helping verbs

Post on 19-Jun-2015






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Verb to be Verb to do Verb to have Can, Could May, Might Will, Would Shall, Should Must Need Dare Ought Used to


Helping Verbs / Modal Verbs

verb ��� ��ก������ (Auxiliary Verbs/Modal Verbs/helping Verbs)#�$% &�'�(��)*+,-�+ก

.�/0�ก12234�-056*�(ก�� verb ��� 67,6-%(

��ก������ *+,8�9���86ก��:�9�( Tense 47ก<=34�4+��4#4� 1.�ก������2�(��:�4��>8�9

-056ก���1*93/91?=<=4+��4#4�86.7�-%( -��6

is 10?��� -056,%A�,$%B He is an engineer. (-E�-056��F�ก�6#6G,()

is <=34�4+��4#4�B She is cooking. (#?�%6ก��?7(0�K(%�#��)

��ก������ 4+*7L(#4/ 24 ��

Verb to be B is, am, are, was, were 8�90�=ก%2 Continuous tense 1?= Passive Voice

Verb to do B do, does, did .8�9���:�9�(0�=T��>�4/0U�-:V 86 Simple Tense

Verb to have B have, has, had 8�90�=ก%2 Perfect Tense

��ก������*+,4+��4#4�86.7�-%( 47ก<=.�4/9���ก���1*9��%(-/�4-:4%

will X would B <=/shall X should B <= / can X could B :�4��> /may X might B 2�(*+

,%�<<=/ must B .9%(

��ก������*+,8�9ก72 to 47ก<=.�4/9���ก���1*9��%(-/�4-:4%

ought to ��<= / used to - / need to <��-056.9%( / dare to ก?9�*+,<=

ก��������������ก�� �!"#�� 24 $����"��!

�%&&'�()* +,���-

1. is is not isn't

2. am am not -

3. are are not aren't 4. was was not wasn't

5. were were not weren't

6. Do do not don't

7. does does not doesn't

8. did did not didn't

9. has has not hasn't 10. have have not haven't

11. had had not hadn't

12. can can not can't 13. could could not couldn't

14. may may not mayn't

15. might might not mightn't 16. will will not won't

17. would would not wouldn't

18. shall shall not shan't 19. should should not shouldn't

20. must must not mustn't

21. need need not needn't 22. dare dare not daren't

23. ought ought not oughtn't

24. used to used not to usedn't to

verb to be ;��<ก�+,���� is, am, are, was, were <&@���"(&B�, -�%�, +C-"

be -056�A0-/�4-4$,%ก�=<��A0<=3/9-056 is,am,are -0?+,6-056��%(*+,:%($% was were 1?=-0?+,6-056��%(*+,:�4$% been

8�9ก72 Present tense (0\<<K276ก�?) 1. is 8�9ก720�=V�6-%ก^<6_ 2. am 8�9ก720�=V�6����� I 3. are 8�9ก720�=V�6^#A<6_

8�9ก72 Past tense (%/+.ก�?) 1. was 8�9ก720�=V�6-%ก^<6_ 2. were8�9ก720�=V�6^#A^<6_

#��� �DE-" Verb to be F�� ,�#��� �D����ก����$��-CD�;����"$�-;&��!

1.1 ��(3�9#69�ก���.7�*+,-.�4 ing *��8#90�=T67L6-056 Continuous Tense bG,(10?��� cก��?7(d

*Kก�7L( -��6

We are learning English. (-��ก��?7(-�+6&�'�%7(กg')

1.2 ��(3�9#69�ก�����%( 3 (-h^�=:ก��4ก���) *��8#90�=T67L6-056ก��4��<ก (Passive

Voice) 10?��� c>Aกd -��6

John was punished by the teacher yesterday. (<%#_6>Aก*��T*'T/Kj�A-4$,%��66+L)

1.3 ��(3�9#69�ก���:&��4�?� (Infinitive) 4+:��-6+(10?��� c<=, <=.9%(d 1:/(>G(#69�*+,*+,

