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Hebrew Matthew Shem Tov Book Of Yeshu Mashiach part 12 Hebrew Matthew Page 1 www.AdatMoadim .com – Completed 7/28/14

Hebrew Matthew Shem Tov Book Of Yeshu Mashiach part 12 Hebrew Matthew

Translation notes: Shem Tov Hebrew-Shem Tov Matthew: Copyright British Library Board, Shelf mark add. no. 26964

image 0002-0416, transcription by permission of Shem Tov Hebrew Matthew.

In a vision shown to me the fifth month of year 2014 was said am showing you what is coming and the thing was like concrete held in the air a large lump white and not was powder or anything living in it. One must act prudent and consider who you are serving. And now the first of the six month said to me it is close-to coming the plague that comes from among us by us. Must see Pslam 91:1-to end of it and is close and be prudent wise, the ruin of the land see image 0051you must and 0380 Mattityah. The plague closes in image 0059.

This book, and the twelve sections numbered are according to the writings in Hebrew of Mattityah-Mathew also the gift of Yah to Mashiyach containing His letters sent out and swept away by all the great ones establishing their brand of teachings. Find in the scriptures what you are doing relative to the Torah the foundation remove the stinking parts. For A time this has been hidden-asleep and it will remain to the world, we have been granted a vision of what shall come and in peace not by war. Wars are of man and not of the Creator Yahvah Elohim and Son. And it has been said that the people bring the things of destruction on them selves and so it will be for the awful things about to come and the disgusting things being done to us now, a time as never before and never shall be again. After completing the book numbered 12 also called Hebrew Matthew, the other eleven books also have the words to the notzrim-teachers of Torah, called the invited ones. Starting with book one and the first pages of each of the other eleven books, that we may see what great things have been given to the notzrim, bringing Torot-Torah from Moshe. The translating of the eleven books will take some time, wait and watch doing what is right and given by our Creator.

Also as a note having acquired a copy of a Shem Tov from Jewish Theological Seminary of America, New york, and compared the several lines to prove the usefulness of the chapters missing from the British Library Book Shem Tov. The word changes from the British Library copy are profound in just two lines there were 6 word modifications. And in this section of chapter 23 Tzadey Chet line four would have one to desire the Pharoshim and their wise ones, the teaching of Yeshu were that these were not to teach, and if so He would have an inferior product-student. This copy of the Jewish Seminary can not be used to continue Mattityah-4993-Gift of Yah or Mathew 23:23 and end of 28. [note the translators added a "w" after each vav thus we have a letter not in the text.] Also the letters BDB stand for the Brown Driver Briggs Hebrew and English Lexicon, the numbers are of Strong's Dictionary some of the symbols used we do not have, // used to show text is not finished-waiting for the end of the age or time allowed.

Hebrew Matthew Shem Tov Book Of Yeshu Mashiach part 12 Hebrew Matthew Page 2 www.AdatMoadim .com – Completed 7/28/14

Book one of Shem Tov-image 0001 none-0002 page one-0003 blank-0004 page 2, image numbers 0002-0023 are of the prophets addressing the notzrim: Copied out year-1492 translating began in 2010 to English And in looking into the writings I have seen that the first letter of each line and last letter of each line composes words, when assembled in order as written, top to bottom of the image as lines are numbered this adds two-2 more lines of scripture. Will number these as first letters of each line and last letters of each line of each image and work from this way, and then I looked and they read up, so see the following images 0002, 0004, 0005.

1. Of Image 0002 Gathered as plundered contemplate with pleasure from this as looming up as a mountain Shem Tov-Name Good a light this standing boldly out this of notzarim and to transcribe copying in a sense of guarding as a leader of the flock to know you will also and grow old and not speak of on encounters of them and you become complete in covenants of cepher-scroll [scriptures] this having a vision of sleep in five to expand in sleeping shall our selves in bringing out this name of standing to ages veiled. 962-2372-2042-8034-2896-5214-5046-5341-6275-3746-3045-7867-3808-6310-7136-1961-7999-5608-1957-2568-142-8153-5312-2088-8034-5956 first letters reading down then up Trust all the daughters-[tribes-nations-symbols] of worthlessness [this age mans way], perverse way of walking to that of [last letters down now up] this crying out to Yahh of hope corrupt of you woe having despised-[Mashiach][last letters down] 539-3605-1323-2151-1660-1980-3964 last letters up2088-2980-3050-8615-4167-1958-939

Image 0004 first letter of each line down then up and the same with last letter of each line: His apple of the eye [Yisrael covenants] He will deepen the cup to Him these for additionally inheritor guest caused to wander going astray crossing over-changing sides [to move to the Hebrew way-Torah] to name-have standing apple of the eye [letters up] govern and four square-straight cause to make abundant shaving off these to be clear shine these will be and He reveals [last letters down] to be bright from a deviation making amazed His gems-diamonds of worms lifting selves up out of for Yahh of Yahvah to cause to preserve you of torot [fem. plural of torah] of Mine before shall be day out of bitter poison by with drawing from contact they of the upright to be amazed teachers pointing out before [letters down] 892-3849-3914-5159-1481-8582-5674-8034-925-8074-8068-7415-3050-3068-3498 [letter numbers up] 4910-7251-6280-1548-1984-1540-892-8451-8452-1961-3117-4815-4185-8535-8074-3384

line 1. Saying this from joining in fellowship Name Good-word order numbers 559-2266-8034-2896

2. Beloved Yitzchaq at seeing-perceiving out of this uncovering-making bare to you lambs 1249-3327-7200-6168-2924

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3. Create of You have these small little one being devoted and to both distresses of time and appointed happiness-well being His ones 1254-589-6819-2767-8147-6869-2163-4726

4. And being complete-have enough us and to give us abundant increase having intelligence-prudent-thinking us among men of covenant us which 7646-5414-7227-995-582-1285-834

5. send with command out of making perfect of us pursuing after us to these you bend in kindness in looking-eyeing thinking best of 3318-3634-7291-310-2603-5869

6. the notzarim these humble of tribes-peoples our as they were asking to us in trembling to you spreading making plain of the writings 5341-8430-5971-7592-7578-6584-3789

7. And will cause to make know what they are to perform accomplish as to royal laws an manners theirs will build up in trust of things true confirming to them and what of their words are shameful 1881-5046-4100-6965-1881-539-4100-1697-954

8.9. For these are by men to us in eyes-seeing of these knives of flint-distresses-words of evil masters of ours and they to us pounding flat and with hook for nose gathering of ones standing out of tribes people of our [Judah] many out of the wise these are knives of flint-words breaking down causing divisions by words of chastisement to our nation-people 376-5869-6864-113-1992-6341-4170-1571-3426-5971-7227-2249-6864-7323-8433-5971

10.11. These with perversity by iniquities of theirs glaring these are causing turning away distresses by words of evil shall exile and this befalls unto them and in anguish madness of theirs and the helpless and the Torah for this shall be firm and whatsoever dissolved (lamet as last letter of the word would mean lamad-3925 teaching of Torah) and not to exist and in anguish they for always it has power to stand to the elder to them like royal decree 5771-8273-5437-6864-1540-4745-575-579-1947-1800-8451-4581-4310-8271-369-575-3201-7869-1992-1881

12.13. And like this to manner for Shabbat to be continuous of us by deceiving as abolishing of us mourning us extortion of us and families of us and evil of them the levy to public service-labor over us to manner these of man fearing-face of like in hardness and his knowledge for and not in shame 3541-3541-7676-2956-6213-2429-584-5383-2945-5767-4522-5921-3651-4962-6440-2496-1843-3588-3808-954

14.15. to join in league scroll breaking in pieces words of this cause good for desires of the heart they will do desires of the heart by words like knives to us and shall be oblivious to us of El of Yah these also gazing stock seeing as we will

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be removed as ancient and to written record-scriptures such things of it the scroll-scripture 2266-5612-3807-559-8231-7592-7592-854-6864-413-7911-452 [composed of two-2 words 410-3050]-1571-7210-6267-3789-2007-5612 [Yirmeyahu-Jeremiah 17:9 the heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked who can know it?]

16.17. this of their desire and I spin around in violent emotion to these inducing to mislead-drawing out to death to the elders He will kill you El of Yah these. And such thing seen as spectacle-gazing stock of the scroll-scripture it is weighty to the senses honor will prevail to invited ones of scroll-scripture cause for joining walls of protection and Yahvah and words shall be absolute also they are wise to seeing they shall be contained as a limit of ground meal 1523-7952-7867-4191-452-2007-7210-5612-3513-7121-5612-2346-3068-561-2449-7200-5592-7058

18.19. joined together with Him sure trusting these will and shall enlarge to make plain these terrifying of these lawgivers to scorners they were of those by defaming to which not they just or right to manners of us. Also to release causing to make plain and those will bring in abundance of writings they like you and in that day 2266-389-539-7337-7737-1089-2710-3887-2778-834-3808-3651-1571-2010-874-935-7235-5016-3541-3117

20.21. Also not they bring words telling-declaring to people-tribes being of Him a Rock your El of Yah these causing oppression causing oppression. Also holding controversies prepare self consider direct not shall be this for when against these retreat-withdraw to a private place to command for parched ground understand a community of wisdom of blindness sudden hostility 1571-3808-935-1697-4022-5971-1961-6864-452-343-343-1571-7378-3559-5414-3808-1961-3588-518-7873-6310-8273-2268-2449-6696

22.23.24. shall return to be high to them and to be just and right will see to these also pluck up by roots those against declaring distinctly the written scriptures over way of life-walking will strip like a portion faithful in firmness of us will be firmly established to humble and poor of them also not shall be all His Most High our for the elders. And disesteem able to us people of Adoninu-Master our and those to be hostile to us. And all that 7725-5944-3651-7200-6131-6567-3789-5921-1869-6584-6310-530-3559-6041-3808-3605-3605-2088

25.26. of those wagging the tongue-slanders of soft hearted like working becoming servants of El Adoni-masters of His And His knowledge all seeing of scroll of written-scriptures now this also times of many declaring distinctly the written records-scriptures and causing to make know by separating distinctly teaching will cast away the disgusting words taught also not words commanded 3960-7401-5647-410-113-1843-3605-7200-5612-2088-6471-7227-6567-3789-5046-6567-2219-3808-561

27.28. And to times you shall make know these causing to make distinct giving understanding measure in guiding by speech also stand prepared to making right

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cause to you also shall fasten up-enclosing to the elders against us distresses it shall be poured out [as a drink offering] to speak causing from associates companions desiring to them and calling out to shall be 6471-1961-5046-6567-3557-6310-3559-5274-7867-6869-1961-5258-6310-2270-176-7121

29.30. name of scroll of words declared of this to build of stones tried tested and proven paying attention to purpose sake who were selected and they shall have favor to graciousness by Him the stability of truth-trust worthiness from these He called out to and they cause to be right and clean causing these to cease from labor His called ones Mine the name of these for harvest in places [reverse of last word] corruption these were before 8034-7612-2088-68-974-3282-1305-2580-571-7121-6663-988-7121-8034-7114-4725[reverse of last word] 4167

Image 0005 Shem Tov first letter of each line down and up and the same with last letter of each line: searching out behaving pushing aside [choose good] sweating-work to Yahvah these to rise up ashamed they from like asking to be bound as sheaf-[firstfruit] [last letters] and these whom are to Me will lift selves up causing to declare give birth [new body] brightened polished blood [new] fearing Him of Yahvah appearance. To be ended cloud of darkness your and He shall turn with pride Yahvah His Majesty kindness this six [days of creation] maligning stabbing with words shall understand-having seen rushing eagerly coveting His Mountain [the City] to cause flames drawing out [figurative to deliver] them declare a day to grieve and with Me and these. [letters down] 1245-7737-2186-2188-3068-1342-955-1158-485-3487-176-7426-4137-7044-1818-7297-3068-8389 [letters up] 4390-5645-7725-1466-3068-5797-2580-2088-8337-6898-7200-1942-2022-1814-1802-3117-4470-225

1.2. In places which speak words of Most High of the Scroll-Book battles of Yahvah to declare My Scroll-Book of these Most High of His and will speak words of command these will repair-restore in places Yahvah inspired speaking they of good purpose and then will Yehudi 4725-834-1697-5920-7612-4421-3068-1961-7612-2088-5942-1697-562-5640-4725-3086-5016-1992-4100-8033-3046

3.4. Call out to Me causing to become one and Name of renown He will be our Rock causing great numbers speaking of Most High trusting in faithfulness shall be these and to speak words of His wisdom also everyone of seeking running to explain declaring Me of this seeking out by inquiring also will be rock your also they first the beginning in place 7121-3161-8034-6864-7969-5920-6310-530-6310-559-2449-3605-7323-874-2088-1875-1691-6864-6921-6932

5.6. above the 7 an 8 and these the humble to you these seek out inquiring to Him and will cause with you His just and right decrees of obligations of the Scroll-Book [Proverbs 8:15]. and to stand shall be called famous-renown are His. And then they will explain declaring to those seeking out to Him. And longing after separating they shall separate those seeking after to Him. 8083-1992-6041-

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7.8. And to Me now the humble ones they to teach these from among. And not now speak of Him or seeing of Me. This to stand out to Me to engrave [figurative] to explain declare to them He also will appoint you a home place of theirs eastward as before of Scroll-Book His now. And shall be humble you seeking out inquiring after Scroll-Book 2088-6041-3925-4480-3808-2088-1697-1931-7200-3426-874-413-4487-4999-6924-7612-2088-562-6041-1875-7612

9.10. Now this to engrave-write [figurative explain-declare] foundations of greatness being humble in Me multitudes of peoples and desiring answers and they answer the notzarim announcing establishing trust truth to them of testifying these ones reapers of the grain [Harvested by Yeshu] and will explain making plain accordingly enough also they shall cause to rise to heart of courage being soft in sympathy 2088-874-3247-1419-6041-525-7592-8666-5341-5046-529-5749-7114-874-1767-7009-3820-4578

11.12. And they shall write a memorial record to themselves and when our Mighty Rock He to stand continually Mighty One of Most High firmness of security to moral fidelity our liberty free of hand with spoken words of before-meeting coming and going joining selves to community Him Most High now and Name of honor of character their causes to make plain explaining those seeking these shall become numerous, honorable as before Name of Him and dividing will [careful here the scribe is talking in their words as the book is today divided this would confirm the early followers used only Hebrew Matthew]

13.14. now out of the Scroll they two men. Have the fountain of knowledge, And by the action of making a new scroll these. And the fountain of knowledge it will be explained away 874 [this word can be in to river Nile-back to Egypt 2975] partially of the text cutting into portions will cease too exist of learning the Torah. And the action of making new it shall turn back these and will assault us. And having divided it gathered 2088-7612-1992-8147-5869-4639-5869-1931-2975-7117-6131-8451-4639-1931-7725-6696-2505-1571

15.16. these all to unite the two divided. When the fountain of knowledge they divided to divide was a miracle an omen it and out of this the first as opposite it's [Torah] presence the miracle of it to arrange words also came a miracle Most High cause to rise of them like appeared come forth and it to become one 1992-3605-259-8145-2505-518-5869-2505-2505-4159-6905-4159-1931-1696-935-4159-5929-6965-4672-3161

17.18. H-[Yahvah]. And will cause opposite its presence this with words against also not become high the miracle spit will cause opposite its presences this surely they have it in truth and in miracles and on them mountain of book of pages as thorn bush's and will be bad thing offered will having divided 3068-

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19.20. like this into two divisions. And it desires them to turn and to it they shall like for her divided portion all go its way from these two divisions. When the desires of the heart for portions to two again divided. They unite 1454-8145-2505-1992-7592-7725-413-1454-2505-3605-258-1992-8145-2505-518-7592-2505-8145-2505-259 [divided the book the woman]

21.22. in desires of the heart their ones rocks of your men. [this is explaining how the divisions were made-old and new into the book of today-King James commissioned the book and the printing press came on the scene all around 1500 a.d.] even something rolled of dung theirs they will have it inducing to mislead them. And they will turn this like theirs we have a portion to be divided. The first for you shall turn those of us over 7592-6697-4962-3789-4962-1888-1530-7952-7725-1454-2505-2505-259-7725-428-5921

23.24. requesting you to them. And the two to you will turn these of theirs against desires of ours. And afflictions ours now the scroll it restores our words and words as before binding fast and not of now words the same discerned in seeing-understand therefore of Torah 7592-8145-7725-428-5921-7592-6040-2088-7612-1931-7725-1696-1696-6440-6099-3808-2088-1696-1931-7200-8451

25.26. And shall be decrees-laws-justices enacted of Yah. And knowledge of His also many from Son of tribes-peoples of ours from men certain of wicked-bad ways of us cast those away and those holding in derision scoffing and remove from Scroll these and from ourselves as before will consult together setting in order. And from it surround selves be very zealous. And I gathering will be 2710-1847-7227-1121-5971-582-2154-2088-3988-3933-1992-3272-6186-1992-5437-7065-589-3528-717

27.28. cause this shall make permanent of also bring to me will make a gleaning wonderful to bind fast making powerful of and to this for joy and gladness of mercies to know by instruction to understanding from beginning to [intent was of theirs] profane of the customs of instructions [Torah Parsha]. And see advise self I have this front part fearful acting treacherously from bending oppression plucking up by roots the Torah and then consultation of Yahh 5414-1931-5953-6099-834-1524-2617-3045-2490-3928-7200-6921-8175-4598-343-6131-8451-5475-3050

29.30. time allowed-age shall cut short and will cause having to explain called out ones His fearer's of Yahvah they shall in order that to know Him and not cause fulfilling His request protecting bringing to an end and to these fulfilling and divide shall I celebrate these 5703-7114-874-7121-8175-3068-410-834-3045-369-7999-7592-5826-3607-7999-2505-5608-2088

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31.32.33. not were asleep or growing rich. Barley grain [firstfruit] like weight out allotted of our love to raise up Sheep that hoped for of Us He's sending you Moshiach our and He to cover as branches also He shall hem in for protection Moshiach before Yahvah beginning a sense of an opening shall be of us. And He to love His they to love Him Husband [reverse] having tender heart He and are for a time to come His a day of desolation 3808-7252-6238-8183-4487-1731-7311-2089-3588-8615-1931-935-4899-6073-5910-935-4899-3068-8462-1931-7355-7355-406 [reverse] 7391-4279-3117-2717

Image 0006: 1. The opening the first 8176-7223

2. Will pluck up by roots of these in firmness and breaking off-separating of them they are His 6131-530-6561-1992 [in reverse] and these good things and made precious also these shoots propagated [figurative of perpetual] where I will be the expanse-sky before [reverse]4100-3365-6310-5125-165-7549

3. Phey-alph by requesting for light in every sense of training you will cause to be united alike [at this line they begin to number with phey-80 and the second letter adding to this 80 the number of lines to this point.].

4. Phey beyt to explain by what now of place as a condition of mind-teachable with Torah to you explaining will submit selves shall treat a person well in toiling and serving and to punish or fine accordingly [infinite-absolute] in body-life and to why not they shall explain by specifying declaring [Devarim 19:21 putting evil to a stop infinite-absolute] and they to justify right to why also when speaking setting a margin and then they blaze up in anger taking away things prepared they gather as a tumultuous crowd belonging to El they have and then He shall explain declaring horrible noise tumultuous destruction and they have regard and respect and they to keep in memory them of and He to cause depopulation-implyed conquer-imprisonment of slime-frivolity of morals shall He of theirs and pierce through of these by Most High to be eminent as One above and they will have Torah and it shall rise up to witness 874-2088-4725-8451-874-6045-1580-6064-5314-4100-3808-874-6567-3651-4100-4100-8193-2734-3615-7285-3815-8033-874-7588-7200-7876-6808-8602-2944-5920-5329-8451-7012-5749

5. Phey gimel: for on it light glorious how great to them bellow as cattle and this of us to them and how to them to rule to judge and execute justice who's life is in the body to them 215-4100-1600-1454-349-1777-5314

6. Phey-dalet: For them to a good end the living and for this cause to be a remnant of them and because of this those thrown down and as a mark of character they will explain to good end what of these bereaved of children for these having committed habitually evil out of them and they surely see the living who are seeking after them for the body-self to the body-self 4100-5315-7604-8058-8034-874-second line 4100-7909-6466-6466-518-5315-1534-third line 1610-1610

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7. Phey-hey: for over these light glorious it above them the living in the body their seeking after and fearing Him complete peace-at peace with El to speaking [to measure your words] 215-5921-5315-1610-3700-8003-6310

8. Phey-vav: surely the adam [sees] from Him like pulverizes the mill stone for the work by you of His and will submit selves and He shall gaze at-consider them and will have knowledge seeing them 518-120-7347-6468-6045-7688-3045

9. Phey-zayin: in coming forth they will become one joining behold quiet in peaceful body of selves and not to be firm for bad in body 4672-3161-1887-7599-1610-3808-3581-1610

10. Phey-chet: they explain with the new thing of the eternity 874-2319-5769

11. Phey-tet: they explain and declare what of this the messengers 874-4100-4397

12. Phey-yod: explain and declaring it will come to the humble of Mine these with other ones 874-935-6041-854

13. Phey-yod -aleph: Phey-yod [90] alph= 91this line When they unit as one who are of these able to guide over all words and will separate and shall declare the Name of

Yahvah not wavering continually of mine to these 518-259-3487-3557-5921-3605-1696-6567-8034-second line "H" 3068-3808-5110-6256-1992

14. Phey-yod beyt: by the separating and teaching being bright and cheerful to these causing trust supporting turning to the right also causing to rebuild renewing and for standing firm of Mount Sinai [ten words]

to this cause support and trust also they unit these having groped about for 6567-7797-539-2318-5975-2023-5514-second line 539-259-1659

15. Phey-yod gimel: they explain and declare out of humbleness in Me they spread out in the land 874-6041-7708

16. Phey-yod dalet: they explain an declaring in laying [Her] foundations Torah] and this cause will become to them and to mingle [if they were to mix truth and lies the scribe has written 8176 but in reverse 7493 quake in fear bottom of page must stay firm not to relent] 874-3247-1961-4197

17. Phey-tet vav: by making perfect of and with them whom have explain and declared from answers seen in understanding to these protecting and aiding of heavens from and will be just and right

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He to create and qualify them with speaking-words out of abundant so of Yehudah in abundant My sweet smell they are gem stones

arranged in order fixed in time prepared will be first in place to be right as just and will say having respect for longed for breathed after and also shall be

discretion everlasting of them and time to come of Son [the day-1000 years the millennium] 3634-874-559-7200-413-5826-8064-1961-3651- second line 1254-559-7227-3063-7227-5561-7718-third line 5468-2163-6924-3651-559-7200-14-1961- fourth line 946-5769-4279-1121

Image 0007 the opening the second 8176-8145

First line standing alone then starts the Hebrew numbering. Will explain and declare in Torot-instructions [feminine plural construct of] Mosheh and to separate and specify of it these to be filled with accumulated ten [ten-10 commandments-words] [reverse reading] shall declare wrong-evil being rotten of what and make precious also speaking the Name and Torot created in them 874-8451-4872-6567-1992-7646-6235 reverse reading 7561-5685-4100-3365-6310-8034-8451-1254

Phey-aleph: Explaining declared established truths these cause to make restorations and they will turn from [ways of our fathers] and unit in likeness [notzrim coming H5341guarding and protect the Torah of Moshe teaching] these and will lift selves up by you [notzrim] 874-529-8027-7969-7725-3162-5927 [8027 intensify of 7969 related to third-many thirds, the Temple of Ezekiel, that would also mean Yerushalam and the prophet Hoshea in 6:2 the third millennium from first coming of Mashiyach Yeshu saying He will raise us [ teachers of Yisrael scattered] up the third day-1000 years [and teachers of Yisrael will teach the people H3384 rain is used as teaching either the lack of or the right amount or torrential rains to wash way filth, you must understand to purpose righteous children defined by Torah instruction to Moshe and the covenants]

Phey-beyt: seeing through having known by knowledge then from voluntary sacrifice in thanks to make restoration according to established truths His and having turned in likeness these uniting also having lifted selves up 7200-8002-8027-7725-3162-5927

Phey-giymel: Seen of Yah to having made restoration also the justices-ordinances-commands-4687 will never not fail like strip or putting them off then to reject overthrowing 7211-8027-4687-369-6584-2925

Phey-dalet: Seen of Yah to have made restoration over this cause for restoration from speaking words weighty and they cause these to turn 7211-8027-5921-8027-4405-5619-7725

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Phey-hey: to writings written [Torah] willing to make practice of man then will make image of Yahvah to us like make an image of some likeness of Him 3789-6213-120-6754-1823

Phey-vav: in general a concepts for out of this restoration to closing the eyes [image] of this knowledge a fearful thing-dispose of it and destroy by reason of perverse of commandment [Exdous-Shemot 20:1-17] they being agreeable by close association 6045-8027-6095-1847-4171-5921-8359-6149

Phey-Zayin: Create of You have for them over the restoration and because of the dilapidation such things of themselves restorations [changes of laws] by men 1254-5921-8027-5619-2007-8027-582

Phey-cheyth: Create You have for them over the cause of restoration shall out of Writings written they of Yahvah cause the rain to fall over scorched areas

Phey-tet: Create of You have which the fathers go down they to valley of burning garbage-gehenna for misleading in going astray man and declaring why afflictions of your's the habitual sinfulness and its penalty 1254-1-3381-1516-2011-2398-120-874-6040-2403

Phey-yod: Create of You have to them over from judgment of El rising His to drunkenness [word lends itself to 8147 second as in returning] and crossing over to transgress from Writings written [second line] and they have sent away homage to Elohim with their cause of oppression these and arrogance theirs also exalt and oppose with means of power theirs 1254-5921-8199-410-6965-8358-5674-3791-[8358 maybe translated as second-second coming]

Phey-yod alph: Bringing will they to them above them lead away of Mine Mashiyach-one anointed to office of King consecrated to satisfy [debt] to instruct-reprove a branch off [literally a stick] from Yehudah 935-5921-7617-4899-4390-3256-7626-3063

Phey-yod beyt: Create of you have to them above from judgment of El rising His to drunkenness and because of abundance from licentiousness-open wide no restraining to commit [second line] to you kindle a burning keeping this in memory of them with Him Most High to prove-test 1254-5921-8199-410-6965-8354-7227-6589-6213-[second line] 8313-7876-225-5920-5254

Phey-yod giymel: Create of You have to them Most High Mashiyach and for the Cherubim 1254-5921-4899-3742

Phey-yod dalet: Create of You have to them over this from afflicted in misery theirs being hard in impudent's of theirs 1254-5921-2088-6041-5810

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Phey-tet vav:[eighty and fifteen=95] Create of You have to them over the cause to restoration from having become licentious-with out restrain attention to hearing Yisrael1254-5921-8027-6589-8085-3478

Phey-tet zayin: Create of You have to them ascending up bringing your prayers-communications from laying open separating to surely cause to clap the hands [in understanding] 1254-5927-935-7879-6567-935-7126

Phey-yod zayin: Create of You have to them Most High of the restoration and murdered You Yeshu from Pharisees providing this time and henceforth [second line] because I myself who they are of like manner to Him 1254-5921-8027-4191-3442-6567-7200-6258-[second line] 3588-589-589-1931-3541

Image 0007 The opening the third page 19: 8176-7992 [continues in image 0008]

1. daughters to these of boiling pot to deliver His these declare alive [Reverse reading] hot indignation valued thing ransomed His decree and to the ark [figurative save alive gather] 1323-1731-6561-1992-2331-2534-3368-6299-1881-8392 [symbol, daughters-tribes of Yisrael remember all are grafted into the nation of Yisrael, as to the tribe, up to Yahvah]

Phey-Aleph: Create of Yah to cause restoration in portions over the restoration from licentious-without restrain measured determinative saying El of Son bring about 1254-8027-5921-8027-6589-5429-559-410-1121-857

Phey-beyt: Create of Yah to them to rule by judgments of El rising for cause of time to trim the vine of El of El who to what loosened permitting You have 1254-1777-410-6965-2168-410-410-4100-5800

Phet-giymel: Create of Yah to them to bring you Mashiyach He for declaring distinctly words said as commands of Mine removed-forgotten are by the king 1254-935-4899-6567-561-589-5382-4428

Image 0008 page one Phey-dalet: Create of Yah to them also came to kippurim-cover making clean the iniquities for Pharisees you these to cease then this knowledge and like manner of theirs 1254-935-3725 only in plural 5771-6567-7503-1844-3541

Phey-hay: Create of Yah to them for murder you Yeshu by repeatedly preserving by any means by Him molded to purpose Him for this will spread [second line] declared went up declared to go up from high to higher far above will remain name of Honor and Authority His to faces and of being brilliant like the sun He to rest as at home celebrated with praises His Name Honors Him 1254-4191-3442-5750-6299-3335-6567-[second line] 5927-4791-1961-834-6440-8121-5115-834

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Image 0007 The opening the third- [reading in reverse]: earth to undulate 7493 it shall stand out 3426 to push out sheep 7716 from 7582 to lay waste [the sheep-notzrim lay change to the social systems of the world bringing Torah-Moshe]

Phey-Aleph The fig tree [symbol Yisrael] will mentally be weak-foolish rise in haughtiness to Me as measured-determinative to lop off mouth-words of restorers by bringing forth a resemble-likeness coming it wait 8384-2974-7311-7082-6433-8027-6213-8071-1961-6965 [establish their social world order]

Phey-beyt: they travel a beaten way path tremble as with fear-terror at sound of tumult they not they gathered they pure gold-made strong cause to these and they call aloud to Me in speaking back and forth coming it wait 6965-1961-3833-5205-6963-6337-717-3808-1999-2111-5410

Phey-giymel: putting to confusion crushing blows thrusting out oppressors them doing violence to Me causing to fail to Me setting fire utterly them and making hast You with desire against and to come wait 3637-3918-3238-3238-7411-8313-2439-8373-1961-6965

From image 0008 Phey-dalet and in like manner they repeatedly in a sense of running wild shall direct them completely overthrow cause to cure also joy all Father hears and to come wait 3541-5750-6501-8281-4974-5754-7495 and 2363-1-8085-1961-6965

Phey-hay: have power to rule of mouth-speaking and they run breaking down dividing of them to their slander of knowledge ashamed they shall put these front and to come wait 7786-6433-7323-1848-1843-954-5414-4136-1961-6965 [second line] And Moshe perpetual it sun it perish and out of this keep in memory of to alter [Moshe] a fearful thing to you, you utter in consideration 4872-5126-8121-5307-7876-4171-3216 [to negotiate away laws-Moshe of Yahvah-7896-8359 to mix a fearful thing] [end of line reversal]

Image 0008 of third opening page 20: Phey-vav: Create of Yah to them be glad in joy and to hide to Yehudyim assembles in you have crushed [Psalms 44:20] and were you His rock afterwards 1254-7797-5638-3063-3973-1794-6697-368

Phey-zayin: for having spread will not things to come [if] you turn back [seek the ancient path Yirmeyahu-Jeremiah 18:15-16 Torah] you shall live of [among] us and to a desert-dry place they say 6566-3808-857-7725-2421-6724-559

Phey-Cheyt: Create of Yah over the restoring and over bringing you Yeshu from celebrating in music and Psalms to where Yahvah to gather we are 1254-5921-8027-5921-935-3442-2167-518-3068-181

Image 0008 page 20 fourth opening: 8176-7243-reverse reading earth undulates fear and trembling of them and crossing over they [move to the right and just]

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line 1. To have dominion rule of redeemed His to be double 4910-6561-1992-8147 [reverse reading] portion wonderful and their spirit excellent of mouth-speaking to name by 4327-8047-7119-6310-7760

Phey-aleph: Create of Yah to them over the cause to make restoration out of declaring distinctly when receiving instructions to turn away-retreat for Just and right when shall come not of sense of asking 1254-5921-8027-6567-3588-3948-7725-3588-3651-1961-3808 [reverse reading] they come to unite you of Yah to when like to be ashamed to unite you to rule of mouth-speaking cause to make restoration they to be rash of words coming wait 9353867-3050-3588-954-2710-3867-7786-6310-8027-3886-1961-6965

Phey-beyt: Create of Yah to them over the cause to make restoration and love shall you El rising His in-nations for will obtain success cause to ascend they to heavens [only this word in the next line 8064] 1254-5921-8027-1730-410-6965-776-6329-3276 [reverse reading] they to be rash of words speaking they to wait for in confidence-collected mouth-speaking of Rock Father and they vilify of Me you love Him will make restoration of to the distortion of morality and the unrighteous coming it wait to rule having power [the word heavens 8064 in reverse]

Image 0008 Open 8176 Fifth 2549: reverse reading cause a day it to standout earth undulates-making shake: 3117-3426-7493 [the opening of the time in Daniel 12 that was sealed]

Line 1. In Daniel of breaking off his such as restorations-reverse reading the restoration what purpose and valuable withdrawn to cause to make great these volunteers offered freely [Judges 5:9 song of Debra verse 9] 1841-6562-1992-8027-reverse reading 8027-4100-3365-8381-5068

Phey-aleph: Create of Yah to them bringing you El rising His out of restrain open wide create set up these and like because-second line He comes keep clean-kadash most set apart kadashyim [reverse reading] impoverishment and also ashamed these abundant distribute set a trap of the mouth-speech and then swiftly you hating of rash of words and to come wait [second line in reverse] for to stand out few also few Father of 1254-592-935-410-6965-6589-1254-4427-834-935-6942-6942-reverse readings 7562-389-3637-7227-6983-6433-7031-854-341-3930-1961-696-3426-1851-1851-1

Phey-beyt: Create of Yah to them over the cause of restoration shall be of oppression-collapse of it and seeing His Yah enough a fourth to Me [the suffix figurative of pain] rest in silence by pure love of El raised our [reverse reading] to Me swiftly they will abundantly to these of measured judgment Mine will cross over worship with extended hands of Him to teach these of house of food [Hebrew idiom learn scripture] shall cause restoration rash of words [foolish] and to come it wait 1254-592-8027-1794-7200-3050-1767-7243-1824-1249-410-

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6965-[reverse reading] 7031-7227-4060-3674-3034-3384-1004-3537-8027-3930-1961-696

Phey-giymel: Most High to bring you Yeshu for to break apart laying open will seventy of seventy [seventy nation of creation-and seventy elohim] and like manner [second line] and to cause to bring make right and just of thoughts concealed of selves [evil Psalm 26:4] [reverse reading] from a day to them binding comes to their excrement sudden cause to make like manner these who are rotten push aside them to remove-annihilate pounded them and to place let alone [the word indicates the doing away with Torah a fear full thing] where then to affect wear out 5920-935-3442-6566-7657-7657-3541 [second line]-935-6663-5956-[second line reversed] 3117-6123-6627-926-[first line in reverse] 3541-4310-5685-3261-8338-7383-7896-335-1080

Sixth part Image 0008: opening to leave one sixth 8176-8338-[reverse] they rejoice-be glad to see bringing forth 7797-7200-6213[used only in Ezekiel 39:2 checked the spelling not a mistake, also only found in the Old King James translated correct, and a German translation, the vav has been dropped and the aleph replaced it-I shall one sixth you] also in image eighth line one in reverse Cause to destroy leaving one sixth out of these to inherit driving out society-over shadowing and they cast out speaking accordingly of they will do it.

