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Chettinad Cement Response to points raised during Public Consultation 1

Annexure -25 (c) Chettinad Cement Corporation Limited

Sangem (K) & Kallur Villages Gulbarga- Karnataka

Chettinad Response to Public Representation in the PH held on 09.10.13

S.No Name of Representative Representation Chettinad Response

1. Shri. Basavaraj Patil Sedam, Rajya Sabha MP

He requested the gathering to cooperate with the authorities to conduct the public hearing in a peaceful manner.


He informed that the lack of infrastructure and amenities in the area need to be addressed.


He urged the Deputy Commissioner and the Pollution Control Board Officials to give more attention to safeguard the environment before clearing this project.


He also informed that Chettinad Cement was spending Rupee one (1%) of its profit during last year and now they proposed to spend Rupee two (2%) from this year onward.

As a part of CSR activities, Chettinad Cement will provide the infrastructure facilities and amenities at nearby villages in consultation with District Administration. As per the guidelines of MoEF, the funds will be allotted for CSR in consultation with Disrict Administration.

He demanded that the company shall give employment to everyone in the family of land-loosers of surrounding 15 villages of this project.

65 % of land-loosers have been given employment in the company. If the family member of the land-looser is having required qualification/ skills/ experiencee for a particular vacancy in the plant or mine, first preference will be given to that family member of the land-looser for the job.

He also urged the company to spend 50 % of CSR fund in surrounding villages, 25% for Chincholi Taluk and 25 % for the backward classes.

As per the guidelines of MoEF, the funds will be allotted for CSR in consultation with Disrict Administration.

Chettinad Cement Response to points raised during Public Consultation 2

S. No Name of Representative Representation Chettinad Response

He urged the company to educate local people by starting ITI College for local youth to get job opportunities and help for self employment as carried out by Rajashree Cement.

Chettinad Cement will help the local youths in acquiring technical skills. The company will extend its help for self employment also.

This company is having 8 industries and is our good fortune that they have established their unit in Chincholi Taluk and the benefits from this plant should reach common man.

As a part of CSR activities, Chettinad Cement will provide the infrastructure facilities and amenities at nearby villages in consultation with District Administration.

He requested the Deputy Commissioner and the Government to stipulate suitable conditions to benefit the local people. Then he suggested special training for local women and youth for job opportunities.

Chettinad Cement will help the local youths in acquiring technical skills. The women in nearby villages will also be given training in tailoring, farming, computers etc., so that they can have their own source of income for sustainable livelihood.

He requested that the permission be given for the project as per law.


2. Shri Madhusudan Reddy, Kallur

He informed that the industry has fulfilled 85 % of the promises made in the previous meeting and 13 persons were not given jobs as they are minors. The presentation made by the company about CSR activities has been completely implemented. By giving permission to the 2nd unit, the job opportunities and the basic amenities will be improved.


3. Shri C.A Patil, District Congress Committee, Labour Department

He recommended to impose certain conditions to this project and requested support for his views.


He also requested for the clearance of this project. -- He said industrialisation will improve the surrounding villages.


Chettinad Cement Response to points raised during Public Consultation 3

S. No Name of Representative Representation Chettinad Response

The unit is being operated for the past 3 years and local employment is not given. There are ITI and B.E., qualified youths in the area, who are not given jobs and the company has employed people from outside the state. Sarojini Mahishi Report should be implemented. In Vasavadatta Cement, a committe has been formed under Tahsildar, Sedam to look into employment for local people. In case non-availability of local technical people, outsiders can be employed. This is followed in Vasavadatta Cement and the same should be implemented in this factory also.

Total employee strength is 311. Out of which 250 employees are from local, which is around 80 %.

Few land-loosers children were not yet given employment. They should be given employment. The jobs should be kept reserved for the land-loosers children who are not eligible now.

65 % of land-loosers have been given employment in the company. Any remaining land-looser / local person having required qualification / skills / experience for a particular vacancy, then first preference will be given to the land-looser / local person for the job in the same order.

The Air and Water monitoring should be carried out by the approved third party and the report should be submitted.

Environmental Monitoring is being carried out by approved laboratory and the same practice will be continued for expansion also.

4. Shri. Dattatreya Reddy, Block Congress Committee, SC/ST Unit, Sangem K Village

He, on behalf of his villagers and himself supported the project. He is happy about the company’s activities.

This representation by the public representative is in support of the project.

5. Shri.Ganapath Rao, Block Congress Committee, SC/ST Unit, Sangem K Village

He informed that direct and indirect employment will increase because of this project and the said project should be supported.

This representation by the public representative is in support of the project.

Chettinad Cement Response to points raised during Public Consultation 4

S. No Name of Representative Representation Chettinad Response

6. Shri Shivakumar Kolur, KPCC State Convenor

He informed that he is satisfied with this project. The company has given employment to the surrounding people and supported for the 2nd Unit. He condemned the outsiders opposing the said project.

This representation by the public representative is in support of the project.

7. Ms. G Sudharani , Chandapur Village

She said Chincholi Taluk is a backward Taluk and this project will help to prosper economically and socially in this area. She supported the project.

This representation by the nearby villager is in support of project.

8. Shri Sanjeev Yakapur, Member Zilla Panchayat

He informed that there are no negative effects from this project. He supported the project and requested permission to be given to the project within the frame work of law.

This representation by the public representative is in support of the project.

9. Shri Shivsharana Reddy Shetty , Bhaktampalli village

He welcomed the project as it is giving employment. He urged locals should be given employment by the company.

This representation by the nearby villager is in support of project. Total employee strength is 311. Out of which 250 employees are from local, which is around 80 %. If local youth is having required qualification /skills/ experience for a particular vacancy in the plant or mine, then preference will be given to that local for the job.

10. Shri Deepak Nag Punya Shetty, Member, Zilla Panchayat

He said he is giving complaints against the company and submitting written representation.

Chettinad Cement’s responses to written submissions to the authorities from the public have been given separately. The Annexure …. b may kindly be referred.

He informed that this project has been established in violation of Forest Act, Environment Protection Act, Wild Life Act, Water Act, Air Act.

For the existing unit, the Environmental Clearance from MoEF has been obtained in accordance with Environment Protection Act and the Consent Orders from Karnataka Pollution Control Board was obtained as per Air & Water Acts. The Environmental Monitoring, which is being carried out by an approved laboratory reveals that all the air, water and noise parameters are within the norms prescribed by MoEF/CPCB/KSPCB.

Chettinad Cement Response to points raised during Public Consultation 5

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He informed that the industry has not taken permission from central empowered committe, Central Wildlife Board, and State Wildlife Board. He opposed the proposed project.

At the time of execution of the project, there was no Wildlife Sanctuary within 10 km radius from the project site. On 21st Feb ‘12, the Forest Department , Gulbarga advised us to contribute Rs 250 lakhs for carrying out conservation measures like Soil and Moisture Conservation (SMC) measures, Forest Fire Control measures like maintenance of fire lines, deployment of fire watchers, running of two numbers of fire patrolling camps and greenbelt plantation etc. Accordingly, we have spent Rs 22.0 lakhs. ( during Mar ’12 : 2.75 lakhs, May ’12 :Rs 3.14 lakhs, Jun ’12 :2.75 lakhs, Mar ’13 : Rs 13.36 lakhs) for implementing the conservation measures mentioned above. Subsequently, on 8 th Jan ’13 the Forest Department, Gulbarga again advised us to contribute Rs 56.8 lakhs for the purpose of afforestation in unclassified forests, which is to be spent over a period of 6 Years. The same has been accepted by us. Then, an amount of Rs 12.96 lakhs has been spent towards during Feb ‘14 for implementing various conservation measures inside wildlife sanctuary. The balance amount of Rs 215.04 lakhs will be spent as indicated by the Forest Department, Gulbarga for implementing conservation measures in the wildlife sanctuary in the coming years and Rs 56.8 lakhs will be spent for afforestation in unclassified forest. Further, for the proposed project expansion and for getting NBWL Clearance an application was submitted to Forest Department, Gulbarga which is under process.

Chettinad Cement Response to points raised during Public Consultation 6

S. No Name of Representative Representation Chettinad Response



He submitted written representation. Chettinad Cement’s responses to written submissions is enclosedas Annexure … b may kindly be referred

11. Shri. Laxman Aounti, Advocate, Chincholi

He informed that there are hundreds of employment generation from this industry and due to this industry there is progress in all areas like social, economical and education, etc. Hence we should not oppose this project and should support the project. He requested the DC & PCB to give permission for the project.

This representation by the nearby villager is in support of project.

12. Smt Narmadha Venkata Reddy She informed that the industry helped the surrounding people to a large extent and requested permission to be given for the 2nd unit.

This representation is in support of project.

13. Smt Sowbagyamma Matapathi She informed that due to this project, employment for youth, local people and women will be generated. She welcomed the project.

This representation is in support of project.

14. Shri A S Koravi, Vice President, Town Panchayat

He requested permission from Deputy Commissioner as this project will generate employment for local people.

This representation by the public representative is in support of the project.

15. Shri K M Bari. Ex Director, Water Board, Chincholi

He supported the expansion project of Chettinad cement.

This representation is in support of project.

16. Shri Ramashetty Pawar, Taluk Banjara Samaja

He informed that the industry has given water supply and carried out welfare activities in schools and Tailoring Training for women. He supported the 2nd unit.

This representation is in support of the project.

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S. No Name of Representative Representation Chettinad Response

17. Shri Gopal Rao Kattimani, Ex –Taluk Panchayat Member

He informed that unknowlingly in the previous hearing we opposed this project. It was their mis-understanding. The industry has carried out welfare activities like water supply, toilets for village women, teachers for school, etc.,There is prosperity due to industrialisation. He informed that we should not listen to some people who are objecting this project with vested interest. He requested permission for this project.

This representation is in support of project.

18. Shri Abdul Bashir, Ex-

Chairman, Taluk Panchayat

He welcomed this project as their area is backward. Due to this project employment will be generated. There is no need to raise objections on our behalf by outsiders.

This representation is in support of project.

He requested for local employement as their people are going outside for employment purpose.

Total employee strength is 311. Out of which 250 employees are from local, which is around 80 %.If local youth is having required qualification /skills/ experience for a particular vacancy in the plant or mine, then preference will be given to that local for the job.

He requested Deputy Commissioner to encourage more industries in this area.


Chettinad Cement Response to points raised during Public Consultation 8

S. No Name of Representative Representation Chettinad Response

19. Shri Raviraj Koravi,

Chairman Zilla Koli Samaja

He informed that this industry has given employment and identity for Chincholi Taluk in Gulbarga District. He requested for permission to this project

This representation by the public representative is in support of the project.

20. Shri Vijaya Kumar Ghatage, Ex-Member Bhu Nyaya Mandali

He informed that this industry has given employment and identity for Chincholi Taluk in Gulbarga District. He requested for permission to this 2nd unit.

This representation is in support of the project.

21. Shri Sudhakar Patil, Ex-President Grama Panchayat

He informed that the industry has given employment and taken up developmental works. He said the industry employed 100 youths of surrounding area. He supported the 2nd unit.

This representation is in support of the project.

22. Shri Narasimha Pujari , Ex-Vice Chairman Taluk Panchayat

He informed that unemployment problem has been solved, but health deteriorating, which should be noted. He urged need of good hospital and good drinking water facility. He requested for water filters for all villages and toilets for women. He requested Deputy Commissioner to direct industry to provide all these facilities.

As a part of CSR activities, Chettinad Cement will provide medical assistance by conducting medical camps and assisting the government hospitals in Chincholi and Miriyan with basic infrastructure and medical equipments as per their requirements.

23. Shri Jagadeesh Singh Thakur, Chandapur

He spoke in support of the project and said no objection for this project.

This representation by the nearby villager is in support of project.

He urged for local employment. Total employee strength is 311. Out of which 250 employees are from local, which is around 80 %.If local youth is having required qualification /skills/ experience for a particular vacancy in the plant or mine, then preference will be given to that local for the job.

Chettinad Cement Response to points raised during Public Consultation 9

S. No Name of Representative Representation Chettinad Response

24. Shri Gautham Bommanahalli, Bahujana Samajawadi Party

He informed that this project should sustain for longer period. He urged the Deputy Commissioner and KSPCB to look into the interest of common man in the area. He opposed the project. He informed that they had bitter experience on closure of Cement Corporation of India (CCI) Plant.

Chettinad Cement is in this business for more than 5 decades and is having enough competency, knowledge and experience to ensure sustained operations of the plant for a longer period. Also, sufficient resources are available to support and sustain this project. Through the CSR activities, Chettinad Cement will help to improve the standard of living of the society around. The existing plant and mines are complying with KSPCB norms.

25. Shri Amruth Rao Giri, Advocate,

He informed that due to this industry the roads in the surrounding area are damaged and it takes 4 hours to reach from Gulbarga.

Even before the establishment of the first unit of Chettinad Cement at Sangem (K) & Kallur villages, the road conditions were very bad. In 2010-2011, even our light vehicles coming from chincholi to plant, were taking one hour for a distance of 12 kms and from Karnataka Border (Miryan) to our plant it was taking one hour for a distance of 10 kms. Now in 2012-13, there is considerable improvement in the road condition. As far as the nearby National Highways are concerned, the laying of road work by National Highway Authority of India (NHAI) is under progress. As a part of CSR activities, the company has taken up repairing of roads in the nearby villages.

There are deaths of birds and animals in Kuncharam Betta due to air pollution from this industry.

The distance of Kunchavaram Village is about 20 km from the Plant and 18 km from the Mine in the direction of North East.For the existing production faclility, the company has provided the latest and modern Air Pollution Control Measures like ESP, Bag Filters etc., and the concentration of air parameters are within the norms prescribed by MoEF/CPCB/KSPCB.Hence the impact of our operation on this far away village will be very insignificant.

Chettinad Cement Response to points raised during Public Consultation 10

S. No Name of Representative Representation Chettinad Response

25. (contd)

The contents of the representation given by Shri Deepaknag PunyaShetty are true and the authorities should look into it.

The contents of representation given by Shri Deepak Nag Punya Shetty have been addressed under S.No. 10 of this response.

The industry has given only lower cadre jobs to local people.

Jobs have been given to local people in various levels including management cadre.

26. Shri Venkata Reddy, Ex-

Chairman, Taluk Panchayat

He has spoken in support of the project. This representation by the public representative is in support of the project.

He requested for employment to locals, training to youth in motor rewinding. He urged training to women for employment and development of surrounding area.

Total employee strength is 311. Out of which 250 employees are from local, which is around 80 %. If local youth is having required qualification /skills/ experience for a particular vacancy in the plant or mine, then preference will be given to that local for the job. Chettinad Cement will help the local youths in acquiring technical skills. The company will extend its help for self employment also. The women in nearby villages will also be given training under Self Help Group scheme in tailoring, farming, computer litracy etc., so that they can have their own source of income for sustainable livelihood. As a part of CSR activities, Chettinad Cement will provide the infrastructure facilities, education and health facilities to the nearby villages in consultation with District Administration.

He requested permission to be given for 2nd unit. --- 27. Shri Abdul Rauf, Miriyan He informed that the industry has started only 1 ½

years back and it requires time to take up more developmental works. The industry has already taken up welfare activities. He supported this project.

This representation by the nearby villager is in support of project.

Chettinad Cement Response to points raised during Public Consultation 11

S. No Name of Representative Representation Chettinad Response

28. Shri Manik Rao Gulagunji, Advocate, Sulahpet

He informed that industry has taken lands from the farmers at lower rates. He urged for more rates for the lands.

At the time of land purchase, the rates were finalized only after mutual acceptance .

He said environment is polluted, health is affected. For the existing production faclility, the company has provided the latest and modern Air Pollution Control Measures like ESP, Bag Filters etc., and the concentration of air parameters are within the norms prescribed by MoEF/CPCB/KSPCB. As no waste water is getting discharged from the plant & mine, there is no water pollution. All the wastes generated are handled and disposed as stipulated by the regulatory authorities. The Noise Level is also within the stipulated norms. Hence, there will be not be any significant impact on health.

