnn 't"\IJl~:. ('[I1~I'1

IIonor Circl(' I11l't \, dh \rr~ S nday Nov 3· Sub-district ' i valliln (lffj( \'1K.~, !,-Irkl' :.: \Il'~ Oidorbi Club Meets Myl;t Ra'By 2.:10 pm' ReV. AI.I Sept. 26:. Mr. and Mrs. il;)S~Pt1l (lcl 2H, CllfflJ["d Wl'irldl, (;N,~,1alldl' '!l('\'h \Ir~. 1'('al"l With Mrs, A, Brune fn'd Knlsan;!e, 'S()llther~ Rhodesia, IKing.. WInSIde, a :'lon, Rona ( II', aid, :\10, rrwd $10 and $~, 'II:--hS('wc~l \.('I"(' r()jliJst{'S,~I'.i, Tll('l"e l;idorhi clu/) m('t with Mrs 'k' 9:'\0 ,gustme, 7lbs .. 8 uz. 'Luaded ... hllgun In mollir \1 liCk

were 1;:: mprnlH'r~ prl':--('nl, \Ir.~. llrunl' (;uesls WE're Mrs. sP~~e~~e'Sday Nov 6: Wpsley club I' Sept 27: Mr, and Mrs. Robt,)'!! l'lllllnlainl h~' YounJ.(Turn.'r (':Hlt!lll'll'i-! llli' :'-hwka and Mrs Ed 5::W p.m,; .s~nior· high 'MYF, 7; ~~b~re~'II~va-r~e, a daughter, Joanl Oe!. 2H. L('!) S]lJlhlllall. e; 'rald.

llH'('lin'! \lrs Lester Prizcs wt'nt to Mrs, Now· l'ha)lct'l ('hoI I' r('lwal'sal. 7:30: ' ~tr 22' Mr ~~~I Mrs Ivan Mal-: \10, flnpd $111 and $1 ('r',sh ,oudlliJnsCJl. 1\11':-', 1'- .\ ,]lll ka Mrs. (~ruhb. Next meet· I .l' 'D" . . 8 ·lb. 4 led shotgull 111 motor \'t'hre!.', ('om

A li:~I,: (,l.~,~ 10;..( IS Nov. l~ with Mrs. Mar· Grah Lutheran Church ~~~fie;~onho:pi~~r' s., oz., plaint by oung .

C:l!l lo 'ran'r ])\Inklau I Missouri Synod Oct. 22: Mr. and Mrs. La Royce ' (Jet'.,2H, Honald (,ll.~tafs(ln Ith._~ ~ -_ (E. J, Bernlhal. paston Arnold, Laurel, a dau~hl('r, H 'lrll. ,llnl'd II! and $.") r()~h I !I'g lll

TIll' n 'xl ----....;.;....;.;;;.;;...;;;;;~--- Friday, Nov, 1: Adult doctrinal Ibs., 9 oz., Wakefield hospital lurking Complaint Ily ,urlllal the hurch SOCIAL FOREC 1\ ST linformation rlass, 7:30 p.m. Oct. 24: Mr. and Mrs. Ralph I ,lawson r ty jmllt'(,2,JI:l('~vi~·; (,~';l~;n ;l1ld .\'1r~ ,\lbert 'H sa. tu.rda y. ' N,,'lV. 2:.Junior ,'rhoir;- Sherer, jr.,~wakefield, a daughter, Marriage icenses

1 pm; Saturday Bible school and 71b 31,; W k fi lei hospital I Ort, Iii !\-fahrl, 2(.Anc!erso tl.-., hus!t",<l':-; confirmatIOn lllstructlOn, I :"30. O~t~b~~ o~; r:r.

ca~d Mrs. fo.'1er. Ilh:)n. b. and l'f'lt'r:-'l'l,

I Friday, Nov, 1 I Sunday, Nov, :L Sunday school, rill McDonald, Oakdale, <i dauJ.(h· \ ('o!'fl't'IJon 'illf', la.JE CI b Meets' Wi~h (;uldpnrod club, Mrs. Klu e Bible .classes .and ~ast.. or's! class, I":-:':-;';'-;';-:':-;';~':'::':;';-::'::':":"::'::':":'_--+------+-------t----....;.;..;.....,Mrs. J lie Haas Saturdav, Nov, 2. 9 a.m ; worship, "God s PI,an In· II

JE lub. met Tll('sday with f<:<tstern Star Kensmgton'l Mrs., volves You," 10; CIrcuit lay· I

Mrs, Jtlia Hans. Mrs. Otto Saul Alfred Sydow ! • I men's confNence, S1. Paul's, Win· Iwas a lIt'St. !'rizes went to Mrs. Monday, Nov, 4 'side, 2:30-4:30 p.m.; third ses·otto S ul and Mrs Herman 1Il1lside club, Mrs. E1d Grone sian Circuit 4 Bible institute, 7:30-Fr('('sp ~('xt is ]\jnv Acme club. Mrs. David farner .9:40:i with '11', Ida Tuesday, Nov,S, I M~nday. ]\jov. 4: Nehraska

Fl'lt'ndly c.;r.OllP, Mrs, ~sthcr I rampus pastors' ,institute, 10 a.m.Johnson I Tuesday, Nov. 5: Sunl!:ly schoolunication" Theme PEO staff, 7:30 p.m.

man's Club Friday Cc'nlr<ll Socli.\l Circle, ,Elder Wednesday, Nov. 6: WSC Luth-Rev. William Siml1lf'r spoke L\lbb('r~t('dt home "I'eran Gamma Delta, 6:30. p.m.;

on "c mmunism" at Woman's Cotcrle . I youth choir, 7:15; adult chOir., F iday. Meeting .th~m(' Wl'lS Thursday, Nov, 7 --- I"c 0 m It n i('atioll.·' '{he club Loga~ I1omemakcls, !Mrs!. Can· I St, 'Mary's Catholic Chutchcreed as read and J('an Evnon rad Welershv,user !, : " I (William Kleffman, pastor)sang, ecomp:Jnird hy Nancy Red.eem('r LU:heran Ladles Aid _ y , OcL :n:.lVJass, c.hapd,Wolter LW:'v1L· Altona Lutheran Lad l1::'J am.; confesslOt.s, 4:30'.5:30,Fifty· ne members and right if'S Aid _" Ip.m. and 7·8.

guests \\/('1'[' present. \1I"s. Clar- - ------------- Friday, Nov. 1: Masses, 17 andence S l'el1s(')1. house' chairman, I 11:30 a.m. and 7 p.m.; eonH.'ssionsn'p~)rte I that the nct' carret Wayne before <i~,~es: Sacred I·Ieurt de·

~~~i b~~ '~, \~:~(,~II~I(~c111b \1('('n II votlons. t lollU\".' Illa~ses.

PU~;,~1:1"'~:",\l' hl.e.n 111''''.''ltn or., CIhurches... GAY THEATRE-.dl'f nl:W lllUS1C book:<. (n theselecli ,g commltlee <ire Mrs St, Paul's. L~tneran Ch rch i I COCA.COLA'S FREEWHlla Sjmmer. :\lrs, Ioward (H. E. Shlrck, pasto) . t '-. COSTl:lME PARTYWiUt' 'nd Mrs. Orval HIC ·('rslm. Saturday, Nov. ,2: Cat ehlsn HALLOWk::l;..,~ •

DelCjate'S chosen to aU nr! thl' '. 1::1O Jl m.; Sunbca choit, IT'hursday, Oct. 31 ..,4:30nistric III convention at :\fadi· 1..1(1. chOIr, -2. Isnn N v, 12 are ;\1 n, Herb LUll, Nov. 3:. Church school. TH. E. GREAT CLOWNS AT THEIR BEST!\lrs. l-l'rma.n ~tlt\'('. :\lrs . .Juli:l ~::)(l (I,m.; atlult Bible clas., 9.30; ~

Haas, :\oIl'S Hobert Gormley, 11\ me 10:30. Qand irs. Baslil Os)mrn. Alt('r- W('dnesdil. y, 6: ~enio ChOi:·1 I':, ..,1!fJnates 'are Mrs. Vern Predoehl. church schabI t aeher s (S

\1rs en ParkC'. \frs, Clan'nce 8 ;.Sor('ns n, Mrs. Wilt and No\~. 7: Altar uild, 21

F. W1 'htman. pm. I'

~ee;t theme" at the I~eyan Methodis~ Ch rch(Hev. Walter Steinkamp, IJastor) I

Sunday, Nov, 3: Sunday school. I10 a.m.: morning worShip, 11, Ro­i ~('r, Creen .. student pastor child~

! I~~~~i~ s~~~;I,c~':3~i3~ve~i~g; e~~~~', IS

Mt'nerve Club ProgramGi en by Mrs. Kes$ler

,1111I'I"\'a club Jtlf't LlI~ a one0' 'Irwk Illn('hl'rm Monday at\1 111'1"':-- T(,tl Hool1l. \In" Vredn ] 1"\. wiJ'i hostess, !\Ins. Yale1\ ,t~kr pr.l'st'ntl'd lh(' I.)'r;lgra~n,

,I '-/('1 nl ('~-;a.\'s by Lolullll1lStJ( hn (;'Hlll!, (;t1('.~1.-; \\'I'l'I' Mrs!': ~il' {;rillljl'~, I.e !\lars. 1:1., and:\)I·S L(·~t('r Frlllll :'-:0\'. tl m{'l'lill ~ h willi ~1r.;, O. K Brand·~l ·t i ('I'

flll'ld(lll --- 1\11'. :md Irs. CnrlIWiilJ,!., B(']d('Tl, III noun e IIw en·~agcmpn't of tht.'i c1:'llllht('r,' l'a·tricia Ann, to Vir'il LI e lIughes,1'resroll, An7.., s.lll (} i\lr. ilndMI'S, Havlll:llld IIlghl'" San Di·ego. Calif

Miss Bring is tl g aduatp , ofBelden High S( haul. attendedDann College at Bini' ,for twoyears, anll, is pr( Sl!nU t('arllin/-!in Norfoll.. It('r flan e sprver!in'the United Sla {'S N IVy and IS('))1plo}'cd hy 1,( ng: 'I'll I' CoreDrilling COlllpan N \veddin:-:date has been' S!t.

First Churc~af hrl t(208 East Fourth St eel)

Sunday, Nov. ,3: B ble school,communion a d' orniJg11.

Wednesday, Nov. 6: Bib e stu yand prayer meeting, p.

i Thursday, Nov. 7: 1 n g1 si Ja~lghtt'rs, 2 p.m. I II

United ·Pre-sbyteria ¢ urch II (John Wesley Vot p star)

~'Sundav. Nov, 3: nio chofr, I

. :9:30 ~,in.; church 1ho 1, 945, IE'worshIp. 11. J

IS 1iHE I' 1M :~J~:~~~~d;Y~.~~~·Jc, F; ~n~el~ IT .ALIGN riOR imin,ter youth. 7; seni r " Oir.8


' I !lIIHM\mrnR~::s~EVAlJm_I L Redeemer Luthera ~ urch

WI TER D.RI.i'NG sun~:y~;~/r;~S~~'I~~. ~;;"'i'~S. 'I Start.,.S T.ue"Sday,..N.. OV.' 5

a,m" «Regenerati n"l StlnlY . h 6 W d iday (65c)Co e in today a d I'et ~chool. 10; adult Bi e lass, 0; Early 5 ow p.~. e ne I

• late services, 11. : ; I

US Ive your ICiI=Ir , c:om- Friday. !'Jov. 1: World I 'omm n- ..a.'......pie e wheelalignlment. 't'sa~~~da2/~~~. 2, ~U~i r choiir. ood&ee~.

All ,mod~ls 0ilv i::wt p,m., COnfinnatit.C, asseSJ2. er", • Wednesday, Nov, 6: Yq th chllr, ...., $1.50 I 1

645 pm; L, C Men.. • , ,

First Methodist Ch rch ' IW rt . 'A tL ( (William Simmer, p tor)mon! U ~ O. Thursday. Ocl. 31; Stud cour~e, '

a.m, !

Saturda.y, Nov. 2; Jun or ChPir./rehearsal, 2 p,m. ! .',

SUlJday, Nov. 3: Chur school,

h 3· 75 29 a.m":: morning wot's ip, 10:45,_~:!..;,::::+g:,:"....;.;_...::.+:..:.:.::...~_..:P:..:.:o.:.:..:n.:e.:.:.:.,:.-..:'::.+_ '_..-;+- +:...--+___ sermon topic, ·'Bearing itness'" I

Coterie Plan Di norFor Husban s T esday

Cotl'rie has p anne I u dinnerto: which their tlsha HIs will Ill'invilerl for IIH'i 1\1' I ml'l'lirH~

TuesdllV in Iht' [\' :\-1. Fosll'rhom{'. ,\1rs. Hoi ('t'l 'nsl)('[' findMrs. Paul Min(' wil 1)(' a'isj~1

ant hostl'sst's.Mrs. Man-~uer tp I tlI'SOtl,~ <lnd

Mrs . .1. i'tt. Stra an '('n' ~'\1{'"ts

at Ttll'sday's TlI·(,ti ~ in thl'Mrs. WHrn'n 'flilft (;is lwnH'Prize winll('t"s \'prp Mrs Parsons anti Mrs. I. "~I!l' :llis

'W~lley " Service' GtsildMeets ith Mrs. Tie sort

Wesley n Guild met wit I Mrs.._..;.. ~-+----..,---- ....:..-+-... Merle Tj tsart. !\.]rs. !toss Jonqs .. Mrs. C. C. Powers and M~s.

H~ pitCilI Auxiliary ets lIaltie ~ ,Null gave nl,ol'(s ,efFol . Bazaor Nov. 1 . ~:(II~P~,C\'t II.' (\j~,~~~c~ :~~tl~li~:{'nnt;~;I~l:~ l~l'~l~i~~~;ft,(t~ft~~II~;I:tn:~jl;II(l~I~~ l\lrs. 11(0 Alllvl.'rs Nt·:<l. me¢t' l

1 . I ing h :--;( v. :~(j Wlt~l \1r..;, lIal~jl'i

l;~~ (~:::::~l(III,:~tY atl\~li~~,a\~DI~:lr~t~~~ II~11 Ielll) nlDl1l '.

L o]'mnn O'sm, h'1~111l:t' admin·lsll al:,,', (nspt:.l)'e([ a nl'W IYJ)c1>"1, "incl. '1'11(' ·\u.'«iliafv "I:)ll'r! t.rJplllC:ha$e six of Ihl'JIl frl)ll~ fuuds

;:;}r J~~~~ll ~)I:·r.~:,II~~~~·I)I\:Il:;~I~t~~{' t!:~a -!l'[IUesl hy the Auxilial'y, Mr.OLon mal.l{~ suggestions 'for fu­till" prokcts. The n('xl Iproject

i \\'iil 1)(' flll'oiture fOl' :patient~ ro( rns '

I ('por'ls w{'re made byibazaarcll; it'lnan, Mrs.· Jill' Cor~il a~dhv 'tn. Jack Kingston,1 chair·rtllll 01 the ~~jft shop cOn1mittP(':Ba .:H1I' will he held at the City

~,~I :i~::~i~~,l;V~~O~l I~~~n Aw~t~in;~/fN ;IIH' rolls s('rved in t'hti nlorn_inl and aflPrnoon 1;

Irs David (;arwoor] rl'porled()~ 1111' "(I.~pital. Auxiliat"~' Ass~)·("I: lIOn C<fnvl'ntlOt1 hf>ld m ],in·ro n Ort 17 Hostessp& irere~I~. Clarence Sorensen" Mrs.1\( P;lrkt" :\11'<; . .Jim Browr\- and~1 :-- W I.. Ellis. Tllt, 11('''11 1111'('\·in" i'i I)('c., 7.

Schub!3rts to HalOpen Hou)o un ay

Allen - Mr II d ,Irs. CluirSchuhert wil 01 !'il'.rvc {heir ~il

vcr Wedding A TI!ve ~';ary WIthopen h'oll~c· in the Methodist

• charch parlors, Aile Sunilayfrom 2:30 p.m. t 5. programWWJ be held at 3

t?c,huberts 11IlV( 'fOUl !lons whowlil all be' p escn, MarvinSchubert and fal ily, 'ioux City,Ill .. Mllynurd, t mall', and Ronand Roger.

Mr. lind '!\Irs. hul I'! fl'qUl'stno ~ift'i

F rmer OperatorH norcd at Club Rooms

whll served Nortl1\\('si('rn T{'lt'phone Com

o\,('r 2G vei]]".", was honored1:1 at'llll' \Vnman's Cuh\bout 40 former h'le·

p 1'llH' o[ll'ralll)"s \\'I'r(' prl'scnt.\ i'~ \.:l\';l!, W,lS givl'n a moneyIT~'(' and a C:lr;.:'l!..(t', She receiv("l11 ranIs from lhOjsc wh'oC' nllt altt'nd

AQn Nil'!nt'.ver, 'N{)rfol~, poureda Ttl 1\I1's. (;!I)ria VogH'. Cole·r d.~l'. baker! :llld r1('cllruled thecak(', Hosle-ssl's \\'erl' Mrs. Mar-

i )~~ni~a~~~~~'(:;t1s,~"r~~.~~h'. ~~:.(C'!'harlint' BaC'kstrom. Mrs. Vir­

lni:l /)r:lns('lk:1. :VII'S Herlt'ncl;I'{'llnkl', l\ll's e;,lthj{',,11'< (;loria. Irs. Norm:l ,T:lnssen,

....WI;;;;;;~~~::~§~inu ~s. ~ct:y D_a_}_,~~_~J"


.,"I ndlDCVerYRUn

a f It w¢re 2r~'J(>tl.i

It ~ your I!:Uarantfle!

n ne will be harmedY

.1A Sa'. Shoolfr


I (








,Bodies retreaded 'in an..

fj skid de·

Top brond for maxi-mum


Phone 375-2121



rances of EnglISh Lavander, Bond

Street and Red Rosas

uto-Oil CO.

FELBER PHARMACY'" 7 Yean; of Reliable pro.4It't1on Send 0"

o Registered Phllrmacl,h to Serve Y u1T6 Main 5 reet Wilv

211 Logan




fehool NotesJunior cla~s made $71.:11:1 from tllt

'car wash and bake sale SaturdayT.N.T. Exlension club presented:o~~ls.h donatio? \0 the OPPOl'tlltlll:. i

Good Study Hahit:



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IWayne Bock Store iand I

OHiceSupplyPhOne 37~L,",- \v~~ I

Goodwill Industries truck < willbe in Allen Wednesday. t

Auxiliary Plans Tea I'fAmerican Legion A"a x iIi a r

plar,ned a carpet ra.g tea loheld Nov. 5 at the Legion Halltheir meeting Ocl. ·14. Twelve mrm

First Grade IThe first grade cllLlrncd hull!'l"

by shaking a cup of cream in d

quart, jar. It \~as salted andeaten on crackers. J t' a n e 1 t ('Burgess ha.-- bCf'n ahsC'nt this wl'ekRicky Ellis was absent W{~rlnesday

Potatoe gohlins and witches Wt'IT

made. A HalloweE'n piay was dramatized.


Kinderg~rten "" IThe song "Around the Mu;!)('rry I

Bush" and "The days of the week·have been learned. ,st.:arecrows 1

and Jack 0' lantern~ made fromsacks were art pro.JCets. Visual.Qiscrimination, differmccs in Sil'!es and shapes, and directive a('~iv-Iities are a Piart of the rea(!Lngreadiness program, l\lany children Ihave learned the lell to right pru I

cedures. A garden snake, butter Ifly and acorns were displayeu OJJ I

,,(jur science s~r1f. I




for the price of 1


With th~ new 'I'OFFICIAL" Pirouette Sta·tionery Embosser you simply turn the twolittle knobs to ~an8e from top embossingas on letterhead . ~o bottom embossing ason envelope fla s, Truly TWO embossersfor .the pnce 0 ONE! No changing dies.bolting, unscre ing or fastening. Write fora descriptive br chure and order blank orcome in and see one NOW! Available inseven colors -. immediate delivery. A woO'derfur personarl~ed ANYDAY gift!

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This Newspaper ~ells Thousands of Items

For the FolkJ in This Community,,


Yes, every week this ~ewspaper goes to work ~s a

salesman for our manfy advertisers who have some­

thing to sell. For whe~ you speak through the adver­

tising colu~ns of this ~aper, thousa~ds of our readers

pay attention. You c4n corral this potential market

because these folks gil"e our· paper the thorough read­

ership that. pays extra dividends at the, sales counter.

Whether you have on slightly used washing machine

to sell .. , or 100 new ones, TEll our readers ... SEll

our readers-through ur Advertising Columns. , . dis­

play or classified. I' . . ~

The Wayn- Herald

'TH!ry W~ek


Performance of19~4



I i

G'lmm wQre Isupper guests at Ill'- Marlon Nelson Mrs' The~D CuI. I l "

I" ~t And"!,""'; Snnday afternoon Schuyler. Marl on Culton and,Hdl:ILast Rites Htd c...lingerl."r IROlles Ibers wore pre,ent Mrs Glen Ii IThe Wayne (Ne •.1 Herald Thunda 0 I , b 3\ 19 3\ I and ~~t s F..rncst Anderson and ton, Marjean C !ton and Ann Sohs ."" ~ waR rereelved as tI new momber ' y, C 0 or ,L on An~cl'l;()n WI'fe luncheon lace Cullon en c from Sioux /:,ty'!F R Ov .'Id L J.. d IU05tCSSCS were Mrs VIvian GooI~ est:; UI LJl(' Tum ShellmgtoJl Mr and Mrs Lloyd Hoeber cn or oyer ani ,ne as, Sllur ay lind Mrs Von Mltldt'Jl, ~r:~!Ib' Mrs Deno joined the club Mr!l Marlon l.Ippolt nnd {'nlol A IIII, me I tcrtained Mr nd Mrs C a~nce I I Mrs Merle Von MIDden, Mrs I' .11 cr~ brought II foU Hem for and Jean urDnt nnt'oded t u----+---I----i Mr an<ll,l\h'g IbUl ~lxon Janice Utcmark Mr nd Mrs Gene !'lct h fiDside - Funeral se fces were In POI .I. Ch h DIU Jones and Mrs \ida OouU ~hc hnr\!('st dis lay Mrs l.arry NorlhwC'llt N'brnllk Lllthcr 1,,(10"10

IThe Bob. lohrlll fn Ily, S oux i1 Id Willis! nnd MI' ond M~s. Mer tieton and dau bters ~t an oyster I RC d ~t Mltchell

16S D., fonday fO~ I gel ure la,s \\e~.c reported to lune 8/OS1.!1tel ;:CAre~ Willi be overnbcr hostcy!! Con(t·f('Ot·C t Wll~ II ~undAY QlI r

City, spent S ndny 1D t e IIjolivl.!r IJ I Nixon ,-,erc With relatives help. supper Sunday IMOY /~man, • SOD ~~lMr. an PUger _ Fu~cr 1 i' Iat Cout,ty Go\'ernmt'tlt Va> III Pon I B rs. w 8 Bale'S and Mrs, r'ete noonLund homc~ I ,I ~ G II S~hnicr, Bancroft, cele. Sunday Mr a d Mra Lloyd Rde- Vl~~~g ~re :e~~~.":ir;;e~~· Su: held last Saturda/a(~~~~o:sa7e;~ ca. I ro"n aDd Uol were gue.t. Mr and M II V('fl $mllh Dllt r

'11' Mr and Mrs Leon Andl'L'son h ate hiS birthday la!;t Monday eve· ber and sons nd Mr and Mils Kent Jackson Winside Mrs' RM

E' John's Lutheran chur<!h Pilger for I AhdolU hu been {,urchased alll L hlr I and M~s Arno'd Ebmlcr, 1 10 Or(', \ (Or(l ~ nlltl8~' ' dlnll rand Suzanne, Omaha, ere weel, n ng Harry Dellin "ere enlertamed In Melhck Norf~lk Mrs •· •. Carl SpUttgerbcr 74 ",ilO dwd 'Od cot es made for the gift shOll I aure. \\ere trl ay evening \IsH IRUt'II18 in th ,Iot't. III hum., M II

.. ~cnd guc" ts In the Ern.t' Anderson Mr .Hld Mrs ~ Stanley Dahlgren t?e Fred Roebe homt.:, Wa>n~. at IScottsbiuff and' Mrs' Alta M:~~:: 15 It bis home In Pdgcl ~Ian~e~ \\IlS bruught and Ill'nl it I~~rs In ~)~lMerl~ on.!'Illmlcn home ClLI!I'nvC! hi III \\11 1111 Ir(hlrno m

orne. F'riday, t1J(~Y nd Gem-gc (J IlerlQ.I?N! ,It Sunday dinner, Mr Sunday dinner ner Albert L M CUfford Mar>e Jr Verll>" CI ' tIe elerall s huspltal II r~ un fS I a II Stark lind fDm {nill"I: -~~.~-,.-,. -.-.----.".-.~ .-.,.:;--..-.- n)<I ~trs Ilat:'old Olson Joann, Dc Mr. and M KermIt Tl!rner Mr and M:s

e, Ja~::~ and Mrs er and H M Roth a'c\..'ompanJ(';1 o~y ---.J.. :,;: \~Ia~cfiehl, \\ 'rc Sunday ('\cn 1----+--1+----.1-

;I Monogrammed ,Gifts If If';; .1nd Janl('e and l\1r and Mrs were ~n the Osc r B('cker SIT home MellIck attended the ~uneral . Letha Tobias, sang Pallbean'rs Quarterly Meet Planned ~ l:: t,"81~1" . . . 'I( halles Pierson to VISit Mr an Mrs A A. Miller, • . were Adolf Karel, Theodor Otten, SpmJg:bunk qU.llh·ll~ IUccllllg ~ Mr and Mrs Vprn Smith On Service

ARE THOUGHTFU GIFTSI Mr and Mrs Gerald Bose. Omaha. • I Jobn Otten and Niels Skov~end(' Fnenu-li \\111 totl\t'lle Saturday ~ lano Orc , were Monday aftel'noon -----+--11-....:--..... .,' \ ,I~ nC', .... erC' Sunday afternoon and Mrs Larry Echtenkamp and Flnaljites f. Pilger and Dale FrQn Er I 10 30 a 111 III lhe Allen I"rlcnd in the b mC8 of hli ~ \ 1\ IWr'lhn raper ,IPJill glcq~ In lile Berman Bose 8~ns attended Pam NIt'hollion's l' ~ .r Dest W,eger, 'Vaynp wasl Church Clatt'lIu' Emr> cerk Ian l.ood and 1101 nnd Mrs Mt'ilC] AIle Davl J)UIII} Hiln pf MI'made efi$ol:lal II )ITH IlltheeH'lllflgMI andMrs birthday party Wednesday a1tel LI I'M.t.:. In PJlger ccmetery ,mmlstll~ ar.d luun:-'ll \\111 pn'sidt Von MIDdcn 1I1lrold r<;rwln ('nil Ira, hUH lx,,"with ser''S , I l rman., Bo.'".t! 'lI1,d V('ldel attended nool'!.. 0 a. • apes Carl ,Ernest .L. spilt , sun~: at tht", monang llit'I'llllg, nnd. ReV! Rov. ,John A Price att.ndad . 11.'..'Il1~lH'd to duty Ii IhC'. Pen a·nah1c r' !, r·~ Jo.d lI111g~t S bhthday party Pl~asant D~lI Club members en. , 1 of Mr. aod Mr$. Will a ttger I, Waltl'r, 1'.' Ll'(', sUIH'flnlcndcnl C/l Theology.nd L fo lectur•••pon· II ~(}n, Wu.~hlr ~lill1, 1(' Dnlph e·

, I 1.lll( l.~\n., tertamed their ~hlldren at a., Hal. Held Here Sunda ~er, sr., was born Fe ,~"\ 26, 1889lll~O.l'kY :fI,fountalll ) l'urly r'twdmg,) Soted· by Cent ry Seminary at .UfI1ed In II., .~\ntl' Illl Sephlmb'rInitial' in .1 \11 <lilt! ~Ir". UUdOIP.h Angliter, loween party Jday evemng If! the .' y m Wayne coun~y. H~. wets baplizt't!1 FfI,cndiS. Will leatl tlw ("H'u~slOn'I' Fro.mont Mond y and !uolday. I'r SI'I·Vltl !\\ .. ·tlrs In !iI'll n

II'mUllt, W(T<' <weekend guests of Marvin Dragh home, r'~neral services fol'l Mns. Lola ~ater the !'amc rear lin ·Altona Trjn·~ lne,ter Bmtun ('1t'rk, wdJ hl,l\"~' Mr. and Mrs, Bud Milchl'll and fils adrlrl'.~~ I'

i Ill' ,lop .Encksuns lalll. week, rdr. Mr. and ~ s.' ~on Koeh andl M. Mapes, 88, Clearwater, were Ity Lutheran cllUrch by Pas!or F.! c~arge of ~hc aftcrnoon sess~onl, famtly wcre Slnduy dtnner anti AI" 17~1l1,2I. ngster IS II former reSident. daughters, SIO " City, ,were Sun· Iheld Sunday afternoo~ at Hiscox &:haller. He 'Wn:; Hlter affl1Jatcdi \uth Re\'. looper Beatty:!>a~ luncheon guests of Mr. lind Mr~, I 2UI-l (.Olnllt S4 ~


The :\lelvltJ .sah.8 fam.. ilY, ~~huy, day supper gu sts at Larry Edl- Funeral Home. Mrs. M(lpes died With 81. John's Lutbcran ('hurdlll Yc.'.arl Y mce~~~..g ,eva.n".'e'l~t'.Prl'M'nt.l· Mllto~ Emry ane ~alllllY, I-'remont,., Nt'hl'lIllku lull, H,~ ~~'HI <l"..~Jlellt thl' weekend Wlt11 his tenkamps. Oct. 24 at the home lof her SOD. ~nger, June 29, 19331, he WliS mar· mg Ihe nlt'.l;agc. He\. John A rlcc, Mr, Rntl Mr!i: i'"lll t Ml',)" 'r, So Arelldh/'r, OlIo Sahs fltr and Mrs" Mrs. Elmer Boeckenhauer, Mr.


Thomas Rex Perrin, Sioux City, rled t~ Irene Dye in Spencer. FOur .... urk.shojJs with \-'lsual ald~ Emmet Roberts, Llndl! and Jt'rr> , I ArllllKlntl, VH ~:! jJfl

!:I,ll I.l'.~~. m:ltl Wf'rt' also guests,.' and Mn.~. Joh Boecke.nhauer." and! Ch~rles Sodersten officiated at SurVivors In. dude brot.hers, WiI.1 "'Ill b.e.. c~ndll('ll~d b~ It£'\ ..1:l't, ani!. 1------+---------_L_../i. J.:.Iln Sall~ "[lI'ot SutunJay night with I Mary and Mr, nd Mrs. Paul the ntes. Music was furnished by Ham and Bt'rrulrd, Wayne; fOUI'1 Hc\. Da\ld 1.""ucll. A basket dUl·;~

ClIltlln. " '('I' and Butch 'e;e Friday evemng Mr, and Mrs. W. C. Swanson. Pall· nieces aI"! six. nl'phl'ws Ill' was ner .l.s plUlllWd. tOllt!\~~ng HI\lrnjflg I ( OSE OUT S±L II !\IXOI1 and Larry Warn'[. g~e~ts In ~hl' ~!a,ren('~ Boecken bearers were Clark an41 R. H, Ban· prece~ed in dl,;).Uh by hiS parpnts,: ~l'U~thl~), .1;flt'lnOO!l Sl'ntet's .... 111,

Ian .\\ ('IT Ilt.JIll(' from Minneapolis hauer hO. me to n l~b,t.;ate the blrtt.l. Ister, Walter Bressler, Carlos Mar. 'four SIStl'rS, ~J.~e~ 11rOtlll'l"S, and tll~ I ".' n at.. I .30. '.' • •11' till' \\('('kenQ. MI'. and Mrs. da,Ys of Rog~r, Kellh and !tm. tin, A. E. D-avison abd EverreU wile, " EH'nlUg M'rVln'S will !)l' tld,- I

('rUn :'\Ixon were\Sunday dinner rhe Kermit uroer fam~ly were Hank. Burial was in! Greenwood ml,s~ed su all may. attend t,ll{' r('.·1 f h 'g ,'.,t, Hl III<' I,an t"ixon hom" among. gro havmg dmner m ccmct"ry, . ""I Hl 11", I'laHl\l<''' I' ncnd, Becau .e.o t e new packag ng

! I II' . tJ 'h ' ~hc Preston T rner home Sunday Lola M. Norris, daJghter of Jo' Aile I t'hurt'h to hear He\'. B('atly spf'ak~) ,t'I~:i~\~tn g~L~~t( o~ ~:;ni: ~~~~aY 10 honor of inda's birthday. seph and Melissa~orl1is, was bor n I~- ,I I· II Y -dl'I' .' , . Sund~y aHe noon and luncheon Jan. 26, 1875 near Garrettsville, Mrs. Dora Linafelter [1,11", and flll":-', Vernon F~lhs, Hick' eosin out a ar ey pr uets :at

\It.. <l.nd MIS, rheron Cul.ton a~d guests 10 the L 0 Schulz home were Ohio. When she wali eight sm i and Hoeky returned Monday after

~Jl('I.vl al1f'nd~d a family dinner m Mrs. Gus Sc ulz, Mr. and Mrs. came to Wayne with Iher pa~ents, I VIsltlllg ~:evt'rl.ll days with Mr. and I'

J (' Marvl~ N~lson ho~e, Wayne, Otto Luedtke and Mr, and Mrs In 1891 she was married to Norma Extension Club to Meet 1 Mrs. Vernun Ell!." Jr, and famiJy, 1L •lnday o!Js('rvlng the ~.~thday:._~f Carl Montgo ry, stanton. Thomas Perrin. They were th .ELF ~:xle~s.lOn" t'lub.. w~IJ J!](,,'t ~ Cody, .Wyo. They, spent Wednes -;2 priCe,

• parents of six children, Mr. Per w~th Mrs. D\\IalO Llll~ ".Ilda~,' Mr.s.: day llIgh~ III the Enoeh Andersunrin died Nov. 4, 1914, Bill KJer and Mrs, Kelth I.llll Willi home, Torrington, Wyo,

Ed Dabe ,kow, 60, Apr. 6, 1916 she was' marrIed t pr?Se~t lh" '''.,un, '·ClolhHlg t<c'·' Lo'he,"" Church ••und' will DER HAND LOTIOi,NJoseph Contois, who died in 1936 pa.lI's. Members arc a.skt'd to ': meet in the parsonage ",,"onday

DOn Oct, 15, 1940 she was marrie brmg an artl~le of dOlhmg that I at 8 p.m.rowns 01 Wisner lo Frank Mapes. Mr. Mapes die has been repaired or mcmkd. Mrs. Monic Lundahl entertai'ned

. in 1960. -~- Chatter·Sew club Thursda,Y. Mr~.Wisner - uneral servIces for Also preceding her in death wer Qua.eker Youths To. Meet Vern Swa?son~ a~d Mrs. Larry !\ote

Ed Daberkow .60, were held Mon- her parents a daughter Ethel an Quack:r Youlh Will meet at tht Mee rCCf'lved birthday rcmemlwr·!day afternoon at St. Paul's Luth-! b' t "DWaln EllIS barn after the football -- -- .. ~-~ .-_.- _..-.- I

eran church. Chittenden Funeral' a ~~n,. Ro e: ' I d t cr game Friday for a SL'.%lOn WIth IHome 'was in charge. rVlvors me u e. wo sons, ,n ghosts and gobhn~ He\'.' Da\'Jd Mr. and Mrs. James Brady andl

Daberkow 'Iong.time ('"mployce t~n "Red" J. Perr~n, ~ayne, ~n Leach, Youth dif(~~tor of Hocky daughten', SlOUX r'aJls, S.D" visited I

of Einung Sa d and Gravel Coin- lhomas Rex Pernn, SIOUX City M 0 u n l a in yearly meeting 01 Friday in the Mrs. Pearl (;rirritlJ Ipany, was drrned T.hursda y when two. dau.ghters, ~argaret M., Die Friends, will be there to takt' parl and Don R('(.'d homes. Bradys a~c.the boat in w ich he was working Momes ~nd Bern.lce Ellen, Full~r m' the actiVities. leavlOg South Dakota to make theiroverturned n ar a pumping rna. ton, cahf ..; two SIsters, Mrs. Edit home in Arizona. Ichine. Wisne rescue unit was H~ues, Withrow, Wash, and Mrs LeW To Meet Icalled at 3'1 pm and lhe b d MIldred Burns, Chelan, Wash.; 1 LCW will meet in the LlIlfH'l"iJ:1 See The Heraldwas reeove~e by ·~eans of grOa; gr~ndchlldren and 28 great·grand church parlors !'iov. 7 at ~ p.mplir.g hooks i? aboul eight feet 'Of chlld~ ~~ A film, "Bethagy Inner l\tissiull at For The Bargain Hunterwater at 3: 30t' Axtell, Nebraska,'· wdl bl' shown

Surviving rc his widow; twol ""',/liII .. ,""'r"'~ Bethagy is one uf the new Ill.sLi·