Line 1. With Iyob-Job and deliver him they shall rise early-[reverse] from these covering hiding what and they valuable for they desired 347-6561-1992-7925-reverse 3780-4100-3365-6310-2968

Phet-aleph: Create of Yah to them over purpose bring you Yeshu for will spread and Reach-Spirit upon to pour out It [second line] to wait to expect El He shall stand and not a farmer they the act of see Him 1254-5921-935-3442-6566-7307-5921-6379-3117-5975-3808-406-4758

Phey-beyt: To speak accordingly and I to know Mine buying back and redeeming of life and following afterwards among the dust those they to rise 6310-589-3045-1350-2416-314-5921-6083-6965-

Phey-aleph: [reverse reading] And cause to be high tender hearted they to Him will weep they not and to live [end short line] and they branch of power rash of words to blanch with shame they to rule-power pleasant well them and a gift available shall desire rash of words and to come it wait 758-7390-413-1832-3808-2416 [short line] 3709-3886-2357-7786-3303-7862-8373-3886-1961-696

Phey-beyt: Cause these to build a wall in habitually practices covering their desired expectations desired having treaded grapes because of implied violent's desired bright and beautiful against 7023-6466-6049-7347-176-3175-176-1660-5750-3238-1660-3302

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Image 0009 opening seventh: 8176-7637 [reverse reading] they sweep away to sars having charge

Line 1. To Yirmeyah they like starved-becoming emaciated him they to rob and destroy 3414-7535-1992-8154

Phey-aleph: Create of Yah to them Torah renewed from their departing-become without restrain to walk the way of and proclaim calling out to you 1254-8451-2322-6589-1980-7121 [second line] with words-Debaryim because of these hidden-covered in darkness and like manner this. Seeing of Yah to them an assemblage of you to Most High AL [third line] bringing you Yeshu and give judges of His from words commanded illuminating. Now to declare-olive tree to flourish and I accordingly dominate-subjugating [fourth line] thousand fold overcome having power to slaughter [Psalm 37:14] 1254-8451-2322-6589-1980-7121-[second line] 854-1697-428-6828-7200-1571-5920-[third line] 935-3442-8199-6310-2132-7488-589-3533-forth line-502-503-3605-2873

Phey-beyt: To declare distinctly explaining and I cause to rise up to Me to love bringing forth as a sprout growing just and lawful to righteousness and and to set as kings and they to act circumspect-intelligent 6567-6965-1730-6779-6662-4428-4427-7919

Phey-giymel: To declare distinctly explaining it shall be in excellent principled from out of them and cause to bring near you and I cause these to boil up as done as in cooking of 6567-1961-117-4480-7126-1310

Phey-dalet: To declare distinctly explaining of voice calling aloud to the corruption feeding on the dead-society to hear 6567-6963-7415-8085

Phey-hay: To declare distinctly explaining for such as increase bringing in abundance to Yahvah fresh new thing-[Torah] to the lands 6567-3588-7235-3068-2319-776

Phey-vav: Create of Yah to them over confirming shall be of Torot [feminine of Torah] fresh new thing to falsehood and afflicted and oppressed you have been[second line] wells providing for You have [Zephaniae 2:6 as pastures with wells for shepherds] with house of Yisrael choosing of you fresh new thing-[Torah] 1254-5921-5975-8451-2319-8267-1790 [second line] 3741-854-1004-3478-1262-2319

Image 0009 opening seventh 8176-7637 reverse reading of letters: they to sweep away to sars having charge of 3261-8269-6213

Line one: The destroyers of what of these dignity honor virtue wealth you this day holding a controversy-defending 8154-4100-3366-2088-3117-7378

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Phey-aleph: These to Me spit and to cease-destroying setting a trap of mouth Yahvah also to drive away friends and to come it wait 7536-3615-3983-6310-3068-1760-7327-1961-696

Second line: rash of words you collect exiles of the water course-[river crossing] and like manner these are his he delivers causing them to spread he marks off-designates 3086-1473-2975-3541-6475-3811-7234-8376: Third line: also complains bemoans for a home theirs to empty shall he now mouth words and they to be stupid them and they negotiate away laws of Yahvah hating [Fourth line] under obligation to cover over to prick a blister they are beans to Me 2326-2926-3554-6321

Phey-beyt: When they grow fat to be put to confusion by judgment putting to shame-dishonor these bow down in deference of bright clear evidence from chasing after hunting feeble oppressed to declare and for gathering obedient they survey for evil being bright fair for 3780-3637-3637-6915-6703-6658-1809-3349-7789-3302

Phey-giymel: to stray deceived they and to declare of self to you in thinness-emaciated and cause to shake-measure by hand of power of mine shall be this survey for evil-for good to be bright and fair for 7683-7541-4128-3027-1961-7789-3302

Phey-dalet: to impose a load you they many to Him make a conspiracy-treason to be bright fair for 6006-1992-7227-7194-3302

Phey-hay: trouble opponent crowding fathers insolence drive away to be in Existence [when Yahvah is reversed to be in Existence] the many hands of power survey for evil-treason to be bright fair for 6862-1-7736-1760-3068-7227-3197-7789-3302

Phey-vav: whom deepens spit transport into captivity also drive away over throw of Torot then weep sore for evil and unjust coming it wait 3487-3537-7556-7617-1760-8451-1830-5767-1961-696 second line they also push away you abundant against betroth [Yisrael] I have daughters of to Me a remnant superior you are His 1760-7227-781-1323-3499

Image 0009 opening eighth: 8176-8066 when this is reversed: they to my government to appoint 4951-6213

Line 1. Yah has saved redeeming His these twenty and six 3470-6561-1992-6245-8337 [reverse reading] Cause one sixth after destroyed five sixth a sixth part [image 0008] to inherit driving out possessors of their -society to be over shadowed and to cast out speaking accordingly they will do it 8338-3423-5980-6979-6310-3299

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Phey-aleph: Create of Yah to them over the restoration from Pharisees and call out to proclaiming that El now of Him 1254-5921-8022-6567-7121-2088-413-2088-3541

and like manner He. Qadosh Qadosh Qadosh and to this manner 3541-6942-6942-6942-3541

Phey-beyt: Create of Yah to them over causing the violently rains to will for to declare explaining to eliminate dung such as themselves the future to-at will [as needed also the quakes will destroy the under ground water and sewer lines] 1254-5921-1652-6569-2007-5927

Image 0010: Phey-giymel: Create of Yah to them over bringing them EL raised, Him in the land among the Pharisees their holding [Him] in contempt in the land they 1254-5921-935-6965-776-6567-7034-776 [second line]

Zebuloon for to show lineage to having to show lineage to them and to increasingly the government 2074-3588-3205-3205 4766-4951

Phey-dalet: On departing from disregarding of correctness of rules moral or legal like such as they have sit down together and settle on Mount Tziyun to build examining-investigate into this 6589-2004-3245-6726-68-974

Phey-hey: On departing from disregarding of correctness of rules moral or legal to Me they doing violence of you having seen you to barter dispose of yourselves this you to them 6589-1961-3238-7200-854-4171-1454

Phey-vav: By disregarding of correctness of rules moral and legal and to remain as fellow citizen in wilderness out of judgment 6589-7934-4057-8199

Phey-zayin: Seen of Yah returning to Me El raised Him to pardon the iniquities out of separating them [line two] elation them it's to dwell as citizen with King in brightness and beauty His you shall see Him because to Me they progeny-sons 7200-7725-410-6965-3722-5771-6567-1931-4791-7943-4428-3302-2372-5209

Phey-cheyt: Seen of Yah to them over way bringing them Yeshu to the land from speaking they to be glad rejoicing us midbar-wilderness as dry place 7200-5921-1980-3442-776-6310-7797-4057-6723

Phey-tet: In declaring and explaining with them in wilderness land calling out to in wilderness 6567-859-4057-776-6963-7121-4057

Phey-yod: In declaring and explaining whoever like to knit together as sinews highest and their knowledge first in place Mount Tziyon [of Yerushalam Mount Zion] behold to see behold to see 6567-4310-1517-7218-1844-7223-6726-2009-2009

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Phey-yod aleph: In declaring explaining distinctly they to work as servants of with them to you also and let stand words of the declaration 6567-2004-5647-859-7604-1697-6575

Phey-yod beyt: I Yahvah have called you in righteousness to open eyes blind [Yeshayahu-Isaiah 42:6] 589-3068-7121-6663-6491-5869-5782

Phey-yod giymel: Will spread this they to Me rest will it fresh new thing at that time it shall sprout, making to bud out-breaking forth 6566-2004-6314-2322-6258-6779

Phey-yod dalet: I have said-[emphatic] to green plants what taught ones I cause to hear these to EL peoples for Torah from these I divide to Me 589-561-3-4100-8527-7181-410-5971-3588-8451 859-2673

Phey-tet vav: Will speak without restrain and this time what to Me 6589-6258-4100

Phey-tet zayin: Will speak without restrain and this time Yahvah to send away wailing it spit theirs [old ways] 6589-6258-3068-7971-5204-7307

Phey-yod tet Will speak without restrain from womb calling out to Me from ruins as a collect of people 6589-990-7121-4596-523

Phey-yod chet: Will speak without restrain they balsam-healing from womb to keep in bondage to His kings causing to fear them and raises up captains-sars-rulers 6589-6875-990-5647-4428-3372-7054-8269

Phey-yod tet: Will speak without restrain they behave selves to work as servants of 6589-2007-7919-5647

Phey-kaph: Will speak without restrain shout for joy barren woman [Yisrael Yeshayahu-Isaiah 54:1-] not young girls 6589-7442-6135-3808-3207

Phey-kaph aleph: Will speak without restrain then again communities to give you Him sweeping away scales over ears yours 6589-2004-57503817-5414-2894-238

Phey-kaph beyt: Will speak without restrain the just and right having wondered away and shall come the truth will do as promised to Elohim you 6589-6662-6-1961-571-5087

Phey-kaph giymel: Will speak without restrain Spirit Yahvah Al Most High and they officiating as Priest of Yahvah you to call out to 6589-7306-3068-5920-859-3548-3068-7121

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Phey-kaph dalet: Will speak without restrain crossing over to other side and crossing over to other side they by gates who come now from Edom [arab religion] 6589-5674-5674-8179-4310-2088-935-123

Phey-kaph hey: Will speak without restrain to do as promised to Elohim drunkenness-perverse of Torah will not ask or demand and 6589-5087-8358-3808-7592

Phey-kaph vav: suspend or interrupt having as a force of men-wealth-worthily young girls 2962-2428-3207

Image 0010 opening ninth: Line 1.For Elohim will strengthen and deliver His they of the restoration-triplicate [reverse reading] The restoration-triplicate what and it prized speak also to cry out shove aside [them] to bawl-cry 3168-6561-1992-8027-reverse reading-8027 4100-3365-6310-687-2118-2980

Phey-Aleph: Create of these this place working and they kneading dough [ try like bread dough it is still a lump] ease resting from forfeit lives they defend controversy the adversary they to mark as honor for [second line] master workman you are and also then you shall declare making plain from speaking words among like young lions of Yahvah just and right to manners open [third line] good and to let be redeemed-preserved 1254-6311-3888-7599-2325-7378-8034-3588 [second line] 525-874-559-738-3068-3651-8176 [third line] 2896-6299

Phey-beyt: Create of Yah to them to be eager in application study to be amazed a wonderful thing from departing lips [words] the open doors-gates [the] vision it shall be [second line] delivered for Yahvah a mass of persons coming to them 1254-3854-8074-6589-8167-1957-1961-[second line] 5462-3588-3068-6635-935

Phey-giymel: Seen of Yah to them over renewing change of the Torah [Instructions from Father] from words departing lips and to gather I Am giving you for them Commandments decrees judgments laws not very good like these 7200-5921-2498-8451-6589-1571-589-[second line]-5414-1992-2706-3808-2896-3541

Image 0010 opening tenth: Line 1. A section of tenth breaking off it they crying [reverse reading] to the west and they call out to separate-explain city restore answer 1335-6237-6561-1992-2980 [reverse reading] 3220-7121-6567-5892-8421

Phey-aleph: Will speak without restrain I to living as we from two days and by day the third and like manner this 6589-2421-3117-3117 7992-3541

Phey-beyt: From speaking without restrain repeatedly for it comes and rains [teaching rains-teaching also] to make right in cleansing to righteousness to you from hand of power requesting Him to deliver them 6589-5750-3588-935-3138-6663-3027-7592-6299

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Phey-giymel: For Joel-Yahvah his Elohim to open wide lips speaking without restrain blow the shophar in Tziyon a sense of conspicuousness and among them shall give for cover protection His 3100 [410-3068]-6589-8628-7782-6726-1460-8566-2348

Phey-dalet: And Son of Tziyon pays attention being glad Him and also for hiding place of Yahvah Elohim raised your for to shout for deliverance to you with you a fearful thing-terror [second line] to rightness virtue subjugate prevailing to you violently rain caused and like manner this 1121-6726-1523-2327-3068-410-3588-7438-854-4172 [second line] 6666-7287-1652-3541

Phey-hay to impose a burden heavy against open lips without restrain over increase of vineyard-[same spelling also acquaintances] to fear just and right lawful to put a difference setting apart and not are taken away cause accomplished and like manner this 6006-6589-5920-3754-3700-6662-6395-3808-5486-6965-3541

Phey-vav: For who is like Yah [the prophet Mikah-Micah] and then your house to their house they to bear fruit them little-in noble when shall come and in like manner this. From a blow carnage to them caused to come when shall come to rule ones as princes of El 4320-854-1004-1992-6509-6819-1961-3541-4347 [second line] 3318-1961-4910-994-8269-410

Image 0010: Phey-zayin: Chabaqquq-Habakkuk-to embrace Yahvah to adjudicate-manner of lawfulness [4941 mishpat] to appoint you have and like manner this of Yahvah hear intelligently Me hear obey you flow as water I have this hear like seeing-understand sweet smell 2265-3068-4941-7760-3541-3068-8085-8085-3384-1454-7200-5561[the first word, name of the prophet]

Phey-cheyt: Chaggay-Haggai the prophet [festival of] like this manner says Yahvah assembled by orderd groups duplicating as one pairing off lesson these when exceedingly large very [second line] it shall be proper to separate as a branch the house vision contemplate with pleasure in agreement the first in place apart of the first 2292-3541-559-3068-6633-5749-259-4591-1931-1419 [second line] 1961-905-1004-1957-7223-4480-314

Phet-tet: Zekaryah-Zachariah-Yah has recognized here to reign as King he comes to you to gather with you in blood guiltiness- innocent cutting covenant you 2148-2008-4427-935-1571-854-1818-1285

Phey-yod: And He suspend their compensation with theirs thirty [years] silver-money and they will babble-speak rashly and against you and government to stab-to revile-wound with words 8254-854-7939-7970-3702-981-854-4951-1856

Phey-yod aleph: Instruction-law of as to manner truth comes by two edges and 8452-571-1961-6366

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Phey-yod beyt: they to Me shall send away Malak sent as deputy of to these faces impudent course of life and this theirs 2004-7971-4397-6440-1870-1454

Line 2. to shalom-sleep it from disclosure-opening tenth part of and with four parts 7965-6608-6237-7253 [the three parts not opened appear in tenth book and you will see-understand now as I also]

Image 0011 opening eleventh: [reverse reading] when quakes the earth 8176 Hebrew leters letters used for eleven yod aleph [reverse] 335 7493

Line 1. To cause assemble selves together they shall teach and deliver His like this [reverse] this you are valuable thing precious speaking and wait silently to you Yahvah desired mark become numerous before 1413-3925-6561-1454-[reverse]-1454-3365-6310-1748-3068-8420-1711

Phey-aleph: They shall be one strengthened of Yah of them and dwell He raises these in time and saying when where Son David comes [second line] again also being able making intelligent of them to mixing of law-Torah-negoiate away the laws of Yahvah by their fathers with like manner [doing this again a fearful thing] 1668-2396-3488-7054-1755-559-370-1121-1732-935-5750-3201-8359-1-3541

Phey-beyt: They to you in harshness from refusing [to change] slandering defaming they Elohim Yahvah they have support political to them family of enemy hating of Him blind to Me 4995-1681-452-8356-504-8130-5956

Phey-giymel: And they inducing to mislead you to accordingly of land ones coming behind and like manner this. What and cause madness you and not have protection 7952-413-776-312-3541-4100-1961-1947-369-2387

Phey-dalet: Causing them to prevail to Me this iniquity causing one near of to approach bellow like cattle you Instruction of Yah another power out of pray and meditation?

Phey-hay: not this eternity it shall be Torah from speaking words of mind-commandments and they shall be consumed away to sheol [Psalm 49:15] 369-5769-8451-6310-1086

Phey-vav: coming forth you have from rejoicing to be able man it is written to be straight level happy of you when after four thousand and like manner this [2nd Schmuel-Samuel 1:18] 4672-1525-3027-120-3789-833-310-505-3541

Phey-zayin: When Son of David comes again accordingly they will search out to worship [seeking] fisher of man small in number and like manner this. Again also you bride perfect [second line] striped from among the cup again also to be able and all of their wasting and like manner this. 370-1121-1732-935-5750-1245-1728-6994-3541-5750-3618-[second line]-6584-4480-3599-5750-3201-3605-8074-3541

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Phey-cheyt: Inquire-asking counsel seeing. These cause to lead astray to Eliyah-Elohim of Yahvah His truth in certain stability of Me Mashiyach-Messiah of My El by betraying to Me and like manner this [the word 7411 by large adversaries-1297 the implied teachings in word study] 7592-7200-2937-452-571-854-4899-410-7411-3541

Phey-tet: Saying seeing-understand Praise of El not never to these to anoint to office [same word as Mashiyach it's meaning] to Yisrael-they will rule with El also weaving together [laws] with all will cause in day of the strong hard and impudent to them 559-7200-1985-369-1992-4899-3478-3527-3605-3117-2389

Phey-yod: Speaking without restrain on this side Mine will act in circumspect instruct to work serving them search out seek to worship will cause to Al-Most High Mashiyach 6589-2007-7919-5647-1875-5920-4899

Phey-yod aleph: Also to set music Psalms-Oracls of Yahvah to Adoni My seeking out will cause to measure guide of Mashiyach-[the One anointed by Father to be King over Yisrael ] 4210-5002-3068-113-1875-3557-4899

Image 0012 continues eleven: Phey-yod beyt: Will speak without restrain and Spirit of El from moving in concern shall pursue seeking after worshipers and they shall be over the spreading 6589-7307-410-6965-7363-1875-5921-6581

Phey-yod giymel: Will speak without restrain separating and making great It shall advise prudent planning counsel of El powerful and will cause to be valiant to pull down and destroy according to a fifth part Most High Al Mashiyach-Messiah 6589-6381-6098-410-1368-2040-2567-5920-4899

Phey-yod dalet: And you shall follow the way of Me for involving you to rule to be earnest to enthrone going to and fro to teach people will engage for matrimony Him 1980-943-4910-3855-4427-7751-5971-781

Phey-tet vav: To purpose to call out addressing by name then these to enclose for protection also be ready to become to cause for protection to us the right and just saying Him [line two] to be straight happy to be as a plumb line Mine commands that which was commanded when to them and when to them punishments of these and like manner this 4100-7121-8033-2387-6257-2387-3651-559-[second line]-833-594-4687-1961-1961-6064-3541

Phey-tet zayin: And seeing where how will be harsh and fierce by mine to hate slandering-defaming of causing of drought hidden to them slaughter to these to prevailing mine [second line] then you to Me who are fresh made new 1887-349-5794-8130-1681-5045-5956-7820-1396-[second line] 859-4310-2961

Phey-yod zayin: Pride and arrogance also the cause of this Yisrael's living caused this before cause to kill 1466-3541-3478-2416-4191

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Phey-yod chet: Good thing only body theirs destroyed 2896-1472-2026

Phey-yod tet: This cause shout of triumph and will have body these in the sense of out cast of us and like manner. These would have scattered firmly to oppress deceiving causing to fail making lower educing to mislead from pride arrogance [line two] And like manner from apart of with pride arrogance removing Torah to Yisrael and measured as nothing from a wild ass of them void of purpose [line three] by being perplexed of this vomit enducing to mislead nations binding to these gave to them man full grown you are void of cost [line four] cause to cherish to these for they completely His Torah they forgot of the way inspect and care for error to mislead pride arrogance accordingly war against pushing down [line five] error to deceive [them] Yisrael. They on account of over graves of nations foreign over daughter of harsh strong to them having destroyed as waste appointed manners theirs 7321-1472-4788-3541-2236-403-8496-2637-7952-1466-[line two]-3541-4480-1466-8451-3478-5429-369-6171-922-4100-[line 3]-6323-1668-6893-7944-1471-631-8566-1992-4962-2600-[line four]-2245-1992-4974-8451-5382-7789-7944-1466-5055-[line five]-7944-3478-5668-5921-6912-1471-5921-1323-5794-8045-[line six]-413-8414-2708

Phey-kaph-80 and 20: Before the Face of they revere and worship Him of cause sake whether in the body a live or dead theirs and to these He extends the hand His swiftly in light vowing to El Him and if rebellious or withdrawing fiery fire to these 6440-3834-7944-1472-413-3034-7031-5087-5637-5135

Phey-kaph aleph: incurable to loosen perish of us shall be send away to us Him these not in path as flowing along the way of Yisrael 369-6544-935-3808-7635-3478

Phey-kaph beyt: these will be laughing stock examined chosen calling aloud Him to them tested of men they to go up to Him to Yeshu to these compressed very select cause of El out of which [line two] rule by judging-excuting judgment to them that is to a people strengthened-be strong will be of El shall revere and worship in every day by sending with commandment it shall be it will boil well of you-[literal] make boil it is boiling Yehchezkel-Ezekiel 24:5 [line three] and just and right to manner thirty [age of duty in service of livitical duty] day of ancient-old the Pecach Yeshu He shall appear to ascend against 7047-1305-6963-4531-5266-3442-1517-410-335-[line two]-1777-1723-1396-410-3034-3605-3117-6680-7570-[line three]-3651-7970-3117-6917-6453-3442-3318-5266

Phey-kaph giymel: by causing to howl to oppressor that wasted first one [leader] they are to go downward as enemy separate cause to make great of you contribute to minster to seeing they speaking of Him to them [line two] they will hear of Me to wail these 8437-259-3487-3381-6381-8334-7200-559-[line two]-8085-5204

Image 0012 opening twelve: Line 1. Coming Him and captives His these and delivered His these to vomit [reverse] And He to raise up these costliness ones

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dignity and honor of this place it to be foul grieved midst of and prattling babble 935-1540-6561-1992-7006-[reverse]-7054-3366-6311-5122-3013-1459-178 [Judges 5:12 captive for good and verse :9 judges-rulers and the reason why oppressors :14 our time now verse :12 the word Abinoam-means Father of all pleasantness only one like Him]

Phey-alph: Also to mark as to remember they are they learn by experience diligently observing Yeshu [reverse] He a gift as available sweeps away of fire falsehood and untruth

Phey-beyt: to having crossed over rebelliously for without Yeshu aspect of form Ruach-Spirit the Qodesh and it is a wilderness it and then the malak-deputyship to them to befall unto them it [line two] to them a sweet smell will deliver 5674-4813-3442-7299-7307- 6944-6723-4398-7136-[line two]-5561-3467 [the word cross over 5674 to move from side evil unto the just and right side and also may move back]

Phey-Giymel: For shall go now to kings the rising sun east to those under [nations] to them to enclose them it shall be 935-2088-4428-4217-8460 2387

Phey-dalet: in the wilderness and will these the malak to do a thing accordingly bring down subduing peoples they like the rustling of a lion and when cause it Mitzrayim-egypt 6723-4398-3254-3381-5972-5287-518-4714

Image 0013 Phey-hay: in wilderness and becausing of them will have dominion able to when to smite with deadly intent all the children to break up ruin shall be to them and borders theirs [second lie] and killed they have in wilderness and of this a limit to turn back to land of 6723-7300-5375-2027-3605-3206-7616-1992-1379-[second line]-4191-6723-5592-7725-776

Phey-vav: to bring shall His ones bending in kindness because these are dipped-baptized will teach dipped-baptizing this to a people-tribes 935-2603-2881-3925-2881-5971

Phey-zayin: to restrain from chastisement of in kindness and good news of Him Most High AL the Mashiyach 4147-2603-1309-5920-4899 [restrain last untill you know-understand]

Phey-cheyt: to come Yeshu-He will save to cause diped-baptize among them shall be in kindness of His Spirit cause to rule having power these over His and then calling aloud appointed words commanded teaching commands you shall this of Son 935-3442-2881-2603-7307-7786-5921-6963-561-2088-1121

Phey-tet: from waste to unite to Yeshu of purpose sake to assail-accuser-satan to test try 1110-3189-3442-4100-7853-2050-5254

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Phey-yod: by hearing to hear cause to come or go these to Yeshu for to join prepared in kindness 8085-935-3442-3588-631-2603

Image 0013 Phey-yod aleph: beginning shall Yeshu to seek follower of and shall be right correct speaking words of expelling-measured cause accordingly they to promise Him shall do 8462-3442-1875-3198-6310-2957-5429-5087 [second line] Then of Yaaqob-Jacob and to them in kindness being ashamed fishermen of tribes-nations [reverse reading second line] soft hearted whoever of foreign nation by hand of power king to settle to dwell they breaking forth-ready to burst of them 3290-2603-3637-1771-5971-[reverse]-4578-4310-1471-3027-4427-5117-1234

Phey-yod beyt: to teach of Yeshu they ashamed greatly of idols [feeling condition caused] of theirs by tribes-nations and to be weak-sick and they all to pervert of sorrowing and from the female sickness the menstruation [Vayiqra-Leviticus 12:2] 3925-3442-1322-5971-7503-3605-2342-1738 [following an expanding of naddah-5079 why and how]

Phey-yod giymel: to correct perversion of these will address in loud tone this the lowly and the humble ones those pursuing after wellness happiness being safe in body and mind 4561-7623-8217-6035-7291-7965

Phey-yod dalet: Saying to these teachers theirs that their rags-cloth they shall set on fire these by this imposed yoke of theirs and also she not to come or go [second line] where to violate to her for this to cause security and to be traquility of them 559-3925-1992-4418-215-5923-1931-3808-935-[second line]-6565-413-7951 [Ezekiel-Yehchezkel 18:6 and read all of chapter]

Phey-tet vav: to them enlighten and admonish teaching caution-warning the women to cause you to swoop down on railing to be like white-pure [not the white of leprosy] to avert the communty and assciates-people becoming guilty of tame-unclean and having to bleach the marble-to make white marble white you to be oppressed bringing self low-to dry up to please delighting in you your voluntarily to do [without external compulsion]

Phey-tet zayin: and by your covering over this wound yours from when comes quickly-easily causing to [tame-unclean Hebrew 2932] close freinds companions 6585-4116-7472

Phey-yod zayin: To miss the mark bearing the blame one delights in precious wife having a companion knit together and shall enlighten to be cautious to care forwarning her concern for she to me having additions-[raiser of family] 2398-2530-802-2270-2094-5921-637

Phey-yod chety: also take this yoke willing to permit as wife his for this when over spoken word to me with passion and cause to take [second line] with her consent

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our increase building up 631-5800-802-3588-518-5921-1697-637-3947-[second line]-225-637

Phey-yod tet: and to cause by care enlighten by caution teaching-warning her over concern for her turn away causing to commit iniquity her cause pain of child birth will cause her to withdraw from relationship by this reason she cause judgment 2094-5921-7725-5753-2427-7368-4480-1779 [Vayiqra-leviticus 15- bodily discharge,all for both male and female law of are unclean-tame and to make self clean-H2891 also to come before Yahvah unclean is death, also the dead body involving the red heifer must read Bamidbar-Numbers 19:11-12 and 9:7]

Phey-kaph: by this she will cause hate personally and to her doing well acting right him and this to cause you to intercede for judgment by testimony of them 1931-8130-2896-6419-5707

Phey-kaph aleph: when making of this right in manners of virtue moral measured in humility to them 6213-6666-6800

Phey-kaph beyt: also to make alarmed terrifing of them shall hear intelligently call aloud and over frivolity foolishness him and they are bound of relationship foolish things cause sense of want in feelings [second line] also in heavens and shall be the command you were caused to have pain in child birth to woman 1089-8085-6963-8604-779-8604-34-[second line] 8064-6673-5921-2427

Phey-kaph gyimel: wearing out in growing old it will this to know for it is determined-understand to be inward of the body will become sad [1086-7200-7760-6441-2196

Phey-kaph dalet: to cause to enlighten by caution in teaching this beyond the time the rightness [2094-5921-6666

Phey-kaph hey: turn inner most thoughts by honor as a mark of individuality and they not to be anxious of selves by this consuming fretting and will make self poor of them and on them as a wife 7725-2910-8034-3808-1674-398-7326-3830

Phey-kaph vav: keep in memory because judge all the adam-man to hand of power subduing making yourselves clean, just 7876-1855-3605-120-3709-2135 [Ezekiel-Yehchezkel 18:6]

Phey-kaph zayin: cause of these on account of purpose sake they to teach others they support direct help in purpose when because and not without ability knowing of them and not keeping back will these women when cause of seeing one of these 7945-3925-8454-1115-7200-3808-4513-7200

Phey-kaph chet: to come in affright-horrified acting as door keeper-think she in tight place trouble also think in acting she in to perishing make room-time they

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bending down by this oppression-misfortune-calamity 935-8178-6862-8176-11-7337-343

Phey-kaph tet: to cause to enlighten by cautiously teaching they will prophesy-tell of these to be alert because of their traveled path of life in their excess-unrestrain of selves 2094- 5012-8245-1870-5628-225

Image 0014 Phey-lamed: [80+30=110] for these shall hear intelligently this matter [monthly cycle] of theirs will make a practice of silence dumb [makes house tame-unclean people and contents-must be therefore caution] for will weep house of strong hold 8085-1697-6213-1745-1058-1004-5553

Phey-lamed aleph: to be set apart they for they will be stricken with leprous and so cause to enlighten teach are to them before-become nothing they practice abstaining like unto sinew-iron of this matter 2889-6879-2094-413-1077-1517-1697

Phey-lamed beyt: as pounded corn-grit and they apple of the eye-daughter prince from being sorrowful of because they bud forth 7383-1323-8269-2342-5132 [grit-firmness of mind or spirit unyielding courage]

Phey-lamed giymel: as pounded corn-grit and He to give daughter away in contract for marriage shall be firstlings His from burning fever they are visionary's you The demons caused pains of these abundant 7383-2859-6363-6920-2334-7700-2342-7227

Phey-lamed dalet: among the wise [to be wise Devarim 4:5-6] unite to be please with to walk the way afterwards together of Him and said to taught ones His shall commit selves [second line] Abba-Father His gives for burying place they walk away-vanish cause to flee make refuge Him 2449-258-7521-3212-310-559-8527-5800-[second line]-1-6912-3212-2620 [this word 2620 may also be 2621 a place chocah meaning hopeful]

Phey-lamed hay: here to repose quietness they will [from] being troubled rush upon the day 8252-5590-3117

Phey-lamed vav: by grit as pounded corn [firm of spirit mind] and He to seize of these The demons shall be collected by arrangement for enclosure-pen for hogs 7383-270-7700-3664-5739-2386

Phey-lamed-zayin: by grit as pounded corn [firm of spirit mind] and they to wait from because they to blossom [it maybe also carnage to blossom the prefix kaph mem vav carnage--H4347 ] for shall command Him to His having spots to them iniquities of these your 7383-2342-5132-561-413-5246-5771

Phey-lamed chet: for to take you to Him for a gift of Yah He will send away to Me and for her [bride] shall eat with them [line two] a people His [Yisrael] they are

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committing wickedness-moral wrongs and they break away more and more 3947-413-4993-7971-3588-1931-398-[line two]-5971-7561-6555

Phey-lamed tet: to what [the use of this word means lasting only a short time of pleasure for the body and sin] shall be destruction of theirs to nothing a failure you have caused afflictions 4100-8045-1077-6031

Phey-mem: [80+40=120] in their living of caused to daughters [nations-tribes of Yisrael scattered] head person-sar one weak in mind and he a fire of entity it will be a multitude of his by blood 2424-1323-8269-7504-785-8229-1818

Phey-mem aleph: by weak in mind double blind 7504-8145-5787

Phey-mem beyt: to make whole healing and these men tied fast of the mouth dumb and will take possession from demons and all the forces of them 7495-376-481-270-7700-3605-2428

Phey-mem giymel: clean you have to them be able any and always to be. Shall also hands of power His and form will send forth these [second line] and also of these and He to whoever walks the way He will do 1249-3201-3027-8388-7971-[second line]-349-4310-3212

Phey-mem dalet: will in form you shall lead for will send forth them 8388-5090-7971

Phey-mem hay: for will strengthen heart these ones sent forth 2388-3820-7971

Phey-mem vav: saying for when coming to appointed place peace well being approaching near near ones leanness-figurative limitation-limited to the breaking forth in strength 559-3588-935-7760-7965-7126-7138-7535-6499

Phey-mem zayin: like when sent away they will entreat before Yeshu-rescue twelve [tribes] common-profane from both hands [figurative all senses]when when of self [second line] the Mashiyach will address in loud voice His He will bend in kindness like which He gadol-great one from the prophets 834-7971-2603-3442-8147-2455-3027-518-1931-[second line]-4899-7623-2603-1931-1431-5030

Phey-mem chet: saying Yeshu on account of cause sake stir up strengthen to all children of man in general accordingly He will bend in kindness He also the same Eloahh-El of Elohim [this is very important He is El of the children-Elohim of Yisrael-all mankind in the end and the created spirits]

Phey-mem tet: for to compare this age to His of young men and also My commandments and judgments [Devarim 4:5]

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Phey-nun-80+50=130: among to be despised will be before young men rulers of Mine in agreement of these His and not protect they in your returning [in that time age to come] 7043-5288-8269-225-3808-2387-7729

Phey-nun aleph: also to you rising up to give spirit of quick understanding to address in praise before Father His also He to hide concealing words of this matter unto them [line two] and also not they will know knowledge to way of entering for way of truth to Son 349-7311-7306-7673-1-5641-1697-413-[second line]-369-1843-3996-3588-518-1121

Phey-nun beyt: for shall bring over these in day the Shabbat among grain stalks of taught ones His to pluck up by roots they shall consume-food [in Hebrew eating food is Torah study]5674-3117-7676-7054-8527-6131-398

Image 0015 Phey-nun giymel: for it will be Torah He to mend-cure and they to Shabbat and how we are to plan to purpose over this the cause of poor ones 8451-7495-7673-349-6098-5921-1454-7326

Phey-nun dalet: also as ground like corn-grit and they remorseful-for sins against commandments-law by not at all they have descovered to do against vomit cause witten scripture they emphatic become servants of [second line] they take up follow close to His young men of joy approved these of living body they 7583-2342-6673-1077-1540-7006-3791-2004-5647-[second line]-8551-980-7521-5315

Phey-nun hay: to mend cure and He open eyes to them-sheafs of grain bound was the oppression in it's midst and they justify decide to right reason they a people the pharoshyim-pharisees [second line] and directed them also shall assemble selves in haste by chief man-master fly of stinging nature 7495-5782-485-7736-8432-3198-5971-6567-[second line]-561-1961-5789-1167-2070

Phey-nun vav: act in circumspect thus intelligently consider in prudents of cause by offending hacking with words reproaching they cause wounding driving away scattering you cause having hacked with words reproaching the spirit and cause of the paroshyim-pharisees will form opinion [second line] firmness of back bone closing the eyes and finished of word to purpose to be mischievous contrivance of intelligent reasoning 7919-2398-1442-2342-2108-1442-7306-6567-1843-[second line]-6095-4357-1697-3426-2050-2808

Phey-nun zayin: saying pharoshyim-pharisees [today this would mean Rabbies] also not to give to them to assent-acceptance of opinion to shake out you they to enfold together of spirit [second line] to rule associate with as friend with highest places to selves 559-6567-3808-5414-1992-225-2101-3664-7307-7462-1610

Phey-nun chet: how not to be pleased with to seeing this cause not no more and surely they at the least of taught one 349-3808-7521-7200-518-389-7535-8527

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Phey-tet: in having power to disseminate-plant seed cause to be inferior the seed to scatter separating you and to stone [this word aleph beyt nun =aleph beyt-Father beyt nun=Son without both not] 4910-2232-5307-2233-921-68

Phey-camek: for seed planted it cause alter and it's manners spread out in fields 2232-2233-8132-3651-7704

Phey-camek aleph: for to rule having power cause to shudder making afraid against they to rule having their kindred by blood near 4910-2729-4910-7607

Phey-camek beyt: to parosh break apart declaring [teach] to rule He to nourish feeding you 6567-4910-2109

Phey-camek giymel: to rule they to go forth given to the tame-unclean or defiled these are and to rule shall procure stones to build they to obey Him [second line] and to rule after ability able of them 4910-4161-2933-7704-4910-7069-68-3348-[second line]-4910-1767

Phey-camek dalet: to come they to lands and shall speak words of answers to them of Him Son they to scatter kindred 935-776-561-2088-1121-5301

Phey-camek hay: In what manner causing slaughter of them free to rule they kept for themselves they were to bend in kindness and by which to hear from Yeshu-[deliverance implied second line] saying also of these He to bend in kindness it shall be. And in a manner to give a fifth for cutting off [implied selecting] and also [third line] fish as numerous to them thousands shall they eat of Him and they cause to point out-teach of Him He to measure [select] 349-2026-7300-2603-834-8085-3442-[second line]-559-1931-2603-1961-349-5414-2569-3772-[third line] 1709-505-398-3384-5429

Phey-camek vav: in what manner to declare sense of loving affection and shall be mine these in heart daily and will be to these little ones [line two] and shall eat for of a truth that bear you with both hands 349-4312-1961-589-3820-3117-1961-1992-6819-[second line]-398-3808-5187-3027

Phey-camek zayin: And they to be firm bearing fruit with peoples nations the Phroshiym-Pharisees shall be given to perceive to them these taught ones [line two] shall feed of for of a truth that bear you both hands 3581-5971-6567-5414-2938-1992-8527-[second line]-398-3808-5187-3027

Phey-camek chet: to be weak minded and My daughter for they are depressed trouble having taken possession they have the demons 7503-1323-6040-270-7736

Phey-camek tet: weak minded and they long for waiting in pain of child birth causing sides and from plaques and bound as sheaf's [line two] and burning about four thousand. Burnt accordingly cutting off causing to separating the men

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[line three] and the little ones and they eat Him and the will teach Him these ones measured 7503-2442-2342-6763-5061-485-[line two]-398-702-505-4198-3722-910-582-[line three] 2945-398-3384-2088-5429

Phey-ayin-80+70=150: To inquire requesting of Him by taught ones His who they will cleave to and measured You are Son [line two] El to rise and they say to them you are stones and over His river of stones house [line three] you official messenger and the way from draw swords [words as] of the heavens 7592-8527-4310-1931-6030-6362-857-1121-[line two]-410-6965-1931-559-857-68-5921-71-1004-[line three]-6432-1980-5414-6609-8064

Image 0016 Phey-ayin aleph: For also not pleased to give you coming to Pharisees-Rabbies [today called] and they will teach to My taught ones-talamadi [line two] causing to walk in ways [theirs] 3808-7521-5414-225-225-6567-2094-8527-[second line]-1980-1870

Phey-ayin beyt: to exile stripping of by taught ones Mine also take away by occupying in their place driving out to them and they with deadly intent seeking to destroy and behind your [back] He will preserve His1549-8527-3212-3423-2026-309-2421

Phey-ayin gyimel: by standing behind these in mountain having power people-tribes Mine will be gracious they Pathroc [indicating a return to Mitzrayim-land of distress these teacher have caused Judah to return to Egypt-4714 Mitzrayim-land of distress-4692 and Pathroc the southern part of Egypt and have made selves foul see following scriptures Yirmeyahu 44:1 and 44:15 and Yehchezkel-Ezekiel 29:14 and Tehillim-Psalms 68:31] liars in wait [line two] and also avenge selves to this and because of disgrace to these and Mosheh they have cursed crowding upon to it-Him [line three] that which is valuable and in order that making it rare one saying also making self poor by their way 5675-2022-1364-5971-2603-6624-6120-[line two]-5414-1992-1540-413-4871-422-1464-[line three]-834-3365-7326

Phey-ayin dalet: by commands of Mine of these to you taught ones His by failure they are disgraced and their view it's also known of them [line two] also their being gracious this to them 6673-8527-1077-1540-4758-3045-[line two]-2603-1931-413

Phey-ayin hay: by employment to these men they for door keepers from taught ones His this to befall to them [line two] Son they to fear bitterness breaking association and not weak to Him. And their tokachot-words of instruction[ called traditions of the elders][line three] Yeshu Gadol Kohen-High Priest them Most High now 935-413-376-8652-8527-935-1992-[line two]-1121-1204-4784-7462-3808-7503-8433-[line three]-3442-5941-5920-2088

Phey-ayin-vav: with feeding advice answers commanded His also taught ones His spreading out for purpose sake to enumerate value of commands to [line two]

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Pathroc-Mitzrayim-[to have become fou]l also they to throw out waiting a dry place to ones of unjust gain-dishonest of money-silver to be sorrow taking though [line three] and the first in place and was to give according to value 7940-562-8527-6358-4371-6680-[line two]-6624-7993-2442-6723-1215-3701-1672-[line three]-7223-5414-4371

Phey-ayin zayin: Saying who on account of cause remain to be small ignoble and not they front because of in Kingdom this destructive [line two] and they were in front to be watched for destructive acts of them from front with Mine 559-4310-945-3427-6819-3808-6903-4438-8060-[line two]-6903-6145-258-8060-1931-6903-225

Phey-ayin chet: for Him to equalize never He to be pleased with in perishing one from these young men 3588-7737-3808-7521-11-259-5288

Phey-ayin tet: He will give warning Most High He will be firm for good He will be firm for good of kindred you and they a failure not acceptable it would be blinding [line two] for companions face of [never are we to consider ones face in judgment]. missing the mark-sin to them Most High this twice?2094-5920-3581-3581-854-5997-1115-line two]-2266-639-2389-5920-2088-6471 [ones they are dishonest and now to ignore]

Phey-phey:-80-80=160: Kingdom of Heavens this to be dumb to walk this way by account of contrivances from servants His [line two] they weak-sick by after will be these never weak-sick of associates His and they blanch white by profane you from oppression 4438-8064-1745-1980-6903-2810-5656-line two-4245-310-1931-3808-4245-2270-2715-2455-343

Phey-phey aleph: imprisonment to inhabitants for saking causing tumult and so of Mosheh for to set a trap ensnaring of heart-emotions of the people causing you to become frighteed-fearful 612-5805-8351-4872-6983-3820-5971-3372

Phey-phey beyt: shall address in a loud voice to pacify by words commending these and their opposition to young men and saying also empty of them the words of [Yahvah the spelling of this word hay dalet beyt resh yod mem used for the giving of the ten words at mount Sinai hadebarim-Ten Commandments][line two] He make innocent to breath out and will command having lacerated the eagle to sort us also He making clean to them 7623-7147-3205-559-1238-1697-[second line]-2135-1600-1478-5404-4482-2135

Phey-phey giymel: Saying purpose sake of them they to judge sitting down dwelling taught ones His exult Most High exult [line two] thrones-seats of honor and will put on clothes before Abba-Father theirs and when they are within coming and going His Kingdom-Malkot of heaven [in singular] 559-7945-1777-3427-8527-2980-5920-2480-[line two]-3678-5844-1-518-1157-935-4438-8064

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Phey-phey dalet: in dominion ruling earned wages doing works caring for breaking forth and others in midst of the day-[thousand years] [line two] and mirery places like your's [this term used earller in this text of the land of the exiles would be in America and Europe?] and in wilderness and afterwards like you to give a charge to maintain accordingly earning wages [line three] the former ones 4910-7936-6467-1239-312-2677-3117-[line two]-1207-6160-310-5414-3557-7936-[line three]-7223 [this last word in reverse reads who distressed gather-pluck]

Image 0017 Phey-phey hay: Saying to taught ones His-you teachers of Mine also these to have an aversion to an separating-[commiting apostatize] they to wrap around of them and these will cause to be smitten with deadly intent yet in a day [line two] murmuring in anger-pondering He will raise and wife gift of El they request also to marry will a second [time] Son of Yah [line three] behold to these portion out their and behold to the left hand of His and saying also the to be pleased with to become [line four] great in understanding these shall be straight with Him 559-8527-4560-3027-BDB page 460-2027-3117-[line two]-1897-3356-802-2068-7592-3427-8145-1121-[line three]-1887-4327-1887-8041-559-7521-1961-[line four]-1419-998-3474-225

Phey-phey vav: to invigorate and they a second [time] opening the eyes of them 7497-8145-5787

Phey-phey zayin: saying to you teachers of His-taught ones His also these to come forth being able among us as in a place guarded-city along side and they will bring so as to ride-dispatch ascending causing to rise and such things of you melek they come to you 559-8527-4672-854-5892-5980-935-[line two] 7392-5927-7010-2007-4428-935

Phey-phey chet: send with command to these making known the merchants from the Concecrated Place [Isaiah-Yeshayahu 23:8] they will mend the pain of them [line two] causing to rejoice and the young men then saying will do Yeshu Son the El and to protect His [line three] who hunger shall regard it's approach and not to come it to these it comes to the right time of them and will curse these to dry up 6680-3318-5503-4720-7495-2342-[line two]-8055-5288-559-3442-1121-410-2387-[line three]-7456-7200-579-3808-4672-579-7045-[line four]-3001

Phey-phey tet: for desires of the mouth-palate and slaking of thirst of them regarding Yeshu to come Him now being firm in force exulting they will cause to distinguish making Him great 7592-2441-7301-3442-935-2088-3581-7797-6381

Phey-tzady: saying to be silence hold tongue also these will break forth shall these of harlots [Hoshea 4:14] Mine clean innocent and from these shall speak 559-2013-6559-6948-2134-1992-6310

Phey-tzady alph: to rulers men have lead astray-seducing betraing by deception and they ascribe honor of Him by guarding and accordingly who [line two] to walk

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behaving selves then servants of His gather to Son these these stones polished 4910-376-2937-7411-8567-8104-834-[line two]-1980-8033-5650-1571-1121-7275

Phey-tzady beyt: to rule king will do from from a basis of political support to having veild of Son His and were called out to [Isaiah-Yeshayahu 48:1] [line two] not come they 4910-4429-6213-8356-2645-1121-7121-[line two]-3808-935