There is no good hospital in the area.The industry has not given more employment. He urged for more employment and facilities.

As a part of CSR activities, Chettinad Cement provided financial assistance to the nearby Govt. Hospitals. Medical camps are also being conducted on regular basis. Chettinad Cement donated Ambulance to Chincholi Govt. Hospital. In consultation with District Administration, Chettinad Cement is carring out CSR activities convering infrastructural development & education. Total employee strength is 311. Out of which 250 employees are from local, which is around 80 %.If local youth is having required qualification /skills/ experience for a particular vacancy in the plant or mine, then preference will be given to that local for the job.

He asked industry to give the list of locally employed people.

80% of total employees in Chettinad Cement are from local villages.

Chettinad Cement Response to points raised during Public Consultation 12

S. No Name of Representative Representation Chettinad Response

29 Shri Chandrasekhar Palled, Kallur Village

He informed that he has demanded for Rs. 5 lakhs for land, but it was finalised for Rs. 4.8 lakhs. He informed that he has demanded for local employment and accordingly, the company has given local employment and the company has trained 5th -6th class passed youths and given employeement in their factory. He urged administration not to consider the objections given against the project.

This representation by the nearby villager is in support of project.

30. Shri Basavaraj Mali, Chincholi

He informed that the chettinad factory has given benefits such as roads, water and employment; hence he requested permission for the 2nd project.

This representation is in support of project.

31. Shri Chandrasekhar Patil, Chincholi

He informed that we have demanded to set up factories in Chincholi for the fast 20 years as this is back ward area and youths were going to Bombay and Hyderabad for employment. This industry has given employment opportunity and also taken up welfare activity in the area, hence such project should be permitted.

This representation is in support of project.

32. Shri Mukram Khan, Sedam He informed that he is not objecting the project. This representation is in support of project. He said whatever welfare activity, job opportunity given by the company is not sufficient, they should have taken up education of people in the area and set up good hospital in the area. During medical emergency they have to travel minimum 4 hours either to Gulbarga or Hyderabad for treatment. He demanded for orthopedic doctor and lady gynaecologist.

Total employee strength is 311. Out of which 250 employees are from local, which is around 80 %. If local youth is having required qualification /skills/ experience for a particular vacancy in the plant or mine, then preference will be given to that local for the job. As a part of CSR activities, Chettinad Cement will provide the education and health facilities to the nearby villages in consultation with District Administration.

Chettinad Cement Response to points raised during Public Consultation 13

S. No Name of Representative Representation Chettinad Response

32 (contd)

Further he said the industry has installed advanced air pollution control systems like air cooled condenser, reverse air bag house, etc for air pollution control.


He further demanded for repair of roads, local employment and education, etc.

Even before the establishment of the first unit of Chettinad Cement at Sangem (K) & Kallur villages, the road conditions were very bad. In 2010-2011, even our light vehicles coming from chincholi to plant, were taking one hour for a distance of 12 kms and from Karnataka Border (Miryan) to our plant it was taking one hour for a distance of 10 kms. Now in 2012-13, there is considerable improvement in the road condition. As far as the nearby National Highways are concerned, the laying of road work by National Highway Authority of India (NHAI) is under progress. As a part of CSR activities, the company has taken up repairing of roads in the nearby villages. Total employee strength is 311. Out of which 250 employees are from local, which is around 80 %. If local youth is having required qualification /skills/ experience for a particular vacancy in the plant or mine, then preference will be given to that local for the job. As a part of CSR activities, Chettinad Cement will provide the educational facilities to the nearby villages in consultation with District Administration.

Chettinad Cement Response to points raised during Public Consultation 14

S. No Name of Representative Representation Chettinad Response

33. Shri Sanjiv Kumar Patil, President Karnataka Rakshana Vedike, Chincholi

He demanded for permanent employment for contract employees and also requested for employment to ITI candidates.

This will be in accordance with State Govt. rules. If local youth is having required qualification /skills/ experience for a particular vacancy in the plant or mine, then preference will be given to that local for the job.

34. Shri Shashikanth Adaki,

Advocate, Chincholi

He informed that he is not objecting the project but he demanded for development of more forest in the area.

This representation by the public representative is in support of the project. 33% of plant area will be developed with greenbelt. Also Chettinad Cement is contributing towards forest conservation measures in consultation with State Forest Dept.

He informed that roads are damaged due to moment of heavy vehicles which is causing environmental pollution. He urged employment for experienced & educated local youths.

Even before the establishment of the first unit of Chettinad Cement at Sangem (K) & Kallur villages, the road conditions were very bad. In 2010-2011, even our light vehicles coming from chincholi to plant, were taking one hour for a distance of 12 kms and from Karnataka Border (Miryan) to our plant it was taking one hour for a distance of 10 kms. Now in 2012-13, there is considerable improvement in the road condition. As far as the nearby National Highways are concerned, the laying of road work by National Highway Authority of India (NHAI) is under progress. After completion of laying of road by National Highway Authority of India, the fugitive dust emission due to vehicular movement on the National Highway will significantly reduce.

Chettinad Cement Response to points raised during Public Consultation 15

S. No Name of Representative Representation Chettinad Response

34 (contd)

As a part of CSR activities, the company has taken up repairs of roads in the nearby villages. If local youth is having required qualification /skills/ experience for a particular vacancy in the plant or mine, then preference will be given to that local for the job

35. Shri Ganapathi, Ganapur


He supported the project and he informed that there is direct and in direct employment in this industry and industry should give employment and take up welfare activities in the surrounding the villages.

This representation by the near by villager is in support of project. If local youth is having required qualification /skills/ experience for a particular vacancy in the plant or mine, then preference will be given to that local for the job. As a part of CSR activities, Chettinad Cement will provide the infrastructure facilities, education and health facilities to the nearby village in consultation with District Administration.

36. Shri Kanti Anil Kumar He supported the project, as this project will generate more employment to the local areas. He informed that earlier the qualified local youths were going for employment to outside and they were paid only Rs. 9000/- which is very less. As this industry provides local employment, the youth will get employment locally and he requested for employment to local youths.

This representation is in support of project. If local youth is having required qualification /skills/ experience for a particular vacancy in the plant or mine, then preference will be given to that local for the job.

37. Smt. Girija Revur, Gulbarga He informed that she is teacher in mentally challenged children school in Gulbarga and this is only school in the district. This industry has given all facilities to our school and they have even promised to provide bus to the school. She requested to support the industry.

This representation is in support of project.

38. Shri Ramesh Pujari, Kallur He informed that he has passed ITI and applied for job 6 months back, but till now he has not given job. Hence, he requested for employment.

If he is having required qualification /skills/ experience for a particular vacancy in the plant or mine, then preference will be given.

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S. No Name of Representative Representation Chettinad Response

39. Shri Veera Reddy J.P He informed that due to this industry employment has generated for local people and he requested to give employment to remaining local people. He requested to give permission for 2nd line.

This representation is in support of project. If local youth is having required qualification /skills/ experience for a particular vacancy in the plant or mine, then preference will be given to that local for the job.

40. Shri Gopal Rampure, Taluka Convenor , DSS

He informed that due to this industry backward people will not get any benefit and this industry will cause more environment pollution and road damage. This industry should not be given permission.

CSR activities planned/carried out in consultation with District Administration will benefit the local people. For the existing production faclility, the company has provided the latest and modern Air Pollution Control Measures like ESP, Bag Filters etc., and the concentration of air parameters are within the norms prescribed by MoEF/CPCB/KSPCB. As no waste water is getting discharged from the plant & mine, there is no water pollution. All the wastes generated are handled and disposed as stipulated by the regulatory authorities. The Noise Level is also within the stipulated norms. Hence, there will be no impact on environment. In 2010-2011, even our light vehicles coming from chincholi to plant, were taking one hour for a distance of 12 kms and from Karnataka Border (Miryan) to our plant it was taking one hour for a distance of 10 kms. Now in 2012-13, there is considerable improvement in the road condition. As far as the nearby National Highways are concerned, the laying of road work by National Highway Authority of India (NHAI) is under progress. As a part of CSR activities, the company has taken up repairing of roads in the nearby villages

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41. Shri Mohammed Moulana He supported the project. This representation is in support of project.

42. Smt Nagamani, Bhakthampalli

He informed that she is not getting the job from the company. She requested for a job from the company.

If she is having required qualification /skills/ experience for a particular vacancy in the plant or mine, then preference will be given.

43. Shri Dasharath, Sangem K He requested for more local employment. If local youth is having required qualification /skills/ experience for a particular vacancy in the plant or mine, then preference will be given to that local for the job.

44. Shri Chandrakanth, Chairman, Anvar Grama Panchayat

He informed that the company has given employment for local youths and surrounding 7 villages support this project.

This representation by the public representative is in support of the project.

45. Shri Syed Niyez Ali, President Taluka BSP

He informed that the public are called to discuss about environmental issues from this company.The environment and forest got damaged in this area. He requested the authorities to direct the industry to take up more plantation and environment protection measures before giving clearance.

For the existing production faclility, the company has provided the latest and modern Air Pollution Control Measures like ESP, Bag Filters etc., and the concentration of air parameters are within the norms prescribed by MoEF/CPCB/KSPCB. As no waste water is getting discharged from the plant & mine, there is no water pollution. All the wastes generated are handled and disposed as stipulated by the regulatory authorities. The Noise Level is also within the stipulated norms. Environmental Monitoring Report of the Plant and Mine has been included in Final EIA report, where it can be seen that all the parameters are within the norms prescribed. Hence, there will be no siginificant impact on environment. For the proposed expansion also, all the pollution control measures and the practices will be extended. 33% of plant area will be developed with green belt as per MoEF / CPCB norms.

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46. Shri Anand Kumar Pujari, Kallur

He informed that compared to other industries, this industry has taken better emission control measures. Still, they can take up additional measures and tree plantation.

All the required Environment protection measures will be implemented in the proposed expansion to comply with all the MoEF / CPCB / KSPCB norms. 33% of plant area will be developed with green belt as per MoEF / CPCB norms.

47. Shri Narasimhalu, Sangem, Ex Sarapanch

He informed that for starting 2nd unit they have no objection. He also informed that the company has taken up good welfare activities.

This representation is in support of project.

48. Shri Vijsy Kumar, Kallur He informed that the company has given job to them and has adopted advanced technology for pollution control. Earlier, they studied upto 6 th standard, but the company has trained and employed them.He requested administration to give clearance to the company.

This representation by the nearby villager is in support of project.

49. Shri Yashwanth, Kallur He supported the project and informed that the company has given employment to local people and he requested to give permission to the company.

This representation by the nearby villager is in support of project.

50. Shri Venkata Reddy, Bhakthampalli

He informed that he has passed only 9th Standard and the company has given training and employment in the company. There is no dust in the working area and they are working even without masks. He requested the authorities to give permission for the 2nd unit.

This representation by the nearby villager is in support of project.

51. Shri Shivayya Swamy Hanumapur

He informed that there is no objection from him for the said project.

This representation by the nearby villager is in support of project.

52. Shri Shiva Reddy, Garagapalli

He requested for all facilities for Garagapalli village. As a part of CSR activities, Chettinad Cement will provide the infrastructure facilities, education and health facilities to the nearby villages in consultation with District Administration.

53. Shri Sharanappa Subash, Chandapur

He informed that there is no problem of environment pollution and requested authorities to give permission for 2nd unit.

This representation by the nearby villager is in support of project.

Chettinad Cement Response to points raised during Public Consultation 19

S. No Name of Representative Representation Chettinad Response

54. Shri Jaggabayudu, Sangem He requested jobs for land-loosers. 65 % of land-loosers have been given employment in the company. If the family member of the land-looser is having required qualification/ skills/ experiencee for a particular vacancy in the plant or mine, first preference will be given to that family member of the land-looser for the job.

55. Shri Fakkirappa He informed that some of the land–loosers are not given jobs inspite of many requests made to the industry. He requested for a job.

65 % of land-loosers have been given employment in the company. If the family member of the land-looser is having required qualification/ skills/ experiencee for a particular vacancy in the plant or mine, first preference will be given to that family member of the land-looser for the job.

56. Shri Srinivasalu, Sangam He informed that what Shri Fakkirappa told is correct, but he misbehaved with the management and that delayed his job. He is working in the company on contract basis and is hopeful that management will regularise him during expansion.

65 % of land-loosers have been given employment in the company. If the family member of the land-looser is having required qualification/ skills/ experiencee for a particular vacancy in the plant or mine, first preference will be given to that family member of the land-looser for the job.

57. One of the Farmer (Name not given)

He informed that he lost his land, but the company has not given compensation. The presiding officer directed the concerned Tahasildar to sort out the issue.

No payment towards the purchase of land is pending.

58. Shri Sunil Kumar, Sangem He requested for a job in the company and supported the 2nd unit of the company.

This representation by the nearby villager is in support of project. If he is having required qualification /skills/ experience for a particular vacancy in the plant or mine, then preference will be given.

Chettinad Cement Response to points raised during Public Consultation 20

S. No Name of Representative Representation Chettinad Response

59. Shri Amar Chahus, Bhakthampalli

He informed that the company has given jobs to educated youth and he requested for training for remaining ITI holders and to give jobs for them.

If local youth is having required qualification /skills/ experience for a particular vacancy in the plant or mine, then preference will be given to that local for the job. Chettinad Cement will help the local youths in acquiring technical skills

60. One Old Women (name not mentioned)

He requested for compensation for the land. The presiding officer directed the concerned Tahasildar to sort out the issue.

No payment towards the purchase of land is pending.

61. Shri Jayappa Chakul, Bhathampalli

He informed that earlier the land litigation was in court and now it has been cleard. Now, he is ready to give the land, but the company is not taking.

Now there is no need of any additional land for the plant or mine. If additional requirement of land is coming up in future, the request of this representative will be considered.

He informed that his land is getting polluted due to the company activity and he requested to solve the problem.

For the existing production faclility, the company has provided the latest and modern Air Pollution Control Measures like ESP, Bag Filters etc., and the concentration of air parameters are within the norms prescribed by MoEF/CPCB/KSPCB. As no waste water is getting discharged from the plant & mine, there is no water pollution. All the wastes generated are handled and disposed as stipulated by the regulatory authorities. The Noise Level is also within the stipulated norms. Environmental Monitoring Report of the plant and mine has been included in the Final EIA report, where it can be seen that all the parameters are within the norms prescribed. Hence, there will be no siginificant impact on environment.

62. One of the Contractor of the company (name not mentioned)

He informed that earlier he was doing company contract work and the company has not made the payments.

If he has done any work, on submission of required documents, payment will be made accordingly.

Chettinad Cement Response to Written Petitions – Kallur Exp. 1




Chettinad Cement Response to Written Petitions submitted during Public Hearing held on 09.10.13

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Content of Representation Chettinad Cement Response

01, 02, 05, 19, 166, 167 & 168

Sri Deepagnag Shashidar Punneshetty Ainolli, Former President and Present Member , Zillaparishath , Gulbarga

1a) That the said Chettinad Cements Corporation Limited already started their plant, Cement production of 2.5 MTPA with 30 MW Power generation by the Power Plant and 4 MTPA Limestone mining/quarrying in an area of 1074.49 Acres held at the villages of Kallur and Sangam (K) by getting the Environment clearance certificate from the KARNATAKA State Pollution Control Board and the Ministry of Environmental & Forests Department of Central Government.


1b) It is brought to your kind notice that the said Chettinad Cements Limited is purely a Private Limited Company.


1c) The lands purchased by it are the Patta Lands of the farmers.


1d) Whereas the Government of Karnataka in exercise of the powers conferred under the Section 26A (B) of the wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972 (Amendment in 2006) (Central Act, 532 of 1972) has considered the area, situation, limits and extent of Forest areas which are specified in (shown below) Schedule-1 to declare as Chincholi Wildlife Sanctuary, comprising of Government of Karnataka notified reserved forest blocks as shown in (shown below) Schedule-II, as it is of adequate ecological, faunal, floral and Geo morphological importance and for the purpose of protecting, propagating and developing wildlife or its environment.