~~~:he~sdaa~gdh :r'si~~~~~other, three ilt'l~i fil!lj 5 ~~tti~~~ supported by the eungro-


,, I



I !



l, I



, ,


3. Adv ~ rtising 'Space linTh Herald .


I, I 1

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2. FREE Handbills forDistribution

Pictured are two of the many

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1. Sol' Date Listed Wee IyinT eWayne Herald FREE




tra Cst!I :


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Don·t Go b~~ ... Advertise Y ur Sa· .llhl:

, I~T~· WA~ HEty\ D . Ill. iii:


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dlo, heat., lta~dard tr n.-

minion. ,.

62 Ram ler fmerlt n2·door sed n, r~dlo, he••r,

standard ansmi~,lon. G od


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4.door ,ed n~ 6.cYlinder" h .t..

er. Anothe f~n. !economy clr

with; II lot of, mU.s left.

60 Falco 2~.r. "nsml"lon. oad

dependabl trlnfporte'l9

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,6~::1:~ n"~~~:~~.I·lt.Ie, Tho '0 my eomplct. t

'Created for thel man of action ••• the raokiogexecutive who 'as ma,oy meerln aDd contacts.Makes the most of his minutes ~. adds thepleasure of efficiency to his houn. Plw?,g!'SE.styling •• • do;unatic oew color combioaaoDSoWhy Dot mverygate. Call us y.

, 'eHe~ /Sr"t for /Setter, ,!~jlJeo.;

The, ~ayne·H raid

I~,~t~~~~~:ice51INoTIcE OF FuLu, ~F:TTI,r,~"',,~:\"1' 'I

I n the County Court of Wayne('ounty. X»b'"uska.


In tl,,· 3.lattf'r of the ERtate ofBertha '\-. Behrt!er, Dh:eaRed I

State of Nebi"aska, To Ali Con­cern ..d:

Notice is hp~"et,y ,:riven tlw, apE'tition has h,!en flIed fur., final

j:set.tlement herd,n. d. et •. rm.lnatl<,n Of.1~~:;;~i~iO~~.eri~~snt~b~~~;~{,r~~s ~~~elltate and ~pprr,vaJ-'.of fin:iii1 U,",·ount