Phey-tzady giymel: they of purpose also inquire or ask and cause to these to prepare-make ready to these the rise of a burden [form of forced labor] scorning he will make prominent of to gather of [line two] to confine and they to retreat 4100-7592-3559-5921-4522-3945-3115-717-[line two]-7194-7725

Phey-tzady dalet: to inquire and they cause fire double devastation by this brother of measure and He will kill these before the day [line two] He shall restore life to whoever they deceived and saying also not they having lead astray His wife beginning to explain-declare what way that from commandments these mighty in dgnity and over who to say of 7592-800-8145-762-2088-251-4191-3117-[line two]-2421-4310-5377-559-3808-5377-802-227

Phey-tzady hey: to have explained declaring how this from commandments these great in dignity and are over who to to declare [line two] departing the lips when of Yahvah from the Adoni-Master of also over to right hand 874-335-2088-6680-1931-1420-5921-4310-559-[line two]-6589-518-3068-113-3227

Phey-tzady vav: saying Yeshu all which they say shall do of these explaining and declaring shall observe surely [line two] by setting in order making straight of it [Torah] they say, also not they called out to of them come for many will regard man [line two] 559-3442-3605-834-559-6567-6213-389-[line two]-8626-559-3808-7121-935-7227-7760-120

Phey-tzady zayin: for they have barked at as a dog Yeshu by Parashyim-Rabbies 5024-3442-6567

Phey-tzady chet: to willingly defame of Yeshu by Parashyim-Rabbies 2778-3442-6567

Phey-tzady tet: saying casting away them they pushed away the prophets to them separating as part of the body loading burdens on the back [line two] and were cast togather as polished stones and they attribute honor and praise over them selves to be considered all a prophet eternity Zekaryah-Yah has remembered [Matthew 23:35 Zechariah son of Barachiah, whom you murdered between the sanctuary and the altar] 559-7993-7971-5030-1992-905-7926-[line two]-7275-8567-5921-1819-3605-5030-5703-2148

Phey-koph-80+100=180: Saying also they have pulled down the Miqdash-Set Apart Place and desired you they will teach of theirs what [line two] it shall be

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and killed these it shall be bringing His and will cease theirs 559-2040-4720-7592-3925-4100-[line two]-1961-4191-1961-935-7725

Image 0018 Phey-qoph aleph: will bring of these His to bring forth of them for bring Him 935-6213-935

Phey-qoph beyt: saying also brought forth His they shall instantly open the eyes declaring for bringing you Him flowing as a deluge with pomp 559-935-1961-6597-935-3999

Phey-qoph giymel: within the pollution of theirs against taught ones His also straight they shall be to this nothing it to receive instructions from Mine 6675-8527-3477-1077-3948-1992

Phey-qoph dalet: saying that Malakut-Kingdom of heavens was silent before now to accumulate virgins [Ester 2:2] and shall spread forth [line two] by calling out declaring give daughters in marriage [Yisrael the woman-daughters nations tribes people] 559-4438-8064-1745-6238-1330-3318-[line two]-7121-2859

Phey-qoph hay: by ruling having dominion will walk course of life precious these and will govern you causing to be secure happy in hand of power [line two] third time-restoration guards protecting [the word govern implied 6490 mandates of Elohim primitive root 6485] 4910-1980-1870-7350-6496-854-7951-3027-[line two]-8031-8104

Phey-qoph vav: by bringing forth propagated shoots these slumbering-figurative inactivity of messenger deputies of His for will judge excuting-[mitzvot-4687] among the land 935-5123-4397-8199-854-776

Phey-qoph zayin: will gather the rulers by house to Me to thresh the olive tree effect of [fig. Yisrael] He has accepted [Genesis 20:3] and gently-move softly these first ones [line two] among pouring out moulded a beginning [head stone Zechariah 4:7] making fat heavey as valuable 6908-5461-1004-5363-3194-3947-328-259-[line two]-3333-5921-7222-8080-3365

Phey-qoph cheyt: for will sell they shall of selves to Me un true in words they will weave with words even of Yeshu in the the third time of restoration silver-money [line two] carving out for gold exemption-passover and saying [emphatic] consuming people as in food bowl theirs as merchandise to Me 4353-1688-8266-2901-854-3442-8027-3701-[line two]-3800-6453-561-398-5971-7086-4377

Phey-qoph tet: shall give to Him the bread-lechem and said to them now this then closed of these give to them nothingness and said this was dumb of 5414-1992-3898-561-1992-2088-1479-5414-1992-[line two]-1951-559-2088-1820

Phey-qoph yod: saying behold they to approach near who they made merchandise of us witness to the wilderness lands and there by [line two] cause

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as a people His having associated to increase-gather going to capture seize of them and they will bring these Him [third line] to house threshing of the olive tree extended-effecy and created His the taught ones and caused to let out measured to be untrue-liars [line three] like food spoiled twice-a second time 559-2005-7126-834-4377-5749-4057-2007-[line two]-1668-5971-2273-7535-935-8610-1980-[line three]-1004-5363-3194-1254-8527-6362-5429-3584-[line four]-897-6471

Phey-qoph yod aleph: saying to taught ones His also have caused pain-angar these they have twisted away the light into darkness and said [line two] also firstlings measured shall of priority of time will call out of these strong men He to cleanse this of you [third line] and He shall make judgment to cause to boil up a thorn holding together they die when after purpose His 559-8527-6087-5921-3915-559-[line two]-6363-5429-6924-7121-1368-3713-1454-[line three]-6419-5518-3563-4191-4480

Phey-qoph yod beyt: then will remain by dawn have brought and cause these to Yeshu for you will separate and will measure and He shall this one or another [line two] enclose on them He protects shall judge to see His and shall to them binding fast His and also to end sense of completion-perfect [line three] as judge Yeshu to restore to you 1961-1242-1980-3442-6381-5429-1668-[line two]-2387-2387-1777-7200-6105-349-1584-[line three]- 1777-3442-5414

Phey-qoph yod giymel: it cause mocking of among Yeshu's and they to beat down of these with Him and gives of these declaring to Him distinction piss-urinate [line two] stealing and the bag and causing it [size to be distorted-unjust] extoring by deception and provoking bitterness and cause with these also to cause a new thing Him [line three] to fear making known shall blow away-destroy of these and how closing up making an end because to bury these [line four] and will govern His that was set Highest Most High shall be guards-shomaryim

Phey-qoph yod dalet:-80+90+10+4=184: also coming a day one rebellious and vehemently it will come it and shall be time to come to bury these and coming forth His to [line two] accomplish you over graves theirs and saying to those also grievously maligning Yeshu and also He to walk [line three] to faces of them and He good news causing for taught ones His 349-935-3117-4813-3966-1980-4279-6912-4672-[line two]-4390-5921-6912-559-1992-3513-6895-3442-1931-3212-[line three]-6440-1319-8527

Phey-qoph tet vav: Also the women and they see Yeshu to face of them. And how they have hedged about guarding [line two] from richness of anointing cause to purpose explaining and declaring redness-to be foul insistent demands of also taught ones His thieves-implied to deceive and they cause stink-rottenness theirs 349-802-7200-3442-6440-349-8104-[line two]-8081-6567-2560-2543-8527-1589-4716

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Phey-qoph tet zayin: also to reveal Yeshu to taught ones His in hills-mountains they seek an occasion and give charge Highest of to them to break apart dividing them [line two] cause of triplicate-restoration for eternal 349-1540-3442-8527-2022-1556-6680-5944-6536-[line two]-8027-7969-5769

Image 0019: line 1. Opening thirteen [13] for He shall cause to live the dead 8167-13-2421-4191

line 2. breaking off to deliver His those to complete making perfect a fifth part shall do 6561-1992-3634-2549

Phey-aleph: by explaining shall make plain completion-perfection you shall live and whoever they which whom are His and when [line two] to consume causing then and they cause to by hand-power His and they died His 874-8503-2421-4310-1992-834-3487-518-[line two]-398-227-3027-4194

Phey-beyt: by explaining will make plain also shall live-revive them declaring it shall be in a time appointed He shall regard 874-2421-1961-2163-7896

Phey-giymel: by explaining making plain a termination shall end written record the teachers of Most High they breaking forth they shall live [line two] and He comes with them Most High they shall live 874-7117-7117-3789-4175-5921-6499-2421-[line two]-935-5920-2416

Phey-dalet: among will hide you knowledge of you to people of theirs acting circumspect-consider they have neglected Yahvah of pleasantness-kindness-graciousness [Judges 5:1 and :13 Father of pleasantness-gracious Abinoam-#42] 5641-1843-523-7919-834-5382-3068-2580

Phey-hay: by explain and declaring [for with Him is light in ever sense, a word in this word 872 is 216] establish you speakers with intensive understanding in it's completeness for cause they will hold it in the skilful in wisdom and acting as gate keeper-think of the affliction to Me-[Yeshu] line two of these to Me and I to them [we know yet live in moral ruin]

Image 0019 opening yod dalet-fourteen-14 line 1. With affliction to Me the Mashiyach and they shall be redeemed He will 6040-4899-6561-1992

Phey-alph: by beholding they cause also to come back Him the Mashiyach future prepared to come 7212-8421-4899-6264-935

Phey-beyt: for will declare and explain that He shall revive [in the emphatic] He shall be by appointed time He Mashiyach 872-2425-1961-2165-4899

Phey-giymel : for will explain and declare after a portion of time a temination like to come back the teachers over the pour out [time of pouring out the set apart

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spirit] they shall revive [line two] and they shall see the Most High they shall revive-live 872-7117-8421-4175-5921-6379-2425-line two]-7212-5920-2425

Phey-dalet: for will explain and declare shall employment of these they are to Me the Mashiyach 872-6040-225-4899

Phey-hey: to cease from labor bearing in mind you say also they shall cease from labor and this from the heavens and all times appointed theirs and all [line two] sessions of person to assemble-intimate of persons in close deliberations secret meetings and He to create feeding as a forming process and following it shall be Torah good benefits 988-5452-561-988-8064-3605-6635-3605-[line two]-5475-1254-312-8449-2896

Phey-vav: for will explain declaring making plain tumult-desolation causing of El caused they as hating as enemy of them Him concealing to Me and first drying up just and right from words spoken [line two] lawful righteous man also prepared that shall come they malign with words to the revived turning back to be nothing these and will inclose-separating of these to dust the ones 874-8351-410-8130-5956-2297-2717-3651-559-[line2]-6662-6264-6895-2424-7725-369-2386-6080 [inturning to dust one must remember Yahvah can restor-revive in a flash after lesson learned timing is His]

Image 0020 opening fourteen-14 continues line 1. such as to them shivering in fear horribly afraid of cepher-book of evidence now these four 2007-8178-5612-2088-1992-702

2. ten [fourteen] He will appoint them because as lifted up hands [to] Yahvah 6235-5567-1961-5940-3027-3068

3. and breaking off-delivering He will raise up and will designate these binding together of Yahvah having renewed-springing up 6561-7426-5567-6960-3068-2498

4. to be firm to produce 3581

5. the opening the fifteen 15 8167-hay+tet+vav=15

6. of them to establish these after He cause safe happy of mark as a record-book now 8239-310-7965-5608-2088

7. for shall conceal your awareness of what to see sweep away to be distracted measuring these 5641-1847-3964-3252-2894-7200-413-6323-5429

8. they being stained or see a blemish and breaking off His these of Yahvah 3971-6561-1992-3068

Phey-aleph: by ruling of 4910

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Phey-beyt: for Iyb-Job 347

Phey-giymel: by Yah has saved 3470-Yeshayah

Phey-dalet: by Yechezqel 3168-strengthen will El

Phey-hay: for Torah of to be great-grow 8451-6238

Phey-vav: by force for good rejoicing effervesing-[under the influence]

Phey-zayin: for they shall live sign of to them 2425-226-sense of appearing

Phey-cheyt: for in asking you the redeemed 994-854-1350-[see above]

9. completeness and integrity from drawn swords-words the book-Scrptures you teachers to live 8537-6609-5608-3925-2331 [last three words are letters first of each word]

10. shall these rulers make known when they bring to vile persons-refuse princes theirs 5046-834-935-3988-8280

11. will cause to learn to lift selves they will grieve in fear cause to sweep away 502-5375-4470-8175-2894

Image 0021 continues fifteen-15

Pehy-aleph: by rulings of they to bring requiring of these from the authority named standing out to these surely 4910-935-1875-834-3426-518

Phey-beyt: for Yeshayah-saved has Yah all these bringing near Him of these by treating violently and kindred their extension of hands to be nothing and to be ripe bring forth 3470-3605-7126-2928-7138-8426-369-1310

Phey-giymel: when also to cross over from this side [to change to the right side-way] to be redeemed shall these a ruin if over turned announcing good news His blood shed and fetters tied Him ruin if over turned the body [line two] witness Name of Honor behold King your He comes to you exaltations the domed building [line four] witness Name of Honor for Torah by it source of deliverance going forth a force a passage way for will consume foolish morally wicked [Job 2:10] [line five] and tearing [like a lion] to them witness Name of Honor to deepen as a barrel for collection taking refuge in rocks they taken captive of these as fish of ours these in light [line six]dalet-1875 seek surely to worship Mashiyach Yah testify Name of Honor subduing not you to smoke-angry of Him of these El to raise they greedy [line seven] not you will become angry with Him. Testify Name of Honor a second time they stupidty disintegrate to stpidity of them was to them [line eight] for as gate keeper the Gadol-Highest aphad [symbol of High Priest] from Him [Father] just and right 5674-1350-5856-1319-1818-5913-5856-6897-

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[line two]-5749-8034-8083-8034-3426-4899-6381-6086-1466-[line three]-5749-8034-2009-4428-935-1466-6898-[line four]-5749-8034-3588-8451-854-8444-2864-398-5034-[line five]-2963-5749-8034-3537-2288-615-1710-5105-[line six]-4899-5749-8034-7286-3808-6225-859-410-6965-3701-[line seven]-3808-6225-225-5749-8034-8145-6580-6580-1961-[line eight]-8167-1419-640-1992-3541

Phey -vav: also they malign with words you shall judge to intercede and like such 6897-6419-3541

Phey-hay: people to be sick-[figurative] full of destress their emptiness and like such just and right Yisrael shall begin to build that which spreads forth like such [line two] testify Name of Honor to gather them the Mashiyach to Yisrael forty years [line three] testify Name of Honor prepare the future with Torah to these it was as making water to them such like [line four] testify Name of Honor and to these they to perceive ruinness caused hostility of Yah like such this the Mashiach [line five] restore Name of Honor not having understanding for the eternity into those days the Mashiach and like such of Him 5971-5136-992-3541-3551-3478-1129-4666-3541-[line two]-5749-8034-1571-4899-3478-705-8141-[line three]-5749-8034-6264-8451-8366-3541-[line four]-5749-8034-7200-5864-8324-3541-1454-4899-[line five]-5749-8034-369-995-5769-3117-4899-3541

line 6.and 7. large letters: Uprightness to marvelous in completeness all from drawn swords [figurative of drawn swords-words maligning-Psalm 55:22] [line seven] on account of writings-book of scriptures now ]line six]-8537-3605-6609-[line seven]-7945-5612-2088

Images 0022-0023-blank 0024 book one of Shem Tov

Image 0024 1a: The opening 8176 the beginning 7223 [reverse] our kindred will 7607 quake in confusion theirs 7493

2b: from book-scroll 5608 His booty-spoil 957 to them bending in kindness 2603 to naturalized citizens 6133 [reverse] greening 3419 [of spring] sweeps away before 3261 to guide into exile His 5148 prey 957 comes 935 humble of them 7511

3c: He will support building up as a foster parent 539 [reversed] the caused drowsiness-slumber 5124

1. Deliver this beginning first it to bring light -6561-7223-1931-935-215 [reverse-1&2] mill stone 7342 a day 3117 will be jackals and 8565 body of light His 3974 hating an adversary before 341 pointing out us 184 a remnant hers 7608 [Yisrael] quiet 7119 portion 6310

2. building up supporting truth shall be in time to come here after -539-4279

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3. Saying Shem Tov-Name Good to increase Yitzchaq [name changed to Yisrael] lighting a lamp Him-559-8034-2896-7227-3221-5216

4.5. Son will judge in seeing-intelligent those joining out of into fellowship of the ones will open the way as gate keeper to these a way of righteousness to come and for them letting go opening and to them-1121-8199-2266-2088-8167-6662-935-6605

6.7. gates of right-morally-national-altogether just in his sending on them causing oppression most vehemently this of Yahh [short and emphatic for Yahvah] saying these who delay hindering of My trusted one out of are measured and judged 8179-6664-935-181-182-3050-559-309-589-539-4060

8.9.10. by El united together also nothing un searchable to them double of trouble they are one and the same united to have become one shall fail to exist as thus causing to be [trouble]. Not to unite same as one will remove taking away by words-mouth which they to flatter with words-smooth stones to this will complete as perfect many. And of these 410-259-369-8145-1089-259-3162-1584-369-3644-3808-259-1898-6366-1931-2505-3634-7227-1992

11. [And of these-seeking apportion join] To do nothing of this sort-for these have a nature of oppression [schismatic heretic] and not to unite as to one of these to you their scattered words of seeming intelligence from out of this kind [schismatic heretic] the nature of oppression to a mouth of words which they to flatter with-smooth stones 4327--3808-259-1992-6527-7200-4480-4327-6366-1931-2505

12.13. for a portion by their smooth words many. And these are men [Psalm141:4 men of evil deeds]. And not unite with these shall pollute staining their grossness of thinking extremities to them understand to see? Like will protect and defend will want to sit down together to teach you desiring at least the round Those who sought found like the wheel back again of their mouth-words also if causing to become one and unite they all to because of smooth words for a portion for portions many many 2506-7227-1992-376-3808-259-1351-6580-7200-1598-3245-176-1535-6366-518-1961-259-3605-2506-2506-7227

14. 15. 16. And never like to join these for apart of them speaking with two edges also will join of you which become one being a part of them the same as from a just happen to meet by these for speaking and also they appear occasionally to serve-take hold on to cure you become one like them they say highest of men. Join and just and right over skipping about for joy join. Just and right over and above men [really they are Psalm141:1-4] many for apart will by smooth words seeking to oppress. Many, trouble-terrify these 3808-259-4480-6366-259-834-259-4480-1931-7136-6366-4672-1455-259-559-5921-120-259-3651-5921-5483-259-3651-5921-376-7227-4327-7227-1089-2088

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17. 18. to join I have never of me defiled or become profane and not, being firm, to be defiled or profane and not they also to cause grief and from happen to meet is a cause for grief and these desire priority-first of us and to those who sought and were found being ashamed and to those will rise up as enemy of these who are found of them and not did seek having come forth these to cause to rise up as enemy-opponents 259-3487-369-1352-3808-3581-1352-3808-3013-7136-3013-1931-6924-4672-3637-7009-4672-3808-4672-7009

19. 20. to those coming forth who are found being left. Repeating also when shall command to you these ones cast out-send away those who were found. Those who have sought of whom not shall lack And when I shall command to you these ones cast out who are found and whom having desist from labor-cease and put to shame. And these whoever to separate and remove from living place being among. 4672-5750-518-6673-2904-4672-4672-3847-3808-263-518-6673-2904-4672-3487-988-3637-1931-3487-910-2333

Image 0025 lines 21. 22. will be found in coming forth take for good bind fast causing to be numerous these and to having standing all who were found coming forth seeking answers of this cause to be found these coming forth take captive for good binding fast making numerous these. And He these having qualified created ones to eternity and will remove from this age changing concealing to the time prepared His delight being acceptable 4672-4679-6105-7604-3605-4672-6592-4672-4679-6105-1931-3487-1254-5769-657-4171-3909-2163-7522

23. 24. for these are valuable as to plan His to spread out for teachers separating as a part of the body-as staff. And those who are before face regarding Torah to the nations-peoples [nations Exodus 33:16] and making it right as straight of Most High-Al the One of Mount Sinai [given to the nations the ten words-commandments] a ruin-as overturned of Moshe in splendor And will be a refuge our Rock the Mighty El He will to declare-dazzling declaring ones are rising up among praising and in honor celebrating not 2656-6584-905-1931-3487-6440-8451-5971-3474-5920-2022-5514-5856-4872-2437-6697-1931-6703-6965-8567-3808

25. 26.27. Shall you cause to cease and not you also with draw and these who are for shalom satiate by influence of good of right and just lawful of pure these will be from those rising up the ones having Torah and doing justices in judgement in them and by doing so righteously [Yeshayahu-Isaiah 33:15] these to be impoverished of living among the perverse by this constant-daily being declared His they called to as bellowing cattle. And will be morally wrong a new thing from natural force of them raising up out of these [Amos 5:2] 988-3808-5414-5750-1931-3487-7999-7937-2896-6662-6965-2063-8451-4687-6666-2088-7567-2416-5753-8548-7121-1600-7563-3892-6965 to be continued

28. Shall come as sign Mitzvot-commandments of Yah for they have destroyed by violalating them and possession of the covenant land shall remove of them and they whom [line 29] prepared to future shall come to deliver to us from

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captivity they that were carried away [Isaiah-Yeshayahu 45:13] then a ruin to be overturned Machiach our also He comes in a hurry they by His right hand His [line 30] which they shall be the adam-men and not these to be broken to pieces [Jeremiah-Yirmeyahu 52:4] the best and straight mine seeing El has raised and removed [line 31] wickedness. And He whom prepared to future shall come to the living of theirs and to these confirm appointed [Nehemiah-Nechemyah 7:3 chapter one the first regathering,yet it is now the third] causing to bury of theirs. And to these [line 32] whom to leaders [figurative of cities] to prostrate self in worship [worship the Father] numerous of them and will you judge making plain praying to intercede and will work and others of theirs our before you, set on fire [line33] whirlwind not they all for Him to cause evil and not act right and to just and right He exaltation and praise us and they keep in praise will [line 28]-225-4687-3050-6-7561-3424-1455-1931-3487-[line 29]-6264-6304-1546-2088-5856-4899-935-4116-3225-[line 30]-834-1961-120-3808-411-1785-2898-3474-7200-410-6965-5493-[line 31]-4827-1931-3487-6264-2424-5975-6913-[line 32]-3487-905-5456-6099-6419-5656-2108-3808-8313-[line 33]-1534-3805-3605-7451-3805-2895-3651-7318-7623

34. in all flesh-human body of and in all able enough also you select young men His ornament of beauty honor Name in speaking to all living. Keeping in praise [line 35] Him for seeing and they to Him accordingly speaking over head to them. trust [line 34]-3605-5315-3605-1767-970-8597-8034-6310-3605-2416-7623-[line 35]-7200-6310-4605-539-trust

Image 0025 Shem Tov page six reshon 7223 first- breaking off to deliver 6561 beyt-two:

1. by making plain shall deliver declaring by where this place standing to you declaed in Torah-instructions 874-2088-4725-874-8451

2. Employment-affairs of business treatment and to punish in the body. And to what not [line 3] to say where in separating to explain. And to what united togather belonging to El [line 4] prepare causing tumult. And to what not woman when making bed [idom one makes his own bed-for good or bad] [line 5] for foolish are of us understand of us to exalt making high of self of us. And thrust through these [line 6] over it was clearly of them the Torah-instruction and shall raise up these [line7] saying they cause third restoration shall trust in firmness declare you have good these in leanness [line 8] also they in want-lacking like also not you have trust [line 9]by third restoration which they to pulverize of mill stone [line2]-6045-1576-6064-5315-4100-3808-[line3]-559-6567-4100-3162-3815-[line4]-3627-7283-4100-3808-802-3331-[line 5]-8604-995-1297-2944-[line 6]-5921-6703-8451-7012-[line 7]-559-8027-539-2896-1931-7535-[line8]-1931-2641-3808-539-[line 9]-7969-834-1931-7347

Image 0026 break off deliver two continues: line 1.For you to who will trust pay attention things to come causing firm in trust for instructions pulling out rescue that causes the third-restoration [line two] to you making plain it in ruin for the

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increase in standing places to which gather where to you creative ones of these [line 3] slime running of those. Gather what also speaking of it also the righteous of us inspect consider in bewilderment having respect to for cleanse self and they cause impoverishment [line 4] haughty and proud in darkness will rise an opponent of the commandments from the Torah Moshe to be nothing surely they. When not [line 5] shall protect with commandments of the Torah anew thing which not you acquire for all I testify of [line 6] the Torah was asleep speak words of cause rescue deliver you these in flesh leanness all repeating-do again [Yisrael in oppression] His [line 7] they for doing well of them carry away for shall separate dividing. Gathering alike what of desolation caused bind together collect to Mashiyach [line 8] these found to be liars expectation of you to speak plait together coming and not make strange complete undefiled with Him accordingly so [line 9] also of them when shall be you for gazing stock of these among slime of these from these also return answer of them. And testify to be nothing of and knowledge of [line 10] what purpose causing injury standing out like also women they make ones bed theirs by foolish things [Job 6:6] of us for shall rage of them and understand think [line 11] El shall rise of us to cause you to judge and against these cause to grow to an end these and to prison belonging to El they who are by life long of theirs. And to remove cast far off island-Cyprus [line 12] mindful of to cause selected to them and to wail they and just and right and He shall judge for as long as they and the devastation shall put a difference between [line13] as this will be and to gather I for a profane thing to these causing to miss the mark trespass to Yahvah among rest state of the dead to these judgment for against you [line 14] saying His to be wise attributing honor and praise Him also let be joined a gem of El like enough inducing to mislead to Me these are cut off seeing this [line 1] 539-3282-857-539-8452-4871-834-7969-[line2]-874-922-7235-4725-834-717-165-1011-[line 3]-7325-1571-4100-559-6662-8159-6663-7567-[line4]-1341-5645-7009-4687-8452-4872-369-518-518-3808-[line 5]-2387-4687-8451-2319-3808-4672-3605-5749-[line 6]-8451-3463-1697-8668-5315-7535-3605-5749-[line 7]-1992-2896-5090-909-1571-4100-7612-6960-4899-[line 8]-3567-8431-6310-3527-935-3808-1970-8535-225-3644-[line 9]-3588-7210-7325-8421-5749-369-1843-[line10]-4100-5143-3426-802-4702-8602-3238-995-[line11]-511-6419-2583-2588-3815-3487-5750-1972-3794-[line 12]-2139-1262-5091-3651-6419-5703-1454-7612-6395-[line 13]-1454-1571-595-2486-2398-3068-2309-6419-5750-[line 14]-5749-559-2449-8567-3161-3958-410-1767-7952-6990-1454

15. [this] acting high of your's and for certainly you have. Not to unify these protected My people over these for when who is like El Prince of you [line 16] they seeing have respect also clothing parts of them in wilderness tribes-people Daniyel shall be again over they turning aside-gur by a witness [line 17] Yisrael to faces of the large building domed [Midbar-Nu. 25:28] it shall be he to search out requesting will surround to protect-help and those not coming forth emaciate-leanness who is like El [line 18] and shall write these deputy-messengers among these coming to Me penned-sheep fold of sin and like this. And for this purpose [line 19] those saying you shall accordingly the Torah cast away these to a goal declared not you it to give not is ignorant of knowledge of [line 20] from shall be

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progeny the Son to you also. And such things of theirs ban ban your writings and perversions also say hold a controversy-to defend against [their teachings against Torah] [line 21] which I commanded you will have uproar agitate greatly make uproar agitate greatly for merchandise of them and not to here after to make merchandise of them [line 22] also behavior theirs to roar as the sea of them You Mashiyach. And testify saying these to purpose mark to Me name theirs [line 15] 5927-3588-369-258-2387-5971-5921-428-3588-518-4317-8269-[line 16]-7200-3830-905-4057-5971-1841-1961-8145-1481-5707-[line 17]-3478-6440-6898-1961-1245-5826-3808-4672-7535-4317-[line18]-3789-4397-1458-411-225-4356-7451-3541-3541-4100-[line 19]-559-8451-7993-5331-3808-5414-3808-1847-[line 20]-5209-2088-2007-2763-3789-2015-559-7378-3925-[line21]-834-595-4687-1949-1949-6219-3808-4279-6219-[line 22]-2940-3220-4899-5749-559-4100-5348-8034

23. also protect prepare they will malign with their words to cause protection to us. And testify saying they and daughters filled-with child [line 24] not good they speak. Bowing in worship against Me push away that he see Me they cause hand of power to them. And testify when I protect in complete perfect in complete perfect good to be nothing you a pile these wise will be high they are to Me depart [line 26] bereaved of children him good to him not to assault you inspect consider like a pearl you He cause to heal watch anoint of them for put in bond for in pain they these to be acceptable before the King and will correct of the tribes the good of and was food it [food learn] [line 28] this bitterness they a failure because nourished to develop us to them distributing being in pain of in them. And testify of writings-scriptures with strength of El [line 29] And gather I to give shall I to them laws and decrees not good? and judgments not they will live [by these?] 2387-6263-6895-2387-5749-559-1323-4393-[line24]-1077-2896-6310-6915-1760-2098-7200-3027-1992-5749-518-2387-[line25]-3634-3634-2896-369-4071-2449-5942-5493-[line26]-7909-2896-3808-6696-8159-1858-7495-3252-[line27]-631-2342-3787-4294-5971-2896-396-[line28]-4843-1115-2117-1409-2342-1992-5749-3789-2388-410-[line 29]-1511-589-5414-1992-2710-3808-2896-4941-3808-2416 [last two words are from image 0027]

Image 0027 open first: line 1. by these. And testifying of the writings in Yeshayah-Isaiah [52:13] such like My Servant you changed barter to alter on these in splendor you cause struggle together 1992-5749-3789-3470-2004-5650-8551-2437-7533

2. they disintegrate-stupidity as a result of grossness and I to give you Spirit of AL-Most High His from judgments according to customs just and right to a body of persons you causing to parch drying up to Me and having written in the scriptures of truth causing these to parch drying up to Me 6580-5415-7301-5920-8199-1472-6723-3791-571-6723

3. a formal decree just and right according to custom and like this. And by instructions to Mosheh His was a day causing to hope waiting expecting and also sprinkling-former rain [teaching] on having expectations these to Torah [line 2] a

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new thing-chadashah. And writings of scriptures against those of treachery and deceit of them many days by frightening and when Yahvah He to cut this covenant selecting covenant [line 3] Yehudah covenant new thing-chadashah not like covenant with your fathers of these in the day they being strong of courage [line 6] by hand of power theirs when they were in the desert them among the land Egypt-Mitzrayim. And testifying are the writings against these treachery's and deceit for restoring admonishing calling to record 4941-3541-8452-3117-3176-3138-5921-8431-8451-[line4]-2319-3791-7423-2007-3117-366-518-3068-3772-1285-[line 5]-3063-1285-2319-3808-1285-854-1-3117-2388-[line 6]-3027-6723-776-4714-5749-3791-7423-3588-5749

7. redeeming as by next of kin He will the way in covenant and calling out to you the words these He will bend they will turn back sons [line 8] rebellious and like this and shall be when you will [becoming] abundant in number and bearing fruit increasing when shall be you in the land in days the great commotion 1350-1980-7121-854-1697-428-3719-7725-1121-[line 8]-7727-3541-1961-3588-7230-6509-776-3117-1993

9. when surely Yahvah not He will ask testifying restoring strength of covenant of Yahvah and purpose this. And foolish simple ones [seducible] against making afraid-fearful [line 10] they He called His to Yerushalom-[primitive root 3423-land inherited] fulmoon festival of Yahvah and come near to worship Him El of Yah all the nations to name of [line 11] Yahvah and like this and then He says Most High-AL bringing you Yeshu-Deliverance also in bringing Him opening wide these powerful-strong among [line 12] the nations. These to you explaining making plain from these accordingly the Mitzvots-collect of commands justices of the Torah they agree on times appointed-Moadim of these [line 13] not these were exposed to sun-light or elevated high and shall be knowledge of permanently they as a pendant of for the neck heard of EL [name of Samuel] a people becoming His united as an obligation [line 14] they shall be near of kin coming near Him you were against in affliction and now receive instruction-learning of covering the darkness lambs fat-richest and they go up ascend up-burnt offering [line 15] complete as a whole entirely consumed offering to Yahvah. And like this El of Yah on the mountain the Karmel-fruitful field they shall come near approach Him in separation. Exceedingly reverent fear 518-3068-3808-559-5749-766-1285-3068-3541-6612-1204-[line 10]-1931-7121-3389-3677-3068-5066-452-3605-1471-8034-[line 11]-3068-3541-2088-559-5920-935-3468-935-6589-5794-4480-[line 12]-1471-2007-874-2088-4687-8451-1992-2163-[line 13]-3808-6706-1843-7931-1931-7720-8050-5971-1961-3867-[line 14]-7138-7126-1790-3947-8045-2942-2459-5927-5930-[line 15]-3632-3068-3541-452-2022-3760-7126-7126-2351-3374

16. from all this these who Mitzvots not given these by Mosheh they not to be with them a fixed time [line 17] for you shall assault consider and to inspect. And for just and right in coming Yeshu Mashiyach our to faces to us afterward Torah shall be [line 18] good it and it's judgments rights and duties [Exodus 21-22-23, Micah 3:1] which have dried up being against them. And testifying seeing and

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they also shall have knowledge of [line 19] the Torah also you who officiate as a priest-kohn food spoiled to the weak and poor [food=scripture]. They unite to take as a strong hold on they make habitually-committing evil works and this of them [line 20] also causing rest from among bringing forth the Name for now the opening shall be the Torah. And on the right side [line 21] shall look on with disapproval-be jealous causing to make powerful the Torah respect the teaching the Mitzvots-collect of the commands of the coming of these before Him. And Yahvah gathers-assembles strong hold to take [line 22] shall prepare them and accordingly when you do the office of priest-kohn by instructing from Mosheh increase to be in abundance of us committing iniquity Yahvah exposes pour out-remove they nothing they haughty proud ones 3605-2088-4687-3808-5414-4871-3808-225-2163-[line 17]-6696-8159-3651-935-3468-4899-6440-8451-309-[line 18]-2896-4941-6704-1992-5749-7200-1843-[line 19]-8451-3547-897-6041-259-4679-6466-1931-[line 20]-5146-3318-8034-3588-2088-8462-8451-2052-[line 21]-7520-6106-8451-7200-3925-4687-935-1897-4686-[line 22]-3627-834-3547-8452-4872-7235-5753-408-1341-[Much of the last three line 20,21,22, are in the sod and example last word in line 20 once in numbers 21:14 and no record else were exist BDB page 255 right side and only in wars of 3068.

23. the poor and weak of shall come forth lacking among these. When in beginning for you shall rest [line 24] the foundation established of these by Elohim of them He praising and extolling sheep you of Most High the third restoration in raising up sheep of them from oppression [line 25] was hidden time of coming to them to declare explaining making plain by Torah the fresh new way-renewed. And when in second time and in third time restoration [line 26] to know and teach while Mitzvots-collect of commands laws of the Torah in separating word of it well-smooth for third time restoration [triplication] shall apportion assigning divisions from the Mitzvots-collect of command and laws of [line 27] judgeships over districts of theirs and they the Mitzvots-commands laws of shall teach intelligently being circumspect of them also of self be safe in mind estate shalom restored to adam [line 28] being numerous great these and high and abundant these they also shall be above people-tribes scattered shaking out His by ten to declare words [ten words are the ten commandment from Yahvah to Mosheh Exodus 20] [line 29] these invited ones disposed of el that were not el seeing they measured-judged because of Mitzvots-commands and laws of from judgments of the divine law-verdicts of they proclaimed these scattered of the nations known dwellers inhabiting wildernesses El of to watch-measure 6041-4672-2641-1992-518-7221-3588-5146-[line 24]3247-430-7318-2089-5920-8027-7426-2099-343-[line 25]-5956-1992-874-8451-2322-518-8145-7992-[line 26]-3045-3588-4687-8451-2505-7991 also-8027-2505-4687-[line 27]-4082-1992-4687-7919-2004-4919-120-[line 28]-6099-1116-7227-8595-5971-2107-6235-1697-[line 29]-7121-4171-410-5429-4687-4941-7121-1471-3045-6728-410-5429

Image 28 open first: line 1.these of the wilderness lands shall by their effort guiding selves they from the exiles and they will rule as judges for people-tribes. And to regard Mitzvots-collect for commands laws judgments [line 2] serving in the office as bond servants His shall they the Mitzvots cause making glad shall

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be in work of any kind as bond servants these then are complete making perfect in sheep [line3] they are serving of these and they His ornaments His invited ones a bloom glistening as a flower to see understand at the right hand of EL He measures for [line 4] they are saddened by slander dreg in mire seeing-thinking against El of Elohim. And Mitzvots the instruction from Mosheh who brought forth in want of them [line 5] by EL and nation divided of them. When in first place for they not shall cause destruction but like make straight-upright He will [line 6] the heart as the seat of emotion of their limitation in like being straight they will you were caused to make for in saying His not you to delight in beauty or taste after their behavior or desiring wealth of doing or making [line 7] transactions of business from among them they see His when shall come Him you having delight in beauty desiring wealth with kisses has ruled them He to see against yet nothing in what [line 8] regards giving causes admonishment enlighten teaching them to make clean the heart-emotions by measured standers the intelligent's of these like which [come by Torah] 1992-4057-5090-5090-1777-5971-4687-[line 2]-5656-1992-4687-7302-5656-8034-3634-2089-[line 3]-5656-1992-5716-7121-6732-7200-3233-410-5429-3588-[line4]-5620-3956-3121-7200-433-4687-8452-4872-4672-2640-[line 5]-410-1471-2505-518-7223-3588-1931-3808-7088-3474-[this word is abridged from 3474 the yod has dropped replaced with a kaph]-[line 6]-3820-7535-3474-6213-3588-559-3808-2530-2938-6213-[line 7]-4639-8432-7200-1961-2530-5401-7200-369-1992-[line 8]-7760-2094-5921-2889-3820-4060-2815-834

9. come by Torah it's a new thing. And when by a second time like they shall point out in teaching they increase by [line 10] scrutinizing taking knowledge away of it and it's words they shall breakout growing purpose sake causing to ensnare this also of things prepared. And again saying having put to death [line 11] by err He to exile because killed the priest the high and to twice it shall be His turn [line 12] from a portion His and to twice they killed in coming of His day also they exiled. Seeing in understanding how it will become [line 13] the sentence decreed suitable for shall rage violently these. Again saying also when deadly intent He shall redeem the blood [line 14] on these insolent presumptuous ones not they will kill of tribes being of these that murdered in mistaken error. And when in third year [Hoshea 6:2] [line 15] for Him not their punishment sufficient for making atonement complete over death of Yeshu and exhausted [line16] this side their character lacking mouth shall have these-speech impediment from oppression. Again also they will be in servitude [line 17] they were faint with terror it of them accordingly caused to make a burning shall this and suitable of them from kings wise [line 18] so be it true of them shall be in servitude of us with bread-food El raised of us He shall clean morally and whom which El He raises His [line 19] by bringing forth His not they teach words of evil [line 9] 935-8451-2322-518-8145-3588-1931-3384-7245-[line 10]-5234-1931-1697-3318-3369-3627-1571-559-7523-[line 11]-7684-1540-5750-4191-3547-1419-6471-1961-8447-[line 12]-4482-6471-4191-225-3117-1540-7200-349-1961-[line 13]-4941-7737-3238-1571-559-518-2026-1350-1818-[line 14]-2102-3808-4194-5971-1961-2088-7523-7684-518-7992-[line 15]-3588-1992-3808-5607-3722-7999-5750-4194-3442-4198-[line 16]-6654-1992-2641 from 2637-4679-2441-343-1571-

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5659-[line 17]-1992-1961-4199-8313-3787-4429-2449-[line 18]-543-5659-854-3899-410-6965-1961-6942-4310-410-6965-[line 19]-7126-3808-3384-1696-7451

20. To heed-pay attention will unite among these also these learn shall also the third highest [restoration of] to high place now [line 21] with Torah-instructions and gather also accumulate multiplying bringing Mashiyach they [line 22] these not they experiencing and not He exist [line 23] and like which this Torah and with gray hairs being high His. Again what also saying you accordingly not to come forth [line 24] over all He appointed the Torah words makes you free and bountiful you of the body-flesh the ones left from the gleaning [line 20]-6030-3161-3928-7991-7413-2088-[line 21]-8452-1571-3527-935-4899-[line 22]-2088-3808-7202-3808-4672-[line 23]-834-8451-7867-5927-1571-4100-559-3808-4672-[line 24]-3605-3260-8451-1697-7771-5315-1931-3491