Chettinad Cement Response to Written Petitions – Kallur Exp. 2

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1e) Due to commendable work and study by the Ministry Environment & Forest Department and State Board for Wildlife, of the Government of Karnataka considered that it is necessary to declare the area as a Chincholi Wildlife Sanctuary in the view of the following aspects:


1f) Chincholi Forests are the areas where the natural environment can easily be affected or harmed which needs the special protection. The unique features of this forest deserve to define it as ecologically sensitive zone area. Further, as the area is also having growth of ecological tree species, and vulnerable even to mild disturbances and the area demands careful management. Thus the Chincholi Forest area is considered to be an ecologically and economically important. The list of flora and fauna of the area suggests that, this area is ecologically rich, Valuable and Unique irreplaceable if destroyed.

For existing production facility, the company has provided latest and modern Air Pollution Control Measures like ESP, Bag Filters etc., and the concentration of air parameters are within the norms prescribed by MoEF/CPCB/KSPCB. As no waste water is getting discharged from Plant & Mine, there is no water pollution. All the wastes generated are handled and disposed as stipulated by the regulatory authorities. Noise Level is also within the stipulated norms. Hence, there will be not be any significant impact on environment. For the proposed expansion also, all pollution control measures and the practices will be extended. Cumulative impact of existing industries, proposed new industries and the proposed expansion activity of Chettinad Cement on the said sanctuary has been analysed (Page 4.9 of Chapter 4 in the Final EIA Report) and the resultant concentrations of pollutants like Particulate Matter, SO2, NOx and CO have been found to be far lower than the norms prescribed. Hence, the impact of proposed expansion activities on the Chincholi Wildlife Sanctuary is very insignificant as it is located 5.8 Km from the plant and 3.2.km from mine boundary and 4.6 km from the current mining pit. Please refer Chapter 4 of Final EIA Report and Biological Report included as Annexure-18 in the Final EIA Report.

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1g) Further, by virtue of their biological richness, they are potentially of high value to human societies, help in maintaining the ecological stability of the area and significant in conserving biological diversity. The uniqueness of the services they offer to human society is precious.


1h) Chincholi Forest area is an area having rich natural forest cover having canopy cover about 0.40%. This is the only area in North Karnataka especially rather in the entire Hyderabad , Karnataka Region comprising many of the features that of Western Ghats.


1i) The Chincholi Reserve Forest is having natural environment, ecology, flora & fauna. It is having its own geomorphological importance. It is most Ecologically sentitive Zone. Having Fauna wild life containing Black Buck, Common Fox, Four Horned Antelope, Fruit Bat, Hyena, Indian Wolf, Panther, Wild Bore, Bears. Floral Species like Anogessus Latifolia , Chloroxylon, Bosweelia, Serrat and Madhuca Indica, sandalwood, teakwood, tamarind, bamboos are available in plenty here. The birds of 35 different varieties inhabitate the forest Peacocks, parrots, Blue Pigeon, black Drongo, Black winged Kite, Blossom-Headed Parakeet, Black Heads Oriole, Grey partridge are also found in the region. They are all invaluable and diverse.


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1j). Due to biotic and climatic intervention, there is a threat of degradation of rich natural forest and thereby may cause threat to the Wildlife of the area. Hence, there is a need and also it is our bounden duty to conserve this precious and irreplaceable unique wealth given by our nature.

For the existing production facility, the company has provided the latest and modern Air Pollution Control Measures like ESP, Bag Filters etc., and the concentration of air parameters are within the norms prescribed by MoEF/CPCB/KSPCB. As no waste water is getting discharged from the plant & mine, there is no water pollution. All the wastes generated are handled and disposed as stipulated by the regulatory authorities. The Noise Level is also within the stipulated norms. Hence, there will be not be any significant impact on environment.

For the proposed expansion also, all the pollution control measures and the practices will be extended.

The cumulative impact of existing industries, proposed new industries and the proposed expansion activity of Chettinad Cement on the said sanctuary has been analysed (Page 4.9 of Chapter 4 in the Final EIA Report) and the resultant concentrations of pollutants like particulate matter, SO2, NOx and CO have been found to be far lower than the norms prescribed.

Hence, the impact of proposed expansion activities on the Chincholi Wildlife Sanctuary is very insignificant as it is located 5.8 Km from the plant and 3.2.km from mine boundary and 4.6 km from the current mining pit. Pl refer Chapter 4 of Final EIA Report and the Biological Report included in the Final EIA Report As Annexure 18

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1k). Taking into consideration all the above facts, the State Board for Wildlife in its meeting held on 11.08.2010 and 26.07.2011 has taken a decision to declare the Chincholi Forests as Wildlife Sanctuary which comprises of notified and reserve forests only.


1l) Sequel to it, the Ministry of Environment & Forests Government of Karnataka and State Board for Wildlife by notification No. FEE:224FWL:2011 declared the Chincholi Schedule-II area of the Chincholi reserve Forests Zone measuring 13488.31 Ha as Chincholi Wildlife Sanctuary , The particulars of it, as declared by Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of Karnataka and Chief Forest Conservator Regional Forest Office Gulbarga is shown below.

Schedule-I Name of the District : Gulbarga Taluka : Chincholi Area : Say 134.88 Sq. KMs.

Schedule-II S. No

Name of the District

Name of the Range of and Taluka

Reserved Forest

Forest Area in Ha.

1 Gulbarga Chincholi Block-I Block-II Block-III Block-IV Block-V

11985.62 688.39 317.59 327.67 169.04

Total 13488.31


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1m) Names of certain important reserve forests those comes under Chincholi Wildlife Sanctuary are namely Gottamgotta Reserve Forest, Dharamasagar Reserve Forest, Ramchandra Reserve Forest, Ginguri Reserve Forest, Antavaram Reserve Forest, Burugudhoddi Reserve Forest, Lanchavaram Forest, Shadipur Forest, Lingasagar Forest, Chandanur Forest, Bhogalingadalli Reserve Forest, Somalingadalli Reserve Forest, Chandrampalli reserve Forest, Ganganpalli Forest were importantly noted.


Chettinad Cement Response to Written Petitions – Kallur Exp. 7

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1n) This being so, in gross violation of The Forest (Protection) Act-1980, The Environment (Protection) Act-1986 and the order of Honb’e Supreme Court, the said Cements Ltd., has been established in the villages of Kallur & Sangam (K) without obtaining necessary clearance from the Central Empowerment Committee (CEC), National board for Wildlife & State Board for Wildlife. It is brought to your kind notice that the said Cements Ltd, is at distance of 4.6 KM from the Somalingadalli Reserve Forest, which forest is spread on an area of 489.52 Ha, which in turn comes in the total area of 13488.31 Ha. declared by the State Government as Chincholi Wildlife Sanctuary. Obviously, it is established within the perimeter of prohibited 10 KM from Wild life Sanctuary in gross violation of the guidelines for declaration of eco sensitive zones around National Parks and Wildlife Sanctuaries, set by the Indian board for wildlife and Ministry of Environment & Forests, Government of India. The copy of the guidelines for declaration of Eco-sensitive zones for national parks and wildlife sanctuary framed by the Ministry of Environment of Forests (wildlife division), Government of India is annexed herewith.

At the time of execution of the project, there was no Wildlife Sanctuary within 10 km radius from the project site. On 21st Feb ‘12, the Forest Department , Gulbarga advised us to contribute Rs 250 lakhs for carrying out conservation measures like Soil and Moisture Conservation (SMC) measures, Forest Fire Control measures like maintenance of fire lines, deployment of fire watchers, running of two numbers of fire patrolling camps and greenbelt plantation etc. Accordingly, we have spent Rs 22.0 lakhs ( during Mar ’12 : 2.75 lakhs, May ’12 :Rs 3.14 lakhs, Jun ’12 :2.75 lakhs, Mar ’13 : Rs 13.36 lakhs) for implementing the conservation measures mentioned above. Subsequently, on 8th Jan ’13 the Forest Department, Gulbarga again advised us to contribute Rs 56.8 lakhs for the purpose of afforestation in unclassified forests, which is to be spent over a period of 6 Years. The same has been accepted by us. Then, an amount of Rs 12.96 lakhs has been spent towards during Feb ‘14 for implementing various conservation measures inside wildlife sanctuary. The balance amount of Rs 215.04 lakhs will be spent as indicated by the Forest Department, Gulbarga for implementing conservation measures in the wildlife sanctuary in the coming years and Rs 56.8 lakhs will be spent for afforestation in unclassified forest. Further, for the proposed project expansion and for getting NBWL Clearance an application was submitted to Forest Department, Gulbarga which is under process.

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1o) It is humbly submitted that in the case of T.N. Godavarman Thirumulpada V/s. Union in its orders dated: 12-12-1996 & 14-12-2006, the above facts of eco sensitive zone around National Parks and wildlife Sanctuaries has been established unequivocally. The Hon’ble Supreme Court had given clear cut directions to Central Government and all State Government’s to refrain from granting permission for establishing the industries / quarrying etc. i.e. non-forest activity or any extension of the industry, within the prohibited 10 KM perimeter eco sensitive area (zone), around the National Parks or Wildlife Sanctuary. Further, the Hon’ble Supreme Court has directed, vide their order dated: 04-12-2006, Ministry of Environment & Forests to give a final opportunity to all States/ Union Territories to refer the cases of Environmental Clearances, to the Standing Committee of National board for Wildlife.

MoEF has laid down guidelines for the proposals to get the recommendations of Standing Committee of State Board for Wildlife and for getting the clearance from the Standing Committee of National Board for Wildlife. Accordingly , the application submitted for the Chettinad Cement’s proposal is under process. Copy of the application submitted to the concerned authority with the acknowledgment is included in the Final EIA Report as Annexure 8 (b)

1p) It is disheartening to note that said Chettinad Cements Corporation Ltd., has obtained Clearance Certificate from Ministry of Environment and Forests of both Government of India and Government of Karnataka.

Environmental Clearance from MoEF & Consent Orders from KSPCB have been obtained by complying with the rules and regulations.

1q) It is worth mentioning here about the venture of Harish Cements, in district of Mandi, State of Himachal Pradesh (H.P.). The Hon’ble High Court of H.P. has quashed the Environmental Clearance Certificate (ECC) issued by H.P. Government to Harish Cements. Because the said Harish Cement plant established within 6 KM prohibited eco sensitive area of the Bandi wildlife Sanctuary. So also, is the case of Bondla Wildlife Sanctuary, situated in the State of Goa, by its Hon’ble High Court. The copies of the judgment of Hon’ble High Court of H.P. is annexed herewith.

It is understood from the High Court Order that the Environmental Clearance was cancelled due to non-conducting of Public Hearing and the mining lands involved Forest Land.

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1r) Now, M/s. Chettinad Cements Corporation Ltd., Chincholi, is planning to expand its activity two fold. It intends to increase its cement production from 2.5 MTPA to 8.25 MTPA, its power generation capacity by power plant from 30 MW to 160 Mw, its quarrying / mining capacity from 4 MTPA to 10 MTPA. It will be gross violation of the Forest Protection Acts & Rules 1980. The Environment Protection Act-1986 and the order of Hon’ble Supreme court dt: 04.12.2006 directed the Ministry of Environment & forests to all States / Union territories referred above. Hence, the permission should not be granted to the company of its expansion, rather its earlier license i.e. Environment Clearance Certificate issued by MoEF Government of India should be annulled.

At the time of execution of the project, there was no Wildlife Sanctuary within 10 km radius from the project site. On 21st Feb ‘12, the Forest Department , Gulbarga advised us to contribute Rs 250 lakhs for carrying out conservation measures like Soil and Moisture Conservation (SMC) measures, Forest Fire Control measures like maintenance of fire lines, deployment of fire watchers, running of two numbers of fire patrolling camps and greenbelt plantation etc. Accordingly, we have spent Rs 22.0 lakhs ( during Mar ’12 : 2.75 lakhs, May ’12 :Rs 3.14 lakhs, Jun ’12 :2.75 lakhs, Mar ’13 : Rs 13.36 lakhs) for implementing the conservation measures mentioned above. Subsequently, on 8th Jan ’13 the Forest Department, Gulbarga again advised us to contribute Rs 56.8 lakhs for the purpose of afforestation in unclassified forests, which is to be spent over a period of 6 Years. The same has been accepted by us. Then, an amount of Rs 12.96 lakhs has been spent towards during Feb ‘14 for implementing various conservation measures inside wildlife sanctuary. The balance amount of Rs 215.04 lakhs will be spent as indicated by the Forest Department, Gulbarga for implementing conservation measures in the wildlife sanctuary in the coming years and Rs 56.8 lakhs will be spent for afforestation in unclassified forest. Further, for the proposed project expansion and for getting NBWL Clearance an application was submitted to Forest Department, Gulbarga which is under process.

Chettinad Cement Response to Written Petitions – Kallur Exp. 10

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Content of Representation Chettinad Cement Response

01, 02, 05, 19, 166, 167 & 168


2a) The river by name Mullameri or earlier called as Amrut Dhare, is the Lifeline river of Chincholi taluka. Indeed, it is nectar trickling river. It passes through the villages of Kallur Gargapalli, Bhaktampalli, Sangam(K), Ganganpalli, Ganapur etc. in and around the said Chettinad Cements Ltd. Its water is utilized for irrigation of Agriculture, Horticulture and other purposes like drinking etc, by more than 20,000 people. It is the only source of water for them. The river is situated at about 1 KM south from the said Chettinad Cements Ltd. It is also worth to note that the said Chettinad Cements Ltd. , also extracts water for its production, construction and for daily uses from this river.

No water is drawn from the Mullameri river. Water required for existing plant is 900 m3/day and same is sourced from Ground water source within the existing premises. Permission from CGWA has been obtained for 900 m3/day. In fact, company made adequate rainwater harvesting arrangement infrastructure in the existing plant to improve the ground water table. For the proposed expansion, water required will be sourced from Ground water & Mullameri river. Water from Mullameri river/Groundwater will be extracted only after taking necessary approval from concerned departments

2b) However, due to the waste oil and effluents poured out by the said Chettinad Cements, the entire ecology of the said river is jeopardized. Entire water is being polluted, which is increasing day by day in exponential manner. Because of which entire Wildlife is on the edge of extinction. The human life is prone to various diseases. Also, entire agriculture and the irrigation is at high risk. The scarcity of water is felt by one and all. The farming is endangered.

No effluent, either industrial or domestic effluent, is discharged from the premises. All effluents are treated and reused within the plant. for greenbelt development, dust suppression and ash conditioning. Zero Discharge System is being followed in existing plant and same will be implemented in the expansion project also. Hence , there will not be any significant impact on agriculture, health, flora and fauna as no waste water is discharged from the premises.

3a) It is worth to note that to meet its day to day water requirements said Chettinad Cements Ltd has obtained permission for digging 8 bore wells from the senior Geologist, Ground Water Department and Zilla Panchayat Gulbarga. As per the provisions of the Environmental protection Act-1986, R/W. The Environmental impact assessment Rules, the water to be extracted from the bore well or from the underground water source, is limited to 900 m3/day.

The CGWA approval has been obtained for drawl of 900 m3 of ground water per day and based on the approval 9 borewells have been put.

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3b) However, the said Chettinad Cements company has dug more than 200-300 bore-wells, which is so offensive extracting around 3000-4000 m3/day. It is causing irreversible damage to the ecology of the Chincholi Wildlife Sanctuary & Reserve Forest in gross violation of the provisions of Water Protection Act-1974 and the Environmental impact assessment Rules. It is clear cut case of looting the natural resources, to meet their dubious ends. They have not incorporated the water meters and do not note down the water used. Hence, you are requested to conduct spot inspection in this regard and assess the environmental impact of the same, around 20-30 villages and around 20,000 population is deprived of the right to use the underground water. The said Chettinad Cements Ltd., has no checks and balances and is a free bird to loot the natural resources. Your goodself is requested to take harsh measures to check the same.