land di~charg;f'- whIch ·wl11 be forhearing- in this Court on ~ov~mherI1". 1963 aul 4 00 [) clock pm

~~~:i) I sJV~:l~n~Y H:r:;;~


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JOHNSON OUT OA1:D ~O~ORSrand new Johnson Se . tjor e 'O,-~p motors.ever out of the box. L ste(f: t $ 50. t ey must° now. Sorry, no trade-ins at tire price, we ha~en them. Stop soon!' ,

r~~d ::c~es,s~~~~~tl:w:~~~:dee~;nly-

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05 Main Street

& Yard lS~e(ialsWheel Barrows a,~ Carts

T ese artt high quality, yard 1"'1wight wheel barrows that .1I'e I' IG;::' f;rel~o~~~~n~h:~: laa:edci ,'i ,u leaves. NOW ONLY

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Soft df line. Feminine in design. Simply lov Iy.Soca're-free in 65% f.'lacron" polyester.35% ~dttQn. White, pastels. de~ps. 28 to 8.

Silver D.OIIOrl I"!ight Drawing in Iour store lihllrSday for $200



:''r'111I.iS::I''I'tIIHI''lill ,r,,,:,,,,.,... I"'" II """ .......·,,'······"r ""I ,·,,·~ ..":· ..·· .. "'r .. 'I· . nT~T~.,'."'; •..,'... ', .•. '., •• '.\'.,,\.,'...."~ ... '.,\~•. "".',','.' "I'\~'!:~~I:"~~~"I"H""'~~'~~

.rold/ Thursday. October 31,19 3 IFlen. In the carY~h~te. Sundaylslon was held. and Ha 10 en prf tevenln, guests In th 41 Baden Icent Widholm. Randolp • attond'lF IS. , dl eJ Sd. It, I T 'k I( I I

I evenln Mr. and rjs. Cary were parotlons Were work 0. Luae ~home cd thc wedding ol Da"lo e WIlU.r un ra erYlces 1 M , I I ,"I" R un. Rill

1 NEWS I visltor in the Aug st och home. was served by Pame a Word Mr and Mrs Clar nc~ BcrnCf'[llUd Melvin Shufeldt, I~t St Paul's I .;mcnl Cl'r~~1 (IlRIII(,~UI'h' MOI'Ch"·. '" Mr. and Mrs. War en MarQtz --- Randolph, were Mon ay evening Lutheran church. Win~i c F W :1 ~, n )rl), cr, .0 n


onIa olnod tho ~,II.wlna guo.1I Mr. and Mrs. Tcny III tel a~ gucsts In tho Willi In Puntnoy Mr nnd Mrs V G loFadden or eorge agner I~~~!.r'M I~or: '~VI~'. (nll~: /"11~rTu•• • v .v.nlng f,,_~onor of V.r.. daughters. Canton, S. .• sp t bome. were in Norfolk Mon oy I. ~ n .' I II aJttll.'r, or 0 •

I. t - Phone 2682 Nool' fifth blrlh~ay: Mr. and tbe weekend In the sv Ow s I Mr and Mrs. Ermo mJeker and Mrs l.Ioyd I MoFadde was In IHe In Hosk·lns M ' I O~I (·I~:' 'k De' Moine,. lfi':..;.-+-'"i"'+-f'---....---tr--,~---'-----I- Mrs. do" Mltr.r, Mr••nd Mrs. borne Sunday dinner gu sts a Nancy, Sioux Falls. cr4 Sunday IWnyne Mond~>" ~ sM .~( I 11(' nlul 1\11''1 RlletwI ~r, nd:rd , Wayne Imel spent Mrs, I I L Gaebler, Mrs. H. tL. Edge Mat'ob, Mr•• Dar. Ritz., mcluded Mr and Mrs. Do Owens dinner guests lfi t~e Fc~n Schutt Mr. amI Mrs Lloyd Dunklau Fune 31 services £01 Gcorgll J j t, tI nil (II nnd Jur:n lion, Colo., IT urs ay leve Ing In the Christ Neely, Mrs J H. Sweigard, M s Mr. a Mrs. c;er~~~lCk.r and and family, ~ Ibomel and Lynette were Thu sday eve· Wagee , 65, \\ere held TuesdllY of •

i W ibl

thome Wayne Imcl, Mrs, Frank Br:udlg n, Davl, Mr. and Mr. .rnon Mill· Mr. and Mrs, Dennls~<; lvin a d Mr and Mrs Otto Peters were Ding guests m the Aid n RObcrts~ternoo at Trlmt) Lutheran ehU!th ~

Mr, and Mr, Frank Brudigan Mrs. Wilmer Deck, Mrs A'!vm er a d family, r~ and Mr.. SODS. Norfolk. were Su d y gues S Sunday dlOner guests m the Char· Ihome, Wayne • Hoskm hli Wn£tllt'l' tIled 8,111)1 rs I use 75were rlday eV'mng visitors in thp Schmode. and Mrs Eva Lewis Chel r Marotz • d' son., Mr. 10 the Nick GalvlD b m I Ihe Peters home, Pie ce I lin) til u NOI folk hOllpltal nflt'l ,I • "

I Louie Ka~l h me Prizes went 'to Mrs, Otto Gralef'land n. £;ton Ma "e~ and .on., Mr and Mrs Paul mel zier a~d. Mr and Mrs V TO) Leltmg L I- Dio:th) lllnt"s • Wd d) Mrs, P C ensen and Jimmie Mrs. AlVin Carlson, Mrs, H 1M PlIge, and Mr. an IMrs. Wilson Kathy and Raymond acobsEto Iand family, Randolpl, ere Sun es Ie Ht'V (, 1\ I lank (}ffl(l~lt({J at tilt' les n~s oyI spent ~ast ISun ay afternoon With Hilpert, Mrs LeWIS and ~rs. S"!el- Mille, O.nen. Iwere Sunda>: dinner g~es s in Uie day afternoon guests 10 the Fern I 'II Itt'S MUNll' \\ 08 furnJNhed by Sl'\P Mrs, Andrc-w nderscn ~ard~1Nov 8 mcctmg WIll be with I The foJiowmg lad;es Iwere enter Oalt!! Ballentme home, lerton Schutt home Mr'i EI or Bier· By Mrs. George B sklrk t'l HI sc 1001 duldrt'n /.lllll tht, dlllll hi f .. ne UomeMr ~nd Mrs Gerald Beeker and Mrs 'Otto Graef Itertal ed at a cardl ~arty Tuesday Mr. and Mrs Elmer acobson schenk and farotly tnndOIPh, Phone An•• 1· 23 chuh Hullllnll Ml'nk \\os ulgUIlIHI " I-~

David Iwere Frl ny eveninsslsitors _ attern on In the Mrf :E;mma woeh-I were Sunday aftcrnoo~ uests in Iwere Sunday evemng gue ts tn the, ilOilO Ilr) pullbeun'Hi \\t'I(' IIl'fl I l.ijsI Illl'S fllor :\1 litH K c 75lnMtl~el Fndr"'!lrRs~ c"b[eerrn,haonmBeroekman Mr and Mrs Oscar Swanstn, ler h me, Pilger Mirs Wilham the Art ReIland home ~ Schutt home Mrs Mary Heeney mother of I r) (' I nlk Martm Sclll'rml'l Ht''l \\t'r!' !ll'll S'll\1fdl:V !~ H~I:I~~m;~~

n 11 .£ Wayne. were Tuesday sup er Janke Mrs Carl II-heman. Mrs Mr and Mrs Geraltl unnIn· Mr and Mrs C HI Ja~ssen and IMrs Dee Kal, dIed 'fue dol) at Ihe I) \\ C'kcr 11'('(\ HI unH'ls .Fled I lltlll rlln (Ilu (li \~ II I Hl'V S Kspent Friday venIng in the Jack guests In the George Jaeger ho e IRlcha d Jugel, Mrs~ l/t-ose Hoffman, ham and sons, Laurel, re S land family. Coleridg: Jere Sun- Pender hospital Jo(IH'1I und Henr) Asmus Pall I tI I'II'PSI offl 1lI1111J.: SIlt' <llOd litBrockman ho Brad and Denny Mr and Mrs Jaeger and fa~t1Y Mrs mma Slphlcy, Mrs RObert1day dmnner guests In he Ea Ilday evening guests I t! Warren I Dr and Mrs F'red B umen and btan'l \\Plt.· WlIlter IInli AlJrrd h'l' IllJlllll 111 \YUill! 111'1 Wodnc~.Brockman spe t FrIday with Her .spent Thur&day evenmg 10 the R,u8 Gray nd Mrs F F Voss Prizes Cunningha~ home Mr: nd M! IJanssen home Mr a d1\ rs Jans I son aljld Ruth Me}l'l Lincoln, IWagnt' 1).8\ (' MllIt'l I.("~tl I Ill! I tll\ 'man Brockma , ",elI Prmce home, Norfolk I I went a Mrs Jl,lgel and Mrs Graf Don Cunnmgham and s 5 we e sen and childfl'n ere Monday \\-ere weekend guests at Dick (,era;llI Ellenberger and J{'(f Soh! [I roo! I S I}I\/ it Ilh lind MIN F~rt

d l\1rs Don Abrahamson tnd afternoon visitors ~ Idmner guests In the Du ne Kunz· Ml."yers iliunal \\<lS lU lllilcresl MelllUll!!1 Ulhl' SlIll' lil\ 1111 li,lldt'Il' lllHJ

S -Ie y daughters, Darlene and Patn lal I I Sunday guests ~ tb on Le -I man home Laurel 1 Mr and Mrs Wl11La Bierman Park, Norfolk ill sl 1\ 'hll III r hilI IllndN",.. • • • BillIngs. Mont, were Wednes aY' R ndollril.h hoff borne, honormg. r J ~ Mr and Mrs Lud uhl returned Ispent Monday at Carl BlCrm,tI1s, i lieor'l' J \\aglll'f :.011 uf MI lL llllllllltqlld 0\ lid 1I,L11t' Pilll.

S '.I.I F mornlDg luncheon guests ID the ... De~dmger on her bIrth y we e Monday after a VISit ID lithe Matt Fremont I and ~1 s Jillob WaglH'I, \\OS born h art'l' \/Ill' I ~loIltlll .lIltl Alth'nOCI. or ost MIS Sam Reichert home n. R.ich rd McDonald Dr Frank Abts and War en Rob I Kuhl hom(!, Sargent Mr and Mrs Gus Las" (,!llrr Aug 4 HillS III r I nnk, H\lS~1l1 IIi I J) Inklllil \\ '1IdLI!1 <lIlt! ellreul'ci

Wedr:'~lday. N v. 6 Mr and Mrs Alfred Wagner and II son, Yankton, SO, Mr nd Mrs I Mr and Mrs Char Ie lOhn ",ere tamed Sunday for a I I gl gloup \-I as bllHll.C'd In Ihe Lutht'llIn f Illh I Ink!' IJ I S hi dl ill I 1I1ll1 lIarrySt. Paul'sLu hernn LadlcsAld IfamilY vlsltcd her father, Roy I Leo WattIer and famli$l and Mr ISu3day guests of l'w!l md \'irs IUf relatives lin Hu Sla Ill' tllllH' to Amt'II'1l (I KlI\ 111I11 I \\01' III (,It'I'1\~\(J(JdLWML Buekmgham, In the SoldJers andlConte t Held at P.rk I and Mrs L J Dwyer an fanuly Roy Gibson Rando)h at thl'Jr Mr and Mrs Iknr '!\lUlller \-11th h S f)llf('nls \\lll'll he \\-as Ilt\ ('IJ\l'lll\

Sailors Home at Gr~nd Island En Thl d annuai Purlt, Pass and Mrs Nora ColVin. SI omfleld,lcabm ncar LeWIS aIH n rk Lake MI and Mrs Ted l1<llf(Jck, 1\11 III II' W.IS ctlnllllUl'd al lfl1lJl\1 !\t.lrllldl~\dllfllT\Il\11HIIIlllaKlu'il.!LOdgO~Meetin Held route they vlsHAd theIr daughter, KIck Conte~t, SPons!ed by Ha- was a weekend guest m he Ever I C S, Han~tn C len t:e and and Mrs Delmar GiJ :-oman and Lul!lel II (hurt!l Hoskms III 1941 d ItlJ.:lltt'l Ilf III III IlInd to:llllll~

Wm Ide Reb kah Lodge met Fri· Janet, at O'Neill. vorka Motor Compan , was held ctt Burley home DWight Han,sen Om,l ,I d\l"l're Sun [Jerry ",pre last wl'ek \-lSlLOl s at I Ill' \ as IlHlrflt'd Ik( 18 lIHU lu I Knohlot k \~,Ii lUll II \\11 II 21 1888day e eDlpg rs Chester Wyhe. Sund y at Randolph ty Park Sunday guests In the Richard day dmner and lunch gu sts 1O the BIlly Hansens I J\1dfle 1... J1enlwrgl'l The coupl!' l (,PIIlI!III\ IS)II I,llill In ltll"~oblel Grand, reSided Lunch Wll Ch h Win ers were as f llows Roeder home, Fremont, ere Mr Martm Madsen home I Mr lind Mrs Ed I usemal k I s[lpnt wlirly ClO yl'U('!<i In Iht' Bos I( Iln!l \ .l~ tl .. <11:,1 Ilr, IX. lind livedserved by ~lrs Elmer Nielsen Next UTe es... Eig t year olds oe Brandl, and MIlS Richard MoDo ald ard I Mr and Mrs Loul Ktu::ye I ar and famlly were Sum.lY dUllIl'1 klns ( 1l1ll1unll) 'Ilwy 1ll0\l'd flom \\JlII 1111 .UIIiI \- In IIlv..l slit' \\IHI

meetl~g Will e Nov 8 Trinity Ll,lthean Church 1st, on Dittman, d. DarrelllfamI1Y ry and Dale M"Lc<ln Mr and Iguests at ErVin Fr('ys Itht' fa m mlo lloskms In lUll;! n,lllltd ((I \1)11~1 1\lllSI ,Iun I,- I (I-{ F Ott M rJl to ~ Rude usch, 3rd L Mrs Leo Kucera {liby Arlenc Fnends and relutlv'!<i had a I SUI\- \Ol"~ lIHludt' IllS \\IUO\', Illl nt W 1\]\1 \\11111 Illl \- fal'mtldContr,ct Mee Sat da ~ uc2 ere ~as h r I Nm year olds Mler~ael Llewer, Churches I and DenOls, Da\1I1 Cllf EIIl'en ChllrJVdf! Tuesday e {'Ding at lhrl'l' uns AI\1Il tlnd (,It'n Ilos I u til till II II IJlll III( III P\ I'll )'('nr!J

Conlracl m t WIth Mrs F'I I u~o y, ov th h aee ~lca Osmo d, 1st, F'reddler.Kahn, Colel:oJ •• II IStueekrath Culumll\s Mr ,III!! Eugene Bartels 'Iuns Ind IItHuld Ml'dfOld,OIt' l/l'll lllli\ 1111\(d Inlo {ownMoscs in Way n e Wednesday ~a~SS, 10 5~ m·'s:n~~r c OO~~1 re~~ar ndge 2nd, John !Hal a. 3rd I St. John's Lutheran hurch IMrs Donald Schul, ar\ I \!Httt' I F/lrlll {·'ans met Thursdav t'\l' 11\',0 d uglltus 1\11-; L;nlV (Ill! I h I III I, lib Wt'lt' hel'Guel;lis were rs, John Lynch, an~ ela~s 11 • e rm~tlOn I Te year_olds Ed Ie Kal I n, (Robert Kloth as or) I Norfolk, lind Lmdd )unfla~l ",('re mng at lhe Hans Sletrk lI~nH Nl xt I P II I llt~ ,HId I "'II I IIII( IMrs John E nung Pnzes wer ' Coler dge, 1st, Rodn:e BrummeIs, ' P d Sunday dlllner aT I tafll rll(lOn hostess IS Mrs llenry (.1 P\ e , I SUI \ 1\ UI S II ( III j h I \\ l JOWl'rI, M MEl Sunday, Nov 3 Sunday SC~OOI' 1 2nd ' VirgIl YQ.ungj, 3 d Thursday Oct 31 Sen or ch Ir'


guests III the Os,- I lueckl ath Mr and Mrs Alhert ~ [\rtson j.&lH sIs .It Wilham Longes fhp , I (I ( ,

M~~, r! G, r~w I~~;~', a~~ M::u~, 110 am, radIO serVice, 11 Ele en year-olds W rI1en SmIth, 18 p m ~ home I Iand Mr and Mrs Hoh'll lIanspn I[ CIt n .,(Jng!'s JOlTll'd t11l'In III the I ~l tll~tl~I~~gl~;l;I' \11"111 ~LI~~)II~ I:~~~l~~\I'm Schmode The next meetm ruesdar 8NOV 5 SeOlor hOlr 1st, ohn Thelsen j 0 mond, 2nd, h Frld~Y'4~~V 1 JU010r chOir e Mrs WmIllP E~an~, Omaha and attended a banquel SI day eve ar~\rnl{~l I 111 hk M H I Wt'hli) I", ('lIllf lindWill pe wlth Mr~ H L Neeley re earsa, pm Pat 'Neill, 3rdJ earsa, pm Mr and 111::; Joe II nklb attluded Illng' at the Grace Luthe tin church, I IS (0 pI l'nsc (': I" \I J II S 1\1 I I 1I11 'll Ill' I)lllN tnb 6 Thursday, Nov 7 Counell meet Fir f pl'lzes werel ackets sec- Saturday, Nov 2, Se 101' c~)O the funeral of an IU t 1\1rs Anne W I I dolph IIUllllllt'r !\II s ~~I vln Boll I ~

~e er 109, 8 P m and l'lzes were foot all heimetS'1 flrmatlOn, 9 am, JUDI r contIr IWllhams, at WiJlJa 11'slrrg la, ~rrne and Mrs I/en) Muplh I I lid I:dlth spt nt l'lldll) III ~ It\~l!i ~nl'll:h: 1:11 (1)( ~:I(:'(I)\llll\\ 11~'I'O~;,Coterie Meets I Friday, Nov 8 JUDlor chait re and 3 d prizes were f otballs Nell mahon, 10 15 Thursday I\', er~ Sunday supper gll sis al Emil ( It \ I II d ! II 1,1 I 1111' III HIlt! (llfftlrd

Mrs Thorw 1I Jacob~en was has hearsal, 4 pm Kiliv I' dIrected the ntest Sunday, Nov 3 Worsh p, 8 a,m Sunday Mr and 1\.1 s {){ II;nkle Tarno\\s I ,!\-11 S \ll1dl I,d H,lsrnUSSPIl Hnd I llll S I I'll I I~d I! oIlld'll J,frllndless ~o qotere Thursday Prize --- and 1030, Sunday schoo, 915 went to Walthill an(~ 'jllll1 SIOUX The Wcnd('ll KOlths Pll llld,l\ (Olllt' 1,I\\toll In wPle Sdtlll 1 Iwere won, by rs Leo ,Jens~n an I Immanuel Ev. ,Reformed Church Mr and Mrs RIC ard McDon - . City where they <Itt nll ~ till.' fu evemng VISJtors <It IJ'loyd !\tl') IId\ <11 Tom Bl(sslp!s Oil •Mrs Eva Le IS The next mee (John E Saxton, pastor) aid nd faml~y ViSIted Thursday St. Frances Catholic hurch Ineral of Mrs Dol1j- ~ IllkhlLlSer I{rs I !\-1~ dIH!MIS I'nll! BO!tgtl nnding WIlL be w th Mrs Jensen, No Sunday, Nov 3 Worship ser\lIce, In t Dean Cunl1m~ham home (Otto A Buehler, p star) They \lsited In till I<~flr('st Sands 1\-11 and Mrs 'A,dt l Blllhoop ! [lllh \~tl{ T\I('~da)- {\-pnlng \JSI! Tho W f,1£>v n Methodl,t YouthvemlJer 6 1

9 amil (Damel Glass, asslstan pastpr) hOlne, Laurel on tlJ~ If f('lurn \',f.'1 e Sunday supper gu sts at flen 1)1 s .11 rlm!'l Bollgt I S I I I III ,I jl I \- II II II Ii Hulloween_ ---. S c,Oetv Sunday, Nov 3 Mass, 5 30 a~m I MIS Wilbam Hl'!tllel and Mrs II) Korth::; ~IIS ! J\ln Bot!t!.{/ IS <JliSlstHlg jllIl, II 1.1\ 11 1)11 1\11\ I BoyscnSociall Circle Meets Methodist Church #I • • • and 10 Jim Stephens ~n'nr()ntl \\-('Ilt to llarry Stemhoff dId Nor('t'n, I ,It lhlJs!on s,hoo] \\Ith cookmg Illllll I !JIll

Fourteen m mbers of the SocI I (VJetor Ireland, pastor) lsi Omaha Wednesday .. , I BanC'rqft, wprC' Tu('s( ay )-;lIJlpcr I !Clfe~ met n the CeCil Prm¢ I Sunday, Nov 3 Sunday scrOol, OC 01 Forecoist 10 Methodist Chur Mr. ancl. Mrs. Erlll~' and I \'lsltor~ at Clark Kals. !

home Wedne ay with M[s RaIRl 10 am, worshhlp serVice, 11 IMon ay, Nov. 4 I {C. Edwin Anderson, astod INancr, SIOUX Fal!';·1 ~:l111.r_:, T\'lr. _~md 1\1rs. 1\-!a vln ]\'l{'irr.PrIn¢e as ho tess Mrs Leo Je 1--- , P E 0 Thursday, Oct. 31: Ch ir rehear- day overnight· gtW~lr IIH' WIi·;Mr. and Mrs_ Rlldol[ll lIalllIl11'l"!sen and Mrs H L N' Ie we e St. Paul s Ev. Lutheran Church I Wed esday, Nov. 6 I s:i1, 8 p.m. Ham Helmer home.' ' l!HI (;oldi(' Leonllrd ll,lljll'd _Albertguests IRoli call was

ee"~h t ] (ll M Hilpert, pastor) I Jol y Time club Mrs Gus Yunk Friday, Nov. 1: WSC .officers Mr. and Mrs. l'\I1:~x ~lal1l W{'f{' I:";oules eelebr:>te 111. IJlrtliday

Would'llike to Be' 'Sam e~ s tl Friday, Nov 1 Membership er, J ' meet, 2 p.m. ISUndBY dinner guests .Ih the Hob 'Thursday. II d th class, 730 pm _ I Saturday, Nov. 2: Co irmation Wdder home, carr'll. I Mr. and Mrs. Ilt'nry ;1'[,\'" Wt'f('

~~:,P:V~~dln IBru~~;~s i%~~g 0 Saturday, Nov 3 Bible claSSlcrUSders Halve Party class, 10:30 a.m. J~r, and Mrs. At Olson and IS~ndaY evening visitos;ll (;1('n l

Bruce W lIe rs Jens~n and MIj leaders meet, ;J 30 M thodlst Cru~a~ers met Sun- Sunday, Nov.. 3: Sund y school, fa m:lil y were Su da~ dinner Swhrandls. "N Iv h' t lmg 11 Sunday, Nov 3 Sunday school, day evenmg III the church base 10 a.m.; worship, 11; L urel sub-I guests in the Clil~ence Broder Mr. Hnd Mrs. Em I rarno\\'"w~t~'Mr,~' ~ aer~esm;:ckson~IW e 930 am, worship serVice, 10'20 men With Mr and Mrs, George district MYF meet at W yne, 2:301 home, Wausa, in hbnof of their IM,rs. ~larence ~tem~,: and .011~-,1

d N b 6 ---, Coul er and Mr. ~ndIMrs. Herbert p.m. Jon who was homt onl furlough ust H\(~ke were Thuls<lay VISltUIS Ines ~y, o~e er. .Theophllus C~urch. IHilk mann. Mrs. M Ivin Graham - I ~rom the navy. Fo ty-~ine were in Sioux City.

, I Umted Church Qf Chnst led evoHons. I Presbyterian Chu ch , there for dinner.! Mrs, G('ul'ge Bll.~kll'k Mr

~ltC~ Club eets ,,(A. D. Weage, pastor). 'Af er a businesiS ~eeting a Hal_ (H. J. Timmer, p stor) I Mdndny evening: ~'ir.1 nnri MrS'la~d Mrs. W. C. Rin:o: J'{'f(~ Sl.mdayM~. atd, M s. E. T. wa.rnemun, 0, ,Sunday,. ~ov., .3: s1hool, lowe n party was; eld. Refresh- Sunday, Nov. 3: Se vices;1 11 Lar~, Olson and 1\ r. fand . Mrs. dmner guests a.t t~(' 0 val IIlcker-

~e~ethO ts ~ nda~ evenlOg to t"e;9.30 a.m., vdlrshlp ser\lce, 10,30. m.en s were served. Next',I"meeting a.m.; Sunday schooL 1 . Art II Olson at~ende t. e. Wlttlcr- son h,ome, Wayne. .PIt h ~Iub MI. and Mrs. ~, o!---' I WIll be Nov. 17 wi h a covered -- Shufl~ldt weddmg' at WI Side. Benl Bottger was a unday <lm-

Jeos n ~nd, l'1's .. Rosemary MIT} ZI Mrs. Martha Lutt returned home dish supper. I Mr. and Mrs. Ever tt Bukley ~ Mr. and Mrs. V. I G. McFadden ncr guest at Ervin ottgers. All

W, erc, gq,e,5tS. Pfl:es were ~o"n I y S~nday afte,r spendmg two '1"','eeks _. '/ a~d Patty visited Tl!mrs ay in,' the we,re1 Sunday after~onl guests in the afternuo..,Iat the Bi,ll iMr. land Mrs Call. Troutman, r. With her daughter, Mrs,. Walter Ros Iyn Leapley, Fet d Richard Roeder hOlffie, Frerdontl till' ~.JOYd MeFadde h me. Breyer home, Pierce - Iand Mrs, N. L. Oltman, Mr. d'l Nelson, Columbus. I' . A miscellaneous' shower was for Mrs. Roeder's birth ay. I M nday evening r. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Rob 'tit Morris.MrsJ Lloyd ehmer an~ Mrs: If 0 Mrs. Lilly Averman and I Mrs. held Sunday in the orne of Mrs, I Saturday guests in t ie Riclard .Joe I inkle and Mr. an Mrs. Vin- I Wayne, were Sundayl din n e r '!--+----------+--f--t......------.~e~IThenextmeehng~llleFred~uehl~e~,wereTh~sdayJea~~apley.h~ing~-MC~aldhome~reMr.a~liFF=~~~1a~i~~~-~~~~~·~~~~~~~;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~iii-~-lIn Ute ~ioyd ehmer home, Nove,' -I. a,fternObn VISItors m the, Mrs/Dora llyn capley, whQ W.1,1 b,'e. married Mrs. Orville COlVin, a d fa .,' By,ber 110. , , Ritze home.. . at S. Frances de C antal church Mrs. Nora Colvin, I GI COI1oish- , I Mrs. Oscar Fiene and f mlly, Nov 23. ! Iand son, Bill, Blbom ield, ,andEigHt Guest,s at Club ,Lincoln, spent Thursday to S nday I D corations were in ~he bride's Mrs. Everett BUrle~ an Patty.

• Mts. :LOUI Kahl served a 2J 00 t with her parents, Mr. and Mrs·l colo s, gold and white. Shower 'O'~IQck I des ert, at Three-Fo rs LW. L. Cary. Saturda~. aft rooon ga es were played ;and lunch ,bnd e Iclub Fnday, Guests w re !Mrs. Don Wacker _ vlSlte~ "~ W"IS serve? by the' hostesses, Mrs. 1Sholes

--- ---~-----;-- I Pau Wattier, Mrs. Gene Kuhl and . II Pau a Sue Wattier. By Mrs. Martiln M dsenI:!::::::: ';:;:; , I'" ,Phone48·R14.,Ran olph

: ; : :-: : ': ::::: I Mu ic Boosters Meet I;, I: ~ : : : : : : :: • : usic Boosters 'of Randolph Mr and Mrs. Alvin asmussen,: ':.": : •.•. • : ; : I P.ll lic School me~ Tuesday eve- Siou~ City, and IMr. and Mrs.: I:: :( : :: Inm at the. scho91.1 Kare~ Isom Dewayne Granfield a d family,,,,: :, :: :::::: :,' .'., Jt- pr,e ented slIdes Of ?eJ", tnp e.~st ICarroll, were last I S,ll By dJ,nner: : :: ~::::: ,;1,.&:'" I this summ~r. A bu~m¢ss me~tmg guests in the 'Roy Gra ield home.

I.: : : ': ::::: ~ I wa held Wlt~ .Mr&. Herbert HIlke· Mr. and Mrs. J3111 Smith and: I: :: ::::: I rna n presldmg. Refreshments family were Sunday Sll per ~ests:1::: :: 0: • we e served by Mrs. Dean Me'lin the Chub Sm~th orne. Mr.

I : : :: • Gr wand Mrs. Gordon Chapman. and Mrs. Harry MeD nald, Ran-

:j ::: '1 ., . dolph, were SU~daY even i n g•. ' • • Ca pflre Girls Meet guests in the Sm th ome.:1 : : : . e-top.pew· Camp ,Fire Girls I Mr. and Mrs.' hub Smith, and~ me in ·the Harry, Mc.Donald home Mr. and Mrs. Bil Sm th were in

Wlt leaders Joann IMcDonald and Sioux City Tuesda .


Sa dra Burley. All !members were Mr. and Mrs. illi m Pu,ntney~sent~eglll$r btitsiness s~s,- Iand Edith ~urru w re S"unday






ilver Dallar Night Drawing in 0' rStare Thursday Night far $200

... oop .• ,,_...._ .......... --


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Christening Gift 5e haseverything for the big d y, awhite bonnet, a white sac e setond (I pair of white boote 5. Allconon (eAdusive of decor lionl.Ooe .1•• ~Iy. $ .00


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orlds at a brush ng, Never

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, I

I ~ } ! I

...._--....- ...+--.;..-+--~_ ....,...----I Mr~,.GC.rcIC K vana.g~ and ~au~t Mrs, Garold Jew,elIJ Mrs, 'Bill'

N' NE'W'S terti, Mr. and Mrs. Mdcn rrv<in Chambers, Mrs, Dale ~tanley, Mtli,l, Iand family. Ie. and! Mrs. arn~8 Wayne Lund, Mrs. Ellmcr Schutt'" . I Kavanaugh a d JimriY' M . and and Mrs. Esther Peter~on.

> S I' B ' Ph ·u' 4 28'7"" Mra, Merle avanau 'h andi sons, Monday afternoon Mr. aDd Mr '1Mrs, I r 109 oro -, one,·· , Larry and ike Ka, anaugh alld M, p, Kavanaugh ~isltcd n~

': ! Mr. and Mrs, M. p, Ka\'ana~gh.~ Spahr at the ,Wayne ijospital.We_ther' Tr C~I Fl "I' ,d Debbl and Mr~: Pctersl>n \ds" I Mrs.: Carol lirchert and c4ildr~n Mark Rocber was 8 Thursdla ,__~

The unusu I wan cather has I, cd in ,the Dean' Rlckl·tl. hOffil', were WedneSI ay supper gUd8ts~n overnight and Friday tia,itor in ~h I ha. Mr. pod Mrs. Robert, am J family, Mr. and Mr8. Mlllvln Ma ,z ~ <-,iarold JCW,l'1l ,hOIllt', In thl' ur Il~'y lo·l.hrln or nl S Irn1l! 1:1(1,01'\ hurt,conCused thellri,s in t ,~ Mrs,!' John onen, . !lhC Herman Hlf(.:hert ~oJne, Uaur l. Larry Lubberstcdt ho e Dnd JUdYtWByne, Mrs. Til'H A - and family, Mr. and Mrs, Dt'D1 IS ternoon Mr. lUll Mrs, 1"t'lIx I'n1l' pHlIl, "lin tun, Il It W, C. lie Ike'Thomsen's f~'wer,b,Cd, She reports" Cindy Schutte was .. I"riday nf· !\olr!!. H.~rve Henn,\,lngsell,' !,All,:I, Arnold Borg WDS a rlday afte· derson, L ur,d n,nd Shurun, PI' co t Oberhelman and Mr. and Mrs. D Ie field jOined th group, lit til(' Vt' 1Ullli0n hUMpH.1that 0I1c 15 booming, everal bios· ,rooon visitor in the Emil a,nd was :a Monda, Dftern,bon ViShor


,iD noon visitor in the' Osear Bor " and Marti n Dt'Groot, Wllyne 'ta e Bartling and daughtcrti.. ~ ~Stcve Ml'Cor Indll ItJ , Laurt'J, \\ll~ ,Jo"rldllY t IIUll'r I: (\KIM !n tll(l lila)'501119 Ilav(' Iso been cen on frUi~1 manda, Schutte hemiC. IUle Clarence ~enning~en ho~e. home. College. t Mr5. M, P. Kavanau~h was t u'weekend gU('S III tht, l-'rank John I~pllhr hnUl' w('rl' h(IY ,SII.llr antitrees In Ihe communi y. Mr, and Mrs. EillrI E.ckert and ·Mr. and 11-1 '. Manilln QUl.S~ w re Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Schooley, jr, Sunday dmner guests In th 0', Thursday evcnmg call1'r III the R son home. ' 1.I'I(uy SPI hr, Wa)lIe, ;-'--;. . a~ihte~s wcre ThLirsday cveningl Sunday event g visitOrs in the C) y. and family, South StoUX City, w~ ear JOhntn hOlnl' were Mr. a d Spahr IlOnll', Sunday IiUPPC /{Ut'lltlllll lhl' Hldl I MI's Ma Hllhn \',us III "'rid. Al

Mrs. How I'd Hanso and DIane, Ilutors ID the RollQn Dunn lIon Stingley orne, ' Sunday visltDrs in the, Dick Schoo - Mrs. La renee- Bal'kslrom a d 1\11' and Mr!i Paul Hahn II (I urd Mam !lUI 11' \\I'n' Mr unci It '" In U 'N 1Laurel" wcr Friday Hernoon viS-I Mr. and Mrs. WHliam Penh?rlek I Mr. and Mr', Hans Johnso~ w re e)' hom'e. I family, ~ rs, Ol,elia Magnuso II d fanul'y Wt'f(' S~I;Hlay t'vt"nln~ \' Sf t\-tr.'i. 111'1'1;01'(1 !ibnl IIml Mr' lind hl:II;::~:OIl \' s ur HJ OJ! lIU1llitors in the Gerrie Kavllnaugh ere S~ndarl (~ntr n,~~ luneh I Sunday cveni g visitors in the J~hn Mr. and Mrs, Erh~1 Ha~lur :~~dell, Paulette and Warren I-In I itors in the Norman Lubberstl d Mrs. ticr"ld h:-lwllrds IInli llllllJly I Mr lIlld Mrs. LI ,}'t! Wl~Ud('1I andhome. . j' uests In ·t J( a !('r lOll1l

H:un IPJ.:!lr,son hom. I wv"o.a"Y,o"rC,' w"ner,chcWCMdnroe,' Raoyy eNvcc'n" IlIOnH'. Annt'ltl' SdlU II' Wlls a Wl't'kl'l;d I fn11111) \\t'" la!>l • ~lur~IIY l'\'C unl:

Saturday visitors i the Elmer Inme, Oa~land. I"" I Mr, and Mrs'learrol Hahn, 'IOYx Mr,S' Clayton SLm~ley Dnd rh.i(~ guest of Conn!' lll'l'I'JIl II II , Dakulu \'I:o.llor:o.1Il hl' A l Stlryll:h'y hltllt',Sundell ho e, were CI ir Park a~d I Mr. and MnL l'aul Borg and S . t home. ., City, were ,llIst Salurday OVt'1 nlg\JI reo were Thurs~i1Y morning VI.I~ City, . i !.ow!'!'l iDanny, :SOU!l Sioux ·ity. art'n w(lrc Sunday l'vcnlng \"ISII· Gel y ...,. Monday afternoon \Iisltors ltl t • and Sunday v,sltors In the M'lx ors In thp Hay Spahr home, ' Mr, and M~. WillII'!" Sclllllll'l MI". aluLMr!l. Lt. to)' lIalm'!'I n'r.'

Dan Johr}50n, Mid and Co!legc, r,~ in the $Ierlni~ Borg home. I . IF" Mrs. Alice Herfel ho~e were M Rahn home, . Wl'dne!l~ay l'\'l',nin,g I'r1r" 1I"nd M, ~. were. 1o,'ridllY '!I('rnotHI ~IH':o.\". III \\"I'kl'lId J.: "~,b III lilt' Nt'w,,11 ttlilLwas a weCf'(!nd gues in the Hans Marv Lynne Kavanaugh was ,a Socia 0 cost . and Mrs.! Geogre Rasmussen. Sunday t'v('n~'ng vis!tors if tI!I' Gcrele Kavantiugh ViSited a)' the Duane lIa j.!man hOll N. \\ I hI

Johnson ho e, lIsl Slllur'day Clverright gU('st in IThur&-~ey. 0. t. 31 , Th~rsday evening fr, .and. ~ " Vincent Kava augh home we 'l' Spahr at till' Wayne h~sPllal. ~ castle. It', " I l'~tr' Illl;l~'t Irs (h Ill' Jldlllltllll 'l'r'.,Thurs~lDY C,vcnin g inner gucsts he Norman Lubberst{,'dt horn(', ,MYfo H~II wet'll party. ~h reh Donald Peters and aJnlly ,JOI~, Mrs. Lawrence Qumn a~d d ug I" Mr, .and Mr:i, Oscar Juhn.u I Sandra <;1'0 'Af' .~pl'nl ~I'\ ,'ral 'I'llI',dily I' ','nln~ v ~llllrll In til(' BIlII

tn thc La ....~Cn(.e ,nk 'utl home to Sunday gu(',~ts in tnc Lavern Kav·' parlors, 7:3U p,m. a group ID ~he Ge rge. Elckh ~ tel', ~erry l.l~11n.', J:~n S{'OP ,a: d were Sumlay c\"l'llln~ VISitors I, days UI the jon Bnatll' hOHII'" 1l1111 ..()l\ III Ill"

ob:;crvc 0:; ar"s ,~J1rth ay were Mr, naugh h,urne for D e()OI,}CrOtiv(' din· I " ,¥ home, Wakefl~ld, tO i observe il,l: Me- a,nd Mrs. (~crt.1c K~van Ug~l: the (i('I'('on Allvm hOI~Jli, ~aYnt" i Wakt·field,' I ,..,1,. lllld ~l 1'.' njJ .,,1'1 II 11 !Ill , (;II'lUIIland Mrs. onahJ Sh man, Alfred d lu ell t honor 1\1, p, Kav· Ice, ~ream upper Shower 1_ , host's bitthday. Tuesdalr supper gUpstli III Itl ' M .. Mr. ,and, M,rs. ,B,IIl ShaUu', I Mrs. HUY" . puhr lind ('"llIldl'1'11 hllllld, \\,' " SUll,1 r d,'"',lt',r ~"~"',~I~Bakkcr. lln( :viI'S Opa Schultz, , a~: al~ nnhI' ~)Irthclay wpre Mr. 1- nday evc mg a group uf rn nds Mr, ,and Mn, Leiter Troth-, R;e ron Dirks homtr were Mr, an MI s. SiOUX Lily, WL're Saturday gUt'· S were Friday I'i PIIl'r gUI'"b HI till': III Ih,' !\lH.\: Huhn hOIl1l'

' .' . - I aUR ,0 s, K' '1' J and rclal!ves hunored Mr. and rs. Lodge, Mont" and ,Mrs, MOr)t ("erald Huth itnd falTlIly, ugalll, In Ihl' Hans Johmwn hornt'. Ff'('d MlIth'~ t ,nH'. I Tu,':o.duy I'\l'nill' \"I~l((lrs 111 !Ill'Mr" ~nd Mr~, [\'II',II~ JluOlm ll~{~lal'1d ,Mr.. VJlHcnt~'lr~\aJllaat"I~lKi.lan\;_I'JohnSehwl~tr,,,, l'one<!, at :an iee GUltafson and ~. Lerami I'COlu, I I Mr. ,and Mrs. W,lllIam j>t'nll'l"ck Mr. and Mr. J,C, McCaw and \1111"111 J' .. I't111111"h I'LHII!' f.t,n,

Debble, No ~()Ik, \H J"( SlInda,Y dill ',V, lneH~" ~,lr,' and" Lf ",' " '"',cam SUPPl' and bhower at Qally Wyo. were visitors In the Mr, ,Last Saturday" C\'t~n,lng gUl' .tS~in, S d t I I .ncr guests ill the I' urI Peterson I anaugll and famrly" Mr. dnd. Mrs. Hall. May' Jewe" home, I l'I1C H""',.rd 'I,"n, ',o,n,' Wl'r' r ~'l'fl'. un ay ('Vl'nlllg gues s In 1l' Mrs, Mabel McCaw returned it 'tHlrIL'IIL' hil'lill \ll:h and I'al