25. from our dry place-wilderness with those being fined [Amos2:8] also saying shall utterly be cut off the [Numbers-Bamidbar 15:31] person-nephesh body that what is left in gleaning [line 26] these covenant of cut off seeking to worship Him El has seen these covenant cut off desiring a compact [looked upon with approval] you cutting a covenant against darkness Yah He pays attention when from wilderness our dry place [dry place-lack of desired control of body] [line 27] He will inflict a penalty in the body made to fulfill this enough to understand-separating mentally also when they to advance doing well and not [line 28] they miss the mark-forfeit by sin also shall live person-body theirs against darkness and in like manner this write they become in body expanding becoming great 6723-6064-559-3772-3772-5315-1931-3491-[line 26]-3772-1875-2371-3772-1158-1957-3772-5645-3068-3282-834-6723-[line 27]-6064-5315-4390-3605-995-834-6213-2895-3808-[line 28]-2398-2421-5315-3068-3541-3789-1961-5315-142

Image 0029 open first: line 1. 1st. Samuel 25:29 bound up in the bundle of life with Yahvah El raises of you. And will write record and will cause deliverance of you returning to the El bringing whosoever [line 2] to attribute honor. And when like this shall say to purpose not to remember against Torah like spoken those He to pluck up by roots this great thing [line 3] making circumspect-all of self He testifies to them and will inflict a penality to fine in their hardened impudentance My gray headed ones you in gold you return of it the first [[line 4] knowledge also will inspect and consider shall be charge from Torah to Yisrael to do it to defend the nations-tribes groping of it's spirit of freedom and cause to make circumspect. [line 5] and their not seeing it's richness. Like it will serve of these adam-men. By speaking also not they will slander Him for when in serving shall cause [line 6] the dirt to be swept away and cause to be clear-white. That not will it be lonely from them. And by just and right to manners understand and consider it the wisdom the El causing to rise [line7.] also when they to them said if you indeed practice the commands commanded of Mosheh you make self poor low as cattle. And if you indeed practice [line 8] the crossing over to them you make self poor yet healing-cure of it to them. Not make self poor cause good and not I will restrain actions good or bad of them they sin [line 9] with crossing over willingly now to mouth-speaking also not discerning Him [recognize as different] also even

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I inspect against their word. And in chanting scattered words also these [line 10] they will slander understanding will collect as a community among oppression. Also not shall be in it [Torah] bring to negotiations theirs [to negotiate away the mandates of Yahvah Psalm 73:6-9 and figurative 8359 warp and weave in fabric 7896 Hebrew shiyt consider] [line 11] and by things offered they shall do accordingly also saying leadership not to know of you with Yahvah. And your knowledge just and right it [line 12] conceive with child [figrative] of them to need because of graves-dead bodies they caused El also He made know to them then and like enough also He will cause to know [line 13] to Yisrael. For just and right manners theirs taking crafty counsel with these cunnning wisemen will cause El to declare in rising in blaze-burning will cause to cleanse of them complete to make perfect [line 14] these from among us El He to cause breaking out pushing forth these to be eminent as superintendents declared accordingly speaking they cause meaning of them in living by us and they with meditation prayer 6887-6872-2416-854-3068-410-6965-3789-7307-7725-413-510-834-[line 2]-8567-518-3541-559-4100-3808-2142-8451-6310-2088-6131-1419-[line 3]-7919-5749-6064-5810-7867-2091-7725-259-[line 4]-1843-8159-5414-8451-3478-7378-5971-1659-7307-7919-[line 5]-5743-4220-5647-120-6310-3808-7270-3588-518-5647-[line 6]-2916-3836-3884-3173-1992-3651-7200-2451-510-[line 7]-518-559-1992-518-6213-4687-3423-1600-518-6213-[line 8]-5674-3423-1455-3808-3423-2895-3808-4513-4639-7451-[line 9]-5674-2088-6310-3808-995-8159-1931-1697-6527-1992-[line 10]-7270-995-523-343-3808-1961-7760-3739-7896-[line 11]-4639-3641-559-6546-3808-3045-854-3068-1843-3651-1931-[line 12]-2030-6878-7585-410-3045-8033-1767-3045-[line 13]-3479-3651-6191-2450-410-6965-6702-2135-3634-[line 14]-4480-410-6743-5329-6310-6591-2416-7878

15. And penalty inflicted on those causing tumultuous rage repeatedly also they are slandering Him who are disintegrating results of stupidity against taught one at this time of their teaching them Mosheh [line 16] and these aged ones-gray haired ones cause to know of them the truth to them. They not shall see-understand what-purpose also saying He will open wide and not [line 17] to be sorry El to bring a course of life to the land of Philistine-[wallowing in dust they were of them] and like this. Drawing off of these to know the El set in order of them like you also not [line 18] they will slander Him for when shall come to work serving of them and are humble and not they will slander Him in engagement fighting a war on ever side of them [line 19] against them a pestilence as an afair of travail to purpose also by making the few ineffective causing to make the few ineffective these will walk about slandering Him against engagement fighting a war and now also saying they shall write a record [line 20] then were caused with You bear up walking in the way with them declaring answering that how not they able to distinguish knowledge your fathers caused by reason of their [line 21] afflictions shall you and like this. In a channnel flowing as water to us also having surrounded you were caused to be desolate in among arranged word and have double eyes seeing and with drawing speech them [line 22] shall be to strike slaying these of them and by them cause to slander these by wearing effort grievious effort and they bellow as cattle also they surround removing of them He has caused to bring in of them [line 23] the powerful one in coming behind of

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them. And now to desolate by cause turn you on one coming behind of them you now not [line 24] to kill those among for the years of sinking in mire by course of life a sign and separating arrogant-proud turning. They unite as one which are nothing [line 25] from course of life the wisdom of good the El raised of you to give of them the words among sinking in mire them now when by distress you [line 26] fear. These coming that not to desist from laboring sinking in mire [metaphore for distress] He will interpret meanings to declare that laws and decrees enacted they to practise doing habitually. These haugthy proud also not to desist from labor shall treat persons well of good or bad and shall urge by inflicting penalty to fine and this He also saying and El has seen the whole of by hands of heavens [line 28] separate from teachers you heavens. By speech also to be in existence word of admonition instructing they will neting [fish to way of] Son to adam-man 6064-7283-5750-7270-6580-8527-227-3925-4872-[line 16]-2208-3045-571-3808-7200-4100-559-6589-3808-[line17]-5162-410-6965-1870-776-6430-3541-6310-3045-413-7947-3588-3808-[line 18]-7270-5588-518-1961-5647-3665-3808-7270-4421-5437-[line 19]-1698-6045-4591-4591-7270-4421-2088-559-3789-[line 20]-3212-4480-1696-834-3808-3045-3808-3045-1-4480-[line 21]-6039-3541-2975-5437-6272-1696-5879-7873-6433-[line 22]-1961-5221-7270-5999-1600-1992-5437-935-[line 23]-1368-310-2088-7725-310-3588-3808-[line 24]-7523-413-8141-2883-1870-5251-6381-1341-5437-259-369-[line 25]-1870-2451-410-6965-5414-1697-2883-3588-518-6696-[line 26]-8175-935-3808-988-2883-6590-834-2710-6466-[line 27]-1341-3808-988-1580-6064-2088-559-2371-3605-3027-8064-[line 28]-2351-3384-8064-6310-1931-1697-4561-7568-1121-120

29. And excellent things come becoming living place He will cause a turn of affairs which you to come forth by Torah shelter you [from 2620 flee for protection figurative confide in] to place regarded finish something prepared [from 3615 to end cease] [line 30] they tumultuous rage nations-tribes being declared of them to with hold-keep back in enactment of times [moadim] and commandments[ten words] His whom are to become of them causing firm in trust faithful supporters then [line 31] astonishment wonderful thing as of rushing horrible violently raining to nothing their arranged words and who also they say to Him they turn about-change not

Image 0030 open first: line 1. these will form as adversaries into enflaming selves finish. And their cunning maliciousness will cause foolishness into the simple one-seducible those affected with passion repeatedly also they will slander Him-[Yahsu] shall by customs taught [line 2] causing so a second time they again rave through insanity the certain truth of theirs clinging together the desire for with [line 3] the whom are His mlak-messengers of El His hindering of scattering from them will deliver and therefore declaring they faint with fear [line 4] glorious splender of Him such an arrayexplaining making plain by breaking off He will take hold of standing fast to these and such as these [line 5] for the way or course of life they blanch white with shame they withdraw into private place for adam-man here they act high superior of station-position will cause to revive Him such as also saying [line 6] they will write record to love You Yahvah El bring you to hear

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intelligently to obedience by His voice and to make thin-lean on them for [line 7] His reviving of you and shall be lamp you they who such as you also He making clean El of Yah Him and Mosheh he and second in order of rank 6696-1119-2552-3636-2803-5528-6612-3648-5750-7270-3928-[line2] 8145-5749-7696-571-1931-1692-5315-413-[line 3]-3487-4397-309-6504-1350-2005-4199-[line 4]-3519-3644-7896-874-6561-5564-2088-2007-[line 5]-1870-2357-7873-120-2063-4609-2425-3644-559-[line 6]-3789-160-854-3068-410-6965-[composes]-510-8085-6963-1851-3588-[line 7]-1931-2425-5369-4310-3644-2135-410 and 3050 composes 452-4872-4932

8. And to El of Yah His. And treating lightly you of them when it shall be out of the prophets and like this complete-finish of the people-nations for them cause to stand-confirm Mount Sinai [line 9] and this very this of the weak in mind and the wise in mind for depth of intelligent understanding of His in answer shall confirm-absolute and everlasting it-Torah you to perceive in living you [line 10] and surely shall declare Torah good it-Torah to come and declare they will declare the Torah strong vehemently of Yah's Instruction. These guide as a bud grafting growing [line 11] and will bubble up their coming forth His for He made ready for pillars before Yah shall a [line 12] third which have remained-surviving portion in body regarding righteous and clean their word among the mire they have [line 13] such as who He has a force in a good sense and He will weight mentally and will speak for having seen-beholding with having clarify-make clean pure of selves [line 14] such as are also able to make plain in explaining breaking off-delivering knowledge and deliver breaking off of Yahvah by surround protect aid you 3050-2107-5030-3541-3635-5971-5975-2022-5514-[line 9-1976-7503-2449-6007-2449-561-5769-7200-2425-[line 10]-389-8451-2896-1931-1961-3068-5749-8451-5794-4731-[line 11]-2563-935-3559-3068-5646-[line 12]-7992-7611-5315-6662-1931-1697-2883-[line 13]-3644-3581-6424-6310-7212-1305-[line 14]-3644-874-6561-1843-6561-3068-5826

15. Yahvah. Building and training in truth these He will appoint of them the highest places they of theirs on account of to Me like course of life-actions the settled imprints entanglements and difficulties when comes of us shall be [line 16] were caused things of course of life ruling mental actions also He brings opening wide to you He will strive of them the heavens and will limit doing [line 17] to them in softness of a set period nothing unless able covered well able will bring you were caused tenth accumulate making rich to house [line 18] the store house and tried of they are now cleave shall you when not He open wide to you with [line 19] causing strive to you the heavens and it a worthless thing of these it act high you in softness set period without unless able [line 20] nothing said in the mire of. And right and just will be they of the exiles from the land by crossing over [from] iniquity [line 21] will release debt [shemittah] His word sign of they compress [1464 attach] over when shall come the Torah from out of the heavens 3068-539-3260-1610-7945-1870-2883-3588-5414-[line 16]-834-1870-4910-935-6605-7378-8064-7535-[line17]-1992-7397-5708-1092-1767-3780-935-6237-413-1004-[line 18]-214-976-4994-958-518-3808-6605-3644-854-[line 19]-7378-8064-

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7385-5941-7397-5708-1097-1767-[line 20]-369-1697-2883-3651-1961-1473-776-5668-5771-[line 21]-8059-1931-1997-5251-1517-5920-1961-8451-4480-8064

22. destruction because of corruption a compact-to be enough punishment and they boil up thorn as spring up all compact to be enough punishment and cause to bring out and will bring out from weighted out-allotment prepared to set right those against plastering over [line 23] and to inflict a penalty-condemn on them causing tumultuous rage-insurrection and not which I declare and testify of you to put to death of them. And they know [line 24] that just and right I also [on] mount of [Sinai] I rendered clear from it before deeds of transgression they considered who presumptuous to hid secret thing to slaughter [line 25] Yitzchaq son He beloved life not to be replaced his that was as Lod-[a nation] to them for certain to continue ancient ones of them and not held in derision for are not [line 26] shall assemble selves now for gathering-expectancy longed for shall influence together also they multipling among from out of us [line 27] and they great copiousness glory this and they become son them and third generation change. You to know also mount of [Sinai] [line 28] shall know before this second time of them continuing like was said to them they I shield to you by stimulating influence shall 1097-5606-5518-3605-5606-5312-5312-4487-3651-2915-[line 23]-6064-7283-3808-559-5707-413-4191-1843-[line 24]-3651-1931-2022-1262-5652-7896-2086-7328-7819-[line 25]-3327-1121-3173-3850-6256-2205-369-5606-3588-3808-[line 26]-1961-5789-2088-8615-7937-1612-7233-854-4480-[line 27]-1419-3519-1931-1961-1121-554-8029-8138-3045-2022-[line 28]-6925-2088-8145-7235-559-413-595-4042-3738

Image 0031 open first:1. make many from fog [covering for hiding] He doing well to them what shall give to Me I am going childless and when You request to Me [line 2] lo an answer to Him reward You having made many from fog they shall be son of El of Most High His wages in flesh breathing bodies. And also [line 3] shall as our image now they treat well flesh breathing bodies of [man] not they shall cause to lead astray them to you turning back [to Father's instruction Torah] declared. He will turn back you [line 4] for with meanings explained to them by Name of Honor to give You for His wages-reward [stimulating influence of] great in owlam [refers to El everlasting] the breathing bodies. He turning back you [line 5] for these He has seen they whom will afterward seeing which they like this on the other side with kedorlaomer-[H#3540 Persia king B'resheeth-Genesis 14:1,4,5,9,17-meaning following] like a pearl stone against a heap of sheaves chastised ones weighed gathered [line 6] and the kings which were with him covered with flesh after the things these shall come answer of Yahvah [line 7] and like this. And now on this side commanding Him El you teacher-instructors of abraham-Father of the multitude exceedingly fearful also shall be to these standing in awe fearing and they will conduct affairs of business of life-troubles 7235-108-2896-4100-5414-595-3212-6185-518-7592-[line 2]-2009-561-7938-7235-108-1121-410-5920-7938-5315-518-[line 3]-1961-1897-227-1577-5315-3808-1961-2937-7725-7725-[line 4]-3588-6592-8034-5414-7937-1419-5769-5397-7725-[line 5]-3588-2063-4758-3487-310-834-3514-854-3540-[composted

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of 1548-6016 and prep. lamet]-[line 6]-4429-834-854-3780-310-1697-428-1961-1697-3068-[line 7]-354-2007-561-410-3372-85-3374-1961-6342-6045-6040

8. for they shall from among stand in awe fearing in awesome respect given to His these Kings for double again words-commanded they unite as one also by the side [lesser sheep] [line 9]-and He shall and these again second time squeezing into shape-moulding to purpose good you for these of the dry land wilderness will apportion He for fighting a battle for kings great become His [line 10] and for you will district an inheritance these of eminence as superintendent them. And because of standing out announce as governor the first in order saying to them the El I Am shield [line 11]-for you and like commander-opposite the second double hired reward you will make many from fog-oppression all their bitterness to bleach whitened shall be to plumpness-lambs [line 12] and they shall push forward becoming profitable by accumulating treasures-spirit of His and when from you how interpretation of solutions gift saying of Most High reward spirit mine surely [line 13] what shall be to them for standing in awe fearing Him and to command also saying to them having made many from fog-oppression also they shall fear [line 14] Most High many and they will He push forward becoming profitable ones by accumulating treasures-spirit to heed-pay attention also shall quietly set upright causing to make powerful or numerous you for cutting to pieces oppression and deceit-fraud treading down subjugating 3588-1931-1961-6342-413-4429-8145-1967-259-3197-[line 9]-8145-3335-6723-4482-4421-3588-4429-1419-1961-[line 10]-2256-5329-5057-7223-559-410-595-4042-[line11]-5057-8145-7936-7235-108-3605-4751-7893-3733-[line12]-6743-5233-518-335-6592-7862-559-5920-7936-7307-3588-[line 13]-4100-1961-6342-6310-559-7235-108-7297-[line 14]-5920-7227-6743-5233-6030-7987-6105-8496-3533

15. with employment of affairs of life-troubles and like this initiating practices of theirs who request-ask will aid and protect of them also shall in doing quietly you causing to make numerous them by cutting to pieces oppression deceit, fraud treading down subjugating [line 16] as the fire was of Daniel-judge of El for husband man are lions not to become to be done of them-absolute what for expectations hoped for longed for you also a purchase prepared [line 17] a corpse as closed to sense to Me I not against like to pulverize in like a mill stone you standing out to you for I cause the commandments-laws these will cause to set up you for shall treat a person well spirit in them [line 18] which all He causes a home satisfaction and they have pots for cooking the showers [rain] of these will count of these was as nothing standing out conspicuous this [line 19] and startled sudden fear these rushing away discovered uncovered spirit of them which all they were palms of bloodshed the insignificant ones the showers of to them [line 20] for empty and to mark them will count these for as the same. And just and right they know Yeshu accordingly to mark to remember coming Him cause to illuminate-to shine as ornaments His [line 21] among Mine dirt and mire to be swept away breaking off before also asking counsel to Yeshu a rich noble man one coming of these speaking he to to sell by implied to own 6045-6040 2596-7592-5826-7987-6105-8496-3533-[line 16]-784-1840-1461-738-3808-1961-

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6213-4100-8615-3739-[line 17]-1480-3808-5921-7347-3426-1881-3559-1580-7307-[line 18]-834-3605-5116-6745-1653-2803-369-5046-[line 19]-6342-7323-6168-7307-834-3605-6450-6819-1653-[line 20]- 1892-8427-2803-1992-3651-3045-3442-2142-935-5050-3914-[line 21]-2916-6561-7592-3442-6223-935-2088-1697-7069

22. causing to revive [the word darkness has a Hey between the ayin and the bet normally would mean Yahvah, here the action of a rich noble man are being revealed? will translate the Hey as seeing the two times it appears] the darkness seeing and he brings to them Yeshu because will fasten up of them accumulating-taking tithe yours has words he procured will sell implied he owns [line 23] the adam-man revived-lives the darkness seeing overturning firm in faithfulness shall be yours [Hebrew by faithful ones will over turn darkness] [line 24] assemble what also ask counsel shall the grieve to refine stand out like change also the day be alert I Am I in you putting a difference making a distingtion of us [line 25] in ones His progeny to have intelligence in understanding in ones visions to do themselves he evil deepen or hollow caused turn of affairs of them [line 26] they go ones way also shall sleep also their days to be able and all ways his in Malachi they were as nothing these just and right even except nevertheless [line 27] they who guard of them in labour work of them from negoiating away laws of Yahvah thus also they shall explain making plain [[line 28] by acting as a gate keeper vision of to deliver graciously and this foolishness in word great it to leap forth like fire mighty over you he will give 2425-5645-7725-3442-5401-6237-1967-7069-[line 23]-120-2425-5645-2015-530-[line 24]-1571-4100-7592-3013-2212-3426-8138-3117-553-6395-[line 25]-5209-995-7210-2007-1931-7451-3849-5438-[line 26]-258-5123-3117-3201-4401-369-3651-7535-[line 27]-1992-3774-6469-7896-3944-874-[line 28[-8176-1957-6561-2896-5531-1697-1419-2131-1419-4605-5414

29. repeat again before faces my coming and to work servants regarding He will judge mentally to them for speaking also they will do a handful shall you [line 30] desiring searching out in worship these perceiving understanding also they will do it as were it nothing also wait be patient to also accomplish 8145-6440-935-5647-6420-1992-6310-3299-8168-[line 30]-176-1245-995-3299-1992-369-3176-413-6213

Image 0032 open first: line 1. The third day you- [restoration Hoshea 5:1-5] also to advise selves considering also He to whom were nothing they-we shall hear in obedience of Son His according [line 2] to Him Elyown-Most High of them [Psalm 82:6] from out of Him they will among all accomplish in the land [line 3] honorable Him and rising up spreading to join causing to bring with you [line 4] oppressed humble and humiliated of spirit making afraid you. And all among them by the words being brought for leading astray of them [line 5] in speaking of these [words] of theirs causing to widen-distant them from the appointed way and to their boiling up of thorns in grinder as grain of them from among His [line 6] and to place them for messengers-malak. And for just and right to manners said they El has seen all they are also cursed the name destructive [line 7] and speaking

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afterwards to afflict out of the age-eternally also saying a failure continually before YHVH-3068 for liars these and saying 7992-7200-413-3487-369-8085-1121-3644-[line 2]-1992-5945-4480-413-4390-3605-776-[line 3]-3519-4608-4298-680-7760-854-[line 4]-1792-8213-7306-3372-3605-413-1976-935-2937-[line5]-1976-428-7368-7896-5518-2911-4480-[line6]-7760-4397-3651-559-2371-3605-1992-8381-8034-8060-[line 7-1697-310-5916-4480-5769-559-1115-3068-907-559

8. a like-united they cause Altar of and to do by fire incense burning to fragrance and they cause depressed in spirit shall be repeatedly wasting of them thrust away these causing quivering glow of air parched ground [line 9] sons of very truthfulness of you from great commotion of heavens trust them and servants and from fragrance by fire incense of. [line 10] And also from depressed in spirit and among shall judge in judgment of them to Him and shall call-invited ones to Him also He shall inspect consider having respect will be of them [line 11] from distressing troubles-figurative of female rival-these. And what also saying these become thin of El giving him a bribe the goat of departure a mandate [he] understood [the goat is satan-these are arrogant rebellious ones-demons] [line 12] to be My opponent he the evil wicked one also he cause desolation and will put out eyes his them from treading about the good way [line 13] thus also to you declare make plain open acting as gate keeper again deliver know in protection you and like this. Gather what also saying you and yet were nothing man of respect who shall be strong of courage of My people He will say in humble ones Our 259-4196-6999-8459-5750-7582-1740-8273-[line 9]-1121-573-571-1995-8064-3689-1992-5647-6999-[line 10]-8459-6419-1992-7121-1992-8159-[line 11]-6869-4100-559-7329-410-8566-7809-5799-2940-[line 12]-6862-7451-1931-8037-5789-5869-1869-2896-[line 13]-3644-874-8176-8145-6561-3045-5826-3541-[line14]-1571-4100-559-369-376-2382-5971-1931-559-6041

15. slanderers of you shall see I have with YHVH-3068 He shall return Most High for carrying away and all to mass an army of persons [line 16] in the heavens and like this. And He directs to prepare in these His to have dominion-[rule as prince-8269] which see out of this side that side Daniyel-judge of El [line 17] great-rejoice to all apportioned by lots shall be by tribes from tremulous-fearfulness His sars-princes He to elevate in station covered with flesh [line 18] which apportioned YHVH-3068 El bringing you with them to all the peoples-tribes. And to stand out to all from tremulous-fearfulness [line 19] daughters of hatefulness exceedingly [tribes] also hardness caused and disgraceful confusion ignominy. Hope and expectation of these companions. They have caused oppression. They to drive on-following continually [line 20] from good His and now are nothing after hard in boldness they cause My people by all the stars-sense as a blazing prince-[leader stars demons] [line 21] and their object of hope theirs they shall know-knowledge of Yisrael by causing to revive-live of them for their destruction and pining consumption failing except had not were that 1848-7200-845-3068-7725-5920-5375-3605-6633-[line 16]-8064-3541-3559-428-8323-834-7200-2088-1840-[line 17]-7797-3605-2505-4294-2150-8269-4609-3780-[line 18]-834-2505-3068-410-6965-225-3605-5971-3426-3605-2150-[line 19]-1323-8135-6400-7036-

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4007-7453-6125-2956-[line 20]-2896-2088-369-310-2389-5971-3588-3605-3556-[line 21]-4007-3045-3478-2425-1992-3631-3884

22. The One Keeper of them firm in force for good Elyon-Spreme Most High in this to enlarge-increasing they He regards. And form glorious in honor to them the Malak-Messenger [line 23] to Daniyel also Yisrael was it not these causing to put away in rebellion of them by things set in order also they the branch-twig to be circumspect-make to understand [line 24] He shall set in order all things being of when shall come from living-revive before face your wondered away loosing selves them Yisrael implied they live and was their pining failing seeking increase. The mixing-negoiated away the laws of Yahh [line 25] not shall remain this to pacify for use or to speak of also their flattering by tongue or portion separating YHVH-3068 cause to bequeath-mode of descent His and were nothing of them from departing-rebeling [line 26] for causing to be loose morally-worthless and vile growing fat covered with flesh and with you received instruction of YHVH-3068. And just right to manners shall come forth one sixth of them like what [line27] shall be of truths firmness in faithfulness able to be trusted [571-emet is the construct-of 539 amen able to build up supporting in words of truth] greatness of these and strong mighty in abundance of these from Yisrael bride and flowing abundantly people-tribes-nations also not [line 28] to light upon to them from the evils and the ruins of theirs they shall destroy bringing to nothing of these when calling by name Him to Yisrael 7763-3581-5945-7685-7896-1935-4397-[line 23]-1840-3478-369-5493-6186-6074-7919-[line 24]-6186-1961-2425-6-3478-2331-3631-7896-[line 25]-3808-3240-3034-6310-1992-2505-3068-5157-369-5493-[line 26]-2151-3780-854-3948-3068-3651-4672-8337-4100-[line 27]-571-1420-6099-3478-3618-4530-5971-3808-[line 28]-7136-1992-7451-1530-8045-834-7121-3478

29. one out of concerning El His name Yisrael [Yeshayahu-Isaiah 49:1-5] not cease or vigor it cease. Accordingly also saying [line 30] He accordingly for like which the heavens renewing and the land the new [Yeshayahu-Isaiah 65:17] 259-4480-413-410-8034-3478-3808-3615-3893-3615-3644-559-[line 30]-8421-3588-834-8064-2320-776-2322

Image 0033 open first: line 1. which I to make these pillars standing before faces of oracles of YHVH-3068 and like this. And written record like such said YHVH-3068 making assignment [line 2] serving activities in day to make luminous day He shall appoint bounds of these [by] month-moon and such as this putting out of them to light in all senses night and such as this. When He by contact and will appoint bounds of. [line 3] And such as this gather seed of Yisrael dwelling remaining and they shall . And such like this. And written record for they to make complete at end in all the nations [line 4] which they have pushed down-outcast you and such as this. And written record and person worthy gather these remove bandage-cure His ones you shall in land hating an adversary to them and such as this [line 5] and what to purpose also which the malak-messenger take away and to agree with perception discretion in judgment they for shall send away of them shall be these to My face circumspect [line 6] from making regards to

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negotiate away mandates of Yah overturned ruin by them serving in Temple they will do making of favor His like Mosheh YHVH-3068 El bringing the heavens [line 7] And El remaining of the land He send away for be full now and like as this. And written record of them I will send out malak-messenger to faces of you 834-589-6213-5975-6440-5002-3068-3541-3789-3541-559-3068-5414-[line2]-8120-215-3117-2706-3391-3541-3518-216-3915-3541-518-4185-2706-[line3]-3541-5171-2233-3478-3427-3541-3789-3588-6213-3615-3605-1471-[line4]-834-1760-3541-3789-639-5171-2063-1455-776-341-3541-[line 5]-4100-834-4397-1898-413-225-2940-7971-411-6310-7919-[line 6]-6213-7896-5856-8334-5975-7522-4871-3068-410-6965-8064-[line 7]-410-6965-776-7971-4390-3541-3789-2007-595-7971-4397-6440

8. and like this for malak-messengers His give charge to you and like as this El bringing on the way Malak of Yah-Messenger of Yah deliver up-to surrender accordingly gather they shall to Me [line 9] not to be impure they will do in bringing will make habitual as a practice-commiting to without failure which of these beaten down of His on them what purpose to El 3487-like Mosheh they guard [line 10] from faces theirs and name Us in calling aloud all they rebellious also were as nothing in hand and to cause to cease the affliction and to these having crossed over from just authority [line 11] when not of these beaten down over these firm in trust and faithfulness of them Son of Adam kind Adam-Man of El merciful in Kadosh-set-apartness-clean consider judgment to intercede in voluptuous-given to pleasures without restrain was as nothing [line12] for now leanness of good things according to Mosheh and he shall judge in as far as long time and degree against and such as this. And able to bear shall you distinguish to faces also this [line13] from giving to him instruction-Torah good way by trusting in firmness they accordingly also they will hear in obedience to kindness as men of El out of morally loose to be worthless you shall and were nothing from rising up [line 14] to lead astray of them in how so to Eloahh of them accordingly also to malak-messengers. And to just right manners not like coming forth also searched out seeking to worship from charge consider 3541-3588-4397-6680-3541-410-6965-7971-4397-3050-5462-6310-717-[line 9]-3808-2933-3299-7760-6466-1115-834-7567-4100-410-3487-4871-8104-[line 10]-6440-8034-6963-3605-4784-369-3027-4229-6039-5674-6566-[line 11]- 518-3808-7567-5921-2088-539-1121-120-2623-7896-6420-5719-369-[line12]-2088-7535-2896-4872-6420-5704-5375-6395-6310-2088-[line 13]-935-8451-2896-539-1931-8085-2623-2151-369-6965-[line 14]-2937-1992-433-3644-4397-3651-3808-4672-1245-7760

15. kill appoint-consider judge in voluptuous-pleasure without restrain and He appoint sentence' shall inquire requesting counsel which it to rise up to also the opposite not from desert our also weak lest causing the people His also they judge for again him. And what also saying shall mark so as to remember to Abraham he shall distinguish [literally] put a difference in to El whom [line 17] also they mindful to remember as male marking as a record making clean of him to Yisrael also he seed his not also he shall consider judgment in repeatedly of them averting or causing [right] it come or go again and [line18] to lead astray of them by these the tumult afterwards kill them and written record cause to follow

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to the killing of them also they [line19] cause complete shall servants of Mine security in a force and then you shall see after this now in teaching our Torah of Ours it set apartness-qadash special in using it [line 20] Most High now with YHVH-3068 El bring you with reverent fear and with Him you servants also to taste perception in mandates understanding Him not to lie brag of these and not [line 21] to afterwards. And gather what also they inquire requesting of you from Progeny Son to Me also the Torah goal to splendor confidence and perpetual and not 4191-7896-6420-5719-6310-7592-5927-4136-3808-6723-2470-[line 16]-6435-6420-5750-4100-559-2142-85-1992-6395-410-3487-[line 17]-2145-2135-3478-1992-2732-3808-6420-5750-6435-935-[line 18]-2937-1992-1995-310-4191-3789-1875-413-4191-1992-[line 19]-3634-5650-5797-854-7200-3642-2088-3384-8451-6942-[line 20]-5920-2088-854-3068-410-6965-8493-225-5650-2940-3808-907-3808-[line 21]-310-1571-4100-7592-5209-8451-5331-3808

22. [not] you also present as inducement to bargain with to stand it shall to Me by this haughtiness you would have turn back of it [line 23] unite from the way the discretion of wisdom and it now. Know of shall be safe in body and spirit in making peace of it the completion ending in perfection [24] and He will to whom where His interpreting-explaining also to bring out from among them for when speaking words of peace [25] and will speak words the peace certain to render good their good truly the Torah instruction which bring out these among will cause whomever they to make peace they [line 26] and good it. Surely departing will cause licentious-live without judgment again I to give you shall to them laws decreed not good where when? causing meanings to give [line 27] also shall say rising up high and when these like cattle receive taking and they will by you protect the name separating distinctly will do and like this a written record [line 28] seeing-understand to give I have to faces you the day with cause to live-revive them the good and like this Torot-instruction from Torah of Mosheh of YHVH-3068 measured waters 854-3426-2088-1341-7725-[line23]-259-1870-7922-1931-2088-3045-7999-7999-8503-[line 24]-1931-413-3487-335-6590-3318-4480-3588-518-1697-7999-[line 25]-1697-7999-1931-2896-389-8451-3318-4480-3487-1931-7999-[line 26]-2896-389-6589-1571-589-5414-1992-2710-3808-2896-335-6591-[line 27]-559-5944-1600-4727-5826-8034-6567-3541-3789-[line 28]-7200-5414-6440-3117-854-2425-854-2896-3541-8452-3068-5424-4325

29. from gray hair-aged one you of flesh and like this judges of YHVH-3068 truth to be right-righteous one-united of these and write a record and who foreign nation great [line 30] which one to Me enacted laws and decrees and caused judges of just laws in righteousness like all the Torah this and such as this to walk you in all [line31] ways His and to cling in pursuit of to them. And like this for good to you and when He cause good and making peace giving to you [line 32] to live causing to revive and from gray hair you in the flesh and from their wisdom you silly seducible open wide and bitterness your eyes-seeing and like this. Out of this Yah has judged 7867-5314-3541-8199-3068-571-6663-3161-3789-4310-1471-1419-[line 30]-834-2710-8199-6662-3505-8451-2088-3541-3212-3505-[line 31]-1870-1692-3541-2896-518-1931-2896-7999-5414-2425-7867-5314-2445-6617-3992-5869-3541-8203

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Image 0034 open first: line 1. sustain and keep the righteous ones these restore in returning for Yah has made them to be restrained against giving to change-alter and they shall do always-perpetually [line 2] for as they are given to change and these shall do always-perpetually these not shall be to Me to cause turning or causing us failure of carrying away into captivity. And testifying [line 3] also how just right to manner shall be habitually practiced these basic foundation of moral and social laws are used and lacking is a law for a profane thing as such things of them in acts of deeds and doing punishment [line 4] their sinking in mire [metaphor for difficulties and entanglements]not to come forth with their superiority to lacking they are further more in like in wages-work shall master [line 5] their sinking in mire and cause to drive away them they yet shall see this. And to you returning I am among these shall assemble selves by troops when standing out to Me [line 6] from hearing of them ones coming behind and in fear taken away these will assemble selves declare making plain these to seek asking Him and what [line 7] also saying you brighten making glad in Him thing lacking from against the making systematic-habitually are nothing of our just and right to manner causing failure theirs 3557-6662-7725-6222-4513-8138-8545-[line 2]-3544-8138-8548-3808-1961-5438-2637-7617-5749-[line 3]-518-3651-1961-6466-8356-2642-2486-2007-6468-[line 4]-2883-3808-4672-1992-4195-2642-637-3588-6468-113-[line 5]-2883-5090-7200-413-7725-1413-3588-3426-1992-[line 6]-8085-312-8175-1413-874-1156-4100-[line 7]- 559-7797-2642-6654-6466-369-3651-1077-1931

[line 8] Will make peace in them to complete and perfect the making of peace-shalim of these by His Torah-instructions and will testify the witnesses shall declare [line 9] in truth of this to seeing to see-to think on. Measure as a standard by grasping Most High take hold on YHVH-3068 and He labors to bring forth His [Most High is Yeshu, Father is YHVH the Son would be also YHVH the Son is El Most High of the Elohim and is YHVH being the Son of and the goal for all to become like the Son an El of the Elohim Psalm 82:6] [line 10] and He knows His and He puts forth a riddle He again also completes making perfect the people-tribes Most High accordingly to love an imposing form they and saying they now [line11] el of and we cause Him El rise up of the Father and such as this. And saying His will among stand He to select at this time [line 12] to know by seeing us for He speaks El rising bringing the adam-man. And write the record He hedge about-guarding diligently [line 13] to them spreading extensive of them to you for not beholding them all portioned in likeness to arrive behold to knowledge unaware [line 14] and like this and write recording and at this time Yisrael purpose YHVH-3068 El raises you up also they el from people tribes your for when 7999-2088-8503-7999-3588-1931-8451-5749-5707-[line 9]-571-7200-5869-4060-676-5920-4672-3068-1518-[line10]-3045-2330-5650-3634-5971-5920-7355-1935-559-2088-[line 11]-410-580-410-6965-1-559-5975-977-6258-[line 12]-3045-3588-1697-410-6965-854-120-3789-8104-3966-[line 13]-6581-3588-3808-7212-3605-8544-857-7212-1847-[line 14]-3541-3789-6258-3478-4100-3068-410-6965-410-5971-3588-518

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15. to Me seeing and such as this. To guard you commands-mitzvots-4687 of YHVH-3068 and regarding statues chuq-2708 His [1st kings 2:3 mitzvot plural of contents of covenants] which who Iam [line 16]-from commands to you the day for good to you. and written as record of Yeshu seperating and explaining as appointed commands the great and mighty Him [line 17] also in Torah Him and loves like friend you with YHVH-3068 El raises you and like this. and He a second time you and loves like friend you [line 18] to rule associate as friend and Most High banqueting of mitzvots us all the el of Elohim you have attachment-ornament all the Torah and the prophets [line19] gather to purpose also saying also not you gather together in success good and high the heart and to measure of them [line 20] the contrive malicious sense of them leading astray of you and from want of memory to be oblivious not you hatful surely of you double hearted unaware you [line 21] and have affection you for YHVH-3068 El raising you and have affection you to dry up expire like become thin and doing exceedingly hateful things and will love them 7200-3541-8104-854-4687-3068-854-2708-834-589-[line 16]-6680-3117-2896-3789-3468-6567-6680-4687-1419-[line 17]-8451-1931-157-854-3068-410-6965-3541-8145-157-[line 18]-7462-5920-8354-4687-3605-433-3880-3605-8451-5030-[line 19]-1571-4100-559-3808-7088-3788-3820-4060-[line 20]-2851-2937-7911-3808-8130-389-3824-[line 21]-157-854-3068-410-6965-157-1846-4134-8135-160

22. not they enlarge self by eagerness and become despised in making perfect He all He measures of them they will contrive in malicious sense of them and you be taher-be pure make self clean [line 23] the heart and all the Torah keep be able fulfill measured of it good to you and the malicious sense of them out of them [line 24] from the scroll-book declaring Torah grow fat the way traveled His way-road our people-tribes and like this. And write record will cut short YHVH-3068 El raising you [line 25] with love transports you and Most High He write record and to make of you with all mitzvots-contents of covenants His which in an effort for successMine coming forth to be enough they are [line 26] shall cause Me to see also doing mitzvot with clean ceremonial-tahor you the heart [clean physical and emotional] [line 27] and purpose also saying you also to scrutinize acknowledge of you singing make know among these straw as dry they also things prepared not [line 28] knowing her to them not to be dense tough hard by you His Torah to those like returning not to depress abase to them 3808-7679-2363-959-3634-3605-4060-2803-2891-[line 23]-3820-3605-8451-3557-4395-4060-2896-2803-4480-[line 24]-5608-3780-1870-1870-5971-3789-4135-3068-410-6965-[line 25]-854-3823-5920-3789-6213-854-3605-4687-834-202-4672-[line 26]-1961-7200-4687-2889-3820-[line 27]-4100-559-5234-7892-3318-7197-3627-3808-[line 28]-3045-1992-3808-7185-8451-8421-3808-8459

29. all blow away these and when from weight out them cause for Torah shut-mind not accepting not at all alter for has prepared proper you [line 30] the Torah to them far long ago to come-proving our ways fail us among them and by giving under exceedingly hateful by maltreatment doing violence of us and by rage oppressing violence Yah caused again everlasting [fathers turned Hoshea 12:15] [line 31] And caused judgment exiled they dashed in pieces killing over mistakes

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inadvertently transgressions not to know of these to purpose hang up they that are exiled carried away he for killing 3605-5395-518-4487-8451-1479-3808-3605-8138-3588-3559-[line 30]-8451-7350-1992-5414-8135-3238-3238-5750-5769-[line 31]-8199-1555-7523-7684-3808-3045-4100-8518-1546-4191

Image 0035 open first: line 1. priest high not to ensnare will walk to away and he to taste by behavior to perception theirs high places and he to shudder with terror all these tribes-people will shudder with terror [line 1] mighty acts great things certainly to overwhelm from their sar-prince and great and like this I shall avenge self redeem as such this blood killing him draw near [line 3] He to test through behavior a bud opening to growth to buy back the blood long ago will make distinct-plain this in Torah for them [Devarim 32:43] of the flesh eating food [line 4] to unheart-stulify-[to make seem foolish and stupid rendering useless] and man set free has Yah compassion to us for this cause intelligent's to have also among these to be insolent-seething-boiling slaughter will He [line 5] to gather what also you say these offering brought near the Altar His ones caused to loath of them and to throw out theirs to be blameless-innocent of this strength of one him [kohen] [line 6] also again to come forth for offering brought near the Altar to throw out it this has become valued property of His to have come forth of them for offering brought near the Altar His [line 7] deceiving to mislead us these regarded [implied laws of Yah] from the heavens to those seeing causing to be burdensome by declaring [removal of rain-of teaching] through drought desolating not not you cause to cross over [from this way to Yeshu also Mosheh] but alienate 3548-1419-3808-3369-1980-2940-1120-2729-3605-5971-2729-[line 2]-1420-3588-5307-1992-8269-1419-3541-5162-1352-1818-4191-7138-[line 3]-2940-6358-1352-1818-3528-874-8451-3588-1992-582-3894-[line 4]-3823-582-6362-7356-3588-1992-2815-2102-2026-[line 5]-1571-4100-559-7133-2092-7993-5355-353-[line 6]-1571-4672-7133-7993-5459-4672-7133-[line 7]-7952-7896-8064-7200-3513-2717-3808-5674