The maximum water requirement per day for the existing plant is only 900 m3.There is no need of 3000 or 4000 m3 of water per day as alleged by the complainant. Water readings from the water flow meters provided are used to arrive at water consumption details and the same are submitted to KSPCB in the form of water –cess returns every month. Only 9 borewells have been put based on the approval from CGWA.

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4a) The emission of the Cements Limited is also very dangerous, which needs serious attention. Its power plant and cement production unit are the main contributors. The coal mill , captive power plant emit the poisonous gases like SO2, NO2 & CO2 apart from pyrites and fluoride the ash and the waste heat emitted from the boiler, contributes too increase of the environmental temperature, causing ecological imbalance. This is causing health hazards. The population in and around the said Chettinad Cements Ltd., is suffering from TB, asthma, cancer, bronchitis etc. Many of the causes are Reported in District General Hospital at Gulbarga. The matter was discussed in Lok Adalat held on 03-09-2013 at Gulbarga, in which the District Health & Family Welfare officer has expressed his opinion and made all present, aware of the situation. The high calorific hazardous waste and the mercury (Hg) cause fatal breathing problems, infertility, TB, Thyroid.

For the existing production facility, the company has provided the latest and modern Air Pollution Control Measures like ESP, Bag Filters etc., and the concentration of air parameters are within the norms prescribed by MoEF/CPCB/KSPCB. As no waste water is getting discharged from the plant & mine, there is no water pollution. All the wastes generated are handled and disposed as stipulated by the regulatory authorities. The Noise Level is also within the stipulated norms. There will not be any significant increase in the ambient temperature due to boiler operation as effective insulation is provided to ensure efficient operation of the boiler. Environmental Monitoring Report of the Plant and Mine have been included in Final EIA Report, where it can be seen that all the parameters are within the norms prescribed. No high calorific hazardous waste is used. Only on getting the permission from CPCB and KSPCB, the hazardous wastes will be used. Hence, there will be not be any significant impact on environment or health. For the proposed expansion also, all the pollution control measures and the practices will be extended.

Chettinad Cement Response to Written Petitions – Kallur Exp. 13

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01, 02, 05, 19, 166, 167 & 168 (contd)

4b) The agriculture is the most affected one of it all. The ash and the emission is affecting the crops and standing trees. They are prone to poisonous gases like SO2, NO2 & CO2, PM10 SPM etc. The oozing of mercury (Hg) into the environment is causing high damages to the standing crops and trees and other flora and wildlife Sanctuary’s Reserve Forest. The most affected one is the Horticulture.

For the existing production facility, the company has provided the latest and modern Air Pollution Control Measures like ESP, Bag Filters etc., and the concentration of air parameters are within the norms prescribed by MoEF/CPCB/KSPCB. As no waste water is getting discharged from the plant & mine, there is no water pollution. All the wastes generated are handled and disposed as stipulated by the regulatory authorities. The Noise Level is also within the stipulated norms.

Environmental Monitoring Report of the plant and mine were enclosed in Final EIA Report (Annexure-13) where it can be seen that all the parameters are within the norms prescribed.

Hence, there will be not be any significant impact on agricultural activity.

There is no emission of Hg from Cement Process or from Power generation.

Chettinad Cement Response to Written Petitions – Kallur Exp. 14

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4c) It is brought to your notice that in addition to the already existing Chettinad Cements the Vikatsagar Cements Limited is also in operation in the same area at about 2 KM. Apart from these two Cements companies 4 other Cement companies by names Penna Cements, CCI Cements, Coromandal Cements, Visakha Cements are also working in its nearby vicinity in Andhra Pradesh State, which are situated within perimeter of about 10 KM. The combined effect all the 6 is much indulging in all illegal activities detrimental to National interest and in gross violation of the provisions of air pollution control Act-1981 and the environmental protection Act-1986.

The cumulative impact of existing industries and proposed new industries within 10 km and the proposed expansion of Chettinad Cement has been assessed and provided in the Final EIA Report (Page 4.9 of Chapter 4 in the Final EIA Report) , which shows that cumulative impact of all the industries put together is within the allowed norms and there will not be any significant impact on surrounding environment.

4d) It is brought to your kind notice that the solid waste (Non-hazardous) like the waste limestone is being dumped in the nearby vicinity of the Cement Factory to be specific in the Government Pastures (Gomala). This is causing hindrance for grazing the bovine and milking animals. Almost no space is left by now, for grazing the cows, buffaloes, sheep etc, in gross violation of Sec.97 of the Karnataka Land Revenue Act. The dairy industry and the farmers are depending on such evocation are prone to great risk rather their employment has been snatched. This is in gross violation of the environmental impact assessment Rules.

There is no waste limestone generated from mining operations. The Fly Ash generated is reused in the cement manufacturing. The Bottom Ash generated is used for various purposes inside the plant premises. Please refer Page.10.23 of Chapter 10 in Final EIA Report for the details of Ash Generation and its Utilization Plan. There will not be any impact on cattle as claimed as the solid wastes generated are used in the plant itself or disposed off as per guidelines stipulated by the authorities.

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5a) The said Chettinad Cement Corporation Limited is taking up extensive quarrying with the help of modern technology and the equipments, using high capacity dynamites. Because of which the unbearable noise of 140 DBA (Decibel) is created in the atmosphere. This is a very big noise, causing air pollution, exceeding the permitted limits of 75 to 85 DBA. The impact of explosion of the high capacity dynamites, is felt up to 20 KM around it. The ground vibration is damaging the residential houses of poor farmer. In fact, many of the houses have fallen down due to acute vibration. The company cares least about it and has taken no measures to control it. The ecology has lost its balance and the human and animal habitat is unable to bear it. It is causing great trouble in day to day life. It is again brought to your kind notice that this is in fact happening in the area of Chincholi Wildlife Sanctuary and Reserve Forest Area.

The blasting procedure followed is in line the guidelines of Directorate of Mines Safety. The noise levels are being monitored by recognized agency regularly during the day time and night time. . The results of ambient noise levels for the past six months are shown Environmental Monitoring Report attached in Final EIA Report (Annexure 13) which clearly shows that the noise levels are below the allowed norm. Blasting Procedure followed for Mining

• Blast holes are fired with Electric detonators & Detonation Fuse adopting Trunk Line Detonation system .

• This system allows only one hole i.e. 80 kg, a fraction of the total explosives to blast at a point of time which minimizes boulder generation, frequent toe occurrence, fly rock generation

• As per the numerical estimation done with 400 kg charge per delay, the peak particle velocity calculated at a distance of 500m is only 4.5 mm/sec, which is within the permissible limits prescribed by DGMS as 10 mm/sec

• Water spray is provided for the control of air emissions during blasting.

5b) The company is run round the clock and its machineries spill out very big noise, causing annoyance to the Wildlife of Chincholi Wildlife Sanctuary.

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6a) The heavy machinery vehicles and goods vehicles meant for transportation of raw material and finished product are numbering about 600 to 800 per day. The Rural villages roads are designed for movement of 15-20 Ton vehicles. They are laid under Pradhkanmantri Gram Sadak Yojana (PMGSY), PWD and Zilla Panchayat. But the said Chettinad cements Ltd, weigh about 80 to 100 tons. Their movement has damaged all the rural roads, causing loss of about 100 to 150 Crores to Government Exchequer. The photo & video of the road are annexed.

The average number of trucks coming to the

plant are 150 and not 600 or 800 as claimed.

Only 20 -40 ton capacity trucks are being used

for transporting materials and not 80 to 100 ton


Even before the establishment of the first unit of

Chettinad Cement at Sangem (K) & Kallur

villages, the road conditions were very bad.

In 2010-2011, even our light vehicles coming from

Chincholi to plant, were taking one hour for a

distance of 12 kms and from Karnataka Border

(Miryan) to our plant it was taking one hour for a

distance of 10 kms.

Now in 2012-13, there is a considerable

improvement in the road condition. As far as the

nearby National Highways are concerned, the

laying of road work by National Highway

Authority of India (NHAI) is under progress.

As a part of CSR activities, the company has taken up repairing of roads in the nearby villages. PUC certificates are available for the trucks engaged by Chettinad Cement. Without RTO registration, no truck will be allowed inside the the premises.

6b) The damage to roads has hindered the vehicle movements of private persons and the State Road Transport Corporation Buses. The rural transport system is in doldrums. Emission testing of the vehicles meant for said Chettinad cements is not performed. About 200 to 300 of such vehicles are not registered with RTO, in gross violation of traffic rules.

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6c) In particular, it is humbly submitted that a railway line is being laid by the said Chettinad Cements Limited., between Ganapur and its Unit site. It is being done, without conducting the survey. The natural flow of water is being blocked, as the railway line being laid without constructing the under bridges. Aqua ducts and other structures at appropriate places. Also, the approached roads to the villages of Ganapur, Kallur, Garagpali, Bhaktampalli, Nidagunda, Buragpalli have been blocked, creating many transport problems to the villagers. All the laws relating to the Indian motor vehicle Act have been thrown to wind. The specified unloaded, loaded and laden weights are no importance for the said Chettinad company. None of the Authorities of RTO or the concerned Police are controlling it. Rather, they are hand in gloves with the said Chettinad Cement Company.

The proposed railway line will start at CCI Tandur Take Off Point and cross through the villages viz., Gunthabaspalli, Mittabasupalli, Malkapur and Sangem Muktha to reach Chettinad Cement Plant and not as mentioned by complainant. In-principal Clearance for the proposed railway line has been obtained. As the laying of railway line will be carried out as per the approved plan by Railway Department with regular inspection by Railway Authorities, there will not be any hindrance to the public on account of laying of railway line and no water flow will be blocked.

7b) It is in gross violation of Sarojini Mahishi Report of Karnataka State, which recommends the jobs of 85% in any Industrial unit to the localities.

The total employee strength is 311. Out of this, 250 employees are from local, which is around 80 %.

7c) The company has no regards for SC/ST community. None of such eligible candidates are employed by it.

If local youth is having required qualification /skills/ experience for a particular vacancy in the plant or mine, then preference will be given to that local for the job.

8a) The company has utterly failed in keeping its promises, made in the Public Meeting convened on 30.12.2009. All its promises of overall development of the area, and about reserving the special funds for it, have gone to dust bin.

Towards CSR Rs 1.5 crores per annum has been allocated and the details of actual expenditure and the purpose for which the expenditure is made are submitted regularly to the District Collector. The details of CSR Activities carried out so far have also been presented during the public hearing.

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8b) It is pertinent to note that, one of the conditions of the Environmental Clearance Certificate issued by State as well as Central Pollution Boards, is that the 5% of total scheme budget should be utilized for Corporate Social Responsibilities. It is a mandatory provision, but the said Chettinad Cements has utterly failed to implement it.

Towards CSR Rs 1.5 crores per annum has been allocated and the details of actual expenditure and the purpose for which the expenditure is made are submitted regularly to the District Collector. The details of CSR Activities carried out so far have also been presented during the public hearing.

8c) The said Chettinad Cement Corporation Limited ,thus has least concern for the Corporate Social Responsibility, Environmental impact Assessment and the Environmental Management Plan. Not a single Gram Sabha / Ward Sabha were conducted and parlors held with the localities and the elected representatives. Neither the roads nor potable water supply, nor the health care centers nor the Wildlife Protection Centers nor the schemes and programmes for development of the forest & Ecology have been established by the said Chettinad Cements ltd, in fact, all these schemes have been planned for next 30 years, which is a prolonged period, having no use for the locality.

Towards CSR Rs 1.5 crores per annum has been allocated and the details of actual expenditure and the purpose for which the expenditure is made are submitted regularly to the District Collector. The details of CSR Activities carried out so far have also been presented during the public hearing. Under three heads viz., Health, Education & Infrastructure, various welfare measures like road laying, free medical camps, drinking water supply , providing toilet facilities etc., are being carried out.

9) The said Chettinad Cement Corporation Limited , is mining the sand from the Mullameri River bed and from other Government lands, without getting proper permission from PWD and the department of Mines & Minerals. The sand is being mined and transported to its unit for constructing roads and buildings. This illegal mining has created scarcity of sand for general public, apart from ecological imbalance in the area. The river bed of the Mullameri is completely damaged, paving way for unwanted plant growth, thus polluting the water.

The sand required for the construction of building & road laying purpose are always organized by the contractor from authorized sources.

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10) The said Chettinad Cement Corporation Limited , is miser in paying the taxes and royalty to Government and Local Bodies for the mined sand. It is requested to stop the illegal mining of sand by it immediately and take proper action for recovery of the arrears.

No sand is mined by Chettinad cement . as The sand required for the construction of building & road laying purpose are always organized by the contractor from authorized sources.

11) The said Chettinad Cement Corporation Limited, have directly purchased Patta lands from the farmers, without initiating proper acquisition proceedings. And while doing so, they have illegally encroached many for Government lands, roads, pathways, cart ways and river lets etc. Hence you are requested to conduct proper enquiry in the matter and the DC Gulbarga may be asked to takes steps to take back such Government lands and give them the harsh punishment.

Land acquired by Chettinad Cement, have been procured from the land owners with mutual consent. There is no encroachment involved. Land documents are attached as Annexure 10 in the Final EIA Report.

12) Hence, the Zilla Panchayat Gulbarga in its 5th General Body Meeting, has discussed in length about all the above mentioned problems visa-vis the M/s. Chettinad Cements Ltd. and have unanimously resolved to take disciplinary action against it. The ZP has lost about Rs. 150 Crores towards its damaged roads and another Rs. 50 Crores towards its encroachments of lands. Also it has resolved to unanimously to utilize 10 MW power from its 30 MW power plant. The copy of the Resolution is annexed.

The copy of the enclosed resolution contain no such points highlighted by this petitioner.

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13) It is humbly but with heavy heart, submitted that DC Gulbarga, AC Sedam, Pollution Control Board Gulbarga have failed in their duties to check the illegal activities of said Chettinad Cements Ltd, even after a hosts of complaints against it. The copy of the complaint lodged by me to DC Gulbarga is annexed herewith. It has been also discussed in length, in the Lok Adalat held on 03.08.2013, in presence of Hon’ble Justice Sri. Mohandas & Hon’ble Justice Sri. N.A. Yallappa Reddy. The Honb’e Judges have expressed their concern and reprimanded the Pollution Control Board Gulbarga to do its job sincerely, otherwise shut down the office. The copy of the Lok Adalat proceedings is annexed herewith. All the laws and Acts quoted in the reference have been conveniently floated to suit their purpose.


14) Hence, it is hereby called upon that DC Gulbarga and KSPCB should take proper measures to recover the arrears from the said Chettinad Cements Ltd and remit it to Govt. Exchequer. The proper enquiry be held in the matter and the said Chettinad Cements Limited be taken to task. The environment is to be protected from the crooks, who are looting natural resources at their whims and fancies. Don’t be party to it. You are humbly requested to take proper action in the national interest. The development should not be at the cost of environment rather, it should be eco-friendly. It is proper at this stage to temporarily revoke the Clearance issued to the said Chettinad Cements Ltd.

There is no truth in the allegations made.

15) If you fail in your duties, the Youth Congress Committee, Chincholi will start agitation and for the consequences of which you shall be directly responsible. Also we will resort to other legal and democratic actions.


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Smt. Sunanda raviraj Koravi Gulbarga

The Chettinad Cement Company is running and producing Cement at the border of area Chincholi Taluka, Gulbarga District and the said factory has been established with the co-operation of all the village people of Taluka and it is running and working in good manner. The people of village Kallur, Miryan, Molakpalli and also the people surrounding area are in good terms and with the management. So many localities have got the job as it has provided with the job opportunity. The said company has maintained the pollution control measures by planting number of trees and maintaining them in good manner and also the said company has established schools for the children of workers and they have provided drinking water facility by tap. Also provided all the basis facilities.Some unwanted persons for their part , said allegations that are for away from the truth.For the welfare of the people, the said company has undertaken so many welfare works. Hence, it is our duty to protect such company and it is our prime duty. I being one of the social workers having good relation with people, I always intend for the well being of the people. We all the localities have to welcome for the establishment of project.