.9%(ก�=*��, 1k6ก��, ก��-.�+4ก��, ��:7,(, ��E%�9%( #�$%��4-056303/9 -��6

He is to stay here till I come back. (-E�<=.9%(%A�*+,6+,<6ก���h76<=ก?724�)

1.4 0�=T��:7,(, %�^�, *+,6��#69�0�=T/9� Adjective (KjF7^*_) .9%(8�9 Be 6��#69�

-:4% -��6

Be quite. The baby is sleeping. (-(+2#6�% *��กก��?7(6%ก#?72%A�)

1.5 8�96��#69�:��6�6 about to + Verb ��%( 1 4+:��-6+(10?��� cก��?7(<=d 1:/(>G(-#.Kก��j_*+,


They are about to start their jouney this week. (^�ก-E�ก��?7(<=%%ก-/�6*�(ก76:70/�#_6+L)

1.6 8�9*��#69�*+,-056ก���#?7ก (Principal Verb) 860�=T3/9ก�j+6+L860�=T67L6<=34�4+

Verb .7�%$,6-E9�4����4%A�ก72 Verb to be -��6

Jean is always a good girl. (<+6-056-/rก#s�(/+-:4%)

Verb to do ;��<ก�+,���� do, does, did 8�9ก72 Present tense (0\<<K276ก�?)

1. does 8�9ก720�=V�6-%ก^<6_ 2. do 8�9ก720�=V�6^#A^<6_

8�9ก72 Past tense (%/+.ก�?) 1. did 8�93/9*7L(0�=V�6-%ก^<6_1?=0�=V�6^#A^<6_

8�9ก72 present Simple #�$% past Simple -4$,%-��.9%(ก��-0?+,6<�ก0�=T2%ก-?��-0560�=T��>�41?=0�=T0U�-:V

� Present Simple - She goes to school by bus. - She doesn't go to school by bus. - Does she go to school by bus?

� Past Simple - Dum went to the post office yesterday. - Dum didn't go to the post office yesterday. - Did Dum go to the post office yesterday?

Note: -4$,%-%� Verb to do -E9�4����ก���<=.9%(-056 V1-:4%

Verb to have ;��<ก�+,���� has, have, had

� has 8�9ก720�=V�6-%ก^<6_ � have 8�9ก720�=V�6^#A^<6_ � had 8�93/9*7L(0�=V�6-%ก^<6_1?=^#A^<6_86�A0E%( past

1. -��<=8�9ก72 Present Perfect Tense 1?= Past Perfect tense -��6

� Frank has seen the rainbow. � Frank hasn't seen the rainbow. � Has Frank seen the rainbow? � They have watched the movie. � They haven't watched the movie. � Have they watched the movie?

2. Verb to have *+,-056ก���1*910?��� "4+" "�720�=V�6"-��6

� I have a new dress. � I have lunch early every day.

-4$,%.9%(ก��*��-0560�=T0U�-:V1?=��>�48#9-%� Verb to do 4����-��6

� We don't have a new home. � Do we have a new home?

can could <&@��� ")����J"


� I can play the piano. � I can speak French.

86�A00�=T0U�-:V1?=��>�4:�4��>8�9 can 3/9-?-��6

� She can't drive.

� Can you drive?

2.-��<=34�8�7 can ก72 infinitive #�$% participles 1.�-4$,%<��-056-��<=8�9��%$,61*6-��6

� Are you be able to go home late?

� She will be able to drive soon.

3. could -056 past E%( can -��8�9 could :��#�72��4:�4��>*7,�30 #�$%ก��%6Ks�.-��6

� She could speak three languages when she was five.

� He finished his home work. He could go out to play.

4. -��8�9 can 1?= could

4.1 ก72��4:�4��> (ability)

� I can use a computer.

4.2 ก��E%#�$%ก��8#9%6Ks�.

� Can I use your bicycle?

� You can leave early today.

1.�>9�-056122:K&�^#�$%-056*�(ก��-��<=8�9 Could -��6

� Could you hand me that book, please?

4.3 ก��E%�9%( (requests)

� Can youBB..?

� Could youB...? :K&�^ก���

� Do you think you could...?

� Can you take this bag?

� Could you loan a hundred baht?

� Do you think you could help me move this box?