8. in land you shall be seen and this to the gray haired ones. Truly in speaking as were nothing then will become special treasure [line 9] our seeing in them was nothing to the watchful ones with Him tribes-people for Most High special treasure of them He will distinguish in making great of them [line 10] shall be fixed quantity also saying the silver it shall be theirs searching out seeing and these also from affliction to become His turtle dove-term of endearment innocent [line 11] from the announcing good news completion the Torah they cling to follow close in it they regard in living among [line 12] like resemble and to cling follow close they in Him for they complete all they shall push forward of them [line 13] a second time they shall teach of sealed [ones] they to come of these write record in coming to an end they come forth His [line 14] to fix upon bringing you El of Yah His to mark as His instructed [implied from] Mosheh servants Mine which 776-1961-7200-7867-61-1697-369-8033-5459-[line 9]-7200-369-6179-225-5971-5920-5459-6381-[line 10]-8506-559-3701-8446-7200-3015-1961-8449-5355-[line 11]-1319-8503-8451-1931-1692-7896-2425-[line 12]-7737-1692-3588-1931-8503-3605-6743-[line 13]-8138-2009-4397-2368-935-3789-5486-935-[line 14]-3259-935-452-2142-8452-4872-3605-834

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15. I have commanded these with consent these in the desolation and like this. Behold in reverent fear to faint with fear He will enlighten admonishing us Most High instruction of [line 16] Mosheh faces of ' by the fixed times appointed the redemption [the right of the kindred]' And will write record for He shall parash-declare in separating seeing these [perceiving] the laws-chapapim-khook-kah enacted in stone of lawgiver [line 17] and the judgments as sentence-penalty-mishpatim which you as guardian watch over as decreed to exercise [construct of-must do] and like this' And will write record for will declare causing these deeds-things [line 18] and shall for you coming. Will bitterly curse those not of obedience with sentence of the Torah these things [line 19] regard for must do with them will write record and shall be when will hear the hearing they will call aloud "H" 3068 [line 20] cause to protect-guarding commands-judgments-justices-Mitzvots His which I constrain coming of them and are just right as to manner your "H" 3068 Supreme Most High AL over [line 21] all nations of the land. And come His Most High of you all the blessings causing these and like this' And shall be when not 6673-225-2717-3541-2009-3374-4199-2094-5920-8452-[line 16]-4872-639-2163-1353-3789-6567-7200-428-2710-[line 17]-4941-834-8110-6213-3541-3789-6567-2063-[line 18]-1961-3588-935-779-834-3808-3348-854-1697-8451-2063-[line 19]-6213-225-3789-1961-518-8085-8085-6963-3068-[line 20]-8104-4687-834-595-6693-1961-3651-3068-5945-5921-[line21]-3605-1471-776-935-5920-3605-1293-428-3541-1961-518-3808

22. you hear by calling out to of "H" 3068 El raised you and such this' shall come Him Most High of your's all brightened and like this' Behold He will enlighten teaching-giving warning [line 23] Most High causing to rise the Torah judgment-mitzvots and will cause chuqaqah-khook-kah laws enacted in stone to again for a rising for a witness of Most High all [line 24] the blessing. And shall be their way ruin to cause cross over shall they and will do burnings upon their ones and write record testifying in declaring distinctly [line 25] to station appointed deputies and shall be for them coming over of your's all they speaking words these the blessings and the cursing's [Devarim 27 and 28] [line 26] and good shall again "H" 3068 El raised you and like this' And returning "H" 3068 El raised you with exile-prisoners of you and like this ' When shall be [line 27] push away you will cut off the heavens and like this' and said "H" 3068 El raised you with heart you and like this' And then you [line 28] shall retreat and hear shall you in calling aloud "H" 3068 El raised you and like this' Behold asking make luminous-light also to fix time appointed they to redeem kindred 8085-6963-3068-410-6965-935-5920-3605-7044-3541-2009-2094-[line 23]-5920-6965-8451-4687-2710-5750-6965-5707-5920-3605-[line 24]-1293-3541-922-5674-2734-5921-3789-5749-6567-[line 25]-5324-1961-3588-935-5921-3605-1697-428-1293-7045-[line 26]-2895-5750-3068-410-6965-3541-7725-3060-410-6965-854-7622-3541-518-1961-[line 27]-5080-7096-8064-3541-4448-3068-410-6965-854-3824-3541-854-[line 28]-7725-8085-6963-3068-410-6965-3541-2009-215-2163-1353

29. He of certainty of truth established in faithfulness to declare like which they return pushed off of us end in outer most border-frontier the Heavens to land our and they circumcise [line 30] heart of theirs to love with "H" 3068 a nd to do all

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commands-mitzvots which gave to us of ruins [line 31] Mosheh give thanks to Him from among this also the Torah to glitter from afar it shall 571-834-7725-5080-7093-8064-776-4135-[line 30]-3824-160-854 3068-6213-3605-4687-834-5414-5856-[line 31]-4872-3034-2088-8451-5329

Image 0036 open first: [begins a section of the third book-scroll of a incident] line 1. A third shall of writing record cause desire effort-ability will have exiles of us 50 [mem alph 41 tet 9] of desire break off to deliver shall be said Yeshu [line 2] to taught ones His to regard as His returning to Me with breaking forth the Torah [line 3] then of the prophets by not coming I to breaking forth yet they not to Me made peace [line4] in truth I speaking-[omer-vav inserted between the alph and mem resh it would be amar-559 with the vav absolute-emphatic-omer] to you also repeatedly having activity made to serve in day light His of the sea's [nations] and land with crumb's [line5] single one not they shall cease from labor from the Torah and form the prophets also will make all these to rise against trouble of El [line 6] and write recording to deliver He will for by Him will making clean allow to remain as against Him a perishing destruction of heavens and land among will cause depression-humbleness [line 7] from the Torah of the haughty-proud adversative shall be trouble of El. And write record to break off like' to 50 and [mem alph 41 tet 9] 7992-3789-176-202-1540-[the numeral values of the letters of the alph tav, as reflected in the Masorah of the Leningrad Manuscript-50]-176-6561-3027-559-3442-[line 2]-8527-413-2803-7725-6499-8451-[line 3]-176-5030-3588-3808-935-6499-3808-7999-[line 4]-571-589-562-5750-8120-3220-776-225-5350-[line 5]-259-3808-988-8451-5030-3605-6965-5912-410-[line 6]-3789-6561-5352-7662-1992-11-8064-776-8217-[line 7]-8451-1341-637-5912-410-5789-6561-[line one 50 same letters]-also lines 1. and 7.and 28. have a camek placed a short distance from the end meaning measured-judged-5429 to purpose and in image 44 one time]

8. to six-6 shall select ones to Me these better I to prepare to receive of these life He [H 3068] to cover-protect. And they turn [line 9] to Him when shall be pleased with debt satisfied to come living you among living them will guard with these the mitzvot-judgments. And saying to Him [line 10] what of this? To be heavy-burden some of your fathers of you and with mother your not you dash in pieces-kill and like this. Again [line 11] and love you shall to friends-companions you in such things as this of these will do speaking words among shall be calm all will separate from you [line 12] ascend of us among ornaments of Most High goal reached becomes chief having declared the Torah and causing to rise it for a witness and allow to remain His these they to inherit and [line 13] to live cause to cover-protect and when like this you saying also provide to you Yeshu become in tens-[accumulate groups of and] this speaking of them [line 14]- to separate alike with elder you for these two, you shall return again of them [Shemot-Exodus 18:18-22 explains ordered of this way] 8337-410-970-aleph-2088-2896-6213-7069-2425-5645-7725-[line 9]-518-7521-935-2425-2425-8104-854-4687-559-[line 10]-4100-1992-413-3513-854-1-854-517-3808-7523-3541-5750-[line 11]-159-7453-2007-428-559-8367-3605-2505-[line 12]-5927-5710-5920-5329-8451-

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6965-5707-7662-5157-[line 13]-2425-5645-518-3541-559-3559-3442-1961-6235-1696-[line 14]-905-7867-2088-beyt-7725

15. uniting also shall be Torah and the Nabiyim-prophets will make perfect of them all the enacted commands and the mishpotim-commandments-judgments-decrees of [line 16] the kathabim-written record-scriptures in it [=TaNaCh] [line 17] again Shabbat she first one among ten shall be of the words [the correct way of saying the ten commandments-ten words] and this day barak-to kneel in praise thanks of [line 18] Yahvah-3068 and qadash-set apart and to speak turn again to do Shabbat among all kings theirs and He make clean [line 19] for shall renew the eternity which it unites as one causing the foundations the greatest also in Torah [line 20] and all the prophets shall be warnings of to them acting high. Who they changed to you in day seeing will change [line 21] and what are a perverseness they cause will bellow as cattle for like them in changing self 259-8451-5030-3634-3605-2706-4941-[line 16]-3789-[line 17]-8145-7673-1931-259-6235-1696-1931-3117-1288-[line18]-3068-6942-6310-7725-7673-3605-4397-1931-2141-[line 19]-2329-5769-834-1931-259-3247-1419-8451-[line 20]-3605-5030-2094-5927-4310-2487-3117-7200-8138-[line 21]-4100-5931-1600-3541-2487

22. testifying when to you hasten away changes like words of you seeing and they also to you slide by changes in all boiling up scum of theirs to them [line 23] and surely at least they will yield to do from like these working in day first in place-beginning they to be contrary. And to cause stiff necked lifting self as on a pedestal they use left hand that way and shall curse. Also they not will do Torah and spoken-word to cause to assault-a rock figurative a refuge is El [line 25] to gaze at inspecting. Not also they to remove manners will delight in beloved things and shall Yah has seen to pull out of him of the dead he to approach near. [line 26] offering brought near the alter heard of El he was contrary not guard ship with mitzvots-commandments of "H"-3068 El raised you and when [line 27] from queen [moleket] you not shall rise. And like this strength of Yah natzar-guard to strike in to fix literally to plant-fastened of the Planter desired-or strength of Yah and caused to kill from leprosy [this is a compounded word] can mean to lead astray or strength of Yah causing to kill from stricken with leprosy [line 28] and like this remove him to desert by Yeshu to mark for remembrance by measured desired ability will exile of us breaking off like haughty to them moving softly gently of cause also crossed over measured-judged 5749-518-2498-1697-7200-2498-3605-2560-[line 23]-389-6213-3541-4399-3117-7223-5619-413-[line 24]-7185-5940-8041-423-1992-3808-8451-1697-413-6696-[line 25]-8159-3808-1898-3651-2530-7211-8025-7585-7126-[line 26]-7126-410-8050-5619-3808-8119-854-4687-3068-410-6965-6256-[line 27]-4447-3808-6965-3541-5818-5341-or-5193-176-5818-4191-6879-[line 28]-6724-3442-2142-176-202-1540-6561-1341-328-5674-5429-cemak

29. Yeshu breaking-morning will of the day His shall in day the Shabbat and taught ones His hungering intensely it shall by a force of an army of men trained His because of the pressure of the wicked crying for help of you [line 30]

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conduct-lead of them and to break apart fracturing cruelty with them having understanding praised of Yah these and to eat with them. And they said His they declare distinctly of for Yeshu these shall be taught ones you assemble selves hastening speaking also was nothing know to shine bright for Shabbat 3442-1242-3117-7676-8527-7457-2428-6125-[line 30]-944-6531-225-995-3042-398-225-559-6567-[line 31]-3442-2007-8527-5789-1697-370-1779-6220-7676

Image 0037 line 1. And He said to them Yeshu not shall call to Face of also to do or make friend for when shall be hunger extensive also devouring [line 2] from war-battles their faces of trouble some I have seen also not will the Instruction it being profaned the Shabbat to ones making faces of [line 3] will be distressing troubles the hunger of like loved friends. And gathers stumbling-wavering for when shall come His giving witness of Most High to these trouble-some [Psalm 25:16][line 4] put death new thing by completion of ending of "H" 3068 young men in bringing shall spread out to do building toward the city teaching turning aside they [line 5] saying shall do interceding-praying [1st Kings 8:42 For they shall hear Your Name Great and Your hand strong and Your arm stretched out and shall come and pray toward house this You hear in Heavens the place of your dwelling and do according to all that calls for to you the stranger so that may know all the people of the land to fear You as Your people Yisrael and to know that Your Name has been called on House this which I have built.] belonging to El also not you shall out of vanish away shall you in Shabbat trouble some to reverent fearfulness [line 6] also Mitzvots-judgments-commands Shabbat we remove angry daughters completely the end and just and right they to desert-barren wilderness our [line 7] camek-measured also shall admonish warning upon their approach coming near us cause to break off and shall also say Yeshu to cause stricken with leprosy afterward 559-1992-3442-3808-7121-6310-6213-1730-1961-7456-398-[line2]-3898-6440-5912-413-7200-3808-8451-2490-7676-413-6440-[line 3]-598-7457-1730-1571-6328-1961-5749-5920-6864-[line 4]-4191-2319-8503-3068-59-935-5186-7151-7750-[line 5]-559-6419-3815-3808-1961-5127-7676-5912-413-3374-[line 6]-4687-7676-1898-639-1323-8503-5769-3651-6723-[line 7]-camsk 5429-2094-5921-7126-6561-559-3432-6879-310

8. also must make self clean-purify self with Him to you to priest and shall draw near offering near altar your like which give charge-commanded Mosheh [Vayiqra-Leviticus 15 and Bamidbar-Numbers 19 and others] in Torah [line 9] trouble some to cause of ceremonial and morally just commands charged to taught ones His break off these set apart these for also shall be follies madness of you to stand like receiving a battering ram-war put to death these [line 10 urination of us to Him this lame He seeing pen of sheep this also shall out of shall admonish warning of Most High the mitzvots judgments-commands [line11] and out of this will cause to rise them. And testify speaking of to give restore and caused knowing to desire what they shall do mitzvots-judgments-commands this new thing [2318 causing to rebuild] [line 12] to you from instruction [given by Mosheh from] Yeshu which to them these things He had shut up as wealth and good this to disgraceful exiles also telling [line 13] and how they the enacted laws and decrees they cause justices-mishpatim the good of them also new thing-

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rebuilding to you which [line 14] by crossing over these innocence-pure to deliverance-salvation their flesh-body for increase in numbers spreading free of them over all 2891-225-3548-7126-7133-834-6680-4872-8451-[line 9]-6912-413-6942-6680-8527-6561-6942-2088-1961-1947-6904-4191-[line 10]-7890-6455-7200-4356-2088-1961-2094-5920-4687-[line 11]-6969-5749-6310-5414-1843-4100-1992-4687-2319-[line 12]-8452-3442-834-1992-2063-5459-1540-559-[line 13]-4100-2004-2710-4941-2896-2319-834-[line 14]-5674-2136-8668-5315-3588-3527-2666-5921-3605

15. they are fruitful reward behold to see and I collect exiles of us and behold disperse send out in measure and not to come forth appearing were they [her-refers to Yisrael the mother] with these regards of mitzvot-judgments commands [line 16] new thing [feminine plural] lean emaciated out of these heavy sad them and they shall write a record in book-scroll recounting putting right bringing straight and the prophets [line 17] and in chastisements also of restraints warning and speaking complete friendly son of David again also not you come forth to Me out of saying [line 18] also you are all bitter to Me seeing now this new thing these. You have caused also in desert coming they to us in time rejoicing of us [line 19] and all to do again of them to throw out them He to the dying of these and not putting to death of them they are foolish-stultify-unsound mind-not responsible they are [line 20] And He speaking not they like having compassion and not barren of them. And what write as a record also they daughter [line 21] were nothing appoint to know made sad Him also He to make plain explaining all unite as one in a place theirs for help of wealthy 6529-1887-1473-1887-6461-2904-5429-3808-4672-1992-7760-4678-[line 16]-2322-7535-5620-2004-3789-5921-5608-3474-5030-[line 17]-4148-1697-8003-1121-1732-5750-3808-4672-559-[line 18]-3605-4251-7200-2088-2322-1931-3644-876-935-1524-[line 19]-3605-5750-7993-1992-413-4191-3808-4191-1984-[line 20]-1992-1697-3808-7356-3808-7921-4100-3789-1323-[line 21]-369-7760-7200-3512-874-3605-259-4725-5833-2044

line 22 break off third 6561-7992 [the incident resolve]

23. bellow as cattle and this of them and how where thankfully hold out hand theirs these of the flesh of them [line 24] for Him [line 25] saying they caused do the third time He henceforth will clarify examine in selecting purging out to all manner My Master [symbolic name for "H" 3068] [line 26] to be wise they acting intelligent again [line 27] out of you it shall be in vigor power force for good of them over [their] about your slaver-spittle [line 28] diligently inquire seeking also shall be when they shall be vigor power force of them and in humbleness of you to them. Seeing and they too were caused also to know by observation and in their slaver slime [line 29] their speaking and their ruins which they made from which you pulled out of them in it. and to just and right they shall know Me now 1600-1454-349-3036-5315-[line 24]-1992-[line 25]-559-8027-5750-1305-3605-1180-[line 26]-2449-7919-8145-[line 27]-3581-5921-7325-[line 28]-1875-1961-3581-6041-7200-1992-3045-7325-[line 29]-4405-8054-834-1992-4871-1992-3651-3045-1843-4994

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Image 0038 open first: line 1. Then they like in delight having desired after for to give up spirit-die and heal us of them and how where? power of His Hand to do of the flesh-body in them [line 2] responding He shall cause here after knowledge of also breath out die for us of to a place [line 3] great high it pleasant luxury over there breath out die [line 4] they know by seeing in Torah also the same place [line 5] abundant-quantity the place of protection of them to sprouts that grow-[figurative of rulers] of them and these rivers of running water [2nd kings 5:12 Job 28:11 John 7:38] good for these shall delight-luxury in Him. And heal us of them [line 6] shall be just and right and they to a place that pours out of to these making a valley out of Hinnom also such as there a place [line 7] were from will throw out of them in it the dwelling of them and will display ethical senselessness cast together increasing the extended unrestrained of us and afterward cure know-knowledge 4994-7519-3642-1478-1455-349-3027-5315-1992-[line 2]-6030-4279-1843-1478-3588-4725-[line 3]-1419-8588-5921-8033-1478-[line 4]-3045-8451-1931-4725-[line 5]-7227-360-6779-5104-2896-6027-1455-[line 6]-3651-4725-6379-2088-6213-1516-996-2011-1931-8033-4725-[line 7]-1961-7993-2082-5036-7231-5628-310-1455-1843

8. also by this He marks among these seeking out for trade of your body causing you to [cover with] foilage and you shall be delighted to breath out the spirit in self [line 9] and then you shall delight that you have delighted in pleasantness of spirit in self not the body [like a hard rain figurative body] of it these in eternity the body living of theirs [line 10] not to be able of adam-man constrained mentally by El setting in order things to again in eternity now the body of [like] a hard rain for the region [line 11] also were nothing to be able to separate mentally and being prudent and intelligent between you shall delight in pleasantness of the eternity appointing giving charge I will be a refuge and also they I have become as spitting in the face round and araound [12] called select He to appoint by separating. And you shall delight in pleasantness these will increase to bring up enough of them house of and over above in priority His [13] Most High the shalom to them and their understanding to success His from secret counsel of His such like with them among they will be honorable. Like as such [14] the malakim and are such as like of them and you shall delight of them with them He being delighted they to be honorable the goal of truthfulness perpetually- 834 2142-8452-8315-5929-6027-1478-7307-[9]-6027-1931-6027-7307-3808-1655-1931-5769-8315-[10]-3808-3605-120-6735-6186-5750-5769-2088-1655-6285-[11]-369-995-996-6027-5769-7760-2622-BDB-page 1064-3884-[12]-7148-7760-905-6027-1931-7685-4672-1004-4605-[13]-5920-7965-7922-5475-2004-2088-3519-3644-[14]-4397-2004-6027-2088-8588-3515-5331

15. Also were nothing 369 seeking after Him 3642 and were nothing 369 in the midest of 2285 able to prevail they 3201 by the Scrolls-Books of evidence 5605 consulting taking advise them 5779 they split and divided of you 6385 prudence deliberate in the guide to purpose His 6098

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16. And turning back they 7725 have above in priority His 4605 making large in mind of honor Him 1431 like Mosheh 4872 surely 3588 when 518 by such deeds 2062 they shall shine 1984 praising El 1985 He makes to shine 1984

17. And such like 3541. And write the record 3791 what of purpose 3541 many things 7227 good of you 2896 which things 834 to hide protecting you 6845 for fear caused of you 3372 and such things 3541. And write the record 3791

18. By the eyes regarded 5869 not 3808 she [church] saw 7200 El to Raise up 410-6965 and such like this 3541 to feed sweetness of it 4985 it to entrap catching 5367 coming of them [feminine plural] 935 exquisite delight of daintiness 8588

19. for eternity of 5769 set time 5704 in raising one up of 6965 in one seeing 7200 in the midest 6285 also he 1931 whom 3487are leader of you 5437 will rise up high 6965 cause by deception to lead astray-sin by err 7683

20. with him 854 like such 3644 also will explain making plain shall I 874 and against this 2008 causing to fall 7411 they 2088 loose morally 2151 by answers them 562 also was nothing 369 for Yah 3068 to cover

21. not 3808 consumed food 398 and not 3808 drunkenness-alter 8358 and not 3808 closed to senses 1480 to Me not 3808 just and lawful of rightouseness of them 6662 they will return of their 7725 My crowns of theirs 5852

22. by head catain theirs 7218 and he of whom they 2005 exhausted caused 4198 also because these were his 3588 whom were 3487. And pleased with to satisfy a debt his 7521 by command-answer theirs 562 also they 1992

23. he will bring back 7725 seeing against 7200 also these 1992 rasing up of them 6965 Yah 3068 to these will lead forth 2986 sitting as judge make to dwell 3427 to come of 859 Yah 3068

24. for eternity 5769 a dweller foreign 8453. And pleased with they 7521 by command to them 562 to encircle for protection 5849 and regard as unclean 2933 created making 1254 when 8033 seeing against 7200 they caused to mislead of them 7685 [impressed with selves]

25. Like such 3644 by crowing 5850 also crowing 5850 to Me when His 518 also they 1931 to rule 4910 for in wisdom good 2451 and enclosed as a crown 3803 Torah 8451

26. And pleased with these 7521 by answers of them 562 by head of these 7218 seeing against body living of theirs 5315 [Romans 8] for 3588 they 1992 first of 7218 the adam 120

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27. who are differing from what is normally expected 8565 to Him 1992 He causes to come forth of them 4672 and they finish whole complete 7999-8003 and in this 1992 they 1992 what of a good thing 4100 also became 1992

28. ones cursed of them 1455 they 1931 will drive out you 1644 the body living 5315 they joined together driving out from the inheritance BDB page 705 by causing removal and rights of inheritance and distribtion you 5157 Yah 3068 and hurry make hast cause to Me of them 4116

29. for because of His 6437 and they shall remain a remnant 7604 in as rain showers-body His them 1653 and I cut a covenant 3772 out of a portion alloted 4487 they to reach ability 5381 He to mark as to remember 2142

30. and you to Me separated 905 when to Me separared you are 905 and to cure His 1455 afflicted of them 6041 He cuts a covenant 3772 His saying 559 by Torah 8451. And like such this 3644

Image 0039 open first: 1. Also was nothing 369 to set in order 6186 and like comparing 1825-1819 will also spit out with contempt BDB page 1064 against such thing as this you of 2004 the body 5315 with 5973 such as this to Me of you 2004 they to be shut 1479 like this-comparative 3644

2. Also remembered by mentioning You have 2142 for Him and was nothing 369 arranged setting in order 6186 and resemble 1825 and He also will spit out with contempt BDB page 1064 against causing of you split-dividing 6385 will be numerous 6099 they to be ignoble 6819 those of suchas that 1931

3. equally with 5973 they to be ignoble-brought low 6819 they to close-shut to Me 1479 and they have caused a burning 8316 in Mighty Power 5797 shall call out proclaiming 7121 join take hold him 680 you of soft pliable 6026 and not-el 408 el not him 408

4. repeating 8145 My afflicted ones these 6041-6045 cause to fail 7411 these 2088 causing in mine rejoicing-gladness 1523 by commanded they 565 and became 1961 body living 5315 sovereign of 113 bundled up 6972

5. in the bag 6872 the living these 2425 with 854 Yah 3068 El 410 brings you 6965 and body living 5315 hating the adversary your 340 I sling as a door this 7050 in midst of 8432 hollow of hand power 3709

6. the vilification in Me 7045

7. and to Mine have dominion 4910 to you reigning over 4910 these multitudes 3514 for now 2088

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8. they have on this side 2007 children 5289 these of lesser importance 6996 their delight 8588 the great noble 1419 which are to them 834. These inflamation 7822 and cause lamenting of selves 7878

9. they have on this side 2007 the young men 5289. And will be insignificant of 6819 the great noble 1419 also to Me 1931 will instruct custom to disciple 3928 and will guide of them 5090

10. they of sickness- menstrual flow she intelligent thinking of them. And when 518 I say 559 to them also you causing effeminate and sporting self 6026 He to remove by roots reproductive organs of 6135 these 1931 will instruct teaching disciple 3928

11. gathering 1571 will guide teaching of them 5090 the sickness menstrual flow 4064-1738 will intelligent thinking of them 2815 and also it will become small insignificant 6819 the great noble 1419 such as 1931 converse with selves complaining cause of 7878 children 3205

12. cause to cast out them 2904. It shall be 1961 then 227 from among will laugh in derision 3932 failure 1097 indignation and punishment 5606 and not 3808 they shall form to constrain 6735 will speak 1697 in rubing out these 4229

13. complete perfect. And they intelligent thinking 2815 He speaking 1697 to depart from revolting of them 7846. And when 518 He comes forth 4672 a Man 379 and being wise in words and deeds able to make one wiser 2449 great noble 1419 also not 3808

14. they tale bearers or slanderers 7270 understand being prudent 995 the young men 5288 and was nothing 369 to make clean 2141 among the works of Yah to them 4641 and He said 559 to them white precious stones 7893

15. shall be delicate pleasant 6025 in thinking to selves 7878 the children 3205 and the work of Yah them 4641 He rescued-delivered of them 4042 and white precious stones 7893 become small 6819 for will instruct ones of custom the teachers 3928

16. And with their leading forth along the way of them 5090 He measures ability 4058 the thoughts of them mindful of intelligents 2815 I the builder of thoughts 2815 their words 1697 to create of them Mine 6213 and not 3808 they ones of distressing 6696

17. for will blot out theirs 4229 completeing making perfect. Just and right to custom of 3651 the man-adam 120 in desire will praise in boldness 1158-5797 dumah-fem. praise of silence 1745 for the children 5288 and in eternaty 5769 the living body of them [feminine]

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18. dumb-silence 1745 to man 376 [120 adam just a man-ish a man 376] the wise of intelligents 2450. And knowledge of understanding 1843 when by a portion comes a termination [feminine single] 7117 the ones of a beacon of them [masculine plural] 8650 cunning knowledge 1847 [feminine of 3045] ones following after 312 [feminine] [children of children become family in eternity]

19. by rejecting failing 1602 will be valley of gahinnom 2011-1516 and they 1931[He of hot anger 2534] also after 310 they die 4191 they come back 935 then 8033 a breathing body 5315 and closed to senses 1479

20 And they ones riding chariots theirs 7392 unite 3161 and judge of theirs 1777 over 5921 cause reward-wages theirs 6468 like as one. And are an enemy-opponent 8324 they of such 1931 being of this 1961

21. the living body 5315 bottom-under 8478 covered throne 3678 the splended honorable 3519 and senses closed 1479 also allowed to remain 3240 and will inflicts a penalty 6064 He 1931

22. also will remain closed to senses 1479 as living body 5315 of desert-desolation them 3451 in a place of 4725 fire 784 sized on 2388 and they split dividing His 6385 with force thereof His 2388 which 834

23. they 1931 firm and strong 2388 speedily 3966 remove from fire 784 to do so because of confidant of 5476 once 5750 which also 834 His to be able 3201 for have caused to make a burning of 8313 the living body 5315

24. And when 518 were nothing they [feminine] 369 senses closed 1480. And the strong ones His 2388 by this 2088 He to know you 3045 shall inflict judgement of 8201 will cause a river to cut off border of theirs [feminine] and will write the record of 3789.

25. And enough 1767 for what of purpose 4100 also mark her 2142 for this 2088. And which also to 834 to grieve her 3735 to Me to region of 6310 the ruins 5859 and to the extremity of the region 6285

26. intended in hope of her 5452 becoming wise of 2450 their ruin 5859 from man of their 582 instructions theirs 8451 great extent of time 3528 mark and remember this you of His 2145 and also 518 a gift 3426

27. myriad-many 7227 from sons of 1121 tribes peoples ours 5971 they unwilling and refused Him 3986 before this 2088 THEY caused to Me death 4191 will point out teaching through showing 3384 by a course of life 1870 their Emir-President 5632.

Image 0040 open first: 1. Will in enlightened 2971 ones employed in work of 6045 the living body-persons 5315 causing ones to turn back you 5437 shall recompense her 1578 [reverse] will disband 1986 the wine press-[distress] 1660

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you ask 994 wipe away 5477 also regards 6437 to me these servants 5288 and hating enemy before 340

2. and ones employment this business 6045 the surviving remnant of them she-they 7605 will come forth you 4672 acting wisely being circumspect 7919 [reverse] to cover you 3780 ones strong and 684 in torah 8451 adulteress 802 of Mine these wavering His 5128

3. they will make habitually work practise. And when of 518 the living body 5315 makes himself a head person 1538 [reverse] mound 8510 stones 1530 wine press 1660 among their faces 6440 from desire 176 to cover in obscurity these 5774

4. from a body as dead to it's senses 1480 to 413 open doors 1479 [reverse] enter 6310 carried away 1541 this place 6311 to gather 1571

5. declaring commands of 559 he made third rank-a captain 7991 what of purpose His 4100 ones employment of business 6045 the living body 5315 [reverse] consealed as a treasure 8226 these of us 2007 remove them 5270 three [days] 7969-8027 intelligent-skilful these to Me 4106

6. cause what of purpose His 4100 will miss the mark bearing the blame [reverse] caused intermost thoughts and they are His 2910

7. which caused 834 miss the mark-sin 2398 desire of 176 [reverse] also moved softly 328 secretly to Me 2791

8. the expansion will cause breaking away from just authority of Mine 6586 which 834 transgresses of just way-scripture they 6586 which 834 cause to fail they 3782 all 3605 will be brought low-ignoble 6819 the great 1419

9. speaking deliriously-raving 1957 and will in that time theirs 227 good her 2896 formed in the mind for a purpose theirs 6245 which 834 to her all 3605 the good 2896 speaking deliriously-raving 1957 the great thing 1419

10. and will cause dreadful fear 3372 and what of purpose 4100 this Yah has seen of them 7211 which way walked 1980 in the remnant of them she caused 7605 will one rise up of hers 6967 wtness-to put in order 5707

11. The Aged One 7867 He will unite become one 3161 to know cause to instruct of you are 3045 opponent-trouble 6869 to these bringing 935

12. this apeaking 1696 deliriously speaking raving of a female diety of the elamits 1957-2238 before these calling out 6963

13. indeed truely 551 to tire of making weary shall cause before you 3811

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14. out of this to be straight honest 833 to crush to crush you I 1854-1854 from the midest of 8432 speaking words of 1696 cuting off chop in pieces you 7112 exceeding wisdom wise in teaching of us 2449 and in pratting words 6527 from like early rains 4175

15. cause to make right 6663 and among to be straight happy of 833 servants assembled 6633 from food shall be of 3898 Yah 3068 also of all fellowship knit together 2270 for His Son 1121 a refugee 1648 and to lead on straight and happy 833

16. to know discerning you have 3045 spread out bending away perverting 5186 making to advance-pushing out of the flock 6213-7716 declared in speaking 262 way walked 1980 to know by seeing you have 3045. Knowledge 1843 also of the nephesh-living body 5315

17. the living being of you declared 582 it-she 1931 among smooth stones caused 2505 to paint the eyes-blackened have seen 3583-7200 she to defend debating of them 7378 calling to will these 7121 living body of theirs 5315

18. and causing smooth stones in flattering to divide of them her 2505 like whether 575 to again 8145 to be firm of them 3581 such like this 3644 also smooth stones flattering dividing will cause 2505 to make thin famished against 7329 against again 8145 moulding the mind to frame thoughts right to purpose future of them 3336

19. forming the mind 3335 good 2896 and the purposed formed 3335 will cause evil displeasing hurtful. Caused to encounter these provoke to jealousness-envious of them 7121-7065 behold 2009 living body of theirs 5315 sisters 269

20. caused encounter her 7121 one beautiful you declare 2433 to the extremity of 6285 also she 1931 shall become 1961 one complete perfect she 3634 all 3605 will they covet to ruin her of them 1942

21. who are found of her tremble in fear by illumination of her 4672-7374-216 to end finish 3615 will My Master-symbolic Name of Yah of 1180 living them 2425 of the wilderness of theirs 4057 and removal you shall 2108. Again in second time 8145 caused encounter to her

22. nepesh-living body 5315 wilderness her 4057. To a region 6285 also was nothing her 369 by whoever finds her 4672 surely 7535 into the wilderness of theirs 4057 to be alone-separating 910 will say His 559

23. having in mind thoughts wise 2449 also this one thing 2063 the living body 5315 the mortal she was 582 she 1931 of us joining her separating 680 from knowledge of success 7922

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Image 0041 open first: 1. She complete making perfect of 3634 will call out 7121 to them 1992 knowledge success 7922 they will make habitually to do 6466. And calling out they shall and 7121 just and right to manner 3651 to midst of 6285 who they 1931 will make to do habitually 6466

2. to complete perfect 3634 they to come upon anyone of theirs 4672 the haughty eyes to be humiliate 8220 in among saying of such 559 the El of elohim to declare 433 Most High His 5920 will cause to make habitually 6466 and going out among His 3318

3. the success by knowledge intelligents 7922 from these firm in vigor 3581 of El 410 they will do making habitually 6466 and calling out saying thus will do 7121 of this accordingly 1454-3644 will give 5414 the confinement of them 6696 to a region 6285

4. also He 1931 He will give 5414 caused sign theirs 226 to end finish 3615. The lowly of them 8217. And the prophets 5030 proclaim and they will 7121 sign His 226

5. Ruach-Spirit of 7307 Yah 3068 will cause to become thin those against against 7329 Ruach-Spirit 7307 the Qodesh-Set-Apart 6944 then shall sing of 7891 the vanishing to eternity 5769. Has seen of them 7211 Most High 5920 from making know to them of Him 4672

6. foundation 8356 here-on this side 2008 the first 259 they to be prudent acting wisely 7919 among with drawling from 7873 al 3605 their speaking 1696 also 834 for when

7. from strength 6099 will be from invited ones 7121joining 3161 repeatedly 5750 these will be crossing over them 3161 they lead astray 2937 from association will over shadow 6004

8. many times over 7227 like also of intelligent thoughts 2815 in speaking 1696 they will light upon desire in meeting theirs 4745 also they 1931 strong of body-assemblies. And this 2088 to extremity of 6285

9. also they quiet excellents to meet them 7119 not 3808 it being present 4672 ones will take a stand of them 5975 in strength theirs 6099 thin 1851 in it's strength theirs 6099 as gathered 1571

10. to extremity of 6285 also are nothing 369 the straying misleading through ignorance 7686 those being circumspect have declared You 7919 like such 3644 rejoice being glad 7797 by this straying from 7686 they will hurry with eagerness to His 2363

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11. rejoicing 7797 to completion 3636 hastily-exicitedly 2363 from it being silent 2814 joining Him 3161 also hurry with excitement 2363 with seeing of theirs [experiencing] 7200 it wears out decaying 1086 causing to turn 7725

12. emaciation-starvation 7534 this from being conspicuousness 7214 and hasting away 2363 they hear 8085 the voice His 6963 will act circumspect-understand 7919 from turning back [to beginning Mosheh] 7734 all 3605 have strayed from instructions His 7686

13. in stength 3581 after 259 separation in presents of. And equally with 5973 being of His 1961 among with drawal theirs 7873 like uniting 252 of such things on this side 2007 this they 1931 in strength and 3581

14. the great noble 1419 from spreading out themselves 6584 and from ones deciding separating declaring 6567 the pursuit of men 6679 they will cause to prosper of them 7919 complete 3636 the strength of them 6099

15. by not 3808 speaking 1696 they will complete 3634 to speaking words of this matter 1696 from these among of quiet excellent spirit 7119 the heaps of ones 2563 like doves 3123 these 2088

16. acting as gate keepers 8176 and this from scroll-writings. And among barren places our 6723 to be circumspect 7919 this making know of women [feminine ending-also offsprings-those that came forth of woman 3329] remove selves firm-ability of 3581 El 410 they will do making habitually 6466

17. among them causing to prosper being circumspect of them 7919 reaptedly 5750 also for times of theirs 6471 not 3808 they with draw private place 7873 He makes one wise 7919 you of hollow of hand-power of 3709 with Him

18. these from Him quiet-silent 2814 blameless cleansed her-womam 5352 among out of His 4480 to Me nothing 1077 they spread out you 5186 accordingly 413 in the years 8141 times 6471

19. many. And accordingly 413 they will also reject because of impurity-menstruation excluding against woman 5079 the many 7227 those that came out of her 3329 they will be firm of 3581 for 413 their work practise 6466

20. squeezing-moulding into a form 3335 regular manner walling up 2905 enclosing 3195 to these He brings forth 3318 He finds enough 4672 4672 selected joining His 680 these 2088 they to heed answer affairs of them 6045 for will work practicing habitually 6466 He will direct sending with command they will do 3318

21. His such like this 3644 to stand out 3626 like for Me 575 will work habitually 6466 these-women enough His 4672 selected joining His 680 these 428 these

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among His intelligent being prudent causing success teaching of them 7919 they will work habitually 6466

22. revolving around-circuit 212 what of purpose 4100. Seeing against 7200 repeatedly 5750 appearing enough of them 4672 forming women 6696 prepared ones 3627 in living body 5315 they cause His from among 4480

23. they from bring forth 3318 these 2088 will be firm of power 3581 these 411 they will work habitually 6466. And heming in 5910 ascending being valuable these-women 3276 these 411 out of waviering ones 5128 wear out they-these declare 1086

24. from you ones waviering of us 5128 these 1931 the intelligent and prudent making wise 7919 His dividing differing 914 and also these will know by seeing 3045 all 3605 these will arrange setting in order of this

25. which 834 in this time now 575 from strength 6099 and from excellent of spirit 7119 at the side of-[their way] 6654 will become of these 1961 among you uniting 259. With 3588 all 3605

26. these from His prudent causing success in teaching of them 7919 they 1992 will walk-the way of these 1980 from following 1980 these ones of them 7999 termination after portion theirs 7117 for ending a portion 7117 again 5750 work-labor produced results in Mine 3018

27. to speak 1696 afterwards 310 these 1931 shall complete 3615 the finish-ending of theirs 7999 making feel ashame 3637 and this puts forth a riddle-a propound knot them 2330 like this 3644 He will confirm in support 539

28. by the side of 6654 they will arrange order 7468 it afterwards 310 how 834 in the body theirs 5315 to work habitually 6466 caused to wear out 1086 what of purpose 4100 they reach ability 5381 what of purpose His 4100

29. all 3605 the speaking of this matter 1696 the needs of theirs 6878 to 413 the arranged order 5468 this such way 1931. And to the extremity of 6285 also the arranged order 5468 unites 259 seeing and Him

30. also they shall be 1961 prudent making intelligent of understanding 7919 the work habitually 6466 first-unite 259. And was nothing 369 for caused bitterness 4751 also they 1931 an appearance-thing seen of woman 4758 they among cause prudent success teaching of them 7919

31 from wearing out 1086 also they reached ability these 5381 like brilliance-sun light 8121 to among causing hush keep quiet 2814 also when 518 shall be 1961 just and right of manner 3651 shall be 1961 from reaching ability of them 5381

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Image 0042 open first: 1. He makes prudent wise 7919 you bow in obedience 3721 from hundreds of them 3967 they among caused hush keep quiet of these 2814. and testify-restoring 5749 they shall revive before 2425 also they shall be new thing 2318 from out of us 4480

2. accordingly of manner 1696 in body living 5315 like thus 3644 also they shall be a new thing 2318 from the brilliance-sun light 8121 they to be ones pregnant 2030 [Amos 1:13] like strong 6099 they will write the scroll-record of 5612

3. which are 834 in Him are able enough 3201 to stand opposite in their presence 6905 the rebels 4754