I Ed K J d f I 1\1 and JT I" I'rltz Dahlgrcn hOllll', Oakland. Tuft.d.y fro • vi'it with rela- HI'IlIyhomc. (n tI P aftPcnooMrs.lI.a.II1.,.n . ~ ,_{'ss (." .•'~" aml y, - I. ,-' Mr, and Mrs, JiifTl BenJ'ami , and "Irs. B,l'r~ard Alibra an !It I". (' I d J' N , I M 1- - ,- -, ..- I~, II 1m y an Immy I'son \\' 'n' t ve,s.t .r n,go and, Audubon. I ~lr lind ~lr,~ \ 11l11n IIpl"h' lIuti

~ 'I \\ ~~~r:~~h ,H('rnMn a, g,rlOUP of ~~~;~~ t~:ri:o~u~?;rh a~=~~~o~o:~ - :~I~ily~rs, t.i raId Edward a I U Wl'dnesday suppl'r gut'sls III Ilt' I.. 11111,1111: W 'I" WI' hH'.';';Uy I'VI nlll~lWomen's So Icty of Chnsllao IScr· Mr. and Mrs. AI~in Andersc n MI'. and /l.1rs, Frank J hnspn ('Ian'nee Nelson home Mr. and M'~ I'alll lllolhil ;llid \ I.'lt(\r~ II the J oborl Dl'llIl1dl'['

~ Thursday evenmg Mr. and r.. 1':-\. family WI'rt' Thllr.~t1/lY "rll'l"IlllIlll 1I1l111l', \VII 'nt'. ,vil'e ml.'mbe s mel at the ,ch reh were Tuesday eveni g visitors 0 w('re Thur,"iday SlIppl'r gUI' 'Is lin, Larry LUbbe,rtscdt and falIll.1Y 'nu ViSItors 10 the 111111'1' IIc'rlI'! llO!tll' i ,Mr, Jill I Mr~ ('hl,!>t.'r M,'l'll\~'


for a worshl servlcc led by ~rs. the Art Anderson horne, Laur~l. the Vertical Gad£' hume, aur~1 Mark l~o('ber attendl'd a ska!ng Salurda aff'rllllOll gll":o.b lllllll"<lnd'f;llllll, Iklll"(U', und Ml'i UIHIMarvin Har, man, 'I'~e lhem of Mr. and Mr,S. Lawrenc-c, Lutz ,", d to help the hO$t ob~t'rve his lJirth p.arly ~n ~an~olph to ('l'wb ... le M, P. K8\;ana ~h 110111,,, VoI'fI' I"h'll Mt.~ J (' Md '11\ ,~pl'nl Frltl~IY .Illth(' program was a tall to prayer Keith, Oakland, were Sunday dl : day. I {h~'n (Jraf s birthday. , . lent-' Kavanllu h illll! I'ul lkldv, (,IHIII, 1111ld _

I and self·den al. ncr luests 10 the ,Manon Qu t h ' :h i Sunday supppr gUQsl:o; III tlw II· Jeanne Sl'r I'n V.11:o. adnlll1l'd I" 1\11' Hill! .\11'" c 11'l"IIIIHlIhn, $WllJl

A t I CI b hom. C ¥rc es 1lJ('r Jll'rfel home w(,re Mr. ndl

St. Vinc('nt',"i hmjJIIlll, SIOUX l'l!l ('II\', and ill I IIIH !\lr:o.,~ Mlix Hllhll


rtemls Ex ns. on "lu In Sunday visitors in the Lynn Ku 1 , • •• Mrs. La,rry Hl'rf,el and, I~ 1\'0,'. Friday for 01 ~I'rvllllon, \lnl', ~ll ILl) 1'1 't1ln~'1 \'I!-lllut:o. "n' Monday c cmng IV rs. paUl,lDOrg home were, Charlene Kavanau h St. nne's, .cetholic Chu ch ton fa Mr~ Boh Demps l!!' I I W

\\-as h,ostcss to ,len membe~s of and Pat HCldy., (T omas 'Hitch, pastor t: Wa"nl' ~nd M~s. Aliee Hl'rft'l: ' l?arl.l'nl' Noe WU,~ u Sund/l)- Ilw I'rall. 1;1 Iwr 1111111", a~IlI'ArtemiS E tensIOn clu"b, Mrs. Sunday dinner guests 10 the Llo d Satur ay N~)v. 2: (;l'ade ·th 01 :-,., , gm'st In tilt' DlIlllld I'l'll'l'~ IJ(lllll' i\lr~ I, "d ~la j"'~ tu.~ a Wt'd


Duan,e Kocs er gave the: lesson on Heidy home w,ere Charlene Kav n· calnchis n' 9,10 a.m. I, Sunday evcning ViSitors 10 the Wednl'sdlly aHl'rnoon Mr alHI IH'~,d,JY aid Tlllll, II) \1.'lltUI" III till'

'(h 'f ~ ,. Oliver Noe home were Mr. nd Mrs Lowt'll S ulldl'rs Vbll('d SIHI1 W111I~ Sc·IIlII/ lion C', 1'( rll'UpaddlOg han ers WI art oam. augh, Pat Heldy andjl"rank Dou h· Sunda, !\o\,,: 3: :"'lilSS, 7 a. 1. i !\-lrs. G. Eo Jon"s, Carroll. and I un.

1--- _ erty. , Monday, !\i(l\!. 4, 1l1~Jl sell 01 /n, na Kayc )'('t"rs I..----...,f----------+----f+-+---,I, ~1rs. Ann Rasmus been, ~d Mrs, Nonn~n Lubbe~stedt a d strut:llon, 7 .:JU I p.m, I Lori and Clayt~n lIartllllln s ('ntml~l~d to Ih ,West POl~t hospItal. Regg were Fflday mornmg l'all rs _ I Frank Lislc~ Sioux City, Wed es.

I I' nday ('v nlllg guests 10 the Pa~1 lD the Sorcn Hansen home, Metho41ist Ch~rch 'day ('vening Mr, and Mrs. ar.,B,org home to observe the host s Airmen Wade Monk speni (Man'lII !V1('f)OUgll'. Jr'~J)a,"t()r~ vin HarIman join('d their child en!birthday we e Mr. and Mrs, Ben few deys vi,sitlng In the Mer Thursday Oct. 31: M'?I" Ha Ilj- f 1 'h

Cross, Way e, Mrs. Frank ,Durr, Sherman home beJdre going to ween party' 7::lO p.m,; Ch611 pI' e- orMrun:n(; JIIlrs (ill'n Mal'klt'lTl nd~i?uX City, 1', a.tid Mrs. C a~ton new 8Ssignment et 'St. Lawre e Uce, 7:30 p:m. i Slt,\p'll W('I'I' i·tmrsday {'venlng Vb

Stl~gll'Y a~ fa,ml\Y and Mr~ ;and Island, in the :4leut,ians. Sunday, Nov. :3: Sunday Sl'htol Ilors III the Dl,~a Karnt,s,hOIllt'.~,Mrs, StcrIJ Borg and Ann ~ Monday evenmg Paul Borg a d 10 a,m,; worshIp. 11. Sunday aftf'rnoon Mr and rsSU~day ,c ('DIng Mr., a~d ,Ii ~s~ Karen called in the': Sterling B rg I-~- .:' Dick Chaml)('l"s .Iolm'd a grOUj of

1\'lal'\l0 Hal' man ~nd family '1 Sit home. Mr, lind Mrs. C;<tl"uld Jev. II and Irdativl',~ In tIll' Mrs ..Jurt'ta M ncrcd Char1~tt Kvols at the Wake· I Mr. and Mrs. CljJesler 1\IeC W Mary were ;a_~t Saturday (venlng hOflH' Waklofil'ldfield hosplt . ,and family, Bellevue, were we k- gucs'ts in lh¢ Wal'f('n 1" tc~ipIJ Mr,' and Mr~.' I\-tarVlrl Ell son

Mr, and Mrs. Oliver Noe ~nd en,d guests in the, J. C. McC W hom(' to,hl'lP '('elelJralc h, "," ,'''i11,l' anu family. SIOUX CIty, Wt'I'I', I'dMrs. Grac ~amb were Sun{:tay home. Iday, ' ,rtl'~day through Saturday gupst' In

guests in t e Harold Lamb home, I Sunday Mr. and iMrs. Ed S la Mrs. Hay Spahr and c lid ell I the Soren Hansen hOllH'. :Castana, I . ,jomed a group in t~e Mrs. Ma gc were FruJay MIl'rnoon \l~1 ors in Mr, and Mrs J L. Saunders ~ercSunday di ncr and supper g~ests McMilli!1 ~ome.' Cra~g, ·to ho ~r !lh(: Ernest Sand" horne, 1< l.lrl'l· , Sunday dinm:l: gu('sts m th(' Wil.,

io the GIl.' Macklem home were Mrs. WinDle Zeiger, Green For st, Sl,.lntlay afternoon callers ID he lillm Fehringer homp UloomrlcldMr. and rs. Lpren Bates, and Ark, : I LlOYd WendplI ,home welle ]\I r. ~nd ,. _,.,' .. ,. "Waynll'. all( 1'\'11', and Mrs. l'):eith Mrs, Bill Chambets was a W d-IMrs. How,'ardiStlllgley and Or~n, . l\Irs',Ed S~la ~P~~,\.s'"l~cra,1 ~a,YsKarnes, Hin on, lal. nesday supper guest in the Fr nk South Sioux CI1Y, and ~h', a ~ rqr~. ~1~~;tl~rL In the Hex ::ia a I JllH, en

l\lr. 'Inc! Mrs !Ll'I{Oy Crea~er Tomasen home. . Marlm Bus., af,d Judy, Ona a,lIa y.and fa~lilY Ild· ·I\l~·s. fl-Iartha Reith Mrs. Leo GarvlD Ispent seve al Mrs. Earl EVPl"s and I'h Ills at ~r. "anli

l.Mrs: Hlet~ll;d Lor('rl",!'I:

'W{'I"(, Frid' y I'v(,~ling visitor!> in days in the Elmer C cveland ho l', tcndt'd '1 merchandis{' ;part Wed· an la;l J, foort -t l~Jr w~ntlw Duane 'n'am~'r home, Wayne. Bonesteel, S.D., Bnd visited he~ fa- ncsday eveni~g at Ihe h m('1 uI ~\~(~~~n ho~~~sts III t Ie Will II

Lynette nd Joelyn Noe ~ere lher'at the Greg?ry,1 S.D., hosp( al. Judy 13rt'ssler'l Wayne., ,_ BiB Grips i\orfolk was a l'hul's,weckpnd gu ~'ts of Susan Frenchs, Mr. and Mrs. 1- rarlk Thomas" 1'., Sunday dmner gu('sb III tl {. llar- d' . "I J ,,·t' tl. Hu~sel1Bloomfield" dl, Sioux City, were Monday visit rs old Geurge h()~n(' wcr~' 1\ 1"., and A~l~e~ver~~;nl~ gue~ 1Il 1('

Mrs. J. . Sa~nders ret,ur:ned in the Paul Thoma~ home., ¥rs. Howard ~uuld and f 01 Il,Y. Mr. ~nd Mr~. Wilbur Van Clravehom~ Frld y. aft~r a week tn the Mrs, Violet Youbg, ~akef11d,., Mr. a~d Mrs, Chester, enton and Dean were'Sunday l'\'l'ning' V)!>.StanJeY,._F ,hr!njl~f:-.:!!!.'!!,~~,- was a Sunday throu$h Fhday g eslr and family, l'Naterbury, a d Mr. itors in tbe Merle Sherman hOnll'.fiel,d., Mr..Feflrll~:t8S rec: " in the John Young I home, ~nd Mrs. Rand~1 Be'nton an fa:m· Mrs Ra' S ahr and thil~rcnIy lOlured In a c rrtoplcker aCfld. Mrs. Mary Tolles., ~aurel, as Ily, Dakota ~Ity, were unia~ were 'Tues~ay PeVening ealler~ 'mdent. , d th a Thursday evenmg VISitor in the I dinner guests In the Fred at e

dthe Gcrele Kavanaugh ,home,

Among t ose who attende e Russell Ankeny home, home. In the afterno~n ~ . J

District TC" ehers' meetings at Nor- Mr. and Mrs. Elred Smith w're Mrs. Earl Mason and ,sons IOIlWd 1\1r.. and Mrs: Oscar Hlckell, J UII·

~:::"':'::::::::::j":::::::::::t=::::::::::::=:::::::::.....=~: folk, Thurs ay a d Friday were Friday evening visiUors in the ar. the group f~r lunch, ca, v.ere Tuesday VISItors Ill, tll('~ --- ion Quist home. Mr. and Mr:s. Oscar Joh~s n were Max Rahn h~me.

IMrs. Duane Hangman was a ed_ Wednesday ~~lcrnoon VLSI OfS' T~wsday e\emng \!I.~j{nr~ ill, the

d . 't . th W t lh A' id pl~jerson home fllrli. May Jev.ell hom,£' were !Mrs,nes ay VISlor 10 e a er e IV e ..;.., J. C. 11cCaw and Mrs. JlIck WI'SSchutte home., .Thursday C' ;ening guests Ill, t~!: terman. ~

Thursday guests Ill. the A len RIc-hard Manz,. h~me to C, lebratl Mrs. Dick eh' nh~~rs wa~ a Fri-IPres,colt home were Mr. and 1's', Deanna Kaye'$ ~Irthday. v. rc Mr day afternoon g:u s,·t In the Clan'nel','Leonard Hamilton and sons. 003' i and Mrs. MarvlIl Brockm nand HenningsL'n hom :-.--------- --- Friday evening guests. in the I

Soren Hansen home to help the Ihostess observe her bir'lhday Iwere Mr. and Mrs. E'omund Kast· irup, Mr. and Mrs. Viggll Kast· Irup. Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Han-Isen and family. Mr. and Mrs.Marvin Ellyson and family, 1nd·1

Elin H'n,en. IIWednesday ~llpp('r gu{'s!s in lhl',

~l~~~~r ~~~ h(:~~ll~r~,'~fl". ,\lr~. Emma,

MI". and Mrs. ,JUll Lilln amJ fam·1ily wel"(' Sunday afternoon t'aller~11

In the WIlliam Penleflck humt',Kathy, Paul and /{onr,I(' sloanll

I, were last ::iaturday Vl.~ltors Jll th'_, Ii .\IarvID Hartman home.I I'IlI". and Mrs.' Ern(-'~t Sands ilnq

Dick. Laun'l, wl're Sunday dIDn('~ Iguests- in thc nay Spahr home I

Hoger' (;ra.ham, M".adow ~l't;\'ew~s II Sunday dl~n{'r gue~')t III tj

.. , 0'0 YOU KNOWljthat it costs less to run'a full· Ipage ad than it does to send apost card to all the readers of I

The Wayne Herald. i

hcst nt about ,\;,Manv !Joll1('

thl' m'istak(' ofvl'g('\ahlf's 10l) (':llivMId ()ctofH'r htimp [,() h1tI'Vl~,,1 .I"

peratu'rl's aliI' .I(I<,\'enough so tb'll (1)(' ~t'II,'~l' 1'111,rtl

. can be vpntllatl'6 ,~lId co/lid!.properly.

October ha~ alv.ays heen (0 Jll(,ahout the be~t lllnnth in thl' yl'qrAs a fellow ~!'ts a III Je'r 'I"appreciates ~dl)h('r t ('('alH-if' It cstifling heat ~f summl I' ha~ g{J~l'and the chll, of ....-111 pr ha" n Jtyet arriV(,d'llnS\('Ij(~ w(' hL! l!

that delighlfll sort Olin lJ('tw,,~(:nseason, Indian SUmnil r, (ilnd (~

sure have h d a If) of It til syear) May (' w(' j' J~)Y Indl' n~ummer bf'c Ull(' It (";J he sort J

llkenl'd to No Jon'cr do we ave ttlll,mp1~JSIV('sPlflt of you hand t c tbnll bold age has at yl't Uf lved' Th(mtoo you kn w 0' to er bnnfHHalloween a d what nIght thaused to be () In"" orward lb.There were g lc~ II) b' dlspl.uee~,buggies and ag(Jn~ t he haulddoff, to say othtng 'f the Jade ,;houses that tf)ur] <.It he buck bthe lot, jUJ>{ w.utmg for wlJ1irthands aDd fl' tl,e mm fl to cngm­eel' the job Of tlPpmg them oyer.(I remember that one" in myoId .home town, e pushe J one OV~'whIch wall a the mo cnt oc~.·

pled by qnc o~ ttJf' t wn'g filO'tsubstantial ~ IlzenSj, ,

Today you neveT h ar of ,a yof that sort of thing YOU~hfIJpranks in the mmds a some.pc ­pie and JUS plam eVlltry n'the mmds 0 others. Dependlargely on wether y u were nthe receivm end or oot, as. twhat you cai cd ·cm. !

Nobody ha any gat .s anYJ!lor ,a bug8S IS earlY;J prebl,s ­IC as the, di osaur a d. mode nplumbing ha done a ay with elittle bungal w: on th alley.

Today the limmuni y prans eHalloweenJ f Etiva! f the ,kids.They have parad , bob f~some' apples, play ga ca, m~y~eevell ..wmd t eMay Ie. TIUJ'are done f r them insteaddoing them f r tbems Jves.

No wonde tbe)' talk abo ImIXed up, lI.strat kIdS.CDance for em to low off a .little steam lD rather harmIe s ~

pranks but j can ea se tbem '"'generate a ead of steam th

may blow off mto som tblDg Pijtty big and 5 nou, I " ,.1

,,'," I I, .:'11.IF" \

Mfll. GCOlillc Gronu. wa~ lhiUr!d ITUC1,IUY whenlit' {ell down 11 cave while IlllIYllI/.II III It hnol , . ,IRey. Mr. Henklc, Auburn. wn Iwrc c'l!lwflc1nvfJvenlnJt to drHvci' U h'lDI ,N{'l'J)\O lit St )nlll Lllll;1

{'fan church .. , ltay Kt>II"y, Cnrroll, MUU"rl'llII broken right h'~ Saturday wht'n IIr' HllI1!lC)l1 11lltfIt'lI while worklnN In thl1 yurt! III hili IUIIUl , • ~,

All the 011 milt 11m!! bt'~'n lultl 011 till hlJ:hwllYsnuth of town 1l~1t1 hulf rH till' 11l'lIlor l 11111111: hll~11t'<'n romll!cl·NJ., If the \'fl'I\lhl'l' P('l"I1\l1 , lIll' ~'(lH'structlon job will be f1nllllllt'd nl'rtl Wl'l'k I.lj,lhtr,llns f{'11 Slllunllly urul t1c111)!l'd' COI'Il I It-k I1\101 rill'Illlllly fl{'ople thnt tla'y . A Chlll1lhl' <If ('orn,lIler('c commlthw III 1'1 Iru('sdny I'V\'lll \I~ "ll' InhlIol(' pillns for pn' Chl'l ..lhHUI R{'t!lltll-,

* *30 Years AgoNov, 9, 1933: Mrs R Cra\I'n \\'d\IW pionl'.""

sllffl'rrd a heart attack 1\111l1d,IV :111,1 11"11 .II ltd'home, bruising hf'l' (un' and hand_ \11\ ('1'11\('(1

WIll be 92 year,q old n('xl .Janll.ll·\ I {'!lalhlll'Witt(', whose tNiching (,111'1'1'1 11I'~,11l ,Ill \V,I\,1I1' 'I

county about 1885, Will (JhSI'I'\"I' 11('1" l'll'hll' l'I~lllh Ihlrthday at Lyonll on Armistlf'I' <1,\\ l'I"('P,ll,\'lions for t('nth annuul stunt night "j \7 "rl'occupvlng: the ('('nlt'r of lnlt'l'I'~l "11 hill

William Lilje cf'I,·bl"atl'd hi" hlrlhday Sunday Most of Ill(' flll"ml'I"' 1111' \ 11'lll ,lty are finishing lip corn pll'kmg 1111' ,llul In'porl un avprag" II( :l:i hus)wls pCI <I( LlIl\(1 'B('hmf'r h<J~ infectum In anI.' hnnd II<- 11 ~:llld

bur In i1 when: ht, W.:l,S picking ('01'])

t\ 11111'f or thicvps hl"okl' illto til(' ~I 1l'l"S plt'va~oWffl('t, In Iht' IkPlit 011r1,IY l'vpnlWlast \H'('k and (";(',llll'([loot About 35 pprsons inl('J"l's!l'iIIp('tlnt:, ranging frolll slllall b().\" IIIt!w roll('gp on Thul"sday ,1'\'1'11111;':('1J1lpctlOns Frpd Ikckrnall W/I"day when a honw pUiihl'd him 1l':,1I!1~1

* * •2S Year. Ago I,' l

,Ott. 27. 1938: Wild -r.(lS('~ 111 bloom Ik :!Il' 01'1.tlmrr.'l .'lay they huvt, nt'v!'l" hdllr:,' (l'lllld'thl'ql',But Alhert Bastian saw II, llll;':!' p,lt\ 11 Illlh billS­soms and buds northwl'til Il( \\ouY!\(' III_t \\I'ck ','Mr. an(,1 Mrs, Detl('( KaL LI'~II(' prt'('!Il1'I, oh,'1t'r\,pdtheIr fIfly~second wl'dding IIIU1H 1'1 _,11 'Ii . We'lITh'S,ddy ,. ExamInations (or po... I,1I {',lll'l"I'_ 0111 flr ......Carroll on route one Wl'l'l' luke'n at \\IH~IH' pn~1oHlcr Saturday by 20 appllt'ullh Illjtld 'I\nl~~'t't'h.'bratcd his ~evcnty·fiflh blrlhdll\ "illltldn~ ,Rt-v. II. M, Hllpl'rt had spt'(,lal WI \~rl''iI In l'lt'n'('Sunday nt lilt' I.uthprlln ('IIllI'l'h t'll" Ill" 1~\I'IlI\ HI111'~lnniv('njary of th~ (\I'dklllllll1 0' 111(' ('111/1'('11 Illlll,l'.In~ Hev II I\. IIllpt'l't IS pa~\(11 ,J! 11,(' {jhlll'l'!l' i,Mrs. L, W Nccdham hll~ hl'l'll (,jPP(J11 ,II'd f'l1, o{ t~c Rl'd C~o~s III Will~ldl:' \boilt hlllfthe corn In the Vlclillty IS plt'j{I'd IIlld r. 1"1lWl"," ill'('

bu:-;y finishin~ the work l"'foI'I' stllrlllV \\ 'utht'l' "The D, J, Davis residenr(', ('anoll, I" Ilt'lnu r;j.decorated after being dumngl'd h\' .. n ok I'

Mr. and Elmer I'tllllips ('I'I('hl'llt'd Ihl'lrtwenty-ninth weddin~ annl\n"i1n ."illllllHY .Miss Hilda Neihllnlt, dllllghll'l' or III J Ii. :\'d

llarrit, has received appll1Jllrnl'111 ,I" ~11l'1'l'I'al'\' lilth(' Swiss con1;ul in St Low.. I'

Nebraska Cd. Agent'sF· til b 1 ~ •Irs ::,~,~\~ COlumn

--II-as-t"l-c-s-;z-e-o-r-nu-m-c-,-ou-s-' --+1--------­streels () Omaha discouraged Poison Danger in Sorghum Fieldsyou from visiting its toufl~l New growth in combined sor_sights and points of national J!tlllm fil'lds can be extremelyfame? dijngl' ou.~ to livestock.

The answer to this problem Any liv(' sorghum plants canwas the basis for developing the Cfllllal dangeruus quantities o{Omaha "Gateway Clty TraIl." prtl'>SI acal, but the new gl'owth

The "Trail" covers 60 mlies, is mo t dangerous Farmers areconnects 13 points of mterest and advls(' I to wail ten days to twois marked by attractive 20 x 40 \H (>k~ aft('r the first killing frost.four·color signs and arrows to bl'fore stalting to pasture thedirect the tourist or slghts(>er fll:,lds, They are safe aft('r bothalong the waj. ICC1ves and stalks have turned

The sights are numh('l"cr! on brownan attractive brochure for Id('n- Meat at Bargain Priceslification and description but Man' food choppers may notit lS laid out to begin and end hl' a arc of the good buys thatapproximately at the same loca- C{ln I't w be made in meats. Mosttion, making it possible to pick of us re inclined to adopt fixedup the trail al any point land buym patterns without regardfollow it in its t'omplete circle. to ch nging costs. -

The trail starts at the Joslvn Catt e and hogs arc now ~ell·,

Art Museum, located al 2218 ~nb~y a\0~~~si1:~~~;t~;~aJ~ref~t~o~:iCchOll~~~~~s o~ els than (or sev-

exhibits concerned with the de- ~:al r:f~;~:edThl~velopment of western man, bargain prices

The second point is the Mor- on beef .andmon Cemetery. Buried there are I pork at retail

°wehaodYdie~iXin h~;~i~Cdqu~~;r~07~ I meat counters.Thi IS an opportune time to

Florence during the VIolent win· stock your freeler with our mostter of 1846-47. valua Ie protein food product.

The trail then proceeds to the Pointe s for Falllocation of Omaha '.'1 Home For Fertili er ApplicationBoys and on to the picturesque t;dl erslty agronomists adviseWorld War II Memorial Park. that Itrogen fprllHzersl applied

The number five point on the now I' later should always betour is the internationally fam- work d IOta the soil. Nitrogened "Boys Town." Its spacious fertili .ers plac('d on the solIwell kept campus, serene chapel suda e begin tn volatize imme-and farms are probably visited diatel and much can be lost un·by more out-of-state travelers le.'>'" c \'ered .than any point in Nebraska Be-, Thi loss will not occur withiog the point farthest west on lime nd phosphate but they to.othe Omaha tour, Boys Town is a are est worked into the soillogical place for visiting Nebras- wher plant roots feed.kans'to pick l,Ip the tr~i1 and pro- Th present and .fieldceed to the next pomt, attrac_ conrli IOns make thiS the ldealtive and extensive Ak-Sar-Ben tIme to take soil samples ~orField. ~esti~ Then too the informatIOn

The sightseer then goes to the provl,led with test results areworld's largest livestock mar- avail ble early enough to h~IPkel. A visit to the Exchange you Ian next year's croppmgBuilding puts the visitor in ~he progr m. .center of a "sea" of pens which' Sal boxes and information onduring market activities, coh- takin samples are avai~able attain thousands of cattle, hogs all c unty Extension offices.and sheep. Base ent. Tod Warm

The trail then ll~aves Omaha For getables.for a look from the highway at If you're planning to storeStrategic Air Command Head- ,gard n crops in the home, tem-quarters and Offutt Air ~or~e perat re and moistur~ must beBase and on to Bellevue WIth Its take into consideratIOn.own historic sights. A entilated storage room thatIt then passes Mount Vernon is in ulated from the rest of the

Gardens. on to Riverview Park, ;base ent is recommendedb


~:c~o: ;::~se~a:.~ ~n1~eaUo:;; I;:::: b~da~r::ee . .:o~y ~

blocks from the Joslyn Museum war for vegetable stor~ge.and the beginning point. R t crops - su'~h as beets.

These high interest points OD carro s, and ,ParsnIPs hak~the Omaha tour can be viewed best when dthe tempe;:mpkmsin a few hours but the Nebras-- abou 35 egrees, - 'kan who has the opp0rtun.i\V of squa h ~nd ~~~s'o1~ii:.~returning another day will no war er empe bb stodoubt wantrexplore some of 45 to SO degrees. Ca age res

* *,20 Years Ago

Oct. 28, 1943: Brown·McDonald storl' in :WayneWflS entered MondJy night by htlrgl"rs v.l)o \I)I)kmen's clothing, luggage and some mOnl'y Mrs

t~/:heMdo::;t"~:;~l;r('('~l.~~~~~(~~~~,~~{~~n(~f '~r/I;~~

* *lS Years AgaOct. 28, 1948: Itinerary of the forlh cornin wnw

farmers' tfip to Europe, With Alhert H \ atson,Wayne, lind Senator Morris Schroel!(,l", II/skms,inrlu(]('d in the 25 man "nlc!wpstern f,nrlll('r group,was revealed this ~(,l'k All is In rear!!n 'ss forthe third annual employer·employee party to hestaged in the city auditorium tomght Thetavern in HoskInS owned by ,Jim J<~ri{'nd W IS bro·ken into early Saturday mornmg, hut app rentlynothing was taken The I<:dwin Mort IS anriC,1arles Sieckman cars collided at the ro ner ofSecond and Sherman Thursday noon, UI s{'ltingthe Sieckman machine, No on(' was injurulAn "exhaust spark from a trador bcmg tl cd {orcurn pickmg is thought to huvc caused t l' fl[ewhich destroyed about two acres of eOI'll on theO~ville Nelson farm norlhWPst of WayrH' londayafternoon. The Wayne fire department 111'11 cd ex­tinguish the blaze Ih'[l'dIVe win ~ wa."thought to have been th(' cause of a fil"{' whIchthreatened the Co~d theat('r building l'drh' S,durday morning I

10 Year. Ago IOct. 29, 1"953: Wayne's KI IInls duh wi I hole!

their annual urban·rural rei tions dlnll(,I' It 1m·manuel Lutheran rlHlrch ortheast of aynt'Monday night, , , Six pichI'. werc llsed las Mon·c1J.Y wlJ('n neighbors and fra'nds picked c rn at

:~:t:11~'~Pi~t~J~b~gemfi~r~it';~~o~~.D~r~\~~r'L~ll:lr~~~Juhnson, Carroll, was nllmed pr{'!{ident )f theWaym' County American Legion Auxiliary Tues·d3y night at the organization's anmllll II l,pting

. Approximately $250 worth of liquor was stol('n'from the Sholes tavern Friday l1i/{ht, Sherif lIansTil·tgen report('d this wet'k N('ighbo sandfflends gathered at the Louie K,llhl farm T ll'sdavmorning to harvest Kahrs corn,. Altholl 'h sht'('auld not swim, Mrs Edward Mann Il'up d mtowater over her head Sunday to save l1{'r lw YPUI'_old son, 'ferry, from drowning,. t'oll{'old fJrt,men were called to the Conrad Hpfncr fan :\IIlTl·dJY morning to put out a chimney ftr(' 'IrsC H, Morris received a had ~ash in her l',ll! Ina fall at her hOI~H' Sunday mor'mng

tll!' sl~hl~ and rl'lurn to com·"S p1l'll' dll' Ifill ThIS is anotherfl'" llllHjJng ;m~Wl'r to where canee \\(' go . what ran we do?


A('('()f(lmg to the outspokenS..cuttsbluff senator, "the CosaNoslra seven are all in the bud­g('t committ('e and b anch out totlil' Il'glsJatlve co neil, rulescommittee and co mittee oncommittees,"

Jn some other c mments on111e UnIcameral, Ca penter saidthree"fourths of the bills intro­duceq are not studie by personssubmitting the m. "This isbrought <lbout by t 0 many inJlficc who are bei g used byollts~dc interests," h added.

Approves Agre mentNobraska public p weI' review

board has approv the firstcomplete service rea agree-ment under LB 220, passed intolaw {our months ag .

The agreement b tween Oma­ha Public Power istrict andComhusker Power District in­volves the southea t corner ofC()1f~IX county.

LB 220 allows po er agenciesuntl~ July 1. 1964, 0 reach vol­unl;,\ry agreemeFlt on areaslll('y Will serve. Aft r that time,thl'l board wil! d~ci e.

O'maha district i negotiatingfor i a similar agr ement with


~oliapensation Report')t<;]'lff~ annual'retJo l o{ Nebras-

ka'~ workmen's ompensationcourt showed co pensat ion,medical and hospi al bills paidby pmployers and i surance car­riers in the past fi cal veal' be­C<lU'>(' of industrial accidents to·talecl $5,786,272, wh ch was $988,­987 more than du iog the pre­VIOUS fiscal year nd was the

~I~~~~~~to~:~~~r~'r siding judgeof the court, said i view of leg­Islation effective ct. 19, "ItI~ ~afe to prE'dict t at in the pre­se~t fiscal year b nents underthd compensation ct will passthI $6 million rna k."

he rl'port said there were41,.41 mdustrial accidents re_

,potted during thel year, 1,512mdre than in tte preceding

·year.There were 90 f~tal accidents,

16 more than in the previousYCF. Twenty·three fatalities oc­

,..,c:utred on the roa~.

bOle Retireme!t Planthe attorney ~e eral has ad­

vI~ed Freeman ecker, statenormal board cod dinator, thate'nlployces of the our teacherscolleges can onl.y e covered byand' retirement a4·

the attorney ge*ral said em­plqyc('s of the .nirmal schoolswllo have paid in enefits to thest~te teachers re irement pro­gram will nol los those bene-

fit~ if ~be normalioard .decidesto I adopt a separ te retIrementpr&gram,

The 1963 legisla ure approveda !Jill allowing the normal board

~o establish a se arate retire­men~ system but he board has

ot yet made a d eision on the

m!~:r~ttorney ge~eral said theIe islature ioteod d that thoseno mal school e ployees nowco ered by the tate teachersre irement progra would havethf:.r in-service b nefits frozenif the normal boa d adopted anide p e odent r tirement sys­te . The frozen enefits wouldb released when the employeere ired. Interest n the moneypaid into the t achers fundw uld cQntinue to ccrue.

D~Ita Process r Nameddwatd Willia s', Denver.

C la" has been n med chief ofd ta processing f r the $200,000N braska state g vemment ac­cdunting study.

!williams, curr ntly beadinguf, the. data proc ssing unit atth Denver bospit I, will be paid$9,Opo annually, e will beg~

hi~ Inew duties a ut the mjddl~ofl November_

~h¥ done a counting and

a~ iting for the -f eral- govern-DlJ' t and has t severalYlllrs . in data ~esSi:ng work.'f pro",'e com~a os, .

mostIlwy could

their \\ork III thl'(,cof tlH'lr think

four w('f'ks h(' lllllr(' rf'<:I.·listie' tlnd ~r)m(' aI'(' gll('ssin~

tlw "{'S\l',l\ \\ ill ~~o on c\,pn long·{'r

Somc Tlwm!J('fs d the hankingCOlnllll\tl'l' "ollL;ht l',lrnpstly inIlw fll ~( \\ ('('k III fmd someonp to

lour hJ1ls pr('parcd byC'I'l,(lit fm;lIH'l' Inrlllslry but

had no luck. The committcc­men a p]J:lrl'ntly were fearfulthere InIrht 1)(' public grumblingi[ they sponsored the time-salesmea,'iur('''

Aftrr a couple ot suggestionsfor mlr'lrlllccrs WC>rC turneddown, 1I1r('(' committee mpm­bel's Albert Kjar, L('xington, W.H. JInsrhroock, Wpst Point andII L (~('fhtlrt. Newman Grove,agr('cd 10 "ign the proposals,Kjar is chairman of the bankingcommlt!N', also slated to takepubliC thiS week onthe con!! bills, oj

One ce of legisla-S"n~to:r Terry

"Jiu£!, w:)uld re~

.. t1nll' ,,-des doc-111at add('d

&1111 .'1 '[ I 1)l(.,ln'~ ploducts onlinll' I nll ' t I 1'(' c,lmput('r! tiS

))'1\(']"1'''1 '['I]{' :llll also stail'sIt n('vel' wa,> the mtcntlOn of iheliCglslaturc th<l1 transactions inwhich goods arC' on timeshould he- by usurystatutes.

Anolher of the I hills, LB 26,sponsored hy Sen Kenncth Bow-

Red Cloud, would permit upto 1)('1' cent interest on unse­cured'loClns repClvable approx­imately equal monthly install"ments.

The governor saiel h(' wouldtdlu' a close bok at all of filetln'c·sal('-; measures Clnd thendecide whether he :-Ihould pro­p 1St' a hIli of his own lie adderlttH'rr dls') '''':is a possibility thatthe legls]ation could be amend­ed to be In line with his think­ing

I.INC'OL:-J - :"-Jehr;lsk<l's law­makl'rs arE' haek Ull Ihl' Job in~p('('lal s('~"i III (';I1Il'd hv (;ov·('mol' ~lornsfln to deal v.l~h thestalt's cn'([lt fln;lIH'(' ('I'lsi~

The Sl'nator" C<ll1l{' hack toLme'llln ahout thl' tl11H' most ofthl' bJ1Is pa"s( d m J'('gular 1~6:l

"e~"lIin W('rt' l.4oing in!o effect.On(' of 1111' flr"t things tbey

did \\ as agn'l' 10 :1 charilge inlUIc~ undl'l which (lll hills hadto be IntrodUC'I'd by indIviduals

th(' flr'.t flVl' Whf'nthe pa~<;l'rl fridaya 101<.l] of LL{; 1ll(';l."UJ'('S had hl'l'nlhrov,n mto tIl(' h')p~J('r. Abouthalf dcalt \\ Ith tlllle s;l!('s and


Attac;ks B",dget GroupSenator Carpenter 'te~d off lln

th~ legislature's bijdg~t aOffi.­m,ttee in an' 'address in Lincoln