Therefore neither the officers of the Chettinad Cement Company/ Factory nor the workers who are working there are giving any trouble. Hence, I would like to bring your notice , as authorities you are always working for the welfare of common people. Therefore, it is my humble request before your authority that you are requested to provide all security and you have to co-operate in the interest of said factory for the well being of workers. Hence, it is my humble request put before you for the wellbeing of said factory.

As per the terms and conditions prescribed by the Government the said factory is working by providing all necessary equipments for the pollution control. Some of the personal interested persons are making false allegations against the said company. Therefore, it is prime duty to protect the said factory from such unwanted persons.Hence, this is my humble request not to consider any allegations by them.

This representation by the public representative, is in support of the project

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04 Sri. Sharnappa V Police Patil President Zilla Panchayat , Gulbarga

Due to this company, around 20 kms radius the villagers agricultural activities are getting spoiled by the dust and gases released from the company. By this the formers are facing lot of problems and unable to grow the crops in their field. While transporting raw materials from Kurukunta to Factory premises - Due to the travelling of Heavy vehicles on the present roads are getting totally damaged and where ever the road has been under progress even that road also is been affected by these vehicles. Due to this dust nearby villages are Facing lot of health problems like Asthma and etc.

The Environmental Monitoring, which is being carried out by an approved laboratory reveals that all the air, water and noise parameters are within the norms prescribed by MoEF/CPCB/KSPCB. Even before the establishment of the first unit of

Chettinad Cement at Sangem (K) & Kallur villages,

the road conditions were very bad.In 2010-2011,

even our light vehicles coming from Chincholi to

Plant, were taking one hour for a distance of 12 kms

and from Karnataka Border (Miryan) to our plant it

was taking one hour for a distance of 10 kms. Now

in 2012-13, there is considerable improvement in the

road condition. As far as the nearby National

Highways are concerned, the laying of road work by

National Highway Authority of India (NHAI) is

under progress.

As a part of CSR activities, the company has taken up repairing of roads in the nearby villages.

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) company should spend money for the basic needs of the people. Till now wherever the company has provided these facilities should submit the details. As per Mahishi Report jobs should be given for local people and how many local people got job and been working that Report also should be submitted.

Towards CSR Rs 1.5 crores per annum has been

allocated and the details of actual expenditure and

the purpose for which the expenditure is made are

submitted regularly to the District Collector. The

details of CSR Activities carried out so far have also

been presented during the public hearing.

The percentage of local people employed by Chettinad Cement stands at 80 %.

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06 & 07

Sri.B Goutam B Bomnalli, Dy. Secretary, Bahujan Samaj Party

1. More importantly the company is using water from the river which is located in between Baktampally and Garakapally by opting a pipeline of 1 feet radius under the ground this is more than one kilo meter distance and the water is pumped from river to the company by two big water pumps, by this river is getting dried out and farmers are facing lot of problems.

No water is drawn from the Mullameri river. Water required for existing plant is 900 m3/day and same is sourced from Ground water source within the existing premises. Permission from CGWA has been obtained. In fact, company made adequate rainwater harvesting arrangement infrastructure in the existing plant to improve the ground water table. Kindly refer the Hydrogeological Report included in the Final EIA Report as Annexure 21. For the proposed expansion, water required will be sourced from Ground water & Mullameri river. Water from Mullameri River/Ground Source will be extracted only after taking necessary approval from the concerned department.

2. Due to the pipe line and transport of heavy vehicle on the road, the road is getting damage which is in between the company and Bhaktampally, Chtrasala, Kharchakeda, Nidagunda villages and leading to accidents

Even before the establishment of the first unit of Chettinad Cement at Sangem (K) & Kallur villages, the road conditions were very very bad.In 2010-2011, even our light vehicles coming from chincholi to plant, were taking one hour for a distance of 12 kms and from Karnataka Border (Miryan) to our plant it was taking one hour for a distance of 10 kms. Now in 2012-13, there is considerable improvement in the road condition. As far as the nearby National Highways are concerned, the laying of road work by National Highway Authority of India (NHAI) is under progress.

As a part of CSR activities, the company has taken up repairing of roads in the nearby villages.

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3. Due to the dust and gases released by the company people who are residing in Kallur, Baktampally, Garakapally Gangampally, Ganapur are facing lot of health problems the company has not opted any environmental precautions and pollution controlling equipments and even drinking water also is getting polluted

For the existing production facility, the company has provided the latest and modern Air Pollution Control Measures like ESP, Bag Filters etc., and the concentration of air parameters are within the norms prescribed by MoEF/CPCB/KSPCB. As no waste water is getting discharged from the plant & mine, there is no water pollution. All the wastes generated are handled and disposed as stipulated by the regulatory authorities. The Noise Level is also within the stipulated norms.

Environmental Monitoring Report of the plant and mine were enclosed in Final EIA Report (Annexure 13) where it can be seen that all the parameters are within the norms prescribed.

Hence, there will be not be any significant impact on environment or health

For the proposed expansion also, all the pollution control measures and the practices will be extended.

4. The company should dump the Byproducts/waste products, if it is thrown in an open place, water and air will get polluted, for this the company should show a suited place where they can dump the waste products. Then only they should be given permission by the KSPCB.

Proper storage facilities in the form of silos are already available for Clinker, Cement. Closed shed is available for gypsum, coal etc., The solid waste like fly ash is handled In a closed loop for consumption in cement manufacturing. Bottom Ash is collected in a sump and taken for various uses within the plant. The waste oil is being handed over to CPCB authorized dealer. All the wastes are handled as per guidelines stipulated by MoEF/CPCB/KSPCB.

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5. The “Dust collector” equipment should be inspected and it should be in a working condition so that it should not cause any “Air pollution “

For the existing production facility, the company has provided the latest and modern Air Pollution Control Measures like ESP, Bag Filters etc., and the concentration of air parameters are within the norms prescribed by MoEF/CPCB/KSPCB. All the control measures are operated efficiently and continuously. For the expanded capacity also , similar control measures will be extended

6. To stop air pollution there is no water spray to stop dust and no plantation in the company premises.

Adequate Water Sprinkling is being carried out. So far 78254 numbers of saplings have been planted .

7. The company should increase the height of chimney, so that the gases can be released to more and more height.

Chimneys of adequate height as per CPCB guidelines provided for the existing plant and for the expanded capacity also Chimneys of adequate height as per CPCB guidelines will be provided. Kindly refer page 4.8 of Chapter 4 in the Final EIA Report.

8. The company is so big and has so much land that they don’t have well in the company land, rather has opted a pipeline by road and they are pumping water from a well which is near by the river.

No water is getting pumped from outside the premises to the plant. Water required for existing plant is 900 m3/day and same is sourced from Ground water source within the premises. Permission from CGWA has been obtained. In fact, company made adequate rainwater harvesting arrangement infrastructure to improve ground water table.For the proposed expansion, water required will be sourced from Ground water & Mullameri river. Water from Mullameri river will be extracted only after taking necessary approval from concerned department..

9. The company is not at all trying to use any such machines/equipment by which air pollution can be controlled

For the existing production facility, the company has provided the latest and modern Air Pollution Control Measures like ESP, Bag Filters etc., and the concentration of air parameters are within the norms prescribed by MoEF/CPCB/KSPCB. For the expanded capacity also , similar control measures will be extended

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10. The company is giving un necessary and false details about the company and trying to get the environmental liberation letter.

Not true.

08 1. Jagadish Singh Thakur (President, P card Bank, Chincholi)

2. Abdul Bashid ( Panchyat Township Member, Chincholi)

3. R Ganpath rao (SC/ST Religion, President, Chincholi)

4. Ramshetty Pawar ( Panchyat Township Member, Chincholi)

5. Raju Pawar ( Panchyat Township Member, Chincholi)

6. Jaganath Idlay (Ex. President Gram Panchyat, Kallur Road)

7. Tukuram Pawar (Ex. President Gram Panchyat, Kallur Road)

8. Jaganath Katti (Ex. Panchyat Township Member, Chincholi)

As many of them know that Chincholi-Taluka is backward region and under developed and in this region Chettinad Cement Company Limited is a god’s gift for our people. They are providing jobs for unemployed people and creating more and more job opportunities bythe other Line in present plant. By this we are happy. More than that they are providing educational scholarship for merit students, filtered drinking water, cement concrete roads and environmental related awareness and those are staying in hostel are being iven their basic amenities. For construction of line- II ,we don’t have any objection.

Some of the local leaders ,corporates and politicians are against this for the sake of money and their personnel benefits.As all know that by this line II jobs would be available, unemployed and degree holders can get jobs over there.

So we kindly request you to give permission for the line-II in CCCL.

This representation by the public representatives, is in support of the project

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08 (contd)

9. K M Bari ( Ex. Vice President Panchyat Township Member, Chincholi)

10. Rajkumar Nawlae ( Business Man, Chincholi)

11. Srinivas Chincholikar (Ex. Gram Panchyat Member,Chima Idlay)

09 & 10

Sri. Raviraj Koravi Dist. President, Kolli Smaj , Gulbarga

The Chettinad Cement Company is running and producing Cement at the border of area Chincholi Taluka, Gulbarga District and the said factory has been established with the co-operation of all the village people of Taluka and it is running and working in good manner. The people of village Kallur, Miryan, Molakpalli and also the people surrounding area are in good terms and with the management. So many localities have got the job as it has provided with the job opportunity. The said company has maintained the pollution control measures by planting number of trees and maintaining them in good manner and also the said company has established schools for the children of workers and they have provided drinking water facility by tap. Also provided all the basis facilities.Some unwanted persons for their part , said allegations that are for away from the truth.

This representation by the public representative, is in support of the project

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For the welfare of the people, the said company has undertaken so many welfare works. Hence, it is our duty to protect such company and it is our prime duty. I being one of the social workers having good relation with people, I always intend for the well being of the people. We all the localities have to welcome for the establishment of project.

Therefore neither the officers of the Chettinad Cement Company/ Factory nor the workers who are working there are giving any trouble. Hence, I would like to bring your notice , as authorities you are always working for the welfare of common people. Therefore, it is my humble request before your authority that you are requested to provide all security and you have to co-operate in the interest of said factory for the well being of workers. Hence, it is my humble request put before you for the wellbeing of said factory.

As per the terms and conditions prescribed by the Government, the said factory is working by providing all necessary equipments for the pollution control. Some of the personal interested persons are making false allegations against the said company. Therefore, it is prime duty to protect the said factory from such unwanted persons.Hence, this is my humble request not to consider any allegations by them.

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11 &16 Sri.Bheemsettiyampalli Karnataka Pranta Agri Labour Union

The Chettinad Cement Corporation Limited in Chincholi-Taluk they have cheated at the time of purchasing the lands from the innocent farmers. At the time of initial stage the company have purchased the land at the rate of Rs. 1.50 to 2.0 lacs per acre afterwards 3.0 to 4.0 lacs at last for Rs. 5.0 lacs per acre. In this matter the purchasing of land was not the same during the initial and final. So first time and last time rate should be same. The difference amount should be paid but they have failed to do so. The air is affected badly and is polluted. For this the company has not taken any measures to avoid this.

At the time of land purchase, the rates were finalized only after mutual acceptance. For the existing production facility, the company has provided the latest and modern Air Pollution Control Measures like ESP, Bag Filters etc., and the concentration of air parameters are within the norms prescribed by MoEF/CPCB/KSPCB. The control measures are operated efficiently and continuously. For the expanded capacity also , similar control measures will be extended.

In this company the employees are selected from out of state, nearly 20- labors have lost their lives. But the company has made false Report and they have not given any compensation to the family members. The compensation amount should be Rs. 25 lacs. Mr. Mehboob Ali R/O Gargapalli-village, He is the labor of Chettinad Cement Corporation Limited at the time of working he got injured his head and taken to Hyderabad for treatment they have asked after treatment he should be taken as a permanent employee in the company and should be paid the expenditure of the treatment. In this matter the company cheated to the labor, he had been to the leader but care was not taken about this matter.

The total employee strength is 311. Out of this , 250 employees are from local, which is around 80 %.

In case of any accident, the compensation as applicable will be paid in accordance with respective regulation (Workmen Compensation Act).

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11 & 16 (contd)

In this company trucks loaded about 30 to 40 tons, due to heavy loaded vehicles are spoiling the road. By this roads are getting damaged and people are facing lot of problems. The company should take severe care about this matter.

Even before the establishment of the first unit of Chettinad Cement at Sangem (K) & Kallur villages, the road conditions were very bad.

In 2010-2011, even our light vehicles coming from chincholi to plant, were taking one hour for a distance of 12 kms and from Karnataka Border (Miryan) to our plant it was taking one hour for a distance of 10 kms.

Now in 2012-13, there is considerable improvement in the road condition. As far as the nearby National Highways are concerned, the laying of road work by National Highway Authority of India (NHAI) is under progress.

As a part of CSR activities, the company has taken up repairing of roads in the nearby villages.

12 Sri.C.A. Patil,President, District Congress Committee, Gulbarga

1. The industry has to give the employment to the land losers at least one person which were given at least 2 acres of land to the company.

65 % of land-loosers have been given employment in the company.Any remaining land-looser / local person having required qualification / skills / experience for a particular vacancy, then first preference will be given to the land-looser / local person for the job in the same order.

2. The company has not complied with the Sarojini Mahishi Report and not at all given the employment to the local people and not giving any work all are from Tamilnadu & Andhra Pradesh. Only 10% from Karnataka.

The total employee strength is 311. Out of this , 250 employees are from local, which is around 80 %.

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12 (contd)

3. The company has to adopt the villages surrounding within the 15 KM radius of the plant site and take the development work as per the “Suvarn Gram Yozana”.

As a part of CSR activities, Chettinad Cement will provide the basic infrastructure facilities, facilitate education by providing dual desks, educational kits, etc., and health facilities by providing health camps for nearby villages in consultation with the District Administration.

4. The Dust control system adopted by the company is not at all working properly and due to this lot of dust is emitting from the haul roads, chimneys and nearby villages are affected.

For the existing production facility, the company has provided the latest and modern Air Pollution Control Measures like ESP, Bag Filters etc., and the concentration of air parameters are within the norms prescribed by MoEF/CPCB/KSPCB. The control measures are operated efficiently and continuously. For the expanded capacity also , similar control measures will be extended

5. The company has to develop the existing road from industry to Chinchilla town as per the National highway norms.

As a part of CSR activities, the company has taken up repairing of roads in the nearby villages.

6. The company has to give the payment and other allowances to the workers in the factory as per the Cement wage Board Rules.

Applicable rules and regulations will be followed by Chettinad Cement for wage payment.

7. The company has to plant the trees all along the road side within 15 KM radius of the plant site and the work should be start immediately.

33% of plant area will be developed with green belt as per MoEF / CPCB norms. Saplings will be distributed to the local people and awareness among the local villagers on need to plant trees will be created through campaigns.

8. The Company has to adopt the schools coming within the 15 KM radius of the industry and to make necessary arrangements for giving moral education to the children.

As a part of CSR Activities, Chettinad Cement will extend its support to provide facilities for the Children’s education in consultation with District Administration.

9. The company has to provide transport facility to the Chincholi town from the plant site for the workers and their children.

The facilities to the employees will be provided in line with policy of the company.

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12 (contd)

10. The company has to give employment to the Gulbarga area students and make arrangements to give employment to BE & ITI students and requested not recruit other state students.

If local youth is having required qualification /skills/ experience for a particular vacancy in the plant or mine, then preference will be given to that local for the job. Chettinad Cement will help the local youths in acquiring technical skills and engage them for various openings in the company.

11. Due to mining activity during night time and due to blasting, the nearby housed of the Bhaktampalli villages are damaged and the company has to identify those houses and reconstruct the same within three months time.