4. And they a second time shall 8145 know by seeing of us 3045 who will make habitually 6466 the groping about of them 1659 they 1931 you will wear out 1086 the groping about ones 1652

5. to extremity 6285 also ones in darkness of theirs 652 shall be 1961 the groping these 1659 out of grouping 4959 with Him 225 not 3808

6. they will do habitually 6466 out of purpose His 4100 limitations 7535 also making distance of Him 2909 they are divided of Him 2673 to separate. And when 518 moulding into a form 3335 regular manner 2905 will enclose you 3195 for will do habitually 6466

7. these ones will do habitually 6466 in the midst of 8432 accumulating in abundance His 3527 they 1931 will act in prudence 7919 He selects separating 914 also they trusted Him 2620 to 413 all 3605 apportioning 2517

8. the groping ones 1659 they will trust 2620 uniting 259 and to a region 6285 also from dry area our's 6723 in coming to pass of you [as threatening] 1934 they are mixed wine an water of them 4197 and they will habitually practise of women 6466

9. first 259 seeing and they 7200 also shall declare 1961 among causing habitually to practise 6466 uniting 259. Like such 3644 they instruct wisely 7919 these will practise habitually 6466 seeing His 7200

10. also they shall 1961 groan-contemning against 5006 from maintaining ones cause theirs 3557 seeing against 7200 among separating of 4487 murmuring 5098 to a region 6285 also He 1931 will distinguish 914

11. in these 1992 and for just and right of manner 3651 theirs 1992 He will know by seeing 3045 all 3605 He will arrange the order of them 5468 will also from this day on of them 3117

12. will cause rain showers heavy of these 8228 from cause maintained them 3557 and from this He will know by seeing of them 3045 these of our's 459. And

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to an extremity of region 6285 which He 1931 causes abundances of resources 8228

13. out of this keeping back of injury of 4513 these because of circumstances theirs 1556 and such as others of His 2088 He will arrange the order 5468 the abundance of resources caused 8228 out of this to gnawing the bones 1633 they seek occasion to running down of these 1556 shall 1961

14. these will flee for protection and 2620 to 413these 2088 He arranges order 5468 He will cause protection of 2620 those running down on of them 1556 to 413 weight out a portion 4487 along side of 5980 which 834

15. they 1931 He causes protection 2620 the form woman 6699 to 413 the ones bubbling up 2563 maid servants 519 they have made plain declaring 874 also they caused arranging order of cause 5468

16. they will do His instructions 7919 how 834 in living body 5315 they to act prudent 7919 they will make habitually 6466 the way will walk 1980 from way walked 1980

17. I formed her-woman 6699 and will finish of them. All He will arrange the order 5468 from their rolling togathering 1556 and will know by seeing 3045

18. also they will know by seeing 3045 He completes making perfect of them 8003 by the rolling ones wheel 212 will remain and excel 3498 safe complete 7999 these 1931 also hand of power you and 3027 what of purpose of them 4100

19. the speaking 1696 which 834 to Me they complete safe 8003 marking of 8034 also to know by seeing 3045 what of purpose of them 4100 they savour scent of them 7381

20 these debtor of ones before 2326 and they know by seeing 3045 what of purpose of them 4100 He gives firmness of body of them 6096 and He to build of them 68 ruins of theirs 8047 the scent soothing Mine of them 7381

21 also pacification of 8013 to them 1992 And to just and right of manner 3651 decree of His 1504 the ones making wise 2449 also like which 834 created 1254 He regards declaring of base support [Torah] 7896-7878-8356 this 2088

22. they are prudent teaching of 7919 these will make habitually 6466 the ones abounding in resources 8228 above His 5921 for to Me from making ones bed 4702 all 3605 He who separating 914

23. holding back of 4513 the heavens 8064 rocks 6697 all 3605 His separating 914 which 834 to be pleased with 7521 to these presented us 4672

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24. for eternity 5769 the humble 8213 and the abundance of these 8228 above His 5921 for not 3808 a time fixed 2163 and she has wavered 5128 to a region 6285 also a fixed time 2163

25. herding 4719 and catching by pursuit 1692 to cause wavering her 5128 the wheels round and round 1534 and she 1931 beckoning 5130 company of persons 5475. And He separating 914 the victory the distance point viewed of Mine these 5331

26. because of wearing down 1115 made has stagered her of them 5128 like such 3644 also I shall declare explaining making plain 874 and I One of abundance of resources of theirs 8228 will instruct intelligently being prudent 7919 they will make habitually 6466

27 over 5921 the living body-flesh 5315 I will make complete her 3634 by bearing in mind you 5452 the One raising up of them 6965 presented being able and she shall be 4672 this 1454 like such 3644

28. suddenly causing her 6597 wear out 1086 a time fixed 2163 and shall waver her 5128. And to create selecting 1254 He of these 428 He to mark 8376 the adam 120 at last 268

29. of you selected creating 1254 and they 1931 to Me taking hold on 4672 before Me of them 996 seeing against 7200 teachings to understanding of 995 Most Supreme High of them 5646 and the bottom most of them 8481 to stand up making right 3559

30. these ones able 5381 what of purpose 4100 for elevated of station 4608 what of purpose 4100 to remove distortion-pervertion 5186-4297. And when 518 they setting in order 8626 humble ones of them His 6041 I cause to ascend 5927

Image 0043 open first: 1. from ascending up 5927 they will recover raising up 5927. And when 518 groping about declaring of them 3445 descending caused by 3381 rebels 4775 a brach-tribe 4297 distortion 4297 And such like deeds of 2063 the living body 5315

2. beast you have 2423 to exist 3426 never before 3808 to this one 1668 to be firm of them 3581

3. the principal ruler they are 7218 the spirit sprinkled to appease us 5137 and they 1931 will cause to sprout-bring forth 6779 and calling out 7121 those among longing-delighting 8378 and has shut up treasures-wealth 5459

4. these 2088 He sweeps away 5500 He shall stir up making bare of them 5782 by searching out 1245 the meat-food 4202 and they shall waver 5128

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5. in going forth His 4161 and will be ignoble-brought low 6819 also will arrange order His 5737 and searching out 1245 they with consent 225 will give meat-food 4202 and out cast to declare-push out 1762

6. they flinched turning away 5472 from appointment His 4483 empire-goverment it will theirs 4951 these 1992 number-count 4483. And they 1992 will divide-free directing 8281

7. And out of strength 2388 and from work they will against you 5647 and cast out-to declare-show 1760-2331 sorting 2178 and honor against 4022

8. And against the Hand of power 4135-3027 like dumb they 1745

9. They repeat of 8138 this from tumultuous crowd 7285 and gather treasure 5459 these 2088 with vigor 3581 He shall stir up making bear-revealing of them 5782 for searching out 1245 and in these withdraw 7873

10. and for these an elevated platform 3595 the speaking of things 1697 these doing good 2896 and they will with consent 225 and he made profit valuable these 3276 to him

11. and turning things upside down these 2017 and by hatfulness 8130 the shepherds 7462 and he made a purging of them 2212 cause for selected youth 970 for doing good 2896 and he shall with consent of them 225

12. and he among has profited of them 3276 and he builds platform theirs 3595 for the ones behind these 1157 to turn looking at his 6437 and from ministers his 8334 these 1992 five 2568

13. he seeing high in value inspiring awe of admiration through grandeur 7200-7215 and he renowed-and they grow numb hearing 8074-8051-8085 he leading astray-seduced them 2937 he odor of perceived anticipated acceptance an joy 7381

14. And will cause delight in feelings of objects 4885 from 7797 and intensifying 8027

15. the third level [the level of messengers] 7992 this from blood womans 1818 and will shut up treasures 5459 these 2088 he sweeps away 5500 to him tumultuous crowd 7283 and to these mark for recognition 2142

15. will record of this 7559 the things spoken of them 1697 afterwards of this 310 the everlasting these 5769 and the herd these 5739 from before of Mine 6440

16. he hastening of them 2363. And by this twice 6471 they to ride 7392 things 1697 was making pleasant in singing 5273 for being of things 1961 dividing up 3699

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17. reaching a given point in time 749 to learn by association 502 nations 523 divide half 2677 shut the door and 1479 compare them 7737. And divide half 2677 shut the door and 1479 these as before 2088. Will with draw of

18. a gem 8658 He covers-making obscure //

19. a fourth part of 7243 He sweeps away 5500 will among stir up making bear-revealing 5782 and shut up treasures of 5459 this 2088 He sweeps away 5500 for with love 159 speaking 1697

20. and by longing for 3700 El Him 410 firm in desire 176 to hate 8130 and to refuse 3973 speaking-thing 1697 and despised 959

21. He sweeps away 5500 to stand out 3426 the hateful 8135 and will love 160 the grieved 3707

Image 0044 open first: 1. He will desire 7522 these with fierceness 395 and will have compassion cherishing these ones 7356

2. they accomplish of His 3615 and will be nobility His

3. for a region 6285 also these 2088 firm in ability vigorous 3581 will assign 5414 Yahvah 3068 will investigate proving 974 they to wear out-grow old caused 1086 of wilderness 4057 to ones standing up living body in the opposite 5315

4. He to portion out of them 4327 and I called 7121 they caused diligently to observe 5172 they to live they are mine 2421 for this side-place 6285 also these 2088 the firm of ability 3581 hand of His 3027 by forming pressed out of them 6699

5. He has caused diligently to learn by experience His 5172 ones employment of 6045 excepting it's failures 1115 out of this learning by experience theirs 5172 such like 3644 also they pronounce judicial sentence-the punishment 8196 they cause to bring out the ones 6629 among the wolves 2061

6. also they 1931 will hate 8130. And in shepherding 7462 also they 1931 desirous of theirs before 183. And they love for 160 and are exceedingly hateful 8135

7. with failures of nothing you have 1115-1086 from their diligently observing 5172 caused of nothing 1077 they in the feminine 1931 these look narrowly 7688 what of purpose 4100 with failures they declare 1115 intelligents to declare 7919-[intelligents of theirs-the scribe has placed a letter inside of the last letter changing the suffixe from to declare to theirs]. And these of man 120

8. haughty and 1341 like such 3644 Mine also withdraw 4185 despised vile person 959 they to be firm 3581 increase in number casting together 7231 from

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mishpat-formal decree of judgement His 4941 and are lead away 5090 despised person 959 from driving 5090

9. they by trail 976 the failure they declare of nothing 1077 to wilderness 4057 like such 3644 also He a sentence of punishment His 4941 in desire greatly before 183 He to hate as enemy 8130 also they-woman 1931

10. hated of 8130 Him Most High 5920 these 2088 speaking 559 He has written the record 3789 these to resemble-becoming 4911 like large beast-animal 930 to be dumb astonished-putting to a stop His 1826 and from ruin of corruption 4893

11. these 2088 they firm 3581 all 3605 caused of select feeding 1262 these are closed 1479 in firmness 3581 of the eye-affliction want 5869 to be seen of them 7200. And firm 3581 of the countenance seen 5869

12. for these shall be insolent acting 1369 desiring 176 to point out-teach 3384 and firm 3027 their hand 3027 to seize taking possession 270 and firm 3581 these walk in the application 7270 to carry the way 3212 of such things 2007

13. such deeds 2063 smoothness of deception 2513 these 2088 the body 5315 the large beast who they have 2423 for will cut short of the harvesting 7114 and from thing of purpose 4100 also necessity from trouble of opponent your 6862

14. you to know by seeing it 3045 perception-intelligents 2940 being of 1961 by deeds of such 2063 the body 5315 and firm in ability to produce theirs of them 3581 it which were found 4672 to complete 3634

15. the proven tested 974 were nothing of hers 369 like portioned out 4372 first 259 also they will gather tumultuously 7284 also He gather of 7284 in Him the Adam 120 they 1931 mac.

16. to Him assembled 7284 you were caused he will one by one 2297 and just and right to manner 3651 they skip for joy 5483 and they of the red ass-donkey [kind knowing the masters crib] 2543 and all 3605 portioned out 4327 and portion out of 4327 cheerful rejoicing 7797

17. by Him a living body 5315 living ours He declared 2421 made He will a new thing 2323 in firmness vigor of these 3581 made us rejoice glad 2302 failure not at all shall they 1077 to be straight 833 to portion out 4327

18.after 310. And to carry away His 3212 they to attributing honor to Him 8567 will do habitually of them cause of them 6466 from waiting along along side to ambush 6679 urine these 7890 they cause to do habitually of work theirs 6466. And when 518

19. tent peg to their cause 3499 [Judges 4:21] will terminate ending 7117 and not will complete 3636. Even seeing this which is now a great while 3528 they ask of

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Him 994 teach early rain 4175 to make right cleanse 6663 to liken in resembling 4911

20. these seeing now a great while 3528 disesteem vile person 959 from do the third time 8027 condition of mind of theirs 4725 ones of darknesses 2824. They unite 259 from cause 1992 to rise as the sun her-it

21. most high her's 5920 this of brilliants-the sun 8121 and will a second time 8145 this moon 3394 and will be of third rank 7992 I was persecuted by him 1814 to light 5215

22. And lo and behold of his 2005 to do the third time 8027 complete 8532 will appear 4672 to make luminous 215 surely 389 as judge in ambush 3427 He separate 6567 mentally 995 cause to light 215 to light 215

23. And such thing on this side 2007 to restore 5414 they in abundace 7230 figurative language 4911 to cause him changes 2498 he to lift up 5375 tribes-people 5971 being of them 1961

24. from letting rest-dumb 1826 surely 389 not 3808 shall grow gray-old 7867 he shall change of them 2498 the tribes-people 5971 being of them 1961 he will abound in resources 8228

26. from places inhabited 4725 after 310 this 1931 they will go around lurking for evile against 7789 their making habitually to work 6466. And with figurative language use 4911 to hold back Me 680 disesteeming 959

27. from one falling shall be 5303 burning 784 one 259 in trees 6086 withered 3001 become small 1854 and as a limit 5592 and the goee-nations 1471 and by the archers 3384

28. and by the trees 6086 to live them and grow thick stupid of them 5666 from stubbornness of them 7186 from hiding from them [from lexicon root not used] also was nothing 369 punishment 5606 also to pierce in teaching 8150

29. they come forth 4672 cause to light 215 first 259. Firmly 403 stand out 3426 surviving destruction 2475 able to separate mentally 995 caused to light 215 to light 215 catching men into strong hold 4679 these in front explaining to them 6903

Image 0045 1. as surely 3588 they come forth 4672 the light in all senses 3498 fasten on it strong 2388 and greatness 1419 and being bright 925 and dazzling clear 6703 among the trees 6086 the dryed up disappointed 3001

2. He scrapes out removing 5595 the ones exalting 1466 the tender hearted 7401 among whoever 834 those appearing 4672 of the waster of these 1111 he among the ones hard and obtinate 7186 they are thick-stupid of them

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3. And gathering 1571 from loathing making to stink 2093 also on account of not 3808 they ascend 5927 from this 1992 light 216 clear 6703. And these going about 3212 caused to stand out 3426 to us to cause bitterness of rebelion and maltrearment 4654

4. also like in such deeds 2063 their person-body 5315 He shall keep alive to Him 2421 shall come forth 4672 in adam 120 will be the remainder 3498 finished one's of woman 8000 will be the remainder 3498

5. from all 3605 the tested to prove 974 strong hold of men 4679 happy of pacification 8013 will bubble up His 2560 and when of them His 351 and person of rank these 8269 and the living body 5315

6. their wilderness shall be 1696 [feminine fem.] they fem. 1931 the firm 3581 His come forth 4672 in adam 120 to separate 905 for 3588 they will act in wisdom 7919

7. these will be prudent in teaching of them fem. 7919 putting to confusion 3637 and in this they provoke to jealousy 7096 all 3605 very wise women 2454 and they remove dross-covering 913 they are becoming pleasant 4998

8. remove from their garden 1593 and the good thing-woman 2896 out of this evil 7451 and the stability of truth sure 571 from their dealing falsely-deceit 8266 and in flattery separating selves 2505 their actions-operations 4640

9. who also despise 959 the firmness 3581 knowledge of instruction seen 3045 the man 120 their direction of guidance in good advise 8458 the message of her's 4400 the day 3117

10. the needs according to all needs 6878 to his 413 by a thron pricking-a brier theirs 8068 and one will rise up confirming this 6965 like one a master workman fem. 542 and removal only to save them 2108 from the harm perverted guidance fem. 8458

11. the work of any kind cause 5656 the man her's 120 and disesteemed despised 959 he firm in hardness 3581 they divide into parts 914 from removal to save theirs 2108 from the test-proving of 974

12. and in this it shall be 1961 the man 120 man 120 " and they 1931 the column 5982 stability of truth his 571 and powerful of theis his 6099

13. will know by discerning of instructions 3045 also0 the living body-person 5315 will keep alive to declare 2418 My portion of Yah 2518 to a region 6285 also when 518 not 3808 let it be his 1961

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14. they make hast 2366 they who were found 4672 not 3808 it let be his 1961 their eyes of them 5869 were of those seeing 7200 and whoever 4310 also not 3808

15. they seeing 7200 Most High 5920 a course of life-the way 1870 sense of superiority 4912 who is of them 1992 they will boil up of them 7570 these 1992 hold on to of them 2388

16. flatter and smooth of tongue 2509 will remain 3498 great and high 1419 what of purpose 4100 will be solution of them 6592 not 3808 they withdraw into private place they fem. 7873 act intelligently 7919 also that which is coming fem. 935 something befalls fem. 4745

17. by raining violently 1692 and will rain violently 1652 powerful 6099. And just and right of manner 3651 when 518 not 3808 seeing 7200 it shall be white to them 3836 beating regularly trouble 6470

18. and will also you as a doomed thing destroy of them 2763 to impel-agitate regularly 6470 " and they will enflame selves 2552 to impel regularly agitate 6470 and will grow calm of them-build a wall 6979 impel regularly agitate 6470

19. not 3808 they withdraw to private place 7873 they act intelligently 7919 to this how where of them 349 from another incident met 4745 by rain violently 1652. And when 518 not 3808 they seeing 7200

20. Ruben 7205 and Shemon 8095 and these 2088 they skip for joy 5483 and skip for joy 5483 after 310. Not 3808 withdraw to private place 7873 they act intelligently 7919 they will move 5130

21. also 834 understand 995 Reuben 7205 and Shemon 8095 and understanding 995 second time 8145 they skip for joy of them 5483 and they portion out 2505 also 834

22. understanding 995 again 8145 the portioning out of them 4327 and not 3808 they withdraw 7873 the speaking 1697 of this among them of the border 5299 El of Yah theirs 452 such like this 1931

23. will retreat 5472 from spreading out and stripping of them 6584 remove boiling up cause 2460 and whoever 4130 also not of 3808 moral reverence 3374 the gummy ones 1706 and will cause expulsion 8462

24. and not 3808 it shall be 1961 to them to hurry 2363 the judicial sentence 2941 not 3808 they withdraw to private place 7873 they to act intelligently 7919 prudent with 7919 sweet 4966

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25. heat 2527. And the living body 5315 they act intelligently to declare 7919 they-fem. 1931 like a rock her's 6697 for her to a region 6285 also they fem. 1931 shall act wisely in being prudent of 7919

26. to His 413 these among caused bereavment 7909 from this among these hastened of it 2363. And caused to carry her 3212 like that has caused found wanting 5737 the rock her's 6697 it to be left leaving 7604

27. this will cause to boil up 2560 accordingly not 3808 shall be 1961 accordingly thing's prepared of to cease 3627 not-never 369 bending to by the delight of the mind in acceptance 2624 in them. And opinion 1843 shamefulness of shame 1317 the living body-persons of them fem. plural 5315

28. that which 428 they appear in and 4672 He will by wrath [fem. plural absolute] 5678 and so has commanded-Mitzvoot 4687 when 518 that may live He declares 2421 in firmness 3581 those among will make tumultuous rage 7283

29. they by removing shall cause to be blind seeing of 5786-7200 that 834 not 3808 they appear of hers 4672 will defend-holding as a controversy 7378 the ones of wrath of them [fem. plural absolute] He has commanded-Mitzvot 4687 when 518

Image 0046: 1. that may live He declares 2421 in a force for good firm 3581 they will make passionate gathering 7284 and He removing cause of blindness seeing 5786-7200 how 834 not 3808 they to come forth appearing His 4672 controversy of wrong 7378 will of passion cause 5678

2. these His Mitzvots-commands 4678 these His shall hang up-sense of devotion 8518 like this of 3644 Most High 5920 and actions doing good 4639 for deceiving-stealing 1591 will cause to kill 7523 and you cause to guard 8119

3. Shabbat [Her] and honorable making weighty 3513 of the Father "1" and when 518 will make light of removing the esteem them 2108. And when 518 in living body 5315 they will cause to circumspect to declare 7919 in firmness strong 3581

4. will by intelligents 7919 how 834 to Her they came forth and 4672 their out burst of passion 5678 to do the Mitzvot-commands 4678 and they hang up in devotion of them 8518

5. in knowledge theirs 1844 and to do in firmness of moral fidelity 530 by their trusting 539 also to the eternity-the age 5769 from New Moon 2320. Then desired 176 of the eastern ways 6930

6. and also this 1931 they make plenteous 3498 unite 259 desire of 176 twelve-tribes 8147 to show living 2331 declare living 2331 and after 310 this 2088 knowledge 1847 have the tribes 6971

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7. when shall come 1961 in the living body 5315 they may live to declare 2421 you have missed the mark-sinned 2398 for in the works of ones to Her 6468 insolence and arrogance ones of them to Her 2087 these 1992

8. accordingly straying ignorantly of them 7683 this which 834 was nothing 369 empty 922 of ability 3581 to this alloy-actions 913 this a good 2896 remove this distressing evil ruin 7451. And the untruth of deceit

9. from the truth // for just and right to manners 3651 not 3808 He against beauty 3308 in these treatment desired 1576 will inflict a penalty 6064 [the word inpart remember watch the eyes-eye make up-3876-5770] the living body 5315 I make self circumspect to declare 7919

10 A stand out 3426 ascending up 5944 to these will guide 5090 that they may live He declares 2421 in strength and ability 3581 they made selves understand 7919 that in order 834 not 3808 will lead astray from Her 5090

11. good Hers 2896 and up rightness Hers 3477 and among children Hers 5764 and to these a remote place Hers 7352-7350 among turning of them 2015. And when 518 shall provide 6213

12. after this manner 3602 shall make habitually 6466 this is good 2896 to Her. To this place 6311 also in the living body 5315 they made selves circumspect in understanding to declare 7919 shall be habitually 6466 [provide for womans needs]

13. among suckingly children of them to do 5764 shall cause among to make bed-couch floor space of theirs 3331 retaining ability to do 3581 that they 1992 will be eager-make ready 2363 and the apparel theirs 1825

14. it shall be exceptable only to them-women 2108 and according to this 834 to wound it will be shamful-confusion of 3637 good men 2896. For a portion theirs-women 6310 caused to bring forth 3318 the habitually practise 6466 good hers 2896

15. and will over turn perversity 2015 in changing 2015. And way walk 3212 when will be 518 pleasant-sweet 5207 with her 225 to practise wrongly wrong 7750 afterwards of 310 shall be to covet-lusting for to do 183

16.He cause to rain violently of them 1652 there 2008 this evil great 7451 shut up in prison will 3607 it comes 935 to them. Seeing against 7200 by prudences they will declare 7922 according to this 834

17. practise hers 3627 of friends7453 and causing to fail of them 2637 and split up-reach into midst 2637 works of judgement will measure of deeds 6467 companions of 7443destitution-in want 2641. And to walk the way His 3212

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18. the treatment as derserving 1576 and He will inflict a penalty 6064 to the living body 5315 this wilderness you are 4057 to separate 905. And seeing they will 7200 also know of you 1843 the tribes-peoples [People of Yisrael] 5971

19. what of purpose 4100 it to grow great in number 3527 to know by seeing you 3045 also will bring forth of them 4672 the living body 5315 to stand out 3426 they come 935 ones searched out of them 2713

20. I will remember their 2142 ways 3212 in harvesting these7114

21. Formost and first part 7223 when 518 they 1931 to come forth shall 4672 then 176 not 3808

22. second part to do 8145 when 518 they 1931 what of purpose 4100 they 1931// and when 518 they 1931 binding fast 6105 also 176 from chance encounter 4726

23 third part 7992 except 518 to feed selected 1254 when 518 not 3808

24. fourth part 7243 except 518 they 1931 first 259 in all 3605 the time allowed-age 5769 // then 176 increase of them 7235

25. and the men of

26. fifth part 2549 except 518 he to feed his 1254 unit alike 3162 in time 6256 will firmly feed 1277 the time allowed 5769. Also 176 when 518

27. these 2004 He to create of them 1254 for a finish 3634 day 3117 for a rock you 6697 will close of them 1479

Image 0047 1. sixth part 8337 when 518 He 1931 to create you 1254 from standing out 3426 desire 176 from nothing 369

2. seventh part 7637 when 518 He 1931 to select you 680 among living body 5315 the Father "1" like this 3644 He closes 1479 then 176 not 3808 //

3. eighth of 8083 when 518 deliver will 579 from the Father "1" from spinkle to spirit 5137 speaking 1697 they 1931

4. ninth 8671 surely 518 they 1931 shall die 4191 when 518 not His 3808 //

5. tenth 6224 will deliver 579 out of death shall 4191 surely 518 they were His 1961 faint 3856 all 3605 firm strong of the able to do 3581 accordingly let be His 1961

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6. weary 3856 seeing against 7200 they by words having to be upheld 5143 they were among ones of insurrection 7283 He killed 4191 to stur up-opening the eyes 5782 and they caused to act circumspect of 7919 after of this 310

7. separate seed 6507 from those closed 147 surely 518 not 3808

8. unite 259 to give tithe 6237 surely 518 not 3808 they shall be 1961 faint-weary 3856 to maintain them 3557 sprinkle to spirit 5137 what of purpose them 4100 remain remnant 7604 weary 3856 //

9. again 8147 to give tithe 6237 when 518 the flesh living 5315 from you seek ocassion to remove head 1538-1556 from closed 1479 El 410 close 1479 then 176 not 3808

10. these growing gray-aged 7867 will petition requesting 7596 the first-foremost of place 7223

11. surely 518 such of these 1931 who are of a great while now 3528 they have seen 7200 also these 1931. And surely 518 they 1931 after being old are of 1086 Him reverent fear declaring 3372 among these showing 7200 ones of works and rewards 6468

12. strong and firm of them to do 3581 regarding speech 6310 acting and making circumspect 7419 working and making rewards 6467 causing to come forth 3318 from a force good 3581 what of purpose 4100. Surely 518 works and compensation of these ones 6468 firm and good 3581 they may live of them 2421

13. which 834 projecting selves anticipating 6923 will of record them 7559 remove it in stalls of animals 723 and surely 518 will reward you 6468 strongly 3581 they have trampled you 5541 [Ps.119:18]

14. in this 1455 like such 3644 in reverent fear of Him 3372 in speaking of this 1696 looking down on 6031

H-A: 15. because of will push out of flock to Me 7716 caused by misleading enraptured of selves 7686 they caused showing of 7200 separating one from another 6504 making selves deceived of 5377 and they waviered in this 5128

16. He shall make a separation of you 6504 from these making you to wavier being movable 5128 5128 just and right of manner 3651 the light you [Ecclesiastes 12:1-2] 216 and He made of quick understanding before 7306 which 834 was nothing 366

17. in firmness strong 3581 strength of them 3581 the living body 5315 He they may live to declare 2421 to these will withdraw of them of 7873 limitation 7535 for their vanity these 7722 also 176 ones will bubble up of them 2563

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18. H-B: 18. accordingly wil push out of flock 7716 ones causing to stray enraptured of selves 7686 they will cause to mislead -stray His 7686 out of lack of 1097 which His have practise habitually 6466 by reason of among 4480 they cause error 4870

19. and will of firmness in strength 3581 they may live I declare 2421 I will mark as to recongnize 2142 and will make of selves deeds 6467 among these making eager them 2363 as seeing against 7200

20. also their eagerness in making 2363 continues to advance 5710 to become like 4911 among taking hold of 6901 from among will hold peace theirs 2814 of the urinate-piss and of 7890 what so ever 4100 to the scattered 6285 also caused to having strayed His 7686 boiling up of the scum you have 2560

21. and of the way to walk His 3212 good 2896 squeezing into shape to purpose you of 3335 El 410 prepared purpose 3627 bubbling up of the scum 2563 closed to Me 1479 He to admite choosen 6901 these strayed of His 7686 will to Me among bring out His 3318 and walked His 3212

22. accordingly whoever of these frail-weak of 2523 the purpose prepared 3627 they weakest of 2523 the strong in firmness 3581 this 1451 just and right of manner 3651 and for these 2088 when of also will withdraw into private place pursuing 7873 words of this purpose-matter 1967 seize upon in strength 2388

23. will call aloud of them 6963 the strong-clear of them 2388. also 176 revealing self 5869 the activity in light 8120 to the weakened 2523 to these withdraw into private place pursuing 7873 then 227 call aloud the sound of a voice 6963 weak of them

24. and illuminating 215 ones weakened 2523 by scattering 6284 also these weak of 2523 the prepared purpose 3627 for I will instruct-Torah 8451 strong 2388 to speech 6310 also the Rock Mighty One theirs 6697 these among lay the hands on being able you 5060

Image 0048: 1. from these among will hold peace 2814 shall inscribe making note of 7559 to purpose prepared 3627 head-first these 7218 what of purpose 4100. And will overturn-changing 2015 in among will act wisely being prudent 7919 also they cause suspend trading and spending 8254

2. among they will act wisely 7919 will seek deeply-profund 6009 and strong clear 2388 and like progney-Son His 5209 out of a portion His 4480 El 410 He shall instruct 8451 of the weak 2523 they will be able taking hold on 5381 His Torah 8451 calling voice of 6963

3 And the third part 7992 also they act wisely 7919 they will punish taking vengeance 5358 they 1931 made powerful of them 6105 purpose of what 4100 also they pursuing 7873

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4. hemming in shall 4692 these among and acting wisely 7919 in appearance-humble His. and to speak 6310 also will consider making to understand-behave selves 7919 are nothing His 369

5. to Me Mighty Powerful-[UL the Hebrew] these adress by additional name 3655 for separation set apart 905. And way walk these 3212 it shall be 1961 with Him the wise and prudent 7919 and they among will act wisely considering 7919// and they among will make wise of understanding 7919

6. speaking 1697 unite as one 259 in eyes His 5869 like such 3644 they are ones of empolyment of business 6045 in these having gone astray of them 7686 were caused to separate out of them 914. And surely of truth

7. in these separated you 7886 they may live He to declare 2421 was nothing His 369 just andright to manner 3651 to command 6310 also these a form as pressed out 6699 which 834 shall create provoking to jealousy 7069 the strength in firmness 3581

8. it shall show 7200 among these who will see 7200 they will make hast 2363 they being old 1086 strong firm 3581 it causes to show 7200. And gathers likewise of manners 1571 their rock these 6699

9. these they 1931 were nothing 369 He makes to see-understand 7200 these He shall bring forth 4672 separating out 2351 to the living body 5315 to make hast these 2363 that they 1931

H-D: 10. who are to the work of them of 6466 the living body 5315 these to act wisely to be successful I declare 7922 they shall seize on in strength His 2388 in a time of 6256 their old age 2209

11. and in this time of 6256-5703 from deficiency-want 2642 the close 1479 and like making hast 2363 and are turned 2015 will do the work of

12. that may live of you 2421 to command 6310 also they 1992 are of them gone astray 7686 ones boiling up of them 2560 will appear 3318 interlaced-among His 8308 El 410 prepared 3627 close in Me 1479

13. accordingly will mark 2142 and to command 6310 who He has prepared 3627 that these 1931 the frail and weak 2523 in a time 6256 according of old age 2209 I cut off 2522 and gather 1571

14. who having gone astray of them 7686 will cause from the exiles of them these 6808. and from these 428 will employ of them 6045 I seeing 7200 gathered 1454 that of 1454 like such 3644 who are circumspect prudent 7919

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15. will provoke to jealousy 7069 these 1931 speak 1697 to different to select 914 to wear out 1086 will boil up of these 2560 like this 3644 also they shall declare 874

16. ones let search out examine 2713 different of 8133 and this 1931 in passion-angry 639 this 1931 to ordain 4483 this 1931

17. query one not 335 reeling in judgement 6328 seeing 7200 turned they 5186 and have defiled they 1353 flee 5127 reverent fear of Him 3373 also their living body 5315 tempered wine-mixed water and wine 4197 and they 1931

18. also like which 834 they shall be 1961 the mixed wine-temered 4197

19. he who is near 7138 from these will lead astray and they 5377 among My head persons 8269

20. from My appointed and 4487 they will commmit adultery-idolatry 2181 and the genitor-Son 4140 like from to be dumb1745 and like which 834 ajust to resemble 7737 He will instruct-Torah-[manner 8448]

21. they to develop 4900 from appointed 4487 firmness to produce 3581 after 5921 ones aquire substance of 7075 He caused to make circumspect-consider prudent of them 7919 and which 834 they had strayed in intoxication theirs 7686

22. the men they will be. they will see after seeing to do 7200 to them 1992 after 5921 this 2088 also like which 834 they shall be fettered 2131 they are tempered wine mingled 4197

23. He also to be disappointed and 954 these 429 the works of them 6468 and like such 3541 the body living 5315 from uncleanness disqualification

24. and to Me an escaped portion they are 6412 inclosure-hedge about 1448 like a generation 1859 according also they 1931 bind fast 6105 will separate 914 ones will debar from bennnefit 4513 He closes

25. and gathers of 717 becoming derelict-turning aside 7750 and deceiving enducing to mislead 952 I measure-judge 5429 hedge about 1448 according also these 1931 will rise up 6965 beginning first generation 7723 from peace with you 4918

26. closed 1479 sinking of 2883 will put a difference-separating of 6395 living 2421 in firmness 3581 from their speaking 1697

27. He from these ones bringing forth 6965 and will rule these of them 4910 He to be pleased with 7521 will appoint His 562 raises up 6965 beginning of 7723 to be glad 7797

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Image 0049: 1. changes of 8138 they are hot and active 3120 ones raised up 6965 beginning 7723 My changes 8138. The beginning 7723 they 1931 will declare answering 1696 they weigh out-constitue officially 4487

2. and in restoring His-[Torah ways] 5749 these labor 6213 will declare by answers 1696 of theirs 1931 ones of truth certain of Him 571 and binding fast making powerful and great Him. The rulings over dominion 4910 forming 6699

3. their way will terminate-end 5486 also these 1931 ones among rising up shall 6969 will out of peace shall 7999 will labor as you have 1934 their way will terminate-end 5486 except also these 2108 not 3808 shall come will 1961

4. will terminate-end 5486 in ones of having made habitually-[the way] 6466. And will raise 6965 changes 8138 they 1931 speaking of this way 1697 have become 1934 to making in practice habitually shall 6466 of purpose speak 1697. For these are determined 2852

5. to cause termination-end of 5486 and the nephesh-living body 5315 He 1931 will raise 6965 beginning 7723 by closed [body as dead] 1479 that 834 will be ones laboring as you have 1934 going out 3318

6. He to close 1479 for have worked 6466 and except of these 2108 not 3808 shall be 1961 they to be able 3557 to become of 1961 us attaining and ready 4672. And pleased with accomplishment 7521 in words answering of Him

7. to close 1479 settle sinking of 2883 for the removal of alloy [old ways] and 913 to give work of messengers-manner of work 4399 accordingly will terminate-end 5486 and will cover-secrecy Mine 3680 and except these 2108. Appointed answers 562

8. things prepared of 3627 seeing against 7200 their masters 1167 they are consumed by them 3615 to this separating out His 913 from these in silence 1748 because 3588 will be growing sprouting up of these 6779 and He is testing-proving 974

9. will enclose-protecting // 3823 and creating new thing // 1278 and made heavy // 3513 and given occasion to scorn 5006 to defile 2933 and grieved // 3512 were caused 1992 to live 2421 // will cause eyes of them // 5869

10. and will cause ears of them // 238 and cause hands of them // 3027 and by the sides of them // 218 and when 518 they will grow sprouting up of them 6779 will extend out of them 3670 and will cause on of them 5921

11. and will cause to root and produce fibre and muscle and nerves of them 8327 [primitive root BDB page 1057] /. Then 176 they to observe 7521 by word thing produced 562 prepared thing of 3627 will separate 914 Who of ability 3581 He begins lays foundation of these 3247 like gem stones 7718

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12. not 3808 they will work-labor and 6468 for control-govern of them 6346 the nephesh-living body 5315 limited ability 7535 by bones of theirs 6106. Seeing against 7200 in speaking of 562

13. to live 2421 in vigor 3581. And after 310 living 2421 by one working 6466. And at this 227 will finish 7999 behold consider of these 1934 these of the same body and stronger very will do 6106

14. and pleased with accomplishment 7521 in speaking of 562 from words of this 1696 they among bring one up of them 6965 and he among completes-finish of them 7999 also they 1931

15. strong 6105 not 3808 cause to bring about 7136 like such 3644 also who 834 not 336 what of this manner 375 calling out to 7121 a gift 7862 and they vision of selves 7210 Yah has seen 7211 [teaching 3384]

16. to His 413 when woman with child they 2030 in testing-proving 974 a stand out 3426 cause to destroy of them 6 increasing in number 7231 will separate of them 2505 to you one of maturity them 3624 and how of you them 349

17. and like such of you of them 3644 will bore of you these 2490. And a pan for holding blood 5592 by the lips of the valley of you them 1516 and a hook and noose for snaring of these them 4170 causing shower of you them 8164 and take away of you them 2505

18. and then flee for protection 2620 after end them 7117 to end you 7117 not 3808 they have caused to make water-piss of her 8366 to remove 5709 by disposal 7760 one 259 from to be straight 833 the portion out 4327

19. and when 518 shall be 1961 these meet with accident hers 4745 not 3808 these have sense of loving affection 4312. And will protest 5749 also when 518 will decree His enactments 2706 in wisdom never hers 2449

20. and in cunning knowledge aware 1847 Most High Him 5920 not was nothing 369 to one holding pan 5592 and from a part of this 4480 to be gone 369 to destroy 1438 and this mixed water and wine-mezeg 4197 spit 7536

21. by wisdom in a good sense 2449 and in cunning knowledge 1847. A testifying 5749 these at ease 7599 one found who of them 4672 in a vehicle riding 4817 ones of pacification 8013[multiculturalism]

22. many-thousands 7231 and of peculiar treasure and property of them 5459 not 3808 they sowing to develop His 4900 by considering habitually 7760 uniting 259 among disintegrating-stupidity 6580 present-and 7862 they not 3808

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23. to complete of them 3634. They like such 3644 stand out 3426 to all 3605 rise high up of 5940 nephesh-living body 5315 speaking of this matter 1697 united 259 they 1931 will be of smoothness selves 2505

24. from these of such 1992 these among roam through lust 7904 from out of His 4480 by such 1992 all 3605 to be strong and 193 the ones of pacification 8013 and in such as this 1931 what of purpose 4100

25. with such 1992. And they 1992 bind fast-close the eyes 6105 they like such 3644 with His 225 the speaking 1696 also of selves 1931 lightning-swords of swift destruction also[ against to bury 6912] from so many 1992 these 1931

26. close the eyes in strength 6105 and this of 1931 the living body 5315. And to know 1843 also this 2088 will close up 1443 that 1931 to the nephesh-living body 5315 the common area of to declare 776

27. He will close buildings you shall 3635 to all 3605 masters of 1167 the nephesh-body 5315 will to branches that grew out of shall 6780 that they may live declaring 2421. Permanent of them 539 to nephesh-living body 5315

28. the mortal man of them 582 to separate to these 910 not a thing 369 to these the enclosed building 1443 by mouth-doors 6310 who- also nothing 369 to these flinch go back 5472 and for a part a thing 915 by the mouth-door region 6285

29. who flinch go back in 5472 of self 1931 they to say 559 over or on 5921 ones will deceive-seduce His 5377 for the crowd of people women you 5519 and not 3808 will come to you to do 4672 [will cause you to lie-kills]

Image 0050: 1. speaking 1696 they say 559 over concern for 5921 the nephesh-body 5315 who among speaks of the matter declare 1696 will over concern for 5921 removal of this 2108 by the crowd of men-women from it 5519 [they have by objectification of women-children just a thing]

2. cause for like this 3541 not-nothing 369 to them flinch-go back 5472 and not 3808 this like such 3644 the part or a piece 915 in an area 6285 who will take an object 915 this 1931 troubles ours 6040

3. to them their object 915 portion of 4327 among portion out 4327 give allotment 2506 flinch go back 5472 they will to enclosed building 1443 from these riding in vehicles 4817 give a flinch go back 5472

4. and will for a part-a thing 915. Cause like this 3541 not nothing 369 in this enclosed building 1443. Trust me them 539 there is substance 3426 to them of ones to slide by 2498 and give change alter to us 8138