~~~tthee~;,lc~~alik;~::ate:~:~world OJ;'gan,ization.

Bottle Club LawThe recently enacted bottle

club law could be in for troubleduring the special sessiam. Sen­ator T. C. Reeves. Central City,has drav,ifi up a bill which wouldrepeal the Jaw. He said theshort experience ..... ith it has

,shovm it would be much betterfor the state if the law had neverbeen written.

:Disagrceing is Senator Mar­vin E. Stromer. Lincoln, one ofthe chief backers of the bottleclub bill when it was before thel<iwrnakers during tile last ses­sion. Stromer believes the mea­sure needs some signifUcant re­visions. Among other things hewants to forbid club o}ilerations0<1. Sundays, and also wants ac­curate membership lists to befiled with local officials.

Stromer said it would be amistake to revert to the old sys­tem under which bottle clubswere largely unregulated'. Thegeneral feeling 1Il the legisla­ture is that the law' passed lastspring was much broader Ithanrealized.

11M I, 'I) J(I\' 11/

lit (11!IfJu\fI//I!.YON 1111/ ~I


To /", (/ IlIu!Jan((I rlfJ'z(,1l H f!llls '{c!III!

A! Hard Time

I· . "'~4-";"';'--'---+---'-~---I--+---+"";"'----,--! . Tile I'd tor at department of a ikly ntws.. You rna not ogre with an tdjro"iq~ - hutI p"p,'" isl)m IfIP9rtant deportment. N rmally it is il you r('od t t: editoria mid give seiiau! though'

tJlll' pl°rton's oprnion 01 topics that c neern most 10 tile ,ubjfC discusS! Jlou have {Oin4d. }'Oil,

of Iht rrader,. as a read~r, I, tit !lif)e" ul..,lu} thou hi IP an im·/t " the, Juty 01 an tJi~orialtwri u to- search porwnt pro~J m and th writer is p oud] /0 hOf)~

all fl'cwilaMt'/aCt' brlore he sits datin /0 writi. called your at mtion to an imporlan suh~{,cJ Ihnt! From this bmis 'the writer should he ble 10 give you may IWf-' ofJu/ook d. ! I

~'Q "lraT picture ~I ;mpnrlfmt topics,. '

on temporat cerUfi ate~; othJrs in a t\\'Oroo'm Hchoo or in town have a teacherwith a deg ee. A ount of 'ducatio!l iHnot the wh Ie meas ring gtic in judgingthe quality fa leacher, but il i< "urel,y animportant ~ne. So e childre 1 have thebpnefii of Rpecial t acherg and a dh'f'rsi­fied progra in .lUll or high ~c oul. Othersdo not.

WhO~ae lheR "olhers"! Thev areour childre , where '('1' we Ii\' , for v:.e areall one com unity, he kind (f world OUI"

own particular chile will kno\' \vill he (\p­termined to a large extent by the:'le other!-l-v- their val eH, the r conduct, their loyal.ties, their u den",taT ding~'of w at wiTI helpNebraska b come a state whelre each citi-zen may have a l' anee to ~tow and Le- Capitol News I

rome whatJ,ver his vision anq ahilit,v can S ·1· .~ . kcombine to makf' h m. No chil'd in Nd)l'a~- t"te So II"Il S Beg-.n orka live" or ill live unto himself (although U Vover 100 . re now alone in their g-rauein school in Wayne ('ounlty). In uflllum-" 0 226 M - Hbered waYRiea("h wi I have lo work and gel n 4l1'11sure's .n pper~dong Withf'''the ot erH.", tti'U

UnlesR we par ntR and, }'es, also, wecitizens wit out ch Idren realize that theyare all our hildren with the right to e4ualopportunity and ql ality t;'dueation we arefailing our IreRPon, ihility aH citizens in ademocratic Rocid.v.

How 1(> obtai quality education iR aqueRtion on whic at the pn.'sent timethen' are many vi w~. 1'-='ach citizen i~ t'n­titled to ~'R own! opinion - provillPd itI~ an enlightened opinon based upon truthand not up n preju lices. Then> is flO lJdterway to she one'H rejudices than to :-1tudywith other. who re willing to riHk theirprpjudicPR, Itoo, pe pIe who will study allposRible Rolutions, even thos~' thp:v thinkthey \\on't like. I the procrss of exam­ining, RortiJR' and evajllating~ people everythin r but an e~trnest searchfOf truth, I ut tog ther they Iwill move inthe sluw \I..'ay of democral'~' toward,..; it

\viser ~'\ollitIbn'than thpy woulp han' found

alone. j,' ,The R oner \ e people .of )l"ol'thPHst

Nebra!-1ka 1 and t .!Iether in an pffort tofind the b st way to offer q~lali1y educa­tion to out child en the ~o@ner we willfinn the ~(jution. ~

To lh se wh douht thial ~t can bedone - an done graciousl:,; and peacl'­fully -let u~ ans er not with \vords butwith our 4ctions. Those dotlbtc~~ forgetthat we spring f om pione~r Rttck \vhok!lew, ,th~t cooper tion .is neC~'lsarIY ~o SUI"­vlval. -It lS no le~s rUf2 In ollrlday WIth ourpro'blems than it vas in the! da~1s of ourfatherR. I

fiT know ~eorganiz4tior iH inevitable,hut let'~ A'ive them a hal'd tim .. " \V ith aI"Imile on his f.ace RO f'lpoke a Wa ne countyIciti:t.cll recenUy. His'statement ad itH hu­,mol', for it captured the natural'resiRtanceto ehullge tha.t we find in m 8t people

~.\'•.'hether it's in regard to impro ing a telc­I phone system'l tl'~ying out a new farming orI htl~ille}\~ methpd, or jUiit the Hi pie fact of

'II :l(~cl:.'pting' the£reatiO'n of a onc- ay :-;treet.Bllt when yo examine that st tement, it

i i!-l, perhapH, ore tr.agic than humorous,i fnr,jn the words, ... _ . let'f'l g ve them aI hard time," tho are the "the "? .! DoeH thel "them" refer to the mem­~·h.el'~ of the sthte leghdature w 0 have re­cnnni7,pd that in many part~ 0 NebraHka,

I;-;chool diHtrictH Hrc Htill on.~ani' cd as theyi 1,verc in the old daYR ~o that a hild cOLl,Idi ,valli or ride a horRe. In the one Htate ofI ~('hra~ka are more Rchool <Ii. tl'ictfl than

in :dl Htates to the weRt of U' l'ombined~ with the exceptloli~ of Califol' lia but in­I elllding Hawaii ~md Alaska. M~ ny of those: RtatcH arc leRs populated thaI \\'e, Romean' poorer" and yet they have ovea faRt-('I' in the direction of Rchoohi 0 ganized tomrel the needR of modern day. At the Ne'hraska legiHlature thi:'l year.n bill wa!-1paxspcl Hpccifying that each c unty reol'­g'Hnization hoard !-lhall, draw p a re<1i!-1-

, triel inK plan for its U1H)rganiz d arPHS byIfHi(i, fii the leglf'llatui'c the" hem"'!

Or is it the town pl'ople at are the"1hpm'''! Watch (iut fur the enWll whoiiH\'S to you, "The town doesn't need the{'o'nrftry" or "The co).mtry does l't need thetown." ThoHe are meflnin~les" falHe slo­gans in Northeast Nebraska, spoken bypeople who want to fo'use yo remotionsbut don't want you to think. T e commtln­it.\" of Wayne is neither town n r country.:It i~ both - Rnd therein lies tf; strengthand its weakness. Its strength in that wehave what the other requires the need"for }\ervices on one hand and i e ability tofulfill the need on the othe . Togethertown Rnd rural make a stron whole, butlet there 'come divh·;jon and di cord and a..weakness is created that can!J comparedto the aftermath which foIl WH divorcebetween hUHhand and wife. A husbandand wife can exif't apart, Lut n one wouldal'g'ue that stIch a separation i' to be pre­f('ned to a harmonioufl relatio ship whereeach promotes the welfare of t 1e other,

In the Rllnvl Arpa Develo' merit:'move­ment, \vhich is brinv,ing p m;perity tomany cornmunitle::-;, tht.'re are itzens wholI\'e on the farm and there ar those wholive in thc ,to \,-;11 , but their inte ests are in­t~rtwjned. On the School Stud commi'~Jee

I ein the Wayne area there ar both. The! noon; to those ('ommittee~ are open at any I

time to any sincere person \ hatever his MorH Uf:,] view who wants to join lhe gr up. present • .,.-'"I) the facts aR he or she sees the ,and \vork Apparently c notoriou:-;iv l( \V DlRrk-

I towards a SO~lltion. up business haH tn en a turn for t e hetter,. r There i~ no· "them" aro nd Wayne, or at least that i, what some dIrect mailThere are no "city fOUiS" we are all pieceR distribute in Wa~'ne I 1'(,(,C'lltlyrural, but some of us live toge her in town would lead one t believe. I

so that service is more access ble to those Many area esidents /iI a\' el rpceiv('dof UR who live on farmH. letters offering to ~a\'t.~! them large

, When the citizen said ,j , •• let's g-ive amounts of mone on their] gr~l'ery bill,I 'them' a hard time" was he, wi hout realiz- even better than 5 percent,

ing it, speaking of the childr n of North- ,The only rea on we qU~Rtil'n this, iseast Nebraska? Some chi I ren attend that as close as ve can d~terrhine 'fromschools where a class gets tel minutes of information 'at ha d, the lan~est of chainreading time a day. In an ther school stores work on a out 17 pJrcept GROSSclasses get 20 minuteR; in ill another, profit which wo ld make ~avirgH of 25one full hour, which i, more t me in a day perce~t a little ifficult. ':than the first class get, in a 'eek. Ie that We suggest ou checkl: thi. and anyequal opportunity for all? other such offers with :,;ou'!" Chamher of__S_o_m_e_c_h_il_d_r_e_n_a_r_e_t_a_u...:g,--h+-h_Y,--,_t_e_a_ch_e_r_R__C_,o_m_m~erce before becoming: j IlVO Ived.

a plain dust ruffle is in keeping. -:~o ge, dry oAi~~ight~ ~~

E.~· A couch in a den may use a len thwise of t~~ fabric.AlenSIOn tailored corduroy cover. 001 fabric ~ay be relaxed

A Ibed will look more attrac- and refreshed by' plaqing it on aby N tive when its legs do not Show" han er in the b~·throom. Fill the

Myrtl, otes .A dust ruffle may be needed and tub one fourth Ull of hot waterAnderson. " if used should reach the floor. to create so e. moisture or

Beds with footboards may ste m in the ai . ThJs is an es-Guides for Buying Bedspreads have bulging corners unless the pee ally good '1V