The blasting procedure followed is in line the guidelines of Directorate of Mines Safety. The allegations made are not true. Blasting Procedure followed for Mining • Blast holes are fired with Electric detonators & Detonation Fuse adopting Trunk line detonation system .

• This system allows only one hole i.e. 80 kg, a fraction of the total explosives to blast at a point of time which minimizes boulder generation, frequent toe occurrence, fly rock generation

• As per the numerical estimation done with 400kg charge per delay, the peak particle velocity calculated at a distance of 500m is only 4.5 mm/sec, which is within the permissible limits prescribed by DGMS which is 10 mm/sec

• Water spray is provided for the control of air emissions during blasting.

12. According to the Government Guidelines the company has to do third party air and water monitoring by the Government approved agencies atleast two times monthly and submit Report to the Government and it has to be displayed in the Factory.

Environmental Monitoring is now being carried out by approved laboratory and the same practice will be continued for expanded operations also.

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12 (contd)

13. It is requested to the Deputy Commissioner to form a

Committee under the Chairmenship of the Tahsildar for

giving employment to the local people.


13 Sri.Gopal.R.Paladi

Plot No.21, GDA Layout

Phase-3, Cotton Market


Chettinad Cement Corporation Limited constructed Cement

Factory in Chincholi Taluk., Kallur village. Sy.No.37/1, 3

(acres & 30 gunta ) and, Sy.No.34/1 ( 5-acres & 14 gunta) are

near the company compound wall – Due to Environmental

pollution our crops got damaged and public also affected with

some diseases.

For the existing production faclility, the company

has provided the latest and modern Air Pollution

Control Measures like ESP, Bag Filters etc., and

the concentration of air parameters are within the

norms prescribed by MoEF/CPCB/KSPCB. As

no waste water is getting discharged from the

plant & mine, there is no water pollution. All the

wastes generated are handled and disposed as

stipulated by the regulatory authorities. The

Noise Level is also within the stipulated norms.

Environmental Monitoring Report of the plant

and mine were enclosed in Final EIA Report,

(Annexure 13) where it can be seen that all the

parameters are within the norms prescribed.

Hence, there will be not be any significant impact on environment or health.

We are loosing everything., If the company will give better

prices, we are ready to give a land, and otherwise we are

going for legal proceedings.

Now there is no need of any additional land for the Plant or Mine. If additional requirement of land is coming up in future, the request of this representative will be considered.

Chettinad Cement Response to Written Petitions – Kallur Exp. 34

S.No Written Representation Submitted by

Content of Representation Chettinad Cement Response

14 & 15 Sri. Md. Mainuddin

Munsabd, Karnataka

Pradesh Janata Dal (S)

Sr. Vice President

Labour Committee

We have not received any information and action

against our above referred letter. Because of this

reason, the management doesn’t have a proper

administration. The Chettinad Cement factory

acquired lands not from farmers but through

different agents at low rates with a minimum

difference of Rs.2.50 lakhs to a maximum of Rs.5.05

lakhs. During the land registration time also they

have shown lower rates. If required, we will show

60 page documents to you for your further action.

Because of this reason, the Government and farmers

are getting loss but company is getting profit.

At the time of land purchase, the rates were finalized only after mutual acceptance.

17 &268 Sri.Basawanappa Chitta Somaninagadalli Post Chincholi Taluk

1. Removal of vegetation cover/ the destruction of wildlife habitats and accelerated erosion

The proposed expansion project will be taken up within the existing premises only. In fact, the green belt development by the company will improve the vegetation cover. The impact on wildlife, located at a distance 5.8 km from the plant, is practically insignificant. Detailed Biological Report has been included in the Final EIA Report as Annexure 18.

2. Dust emissions/solid waste disposal For existing production facility, company has provided latest and modern Air Pollution Control Measures like ESP, Bag Filters etc., and concentration of air parameters are within the norms prescribed by MoEF/CPCB/KSPCB. As no waste water is getting discharged from plant & mine, there is no water pollution. All wastes generated are handled and disposed as stipulated by the regulatory authorities. The Noise Level is also within the stipulated norms. Environmental Monitoring Report of plant and mine were enclosed in Final EIA Report, (Annexure – 13) where it can be seen that all parameters are within the norms prescribed. Hence, there will be not be any significant impact on environment.

3. Air emissions during the operation phase of OCP cement plant, especially dusts

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17 &268 (contd)

4. Social tension due to unprecedented influx of people

The proposed expansion project will have positive impact on socio-economic front. The standard of living of people living in the vicinity of the project site will improve.

5. High noise levels during Cement production process

Required control measures like acoustic enclosures/barriers , silencers etc., have been provided to ensure that the ambient noise levels are within the prescribed limits in the existing plant. The same control measures will be extended to the expanded capacities also.

6. Road traffic hazards due to > 1000 truck/vehicle movements/day

The average movement of trucks per day is 150 (not >1000).

7. Impact associated with liquid effluents (strom water , sewage, cooling water)

No effluent, either industrial or domestic effluent, is discharged from the premises. All effluents are treated and reused within the plant. Zero discharge is being maintained in existing plant for greenbelt development, dust suppression and ash conditioning and same practices will be extended for the expansion project also.

8. Impacts associated with solid wastes

All the wastes generated are handled and disposed as stipulated by the regulatory authorities. The solid waste like fly ash is handled In a closed loop for consumption in cement manufacturing. Bottom Ash is collected in a sump and taken for various uses within the plant. The waste oil is being handed over to CPCB authorized dealer. Details of Waste Generation included in the Final EIA Report ( Page 10.23 of Chapter 10)

9. Impacts of accidental spillages

Corrective and preventive actions will be taken to ensure that the Environment is protected.

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17 &268 (contd)

10. Conflicts due to loss of agricultural land/ income derived from land.

The lands have been procured with the mutual consent of the land owners and 65 % land looser’s heirs have already been employed by the company

11. Disruption of livelihood as a result of loss resources

65 % of land-loosers have been given employment

in the company. If the family member of the land-

looser is having required qualification/ skills/

experience for a particular vacancy in the plant or

mine, first preference will be given to that family

member of the land-looser for the job.

12. Danger of escalation of HIV/AIDS and sexually transmitted disease

As are a part of CSR Activity, awareness programme on various diseases will be conducted for the local population.

13. Gender disparity resulting in adverse social effects/benefits

The women in nearby villages will also be given training in tailoring, farming, computers etc., so that they can have their own source of income for sustainable livelihood.

14. These effects have changed the biological properties. Soil pollution is developed due to constant fall of cement dust, it has been observed. It is well known that in Cement dust calcium silicate and calcium aluminate are present in the form of colloidal gels. These are after crystallization and solidification develop into a hard crust-causing low yield crops

For the existing production facility, the company has provided the latest and modern Air Pollution Control Measures like ESP, Bag Filters etc., and the concentration of air parameters are within the norms prescribed by MoEF/CPCB/KSPCB. As no waste water is getting discharged from the plant & mine, there is no water pollution. All the wastes generated are handled and disposed as stipulated by the regulatory authorities. The Noise Level is also within the stipulated norms. Environmental Monitoring Report of the plant and mine were enclosed in Final EIA Report (Annexure - 13), where it can be seen that all the parameters are within the norms prescribed. Hence, there will not be any significant impact on environment.

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Content of Representation Chettinad Cement Response

18 Sri.Yankappa S/o Sri. Mulgappa Kallur,Chincholi Taluk

As the company has purchased from me about 13 acres of land in the survey no.199/2.Before purchasing land I had objected that it is the only source by which I can grow crops and lead my life and the only property. While purchasing the company has promised me that they would provide me job and purchased the land at low cost .Since 3 years, for my son Rajkumar S/O Yankappa, who has completed his SSLC, we are asking for a job in the company. But the company persons are making us to roam like anything. After losing our land it is difficult to lead our life.

65 % of land-loosers have been given employment in the company. If the family member of the land-looser is having required qualification/ skills/ experience for a particular vacancy in the plant or mine, first preference will be given to that family member of the land-looser for the job.

20 &21 Dr Tukaram Pawar(Vice President) All India Bhanjar Seva Sangha. Chincholi Taluk Gulbarga District

We are happy to hear about the construction of Line II in Chettinad Cement Corporation Limited. When the company was constructed it has provided lot of jobs to the unemployed residing in the nearby the villages and has been providing a good facilities like Cement Concrete Road, Educational Scholarship and Drinking Water.

This representation by the public representative, is

in support of the project.

22 Smt. Soubhagyamma Mathapati (Chief Secretary) Taluka Lingayat samaj Mahila Ghataka Chincholi Taluk, Gulbarga District

We are happy to hear about the construction of Line II in Chettinad Cement Corporation Limited. When the company was constructed it has provided lot of jobs to the unemployed residing in the nearby the villages and has been providing a good facilities like Cement Concrete Road, Educational Scholarship and Drinking Water.

This representation by the public representative, is in support of the project.

23 Smt.Laxmi Bai T .Pawar- Ex- President Gram Panchayat, Miryan. Chincholi Talukq, Gulbarga District.

We are happy to hear about the construction of Line II in Chettinad Cement Corporation Limited. When the company was constructed it has provided lot of jobs to the unemployed residing in the nearby the villages and has been providing a good facilities like Cement Concrete Road, Educational Scholarship and Drinking Water.

This representation by the public representative, is in support of the project.

Chettinad Cement Response to Written Petitions – Kallur Exp. 38

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Content of Representation Chettinad Cement Response

24 Sri Gowri sankar G Uppin The President , Gurupadeswara Zeernodhara Samati Trust – Chandapur

The President, Gurupadeswara Zeernodhara Samati Trust – Gangan palli informed that Karnataka State Governemnt has given permission for three Cement Factories in Chincholi area under certain conditions such as providing Jobs to the land loosers, supply of drinking water, and educational, road, hospitals facilities for the people residing in the nearby villages. But still companies are not providing any facility to us

As a part of CSR Activities, various welfare measures covering Health, Education and Infrastructure are being provided to the nearby villages in consultation with District Administration apart from the employment given to local people, which constitutes 80 % of the total employees of the company.

25 Sri.Md. Mainuddin


Karnataka Pradesh Janata

Dal (S)

Sr. Vice President Labour Committee

1) The company has purchased lands from farmers through

agents and they are not local peoples , JPA .They have

taken below market rate. They have also given false

information and broke the rules of Govt. of Revenue


All the lands have been procured after mutual consent of the land owner and the company.

2) As per Govt. of Karnataka Industrial Act- 2009-14,

farmers will be benefitted financially and socially, but

they broke the industrial act.

All the lands have been procured based on the mutual consent of the land owner and the company. 65 % of land-loosers have been given employment in the company. As a part of CSR activities, Chettinad Cement will provide the infrastructure facilities and amenities to the nearby villages in consultation with District Administration.

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25 (contd)

3) As per industrial rules, they have to include farmers as a

partner in the company and also they have to give the

shares. But they have not followed.

65 % of land-loosers have been given employment in the company.

4) The Central Government . Revenue Act, 2007,

S.No.97.98, land acquisition & rehabilitation.

No rehabilitation is involved as the proposal is for a brown filed project in the existing premises.

5) The MoU is to be made between industries and

government and land givers for employment to local

educated peoples. But they have not done.

The total employee strength is 311. Out of this , 250 employees are from local, which is around 80 %.

6) The surrounding crops are getting damaged because of

dust coming from industries as they have not followed

the environmental rules. Even the farmers doing strike,

there is no response from the industries.

For the existing production facility, the company has provided the latest and modern Air Pollution Control Measures like ESP, Bag Filters etc., and the concentration of air parameters are within the norms prescribed by MoEF/CPCB/KSPCB. As no waste water is getting discharged from the plant & mine, there is no water pollution. All the wastes generated are handled and disposed as stipulated by the regulatory authorities. The Noise Level is also within the stipulated norms. Environmental Monitoring Report of the plant and mine were enclosed in Final EIA Report (Annexure - 13), where it can be seen that all the parameters are within the norms prescribed. Hence, there will be not be any significant impact on environment.

Chettinad Cement Response to Written Petitions – Kallur Exp. 40

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Content of Representation Chettinad Cement Response

25 (contd)

Regarding Environment

1) We will get the true information if the Government

takes up a study the environment. Otherwise, there is

no effect for public.

Monitoring of Environmental Performance and compliance with the conditions stipulated by MoEF/KSPCB are aleady being carried out by Regional Office of MoEF,Bangalore and KSPCB, which are government bodies.

2) Before the meeting, you have to intimate the public for

conducting the environmental meeting and display your

activities, but you didn’t do so.

As per EIA notification, the notice for Public Hearing has been given in Samyuktha Karnataka (Kannada), Times of India (English)on 08.09.2013 and in Prajavani (Kannada) on 09.09.2013. Executive Summary in Kannada and English & EIA Report copy in soft and hard copies were made available at the offices mentioned in the above said advertisement.

3) You have to conduct the environmental meeting within

the 2 years after the EIA notification was done in 2006.

No such stipulation exists.

4) Chettinad Cement, India Cement, Vicat Sagar Cements

are within 6-kms only. CCI, Karankote, ICL Company,

Penna Cement also big companies. Because of these

industries, environmental will become high.

The cumulative impact of existing industries, proposed new industries within 10 km and the proposed expansion of Chettinad Cement has been assessed and provided in the Final EIA Report (Page No.4.9 of Chapter 4), which shows that cumulative impact of all the industries put together is within the allowed norms and there will not be any significant impact on surrounding environment.

5) These industries are using basic natural resources and

creating the environmental pollution. The raw material

and the effluent are coming outside the premises and

polluting water & earth.

No effluent, either industrial or domestic effluent, or raw material is discharged from the premises . All effluents are treated and reused within the plant for greenbelt development, dust suppression and ash conditioning . Zero discharge is being maintained in existing plant and same will be implemented in the expansion project also.

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25 (contd)

6) The cement industries are producing and selling cement

only not clinker, but they are producing clinker more

than cement, it will not cover for tax to Government. If

you sale the cement, tax will go to Government, then

workers will be benefitted for get higher bonus.

Clearance available for Cement the finished product and Clinker, an intermediate product. Clinker production will always be lower than Cement production. If Clinker is sold all applicable taxes will be paid.

7) If we apply for environmental meeting it will be

conducted within 45 days, but industries applied on 06-

02-2013, the meeting is conducted after 245 days and

they breaks the law.

The delay in conducting public consultation is due to model code of conduct in force on account of announcement of legislative assembly election.

8) These industries are not following rules and regulations. Chettinad Cement is not violating the rules and regulations.

9) These industries are nearby Kunchavaram forest area, in

the EIA, it is not mentioned; please observe it as a false


The distance of Kunchavaram Village is about 20

km from the Plant and 18 km from the Mine in the

direction of North East. In EIA Report the study

area considered is 10km from the project site.

Hence, Kunchavaram will not have any mentioning

in the EIA Report.

10) According to Indian Constitution Act-21, every Indian

has to live healthy & wealthy.


11) In the industries, those who are land looser family will

get a job and local peoples are also will get a permanent


65% of land-loosers have been given employment

in the company and the local people employed at

Kallur Works constitute 80 %.

Any remaining land-looser / local person having required qualification / skills / experience for a particular vacancy, then first preference will be given to the land-looser / local person for the job in the same order.

Chettinad Cement Response to Written Petitions – Kallur Exp. 42

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Content of Representation Chettinad Cement Response

25 (contd)

12) Government and industries jointly have to do the

welfare activities within the surrounding 10 kms. Road

& Drainage, Water Supply, School& College and

Hospital are to be provided for improvement.

As a part of CSR Activities, various welfare measures covering Health, Education and Infrastructure are being provided to the nearby villages in consultation with District Administration.

13) Mr.Mahaboob Ali S/o, Babumiya Garagapally village

met with accident during construction time. He was

admitted and expenditure incurred.. The management

till now not given job as told..

Mr. Mahboob was working under a sub-contract laborer. Due to his misbehavior with the company official he will not be considered for any job in Chettinad Cement. All applicable compensation being ensured , in case of any accident within the premises.