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5. out of to remove shall you 2108 and they will give record 7559 for this. And giving record it will 7559 cover for secrecy of this 3680 closing the eyes 6105 this to wear out-growing old 1086 violently to rain 1652

6. their 1931 clothing assumes their form-transparent 8008 will violently rain 1652 was prepared of 3622 account of Mine 4480 to these by this selecting of the young men My 970 out of these in a sense of the beginning the opening 8462

7. also when you complete 3615 in firmness and vigor 3581. And appointing speaking 562 prepared of 3622 by this selecting 914 works of deputy ship of His 4399 and these a company of person in counsel 5475

8. And saying these 559 among will begin 8462 also will complete you 3615 the selected 914 among will test 974 they to grow old you shall 1086 teaching in the wilderness 1996 [this social system]

9. And saying these 559 in firmness and vigor 3581 the selected 914 from the living flesh 5315 the wheels of them-roll away the reproach [Joshua 5:9] of them 1534 also they 1931 out of to Me carry away 3261 by these 1992

10. you measured and judged 4055 having made and practiced habitually 6466 He examined intimately these 2713 third level you 7992 when 518 He 1931 will create you 1254 [large letters]

11. they turn back 7725 never 3808 they deliver 4422 all 3605 arranged words speaking 1696 from becoming 1961 to Me Mine will create // 1254 to Me these selected chosen and cleansed 1305 causing to be Mine [first word large letters]

12. ones shall be a peculiar treasure 5459 they to be strong // 193 seeing against 7200 speaking words 1696 to delay draw along 4900 by being strong His of 6106 the Torah 8451

14. like Messengers deputies of 4397 by cunning knowledge 1847 after age comes to an end 6310-5486 and the living body 5315 it not to exist 369 will create 1254 and not 3808 messengers 4397

15. causing like such 3644 they 1931 He to create you 1254 and lift up restoring 5749 conduct selves wisely 7919 speaking of this 1696 He to make large 1431 was nothing us 369 in completion end perfect 8503

16. finish of His 7999 ever lasting-perpetuity 5703 caused to make large His 1431 and they present selves 3318 of the wilderness 4057 afterward 310 are safe in mind peace 7999 also they 1931

17. among completed finished [Isa.44:26] of Him 225 and the nephesh-living body 5315 path you have walked 1980 and great you 1419 in wisdom 2451 and complete friendly 8003

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18. fir and sure 403 stand out 3426 to Him from the finish 7999 and they 1931 from the beginning you 8462 firmly and sure 403 He to declare 874

19. He searched out examining these 2714 fourth part you 7243 when 518 they 1931 first 259 also

20. myriads a great number 7239

21. they are el 410 also they 1931 first 259 in completion perfect 3634 dominion over and master of 1166 living body-the nephesh 5315 You have given 5414 to sprout bring forth growing up of them 6779 like a sprout one of such these 6779

22. and by testing proving 974 He will gather 7278 and in the wilderness of theirs 4057 will act wisely 7919 longing for of 3642 companion 3674

23. they will bubble up of these 2563. And they of 2088 knowledge cunning 1847 cease from labor. Who to Me just and right of manner 3651 also to Me were nothing 369 also not 3808 attain readiness 4672

24. will make to grow up of them 6779 speaking of this matter 1697 what of purpose 4100 from this dry stubble 7179 and will live 2421 speaking of this matter 1697 from these making to understand guiding 7919 in time when 6256 a part of 4480

25. ordain of them 8239. And recorded 5749 to Me all 3605 shall live as before 2421 who are His 1961 all 3605 will shoot forth you 6779 all against // 3605 those doing adultery and idolatry-whoring 2181

26. will be able of these 3557 ones 259 and also to nail-hang up like a tent peg from His 3489 by working will of them you 6468 gather// all 1571-3605 to a region 6285 consider deal wisely 7919 firm and vigorious3581

Image 0051: 1. each one 259 then developes 4900 from a portion given these 4480 ones rising in priority 4608 first 259 are to Me such as 354 seen of Him 7200 also they will come forth 4672 by growing of these sprouts 6779

2. not will 1097 commit idolatry-adultery 2181 how 834 by proving 974 and I will see 7200 and will be honorable 3513 and they will be astonished 1826 in ones working of them among their own people 6468

3. and then when 518 of great joy 7797 first 259 complete 3634 to Me stand out these 3426 will portion out 4327 like such 3541 cease from labor-rest 988 also just and right to Me 3651 they shall live before [Me] 2421

4. also are of His 1961 keep and maintain them 3557 by ones marked out 8389 first 259 and were His 1961 to keep being able these 3557 being wise and able

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to teach wisdom 2449 and lawful just righteousness of these 6662 also 176 turning things upside down 2017

5. will what soever of purpose 4100 also knowing by seeing will understand 3045 also 176 their foolishness 5528 know by understanding seen 3045 anes of His community His 2268 and will cease their foolishness-5528-3615 of the tribes-peoples 5971 ones of His community 2268 for just and right in manners 3651 standing out 3426

6. to us to them bitterness 4751 act wisely being prudent acting 7919 uniting 259 to living body 5315 among theirs this new thing 2323 My hand 3709 companions these 3674 will by wrapping as skin of the grapes 2085 will among these 2088

7. reverence fearing 3374 gathering like such 1571-3541 causing to stop 989 think intended you 5452 I will answer 561 in a whirlwind of the heavens 1534 the living body of them 5315

8. He has searched examined of these-feminine 2714 a fifth part shall be 2549 when 518 He creates His 1254 guiding-sustaining them 3557 [Rverse reading left to right] will rign as kings 4427 and waiting the ones 696 what of purpose 4100 shall My ones making to rejooice 8085 looming up the Mountain 2042 receiving instruction 3948

9. will be amazed you shall be 8159 ones I create of these-feminine [reverse] desired 185 growing great 7235 you labor for 6213

10. to a region 6285 will caused to make ready 3559 out of hostile manner 6584 subduing of 1697 with pleasure against 2370 fearing they 3372 also I create of these 1254 guiding them 3557 to a place 227 these 2088 will be to Me [reverse] will lust after 183 this 2088 to reign 4427 and waiting you 696 ones left of Mine 7604 into that time 227 living 2421 hastening to pounce on 2907 mouthed words 6310 theirs will punish 5221 He to distinguish-putting a difference 6395

11. answers commands Mine 562 is it not of 371 the Son 1121 David 1732 coming 935 as far as long 5704 also to be able Him 3201 they caused ruins 8054 accordingly by the plagues [reverse] slack to cease 6313 shameful and confusion 1322 and doubling in amount 4932 for maintaining 3557 grow fat 3780 with knowledge of 1843 the Father "1" loving you before 1730 one's of the harshness 4995 and the caused to fall 7411

12. and will distinguish putting a difference of His 6395 to an end 5487 concealed thing-protection 5647 this 2088 their ignorant cunning knowledge 1847 will say 559 will know by seeing 3045 waste thing 8047 to be astonished of it 7583 behind closed doors 1479 and not 3808 [reverse] to His 413 the feeble cease 6313 and were desperate being one's of hope 2976 these 1992 looking about for help 8159 seeing 1768 caused heap of bodies 7419 they take away 5710 the

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disgusting 2214 accumulated heaps 5595 military mounded 5550 of this place 6310

13. a force bad 3581 in causing plagues 5062 not of 3808 His son 1121 in this or apart of us 4480. Caused not 3808 when shall come 1961 it rising up 5927 they will by impulsive acting -able of conditions 5953-8586 also [bamah Hebrew word]-to be high 1116[reverse] this 1992 odious 1314 wailing 3213 are dealing oppressively 5792 and were vain in actions 1819. One's of progeny theirs 5209 and in foolishness will they 5014 to do 413 being feeble 6313 of the mouth-training 2441-2596 [also Ba midbar-Numbers 1437 used 5061-5062 Psalm 106: 29-30 used 4046 root is 5062]

14. then separate-dividing and 6504 also they cause calamity-plague 5062 not 3808 they will separate selves-quarantine-isolate 6504 together are strong 193 by this [action] bodies to die 1480-5062 and heaps of corpses 2563 then-now 176 will divide-separating-quarantine of them 2506 [reverse] these He called 6963 hiding cherishing His 2245 high branches 534 these a wall of protection 2346 the plague before 5062 that causes 413 it's generation 1859 portion of 6310 to 413 plagues of 5062 the waste [body waste] 7736 slackening of 7503 [discouragement and fear]

15. to divide of them 6504 from plagued 5062 ones 259 like strong together and 193 shall say 559 ones of priority-elevate 4608 and ones beneath 4295 they to sort out 4327 and turning to the left hand 8041

16. turned of them 6437 and backwards 268 and caused living body of these 5315 not 3808 the make right turn 6663 to be thick 931 to a region 6285 will live carelessly proud 7600 close door of them-[feminine]

17. and protest 5749 when 518 shall be 1961 presented of them 4672 the living body 5315 was as before 6925 to push down-beaten 5062 not 3808 they keep back benefit or injury 4513

18. from her portion 2513. And they 1931 when 518 who shall be defined to release 6299-5429 among these measured-judged to deliver 6299-5429 they having pushed down 5062 not 3808 cause to My Torah-Instructions 8448

19. who shall be delivered defined 6299-5429 to Me just and right of manner 3651 it shall be 1961 to present of them her 4672 by having pushed down 5062 by the good for nothing 7489 to her. And to My Torah-Instructions 8448 also not 3208 you measure-judge to deliver 6299

20. for I measure and judge to deliver Mine 6299-5429 truly not 61 you shall be left 7604 ones standing you 5975 like which 834 with these you are profane things 2486. Causing like such 3541 they shall be 1961

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21. made to present of them her 4672 by causing to stop these 989 by the plague 5062 people-tribes 5971 also for a great while now 3528 they are cold 7135 to her making her small ignoble 6819 by deceitful dealings of them to her 2048

22. in pushing down 5062 from among My spotters of sheep 5349 the ones pushing down 5062 and you make selves disgusting of His 3811 and He will separate her 6507 from out of these 4480 and restore 5749 to Me like such 3541 you shall 1961

23. present to her 4672 that was as before 6925 to cause to stop to her 989. To faces of 6310 whoever will present of them 4672 the living body 5315 was nothing of us 369 surely

24. when 518 by this to finish 7999 the beating down 5062 and by this bring out will 3318 regard in making to practice habitually 6466 and by this will finish 7999 her 1931 to Me from exiled of them His 6808

25. like thus 3644 who He shall declare 874 to these 2088 they to separate and deliver 6561 and to establish proper 3559 the person separated and 1508 He to make wonderful and fulfilling to an end 6395-5487 also the living body theirs 5315

26. they 1992 He to create of these 1254 in complete of 3636 a day 3117 bowing self 3721 the one of a colleague 3674 these will boil up of them 2563 and they 1931 humble are humble of you 6041 precious her 3365

27. in living body 5315 and to a body [Daniel 3:27] 1655 which 834 for His you shall be 1961 a body 1655 one 259 certain kind 389 wears out 1080 time appointed 2166 her movements 5270

28. by extremity 6285 also measures will rescue 6309-5429 will of the living body 5315 one preferred I declare 5330. Gathered 1571 was nothing 369 to her shall move 5270 among beside 6655

29. abundance of strength her 6109 like such 3644 also will point out and teach she will 3384 like such 3541 was nothing her 369 she will be swift 6431 beneath 8478 appointed time His 2165 and cunning knowledge of awareness 1847 gaze upon against 2370

30. causing to separate of them of you 6567 will act as gate keeper 8176 will cause to cut off of them 1415 by surrounding protecting you 5826 the named authority

Image 0052: 1. Examine trying the ones of you 2713 considered to become 1934 such of these 2088 and will live 2331 and these 1992 when 518 He selects creates of you 1254

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2. the living body 5315 from a living body 5315 the Father "1" then also 176 from the plague 1696 afterwards 310

3. increase in abundance 3527 will explain making plain He shall 874 also they 1931-[in feminine] He creates you 1254 among to Me from the exiles of them 6808 the intelligent and prudent 7922 these will make habitually to practice work 6466

4. when so 834 they will abound in resources 8228 above 5921 all 3605 senses of the body 1655 forming the rock 6699 unite 259 He to release let be redeemed 6299-measured 5429

5. rock as a form feminine 6699. To faces of 6310 also these of wisdom and skilful in knowledge of 2451 the Eloha of you 433 will live before her 2421 also not 3808 to lack or fail 2637 of the pestilence-[plague see Psalm 91]

6. what of this matter 4100 seeing they will 7200 to His and to just and right of manner 3651 ones unripe-not fully mature of His 648 He measures let be redeemed 6299 will form as pressed out her 6699 He these 1931 not 3808 He will restrain 3234

7. among these doing well and 2896 with His 225 a time fixed 2163 He will pare off thinning 4593 to this region 6285 also those 1931 remaining ones 3498 good 2896 among let become His 1961

8. a master 1167 to the future-eternity 5769 strong of strength and 352 shall become 1961 from nephesh-living body 5315 the Father "1" they shall live 2421 from these 2088 will finish 7999

9. four

10. the first one 259 who are to Me like such 3644 the one shall be 1961 dumb of 1745 the Son 1121 to the Father "1" to future eternity 5769. And they increase 7235

11. acting wise in mind 2449 they will in His hand 3027 to grow stupid of them 2954 and will turn about pervert 2015 this 1454 way 3541

12. these among make a distinction 996 that way 3541 they shall live on 2421 also shall fail-lacking of 2637 living body 5315 the Father "1" will of them cause to bear young 3205 to the Son 1121

13. like thus 3644 also they to fail of 2637 He closes 1479 in of these to bear young shall 3205 He close 1479

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14. will of these 1454 like such 3541 it shall be 1961 the Father "1" will give 5414 a form pressed out-rock 6699 ones remaining 3499 commit apostatizes 4560 they are stupid cause 3517 among living body theirs 5315

15. was 3588 nothing 369 in vigor 3581 of living body 5315 the Father "1" by this with draws 7873 like available 7862 to making habitually 6466 to His 413

16. the works of these 6468 they will do acts wonderful in judgment-[Exodus 3:20] 6381 because 834 practice habitually these 6466 of the living body 5315 His selected joining you 680 from after this by reason of appointing 4480 disperses scattering in Me 967

17. which 834 not 3808 to be fragrant 1313 one 258 from the men 582 will be able 3201 to Him with draw into private place 7873 He to arrange order 5468 which 834 for ones formed to purpose determined of you 3335 [Job 36:24 remember you magnify His works of which you have sung]

18. the adam 120 and ability of these His 3581 will to Me render clear His ones 1262 accordingly act as gate keeper these 8176 and accordingly to die these 4191 and to Me they have wounded striking lightly them 5221 and make to write the record of them 5608

19.and He to have compassion 2347 portion to end of them 7117 to end afterwards 7117 and how 349 it shall be 1961 this 2088 the living body 5315 the firm and vigorous good 3581 with draw to private place to Me 7873 such as this 2063

20. they will stray by intoxication 7686 He will burn these 3344 and not 3808 it shall be of 1961 the Adam 120 among with draw to private place 7873 with her 225 of this 2088 how 335 to Me a solution 6592

21. to a region 6285 also the Adam 120 not 3808 will be able 3201 to grant you 5414 one remaining 3498 out of what 4100 glad 7797 to these. And to 413 you stiff necked 7185

22. acting high they 5927 from will let be 1961 may of mouth-speech 6310 two men 8147 will have room free to breath they 7304 to among 413 also to taste in perception understanding of His 2940 also bring out to 3318 Most High His 5920

23. hold together 3717 what of purpose 4100 also I to select joining 680 over His 5921 placement-appointing's 7760 when 518 ones in compact join self of His 2266 sons of 1121 His will bring of them 935 for to rule by judging 1777

24. in the furnace 3564. Also a 176 a taste perception by intelligence of decrees His 2948 also after 310 shall be declared His 1961 will receive instruction 3948 overhead of His 4605 El 410 elevated 4608 will excel 3498

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25. greatness 1420 and of strength and in a multitude 6099 to Me to complete 3634 in high places of theirs 5927. He selected 680 over His 5921 of double of them 3717 responding hurry 4116

26. which 834 shall be 1961 to Me henceforth-straight way 6258 will anticipate hastening 6923 these to receive instruction His 3948 to places high of theirs.To Me like thus 3644 to pour out ones request-prayer to Me them 8211

27. loss of children 7909 will separate 914 and among ones to abound 8228 strong of body and 193 the rocks-[Job 28:10] 6696 like thus 3644 also among the rivers you are 2975

Image 53: 1. draw out 1802 to Me like such 3541 these our children 3205 seat of the generation 4578 spread of 6335 the land 776 also was nothing 369 by these 1931 father 1

2. and just and right to manner 3651 these that sprouted of them 6779 these our children 3205 ones to not yet 1097 of seed 2233 from what of purpose 4100 you were given and I will 5414

3.of living body theirs 5315 and bring 857 who will desire of Yah 1942 He shall draw 4900 settling-fastening 2883 accordingly I will sift 2219 ones not yet 1097 who it shall be 1961

4. to mark 8034 will make to practice habitually 6466. Now 2088 how 335 a solution 6592 consider 1934-and will also instruct 3384 a place in the land-3497 of the purpose 1697 out of making to increase His 6105 like such 3644 [numbers 3384 3497 are from 1934 the scribe has altered a letter or letters to see these according to content and there are many in the following text will hyphen ]

5. also to you declaring making plain 874 in settling of them 2883-good thing 2896-light a lamp of them 5215 and like such 3541 of Most High 5920 like unto a millstone you [high value] 7347 they shall of gladness 7797 weeping them 1056 will make to practice habitually 6466

6. and to continue also they will make to practice habitually 6466 will now 2088-make to become thin-emaciate 7329 these practice habitually 6466 will not 3808 change 7760 acting intelligently being prudent 7919 or cause flattering titles 3655 or in making ones of these 6466

7. in firmness of ability 3581 they to settle down of them. Now 2088 a desirable spot-land 339 to Me a solution 6592. also 349 they shall 1961-satiated of Yah 7301-to live to declare Yah-2331-life giving of Yah 2332 this 2063 this will desire of Yah 1942

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8. they shall distingush making great works 6381 among they will flee for protection of your 2620 El 410 the hostile encounter of 7147 insolent and proud to provoke 2102 will protest 5749 also will meet by accident 4746 not 3808

9. they shall have sense of loving affection 4312 and this 2063 these ones labour for reward 6468 among you portion shall be of Most High 5920 complete-friendly of these 8003 eternity 5769 and duration 5703

10. and to Me like this 3644 hem in-surround 5910 when His 575 ones needs of them 6878 for will cause bitterness 4787 also this 2063 the desire of Yah 1942 they 1931 among will make to practice habitually 6466

11. will practice habitually 6466 will ascertain by seeing to know 3045 show self wise 2449 and I separating 914 also to come 857 also they 1931 will bubble up of 2563 surely 389 they shall live 2421

12. also they shall be 1961 like mighty-powerful-conceived seed 2220-2232 then 176 separate by a wall 2351 to her like to bitterness of 4784 the living body 5315 the Father "1" then 176 out of living body 5315

13. a master 1167 the mighty powerful-conceived seed 2220-2232 and by sending out 2904 accordingly they shall 1961 from the Father "1" will make masters having dominion 1166 the seed 2233 like this 3644 declare making plain by explaining they shall 874

14. they will from these by the perception of behavior 2940 in power theirs 6099 to cease 988 accordingly they shall 1961 by sowing 2232 also to Me just and right to manner 3651 great 1419 complete of them 7999

15. mighty-powerful-the conceived seed 2220-2232 they who cast away 3988 and they were turning morally corrupt 444 among of these finish 7999-last letter a shout of deliverance 7438 master the mighty powerful-the conceived seed 2220-2232 accordingly 834 their resources abound 8228

16. from weight out portion 4487 appoint 1697 will excel 3498 peaceable-safe 7999. And testifing 5749 to Me just and right of manner 3651 they shall live before 2421 also they were His 1961 in strength power-conceived seed 2220-2232 prepared weapon 3627

17. will happen a tumultuous crowd 7285 it pursuing 7873 with them these such deeds 2063 they have caused to mislead-by senses of intoxication 7686 by the mouth 6285 also these among pursuing 7873 ones of scum bubbling up of 2560 not 3808

18. these pursuing 7873 for 3588 when 518 with weapons prepared 3627 ones heaped up of them. And seeing to see 2009 appeared coming forth ours 4672

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their posterity of sown seed 2233 prepared weapons 3621 makes selves resemble-be like-testing of men 1819-4531

19. the inheritors-portion 2506 not 3808 prepared things of 3621 these 2088 will surely you 3588 this cease 988. And just and right to manner 3651 stand out 3426 to us causing to provoke to bitterness 4843 also will be desire of Yah 1992

20. these-[feminine] 1931 from ones habitually practicing 6466 He will know by seeing 1843 be wise-make selves wise 2449 will separate of 914 them 1931 will cause out of to depopulate-exile 6808 ones of political support 8356

21 and will divide exiling of them 6808 cause acr wisely being prudent 7919 will make to practice habitually 6466 like such 3644. also they shall-have declared making plain 874 and those away to captivity 2088-7617 He will place-planting 5193

22. ones listened by the ear 238 they are not 3808 hearing Him intelligently to obedience 8085 and like such of purpose. Accordingly cause bitterness provking 4843 also kindle fire 228 also causing to withdraw- confide in 5117-2620 will desire of you 1992 these 428

23 they will keep quiet will express in writings 2814-7370 His numerous of them 3515 to 413 will practice making habitually 6466 no exception 1115 wil know by seeing 3045 and will understand mentally distinguishing 995 of affairs of purpose 6045 they will keep quiet 2814

24. His of these 428. And writings and number of 3789-7227 distinguishing of His and having an end 6395-5490 also of the ones such as 2063 to exist of Yah 1934 they flee for protection will confide in in want-poverty 2620-2640 from pregnant women-from the dead 2030-4191 lusted after pleasure them 185

25. they are haughty 7311 they work 4399 from these things 1697 make to bring forth they of them 6213 by work 4399 bearing young 3205 like such 3644 also work 4399

26. making selves a new thing her-they 2318 from self pressed out form 6697 how 834 in living body 5315 they will bring up trusting 539 for this way 3541 the desire the have 1992 making selves a new thing her-they 2318

27. made selves one pressed out form 6697 how 834 in living body 5315 they to 413 excel 3498. And like such 3644 also they will bring up trusting 539 they make habitually to practice 6466 for things prepared these 3627

28. for like such 3541 they to 413 excel 3498 they making to practice habitually 6466 this these 2063 the desire of the have 1992 for things prepared these 3627 and her-they 1931 the living body 5315

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29. And like such 3541 also the things prepared these 3627 they work habitually and practice His 6466 what of purpose 4100 also they work habitually and practice 6466 in firmness and vigor 3581 He will give 5414 to these 1992 from the ones of support building up 539

30. to wear out 1097 also they shall be 1961 to these-covered in secrecy 1992-3909 appoint a place 7760 they to grow up increasing 7685 in what of purpose 4100 also they work making habitually to practice will do His. For like such 3541 firm in ability of these

Image 0054: 1. the nephesh-living bodies of theirs were causing 1992 deeds habitually to practice 6467 of this way 2063 they eagerly coveting of these 1942 from strength in firmness 3581 He will give 5414 to these 1992 among the El 420

2. preserved remnant 3498 by Me from the exiled of them 6808 making to act intelligent and prudent 7919 they will work practicing habitually 6467 not 1097 also these withdraw and 7873 by these appointed 7760 any such matter 1697 from alloted portion 4487

3. And like such 3644 also these trust in truth and are faithful 529 He will establish 3199 thing prepared of theirs 3627 by observing 8053 causing to do of them 4672 things of this matter 1697 make to prepare and they 6213 just and right of the manners 3651

4. those remaining also to regard 3498 He will appoint 3559-familar with 5532 these 428 they firm of abilities by the briars still adamant of you are 8068 these men 376

5. will examining penetrating these of 2713 the ruins 1962 and these 1931 when 518 of the living body 5315

6. will die 4191 then 176 to be eminent-preferred I declare 5329 are Mine these now 2088 made firm in ability these are His 3581

7. they that remain are 7604 to Him

8. will appoint 562 for such 2088 knowledge 1843 also the left over of these 7604 the living body 5315 standing out 3426 keep in mind having hope to these 5452

9. thousands 7239 to the ones first of them 6933 I mark to remember 2142 walk the way 1980 things of this matter 1697 will shorten 7114

10. how 349 chastisement sufficient 5607 understand caused of them 995 they may live I declare 2421 firm of ability these they are 3581 ashame 3637 also I measure defining and ransomed His 6299-5429

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11. what of purpose 4100 measured and defined ransomed and preserved 5429-6299 of their caused plague 5063 has caused this 2088 desolation-ruin 7582 and from it being violently of 5424 the adam-mankind 120 out of a portion 4480 the beast 929 not exist

12. trusted them 539 in the living body 5315 they speaking to you 1696 to stand out-shall be 3426 double 8145 ones of knowledge in deception. Stand out shall be 3426 whomever 4310 also appointed words saying

13. also you mustering of people 5739 in the mustering of people 5739 caused to inflict plague 5062 firm in ability they are declaring 3581 and their 1931 knowledge skillful in deception 1847 in a sense of strength like a fortress 663 and they make small ruin dripping to pieces 7450-7447

14. cause failure 1077 He puts a difference His will come to the end of them 5486 the representives of Divine Power and Majesty 430 veiling covering 3682 calling to proclaiming 7129-7121 they bind fast of 330

15. has become deferred doing violence 738 it wrongly practiced 7750 and will break up of oppression 2928 defined 5429

16. Mine keep in mind have hope and 5452 when they 1931 will burn setting on fire to declare 3341 ancient age-a time 5769 and again 5750 will take ones stand against 5975 these of such 1931 skilful in deception of 1847 Torot Instruction of manners [given to Moshe in the feminine] they will and

17. the Qadosh-Set apart according to 6918 like thus 3644 also will be ones explaining making plain you will 874

18. deliver 6561 assemblies 1571 and seen as spectacle I declare 7210 the strength of a fortress 663 and making small the ruins of them 7450-7447 he-they do a third time 8030

19. they unite-alike 259 roaring mighty and 7580 will see of them 7200 also will come forth encountering of them 4672 will act circumspect dealing prudently 7919 it provokes to jealousy these 7069 by acting and dealing prudently-intelligently 7919

20. their heaps 2563-in rebellion 4811 sweeps away of 5500 which 834 their 1931 flattery tongue of allotment 2506 that will remain-left over 7604 by skilful deception

21. put a difference-will set apart His removal of to take away of them 6395-3596-5486 He 1931 to draw 4900 to these enlarging-increasing you 7685 He will raise up His of you 2563. to a region 6285 desolated-ruined 7582 My ones to spread 6581

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22. to pursuing private places 7873 determined 7760 lacking in intelligents to be prudent 7919 failure because of 1097 they have gone astray morally of them 7686 being eager with excitement they will be 2363 like such 3644 also anticpate for help 6923

23. will measured to define of these ransomed-preserved 6299-5429 like such 3644 they shall live before 2421 will learn to be circumspect being prudent 7919 His created purschase 7069 also they are measured-defineed and ransomed preserved 6299-5429 to a region 6285 also they shall ascend up of you 5559

24. the ones turning of affairs 5438 they shall ascend up 5559 He will reverse be changed to set 4142 in these like a mill stone 7347

Image 0055: 1. This a second time 8145 also I to make to be circumspect, intelligent 7919 these 1931 making complete of them 7999 to the living body 5315 the mortal individual I shall 582 like such 3644 also these shall come forth 935

2. to the ruins against 5856 caused like such 3644 they shall live before 2421 also I will measure defining to deliver 6299-5429 the living body 5315 the mortal individual 582

3. that may live of them 2421 I let be delivered measuring to define 6299-5429 also like such 1571-3644 will act circumspect-intelligent 7919 the ones bubbling up of the mire 2563 which 834 they 1931 made complete of theirs 7999 for them // [not complete yet]

4. A officer of the third rank he 7991 also the chief person 1167 he will cause to give a portion to drink 8248 and a governor 6346 he will of these 2088 he defines to deliver 6299-5429 also will complete those 3634 in turning back of you

5. I define and deliver 5429-6299 adam-man Mine of them 120 and to Me like such 3644 I see 7200 being of you 1961 the intelligent being circumspect 7919 were hung up 8518

6. in it [ruining] negation 61 to gray headed 7867 in shalom-peace to Me 7999 account of to Me 7945 they shall live before 2421 out of these shall ascend up of them 5559 the turning of affairs 5438

7. these shall ascend up of them 5559 from ones turn of affair 5438. El caused 410 by turning of affairs 5438 the bone of strength I of them 6106 they were caused to stray by mistake 7686 the ones boiling up of mire-fermented scum of theirs 2560

8. in such like them 2004 revolving around selves 5437 wisdom of theirs 4626 in what of purpose 4100 in such like them 2004 of youth and servants of them

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5288-5271 and from ones rendered sure of them 3559 by these to have hands on you 5060

9. of these will know by seeing-understand 3045 truly never the less 61 was nothing these 369 bone of strength of selves 6106 to a region 6285 also was nothing theirs 369 for good thing it was 935 also they were to His 1961

10. from this making to be circumspect and prudent of Mine. And forming a form pressed out of rock 6699 their bone of strength I declare 6106 they 1931 I will arrange order 5468 will be from these conducting selves in circumspect and intelligent 7919 in strength of the Bone His 6106

11. which 834 they 1931 in the living body 5315 the ones of foundation. Will testify 5749 to My speaking 6310 having made to wander 5110 being of theirs 1961 to ones returning 5437

12. Bone of strength of them 6106 such in them 2007 they 1931 to 413 you hands on 5060 acting circumspect being prudent in intelligent 7919 not 3808 to 413 to one coming forth of theirs His 4672

13. and to establish firm 3559 not 3808 they a living place as before 2333 they then are defined and delivered 5429-6299 like the defining and delivering of His 5429-6299 to a region 6285 also was nothing 369 one coming forth of them and 4672 it will stand 5975

14. surprise-behold 2005. And build up support these 539 what of purpose 4100 also I define and deliver 6299 like they defined and delivered of them 6299 they 1931 to get 7096 the ones to know by seeing to understand will 3045 also not 3808

15. they get 7069 of seeing of theirs 3045 testifying 5749 they will move to midst 8432 of a region 6285 also they bow in kindness to His 2616 finish end of them 3615 like such 3644 also not 3808

16. they shall live before 2421 like also reaching of ability 5381 from their acting circumspect and intelligent 7919 what of purpose 4100 a strong hold 4679 seeing of them us 7200 failure 1097 firm in ability you were 3581 caused it of them 2088

17. firm in ability them 3581 also I measure defining to deliver 5429-6299 will from these acting circumspect 7919 in these defining and delivering 5429-6299 the thing prepared 3627 to a region 6285 also the thing prepared 3627 that these 2088

18. providential turn of affairs 5438 to having substance 5438 will from these making circumspect and intelligent to be prudent 7919 not 3808 for ones coming forth to His. Also ones coming forth to His 4672 they 1931 I will arrange order 5468

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19. will from these act circumspect and intelligent 7919 which 834 in living body 5315 are firm in ability 3581. And alike in mutual relationships 1571 having seen of them 7209 this second time 8145 were nothing they 369 to a region 6285

20. also not 3808 they shall live before 2421 defined and delivered 5429-6299 full of heaviness and sick to Me 5136 I sent away of them 7971 defined I and delivered 6299 the ones of pacification 8013

21. to Me not 3808 in this pacification 8013 among being agreeable 6146 like full of heaviness-sick to Me 5136. Like such 3644 will have place to remain to dwell of us 7931 in confinement of them 6696 the ones will boil up of scum of them 2560

22. what of purpose theirs 4100 also are nothing 369 just and right 3651 in making circumspect of intelligent 7919 they will buy back into 7069 also they 1931 they 1931 are a failure because of 1115 among you will meddle with engaging in 6148 to cause to lead astray 5377

23. which 834 they 1931 are a living body 5315 they may live by of you 2421 they will remember once a relationship of you 2143. And gathered alike a mutual relationship like such 1571-3541 they to show to live by them 2325

24. the finish I declare 7999 was nothing this 369 to a region 6285 also now 2088 will make valuable 7365 for the region 6285 also the living body 5315 full of heaviness-sick caused to Me you 5136

25. against making to be circumspect-intelligent 7919 and to compare resemble of us 1819 first 259. Like thus 3644 also the ones declaring making plain the engravings-scriptures of they have 874 and to just and right of manners-the way walk in it 1980-3651 in the light as of day so it was to you 8120 of the living body 5315

26. will become of them 1934 firm in ability of us 1819 I have concealed Mine 5957 will work of them 6468 those making circumspect and intelligent I declare 7919 to a region 6285 also firm in ability 3581

27. not 3808 you clap hands in compact with 5606 for foundation of political support-[will mix up the Torah laws] 8356 will labor for reward of them 6468 unite become alike 3161 not 3808 also I defined or delivered 5429-6299 like such 3641 also My future one concealed 5957

28. fear and trouble 1204 I to place to deliver 7896-1802 first ones 259 from firmness of ability and vigor of these His 3581 accordingly will work these to reward 6468 being eager hastening of excitement of You to declare 2363 then 176 to sink of theirs mire 2883

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29. He to place you to deliver of them 7896-1802 great 1419 and walking just and right of manner 3212-3651 in the agitation of grinding like corn and they 7383 of this age His are 1755 Mine turning back 7725 circumspect and intelligent being prudent these 7919 by extensively [experience of ] 3497

30. and these returning of His 7725 being in of them 1961 I will know by seeing of them 3045 everyone 3605 having made it so acting circumspect and prudent of these 7919 having stability of certain truth being trustworthiness of these 571 also shall be His 1961

Image 0056: 1. They will be know by seeing of them 3045 will project selves 6923 not yet 1097 to put forth change 7760 the taught ones of them 8527 and when 518 shall be 1961 will be circumspect and prudent 7919 His teachers 7069

2. delivering and defining 6299-7069 according to words of you 1697 their needs needs good 6887-2896 El 410 will instruct 3928 and He also draws to deliver His 1802 in them according will be first these 7223

3. And what of purpose 4100 also I cause to bring about 7136 to these 1992 the needs needs goodness 6887-2896 El 410 will instruct 3928 these 1931 will remove-withdrawing 4185 finish you 3615

4. these unless will 1115 slaves of mine these 519 will scatter you 2108 a turn about of Yah these 5437 also of these 1992 I call out to His 7121 among these to be circumspect His 7919

5. will overwhelm you 7779 the honor-Name 8034 to separate

6. who they are seeing of you 7200 after reliable of them 5329 the living body 5315

7. accordingly bear in mind hope you 5452 He puts a differences they have an end of them 6395-5486 and bear in mind hope 5452

8. Instruction of ours-[feminine plural of Torah] 8451 His qadosh ones 6918 you were caused 1992 eighth above the seventh 8083

9. H-A// such things of selves 2007 all 3605 what of the matter 4100 also to go and to come of 3318 El 410 they to do and make habitually 6466 among the plague 1698 they will sink of His ones

10. a great while now 3528 shall be 1961 before Me 6925 you carry on His 3318 to labor in habitually 6466 in firmness of ability. And all 3605 the going and comings 3318

11. what of part 4480 of the firmness of ability of 3581 El 410 who will work habitually 6466 these of such things 2007 He of the Ruach perceives and

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anticipates to do 7306 to carry out accordingly shall of 3318 affairs 1697 here after 310

12. their coming forth 4672 in working habitually 6466 who were nothing 369 of the purpose 1697 among He brings out 3318 powerful and numerous His 6099 alike together 1571 were nothing 369 of purpose 1697

13. also they 1931 are in firmness of ability 3581 who He will bring forth 3318 to follow 310 who will of purpose 1697 He will arrange as to a battle 5737 how and where 349 they will come forth 3318

14. to follow 310. Such like to Me 3644 they are like a millstone 7437 for us for purpose 1697 who come forth 4672 they will work habitually 6466. To Me like this 3644 for may live of them 2421

15. binding fast making powerful and numerous 6105 unified 258 also they 1931 to live before 2421 in ones working habitually 6466 and will rain violently 1653 [teaching rains 3384] very surely indeed 552 live 2421 for these shall join together of 2266

16. the living body 5315 a people His 5971 and to stand out 3426 for Yah has seen 7211 this such of these 2063 frail and weakened 2523

17. H-B// on this side 2008 in the living body 5315 fearing 1204 they urinate-piss will 7890 you seeing 7200 the plague

18. the concealing of secret things 5956 what of purpose 4480 they have the tumultuous assembly 7283 also then 227 the plague 1698 making a stripping of them 7758

19. from purpose 4480 they will bubble up with redness 2563 then how and where 349 cause solution 6592 this 2088. Whether or 518 not 3808 also was told 559 also the of living body 5315

20. you see 7200 then withdraw into private place 2873 the plague 1698 they of them deceiving mocking 2048 it will bubble up with redness 2563 and will among spoils 7998 from out of His

21. and after 310 also this 2088 manner 3651 was nothing 369 and a portion 4480 it was kept back from benefit 4513 also you withdraw into private place 7873 in living body 5315 afterward they 310

22. mourning 1993 formative of hostility of the 6696 removed spoils of them 7998 will bubble up with redness 2563

23. H-G// of this way transport into exile of us 5148 seeing of them 7200 lead away into captivity-drawn 7617-4900 these adam-men 120 after 310

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24. these having lusted-desired shall 185 it shower violently it of them 1652 I will drive out this 2957 they will consider it making wise 7919 from thing this withdraw 7873 what of purpose

25. also to be firm in good sense and 3581 by this thing withdraw 7873 from this making one prudent 7919 and all 3605 what of purpose 4100 also I remove relation 7368 from these 1992 and I divide-separating 914

26. I will take away 622 in firmness for good 3581 and I will know by seeing 3045. To Me like this 3644 according whoever it shall be 1961 from spoils will 7998 take out a portion 4480 from the whole 3644 and all 3605

Image 0057: 1. It shall be 1961that out of pursuing 7873 having remained 3498 and they having strayed-mislead 7686 was nothing will 369 accordingly then 176 to live 2421. Mine of such 3644 will be circumspect making wise 7919 live afterwards.