4.4 -:6%.7�- $,%���-#?$% (offers) -��6

� Can I turn the air on for you?

4.5 A/>G(��4-056303/91?=�/=-686:�,(*+,%�<<=-ก�/EGL6 (possibility and probability) 8�9

can ก72:>�6ก��j_#�$%-#.Kก��j_*+,-056303/9 -��6

� This road can be dangerous at night.

may might

1.8�9ก72ก�� A/>G(ก��4+T%ก�:E%(2�(:�,(2�(*+%�<-056<��(#�$%%�<<=-ก�/EGL6-��6

� We may take a day off next week.

� He might call me tonight.

2. might 34�3/9-056 past E%( may -��<=8�9 might -4$,%-��4+T%ก�:*+,69%ก��� may -��6

� I may go to visit my parents in this weekend. (2�(*+T%ก�:<=-056 50%)

� Jane might go with me. (2�(*+T%ก�:<=-05630% )

3.ก��8�9 may/might ก72 have 8�91:/(ก���/=-6*+,%�<<=-ก�/EGL686%/+.

� may/might + have +V3

� She may have gone out when I phoned her.

A: I can't find my book.

B: You might have left it at school.

4. 8�9 may might 86ก��E%%6Ks�.-��6

� May I sit here?

� I wonder if I might have another cup of coffee?

5. 8�9 may 86ก��%6Ks�.1?=34�%6Ks�.-��6

� Children may not play alone in the pool.

A: May I turn the TV on?

B: Yes, of course you may.

will would



� I will go to school early tomorrow.

2.8�9 will 1:/(ก��E%�9%(%��(:K&�^-��6

� Will you open the door for me please?

would -056%/+.E%(����� will

1.8�9860�=TE%�9%(*+,:K&�^ก��� will

� Would you turn the volume down please?

2.8�9ก720�=T Would you mind if....

� Would you mind if I smoke?

3. 8�9 would ก72�� rather 10?��� ��<=..../+ก��� .7��% 'd rather 8�986ก��-?$%ก%��(8/


� I'd rather study harder this year than go to summer school.

4. 8�9 would ก72 like to 86�A0��>�4-056ก��-�$L%-��s-��6

� Would you like to go dancing with me?

shall should


1.8�9860�=T%6�.ก�? (Future tense) .�40ก.�1?9� shall 8�9ก72 0�=V�6 I 1?= We

2. 8�986ก��-:6%#�$%8#9��16=6�� 1?=8�9-4$,%E%��16=6��-��<=8�9

� Shall I...?

� Shall we ...?

� Shall I carry your books?

� Shall we go shopping?



� People should be careful about food.

� She shouldn't act like that in public.

2. 8�9 Should I....? :��#�72ก��E%��16=6�� ก��$,64$%���-#?$% -��6

� Should I go out with him ?

� Should I help you clean up this area?

3. 8�9-4$,%ก?���>G(:�,(*+,��<=*��10?���"��<=" -��6

� You work all day. You should take a rest.

4. 8�9 should have +V3 8�9^A/-ก+,�ก72%/+.T�(:�9�(6+L8�9ก72:�,(*+,34�3/9-ก�/EGL6#�$%%�<<=-ก�/


� They should have arrived here by now.

� I should have written a note for him

5. 8�9ก720�=T if clause -��6

� If I had a lot of money, I would be happy.


10?��� ".9%(".�4/9�ก�����%(*+, 14+#?7กก��8�9/7(6+L

1. 8�91:/(��4<��-056*+,.9%(ก�=*��

� You must hand your homework in tomorrow.

2. 8�986ก��8#9��16=6��#�$%ก��:7,(ก72.7�-��-%(#�$%ก722K?%$,6-��6

� He really must stop drinking.

� You must sit there for two hours.

� You mustn't talk in the classroom.

3. -��8�9 have to 1*6 must 3/9

+���<$ก$��"�K#���"ก��F�� must <@K have to

must -056ก��:7,(��4<��-0564�<�ก2K?*+,ก��?7( A/#�$%ก��?7(|\(

have to A/>G(��4<��-056*+,4�<�ก&�6%ก2�(*+%�<<=-^��=���ก}#4� กU�=-2+2#�$%-056


� I must go home now. It's going to rain soon.