' ay to frebshencorners of a fiat spread are mi- wo I garments jthat have een

Bedspreads come in a wide tered when placed on tbe bed, pac ed in a sutcase while tra-

~~~g~Ol~:S,~~~ s~~~r~c~~r:~Y~~~ or a tailored spread with split vel'ng. i Ilection available YOU'll be able corners is selected. I is advisabl : to dry-clean orto select one that will look at- Look to see how well a spre~d wa h woolens efor!? they be-

is made before you buy. Look co e too sOiledtThe label oftentractive in your particular set· for neatly finished edges on wil give sugge ions for recom-'ing and serve your needs. 'd f th d d 11 f me ded care. ost woolen fa-

··A firmly woven bedspread ~~h:~ °sear:s~prea an we m- bri s will reSPld best to drywears better than those that are cIe Ding.

~.~~~I,Y a;o;:~. a~h:t:~~e f~:ni~~~ Minimum Care for' Wool Ho emaking Br ef

ings, win influence the col9f of im~~lo~e~::d~~~ ~:s: t~~ bout four 0 ces of Ameri-the bedspread. If you have a a little "know-how" to keep it ca cheese or 3/4 cup of cot-small ,room, avoid strong eOD_ looking fresh and neat, This t8 cheese w provide one-tr~!!lts between bed - and wall. iD-cludes such simple thi d of a day' protein needs.

1 Wpen thel colors blend, a more 'things as the way you :himg up ae ording to U DA home econo-spacious I;dtect will be gained. wool, air it, brush it, abd press mi ts. '

If Yourl:' bedroom' seems hot, it. For' example, wool garments illions of American con-choose fahrics that are cool to should be hUnt on a well-shaped su ers buy ec nomical > instantthe eye and to the touch. In- hanger so the ~Ol!tour of the gar- no -fat dry . To help can-stead of lied ·corduroy, a blue or meot falls ,irilo place. The shap, su ers get lbe best quality pro·green, po'Hshe:d cotton or white ~d wooden hangers or padded du t for their oney, the U. S.drip.~y sh~er would give a cool type are much better than a De artment of Agriculture nowimpression. . \ wire, hanger. ha a grading tandard for tbis-Th,e~jstyle of the spread sboUI~ej Avoid crowding garments to- pr duct..Top q lity instant non-be re1atell to the character of I gether in the closet. Give them fat dry milk at meets USDAthe rori'ml and bed, A tailored I room to breathe aDd to let the st dards earri s the sbield "U.spread. s~oW~ be qf. a heavy tex- I wrinkle& fall out. S. xtra Grade. ' The new stand-hired fa~ric]. plaid or checked, Rotate wool garments to give ar s iru:.ure ilia the product will,material would bc suitable for, tbem a·'24 hour rest per

1·od. Also, . qu ckIy oissoIv i~1 water aod

, ' blJokc,ase headboard.: keep tbe garments ~lea . A good ha c free-flo . g ~oosistency.

.coverlet lll!d plain I' ' brushing· is a hig help· ,remov- ggy biscui a1e th~ result;rome would also be ittg dusf particles. Quick results of too much iii uid, too little fat

a e;, can lle obtained ~Y plaeing the or baking at 00 ow IitD oven''it. e ~m, a ruffled I garment on an :aroniDg Iboard, te perature. ad pecialists of

• a quilted.' f1~raJ. WithI face ,ide u~, I'd mov",," a clean USDA ,ay. j


H,-/ill llil (" ('till'" "Olin 'It'l lold'






r~~~"~'\~·'@!"" INATJONALFOOD8TORE8

25 FREE :6~';. STAMPS 25 IBiBLE" S'toRy"iioOK

VOWME ICOU'ON EX'lRES NO.... 'I, 191>.


SI EET PEAS J:. $1Bl~IBBON . V $1T~MATOES f 0":.




KRAFT¥acaroni or Spaghetti


2'..,.8·0l. 3"9·C .PKGS.



~ts$wmltt DIIIMARE50 STAMPS wilh F~Ien SeaFoud

50 S';A.,S with 4 LII$. APPLES90 ST."" with an, $5 Purchase .

$EMI.swm¢H~. 49c Red POTATOESNestle~s MORSELS :~::

HERSHEYINSTANr • 47" 59~~COA MIX '.lB.PK&••• 33·c; 2;'~":;;';;/. • cPremium Crackers ~. . L,..,--,~------'

.7COff ON • 63 FO AUTOMA1ICS' SiC u.oz. . 6~SPR.y, l ro.o2.CAN.Na ··.. C B.I e ALL t'~PKG :, swft LIQUiD ..NORTH~~Y 2 2ge P.G. • , ..... SIZE 3AURuRA ws's'fe..... BDIk , B EZE , _ 8le LUX .. oILEfSOAP.......... =3 C

VANllYlAll\1 . 4~ 'I . 43 '-'tH i 2Balh 31Faclallissues 4001

. VMPKG. OF 24. "................. ' C ~UX ~0JI,Ef SOAP C'WV· U .:- 2 ~...c u 59"DOYlE; SOAP ..... =;;,'7 .l C WlS~QUARtSI7E .....,............ C

II •• on

but s) lon~ as he has got some,they as hlJ!)e fer him. It was ac 'mf .rt to me, when things looksbad dth Russia, to rememberthey oullawet! God. No nationthat as outlawed God can win

oVrl~ Alm~~~~:r i~it t':f Ct~~~ sub-ject, !\1ister Editor, afore Ab'sprea her has me arrestpd ferprea hing without" a license.

I as reading last night where54 p' r cent of all the food peo­ple i the United States eats to­day ames out of tin cans. and50 y ar ago it wa'S only 3 percent. And over in an:Jthcr piE;cesom science feller ·was writingthat . a human weighing 140paun 1 contained enough fat fer7 fla cs of soap, carbon fer 9,000pene Is.., fosferous fer 2,200 mat·ches enoLII.~h iron to make a8Ve ny nail, enough lime tnwhit wash a chick0n C'l:lp. and('nOli 'h water tJ fi I a to-gallonbucl - t-

It c:lUld be, Mister Editor,that with f::Jlks nfiW building thebod with 5t per ccnt from tin-'Cln, the c:Jrnposition' of thehum n bO(ly w:uld be chanp"ing.In nother 50 year, fer instant,it c uld contain enough water1-\ ill a lO.·gall~n bucket andC:lot gh tin to build a 12-cyIinrlerRUbJm-:-,blle. We got \Q be think­in~ about such mailers

AI d to close my little pieceLhis' week on a enc'llIl'aging note,I s e where Congress is spend­ing· 21,200 to study toads, $lU8,­000 () make pictures of thE' Eski·mas, $2,911 ta stody flowers inPer I, and $.5,700 to study theswil ming habits of seals. All ofwhi h, I reckon, is good on ac·C{ltl t of our ddicit fer 1963ain' going to be bllt $8 billionanel we don't owe but $300· bil-lion '

Yours truly,Uncle Zeke

IBring y and let August Clr IBeJ1 ge it in A-l shope sO you ore reodyfor the d,ming weot~ r. Remember 0 1

troctor in good shop~ ~O"ll~ you time IlInd,m e)fl . i


Farlft .. '.·~Ui,ment ill IourAIIi$~Chal, . ~ "lllr. III !

,Pholle 37~}616 ,., II' I Wayne. Nebr.!!,

! . j I, I

I I,

D' '.~, R MISTER E nOR:I s('(' hy the lpers where

~em fiilks that g:lt:' lhe SUDreme

ourt to take pray rout 1lf the

'.UbJiC SC.h.OOIS <lin'l.having ffi.UCh..,l('cess wHh tlla1 IT heri.-;t C~I~nY,~('v s!<ntcd. r

Jo~,::;n;~k~~nC ~~e g~~~C /~~(lon" believe in '-lllle s)r1 of

tlPrelllP, I Iin·t quahft'ed

, s~)eak on the legal end of. rayer 1Il the sc· 0:;15 and It

auld b~ the SuprC' 1C Court was.1 oldin,~ acc'lrding rh law. buttlhC'Y· didn't hold ragin a fellerl~aving'a nqyer in his heart, I ain'l nC'vrr rc lout with a

) t'.'llel. ~.\·.l'r what k od of politicsr rr!t"wn he gn1 s"> lO:Tg as

, (,'s <;,ot s;}me. Bu 1 bellev.e ev·f.rbody ought h ha 'C a little poli·

lies on his Illind nd 510me sart)f reli,rinn in his lPal·1. I hea.rd~ pl·cuch,,\" sav on t that a ather·~st was worried " out gitting a~hirl over his w ng"S wh!'n he~nlght to be W:ll" ied~ abnlit git­ling a hat over is horns, And

~hat about P plY feelingsn the matter. A e~ler's religbnlight not be as dcE'p as a well or

~s wide as a ('hu ch house d.oor.

i, , I~I I' I. i .I ' IiQnd Mrs. T l~ Johnson and ~am. I LIIJJlol!, Mrs Rudolph swan:n1land l\lrs i larence Sehr eder IM VrONCQRD NEWS 11)', Mr. and~Mrs Wmton walhDIMI'S «:nl1l ThH~8, Mrs MillO~' Mr and Mrs, Monte Lundahl Mr' it{cskY' ant~ .!:11~7sonp ond Dorcton, The Woyno IN b,,l HCl,ald~ Thursday, October 31, 1~63"- ~ I and daughte , and Mr and Mrs Johnson. and Mrs Henry Dang and Mrs ~llvlD RUlitede. Mrs Wednl'tulay altcr:oon t"t~~:a: l:r~ I

i Wallace Ma uson and far Ily Ib("rg were F rid 11 y aftcrnoo IClarence Pl~alrson. Lenoy lark Arvid PelCf»on homo RFrida (lye. Robert Numb U, lIos1dnllo Chtv I! " Mn. Wilfrid Nobbe _ P • 584.2135. I Mr nnd At ~ I.avt"rn Nl'ISO~ and gu('sts InlOw Fred Dangberj.{ horne land ItO} Trott. Irung guests were Mr anl Mrs Mrs Arlene "rran or Al'rthll I SM .,..... II Id

I Mrs Mllhe tolson IillCDf the ('('k I Frida". dinner Guests In the I Mr and M s Marlen Jo 10500 Meredith Johnson and family Hl'ath, Carroll. ctll'V In raLew M..t, Iryan Scott. and Mr, and Mn. c~d 10 the JHn Da\b home Oma I Vern 1rIS"" home were Mr, land family W Ft' Su.nday afte noon I Mrs Wilfred Nobbe and f8~ily Wl'l'nl'l Jank·. Winside, CtH.'\

LqW mel Tkm $( 'I aftornoon in Cla'lto Anderson and daughters. h ,.nd M s. Bob Anderson and ,IUI'stS In thc Al t Johnson ollle w~re Sunday dmner guests In the Pkup I Rev. ..nd M". W. ,. •Ihc·ICnnconlllt [,utheran churc:h Mrs Ilalold Gunnerll;m SI)cntl Mr a~d M Ii Fred SaiJlnon w(>rp LorI. M s Dave Fogg ..nd tam- iWl'dncsdav tvenmg ~lI('sls wClc'l"ay Fitch home Allen and after I t64 knlllil h,n SUl1dav aft;rnoun '0flnrh~l.s Ml s InCl' Peterson was in HCVl'r I days last in the' AIt-" ~U~da~ dlnnt guests ID~ the carlrllv, an Mrs. George Fogg, Mr and Mrs Lt"On Jobnso and Inoon guests IR ihe Er~m Koeppe Jark "~('n!l.kc, Hosklnli, Chl'v \'1~1t Ih(~lr ~tln, Hill Soh'l \kAII\P 1\ dchnrgc of Ole progl·nm rJevohollfiIBrow ome

lSIOUX Falls lI. ters ho , Crllerld'1(> T~('y Portsm uth, N. H. Afternoon I S,",1l I h()Jne, L,llIrl'1 I~ 9Sf fllmily AlbUlllltlr\IU". N M,

\\-crq 1('(1 b)' Mr~ Kenneth "'Olson. Sun I y afternoon guests 10 the ~~~~raf~er~o n guests Illi

the Carl guests ...%ere Mrs. jake JOhnson" Sunday d~nller and lun heon I !\.Ir and Mrs Willard Holdorf Lt'!llio 0 ZlJ en)'. Wuynl' 1>1' I'Mn, O..tI. Bahd.'1·le •A \-IDeal trIO conslstmg of Mrs Noel I om home were Mr an~11 Mr So ° 1C Mrs~ ndrew Johnaon, Mrl. gUl';;ts 10 th¢ Max Hotdorf home lind (&Dllly \u're I'~ril)ay evening Solu li.lllll'r Kllrth'!z, AUlItin Mlnn,. IIVcr(j~1 F:rwln. Mrs Marleri John~ Mrs eo bam Thev were eve uest and h rs Marvin Stolle Warren Austin and Carol and I "pre Mr a'1d Mrs W1Uard 1101 Iglll'!!its III the Max. UOoldorf home '51 hOSllllllUlt'll dUl! In I colla... \lion ~nrl Mrs S F; Pot('l!Ion liang nlng cst.!! In the Duane Troth gomes In I e MHon I Lempke I Mrs OrVIlle Rice. I dorf and family Mr and Mn Vcrneal Pctt'r50n Wllllalll}l' )'110, jr, Wlnsldl.' lun.:LOl

tlMlle I<:rwm, a missionary Ihome M d M j I Saturday afternoon gUI";;ls In Ih~ ('lH'sls Sunday evening I the and f.lInlly and Mr Ilnd Mrs Ar IBMW flit-'lta I Mrs. Carl S.ndahl • eli Lori. ,-

spo e on Tanganyika MembeT~ I I Iran s Lenoy F Johnson \Ir:-; Wymore Wallin home ""l.ri IElra) Hank home .... CIl' MI and \lId Pl·tt-lSon ath.·ndl'd the Mi(l~lon Albl'lt Andl'r on Wayne Dodl:l' lumbu!I Mis DIl\ld I liWu,rd a IIof mt two M'l \'ed lunch Cit *ch ane ~r;n ~rs Hob'rl Llark I \11 S l\ al \nderson, Mrs Thoma Mrs Willard HohJorf and f. IUlly IFl'stlval at St Paul s Lutht>rlln Pkup • 1'lllllTl} «"n'mon! lin I Mr a d-j-- I. es . . . ~l~reVer~ ~a I:o~er::~~ gues's In I F,r .... ln, !\Ir ~ WillI(' Nelson Clar Guelts in the Kenneth K IUS- I dlurch WlflSldl', S\lDday I 956 ~,fr .. \Iyrnn Gt Iwf Or hurd, w rtl

Sulnday supper gUt'fitS In the IJ()!in~r," 'lr~ Hoy I(~hn:-;on 11m I en home Friday afternoo t I Da\dl! 1..('1' 'hambl'n Wayne 'l·rldll~ aHt'rt\ooll vl'!lor .. In t eY.'nlt. KI aCIll{'1 homQ were MI Concar la Luther League I Jim Bran man nnd 1m I In 1:"11 <; (,{'orgl' "-nlh rSOIl I help the h t 1 b thO jC Volks\' a~l'n ' J( n<; \ (,hrL~h'lht'll h nlllIIntll Mrs fll'lmal CUllson, Mr c~nf{nlJalrI~~her"TIheag:lli~ l:e~ coin, were ('l'kend guc h In Ihe Mr and \lrs Clarence ppars()~, birthday we:~e:riceDeO;aS~ rt~r lars Trucks I 954 I Mr and Mr. 011(.11 Moo.,and Mrs) Irerman Kraemer and ~,en PI : Al at' S e I" n Ivan clark orne I Iair ,mrl :'tIl ~ 'Wall I'l"arson ancli Mrs. Fred M.the~ Mr. rlt~'1 Buck DnskeJ, Wakeflt'ld, Jo'ord Fll'mlllll "II nnd !\1rl1 Jim II v'1\11 fll1d Mrs V{'I"I Carillon ahl'l,"~(;(rsa 1<1 l~~~:t:~a b y~;~ sco~ Pleaunt ~Ie club members 1·\lr ,1Ild Mrs Joe Beckens Pl~ Reith, Mrs. Jack 'Erwin: rl. r .' I 953 tlfl('r lind Mr Itl~tl Mr~ WUm rfamty I \.Jl'tersn Tuesday Yevenlng at Iheld a Haloween party Friday :'ll( k I SlllllLn .. I the Ponca p.lrk! MeredIth Johnson, Mrs. E. E. IReg.sfered Jamrs 1'1ctgt' , Shalrs ,"'olll I\Inllll 11l!l'ndl·(t illl,,: \~('l IllnJ.l 01 r

M s I Vrrl COI'ls')" anti family, Concqn School AuditOrium A evening In the MarYIn Or.ghu I {JlIt'~I~ Illda\ In the han Clar, FISher, Mrs. E. G. Middl ton, 950 ~1.J1111.'i lH'plww (.t'·,llt MIU· (I,

and Mr~ Herman Kraem~I Wl'ro ' lrescntcd to Pastor lind home honor ng their d;lldren hOIll( \\1 rt ~Ir and Mrs Andy Mn Susie and Mrs. Ivan I Rldldld Wl't V ' R ll'k nBpld~Tim sdny guests In the W Vf lien IKlrs I et{'rson Sunday cHnmg guest:; In the I Wlk"n 1'l'll'l sburg Alaska, an(l Clark ':venmg Quelts were Mr. I 1964 IPkup \' aynt>, (ht.'\ , Mr and Mr•. E 0 Jt\lt~ IPtlkel tome, Norfolk _ IHarry Lemp e home In honor of ~trs !~l'lIlah \lcCuthan, s,JUth I and Mrs. Mile Jewell and fam- I Winston C Swan~on Wa)lle Stanh'\ J Ml IriS ('arroll, !"ord ~lt~JtnH'\'~'I~'I~:I;lr~1 '11 tlit, Ilul You g

M and ~rs Iner Pctersbn and cJn ordia Lutheran Church the hostess blrlhda)- ~H'le Mr (Il\ !Illy, Omaha. Weekend gue-s s In I'rmllac llllfn W (,I stahon, Wakl'f1l-1dfamily, Mr lind Mrs Quln~en r:r ,I l

S1': Peterson, pastor) and Mrs Manln Sto!l(' and Slll\ll.t~ l'\t'nlll~ gue.'>ls III th'l the Klausen home were Mr and 1963 IFord Mr and Mr. GeOr ~ Grlffl~h'

win nud (,amlly and Mr an~. Mrs I S'lt~lrtav Nov 2 Confumation Duane Mr and Mrs .lIt !·'ran lihn HIC'(' hO])l(' to Lplp tilt' hos Mrs !?oWayne Klausen and Vrlv.lld C Shahan Wa\n(' Wall,'n Zurl'! kv Wayn(' nndgl' Itff(r~tl1\ S II \I'ilh-d l\lhr M·"Vertel ErWin and sons JOined (lass, !O a rn chlldrens mls sen and Mr and MIS J1C'k,Park C'-,S Ct!thldtt' lwr birthday v.l'r~i Greg, Omtlha. I~[)ld 94 "'lltl~ (,111(11-:1' tlllllll' 1~lda) M Ii

oth<jr guests Tuesday evertmg m ~lOnaty society 12 pm I Mrs Jay Matt~lS \old Ge-orgl' Ml ;J'lrl !\lrs (;lnl' Wheeler, M~. ,.,rr and J\.frs Oscar Jomson J (' Woods Carroll ('hl'v Frl'(lLl' I ,. I ~ P I ~ I S.l\ld~1 ~ ~I~tlr !\II!. tl IlIIlRIIIl,the Clnyton Sehroedbr home to Sun~1 y, Nul,! '3 Sunrlay s('honl ~~ -~-- - - ,Ie n ('!l(('r OIl l,rlllll\ S 11 IS \1~'11l~ IWf 1_

hE;il~ l,C'Ofgll' celcbl a~c Ius bnth Iand HI 1(' classes 9 45 am, MISdn~I' , . . 'no'nary program,: Holy commun·r

11.1tIJ"<;da~' {'\'ell\n~~ 1!1ll'<;tS In Jhl' Illn .SN 'ice, 11 :00; Luther League,.~a('k E~·wln home werc 1\1 r ,md d p HIMri '. Dlf'k Hnstcdl~. . . Thl~r. d.ay, N:JV 7: LeW Units, I

l\~I'. and :-1;11"s, Havlmond Erick· p 11 Ison: we]"(' ~llml:l\' dinncr and sup

1;~:~I/I~::I\;~'f::ld.thl' (;ust IJanson Fr~~h~ ~rthaf~~~~O~e;~('~~s~nN~hr~

~r.. and Mr5. T. V. Sieler, I man ...' ndf'.rso.n. M.l"S. Wil.frct.! NOb.·


Brtemerton, Wash., were Wed· I l){' and Mrs, Jack. Erwinneisday guests in the Clarence Mrs Larry Koester, DeVee ami004lh1quist home. ,SI lel' w('r(' Wednps'lay dinner

~lInda.Y. ('.vpning gl•.'.(,st..~ in lhe Iand S.ll llll'r gupst" in the Deo Isom [Dor DilhlqUlsl home wcre Mr. ami I,'1lWH> ~'ridIlY gll(''its Wl're Mrs,

" Mrs, WIllis ,Johns·on. I I ?'.llIl !Jester and ~frs. Larry!lilrs. H!l~ Johns·m fnrl Ml·S. Wy·' Kwste and fnmily,.

mqre Wallm w~'rc TUcsday after·, I Mr. and Mrs. EriC Lannn and InOQn gUl'sls in the george Andcl'·' i ''In. c.o ~SL.llll spent Saturday inson hOl!lI'. ~ 'SIIlUX 'lty.

Jl'riday ('\,pnln}! g,l]('~ls in the "R'ob I, Sumt y dinner anrt supper guests iSll/'rry hOllll' wpr(' Mr. and Mrs.' In Uu Norm:in Anderson homeI. m'l' 'Pt'!('.I'son and family. Mr.1 Wl're 11' ..and Mrs. Quinten Erwin IlI,ull Mrs, Frilz Kraemer and fam· 'lnrl f· mily, Mr. and Mrs. Virgildy, Mr, and Mrs. Wilfred Nohbe Pears nand hmil'1, Mr. :Indanll sons. Mr, :JfHt Mt·s. Don Sher· Mrs, Verdel Erwin and sans, Mr. I





I \



MargarineColdbrook - quartered

~l-lb.$1U Pkgs.

Libby's; Cream style or whole kerne

6No. 303$tans

;'"1''' .,' ."'~""'--"""' •••• "iT' ....I

, Ga~denBide Brand

Del Monte; fancyCA~5UP

Tomatoes, CornPeasl or Beans

S·NO.303 $1,Cans·····$'1Boxes:

f 400

FaCi IT.,suey Fine-Mft:

AFEWAOra ge Juice cake Mixes!

Scotc Treat - frozen Mrs. Wrlgh~'S; all layer varieties

4 6-oz.$1 4 19-oz. S1Cans, . "kgs.

'1'own House; fancy quality

•.. 46-oz. $1


Huinl'5 Peachesor S~ndown Apricots

11.I No.2Vz $1~ Cans

(Iream PiesPet·Ritz; frozen


Tomato Juice

:"ln~'nilT'li:D\:riW \,. ""'tl~' ,''" ....'I " . I

I, fami~, [~rOll' were· M.cDonnld. Bloomfield, Mrs. lfred tending were Mrs: Byro l\jcLain, tr d d d' dIii ~I I ' ''r"-""":"'!'"...........+-~....~---io+f'- .........;;......'-!'-..;.-..,I DiD.g', gU.cstsinlhc\nlcrSChcnk and Camily, I\an olph, Ml's. Bill Brandow, Mrs. PC~ Pod- 5 an c on oscrlo sland. ThC\dOW, Mrp Chl."ls Grot ,Mra Dkk:f\Dnd tn I I~ LI k' ith1ll.m home. I and Mr. Bnd Mrs. DelbcrtlK ucger G ~:son ?n r pairing or gD~ments Stnplema , Mrs. Floyd Root: 'l\.trs.J Mr,q, ~Ioh~·J, :~.~

Mr.s.- Franc s'Brodcrick, Bnd Vicki. ~:~~·11l\~:~!,M~~·~~. ~~~ Cl~ln~~r:: I-li~tzdc:::.~ns rfttC\,by ,MrsGCh:rl~;:i .1\1yron leLaln, Mrs. Clnrclll'(! doy \'enln", unc co., guo 'ls tn tbiOakland, r. and Mr. ,Steve Ahl'l son and Vicki Krueg~r. Th~ troop the next m(:l~~g ~~n~~tc ~oovSeem: ~aplc:;?a • pMnrs . Cy Smith and nU:'HI MOft('lt~r. III me.: . ,rDecatur, were Sun ay dinner SOC· f leaders are 1\1rs. Joe I an~e and ber will be I cld in the Ro Bauer- rs. re anz. . \ Su ~ny dlllllN' \Ies!M In tho Mr••guests in be Robert :"a['per home. Ie ., • • . Mrs. Duane Krueger~, meister ho e y Mrs. Holcomb and fnmil,\', Otto (lS«' .. hO.PW \I.\'ro Mr, nd Mrt.

Mr. an Mrs. Darr~l Graf and . _. Coleridge Mr. and Mrs. Hohlllli Gl'n Donn~~ lllll !tunlly. Nortolk.SODS ea ed Sunday a~ternoon in Jolly Eight Meet . D Long S d Itbe Don Poughtery borne, New'I' T.he J.ollY Eight Bridge Clu he.1d BIr1hdIlY DiMGr Held 5 ndllY Gr..en V.II. Meeh ' e 'ere un ay guests In thc

,VI. '!tors ''\ll's{h'~· aftern n In th,a

castle. . their gift party Thursday e cnin~ The Green VaHey Social Club ct Mrs. Vcr ie DeLon., home. I, Mar 'In 1.0,'1, hOi"l wm'l.l n. omSunday dinner guests lin the Don In, ~he Mrs: John SChra,m. hOI~Il'. M, P. Kavanaugh, D xon, was Thursday af,emoon In the Walt ~\)_ Guests Monday ID the Will AI I Dlrl\ nnd M!rH, .11 Hi'IIS, ol~rld.a.

Helms orne were Mrs. Eleanor MH.. Robert Harper receive high honored for his birthday Sunday at l~nd home. Election of offiJ~rs derson h )Inc· were Mr. and l\tl'.~ I 1'111 nnd M~r:-l (ljyton n 1I0D IndBiersehe k and family, Randolph Iand Mr,s Fred Pflanz reel'l\- d low a dinner held in the Lu erne Kav- was held. President is Mrs. Walt Ro~ert cLaln, Laurel. :\11', 1l,lld 'III'H 1'11lH'( cDonlld,

Mr. Mrs. AlvlD Roth attend' Mrs j'orrest Most, VIsta, Calif, anallgh home. Guests were Mr. Roland; vic~ president. Mrs. Rob. Friday luncheon guests In tllL'l \\t'rl SlllHtay I'VI)1l r~H "l!C,l tl In thoed a Ca d Party held &unda) eve I"lliS a VIsitor and I\lrs. Jerald Kava augh and ert Munter;,~secrelary and treasur. Mllt Lac as home were MrM. Klllll'lllnr I'll JlIh.TISOIl hHrll" 1 "'tol,Ding in t e Don Muanr,er home - family, Mr. arid Mrs.' Vi cent 'Kav· er, MrS"Ha~.en Boling. tiuests were \ 1I6kamp, Mrs. Ella Rasmuss{,Il, M mdny ol\'(',.fT\ uht I:ue 1 In tho

Friday !viSItors in th ~rvln :stap'l Honored on Birthday anaugh an,d family, Dixon, Mr. and Mrs. Robe~t Wobbellhol'st, Mrs. Friday evening callcfs in the Mrs \"'f111~ DII.1l:1nlo! ho e wereternan b me were Br d and Brent Mrs Dauel Neese \las h nared Mrs. Jack Kavanaugh and family, John Wob~enhQrst, Mrs. 'LeRoy Ma,x Hoi orf home were Mr. and; Mr. and Mrfl .."J(!htl OlMon llartlnl'Staplem n. on her birthday Tuesday e enmb Mr. and Mrs. Merle Kavanaugh Bring and lami,Y, The afternoon Mrs. Dc mar Holdor! and family, Iton. t .

Mr. a d Mrs. Earl Barks attend Guests were Mr and MIS obert and sons. Mr. and Mrs. Alden SeI'- wag spent p,aying Bingo and lunch leone-ord. . \I'sitorM Thill'. loy In M Chrised Hom comIng held $aturday 81 IWobbenho£st, Mr and Mrs 'ardon Hne and family, Concord, Mr and wa.s served

i:by th.C hostess... Friday morning callers in th.t' HOt]. 1.10.1111' \\"'1'(',.. !.larll'n nd Kul..

Morning de College, Sloux City Casal. Mr and Mrs CI rence Mr,s James Kavanaugh and Jim --- I Merle K vanaugh home were M- I Hot. .Weeke d guests III the Stan Beh Stapieman, MI and Mrs DickIrn), Mr and Mrs Ed Kcss~er anll .Earl Seh onover was honored on and Mrs Ben Vanderheiden, Hel'ul\ II M!I, and M, ~j BI'rnnrd .Ardu.~r,

rens h e were Ml and M Stapleman Cards were play d and and family. Larry and MIke Ka\ hiS blrthda Sunday when a dinner ILake, M nn. and l fumily, Wl' ',' S\lnd~y dinnerJohn M er and daughters, Hall~~ gifts \\('ot to Mrs Dick Stap email, aoaugh. Fort Worth, Tex~s w.a~ served in his home.. Guests Mrs: ~reda Hicks, Mrs. f.dith KUl'$!S In tht' CI rl~ 'Ardu,er home"

Mrs. n Helms and family ,,",ere IMl Neese. ~lrs Neese an Gar 1- \\,elC Mr. n~ MI·5. Ron~ld Me, ~ncls, Mrs. Elmer Ayrs, Mr. IITHII MOil' BELOEN I--~ Illl!.!I' bMonday ~al1ers m the Mrs ElcanOl Idon Casal A no host lun h fol IDen One Holds\ Party Lam, and fIt.mlIY, Dakota, CIty, Mr. ---~_. ,

Blersch bk home, Randolph lowed the game and 50ual e enmg Cub Scout Den 1 entel'tamed Den ~nr~1 ~~~Yd ~~~~~n~~'~~~'a~~'f:~~1 THIS IS YOUR FREMr. ~d Mrs. Jim KavanauglL ISkating Part Held 2 to a party Wednesday afternoon ily, osmont, Mr. and Mrs, Ted TICKE TO

called S nday evenmg 6n Marl4all'l1 MT and .rXrs Kcrnllt (J af en held In the Harold Huetlg home Herlhleheim r, Plainview, Richard T dkKavana gh m the Lady Gf Low"e, lertumed at a skatmg party Thu" IAfter the games the bo) s and den Sd,Jlt,. W osa and Kat h tee nI e. f e's Free 'I·· Ha'il :.w.enhospital N~rfolk. day e\ enmg: In the Randol B 11 mothers ~nJoycd an outtloor Wemci SclH,lonovcr Norfolk.M~s. hns~oth wa;; a Sunda) 1 10001 In honor of thelt da ghl~r, roast Guests of D~n 1 were Den Thursday evening guests in the

until T esday guest m the t haJ1l:~ IShcn J s blrthday About 6 child Mother, Mrs Earl F ish and family. Howard M'Lain home 'were Mr

Roth. ho e, Laurel fcn and many adults a ended I~~~~tsK~~gcI'K:~ebrbe~~~~~t: ~t~~(' and Mrs. ijobc,l'l McLain.' II Sk fer. P ItFrida dinner guests In till' 1\115 LUIch follo\\cd the ~katlDg and Keno )KIUeger C f (ia. yleo BierIi'chenk was a week· 0 e'r a I 9 r

Nina H amp home were MI sKat 1-- _ Y . I end guest~m the Mrs. Katie Ho-le Hpk mp an~ Mrs .Ella Has Investiture Held for Girl Sc uts 1 kamp hom. 'mus,sen San Dle~o, Calif. ", Investiture Ceremonies \',I( 'C' held IProject Club Meets ,: Mrs. Bli s Moseley entertained At th R k R .}

Sund y guests m tho Ma~. Ifold Tuesday for Ihe Belden G'.r 'eruls The Project Ctob m"t Thursd)y at coffee 5 rved iu Bobbie', Cafe e oc: et ec: eatlQn tenterorf ho e were Mr. and MI:", W1l-[ln the Hecreallon Ro?m 01 h~ Bcl-, afternoon m the Charles Hintz Friday rno ning. Guests were Mrs. b jlard H Idorf. Concord. . (len school. The girls pr !cntedIhome with Mrs. Clayton ,Halleen Forrest M .st, Vista. Cali!., Mrs. WAYNE - OCTO.E~ 3'1, 963

Sun y. /a.fternQon a~d. ('v('mlll(, a ShO)'.t program and then r 'C'ei~'ed as. ca-ho$tcss. Nine m9mbers werC'. John Wab enhorst, Mr.s. Ray, An'l Iguests n t~ Mrs. Katll/' lIokamp'thclr pins. Mothers of t e gIrls present. I Roll call wals answered dcrson, Mr'. Robert WObbenhorst, Transistor Radio for Best Cos ~meborne ere Mr. and Mrs. George.1 and fnends WNe guests. TI o,e at·: w,lh an object mosl-,,"Cded ~Mrs, Ted . aptey, M,·s, Dill Bran~.~::;=t:========='t- ....I-+--t:==~

Junior High VoUeYball ,teamha a so started their Pt'8CtiCC ses­

Honor Roll Disci eel sio s.; They would like to I haveI, The foUowin~ st. dents in the Bel- ga e~ to start after November 8.

len school were n the honor roll Ju iO~ high girls on th~ squad arcor ,~he first si~ cks: The A Hon· Sh ro ,Miller, Jackie Pflanz, Jeanr Roll:, 12th gr e" Russell Fish, Pe er on, Joan" Peteltson ,Judy

.~\lren Smith; 'I'h' AB Honor 'Roll, ·Wo b n.horst, Cfuda Ca~ter'Djiannei2th, .J.:ouanne IK ifer, Vonnie Ed· Sta I man, Jill Bartels,' Cherri't'er Everett I ueh. Eleventh Gr f,. Sharlene Gubbels and Vicki

i rade: Ro,gcr eapley. Patricia K eij:er.I cLain; 9th gr de, Jeanne Hal-,leenj ~th grade, udy Wobbenhorst. Ch r~h Fall Supper PI,nned:-- __ , special Planning Committee fdrI~oll.Yb~n :T•• rn tarts Pract'c,. the aODual Methodist'!r,Church ,Fall

',I~t~~~:e~~~f1~~1 ~~~o,ofh~irl:~.~ ~;, P~ijl ~~:n:~d~m1~tec~:m:~season. There a e four letter win· tee .members present were Mrs.

.' ne.liS returning rom' last years FI yd Root, Mrs. Vern~n Goodsell,.squad. Letter w nners are Vonnie M . pharles Bierschedk, Mrs. TedEddie, Patricia cLain, Jo Harper Le p~iey. Mrs. Hazen, :Boling, Mrs,and Cathy Hue ig. The captain Ra ph DeLong and Mrs. Earl Fish.for this years' sq ad is Vonnie Ed­die, a senior. thers taking part





Moster Mogicians presentea;y Woyn~ Ki'wani8:30 p.m., Adults $1.50, Student, 1$c Th 'N3:00 ~,m" Student's Special, He Ors." i OV.

for $20000 Falgers •• Regul;'r or Drip ~

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:1 I ~~~~~~~~,~~~:~o~~t~..~ 'FuAper ::IIUAAsL~rted IFor 2951 First sove all yo! Super Volu Reg~ster Tapes be· "" I

I Only , .. gining Oct. 30, 119~~, until they to~al $39.95 ncl :rl~~~:.:~~ _.,.-_4_0_0_c_t·-'t-1.......,..--:-t--then bri 9 them to Super Volu. Vhth these tapes Ius $2.95 ou ,


I will recive a beoutiful blanket. c.pntest closes 0 cember 21 t. I---:::.+---I---.:...:::..----~.L::.:::..::=F:.::..:~==.:.:.:.:.=.:...r~:_:_--;;__:t_:=:_=_t:"'1 Hipolite' Marshmellow I

\ ~up:~a~:ru At -----+---t-JCREME_~~:t,rsday ot 8 P.M. 1-..:....-..:..----------:+-"""'-+--rt-tT,, . !. Ii

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If y wh t you were worryingabout --.: just walt. A at of interesting newtroubles ill be along soon.

"I -f<

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-f< -f< -f< .

So,",. drivers - after witnessing ahighway ccide,,~ - 'dYe carefully for 01-most 0 m Ie. 'I

if y II o"e think n9 of trading your .1:;pre~cTlt c r for a t.ew one or a better usedcar - se liS. We. giv fast service - onda co~veni nt r~payme t plan - to fi.t yourneeds an at a law cst.

'I I,, I'" , I--1-41'1-----+----

1ber, Rn dolph,1 and Mr. and Mrs. I .roe Lange and Janice, Denny MI~ Iserious illness of Mrs Dllck Winter oyster supper The work hns n w berg was D Inch D guest in tb IThe Wayne ( .,h,) Herold, Thunda)', October 31 1 3 51

I den Ted I.e pic).' I Were Thursday eve" chell, Carol Yager and Eulgcn boer who 15 n sister df Mrs 01 been completed on many farms III Mrs Elmer N Ison orne •nlng callers i~thC Vernon Good· Bronzynsk1, W side son and Mr Paul 1 the l'OllllOumty Mr and 1\1 I) C larles Plerso h d I "

d 4 IseH ho c Sunday alte oon caUers Iflh Mr· Alden Johnson ilt'U,}' nnd The nobert Kr 31I(..I"on' Oma In and .Mr and Mrs Harold UtSOI Eke y S\\c (-' In 1002 81lt' nnd I'orllht'rll und Mn. h'nr tMlIbr J( nUnuc [rom P Be ) Mrs Wlllia WUlgner, Laurel, Leonard Link h me, WalthJlI, crt!, Mlch;('1. and Mrs Ma;~ll1 Molten nnLl Puul Burn',' S.UUX lU, \ 110 alH.I L1aughlt.,!:> \H're duuu,:r and ::I:Up Iher slsl<.'r t\ ~1),' l!'~I1U' III Omaha I Johnson, I. 1I1l'! I) I.t nildchili.

' nnd 1\1 and Irs. tJoward ILoeb'1 Mr, arid Mrs Obert WObbCl1lOnil1 5011 \\l rc among gudtl'i dn the camL' to sIX-'od Sunday tn Uw par jJd ~U('~tll Su Ida) In lhe Stanle "'he waoN mall ~d I'~b 15, 1007 ttl Il"t'n lIlul (uu ~Il'nt rlllldthUdr(!l1! Ir, ,DEl Mrs AugusJ \ hJrnl'r leU/Hurtmg on, we e Stl~day afternoon and famUy, I ~h'rlJn lIolm home T1fursday af ental Warner Erlandson hOI U' DlIhl~1l1i hom' Carl J hnson j:1 he toupl<.' lived In • I

S A)/' D£Ler.nOO'l urtltt \hlt \\lth ~ucsts I n the arvlp Loeb home. Mrs. Martha Ca!llal, SiOUX pt) ternoon (clebratmg qnos ftfth were VISitors atllud Erland~ous Lallt lUl'sdll ('\ellOl.:, Ihl.' Or.. III Ornllha unlll1917 \\hen thl'}' mU\('(1 C 0 McCullouah WII .~mlltldBel en relahvc~,to ,·t n to their Wcdn'sdny vening vl,ltors In and Doug Ca, I Randolph '''''II birthday Yvoone Berger Ruth,"" ,I L"'on f.nlll,"as nn. gcouP 0 to ConcOl'd A h'r a ,1",rI tim.' In Thur"III' " V"','r '" hO'I'1t I 1ho e in, NP IV I the Cia ton l~n IceD home were Mr,/ Saturday 8uppe 'guests IfI th(,1 Cad I' Uan Rmg and a frlflld BrU('l' woSe student. spen'l lhe weekem I~ r(J,llllH'!i III IIJ)/..' laltom Jensel I:OJllICOrd t1wy I~'IOH:~I tu Mhill\t''!llill I,lllt nln . MI' lind M ~ V'tll 11'0 ,:

It r lind ,1"S l' rtlUe ~ (I )bL'1l Iuntl M s Io:lmq,r McDonald Bring home ill'( k •Iwnt FrllJay mg!lt and Sat tht, Marlm Holmberg home liUlnl'l !iun, III vbs('n allte 0 f {) 0\\ 109 ht'r IUsulltlt! ~ «'11th III I'r l on nllli lIn ~ f \ l~ li"1 In t Iho t wure SwuJlly evellOg dmnel Mrs lot LeJ~Jng was a Thursday Mr. and M~ Clayton nlll/lN'~ I urda) m tht, Phd nmg horne 111(' I!:lray Hank famll}, l 11 l 11 J arson Ii I(Jr I bUlhoa> 1O:rJ IIht, m,lIlt, Iwr htlml' 111 (Ill! 1\\ l'l'k III Ih' { I Ml (1111011 IIgu sis /0 'he DJ< k 10k 110m, gil,,' 'lJ tll<' Morle ~;ubbel, home and Mrs, Ch ric, 1110" ".lkJI I Jo.noe and Delore, pl,oo "e'" "wd were Sund.) >uppe, gu<', d, 11, """ \lIS la,,,,,,, 0111" loroln she r'u,ned '0 ( ..mOl II hnnll' \It ~ ("Urlt"l ,\11 MeCtl.M CYI , ,Sund y dmn~r guests In theIThursday evenl g III the Elmer Serl Wet'kend gUI ~ts In the p<!rental Hal lue, Ed DOlCseher hOlne anJ rallllh l~llh I Ojl S!Jcut ~un rI ,hllll' I lOll ~h'lI ~blttl i

Ir. nod Mrs M~I" t DoL<Yll~r ll\lerle • lel'ort horne, Wayne, were ber home I 10 d Olson home _, be Dea.n Sandahl hllml} , I In I din ('\ cZllll!-l III III I 81 ~H\ll~crt. Shl' WJl~ pI ~'('1'dl'd In tlt'ulh 11\ I Mr .nd M • t.,." lllho ", LOYI'we e Suod';.;jeveOlr,g <,.i1ers 10 the Mr '11 Mrsl! "uri FISh nod ram Sunday " •• to "n 'he B.rl Everp I fll<' Wait"r thmos I .od Mrs ,,010. v,""ed 10 Ihe O"'k lind eli OOm., hor p.rr.ot" II '''tI'r A,,,, Il<'r III 'HI (oln, ,."".,1 II'" Vellllo IBe nat:d A user lOmc Illy home, Dixon, ere Mr and Mill In1(hard!> "PH' Sundin) dUlnel Sandahl hOr!lH'S o\er the \\(,l'k nil ,\lr and 1\lr,> All ert ::lundell ant husband, a son L1u}d and a grllnd rllt\ lind I'hur!'idll} In I, l )

lRnergucsl..'ll'tIondli mlh, Tl'( I J\!l lind Mrs August Widmer'lwalt Huclig ad famtly f gUP!>lsmtheI'rcdKe,lqgghom(' Sunda) afternoo thl'thll'l'COU Mr and :-'iz" lLld SundeU \\cr son, Kl'llh Survl\or~ lnclud(' alMet'ullllu/oth lIo/11l' IMI llllhohniL apley home wer(' 1\11 and Mrs IOakl' :.; D and Mane Bring were Out ot town weekend gue~~s Ip '[ Thl' John Bo('ekt'nhau('1f fanuh \\('re al AUell vtsltmg Gus uJIlm I gllt'~ls Sl,r:d ly III the E W \lon, \\ ",liN, 1l1XUlJ thft,£, d lu!-{h Innd \lr ,1('( UIJ!llII:\1 loyho dB.I Braodow .nd f.II01 y, I>fl unO I "Il.,v ,'''''"og supper guest, 10 the Carl Brmg ome were Mr u ~ 'peo' Fflllay o'eOiog f',th othm '00 Luod.hl home te" M" 1I,II'ry tMllrlhll' SOll'h (rI,'nd, h,ot no' '1"0 "'I'h olh r(

~. Don Helms und tUInII) 1 till l,l I Bllng home Mrs August ~ dmer, Oakes, N t In the Bud Boe<:kenhlauer lwmt Mr and JIl.h s 01 rib Lund, )J , , ....11 ~ HI II .Ill Uric son \\ as a We Pasud('na Mrs ,Io'\('ph ("~III'S) for 'II \, at srs, Fonest Mo~t, V ~tn (.lIlf rrno 'f'l'rmuhlen, Magnet, VIS I Mr and Mrs Gene Mltehell an II (<:I('bralJ11~ tht, IJlrthd~" of tll{',r caslll" \lhltl'd m till' Hay L nl'sdll~ aHl·znoon \11\01 lD Ihe Re --- _ __ I I __

IS spcnd1ng 8everuJ d. ys VI; lllll'~ 111('d 'I hursda) aflt'rnoon In thl' sons called Sun ay artelnoon IfI tit 'I thrp(' som hOIl1" \\edncsda) t\l'!,lllg :\ IS bUl tjulLlfJ\ Ig hlJll\( Mr:; r\ W

In the- Cjllrl Ohel'lne)('f 100H, J.1U l/u.,Ult KIUl.l!er home Clayton Hallee home I I I Jl'anfil' and Jane ~lOg Spt'T1t Lutld s palcnb, Mr !lnd ~,lrs L l til bun \\ll~ U 1\I,ltor I'rlday a ORIGINAL STAG. PROD CTIOt

r i;herYI' anti Jtln, t'l1l1 len 01 'Ii I fI ~;:~nd (;nl,~,~e~~~oe:~~;sM; ;~~ a~:~a.~~~~; h:·~~:k:ood" .r0~)" ~~:~ntl;'; ~g;t ~',~hg~h'jr graollpa, ,~~~ ~~:,~~~g~~~t:'tle. ,pen' So ur t, ~":,,,n,"'d 'II', .,lIle"r RIO'

n*.d Mrs ChriS ~orgcn en, Il'CPI\ :-'lls Ipflls Meyer and Penny IFred Pflanz orne T l\tr and Mrs \\esle) Rice spl'nll POI MlcnaeJ:;1 se\enth lJJrlh and 1\11" l L B.IHI \\('ll dlfine

~COnflrfnal101l ::-lUlulny JIlllw lUll I :\11~ J,~( (.ubbels was a Tues MarJe Brmg as hostess Sundla~ :::'unda) ilJllmooll 11\ th~' l)on lJalll Ion ~untla), dmpcl gll('sts In II/hl UPpl'1 gUP,lS Sunday In

: r S~o~r~~~l~"~.~II;~I~:~ ':~;~':li,";::, ::,:,~,,:' ,.., '" ,the Bern.rd Arduser ~'ue:t,d~';r~' :ldllo;~ ,;~:~ A~:';l~t '1n~;~ !I~:,':t ,;;:111;;'","" Aollerson. ~;I~,eoJ~~h;~I~~,~;:m~l,~~.e~~d~'KII' ;::':,~rE~':,,:,~~:n~;~: III;~:: I:'~\'~' I>:j~. a.ndO,'IPh. Mr~... Chns 'IOn..(l'II'~I.'i: I .\11.' lnd \11.'S' Loyd .FiSh' M.r. andl Widmer, Oake~, :\.D., and. M~..;. ~n.!d Oaki"and, were Tllllrl'i.'dih afternoo!l gel' family, Wil"Sldt', anrJ till' l,t'!' guests <lll.d .'.I'M nSlled hIS si.

f.anSforredherChlll"Clll ('ll.. tI)('r..':hlf!I,'\[r~ :rj " and Mr. Hlld.MfS' Mrs. Carl Bn.l!. .. .'1•.. g'.IP S1S 1.)[ i\.lrs... ~'arYJn. Felt m m.Jl 'JOh.nsons JJ111C'd them for Il'l '\l.l'~ Hldll.a 1\ JlkrlH'rryt St. John's also. , Hus~I' I I'n,,,ton were Sunday guests Callers Wcdn 'sday evenlng iln If' obst'l"\ ann' -of ht'r hlrlthday. aJtcl'lloon. ~II ;Jnd 1\1rs, Jim l'harnhel S

' MrS. Kcrmi~ Gmf nnt MI'S, Chll' II' 1111' ,\Irs, Eth,,! Ervin ,'home'l August Krueg r home, Randol )I~, Sharon Felt, Jane Hard and Bd· ."III'. and \\ ere Sunday OInt\( r guests in' 'raf wel'e among lhe n lalivl'_'> \\ h., (\tllah I wcre Mr, alld Irs. IHan ey Ed( I~', ty Ulson enjoyed a slUlllhel' party dmnn 1'\F'"t IJIl'k ('!Juml;"rs Iw TIl' DIxon

lsit~d in the Mrs. 1\1 nnlP .1011," I t 'ar 111111' !"ll'gC', Wayne, IS a Mrs, Robert WotJhenhorst ,~Cr (~d With Sondra Lw[}('manln. In oh.~(-'r· dahl hlidl fIll'. and. Th(' Bub Barg al~ilr, N~rfolom~, Rlilldo~ph, .:I1('"t III the Max Holdorf home. as hostess at coffee held I~l lUI' \'an("l' oj het" birthday Slllurday. IHomer 1 __ 1:. <1"1 HnLl \-'bll anl! Mr. and Mrs Lnrry Willer,~:b:S, CJ18rIes ~ThompJ~ ~l~, Ttls('on" Tn'Y La('kus, Oakland,. was aIhome Mond.a mornmg, qUt sts Slll'lh'n and Stirilyn r,undelJ 'vis. wert' al',u g :(', IS \\'<I.\' Ill' wet"e SurHj' y dinner gLles s

rlz" caU~d l'l'l(.lay

,!Ll'rnoon tll \\ {'cklnd guest 1TI the Mclvm Lack· were Mrs, Bill Brandow, M. rs,. J{~I~1l it"d Thursday ev('njn~ to Saturday Coll'\te B", g and Toby, III 1lH' Weldon Morl 'm'oll IJO llW , 1'1 ee Walt Gifford 1l0Jll('. a_~ li01H' Wobbenhorst nd Mrs. Ted 1---e<:lll- with thl'Jr grandpare!lls, the 1':1 WSC, had ::lunday dmOt'!" \\llh 111111 did :,omt pheasant huntingSunday guests in tlJl' Kenny Bur tIl' and Mrs. DJck Jorgensen ley. , I' mer Kingsbury SIOUX IClty [Alt BOlgs Lvullng gUlct~ llll'ells home, Pierce, W ~re :'IIr. awl and (uughlcl', York, were weekend Walt, and ;t raid Huetl~ afte!n~- Mrs' John Subel ard dltldn Mrs (lara Kamrath and fill iltl' I •rs. Elmer McDonald , glil'st - llJ thl' Mrs, Joe Lange home. Ied a dmner r esday evening Ispon- and Mrs l'ffH ::luber \\I'lt' Sun .'\lrs Rudy IIalder, Ponca II" I " fCallcrs Thursday\.(,.v Illng III tl\(' 1\-11", Hll!>s Moseley, a,nd. Mrs. sored by .the, Dekalb Seed,Conn dd} ;Jrt('lnO()n \ISltOIS In tf1l' 1\1el--Il The Ealilundahis \lsltld I till flfi10 Rite orIbert I-~lIC.'.lg hOIJl(', 1 aur!'l, \\('h' Forr .'st J\Jo~l, y. I.•~ta,..Callf., wl'rc Co. held. III he Hotel Mor.1rJSO.I.\. 1.I<lSenkarnr hOIlH, pJlg.e]' \-J.~IIJtl.I.E J Lll.ndilhl l.",.mc sur.,. LI"y a."."