2. being moved to mourning of them 1993

3. H-D// increase in abundance 3527 seeing of us 7200 also will live of them 2421 these 1992 by making a stand you of 5975 the living body 5315 during-in the plague 5062

4. and mourning 1993 for to go you will 3318 from a portion of these. And which 834 will say 559 also in the living body 5315

5. shall wander away 6 in perishing 11 of the plague 5062 they will keep in mind 5452 also in the living body 5315 it 1931 shall master 1167 the tumultuous crowd 7285 [it being contagious-communicable]

6. will be mourning of them 1993 they 1931 accordingly were lacking and in want 2637 from portions 4480 this 2063 there will be tumultuous assemblies 7285 and when 518 accordingly of the destroying pestilence of them 1698

7. will make know ours 3045 who 4310 appointing 5414 to living body 5315 this 2063 tumultuous crowd 7285 then 176 they 1931 to hate 3856 in closing the eyes being mighty 6105

8. then 176 in assemble meeting. And when 518 in assemble meeting 4746 out of nothing 369 comes 935 hate 3856 these 2088 meeting assembled 4746 then 172comes 935

9. among these the plague 5062 then 176 from the pestilence destroying 1698 after 310 sever separation // 2351 and to Me you 859 from the plague 5062 cause like such 3541 they shall live before 2421

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10. also in coming and going out you of 3318 the living body 5315 it's food 7607 had determined the tumultuous assemble 7285 in the plague 5062 and these 2088 untrue liars 8267. And to Me you

11. among following 310 and these 1931 bind fast 6105 Spirit in Mine after 310 also will provoke to jealousy 7069 to His 413 the tumultuous assemble 7285 in strength 6106 then also 176 to take counsel inquiring 7562

12. by them 1992 and to mark His 226 strength of 6106 to stand out 3624 to them these 2088 had determined the tumultuous assemble 7285 in strength 6106 then 176 in assembled meeting 4746

13. And to manner 3651 following 310 and they cause to spread 3212 the pestilence 1698 because not 3808 you cease to declare 3615. And what of purpose 4100 who are nothing 369 to them shall cease of you 3615

14. by making habitually will of 6466 untrue words 8266 causing not 3808 they of such 3541 to stand out 3624 to complain 3885 to thank you 3034 also the pestilence 1698 it 1931

15. in strength 6106 to living body-mankind 5315. And what of purpose 4100 also these 1931 from the ones of tumultuous assemble 7285 in strength of these to His 6106 desist from labor 989 also their arrangement 5738

16. from portion theirs 4480 and this 2063 will see Yah 7211 people-tribes-Yisrael 5971 being of them 1961 and He commends in loud voice 7623 afterward to terminate 7117 putting a difference measuring according to them 6395-5429-6310

17. they were nothing 369 I select to separate 680 seeing of Yah 7200 be strong will 2388 also act treacherously 5230 against in bitterness 4651 also they will tumultuous assemble in insurrection 7285 coming 935

18. for away coming to an end 5486 from these acting intelligent and prudent being circumspect 7919 they will make habitually to practice 6466 then 176 like wheels 1534. for surely 3588-834 of firm in ability vigor 3581 the body 5315

19. peaceable complete 8003 because these are honest 3651 and they 1931 in model of manners 1823 they luminousness 219. And to just and right of manners 3651 like which 834

20. they arrange muster His 5739 the firm of ability 3581 they of such 1992 My arranged vineyard 5737 had a tumultuous assemble 7285 because to us come to an end they 5487 their lamp 5369

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21. by the arranged vineyard 5737 are fruitful 8081 again 8145 also to Me like this 3644 living bodies 5315 swell up remnant 7604 in graciousness and kindness 2580

22. will not except 1115 from pestilence of them 1698 even so such like 1571-3541 shall be left a remnant these-adhere to His and wait you 7604-2442

23. H-H// 23. these 2007 are young servants 5288 will become 1961 servant 5288 they become few 4592 they begin to build a good thing shall His 1129-2896 and will enlarge growing His 7685

24. and accordingly also I shall be Great 1419 His ones a conclusion 5490 in skilful wisdom 2421 and in knowledge you 1843 perpetuity 5703 they shall be 1961 skilful in wisdom

25. peace and safe 7999 who 6310 I give 5414 and because 3588 to My knowledge 1843 from nothing were they 369 have become 1961 with providential turn of affair 5438 in knowing to understand these His 3045 desire 176

26. you shall be 1961 living body His 515 also 176 close His 1479 also 176 years theirs 8141 accordingly unite-first 259 a sham untrue 8267 also this to exist 1961

27.the plague 5062 to separate His 905 to be astonished 7583 you are 3588 they shall live before 2421 also in greatness 1419 the plague 5062 shall enlarge 1419 it will be made know 3045

28. and in kindness of His 2616 My kindness 2616. And these 2007 master of 1167 the blight blaster 7711 the remnant of kindred living 7604 to be ashamed 3637 repeatedly 5750

29. mourning great 1993 because hand of power against 3027 in loading up on the backs of men 7925 and their untrue words lying 3584 and My favor put forth 2584-2590. And just and right to manner 3651 the very old men 3453 remove them 5595

Image 0058: 1. like such 1992 wisdom 2452 cunning of deception 1847 like thus 3644 also speaking 559 the writings 3786 with the aged old men 3453 wisdom cunning-unwise 2450

2. and causing to draw out lengthening 748 days 3117 you will build up 1129 why-how 4100 was nothing 369 of just and right in manners 3651 in the flesh 7607 when will enlarge of them 7685 the living body it of them 5315

3. pushing out the lesser ones of them 7716 in want-poverty of them 2638 and will cause journey of them 3922 to a region 6285 pushing out lesser ones 7716 will boil up with redness these 2560 and My little ones they will 6819 to a thing prepared 3627

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4. will boil up with redness it of these 2560 to manner 3651 they will waste away 2522 in ones wasting away shall these 2522. And fainting with fear 4199 alike that 3541-1571 they seeing 7200 also their

5. untrue deceitful words lies 8267 whoever it shall be 1961 the plague 5062 their arranged muster 5737 and those seeing 7200 faint with fear 4199 alike that 1571-3541 being of 1961 they consider-understand 7919

6. was separated 914 from the plague 5062 because of 1115 boiling up trouble it 2560 //

7. H-V // when 518 shall be 1961 they consider-understand 7919 will boil up redness trouble it 2560 and shall be 1961 to these they hang 8518 in the plague 5062

8. shall be 1961 from separating 2505 in the separating 2505 to prolong to develop theirs 4900 to a region 6285 to consider 7919 to produce firmness 3581 in the plague 5062

9. out of you separated 2505 in the separation 2505 the plague 5062 for 3588 the adam-man 120 in great insolence 1419 firm and 3581 with drunkenness of 8358 power of hand His 3027 from against hand of power 3027

10. first 259. And in everything 3605 firm theirs 3581 among in drunkenness of 8358 hand of power theirs 3027 and causing we we 5168 will act wisely 7919 the rocks 6697 the ones perfected of them

11. among they will spread out in hostile to strip of them 6584 from those bubbling up of the mire 2563 and from the meeting of theirs 4744. Causing like such 3644 the consider 7919 from this to spread out in hostile manner 6584 among the ones bubbling up of mire 2563

12. and from their meeting of theirs 4744 and after 310 also they 1931 make bare-naked 6174 from the meetings of them 4744 cause like such 3644 they 1931

13. without [this] 1115 among you to separate 2505 and afterward 310 also they 1931 just of manner 3651 causing like such 3644 was nothing 369 to these to hang of 8518 in the separation 2505

14. and the same 1931 violent rain 1652 not 3808 it defining to sever to deliver 5429-6299 in the defining to deliver 5429-6299 and protesting 5749 pay attention to purpose 3282 will consider-being prudent 7919 of these 1931

15. except without 1115 bubbling up of mire of 2563 like such 3644 also will make plain of us of 874 cause to such 3644 was nothing 369 to His a providential turn of affairs 5438 dined and delivered

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16. to a region 6285 also were defined and delivered 5429-6299 in the destroying pestilence 1698 shall from a region 6285 these will bubble up of mire 2563 not 3808 from adversary 6654 they have confined

17. so of the same 1931 like which 834 they are strong to prevail 1396 will bring forth His 6213 among 5921 those accomplishing 6213 like such 3644 also of written record

18. they seeing are terrified 7200-1204 confusion-shame 3639 the seeing of vigor and firmness 3581 His working laboring 6468 they counsel working together His 3245 among 5921

19. these their deeds 6467 and what of purpose 4100 also was nothing 369 to them of willing turning self to them 5437 they were defined and delivered 5429-6299 what of 335 causing solution 6592

20 also I define and deliver 5429-6299 to Me like such 3644 will act circunspect intelligent 7919 His will attain 7069 also He 1931 divides making a difference 914 because not until 1115 having bubbled up of the mire 2563

21. what of you 335 breaking away from just authority-rebelling 6586 also I define and deliver 5429-6299

22. H-G// accumulating in abundance 3527 our knowledge 1843 circumspect, prudents, intelligent 7919 circumspect, prudent, intelligents 7919 from His to dispatch 7392 out of these spreading selves 6585

23. like which 834 destroy the secret thing-[mystery religions] I will protect of 2387 all 3605 ones of the spreading out of selves 6585 to assembles of theirs, sesions in counsels 5476 their spreading out of selves 6585

24. which 834 from a portion His 4480 to make clean-blameless you 5352 also that way 3541 the adam 120 from theirs to dispatch 7392 among the living body 5315 shall 1961

25. to them rain violently 1652 pay attention to purpose-the reason and cause 3282 ever time 3605 apportioned 2517 the plague 5062 will protect of them 2387 to regard teir living place 4725 they shall live in 2421

26. also you shall protect of 2387 the living body 5315 regarding the place standing of these 4725 young lambs 3776 and the Ruach makes of quick understanding 7306 you turn back-retreat 7725 EL 410

27. will cause to rise up 6965 and like this 3541

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Image 0059: 1. will revive 2421 of themselves 2007 a living body 5315 these alive they were I declare 2421 shall join selected 977 in such like to Me of you 2004 will rain violently He will cause 1652

2. and they shall be circumspect of you 7919 you flee-run away 1272 from this such. And when like kills 4191 these 2088 just and right of manner 3651 the killing 4191

3. these 2088 to Me like such 3644 stand out 3426 remain they are 3498 priority 4608 to live Mine I declare 2421 a portion 4480 they are circumspect intelligent to learn they shall 7919 according also of this purpose 1931

4. they will finish 7999 will be pleased with 2654 and will show delight 7522 and they act circumspect of you 7919 not 3808 of manner. And to Me like such 3644 stand out 3426 preeminence 3504

5. to foolish-stupid 3684 portion of 4480 they to be wise showing so 2449. And these 2088 they flow out like water 6387 they have been silent 2814 and these among will act circumspect 7919 together growing in numbers abundance 3527

6. they shall declare making plain 874 to walk the way spreading 3212 presenting shall 4672 they in the living body 5315 and the kindred remnant of them will remain 7607 to Most High 5920. And who are firm in ability 3581 His remnant

7. from a portion theirs 4480 they 1931 circumspect intelligent and prudent 7919 His purchase will own 905

8. and I make search examining these 2713 these begin to build 1129 when of 518 the living body 5315 head-top

9. out of the plague 5062 to shut close 1479 beginning to yield volition, the willingness to change2974 also just and right 3651 and their 1931 cunning knowledge skilful in deception1847

10. to be hollow 990 to dry up become extinct 1846 weaving-mixing interlacing out of them 2935

11. H-A// these in abundance augment 3527 to you declaring and explaining making plain 874 also the living body 5315 it 1931 a fresh new thing shall be 2319 in renewing 2318

12. will bubble up of the mire they 2563. And like this 3644 it shall be 1961 by bubbling up of the mire 2563 first 259 assuredly banquet of 835 living body of theirs 5315

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13. causing you have in living of them 2421 413 to mingle-mixing His 4197 and of this 2063 they will come 935 to Him out of the communities theirs 2268. And like this 3644 they were His 1961

14. to speak 1697 united 259 again-a second tine 8145 making powerful of them 6105. And such as 2088 false 7724 then you 857 also are nothing 369 to Him cause not 3808

15. they will come 935 from ones of the community theirs 2268 making like this 3644 you shall be 1961 the companion of arrangement [one like us]3675 they-these 2088 will bubble up of the mire 2563 also will cease from labor 988

16. and when 518 you have assurance-the right hand 539 [trust me] these 2088 shall have assurance-[trust me] 539 also you shall enfold self in the relationships 3664 receipt of manner mutual agreement 1571 of manners just and right 3651 will bubble up of the mire 2563 as a male ass 2543 // and you 859

17. also like 2088 having mingled-one of 4197 dumb 1745 [figurative death] to mingle-one of 4197 having bubbled up of the mire 2563 they see change of 7200 and regard so 7760 how and when 518 was nothing 369 like coming to nothing 205 high 1538

18. negation indeed 61 they like such 1931 will see7200 change and regard 7760 in eyes theirs 5869. And like such 3644 they will come forth 4672 men 376 after of it 310 the arrangement found wanting of His 5737

19. and seducing to lead astray 2937 commands spoken 562 when 518 when I kill 4191 insolently strong 1396 he will live 2421 and right of manner 3651 a man 376 take rest 7901 and not 3808

20 I confirm 6965 and such as 1931 for purpose sake 1697 these to come forth 4672 in every 3605 day 3117//

21.H-B// also shall come forth ones 4672 mingled-mixed 4197 dumb 1745 when after 310 these 1931 purpose sake 1697 who will continue 5128 not 3808

22. they attain 4672 to thousands increasing of 7231 will do again-second time of them 8145 to a region 6285 to go forth expelling to 5327 shine -fire light a lamp 5327-5216 also they shall be 1961

23. fixed spot [like] military post 4673 the head of them 1538 and will be rolling like stars of them 3556 over-above 5921 having employment of 6045 the first in place 7223 failure not yet 1097 shall be away to remove you 5595

24. and will restrain you 1639 to a region 6285 barren-bereaved of children them 7909 out of a place to lie mouth of them 8371-6310 when they come forth of His 4672 like such 3644 also to you making plain explaining 874

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25. in sinking of 2883

Image 0060: 1. H-G// these 859 who have mingled-mixing water and wine 4197 He sweeps away 1931-2894 united 259 indeed never the less 61 such ones 2088 they make of 6213 these 428

2. in manner of the way-walking 1870 as standard-like a banner 5251 by regarding of 1580 the living body 5315 then also 176 in these will labor making so 6213 causing elders you 7868

3. of themselves 2007 not 3808 such a thing 2088 I with hold benefit 4513 among will remove allotment 2513 because 3588 like which 834 the living body 5315 you will have caused the head-leadership 1538

4. the right and just shall be 6664 theirs these 2088 with the mingled-water and wine 4197 shall be 1961 seen of His 7200 in the living body 5315 will duplicate-copy 8138 by those then also 176 will remain 3498

5. cause finish 8000 then 176 will remain in the present 3498 lacking 2641. These 859 behave so resembling 7737 regarding them casing like such 3644 not 3808

6. you shall be 1961 by making you head-leadership 1538 consider 7760 are you to be high 5927 in highest. And these 859 also will remain 3498

7. finish will 8000 and causing like such 3644 they will oppress in unjust manners and violence 2555 I the El 410 I mark off 8376 these 2088 having bubbled up 2563 like to gather-as a bag of stones 810

8. denying benefit 4513 good things 2896 out of being a master I will 1166 profaned thing 2486 never not even 408 out of wrong-evil 7561 and to spread covering up falsehood and transgressions 4603

9. and assembling being dependant 1571 they will oppress unjust and in violence 2555 in confining distressing of these 6696 has seen of Yahh 7211 writhing in pain by His. And you also who remain 3498

10. will be in want 2627 causing like this 3644 they will by violence and unjust of manner 2555 these 428 they have desired 4373 to this-[oppression] 2063 the living body 5315 as bottom 8478 being of will become 1961

11. to these a burden to bear you 1581

12. H-D// you will in 859 cheerfulness 7797 to them cause of them to change 8138 in treading out a way of life 1869 accumulating goods-wealth 5233 also to be recognized of 2142 themselves 2007

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13. like such 2088 this way 3541 not 3808 will He with hold benefit 4513 distribution 2515 then 176 also you shall be 1961 living body 5315

14. caused you have a new thing 2319 by having mingled-mixed water and wine a worthless thing 4197 they have caused to remain 3498 seen of Yahh 7211 removing from you these head-head persons 1538 then 176 will dispose of 7760

15. to these desired 176 not //3808 and when 518 they 1931 to leave 3498 having seen of Yahh // 7211 these 2007 weary of 3019 of these

16. from this will inflict a penalty 6064 He removes you head person 1538 without cost // 2600 and when 518 He 1931 will cause to leave 3498 want 2641 these 2007

17. you inflict a blow-wound 5061 to living body 5315 He removes you of the head person 1538 out of this they hasten to assemble 5789 without cost 2600 and you 859 such like with them 2004 will drink 8354

18. to Mine such away 3541 not 3808 you shall be 1961 in rightness you 6663 appointing 7760 will conduct selves you 8585 in head person they // 1538 negation truly indeed 61 to suffer damages-loss 5142

19. because of them 834 which way 335 cause a solution 6592 to them making to become you 1061 occasion to serve 4672 acting as gate keeper you 8176 in the Standing Place 4725 Mishkanah-Whose House It Is 7907

20. and will divide these 6504 making to a portion theirs 4480

21. I BREAK OFF 6561 THE FIFTH PART 2549-Reverse-stand out 3426 I erase wipe away 4229 wall 7023 speaking- language 6310

22. in you will ascend of you 5927 the living body 5315 explaining and making plain you 874 ones standing out you will 5975 in plague 5062-reverse-feeble 6313 in the ruins 922 able among 1767 trouble and afflicted 5916 His Father "1" conceals as a treasure 8226 will of you in oppression before 5792

23. SAYING 559 THEY MADE THIRD LEVEL 7991 these 2007 examined selected of you 1305 bright-beautiful 3302 ones of employment humble 6045-reverse-to these He moves 5270 speaking 6310 as a turn of events divine 8449 rain 7377 great quantity 7991 what of purpose 4100 to be high take away cause to Me 7311

24. the living body 5315 and they are kindred of them will be 7607-reverse- the Torah [instruction to Mosheh] 8451 foundation to His 787 concealed as a treasure has been 8226

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25. and when 518 according to words your 1697 what of purpose 4100-reverse-such like it 1992 for 3588 to spread 7234 longed pined for caused His 3644

26. are His ascending of you 5927 to them in the plague 5062 and to what of purpose 4100 His bringing of them 935 and the wisdom of 2451 these become pale in longing for fearing and shame of them 3700 they are His-reverse-and are who 4310 of the expansion in abundance His 6451 from that day 3117 firm of ability will be His 3581 among Mine when 335 to build 1129 in fullness 4393 feeble 6313 terrified 927 you to overthrow 5754

27. will live these 2421. Like such 3644 being conspicuous us 4696 as Mosheh 4873 to these in graciousness 8467 to faces of 6440 they will consider and support foundation 8356 also enlightener of you 2971-reverse-because 3588 see as gazing stock 7210 misers of law 8359 also shall 1961 blow away 6284 to these descending 5181 will to these mark 8034 of discretion 946 fasting 6685 also of the carnage 4347 who were 6310 hidden 3160

Book two of Shem Tov image 158 not finished

1.2.3. Saying this from three by bringing to see-understand trusting you from the three will cause you seeing the striking of hands in satisfaction. Lamenting saying this from three we of measured shaking out these will be collect of nations-peoples 559-7969-935-539-7969-7200-5606-5089-559-7969589-4128-523

4.5. in opening the beginning declaring all these commencing. And first because of ignorance as the first-top declaring also they to shape-molding into a form for purpose sake because of ignorantly forming according to imagination of mind from none existing good and besieged and are to guard for good continually to deliver us a form for purpose sake His. By a fixed time being acceptable of Him. And He to choose food-[scriptures are food] for purpose sake 8462-3605-8462-7223-1`097-7218-1931-3335-1097-3336-369-5341-5750-6299-3336-2163-7522-1931-1254

6.7. All will be to forming. And will be created like will be sons of you to be fresh in body and blood accordingly united for a part of by when considered selection of these ones His from prevailing making to rule you to cause ruin-wast and not to assault-distress you them to those not to obey of them. For cause sake from the nations 3605-1254-1254-1121-1320-1818-259-4480-8159-1305-7287-7843-3808-6696-3544-1931-3808-5341-523

8.9. And they bring forth children these who were born-of flesh. And these the Father will be to them and they as one He to pierce basam-sweet smelling plant propagating. to be continued

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Book three of Shem Tov-image 0205 not finished

Opening of three breaking off from first opening a door the third in praise of David Son of Yshay-Jesse 7992-8176-6561-7223-8167-7992-8416-1732-1121-3448 [David a symbol for Moshiach]

1.2.3. Saying this from three such as those of David to prophesy of AL-Most High Moshiach are to increase in standing first in rank these among pruned vine duplicating-grafting 559-7969-2007-5012-5920-4899-7235-4725-7223-2156-8138 [see Psalm 89:13-]

Image 0206 page 2 line 4.5. to give within a record book these in bosom of Yahvah saying El My Son of you I when shall come by My royal decree to you such as these to prophesy of AL-Most High the Son they to tremble who to serve as bond servant His Yahvah in exceeding gladness 5414-5608-413-2436-3068-559-410-1121-857-589-1961-1881-2007-5012-5920-1121-7578-5647-3068-8057

6.7. to fasten on touching them choice beloved before Him contraction in anguish to approach El which of all regarding they to Him. Who will teach correct warn to hide and cherish loving who are a son 5401-1249-6440-579-410-834-3605-2347-2094-2245-1121-6213-4687-6440-905-1870-2416-7623-3971

Page three lines 1.2.3. Will become aged-gray haired they to become one united when, by crossing over-in deliverance these son of You bringing desired to fasten on beloved you say that I to say Most High-Al Yeshu 7867-3161-518-5674-562-1121-857-176-5401-1249-559-1931-559-5920-3442

4. Also He is Son His to rise to Majestic in Gloriousness safe in mind of restored His Son His afflicted and oppressed shall be He valuable precious He of Abba-Father You are things to come 1930-1121-1342-7999-1931-1121-1790-1931-3365-589-1-857

5. El Mine a rock Yeshu timely fit of these saying of Him El My firstfruit of the crop Most High Al He will rule as El of Yisrael He to give His selected [Hoshea 2:14] 410-6697-3442-6261-559-410-589-1061-502-3478-5414-680

6. in covenant of peace for a gift Mine which they shall be to Him by Abba-Father And He and they shall be to Me for a son [in the end Yisrael]. Surely many, abundances these 8003-5414-589-1961-1-1931-1961-1121-389-7227

7. Will be sons by condition of mind. And surely from these sons to you a hand full to Yeshu and I say these not above those following 1121-4725-389-5209-8168-3442-559-3808-5221-312

page 4. line 8. And testifying when Most High Yeshu to say-command and He El of El so when We declare to you also el of el you are 5749-518-5920-559-1931-433-559-433

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9. making suitable surely how writings describe to inquire for reason and He to give these nations 7737-389-349-3789-7592-4480-5414-1471

10. causing to inherit shall you imposing form majesty-honor of afflicted to who to say now when Most High the good news when shall be King 5157-1935-6041-4310-559-2088-518-5920-1319-4970-4428

11. Most High all the nations and furthermore of most high [those from sins] canceled to be a small thing. And then Most High to detest what shall be 5920-3605-1471-637-5920-3722-6994-854-5920-413-6962-4100-1961

12. to crack from pressure you will to demand answer to Him and what plaster over wound you to Him heights of baal you the nations. And furthermore the writings will record 6875-7592-4100-8585-1120-1471-637-3789

Image 0207 line 13. just and right to manner. His record by words of these El as lawgiver said David-will be loved of Yahvah to him son of you are Mine and will be of them 365-5608-410-2712-559-1732-3068-559-1121-857-589-1961

14. will be boy child shall be you seeing before My splendor of you or thinking to purpose your accordingly to suspend the wild bulls they shall be of Lod as to manner adversary [writing say imposter messiah from this city in the land] 3206-7200-6889-176-6245-3644-2962-7214-3850-3651-6696

Image 0207 Page 5 line 15. And He to give them the nations an inheritor to Yisrael. Acclamation of joy these to also speak unadvisedly iron cutting iron all will then speak clear words them and supporting undertaking in purpose of wisdom to success from them 859-1471-5159-8643-981-1270-3605-6703-8454

16. same as your and way-walk you saying and at that time King of King will make to understand servants His Yahvah 3068 and the nation fasten on selected [winnowing grain] 8478-1950-559-6258-4428-7919-5647-3068-1471-5401-1262

17. seeing to their manner like our in making self same you accordingly and over mouth your they like a beast of prey-running to and fro all tribes-peoples of select seeing also 7200-3541-6105-3644-5921-6310-8264-3605-5971-1262-7200

18. will hold blameless-exempted for in heart blameless accordingly blameless rock as a refuge and selected by the apple of the eye before face contraction in anguish to approach EL of Yahvah 5355-3820-5355-3644-5355-3710-1262-892-6440-579-410-3068

19. acting high of yours for brutish foolish person and of this manner which all those trusting in you with them 5942-3588-1198-3541-834-3605-2620

Image 0207 saying Name Good page 6

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line 1. Saying name good they who harvest grain

2. this seeing to understand for it to divide you also all who lay open fasten on select sorting out of touching and selecting grain 7200-6385-3605-6566-5401-1262-4480-5401-1262

3. from just and right a place of refuge this from three and provides to fasten on hands to direction My the Son will declare to elevate to higher condition shall cause to separate as a part of the body 3651-3710-7969-7200-5401-3027-1121-562-4609-905

4. like so carry away leading as the King of Kings also servants of these our bags-sakes for grain hand of direction theirs and saying also shall cause to become servants

5. And He cherish-love will be to them and El He shall deliver before face they to contraction in anguish to approach El of Yahvah Most High of Him and respecting they seeing to Me to separate and declare of scriptures 2245-410-5064-6440-579-410-3068-5920-5749-7200-6567

6. also this the Son He to be pleased with consent with delight tribes-people they also respect to and shall be and will enlighten by caution admonish and teach not they die also they to work servants causing them to be and to 2088-1121-7521-5971-7200-1961-2094-3808-4191-5647-413

7. you deliver over to Him before face they contraction in anguish to approach El of Yahvah Most High of them 5064-6440-579-410-3068-5920of them

Image 0207 section two page 1

1. Saying this from third these things will be loved-David from you prophets of Most High shall subjugate prevail to rule 559-7969-2007-1732-5012-5920-7287

2. 3. Yeshu in lands and over which will bring on them judgment as ruling in song-Psalms 3442-776-5921-834-935-8199-2167

4. when to speak of El of El of mine to what abandoned me and seeing consider Him and say I a worm 559-447-447-4100-5800-7200-559-595 8438

5. And no man also taste intelligence reason and I accordingly a worm also created choosing destruction ignorantly knit together as one persuasion of strength by emotions 3808-376-2940-595-3644-8438-1258-1097-2267

6. remember call to mind and their maligning with words these surely Lod [imposter moshiach to come from] the tree after this manner I their city shall be nothing ruled by power of words-customs 2142-6895-7535-3850-6895-6086-3602-589-3850-1097-2267

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7. remember call to mind their malign with words curse surely having maligned with words shall be to them for when you have mocked man seeing to also comes Him 2142-6895-7535-6895-1961-518-2778-120-7200-1961

to be continued

Book four of Shem Tov image 0220

1. 2. Saying this from three you shall surely hear intelligently hearing corrections of Abba-Father and will regard knowledge unaware of among suppression to how received instruction in learning 559-7969-3588-8085-1121-4148-1-7181-1847-3238-3588-3948

3.4. good to give shall be to you instruction to behavior of walking and trusting [spelling is torot fem. plural]of El your perversity-faults against Him 5771 for just and right shall you become to Father Mine seeing you and united beloved solitary-one a son of His who are of. And who which to give Torah-Instructions treating lightly you of

5.6. Yeshu. And whoever brings willingly commandments these to adam-men He cause to live treating lightly you and afflicted and oppressed will be and they will shout for gladness of heart And saying for me I have obtained help words of heart you ones watching-guarding commandments Mine and shall be they who the man when priority of important's for purpose sake of forming him to gather and treating lightly him oppressed shall he be to sons of he whoever [words used for man can change adam-120 is of dust, iysh 376 a man of standing, enosh 582 mortal a man in general]

7. these of gray hair

Book five of Shem Tov image 0224

1.2.3. Saying this from three such as Judge of El-Daniel the warning of Al-Most High requesting to You Yeshu oppressed of them like which they bring to setting apart of The Most Set Apart [Ezekiel 26:13-Temple] 559-7969-2007-1840-5749-5920-994-3442-1790-834-935-6944-6944

4.5. You will open wide from the acceptable words of wisdom teaching. And whoever these now which to bring shall You opening wide to those reigning over dominions and not shall be to You king charge appointing to an office and not to work to turn back 6589-2449-4310-1931-2088-834-935-6589-4438-3808-1961-3651-4427-5749-4886-3808-3254-7725-3588-518-3442

6.7.8. for if? Yeshu give answer this for a time to come shall open wide this is it not theirs for all will have resting place free yet 20 x 10=2000 6242 and they spread loosely being free this from three in all 3588-518-3442-6030-4279-6589-2088-371-3605-7252-6245-2666-7969-3605

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9.10.11. transcribing the antique aliens-strangers to [Yisrael] they are to cause and not appear to exist and in leanness of limits with rough ground clay miry writings-scriptures His and which separated from the body-tree from the heart theirs and said He to name Daniel-Judge of El and just and right glorious and honor this from three 6275-1616-3808-4672-7535-1487-2917-3786-834-905-3820-559-8034-1840-3651-1935-7969

12.13. saying name good much discouragement long of face separated from tree, of the heart the mouth speaks rough clay miry [stuck in the things of adam-dirt] comes to nothing now Yeshu also they see of Him after this 559-8034-2896-7114-639-905-6310-3820-1487-2917-369-2088-3442-7200-310

14.15. bringing you Yeshu King and behold Him-seeing Him-the way of-to measure out lean flee and begin to build also in that day His will destroy grasping and sweeping away of many then the Son of His 935-3442-4428-1887-7200-1668-5429-7534-5127-1129-3117-2026 106-6446-1121

to be continued

Book six of Shem Tov image 0228

1.2.3. Saying this from three shall give a answer of self seeing rest El of Gold And El of words He protects in among and they received instructions broaden the ears to hear an inkling-a wispier-[behind you very soft] to prepare-tell 559-7969-2414-4617-7200-7764-7945-464-413-1697-1579-3948-238-8102-4487

4.5. in high branches [Isaiah-Yeshayahu 17:6]. For visions in prophesy of night when falls being acceptable deep sleep over men dread comes on me and on them then a spirit over my face wait and trust and El you to stand up inspect and consider head chief of it stood up 5585-2383-3917-5307-8639-5921-582-6343-7125-3588-7307-5921-6440-3176-410- 5568-8159-7218-5975

6.7. And not I could discern it's appearance a form to expose to my eyes there was silence then a voice I heard and over whom was said like Most High Yeshu was causing to see and not to make strange And said also it shall be 3808-5234-4758-9544-5046-5869-1827-6963-8085-5921-4100-559-3588-5920-3442-7200-3808-1970-559-1961

8.9. was heard that all the eternity of flesh [door not open yet the scribe uses one letter as directive] suspended it is coming also whispering in the distance they of the hand full [grain offering the portion of Deuteronomy-Devarim 12:11] set aside as to them their dying [1st. Samuel 2:34] and not in wisdom. Seeing understanding before [Yeshu-Moshiach] also were kept them from spoils coming to them and nothing 8085-3605-5769-5314-2962-935-5001-1972-8641-5265-4191-3808-2450-7200-1961-3557-897-1961-369-1843-4100

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10.11. they shall know-understand by hand to how-when they grow old-gray hair they shall unite. He to make to stand up and now they to say Mighty One Most Yeshu He just right also shall be among the despised and scorn, hated and when shall be 1843-3045-4100-7867-3162-5975-3588-559-5920-3442-3651-1961-959-340-515-1961

12.13. despised among them to prepare be ready shall come to them to shake out measured these to stand fast changing not and not they over the cooking fire and causing to seeing visions on the right hand will stand boldly out as opposite-[their ways] these having eyes 959-4480-6257-1961-4128-5975-3808-3600-4758-5486-5046-5869

14.15. Saying Shem Tov this from short-small to see of to them repeating to those growing old-gray hair despised and scorned three shall bring them [Zacharyah 10:6-] 559-8034-2896-7116-7200-5749-7867-959-G-7725

to be continued

Book seven of Shem Tov Image 232

1.2.3. Saying this from three surely you shall lay open and they say to those in the day of founding the foundation He the King to stay permanently and will call you with the words these-out of 559-7969-3588-6566-559-413-3117-2977-4428-3885-7121-854-1697-428

4.5. Northward return apostate Yisrael and will be like this turn to Him sons of rebellion. And will declare to you by splitting the ear with sounds of alarm like the lions roar as evil its with you evils and so to act intelligently and it shall be for you many 6828-7729-4878-3478-3541-7725-1121-7728-5414-7321-3820-3220-7451-3644-7451-7919-1961-3544-7227

6.7. And bear fruit declaring of them in the tree in the seas people of the lands to people of Yahvah not I say and testify of the land covenant of Yahvah and not I cause to go up into heart and not I mention in remembrance to them and not I visit with hostile intent and not 6509-776-3220-2039-523-3068-3808-559-5749-776-1285-3068-3808-5927-5921-3820-3808-2142-3808-6485-3808

8.9. I to make a protest testifying such things the witness Most High covenant Yeshu and taught ones His they are charged with renewing-repairing of Torah and will arrange setting in order they will first. The witness and Most High covenant Yeshu and begin to build laying timbers His-[implied foundation and return to covenant land] 6213-5749-2007-5707-5920-1285-3442-8527-5921-2318-8451-5738-7218-5749-5707-5920-1285-3442-6979

10.11. Laying open what to love-beloved of in house of an olive tree green verdant new and prosperous its speaks commandments breaking forth in wild strength drawing out the borders calling out by name Yahvah name your and like

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shall be afterwards of just and right and who like treads down subdued El and El being brought to ones slaughter and not having understanding will be 6566-4100-3039-1004-2132-7488-6310-6499-8388-7121-3068-8034-3541-310-3651-589-3533-410-410-2986-2873-3808-3045

12.13. like against Me cunning esteem of self and schemes of purpose will be removal-killing of body your to tree with its food will be acquainted of them sea monster [sea-people] from land of the living that name not to remember still. And such thing of all these ones crossing over Most High Yeshu 3588-5921-2803-4284-7953-6086-3899-5234-8577-776-2416-8034-3808-2142-5750-2007-3605-2088-5674-5920-3442

14.15. The gray haired ones these for harvest, pay attention these among you joining not to grave acting high they elder of you I behold-see when becomes licentious-open wide then He will give to all sound splitting the ear of them like a lions roar to say of Most High Yeshu and taught ones His

to be continued

Book eight of Shem Tov image 0242 page one

1.2.3. Saying this from three say a region to come that would be for them arising to receive respect from being refused-pleasing to them [this is about a place for Yisrael-and Yahudah-America-[2nd Samuel 7:10-Devarim-Deuteronomy 29:28 where they will live in peace also at this time they are being expelled from Spain-1492 and Columbus sailed for America] calamity an oppression of them against you so when caused to remain please and requesting of El 559-7969-559-6285-3863-5375-4995-413-181-857-3498-6994

4.5. El will show to you this Yeshah-Yah has saved the time of perpetuity concern for His 410-834-3470-3050-5703-5921

6.7.8. Now like crying out like from sleep-shamefulness theirs killing the King the One strength of Yah His and he to see Yahvah and then they the saraphyim ones stood above remaining to Him and for Him and called this one to this one and said Kadosh One Kadosh One Kadosh One Yahvah of Host-assemble and to Him knowledge of will cause also these 2980-1317-4191-4428-5818-7200-854-3068-8314-5975-4605-3541-7121-2088-413-2088-559-6918-6918-6918-3068-6635-3541-1843-1992

9. these three will disappear at command of El and its coming to complete unite as one by binding fast growing old of gray hair becoming gray haired of these alike 7869-6461-6673-410-935-3634-259-6105-7867-3162-1992 [these three last words are from next image]

to be continued

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Book nine of Shem Tov image 0279-0280 page one Saying this from three saying scattered in a direction-region this to them then to make self know by stability of truth the right and just also to the Yahudim making faithful ones to El also I to come forth so as among ones coming these all because of their failure first and these to complete making perfect those standing out having solutions-understanding in meanings of to declare. And surely to come forth 559-7969-559-6285-6284-3863-227-3045-571-3063-539-410-1931-4672-4672-3605 6924-1097-6924-1931-3634-3426-6592-1961-389-4672 [This is America-Yisrael moving into a land building a way and it failing and the notzarim are revealed to restore truth and just-Torah, Yeshu our king second Samuel 7:10-Devarim 29:28]

6.7.8. In them again as ones plucked up the good and the evil also they to stand out and having solutions-understanding in meanings of to declare. Testifying because afterwards also they to come forth and will cause ones to come forth of these. Accordingly they come forth ones for good from ones coming forth these are evil. Giving warning afterwards also they to fail in first place they of last in place 8145-6133-2896-7451-1992-3426-6592-1961-5749-310-1931-4672-4672-3605-3644-4672-2896-4672-7451-5749-310-1931-1097-7225-319

9.10.11. All who are to seeing-understanding to bright in Him as Head-Chief of them and latter time those in Him and are gathered to Him they were evil and have become good. Firmly of the nations-people-tribes seeing Him and because of cooking fire [trails] and also is it not the Yahudim made faithful ones of shames seeing a light as if by a burning ray to the words of theirs from believing to faithfulness also they come forth these to Him again 3605-7200-7797-7218-319-1992-1571-7451-2896-403-5971-7200-3595-371-3063-539-3637-7805-1697-539-4672-8145

12.13.14. plucked up also these good in thoughts-close friends. And the couches [ones bed as a way] the companions of friends to come forth to Him like which will be of fear and trembling of you from among in steadfastness fostering as a parent shall be to them from speaking also they believe to faithfulness in Him. Hemming in-like a bay surrounded to be nothing foot soldiers to words of theirs 6133-1992-2896-7454-6210-7453-7453-4672-line 13 834-7578-8432-539-1696-1992-539 line 14 5910-369-7270-1696

Book ten of Shem Tov image 0299-0300 page one Saying this from three change that disguises to pervert of them in complacency of them as a witness Most High to kill you Yeshu and Most High being of Him kill ending days in days of restoration the third time [the word lives in the plural = three lives also] oppression as it was in time blowing the shophar-rams horn [Joshua-Yeshua 6:9] in the hill country and like it was life theirs from those living

Hebrew Matthew Shem Tov Book Of Yeshu Mashiach part 12 Hebrew Matthew Page 133 www.AdatMoadim .com – Completed 7/28/14

5.6.7. in day the third He will raise up us [Hoshea 6:1-3] among the living to faces theirs and of His knowledge running after because of truth with Yahvah having searched for diligently they prepared and applying shall come forth appearing these and they bring like the rain upon us to them like the spring rains eloquence of the latter rains [3384 flow as watering rains-teaching] they shall water abundantly land. And now the testimonies [this word always to the ten words-commands 5715] Most High Yeshuatav-He will Save His 3117-7992-3356-2416-6440-1844-7291-1847-854-3068-7836-3359-4672-935-1652-4456-7301-776-2088-5715-5920-3442 responding pay attention they who are first ones if one departs these living of us and like they to say Most High Yeshu surely-but nevertheless how what you to separate these depart becoming licentious-live with out restrain also to act covertly committing trespass will cause distortion of things injuring as it was and they to see-understand Ephrayim [the scattered of Yisrael-or ten lost tribes-nations] with his profane-grieved ways and Yahudah 6030-2297-518-6589-2416-559-5920-3442-389-349-6567-6589-4603-4487-1790-7200-669-854-2470-3063

Image 317 1.2.3. Saying this from three such as messengers of many increasing to Him Most High Moshiach our by ones beating to pieces by instruction-Torot [fem. plural-Torah] truth will be to them by two edges theirs [their ways have judge them]

4. And moral evil not was existing or established to Him in shalom-Peace and to be from the straight way justly to walk these of Him to be coming abundant-myriads, many

5. Will become old-gray haired these among sin-perversity-moral evil and who shall be of these to walk the path in shalom-well being and these to become old gray haired

to be continued

Book eleven-11. of Shem Tov image 0320-0321-0322

1.2. The opening of eleven-11 from building stones proving and trying fastenings-figurative of bonds of slavery these taught-you teachers. 8176-letters for numbers-68-974-92-3925-8527

Image 0321 Open eleven saying this from companions-joined fellows of Name Good-Shem Tov beloved pure of Yitzchaq [name changed to Yisrael ?] beloved pure of choice clean also a stray one [the word also maybe shophar-rams horn cause to make fair of scattered words] this of commands of Yahvah teach [this line six large letters of each word first letter only] 8167-letters for numbers-559-2270-8034-2896-1249-3327-1249-6528-[7782-8231-6528]-2088-6693-3925

Hebrew Matthew Shem Tov Book Of Yeshu Mashiach part 12 Hebrew Matthew Page 134 www.AdatMoadim .com – Completed 7/28/14

5.6.7. Being prepared you have for coming in these eyes opened to visions apportion in this requesting-begging of Him requesting of El our with certain they have besieged and they will overthrow from words driving of theirs on in away-their decree for these to have risen by edit of government theirs and in firmness shall be of them. And from them words treading down altering course of just way [changing political way] 3559-935-5782-1957-7117-7592-7592-410-857-3588-6696-8045-4057-92-1992-6965-1881-530-1992-1697-3533-8132 [this appears to be the time of the decree to remove Judah from Spain]

8.9. to us hiding from us them. And among them joining by charm bristling rough ones joining like they now are true provoking to hand over to them my writings describing such things and I to explain to them like are commands which He conversed to us from the heavens

10.11. for those of gray hair and shall increase in numbers the first shall they to be recorded of this. Also not surely to you to be unpunished by the gray hair ones are thorns to pharishiy of the spreading forth able to make distinct desired not them.

Image 0322 Saying this from three to write as a record in bramble bush posterity our these ones strengthened of Yah alas of these to dwell they rising up of the contempt being bitterly cursed-loathed this on them boiling up as scum these imposters flee vomit like of will be like of to deliver changing places they will to them who before designated cause to speak thrust away these entrance way one will be said is it not the Son of David-Loving testifying 559-7969-3789-5572-1785-1668-2369-1930-3488-6965-1861-779-2560-3850-5074-6958-3544-1961-3588-1802-3235-4310-8372-1680-1740-6607-2297-559-371-1121-1732-935-5749 also to be able Him also you have to you these fathers from Yisrael and to Him also of the Head-Principal ruler. The exiles removed in shamelessness watering grain heads in branches [that would mean no roots foundational laws] and were lead astray-deceived also in land of Yisrael also saying and shall be set apart a place and to build stones these to redeem-buy back and like this to do again for will be of Yisrael. And in this time failing beguiled and is it not the head the principal rulers of them exiled again in shamelessness surely like winnowing grain-separating coming Moshiach.

completed 2-22-2013 Shem Tov portion editing completed 2-26-2014

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