� You must stop smoking.

� I have to stop smoking because I'm sick.

mustn't 8�92%ก2K?34�8#9*��:�,(67L6:�,(6+L

haven"t got to, don't have to 8�9 A/862�(:�,(*+,34�:��7s-��6

� You mustn't tell Dang. 4+��4#4���� (Don't tell Dang.)

� You don't have to tell your wife. #4���4���

(You can if you like, but it is not necessary.)

4. 8�9 must -4$,% A/>G(:�,(*+,-��16�8<-��6

� The boy keeps crying. He must be really sick.

need (&B�;�� �!"ก��������<@Kก����< �

1. -4$,%8�9-056ก���1*9 need + to +V1

� He needs to clean his car.

� You need to water the flowers.

>9�.9%(ก��*��-0560�=T0U�-:V1?=0�=T��>�4 8#9-%� Verb to do 4����

� You don't need to help him.

� Do we need to reserve the room?


needn't -��6

� You needn't explain. I understand.

3. ก��8�9 needn't + have +V3 1:/(>G(ก��ก�=*��*+,34�<��-056.9%(*��86%/+.1.�*��301?9�-056


� Your mother needn't have cooked for us. We ate out.

dare <&@��� "ก@�� "(&B�;�� �!"ก��������<@Kก����< �

1. -056ก���1*9 dare + to +V11?=-4$,%.9%(ก��*��-0560�=T0U�-:V1?=0�=T��>�48#9-%�

Verb to do 4����-��6

� She dare to say what is right.

� I doesn't dare to tell him the truth.

2. -056ก������-��34�6�48�9-0560�=T2%ก-?��1.�-��<=8�9 daren't ก7262�(634�ก?9�*��


� I daren't look.

� I daren't touch it.

ought <&@��� "+��LK" ��#@�กก��F����"��!

1.8�9 ought .�4/9� to -:4%8�986ก��16=6��:�,(*+,��*��8#9ก726%$,6��4*7L(.7�-��-%(/9�4+

��4#4�8ก?9-+(ก72����� Should -��6

� I really ought to teach her English.

� People ought not to cross the road over there.

2.8�9 ought to+ have +V3 A/>G(:�,(*+,��*��86%/+.1.�34�3/9*��

� You ought to have phoned him yesterday.

used to <&@��� "(+�"

0\<<K276-��34�6�48�9 used to 86�A0122E%(ก������1?9� -��8�9-h^�=-056ก���1*9 A/>G(:�,(*+,


� I used to eat a lot.

� She used to be shy.

-4$,%-0560�=T��>�41?=0�=T0U�-:V-��<=-%� Verb to do -E9�4����

-4$,%-%� Verb to do <=.9%(-0?+,6 use 8#9-056ก�����%(*+, 1

� Did you use to have a dog?

� I didn't use to watch the news. (-0560�=T0}�-:V-��6�48�9 never used to )

� I never used to watch the news.

� (be) used to +noun / ing 10?��� "-��6"

� I am used to driving at night.

� She is used to the cold weather.

�%&<MMก��F�� Helping Verbs / Modal Verbs

type of Helping Verb

Present simple Past Simple

Subj :Singular Subj : Plural Subj :Singular Subj : Plural

Action verb V.1+s V1 V.ed /V2. V.ed /V2. be is, am(I) are was were do does do did did have has have had had

Subject : Plural You They We I


Present Simple eat eat eat eat

Past Simple ate ate ate ate

Future Simple will eat will eat shall eat shall eat

Present Continuous

are eating are eating are eating are eating

Past Continuous were eating were eating were eating was eating

Present Perfect have eaten have eaten have eaten have eaten

Past Perfect had eaten had eaten had eaten had eaten

Subject : Singular He She It


Present Simple eats eats eats

Past Simple ate ate ate

Future Simple will eat will eat will eat

Present Continuous

is eating is eating is eating

Past Continuous was eating was eating was eating

Present Perfect has eaten has eaten has eaten

Past Perfect had eaten had eaten had eaten

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