14) M/s.Chettinad Cement Corporation Limited and related

to Governemnt office in Gulbarga,Mr.Basavaraj

S/o,Zaranappa Kerali Sulephate through Criminal was

register.PCC/ /2012 in lokayuktha.


15) Govt. of Karnataka is establishing Aero strip at

Gulbarga, it will process immediately.


16) According to Government rules, financial support and

improvement have to be ensured and more jobs are to

be created. 80% jobs should be given to locals only. C &

D Group has given 100% employment to local only.

The total employee strength is 311. Out of this , 250 employees are from local, which is around 80 %.

17) According to Supreme Court order in industries 50% of

the jute bags have to be used. If Plastics / Polythene

bags are used in Cement industries, it creates a

environment Pollutions.

The nature of our finished product viz., Cement does permit use of jute bags for packing.

Chettinad Cement Response to Written Petitions – Kallur Exp. 43

S.No Written Representation Submitted by

Content of Representation Chettinad Cement Response

26 Sri.Gopal S Rampure

Member of Dalit

Sangarshana Samiti

I request you not to give permission to the Line II project for the sake of environmental pollution. The company has not provided any basic needs, employment and jobs for backward caste people and others and as not even paid money to the land loosers

For the existing production facility, the company

has provided the latest and modern Air Pollution

Control Measures like ESP, Bag Filters etc., and

the concentration of air parameters are within the

norms prescribed by MoEF/CPCB/KSPCB. As no

waste water is getting discharged from the plant &

mine, there is no water pollution. All the wastes

generated are handled and disposed as stipulated

by the regulatory authorities. The Noise Level is

also within the stipulated norms. Hence, there will

be not be any significant impact on environment.

All the lands have been procured after mutual consent of the land owner and the company .The percentage of local people, which includes land loosers, employed by the company is 80% of the total strength of the employees.

27 Sri.Nagayya Guttedar ,

President of EEdiga Samaja

Here by requesting you to give permission to Chettinad Cement Corporation Limited to build Line II, since company has provided all the basic needs to the villagers, road, school buildings and toilets for villagers

This representation by the public representative, is

in support of the project.

28 Sri.Mr.Nagabhushan S/o


Sangam Kalyan villege

I don’t have any objection to the Line II project of Chettinad Cement Corporation Limited. Since I am a land looser to the company and I got all facilities and job from the company

This representation by an individual from nearby

village , is in support of the project.

29 Sri.Vishwanath Reddy S/o

Sri.Nimbanna Honnareddy


I am resident of Shahapur Taluk , District- Gulbarga ,my son named Sandeep Reddy is appointed in Chettinad Cement Corporation Limited as permanent employee (as electrician) and we are very glad about this and I support to company to build Line II ,by which a lot of people will get jobs.

This representation by an individual from nearby

village , is in support of the project.

Chettinad Cement Response to Written Petitions – Kallur Exp. 44

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Content of Representation Chettinad Cement Response

30 Sri.Bhagirathi S/o

Sri.Pudaleekaravu Kallura

Road village

I am a land looser to the company and I got a job as well. Now the company is going to construct Line II and we don’t have any objections for this

This representation by an individual from nearby

village , is in support of the project.

31 Sri.Maheboob Sab Sri.Ramareddy Sri.Iqubal Sab

Company has not provided any facilities to our village P.Mutakpally. So please help our village and give some computer training course’s

As a part of CSR Activities, various welfare measures covering Health, Education and Infrastructure are being provided to the nearby villages in consultation with District Administration. As a part of CSR program, the request of this individual will also be taken up.

32 Sri Ramarao P Nayak (President) All India Bhanjar Seva Sangha. Taluk :Chincholi District :Gulbarga

We are happy to hear about the construction of Line II in Chettinad Cement Corporation Limited. When the company was constructed it has provided lot of jobs to the unemployed residing in the nearby the villages and has been providing a good facilities like Cement Concrete Road, Educational Scholarship , Drinking Water and Tailoring Training to ladies.

This representation by the public representative, is

in support of the project.

Chettinad Cement Response to Written Petitions – Kallur Exp. 45

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Content of Representation Chettinad Cement Response

33 Sri.M.D.Shakeel We the undersigned submit this application for your kind attention. In Chincholi Taluka two Cement Plants are working namely Chettinad and Vicat Sagar, the Chicholi Taluka having skilled and un skilled workers. They are un employed. So many times our Taluka un employed youth appear for jobs and submittapplications for jobs. They are not getting any response for the jobs. Some land loosers are getting jobs as they have rights but out side state workers are working in the plants. Sir this is not fair they are refusing the rights of Chincholi Taluk’s unemployed youths. We think there is no benefit from these cement plants for unemployed youths Chincholi taluka. We heard that another plant is going to inaugurate. We strongly opposed this, please do not permit any other cement plant Number of times under the leadership of political persons and individually we have agitated and submit our desires and problems, but nothing is done in this regard. Sir we hope you are an officially responsible person. Kindly look in this matter and try to understand our problems. We hope you will consider our request and fulfill our needs by taking immediate action against above said plants officials.

The percentage of local people employed by the company is 80% of the total strength of the employees. If any local person is having required qualification

/ skills / experience for a particular vacancy, then

preference will be given to the local person.

34 Sri.Rajkumar Navale Youth General Secretary Congress Chincholi

No Objection against Line-II in Chettinad Cement Corporation Limited

This representation by the public representative, is

in support of the project.

Chettinad Cement Response to Written Petitions – Kallur Exp. 46

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Content of Representation Chettinad Cement Response

35 Sri, Manik S/o Sri.Narasappa R/o Sangam K

Taluk : Chincholi

District :Gulbarga

This is a request letter from myself Sri, Manik S/o Narasappa. R/O Sangam (K). Taluk Chincholi. Late Sri Bakaprabhu S/o Narasappa was working in Chettinad Cement and expired in his service period on 20-07-2010. Since the post is vacant, after my brother’s death, and myself, 9th standard passed and very experienced in the same job, if you recruit me for the same post I will work honestly. So please consider my application and recruit me in my brother’s place

If the person is having required qualification / skills / experience for any particular vacancy, then he will be considered for the vacancy.

36 Smt. Sunanda Raviraja



No Objection against Line-II in Chettinad Cement Corporation Limited

This representation by an individual is in support of

the project.

37 Sri.Rajkumar Pawar Council Member, Chandapur Ward No-17

Chettinad Cement Corporation Limited is carrying out so many developmental activities to villages and also given employment to local persons, which will leads to development of our area. So requesting you to give permission for Line II, and requesting to instruct company that, it will be a better and helpful, if company constructs drainage for Miriyan, Aanavar, Chincholi Town Panchayat

This representation by the public representative, is

in support of the project. In consultation with

District Administration, the CSR activities are

being taken up for implementation. All the

requirements of nearby villages will be scrutinized

by District Administration and as per the

guidelines of District Administration, the CSR

activity will be taken up.

38 Smt. Narasamma Vijay Kumar Member of Town Panchayat R/o Basawa Nagar Chandapur Taluk :Chincholi, District :. Gulbarga

We are happy to hear about the construction of Line II in Chettinad Cement Corporation Limited. When the company was constructed it has provided lot of jobs to the unemployed residing in the nearby the villages and has been providing a good facilities like Cement Concrete Road, Educational Scholarship and Drinking Water. The company is has constructed compound wall stair case for the masjid

This representation by the public representative, is

in support of the project.

Chettinad Cement Response to Written Petitions – Kallur Exp. 47

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Content of Representation Chettinad Cement Response

39 Sri Vijaykumar Ghatage

S/o Sri. Dasappa.

President of Vala Misalati

Horata Samiti Chincholi

We surrounding people don’t have any problem . Due to present Chettinad Cement Corporation Limited and the company is going to start another unit. For this also, we don’t have any objection and this will be a happiest matter for all of us and even company is providing drinking water and teachers to the schools and tailoring training to ladies .This will increase our economic status. So we surrounding people of villagers don’t have any objection for Line II construction of Chettinad Cement Company Limited.

This representation by the public representative, is

in support of the project.

40 a) Sri.GGaibanna S/o Sri.Allappa Talwar, R/o.Bhaktampalli b) Sri.Mahipall S/o. Sri.Mallappa Talwar R/o.Bhaktampalli

c) Sri. Jaipal S/o, Sri.Mallappa R/o.Bhaktampalli d) Smt.Nagamma W/o. Sri.Venkatappa R/ o.Telkur

Because of some reason, the company has not purchased our land . The company is located in Kallur Road (Sy.No.197, 12.05 acres) purchased some neighboring lands. People were complained against our land. The case was in Civil Court Chincholi. The case was decided in our favour. We approached for sale of our land, But company said that we will take only at the rate of 2008 (ie. 5,05,000/-) and registrations also directly not in the name of the company. Now the land rate is high and cost of living also high. If we get the present rate of Rs.5,05,000/-per acre, it will be a loss. The above mentioned sy.nos surrounding company were purchased by us. We are putting crops in our land. But due to the company, the crops were affected and polluted. In the above land, company is having big pond and storing some chemical material in the pond and also the company is manufacturing Cement and some polluting chemicals are coming outside the plant. Colony water also coming to the land. Because of these reasons, we are not getting good crops.

Now there is no need of any additional land for the Plant or Mine. If additional requirement of land is coming up in future, the request of this representative will be considered. For the existing production facility, the company has provided the latest and modern Air Pollution Control Measures like ESP, Bag Filters etc., and the concentration of air parameters are within the norms prescribed by MoEF/CPCB/KSPCB. As no waste water is getting discharged from the plant & mine, there is no water pollution. All the wastes generated are handled and disposed as stipulated by the regulatory authorities. The Noise Level is also within the stipulated norms.

Environmental Monitoring Report of the plant and mine were enclosed in Final EIA Report (Annexure 13), where it can be seen that all the parameters are within the norms prescribed.

Hence, there will be not be any significant impact on environment or land or agriculture

Chettinad Cement Response to Written Petitions – Kallur Exp. 48

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Content of Representation Chettinad Cement Response

41 Sri. Khurseed Ali (President) Jam E Masjeed committee, Kallur Road, Tq-Chincholi

We are happy to hear about the construction of Line II in Chettinad Cement Corporation Limited. When the company was constructed it has provided lot of jobs to the unemployed residing in the nearby the villages and has been providing a good facilities like Cement Concrete Road, Educational Scholarship and Drinking Water. The company has constructed compound walland stair case for the masjid

This representation by the public representative is

in support of the project.

42 Sri.Mukaram Khan , B.Com , LLB State General Secretary, JD(S), Bangalore

We are 100 % supporting for the expansion of Chettinad Cement Corporation Limited -Unit II, because the company is doing lot of good things for all the public. Hence, we have no objection for the project expansion and wishing it all success.

This representation by the public representative, is

in support of the project.

43 Smt. Narsamma W/o Sri.Laxman Awanti President Gram Panchayat Kankpur

We are happy to hear about the construction of Line II in Chettinad Cement Corporation Limited. When the company was constructed it has provided lot of jobs to the unemployed residing in the nearby the villages and has been providing a good facilities like Cement Concrete Road, Educational Scholarship and Drinking Water. Company has provided sewing machine and trained ladies so that they are not dependent on others , indirectly improving the economy of this region.

This representation by an individual is in support

of the project.

Chettinad Cement Response to Written Petitions – Kallur Exp. 49

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Content of Representation Chettinad Cement Response

44 Sri. Vittal Chawan ,Chandapur

No Objection against Line-II in Chettinad Cement Corporation Limited. As many of them know, due to presence of more lime in this region, since three to four years, the Cement Industries have been having their presence here and hoping for better production and extension of the plant.By this, the people staying in this region are getting good job opportunities. And due to the company, this region’s social, educational and welfare development programs are being under taken by the companies. Not only in educational field, the company has also denoted a ambulance to the hospital, Well advanced equipment are being used by the company to avoid environmental effects .it is gods grace that we are very lucky to have such company in this region.

This representation by an individual is in support of

the project.

45 Sri.Laxman Bhovi Vice President, Gram Panchyat Kankpur

We are happy to hear about the construction of Line II in Chettinad Cement Corporation Limited. When the company was constructed it has provided lot of jobs to the unemployed residing in the nearby the villages and has been providing a good facilities like Cement Concrete Road, Educational Scholarship and Drinking Water. Company has provided sewing machine and trained ladies so that they are not dependent on other, indirectly improving the economy of this region.

This representation by the public representative is

in support of the project.

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Content of Representation Chettinad Cement Response

46 Sri. Chandreshekar Guttedar President, Arya Idga Samag Taluka-Chincholi

We are happy to hear about the construction of Line II in Chettinad Cement Corporation Limited. When the company was constructed it has provided lot of jobs to the unemployed residing in the nearby the villages and has been providing a good facilities like Cement Concrete Road, Educational Scholarship and Drinking Wate. Company has provided sewing machine and trained ladies so that they are not dependent on other, indirectly improving the economy of this region.

This representation by the public representative is

in support of the project.

47 Ahmadia Stone Quary Kallur Road, Taluk: Chincholi District :Gulbarga

We are happy to hear about the construction of Line II in Chettinad Cement Corporation Limited. When the company was constructed it has provided lot of jobs to the unemployed residing in the nearby the villages and has been providing a good facilities like Cement Concrete Road, Educational Scholarship and Drinking Water.Company has provided sewing machine and trained ladies so that they are not dependent on other, indirectly improving the economy of this region.

This representation by an individual from nearby

village , is in support of the project.

48 Sri.M P Ramarao Press Reporter Sayukta Karnataka Taluk : Chincholi District :Gulbarga

In this region there are many Cement Plants., One of them is Chettinad Cement Corporation Limited and has been helping the people staying in this region.

This representation by a press Reporter, is in

support of the project.

49 Sri.Tipareddy S/O Chandra Reddy Sagam-K

I am happy about the Line-II in Chettinad Cement Corporation Limited.By this, our people are getting job and poor farmers got money by selling the land, and by erection of Line-II, job opportunities will be created, So for this, I don’t have any objection.

This representation by an individual from nearby

village , is in support of the project

Chettinad Cement Response to Written Petitions – Kallur Exp. 51

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Content of Representation Chettinad Cement Response

50 Sri. Nagreddy S/o Sri. Vera Reddy, Sangam K

No objection regarding Line –II in Chettinad Cement Corporation Limited .When this company was started from that date till today many of our people have got lot of benefits and facilities . Even many of them have got job and working . By this, our village is getting benefits like education and economy growth.

This representation by an individual from nearby

village , is in support of the project.

51 Smt. Pentamma W/o Sri. Sahebanna Smt.Jagamma W/o Sri. Devendrappa Sri.Basavaraj S/o Sri. Veerasangappa Smt.Dhropathi W/o Sri. Fuckriappa Smt.Anuradha W/o Sri. Sharnappa Smt.Tuljamma W/o Sri. Bhimsha Sri. Shivkumar S/o Sri. Maruthi Sri.Devendra S/o Sri. Naggapa Smt.Ramalamma W/o Sri. Veerappa Smt.Saraswathi W/o Sri.Sharnappa Smt. Kashamma W/o Sri. Bassappa R/o Sangam K village

We are the villagers of Sangam (K), for the well being of our life , the company has given opportunity for self employment and many ladies have got an opportunity for employment. The company has constructed ladies toilets, provided sewing machines. Due to these facilities 80% of ladies are employed. We are happy to give permission for Line-II. We have faith that self employment of ladies will increase to 100%. We are happy with our family and even we are getting stronger financially also. Chettinad Cement Corporation Limited is a god’s gift for us and neighboring villages

This representation by a group of individuals from

nearby village , is in support of the project.

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Content of Representation Chettinad Cement Response

52 Sri.Datta Reddy S/o Sri. Tippa Reddy Bhaktampalli Taluk :Chincholi

I am son of a farmer. After the commissioning of Line -I we have seen lot of developments in our villages and surrounding villages. Asour Taluka is backward region in Gulbarga, the industrialist have came to our region and purchased barren land where crop harvesting is very difficult , helped us financially and they provided employment for educated and uneducated people .We request you to give permission for commissioning of Line-II. We expect that we will get more facilities and improvements in society, economy, finance and education.