Mr, and Mrs, MlIl"\-'ln Lo\,h 'J'llul' 'day \'v('mng VIsItors In the IWayne.' I I \\lth the l,len and Kqnnplh Johll noon I M ( JCallers Monday in tilt' .\Inrlll IlYI.'O :...leLain home.. . Sharo~ Ard Bel" ~ttended Ow IDl"1 sons, Omaha, WI.lO Wl'n.' huntmg J Here trom Omaha for a WlT l'llt Irs. • 0 nson

McDonald home, Oa dah', \\{'!",' ,Ill and Mrs. Mclvlll Graham, bate Climc h Id 'Salurday at f,.ql- that vicinity. I of pheasant hUlltmg wpre l\1r. an j

Mr. and Mrs, Elmt'r M'Donald \11' illHI Mrs. BlIl Eby attended coin. '.' Mr and Mrs (,esll'l' Rockwell Mrs. Ted Ca:lson and Jimmie \\!l J; Ueld ".n ( ncordMr. and Mrs. Mayo 'rellnck and till' FarllJ B.lIl'l'au ;Banquct held Mrs. Forrl's Most, V.l~t.a, rtlj1Jf:, 1souu{ SJOllX CIty, \\I'lfl.' Thur."da were guests Jll the Art llorg h 'n "

IMarlene, Mr. and Mrl'i, !IowaI'd We,; :\lnn. I."IY I'\.'('ntng

Jll the Presbyter, IMrs: Bliss os. eley ViSited I ~lr.I'.. [.sllPp('r. .In lilt: '.1\Icrll' HI.n A group of ft".",.ndS ,and l't.:la I ..FI'tH.,r;."..".,rvJt'l". ]Ilr l\, 1.,:11 nl.Jnl·burch, Laurel.. Katie Radhau Monday and TlJU~- home, and Mrs. Hill HoJld wen.' In Ihe home to \ 1~lt With 1,)I)l:rb'I!'. 77 "Wl'f(' held Tllesrll y

Sllldlly dInner guests ~n,the Da~ .. day afternoon, ITI her llOnw ~tIO.,- and son, Homl'r, wel..e there Sun Salu~d~y e~(,llJlng, , 'i alll'll,fl(m ~n thp ;\,:Ingl'llcal Fl"'t'lrell !'Jt'r's hom(' were 1ll. ancl Mrs, mond. I ('\t't1lng. GillIS NelsCl~,.Salem, O}/tl~, asl,' 11111'1 h ([Inl'onl 1'\'lrs Johns nhllb Fisil and sons. . I r Hie h ar d ('lr~nn fam~ly a Wedr.' Idmner gueSjt In the I dlrd Saturd:I:' at Vaynp hO!>lllla ,

1\-]l"s. (,hal'll's, TOll1pkllns: Tucson, SOUTHWEST I I WaYllI'. \'Isiled. III ~h(' V\'a!tl'r eh. Jill Art Borg ho.m~., There fot Th rs,: Ht'\', M:}f\'ln Lltorja officiot 'dAn_ \\'.IS II FfJ~ay !overnlght guest W k f' Id home ('\'enmg. day suppe~ mlooservor,ce of Johnl ::11 tl](' 1"11.'s (' was furnish d:111 he \ l'rnllll (,oO(~seli home, a Ie! I I Mrs. Ri{'hards, SIOU Nehon·s btrf~day were ,Dfive ..eJ~ In' ,\rt!J\lr <.Ind LeHoy Hamme .. [

i\ r. .and Mrs, Ed Meyer, w:ayne'l _ , .' I City, <-ll'('Ompallll'd thl' 'A'alte, the Davl~ Nelson Ir. fa Ily,1 ~tr(jlll ;lflrJ l\'lrs, W(',~ley BJo~)Wl' l' Sunday even. ,.".g callers In the By Mr~, L:awrence ~lng.•. I.. Chinn·s. to Ponea sundilly.afternoo C~attam:og~. Tenn., j,\e La reli w.t.!J \Ir,,_ Hoy I anson. organ.!. t. I

1\Iax Holdorf home, Wakef. IdATIas 7·262~ for the goldl'n w('ddln~ obsC'rvanc Mm~r famIly, the John NeISO, Palllwarers we're Adolph Bloo ,'onl was l"('c,Clyed Wednesday f01" Mr and Mrs. EarU Hmds. M family, Emerson, ar.,j Mr. .81l (']ifford ('arJson, Clarl'llCI.' Da \"1

aft'rnoon hy Mr. and -¥rs. VernonI F r i end s and relatives l~Jt-' and Mrs. Laurcnce Carlson al5 Mn. Carl Anderson. {jUISt. LaVern P"t rson, Paul El'l ..Go ldsell (.". the death of Mr, Good- ed Harry W rt during his ,reee.o, Iattended. I .Saturday afternoon Mrs, Charll:

l"SIJ!1 and LeVJ.I.lei ers, Burial w ,~

sel 's lath,t'J" H. A, Goodsell, Pasa· illness. Mr. and Mrs Floyd Johnson PIerson was among the !!ll(':otS JIl In I 'one()rd c('mekry.

de a, Cahf. . Harold 015 n and ,Joanne and family and Mr. ajnd Mrs. Dt'lma the T. M, Gustaffon hOllle co 11pl - £';ll('n I':JUllfJf' P '~lrS(}n, daught r I~ ullday dmner guests 10 the Har-I Mrs, Ed Pau went to Spen('~r la'l Glissman and ~-on Iwere i~ the GIl' ~enti[;g NJIla ,Ri~berg, San ~1r. Hnl! l\lrs. ( laf I'eul".~on, w S I

nl 1~;~:I. \~~~le·A~':;;~~~. were Me. Saturda!~rroose '0 w"r~o ..~,p~i,no homo Fndlly e~"OIrg ior. e,",n ~looduy Mrs. I>lar'lO ( born ,''',. 21, 188. 10 Skrombr'r II. L-----.........------_T__f-_.r-_j-1,

I~il:~s ('::::~11mf~::~0.:::~hS:1 '0-~ktatlul -----r~;, "IN-~1 I~ oakes .. 1'<.0 .. VISited Sa'· . '. ,I <I tr lay In the Ll'Roy Bnng I . iI h~lll'(,. I

I hll of lawn w('ckcnd guests in __ ' __ _,ih' l;lenn Wl'.'",tcadt home were Mr, II -._~_

, a. r d Mrs. Paul Schaeffer, prescot..',II la ,I 'unday dinner gllests in th(' Chns

IJo ge.DsC'1l home were Mr. and Mrs.Dick Jorgensen and daughter, IY rk, 1\11'. and Mrs. Marvin Her·

e!""' "~"'"""''',W'"'"""'I


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we took this Ibig V8 and put it in the'64 Chevy:tI.

WOW! ...A pretty potent mixtur~. point out you nave a p;l of tnr~e

The car's the same site. As trim and easy engines as well. The Bta~ldard 4- (0to har4.dle as ever. Series sedans), the staddJrd 6 ant!

But now you can havb a full-grown VB in 155-hp 6·,it. A Turibo-Fire 283* tqat turns ?ut 195 hp. And, whatever one yo

It·s t4e kind of m~chine tl'i1ltdoesn't reassuring to know you'take mu~.h toi in motion. (Espe- built with the. purecially wQen you consid r it has over 60% of a Chevy II. (Up bieen enmore power than the hevy II that won further reduced this such r .nt'North ~~erica's toughlest rally last spring ments as larger _sell~djustng b~~es. ' I-the S~ell "4,000.") I It's a simple Jn$tter~ spot,l 0 ~ of

And for '64 we've ~Ilso added a choice these '64's by styJillg' ueh~:i Itheof a 4-speed Synehro- esh transmiSSion. * new grille .design ~d tri ,,' ts.. BU.,~with a flpor-mounted sift. ..mzItu 're"d like, to .81 ggeJJ a ote

But in case your t tes run .. • memorable way~ Dropi to.omew~at milder, wt should . your dealer.:.~n~dri~ e·' I ..

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. :', . : ' ~III ~ Nov «at the R noL f Mr•. Wayne Kerstln~, Mr ond Mrs. II,oM'" "tvO! Robert., r IW"••,""" ~. '" •• "" I... w".' 'N~,' ".~ .'~.".~ ...." ""

ARROLU EWS St~hJ Home j I Lynn Roberts ond Mr nnd Mrs ~d M". Harold Lnberg, Kim r· Goraldllale and lo,nll,· mot them I ",-1- IStanley Morns. !' Kirk aod Ka Y. Mr. and M s They spent the wcc~t!nd phealumt J I

I I' Hilltop Larkl oot Mrs R()bert Shnw and Cathy Il'nOld JURek and family ant! r' bunting FrC'd M~!mqr led the uvoUona WI1Ul(!r.. Tttur db)' attorn llro~ I I, I Hilltop Larks met I Tucsd y af· Lincoln, hod 1\11'5 Carl Larsen; nd Mrs Chnrlcs Junek dI Mr. "~nd Mrt. K.nntth Eddie titled "1'0 (~ro\Y" Mrs ~!to AI. LImon. Co10. ror D taw d Y vhl,1

Mrs:. Edward Os'Wol, - Ph ne 115 ternoon nt tht· 'I fank 'vlasak home Randolph wcre Mondoy wllnef IImUy Ind L[VOftnIi .ttended the wed- bel's rt'\'h'w~d the book. 1I10US(l' wl\h (tll'nd", Mr .am' M.., WarI J with mne mem ers and one guest, Iguests 10' the Mrs N II Dowling Sunda.y evening visitors in he ding of AII,n Broer and Judy huld o( Power:' by Po~"l1 I on A.I'Kon h 'Id It cortoo ho If 0

, ~tl ,lllri :'wlt!i (~;(~~dic O'rone I~~ the G 'ald SWlfumit lOme wlule Mrs. Don Pam cr Roll .ca 1 was home I Imer Phillips home were If'lsamel, Sioux City, Friday nen. .~).I:ln~ ,tor, the ,corningl bazaar f'rldny ll V(ml II ror rrl~nd~ or th\H'I(' I'lHU ~~l,n t'V('Il' I-t VISltOfl'l in ~!I' Joh on attcndc4 meetmg. answered with superstition Mrs nll Mrs Enos Williams, Mr. nd In. In thl Flut A•••mbly of \\:(;h ill"lliSStld Tuo formi)r memo c~rtmah Inn Ity Thuy f~tymcd1!n' II Illl'll KOlli'ns.1 ::: home, Hos .Mrs 'harlc$ Drol'man <Inti Will Shufelt give II eorn ieking Ch-1,ches ~fr~ Johll Gettman and Mr. nd God Chlrch. bt.·r!! Mrs Hafry Schmidt, Denver, hrme SundllY Jklll'l' lonna w tc Wedncsda afternoon IHlfl',ly tip and read 10 uenza I U ••• ~lrs Clarence Woods. Mr. an Mrs. Tom DO\\('I's \\ere lind l\h!'i Oalls)' Bruncht, Fremont, Mr onll Mr Ray,Jt:'n'clattGlld,

:\11 ,HId :\tl s cal'nn T.pbcrg and ISllors I the l':irvln wThUcr home Ireport A rcpor was given by the ou~ Lady of SorrowS I Saturday afternoon visitors m Sunday flemoon \'~.s.JlorB In the werl' pri'!Wnt Htl!<lh'~!lt''' Werl\ Mr!! Il'illl m('('t1na nd tho (ootb Ila.mof.llllll~ \\l'f{' Sunday aHdrnoon vis nrndJc) and 1\Iol;l1ca ~ddH' ,,"ere gtoup \\ho tou,ed Omaha I .thollc Church he Edward Oswald home w reIHerb Wi Is home Winside Jolm Spllngler and Mu Emil linn In 1.lncoln 51 tur(lay.HOI s J1 tilt· eM,pl'r JWlcn home, IondilY vlsltbrs In tile I<ennelh ~hc lenso~, 'Choosing aqd Vis (Da wi Galas pastor) rs Arlyn Hurlburt and To I.d. Wedne day c\'enirj,g \ laHors in !len MI' And M I Jomell W ~e t .nlI,lrtll glon. :ddlc ho c. ~g Lamps. as given b~ M~s Sunday, Nov;) MUSS, g 30 am rs Harlan Pbskoc:hit and If· the Ve an 1I0kamp home \\('re -- dhlll-:ltlt"I' RO~lbin, 8ohlf8 io, lod

Sun 1,1) dmner ~llcsts in th(' Don Mr an Mr.s. 'rdm B wcrs were crald lIal~, ext Mecting will _ mla Cook, Lincoln Mr and Mrs. Earl Andt'rson D,o~ISlnlrs Club Mrll Hay Winch Pilger wero

,mel ,It :.Inti :\oIl'S. Dnh Rau!lch ~clm(' OWCf8 home ~mslde home ..>,Lth 1 pm covered dIsh (II lhlpelt pastor) rs Harlan Poskochil, Line In, Vicki II d Gary \\er(' Thursd.IY MondllY u!ll'lrnoon at thc~homc of Wcdnollday oltenin" Jllm 11 Ineand [:,111111). Norfolk, lind Mrs Mrs D'IVld Gan~lood U('ndcd thellunchcon I Saturday, Nov '2 Saturday p<'nt the weekend in the home of evening visitor!'! m the Marvin lIa· ~trli 1"ln t Hnlland ~Itl: $TIl T~ro I\\D8 lIthmdinH the lca(·h~t.· mcol~1 \ rtl' l~d<1le, Slorm Lake, Ia. Vnyne ttbspltal Blilxllla y mcetlrig - .1.. church setoo! 9 a In Ihell' parents. Mr and Mrs. 'I selhorst home In honOi or DOllS' ('I' ,1l:O )!\e~ us 08 :: TI r e lnll in NorlolkSllld.l~ <tflllrlOOn visi(o-rs tn tI,l(' ,atllrdaYl8t Wayn<t GS!~ Club I'f'ee S I Sunday, Nov 3 WorshIp 9 am, I hul' C~ok afld Mr. and Mrs. 'ii, birthday. "(r(' 15 mel'll cr~l~r~ge ~I(" e~. Mr und Mr'1I ntck Later'll Oun

(Clli d Hale home were Mr anill I GST grollp et at the Merlin Sunday s hool 9 50 [ore Sahs son wns on c en range· II 81 ff diU h]\'11 s ClIffoHJ Hale W~ync T -ll. f Kenny hOIC Friday evenmg " Ronme Mau Wayne wall a at, 111lll'ot and Slorllgc," pres~nlcd by ~J u:. v M' n Ii LO 0 11G{'!lg(, Va\kamp, 'l.eonard ·Swan· Ott;,e ~ •• I G.uests wer' I' and Mrs Don-I- Methodist Church rday overmght Visitor in h!t WI- J..nAr Mrs Harry lladllker und IMrs Ed'\ov:r I~~~ I~~ kc~~ Mer ~ ncnke .11 d I::llery Pearson ~ere Thurs· I me Wmkel au r, Mr and Mrs (VIctor Ireland, pastor) Ilarold Loberg home I" ~ w~n Loew~ rill' next OlC4/'tln.g will Mrs F V ~CGUlrll I<>Ct the'! Welllid} llmwl gllest~ In t~c Forrest SociollForecost Vernon Hokam • and Mr and Mrs Sunday, Nov 3 Worship. 945 I Donald Nettleton, Madison, as Mr•• Marth. Adami I llC ,~t till,; hOUle of, Mrs \\I1Uum Point hOlilllltn this .....ct.k and wenNl'tll'ton hom(' FrldaY'tOV , 1 KeIth Owcnn nzes went to Mr am, SUniday school, ,11 ~ Saturday overmght VIsItor m he Phone 4092 11(llIge~ with Vlrgmla Kreuger to the Wlllla Swift home In Om.

i\ll lind Mrfi Artw ~~,sehcr and Prcsb {C'r)<ln Young Adults and Mrs fw ert JohnSOij, Vcr 1- orrest f'lettleton home. I 1I1O'-t(,s8, Ihn to rt'l'uj)e!'nte Mn Swift Iii1\11 s F!tlrencc Woolen ~I.'rc Mon KnlltLn' club Hcnry Harmclcr non Hokamp and Mrs KeIlh congretatlonal. Prelbyterian I Saturday evemng V1sitors in he . -- dnut,lhh'r o( Mrs MeOulrt'! ,d,w 'Vl'n.lI1U VIl>ltors III lhc Elmer Owens The nc t meetmg Is Nov Church Ralph Olsen home were Mr Dd American Legion Mee-tl Home Economics Club M••t, __~ >-- _ ~_~1'1{llhps home' ISunday, NoY. 3 15 at lhe Lyjnn Roberts home~\ (G II Axen pastor) Mrs Enos Williams and John The American LegIOn und AUXIll! Tht· 1I0me Etonoml('11 club ml't S

:\11' <Iud MIS Cilur SWanson iJnd SI 1'.1(11 Ii Luthl'ran turkey sup -- I Sunday Nov 3 Worship, 10 Mrs HaroJd Loberg, Kim e,· lary met Oct 23 In thl' Lt'I.(lonl l'u<,'sd<lY tlftt'lnoon ,It the home of I MOT 0 RWI E~Iaj~ wen' Sunday cv(jnmg VlsII ]If'r 'j 1~ to 8 p rn SuseUe Jlug 1, Laurel, was a a m Sunday school 11 IllY' Kirk and Kathy, were Sa ur'l Hall The county conventlun Is No I 1\11 s }o;I",ood DUlll) Mrs Harold01 s n the Leo SlejJhcn~ hqmc Tucsday{ Nov. 5 : ' Thursday over Ight Vliiltor In the __' _ .[ , 'day afternoon vi~ltors m the el· vember It at Bccm{'r High S( boo! II Dltlklugt" III csld('nt or lhl' Third By MIRT and DBN~Y

Tim sdllY mornin~ clillcrs m the I 1 ulAn board medtmg IAlIan FrahtJ ornc Mr anU Mrs Clarence Morns Vln Lobcrg home, Belden I Plans are being made to ObSl'!;\(' IlJlstflC! Jt\'dl'rlltwn Womun'lI c1uh,!"IUI k (:lInTungham home werc Wednesday, Nov 6. Manlyn H1all was a Monday over Iand Patt welc Monda)' evemng Sunday dmner guC'sts In the f ar- Veterans OilY NO\cmblr 11 \\llh ,I \\olS gll('st sptakt'r descl"lblll~ the I:\lrs, Eclw,ll Hohcrts, ~rs Irene I 1'1 esb)ltcflan Wqmcn Is Aid night vUillor of udy'BlIsun, Warne visitors ern the Harry Lesehen~ IOld Loberg home were Mr nd Ipot luck supper ,Mrs C!.llldC' PhI! 1 \\ ork of tht, ft'dprtltlOn ,Ind on theBm hoof <Inti Mrs Art ~..llgc Metho(ll~l WSCS 1 Sunday dlpn guests In the Clair home WJ~ne ,Mrs Gilbert Mall, Ron and on, hps and Mrs hied Wiesel "'ill'll (jlstllct ml'l'llll~ to bt, Ill'ld at NO!

\' rnou Oswald W,lync, WIiS a II Thursday, Nay. 7 Swanson home were 1\11' and Mrs Mr' anq Mrs Dennss Hansen and Wayne hostesses Next mel'tmg '" III be Ildlk NOH'-HIher 12 l\h s H.,l) mond'l'Ul'krl,IY {'v,'nrn~ vIsItor nnd hm EOT John Ga~hjc LeWiS John~on Norfelk, anti Wil IDean, O'~cJ11 weI"(' ",eekend VI~ I Mr and Mrs Forrest Nett! ton Nov 8 m the afternoon I !cnslll chdlrmdn of Stlll¢ und !Jis I(herhn ~,lll ~l 1TI the Edward Os HplLI \)i'k 1 ('VI Hohcrls Ilam Swanson Mr and Mrs Clar ltars III tile Maunce Hansen home IWet" Saturday afternoon VISI ors I~-- . lInd ,lfhllrs. spoke on "DrIver I',dll\\,1111 hnll1l' -- {'nce Morrlsl an Patly lomcd them Mr andlMls Kealtl{'y 1,l\tkus and 10 the Hubert Nettleton ho e VFW AUXiliary Meets l"IIHHI Mrs John Spnnghr and

PI'.'ggy ,md Pam rill IIokamp \\f'lt IMerry Makers Meet III the afterhoo daughted \H're Sundav l'\pnmg ViS Wayne Wlsneri VFW AuxJlwn 57h7 nut 7\lrs f:d\\lI1 Schuld "pre plf'cll'dTill' I Sll,l" 0\ PI nIght \ ISllor~ In Ihl 1\lt I I Y lI,Idkl rs club met Thurs Mr and IMr Stanley Otle and Iltors uf tile Harry Calhoun home Robert Bethune was a Sun ay Monday at the VFW lIall HOst('s~ cll It gdh s to lhl' Norfolk dl~trl( t IBolh It .JohlHiOIl home ria \ al tIl{' Mrs Emma DaVIS Ifamily were ,unday e\ cnmg VIS Thursday and Fnday VI81tOl S III IviSItor III the Roy Love ho e, Ies for the evC'nmg .... {'re ;o.lrs Hlld} IlH t t)ng

\~I illlil MIs Ddmnr Eddie and honH' ~Ir~ ,John (.eflman was Itors In the (,I nn Loberg home the John Ret's home wcre Mr<; IGreenwood, and Leroy Love ho e, Rudebush. Mrs .John Gldbcr ilnd Illt n('xt nWl'llng \\1I1 ht, \\1111

l\tllllr·th J:ddH' and La V'onnc spentlthC le,Hlll ]{oll c.lll was answered I Mr and 1M s Ivor MOlflS rc Mitch M~)l{'t Millwel and Megan ILmcoln Mrs Robert Brazda sr It "'tiS rlt,II~I'~ lohn Spangll'r 1111' h'sson Ijl,1()'ldl~v III SIOUX ('Ity WIth <I ('lurent CH'At Games lurned MO'lda .~fter spcndmg len

lMr art I Mrs HolHrl Johnson Mr and Mrs Alfred Tho as clded to help with th£' HUllnW(,l'nl"JlI b( 011 (Ivl] I)('fen~t' Mrs

~ll :ltld MI's Tvor N!olrls weI'(' PrlZPS We'nl 10 Jo:\mer PhIllips and days to thk:> :eQrge Buey home, were We~nesday dlnJH'r g~l'sts Is\were Thursday ~ventng VISitor mlParade Oclolwr 31 dnd illso Itl WIlliam I1nsebrook W('s{ Point I'Jh(n'stlll) ('Vi'lllng supper guests In Clarl'tlC<i' Woods Next meetmg Will Merengo, liB I the VeillOn Hokalnp home the E A MOIrlr home serve the Fecdcls Bdnqull :\Jm(m

l\\111 III th£' blillqU('t srJi'akpr ,It tilt'

, 111(1 Call.l., M,lltm hom1, Wayne Ibe :'>Jov ~2 at the Ellen PenrsQrl Gayland Ble schank and Marsha M I E ld ' S orm Lalte ,Mr and Mrs Dwayne' Gran leld b£'r 16 , Id''-llid l\li'f'llllj.(!YII 'md MI s Huherl Ne1tldon hOtlll Johnson we~e nday overnlgbt \illS Mrs yrl.c ( Ie . I , and falntl~ we e Thursday ve Mrs Rudolph Wilt and Mrs 10m __

D\llcpn' \/ld 1< Ithl('('11 w('r(' 'I'huls ~ Itors In the Ve non Hokamp home Ila, wa~1 a WednesddY a(lllnoon nlng \lsitors III the Lynn 10m Eschllman llttendt'd tlw VI \\ ,lInl Woman's Society Me.1s,. {\,I \ ISI~ors In' the ('l;('~n('\ r,Oll'lll Carroll Saddle Club St. PaLjI's Lutheran churClh vIsItor II~ the Emil T1etgen hOlnt' home AUXiliary meHlng of l)l~tl"lcl 7 ,l~ Ilt)s!c ~~c ... 101 till' \\om,ln S So

h(l~\( H<llldolph I CJlle)]1 S.uldlt' ("Iub helrl lIs fl will hold lts annual turkey arjd I Mrs liY!c (unnmgham and Mr~ Mrs. Lynn Roberts and Sh u· Pender llll) \\(It' Mrs Wlll1,III\ Kluger

IMI and Mrs Maul'lcb lIall ('.11 n,lI lI~lln).( mNl1l1g Sund.JY ('vc ham supp~r unday, Nov. 3, at Frank tllnnmgham Visited Leo na accompanied Mr'S. W R. -- <Inc! \lIg1111,1 KIlP111 llnd :o.1ls

If(!lnlll Wi"C Monday dllprs In Ill(' flln!.!: ill Ihe <lrel1<1 Membcrs and the city audit num. Serving will IMCler and 'Mrs Hlidy He(ke~ at French and Darrel to Gol en, PEO Met I O\\ls I'ultzt'r (){'\OllllIIS ,lIld plOjl,lls Fl,lllkLOIenzhoml' Mr Iialt thtu £nmlll(, .ltlendcd a wIener be 5:15 p,.m to B AdmiSSion is 5t Vmcjent hospII<l1 SIOUX (Il) Colo. where ttey spent Th rs· Chapter EP pr,o 111('1 Mond,l} ~Idlll \\tl(' lOlllbllH'd 10PIl wus

Idlld Mrs Lorenz are COUSinS 11' flafry Nelsen president, I $100 and 1$.6 . 1 Tuesday day to Sunda. They atten ed afternoon With hostt:-.s{S 1\1rs \\ttk of l'r:.l)lr .lnd Sllf Illlll,II'

'Iu{'sd,ly C\Cnlhg vl,d'ors 1Il t!lP antlolln("C'd the annu,l! oystelr ~tewl Mr and MI:. J P Batten, Biro Mr at1ld Mrs Hubert Nettleton, the wedding 0 Lana Granq 1st 1Fred Mesmcr, l\1rs BrUlP I'mlq "'llh :'IllS Kt'llh Urunnlng III


.. Alflpd l'homas 110tlW wrIt' Mr and WIth ~tlllOl1tldlng saddle cluQs ken Bow Wl'l Tue~day overlll~hllDYleen and Kathlpen Wayl1l', werl' and Robert Trl'lte Oct, 11. Mrs Clark EIVdm :\lr:-. lIal()ld A ('ollt'dlon \\JlJ go fOI1\11 ~ ('luf('llc(, lIOi'nulIl lind famllv ",lll hi' Det 9 .It the Canoll AUdl-j VISItors In th' Mrs Emily J 'n \hursday. morntng call1'ls In tbe Mr and Mrsl Rusiiel Hall and INellor, Mrs Georgp How(' and Mr~ III ttlp lllllled Sldll s (om

, Mrs Mantn Isom ,l~ml and Jodi torrullI kllls home S Ie Batten and EI en forrest Nettleton home' I family wprr Surday evening ISII Harold Meyers !iCr\lllg (,Ut'sts Ill11Hllly. (tnlers tlnd lndltl upgrad

I \\t'I'e Wi'dncsday lIft~f1100n \ ISltors I~ Bak('r accqmp llled them home for Rlchard.J an<;!i{'tl ,1Ild {,{'orgw ors III the TIp F'roendt home ole "'ere Mrs Arden Mt'lclH'r dlHI :viI s 11II h 11l~111utlOns~ III the Bill $;Iallmg honH' ('oncO! d~ AUXiliary Makes Favors the weekend, IS,mllh Wt re \\u kend gU( sis In the fl{lge Onn Wethrrhold of cl!dpl( r f)l --


:\Ir and !\ill s (laIr Swansorl and Aux!llal y met l;l;ues~lay al the j Sally l'l~he spent the week¢nd Carl Ja~~en home d d \ Thursday evetl1n~ VISitors i IhC' IStanton Mrs ~1( Irh( I gd\ I' ,j lI' 1)1 ,lOr! Mrs Rog!'1 ('offman und, 1\1.I\ls "\Pl{' !\lund,!) l.'\l'nmg \IS jMilf\ Hollerts home, Wayne WIth 10 the Albert enkms home Mr a dl\lls Da\ld(,ar\\o() an Tom Bowers home were Mr and port on PED SUPICIIH' ((Jl1\(nlIOll 1111\ !)onll,1 dlld (1\([( .1111\PI1 III

11UI'i III tIl{' II,Il1 \ 1 C'seherg homC', 15 membl'l s 'I h('y mnrle 190 fa Mr and Mrs Kearney Lackus and Anne were Sunda~ dlllnel gucstSI Mrs Don Harmer and famIly ,mel [W,I\'IW \OlS for til{' VPlI:'lansl hospItal daughters Iwe e Thursday evemng Im the *rs Anne Buckholz home Mr and Mrs John Bowers eg Congregational Women Meet

1ltlll sday ('\ pnlng \ 1.$ltOl S III th .... ~Slllrt convrntlOn reports- were IViSitors In thc Merle Gubbel home Bancroft he gy Sandra and Steve II The ( ongrpg<lt!{J!l II \\ om Itl ~ I ffVU """".,"",., Husst'l I1all hO[lH \\l'le l\lr andjglVl.n by dt'lt'gdlps, Mrs G E Thursday ternoon VISItors In Donm~ Mau, Wayne, spent t YThursday evemng VISitors I the FellowshIp met 'lhul'dl) \\llh 'nl ~

MI~ Ch.lIlt's H.ill ' Jonps and MIS Hob('l~ Petersen the Verndn okamp home were weekend III Ihe Harold Loberg J\-ennelh EddIe home were Mr members :md gLJ(sl~ Pl~~('111 \11~ I ~l\tr and MI~ Alfledl.lugpl \\erp Tho countv conventIOn was hel~ Mrs KatIe Iokamp, Vlckt Kru Ihome 9- Mrs Raymond Harmler and _~ __

Fnda'!' 'c\('l1lng \ISI!ors III til(' Al al C'anolJ Tu('sday Mrs Emma ger and Mrs lIa Rasmussen Mrs WIUIS Ldg{\ and HobhlC an tegory and Ij)erene Rohde I .lllll rltillm lIOll1\' SU*lle aecom IL\vIS \\<lS kllehen chalrman Mts l Atlendmlg t e Staff dmner at Mrs Harry Holflldt ",('fC MOnday.! .Tana Mane !Patent was a Sun IIhltlJed them borne I IllOVd MorrIS dllllllg room chalrl Wayne State ollege Tuesday v.jere afternoon (a!l(rs III the l'.;dward OSI day and MondF overmght 'uest

i\lr ,\llli l\l1 s Robht Johnson mtln, aD(f Mrs KPllh Owens and Mr and Mrs Clarence Morns, Mr I\~ald home I in the Erwin lttler home Iar,d 1\11 ,Inll MIS I'tlln Rober Is Elda Jones wC'!t' In charge of em and Mrs F lrt'sl Nl'ttleton Mr Thursda) e\cnlng \lSllars III thq Mr and Mrs Owen O\\ln 1('[t Isjl('nt . l'Ui'Sc!dV In Lincoln VISltln" I lert Ilhmenl The n('~t meetmg and I\Ii s Ma rll e Hansen, Mr and Holland Stalw homp \Hl e Mr and fuesc!<l)' mornlng to drive 10 <lsh- ~ ~ -~ ------===-----=--=-====_ -=:----=--=-::L.==-=_=--=--- II Mrs E E Roberts and Terry, HOST rngton D C where the} Will VI~lt

~~ Iklns ! their SOD, Lowell, and hlS f mil).....~----- Mrs. George Bodenst.e~dt ,,:as a\Mr. and Mrs. Joweu Owens hIve a I

. II I wed, ncsday aftern.o.on.,VIS.'ltor. m th.q %.'~,daUghter" C<lillin, born lastBusirlJess' and Pro:,ess; no IH~~~ldal~o~lel~bc~l~I~;I~lf§om,J6:~C'IV;;;;;on Htk·mr. Wayne, as a,~~~ ,JQ~l were Sat~rday evenm I-tf;ritlav Sl1D'"l01} :,"l';·sl b the Ed-I'I \lsitors m thc John I eterson hotnf I~'hnl 03~".ald nme.

D' I' '~R E'·.' C'·,. ,,' ,:,' O. y.. su.nd.ay evening visUors in the I TtI.e",'" "ftci nI'," "I "'IS i t. he. I ErVin WIttier home for a pre- ''Irs C. A. Bc~ton h:Jme ,vere Mrs.nuptia.1 luncheon; honoring Dar, Iffrank 1.orel1z,1 Mr..;. Dura Gr fflth'1lene were Mr. a'ld Mrs. Guerney 7n'r.l;. Annfl. Behrends and ::vIrs.

, , Lorenz, Sandra, Sally, ~nd Les· ~lartl1a Timmf- .....----~~~~~---~-------.-----~---------'--.--~-.......-+----~~~~- lie, ~r. and Mrs. Alfred Pate~t, '.: Mrs. Forrp5t Nettleton .and I

----. WAYNE CI'TY OFFICIALS ---- I Jana Marie and Rodn~y, R,n- li'r.s. Fradtt Lorenz w~'re nd~y ICHIROPRACTORS OPT~ETR,IS,TS dolph; M., ~nd M". \ ~'".'tl'·"",.· ernoon' callers iO. ,Ihe 'rvon__. ~ ....__~ " ~_ Mayor - \ Silnds and DiCk, Laurel; Mr. W;'!\pr home.

B. J. Brandsltettet: .__375-1552 ~~~- ---- -~~~- and Mrs. Allan Frahm, Bonnie , Thursday {'vpning V)',ltors n tlll'A. D, LEWISj D. C. CHy Trcasurel~ - I Mark and Rodger, Mr. and Mrs . Forrest :\'dt'et.on honF' \'\('1"' l\'lr I

CHIROPRAC!rOI~ Leslie w. Ellis 375-::~043 W. A. OEBER, O. D. Hubert NeHleteon, Dyleen a.nd I. ar.d :\1.1'';. Edwil:d O.~wald anrj(E~t. 19141) ..: C)i~-o~.lae;; Witt 315-1475 OP 'OMETRIST Kathleen, Wayne; 'Mr. and Mrs 'Dougla<;.

Neurocalorneter :Serviee I Will Shufelt, Melvin and Mar i Janet I-Jansen was a. Th rsduy II j~ t:abt 4th Street C,ity Attorney :- 375.2311 1 III West 2nd Phone 375-3145 cella,. Dwaln Volwiler, Mrs II overnight and F.r iday Vi.~llor n ttl""

Phone 3715N-30S'OURA~,WcayEne,'' Cl ~~c~;lleI~()~llOft Wyne, Nebr. Franlf. Lorenz .and Mr. and. M"f' ROllan.d Stake home.____ 10 Murr~y Leicy and Duane, Ran Alice Bethune wa's a T esdayFred Gildcrslet'vc . 315-3484 dolph~ overnight guest In the Norton Dow1

'E. G, Smith 35-1690 MACHINES l Slinday evenmg vis~tors 10 t1e Iing home, Randolph, in ho or----..---+~~~"-- I W. L. Ellis: 3V5·2415 Ernest Junek home 10 honor f Patty's birthday.

'I EQUITABL LIFE ~~r~cS~:~~l;~ ~~~~~~~I T''''dt PI b' Ernie' birthday were Mr. a d Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hamilt nand

A~i~~~2f~J J~1~~Y .:~i~~~:~~;~;bn sITh11!!~i He~~~J~;~d~~l~~cesIMrs 1,Y!eCh;,~0~;d,a;il ~am;. fa~ISICil~i~~ few 10

Ph. 375·t429 120'0' 8th Wayne FIRE c:t'i!;b~~~~ Phone 375·2' Wayne Nebr I f M h dD d bl I ,J, iOSPlTAL 375-3800 PH 'SICIA"'S" 0 POW r- atc e J~';'A~ Y~U ~1~D~ce WAYNE COUtlTY OFFICIALS , ...

Pholle,375· 696 tssessor: !lenry Arp .~75-Hj79 BENT ACK CLINIC I ALLIS-CHALMERDean C. ,Piers· n Agency lerk: C. A. Bard . 75-2288' DiSC HARROWS

J~Ddagve,:ct' J. H'-mer" 2W.., . 2nd Street111 W('iit 3rd Wayne 11 Id ..',37,5.16221 ' IISheriff:' Don' Weible 37S.19Q P -one 31;',-2500 1

Formers Insura ce Group p~u'C Hailey 370.1305' "ayne. Nebr.

ALL YOUR INSUR NeE NEEDS ISupt.: Gladvs Porter 375-17771FAST - FA,IR·' RIENDLY '[reasurer: - I I

CLAIM SER I E b'. Leona Bahd.. e ..... r.... 375'388~ GEORGE L. JOHN, M.D.CH R IS E. B R HOLZ iCl'k of Dislrict ~ urli PHYSICI N A.ND SURGEON

Phone 375-2764 Wayne I John T. Bressler .. _375·226l't£frirl1ltural Agent:' I 114 ast 3rd Street I1 H.arnld I~gaUs ··1···· 375-331~ Offic , Phone 375-1471

AS~~~~atl~t~:r~~~t~;~JlJe 375.2115

At~~r:~~~~ MCDerJott 375-208d IVt~~,I~~~S B~~~~~~ ·~.~~~_C;;~.~7~ ~Commissioners: ! WIRIN CONTRACTORS 'I

Dist 1 _·_· 1John Surbe Farm _ ome _ Cortt.merclal

g:~~~ i .···:~.-::j-I~.~r~o~~h~~~ Wayne, NebrDistrict Probation Offlcer:-

I ':vmiam Eynon ., Z75-125Q

FINA~CE I. I-~-+-"~~~~"".<---;~~~~~It~~--jt-







I lI



$l/dO,~i%ed I .. I

I I'Infont'~2-pll~c

Group I

Irregulars of

That You





v··,· ~.",~,." •., • ~. ,. "f ~. f w ~!~" -1.'.';< -- wI'"'''''' ,',-01 •. •' .•' •• ~' ..l)l ... :.l'...'·.. 1~:~'7"';·~;;rl":i',..

, .



I .

, . I I


I COATS,~ (QATSWomen'sl Win,e~

Fur Trimmed I

in these~ Heavy eight print·

ed flannel with full length

zi per. "Grows' 4- n.'! in~width

an (j-in. in lengt 1. Fits birtb

to 112 months.


ca 't get UIWOV(' cd

·Kc 'p them snug

Nove~lreversibl(' pri t in a blendof 90(~) rayon, lOS;, a 'rylic. Wi~le

6 1/2-illJj satin binding 72x9l!l sille.


Hqndy Infan 5' "Grow Bag"

P~~nt Flanne Sleeping BagTols are always oasty warm in thesel

'IByr Several

Rei ular $2.98




I $444

Winter weight uxury blanketin: 100% acryIi fiber. Nylonbi~ding guarante d for the . lifeof the blanket. I


o other sports! Rugged button

Card gan Sweater,

For dr~ss r casual wear, sweaters

are ravo ites with all the menl .


Ideal for go

Full size blanke of' ,94% rayont6% Acrilan® a yli with wid~'"satin binding, rna t decoratoccolors.


~rga~:[;jNOY:. 2: ,Confirmation

Su day, ov. 3: Sunday school,10 a m. Mi sion~rY offering, Mis·sian ry Wil,

lRig.tnark, speak­

er, 1; eve1mg serVIce, 7:30 p.m.

Sa dra dnemiann had a slum_ber party IFri~ay night. Guestswer Sharon Felt, Jane Bard andBett Olsori.

M . and *rs.' Art Walters spentFrid y ev~ning in the WilburUtec t hon)e ~or Mrs. Utecht'sbirt day. '

r. and: Mr,. 'Byron Heydon,Mr and ~rs. 'Joe Helgren andMr and ""rs. Carl Helgren andDo thy" Colorado, wereFri ay sup~er guests in the LeviHel ren h~me.

M . and! Mr$ Dale Tinstman,Nan y an~.i Jan..'e, ~incoln, spentSun ay at Hoy $und~lls.

M s. Ruth ;Killion and Mrs. IDw' ine Wi IF ox I,and 'children spentThu sday e~enipg ~t Alden Back·stro s. ' !


rb,II ::1

ISchenck Clothing 4 28 Irs. Olgn Bjorklund wcjre visit· nOl' Mrs. Grover Carr. while ho,r :G('~n:l' 11\)\101' ,I M'fr<. W Uefl! WI'"


·F. F. A, .. " ", " 2 26 I rs last weick i." the nt'n~y Barcl· Ilut.ents attended teachers conven'ln ~ 1C.~t'W(~flnc t.Il'l)' of M rio }~r~d .High scores; Farm rs Elqva· an home.: , ' lion in Norfolk. (ie son. r

tor, 3037; N. E. Ncbr R.p.r.D., ' . ~fr. nnd Mrs., CUnt6n Carr nod It..nldi nl. M. D WHml080; Ernest SwUt, 225 od 585. I k fj"ld H ·t I ClIfol Lc nDd Mrs. Kenneth Well- • et 'a"lily, Om."'., en. th.

IIa e IT osp. strlund and Laurene were Thur!!· I w olcend In t T. M. ultaf,on

Nina Risberg spo t several J . lilly supper gUCfits In tilt' Grm:cr I h mo.days with Edna Dnlg en. '. 'II~' C:m" homo. II'. IImj lin!. Ado1 II Dichol

M. r. and Mrs. Elmer na.ker w.ere 1MAdml~C% Jam~ ~('f(r y,tllen

; I .. Mr. and Mrs. Hf'nrv Brlnkmun :q". lIt TIIl~I'.SIlIl ~ lind I"rlilly In th."Sunday supper guests of Mr~ and Mrs. I a~cnn AIll'~~ L IXO~; spent Friday ('venlng ol C1Ill'{'nc,'{'ICh'stt't' 'Wud, hOIll{', l,'rQlnonl.Mrs. Albert Harder, Ponca. Irs.•8 ~yce rno(, .aure; Bakers. ISlltlrdilV~llr. ILldM ..~, Itwhclnndi

Beverly Baker, Li coin, spent ITerfY Le m, l~h~rSlOI~~'CRI~hl~? I ' Mr, nn.d Mrs, Dcnn Sandahl nnl! Ill' lIlId'Mrs. Wndt' \\".1". to Kcor._..the weekend at the Elmer Ea'2cl' ~a~lso~rr !nu~(>, Ni~~~ls n [lr~akl': fstnlly, Lincoln, were \V{'{'kt·nd m' III \"Ish 1\ ~lrvjn BI'dwl.home. _ }~;I~l' T pa~f.Cla Nichols'o I.' wakt"1 guest!> of MI's. C. K. Flshm'.. I Irs IIHI'll J'NI'lSOIl •.'1'J1·nt SRtll,r.

Mrs. Rosa ·Timm, reynor, Ia., If! Id'. Go rgc Scheidt PC'nder' Mr, ond Mrs...paUI FI.h.r re·llbt nf(I'nlilon IfI.lhl' r, 1. Gus.tat.and Harry, Linda an Dora lIed·' ~ , Sh . n Sl 'k 'reld: t"rned Monday evening .fter a Sil ho 111 (" \"l.~ tllll: with Nina nla·hoff, Council "Bluffs. ere Friday W~~: a ~\'en )~~~cr'E ~ /~ 1

0n.' I week'. trlJ) to Colondo Spring. he 'J.!, SlIll' !"ll~nds('o

morning cullers in he .Kenneth M1 .lU~na~Kim~ell' AII<'J'C ;\1~rga'.•pon.ored by an Inlunnce com· II', nl1~t'M... i l':.dwln nllth, San·

and Clarence Baker omes. . rs. t I, W"k n 'I' Mr' pliny. Irhey .1.0 vl.lted D.1e Idr~ and (,IIIl"lU, Om ha, wereLillie and Ameli Swansok ~ct Pe l'~:tSO~, ~ e {' ( , s. Fisher at the Air Force Acado. WI!I'IH'lld I:lll' .. h 1rI the Lloyd An.

Yankton, S. D., spe t the week. avonne., a sen, nure. I my. !l11''>on honu'

end wit.h.Mrs. J hn.son. they: Dismissed: A. L. F'r?man, Wak<'· Me. and Mrsj Leslie DOl>sC'lwr ,Mrs. ,J~)llfI Iff'J:".g(' son , Norfolk,also vIsited their C USlDS. Mrs.'!f1eld; C~arlotte Kvols Laurel; spent.Mond8 y· .llt the Carl .'>111 ..nt sl'V(lal 'dll}.".tak.i ~ etirC orRay Love and Mrs. red Nyberg, IJames IJqffrcy, Allen; erry' Le- Doeschers. h'll l1l,,!ll!"l', ~lrs, III !llli Ande·


W3 yne. win, ThUf,ston; Richaf( Carlson, I Mr. llnr! Mrs T. M Gustafson Ill!"ry, Wl~!l 1"('('1111)' rt'tlrl\ml fromMr. and Mrs-. F lix Jelinek Laurel; '. ('rry Nichols( n, Wake- went to Fr.('nH~nl Wednesday to ::-;10\~~ (, II)' IHl'ipllal

went to Omaha Fr,i ay to meet :!nCld; ,Je clle Carr, len; Mrs. m('('l Nina Hi berg, San Fran ~ •


their son, Louis J Iint'lk, C"U- Marjean Malcom, f)j on; Mrs. cisco, who wi 1 spend Sl'vPl'al d S' 5fornla. I LaRoyce Arnold, LallI' I; George Iw('('ks visitmg riends. n ers n er Ice

Mr. and Mrs. A.rno ~ BrUdigam'lls(,hf'icl.t~ ~~{'nd::; AIlc,e, SC,'irOl;~er, Mrs, Bcrth.n tOilers att('n~lt'(I; niB' h· kMr. and.. Erie ·lItz and Mr. \yakefJ(~ltll, lIdlOld. La, .nl' W,lke- Wol!pl' l'l'Ufl.lOn. at Uncflln l.llst I '0. . 1'. . IS eeand Mrs. Fred Schl nes atten..:le~ fJeld. i wpek and also visilt't.1 MI', unllI,'" ,<

Ithe AAL banquet <II} I ierce Sunday --- I. ,Mrs. WaHL'!' K Int', Llnl',oln. llnd' is(,1"\'I('('~ (UI' ~trs. (,lace Ande'r·evening, I .Mrs. Amen lI~mes alnc~ Dehra, IMr. lind Mrs WiIllnnl Klm(',:.'i .)1\' \\ dl 11,1' Jllild 11IIs wtt'k in, Wcst

Mr...nd Mrs. lb. vey Larsonl Pierce. ~p{'nt I'l'Iday With Mrs', Raith, Creek Il'llIll ,fllr!> Antll'rsnn. mother ofMr. and Mrs. Fred eeg, Mr. and Hilma Apd~berry. I Mrs. R('rtha Utecht and M,r~ j~r.,>, F I~ Il1dllt,l', \\',\0. rccenlly

IMrs. Arnie Ebkcr, r. aItd Mrs. Carol Lc Corr spC'ht several IBertha Woiter. weI'(' Thursday n o\,t'd fltoll\ \\'1))'111' It 81m City,Herbert Barelman nd Ann an (days wit her grandp~..ents, Mr. dinner ..Euests ~~~~_~~ rlzol1ll. lIll d SlJndny t'v{!nl~


Mary Martha Circlei\-1ary. Mart a circle met. Thurs·

day afternoOi with Mrs. nCLlbcnJohnson, Me:; H<lrt;y Wendel 'W<lSco·hostess. M s. Elmer Baker Iwas Ch .l h .~~~ir~~~~gi~~s,h~r~~;~n~~s~~~ti~~ U"C es'eling is 1I elcoming p<1rt,~.....with Salem Lutheran ChurchMrs. Russell Wenstrand.' I (Robert V. Johnson, pastor)--- Thursday; Oct. 31: Junior choir,

Mr. and rs . .TWan Backstrom i 4:00 p.m.; senior choir, 7:30.spent We'rln(~ clay evening in the I Saturday, Nov. 2: ConfirmationAlden Backst 'am home. , Iclass, 9:00 a.m.

Mrs. Dona rI HalHlc. Pam :and I 'Sunday, Nov. 3: Church school,Jeff, and Ro ilic Sheen, KeaIjney, 9:45 a.m.: w('Jrship, 11:00: everyspcntflhC. V! ekend with Mr, f,and Im~m.bN visits, afternoon; LutherMrs.. ohn \S hroeder. ,League, 7:30 p.m.

Mr an.::! :Mrs. Adolph Bhs, _Fair u-ry, w re weekend guests I Altona Trinity: Churchin th~ Marti Thomsen home. I (Caryl Ritchey,' pastor)Mrs! Claus IMalmberg and G.her-j Thursday, Oct. 31: Choir reheari-

~~o:~~rlt(~~ ,~~~t S;~~~~~:: h~~~: Isa~,u:~~~. ~~~. 3: WDrship. 9 a.m.;Thursday CVll1 in~ guests wf>rr,!VIr IS'mrlay school, 10:15; Bible In­and Mrs. Le' Hi1ey, South $ioux ISt:lutc, Grace '.Wayne, ,7:30 p.m.City. ,_

sc~~~e:,n~n ' 1~~,: ~~d ~rs~'fnr~~i'! S\~;~:'~R~~~~~a~a;~o~;ChMuller weI' Tuesday ev ning I Thursday, Oct. 31: Sun dayvisitors of M s. Mary Muller. school tenchers meeting, 8:00 p.m.

Mr. and rs. Fre(tr, Muller! en- Saturday, Nov. 2: Catechismtertained M and Mrs. B.i D.: class, 9:00 a.m.Meyer, Scrib er, as supp~r guests I Sunday, Nov. 3: Sunday school,Wednesday. .' t 9:30 a.".'.; worship, 10:30; Holy H't and r,iS

.. .~r. and rs. Martm. Th.o sen commumon. . A cidenta s 1 18 10VISIted Mrs. MarYI Lund In' the I' Wednesday, Nov. 6: The ladles K and B 16 12P('nder Nur ng home Sunda~ af- WIll meet at the church for clean V II r t 14 14ternoon and later called at the up day J ck and ~ Jllli 14 14Charhe Tho sen home l' -. . L ghtmng I Rdds 13 15

,Mr and Mrs Fred Sc mes I United Presbyterian Church 'er Do IweilS 13 15VISIted Mrs John Buettner and I (John Brunn, pastor) F ur L's I 6 22family, Ant n, la, Sunday Thursday, Oct 31 Youth cholr, l

Mr. and Mr;s. Donald Peters 345 pm, chancel chOIr, 730; I H gh SCO(s· Hit and MISS, 683and femil and Darlene ~oe, Boa~d of Trustees, 7 45; SeSSIOn and 1959 Bl WI~leh G~stafs~:3 20~Dixon, Mr. nd Mrs. Floyd Pltrk, [meeting, 800 an .484, 'us I c roe er, anMr. and M s. Adolph Hensetike, Sunday, Nov. 3. Church school, 1

624 IMr, and r'S. paul. t-lensc:hke '10 a.m.; worship hoVr, 11. Wo en's W!ednl,esday N...i.9.••ht Leagueand famil and Mrs. Lilliei-I'erb's rton~ys 17lf2 61hHens.chke pent Thur.sda y eve~ I St. John's Lutheran Church clen's $hOIP.·p.. e......... 15 9ning in the G!t0rge Eickoff home Missouri Synod llerton~ , 9In honor 0 Mr. EickoWs birth- (Sammuel Meske, pastor) I exall Qru~ 9day. . Thursday, Oct. 31: Adult mem- r. MCD~'nald Feeds 14 7

Mr! and rs. Haro.ld Smit.h left' class, .9:30 p.m.; .' 's arp Lf. un r..omat... 131)2 10lhWednesday. to visit .their son and I XrIday; Nov. 1~ Ladles' AId 2 ash Store . 13 11

family, M '. and Mrs. Loren p·rt·, hostesses Mrs. George Roe· I[ homsen i H rd..w....a..r..e..... 13 11Smith, She idan, Wyo. ' Ibel', Mrs. Robert Schenck, and Mrs. armel's! U ion 12 12

NIr. and 'Irs. Phil Rouse spent IClarence Schlines. ,'Iue Bu~ny,. 12 12"sund.ay in he Bob Harding nome, Saturday, November 2: Religion I eopIes -Natl Gas .-'. 11 13~ Nelig.p.; for Randy's third birth- classes. 9:30 a.m. aldbaum's! U 13

day. Mrs. Harding and ch~ldren Sunday, Nov. 3: Christian educa· ossman! j__'__" 9Y.! 14lhretur~ed ith . them· and ,spent: tion hour, 9:30 a.m.; worship ser· arm Se vi e & Sup. 7lf2 16lh

'i!'!" ake. G ai & Feed 6 15

, I otel I 4 20KE P YOUR 'I 'VALUABLES 19h scotes. Sharp Laundromat.


: rl~~~ ~1~~t ~~~aM~l~::rB~~~'ho z, 206 I

S~r tth League. . .... ~ L ake Nat' Bank 19I ake. Fur Hure 18 10


all' Store l 17lh 10J.h.eneke fly nd 161h 11Jh

redrIc~on s Se v 7 21ake Lqud F~t 6 22

I Igh' seQ e Wa efIeld NationalB nk, 2693, all' tore, 958, Law-

Ire ce Joh so ! 237 and 578


Tue ay 1 Nite Handicap

~~:~~r.r, lis; J~ i~

Iurman·r] air~ . .....21 11

~~~ser~ p ::::: ~ ..·:·:·:::;t i~uamy Eg Market .~.1~ 13

I ecreation Center 15 17American· ~ egioh 14l0..! 17Jh

. I ish Peddl rs _' ;.13 19

I, She.rrY..s~'I c, 12% 19th

us's M b 1 ...._............ 11 21Lund's B er Shop 7 25The Vet~ 2 30

IHigh sc r s: .Uptowners, 1089

a d 3092; ~ Keagle, 619; LloydA derson - It ' I1011er> 243. I cardigan styl in long wearing alpaca knit 100%

T ursda y. ,Ie: Handicap Lea~ue virgin Orlan acr lie. Contrasting vertical: stripes MEN/S


Em'son i uid Fert..23 9 . 'I111 H.. 1.<. on cardigan ron. A nopular favorite fo~ active

Pierson I sura r ce 22T.'. 97<: I ' 5~~~~~rs ···I;~~i'~-:; i~ men, Camel, Hla k. Slate Blue, S-M-L. ' BRIEFSchroede " s~rl· 20 12 I I I.' First. sell f

Clem..e.Drs .ert., 19 . 1.3 I;:..:.....:_.:..,;;.,Ll--...l.~-L-4---l~~;...j-~~~-.f.:...._~-~---~!:===~~~~;~~~fBfI*=1~~~~~I:j]:\t'CarpeD ' .1.._ • .....:__ .16 16

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