This representation by an individual from nearby

village , is in support of the project.

53 Sri.Jai Ram Malli patil R/o Bhaktampalli Sri .Gowda Baktampalli

The Chettinad Cement is the first company came to our region and purchased lands where crop harvesting is very difficult, helped us financially and economically and provided employment for educated and uneducated people.Werequest you to give permission for commissioning of Line-II . We expect that we will get more facilities and improvements in society, economy, finance and education.

This representation by two individuals from

nearby village , is in support of the project.

54 Sri.Basvaraj S/0 Sri.Verasangappa Baktampalli

From my side and people residing in our village, there is no objection against the above mentioned subject.

This representation by an individual from nearby

village , is in support of the project.

55 Sri.Sharamma W/o Sri.Balappa Kallur

Chettinad Cement has purchased my land and given employment for my son which improved our financial position. I don’t have any objection for further expansion of Chettinad Cement Line-II by constructing another line, I have faith that company will give more job opportunity and development for surrounding villages and from this company we are not facing any environmental problems as they are taking more care regarding environment, Based on these above mentioned points I don’t have any objection for construction of Line-II.

This representation by an individual from nearby

village , is in support of the project.

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Content of Representation Chettinad Cement Response

56 Sri.Sharan Reddy S/o Sri.Tippa Reddy Baktampalli

I have given my land to Chettinad Cement. My son has studied upto 9th Standard. Still the company has given him job as a fitter in company .Company has provided facilities like C C Roads, Drinking Water , Street Lights etc. We expect that we will get more facilities and improvements in the surrounding villages. We request you to give Permission to Line – II.

This representation by an individual from nearby

village , is in support of the project.

57 Sri.Kasinath, My son has studied upto 10th Standard. Still the company has given him job because of that my family is living happily. Further expansion of Chettinad Cement Line-II will be more helpful for others also.

This representation by an individual from nearby

village , is in support of the project.

58 Sri.Narayan Rao Kallur

I have given my land to Chettinad Cement. My son Veeresh got a job in Quality Control Department of Chettinad Cement. Because of that my family is living happily and also financial related problems were solved. Further expansion of Chettinad Cement Line-II will be more helpful for the people in this region . We request you to give permission for Line – II.

This representation by an individual from nearby

village , is in support of the project.

59 Sri.Narasappa S/o Sri.Pentappa,

I have given my land to Chettinad Cement. My son Shri Nagendra S/o Narasappa got a job in Chettinad Cement . Because of that my family is living happily. Further expansion of Chettinad Cement Lline-II will be more helpful for the surrounding villages and will get more employment also. We request you to give permission to Line – II.

This representation by an individual from nearby

village , is in support of the project.

60 Shivaraya S/o Sri.Manikrao Kallur Road, Chincholi Gulbarga

We don’t have any objection for Line II construction of Chettinad Cement Corporation Limited. My son Ravikumar has got a job in Line I .Due to that , our status has increased. So, we hope same for all the local people residing around the company, from Line II Environment is not going to be polluted because company planted more number of plants and trees. Therefore, we feel very happy and proud.

This representation by an individual from nearby

village , is in support of the project

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61 Sri. Gorimiya F/o Sri. Rajaballi Kallur Road, Taluk : Chincholi , District : Gulbarga

I don’t have any objection for Line II construction of Chettinad Cement Corporation Limited

This representation by an individual from nearby

village , is in support of the project.

62 Sri.Jagdish S/o Sri. Murulidhar Bhaktampalli

My family is very happy because the company has purchased my land and given me a job. Due to that, our status got Improved. Even the surrounding villages got improvements in economy and education. Therefore, I hope by constructing Line II, rest of the unemployed people will also get jobs. So I request you to please give permission.

This representation by an individual from nearby

village , is in support of the project.

63 Sri.Rajkumar S/o Sri. Shivarudrappa,

I don’t have objection to start Line II construction.

This representation by an individual, is in support

of the project.

64 Sri.Venkat Reddy S/o Sri. Naga Reddy Anwar

Chettinad Cement has given jobs to lots of poor people and to my son also. So, it is very helpful to us. Company has given Drinking Water, provided toilets; done School Repairing works in the surrounding villages. Line II will be very helpful to poor people.

This representation by an individual, is in support

of the project.

65 Sri.Nagappa S/o Sri. Rayappa Madagi Kallur Road

Company is given a job to my son. So our family is happy. Company helped us very much we are happy that Line II going to be added . Other unemployed people of surrounding villages will also get job.So, we give support to the company.

This representation by an individual from nearby

village , is in support of the project.

66 Sri.Sharanabasappa,

We don’t have any objection for construction of Chettinad Cement Line II

This representation by an individual, is in support

of the project.

67 Sri.Revanasidayya, We don’t have any objection for construction of Chettinad Cement Line II

This representation by an individual from nearby

village , is in support of the project.

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Content of Representation Chettinad Cement Response

68 Sri.Mallikarjun.B.A , We are happy that Chettinad Cement is going to construct Line II., Because of this, lots of people of Chincholi will get Jobs directly and indirectly, and the surrounding areas will have improvements in economy, society, education. So, we don’t have any objection for constructing Chettinad Cement Line II Project.

This representation by an individual, is in support

of the project.

69 Sri.Anand H Pujari Kallur Road, Chincholi-Taluk

We are happy to hear about the construction of Line II in Chettinad Cement Corporation Limited. When the company was constructed it has provided lot of jobs to the unemployed residing in the nearby the villages and has been providing a good facilities like Cement Concrete Road, Educational Scholarship and Drinking Water. Company has provided sewing machine and trained ladies so that they are not dependent on other , indirectly improving the economy of this region.

This representation by an individual from nearby

village , is in support of the project.

70 Sri.Jaganath idlay Kallur Road, Chincholi-Taluk

We are happy to hear about the construction of Line II in Chettinad Cement Corporation Limited. When the company was constructed it has provided lot of jobs to the unemployed residing in the nearby the villages and has been providing a good facilities like Cement Concrete Road, Educational Scholarship and Drinking Water. Company has provided sewing machine and trained ladies so that they are not dependent on others, indirectly improving the economy of this region.

This representation by an individual from nearby

village , is in support of the project.

71 Sri.Chandrashekar Palled S/O Sri.Bakkappa Palled Kallur Road, Chincholi-Taluk

We are happy to hear about the construction of Line II in Chettinad Cement Corporation Limited. When the company was constructed it has provided lot of jobs to the unemployed residing in the nearby the villages and has been providing a good facilities like Cement Concrete Road, Educational Scholarship and Drinking Water. Company has provided sewing machine and trained ladies so that they are not dependent on others, indirectly improving economy of this region.

This representation by an individual from nearby

village , is in support of the project

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Content of Representation Chettinad Cement Response

72 Sri.Chandrashekar

We are happy to hear about the construction of Line II in Chettinad Cement Corporation Limited. When the company was constructed it has provided lot of jobs to the unemployed residing in the nearby the villages and has been providing a good facilities like Cement Concrete Road, Educational Scholarship and Drinking Water. Company has provided sewing machine and trained ladies so that they are not dependent on others, indirectly improving the economy of this region.

This representation by an individual is in support of

the project.

73 Sri.Vishwanath S/0 Sri.Shivappa Kallur Road, Chincholi-Taluk

We are happy to hear about the construction of Line II in Chettinad Cement Corporation Limited. When the company was constructed it has provided lot of jobs to the unemployed residing in the nearby the villages and has been providing a good facilities like Cement Concrete Road, Educational Scholarship and Drinking Water. Company has provided sewing machine and trained ladies so that they are not dependent on others, indirectly improving the economy of this region.

This representation by an individual from nearby

village , is in support of the project.

74 Sri.Shiasharnappa S/o Sri.Navelappa Vice President, Gram Panchyat Kankpur

We are happy to hear about the construction of Line II in Chettinad Cement Corporation Limited. When the company was constructed it has provided lot of jobs to the unemployed residing in the nearby the villages and has been providing a good facilities like Cement Concrete Road, Educational Scholarship and Drinking Water. Company has provided sewing machine and trained ladies so that they are not dependent on others, indirectly improving the economy of this region.

This representation by the public representative is

in support of the project.

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Content of Representation Chettinad Cement Response

75 Sri.Vijaykumar, Company have planned for erection of Lline-II. For this I don’t have any objection All our family members are happy as my brother is working in the company .If line-II is erected many and many job opportunities would be available.

This representation by an individual, is in support

of the project.

76 Sri.Abhijeet Kulkarni, I don’t have any objection against the Line-II in Chettinad Cement Corporation Limited.

This representation by an individual, is in support

of the project.

77 Sri.Mallikarjun S/o Sri.Sharnappa,Kallur road

No Objection against Line-II in Chettinad Cement Corporation Limited. As many of them know, due to presence of more lime in this region, since three to four years, the Cement Industries have been having their presence here and hoping for better production and extension of the plant. By this ,the people staying in this region are getting good job opportunities. And due to the company the region’s social, educational and welfare development programs are being under taken by the companies.

This representation by an individual , is in support

of the project.

78 Sri.B Patil , We cooperate for the upcoming new plant & support.

This representation by an individual, is in support

of the project.

79 Sri.Shivkumar S/O Maruti,Ramathirth

No Objection against Line-II in Chettinad Cement Corporation Limited. As many of them know, due to presence of more lime in this region, since three to four years, the Cement Industries have been having their presence here and hoping for better production and extension of the plant. By this ,the people staying in this region are getting good job opportunities. And due to the company the region’s social, educational and welfare development programs are being under taken by the companies. .

This representation by an individual, is in support

of the project.

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Content of Representation Chettinad Cement Response

80 Sri.Mehboob Patel S/o Sri.Afzal Patel,

We are happy to hear about the construction of Line II in Chettinad Cement Corporation Limited. When the company was constructed it has provided lot of jobs to the unemployed residing in the nearby the villages and has been providing a good facilities like Cement Concrete Road, Educational Scholarship and Drinking Water. Company has provided sewing machine and trained ladies so that they are not dependent on others, indirectly improving the economy of this region.

This representation by an individual, is in support

of the project.

81 Sri.Jaipal, No Objection against Line-II in Chettinad Cement Corporation Limited. As many of them know, due to presence of more lime in this region, since three to four years, the Cement Industries have been having their presence here and hoping for better production and extension of the plant. By this ,the people staying in this region are getting good job opportunities. And due to the company the region’s social, educational and welfare development programs are being under taken by the companies.

This representation by an individual, is in support

of the project.

82 Sri.Revansiddappa, No Objection against Line-II in Chettinad Cement Corporation Limited. As many of them know, due to presence of more lime in this region, since three to four years, the Cement Industries have been having their presence here and hoping for better production and extension of the plant. By this ,the people staying in this region are getting good job opportunities. And due to the company the region’s social, educational and welfare development programs are being under taken by the companies.

This representation by an individual, is in support

of the project.

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Content of Representation Chettinad Cement Response

83 Sri.Devindrappa S/o Sri.Sharnappa,

No Objection against Line-II in Chettinad Cement Corporation Limited

This representation by an individual, is in support

of the project.

84 Sri.Shantappa S/o Sri.Balappa,

We are happy to hear about the construction of Line II in Chettinad Cement Corporation Limited. When the company was constructed it has provided lot of jobs to the unemployed residing in the nearby the villages and has been providing a good facilities like Cement Concrete Road, Educational Scholarship and Drinking Water. Company has provided sewing machine and trained ladies so that they are not dependent on others, indirectly improving the economy of this region.

This representation by an individual, is in support

of the project.

85 Sri.Premkumar S/o Sri.Sharnappa,

We are happy to hear about the construction of Line II in Chettinad Cement Corporation Limited. When the company was constructed it has provided lot of jobs to the unemployed residing in the nearby the villages and has been providing a good facilities like Cement Concrete Road, Educational Scholarship and Drinking Water. Company has provided sewing machine and trained ladies so that they are not dependent on others, indirectly improving the economy of this region..

This representation by an individual, is in support

of the project.

86 Sri.Maruti S/o Sri.Sharanappa,

No Objection against Line-II in Chettinad Cement Corporation Limited.

This representation by an individual, is in support

of the project.

87 Sri.Baburao S/o Sri.Manikappa Ramthirth

No Objection against Line-II in Chettinad Cement Corporation Limited.

This representation by an individual, is in support

of the project.

88 Sri.Naymath S/o Sri.Chandpasha,

No Objection against Line-II in Chettinad Cement Corporation Limited.

This representation by an individual, is in support

of the project.

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Content of Representation Chettinad Cement Response

89 Sri.Laxmikanth S/o Sri.Narsreddy Bhaktampally

No Objection against Line-II in Chettinad Cement Corporation Limited.

This representation by an individual from nearby

village , is in support of the project.

90 Sri.Veera Reddy S/o Sri.Ananth Reddy Bhaktampally

No Objection against Line-II in Chettinad Cement Corporation Limited.

This representation by an individual from nearby

village , is in support of the project.

91 Sri.Afzal Patel S/o Sri.Abdul Patelhaktampall

No Objection against Line-II in Chettinad Cement Corporation Limited.

This representation by an individual from nearby

village , is in support of the project.

92 Sri.Muralidhar S/o Sri.Ramayya Bhakatampally

We are happy to hear about the construction of Line II in Chettinad Cement Corporation Limited. When the company was constructed it has provided lot of jobs to the unemployed residing in the nearby the villages and has been providing a good facilities like Cement Concrete Road, Educational Scholarship and Drinking Water. Company has provided sewing machine and trained ladies so that they are not dependent on others, indirectly improving the economy of this region.

This representation by an individual from nearby

village , is in support of the project.

93 Sri.Raghunath Reddy S/o Sri.Srinivas Reddy Bhakatampally

We are happy to hear about the construction of Line II in Chettinad Cement Corporation Limited. When the company was constructed it has provided lot of jobs to the unemployed residing in the nearby the villages and has been providing a good facilities like Cement Concrete Road, Educational Scholarship and Drinking Water. Company has provided sewing machine and trained ladies so that they are not dependent on others, indirectly improving the economy of this region.

This representation by an individual from nearby

village , is in support of the project.

94 Sri.Devindra S/o Sri.Saibanna Bhaktampally

We don’t have any objection against construction of Chettinad Cement Corporation Limited Line II project, instead we give support.

This representation by an individual from nearby

village , is in support of the project

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Content of Representation Chettinad Cement Response

95 Sri.Bakaprabhu S/o Sri.Erappa Bhaktampally

We don’t have any objection against construction of Chettinad Cement Corporation Limited Line II project, instead we give support.

This representation by an individual from nearby

village , is in support of the project.

96 Sri.Vasudev S S/o Sri. Vittal Bhaktampally

We don’t have any objection against construction of Chettinad Cement Corporation Limited Line II project, instead we give support.

This representation by an individual from nearby

village , is in support of the project.

97 Sri.Shivasharan reddy S/o Sri.Rayappa Bhaktampally

We don’t have any objection against construction of Chettinad Cement Corporation Limited Line II project, instead we give support.

This representation by an individual from nearby

village , is in support of the project.

98 Sri.Berappa S/o Sri.Saibanna Bhaktampally

We don’t have any objection against construction of Chettinad Cement Corporation Limited Line II project, instead we give support.

This representation by an individual from nearby

village , is in support of the project.

99 Sri.Shrishail Reddy S/o Sri.Basappa Bhaktampally

We don’t have any objection against construction of Chettinad Cement Corporation Limited Line II project, instead we give support.

This representation by an individual from nearby

village , is in support of the project.

100 Sri.Baba Reddy S/o Sri.Nabaz Reddy Bhaktampally

We don’t have any objection against construction of Chettinad Cement Corporation Limited Line II project, instead we give support.

This representation by an individual from nearby

village , is in support of the project.

101 Sri.Narsappa S/o Sri.Hanmanthrao Bhaktampally

No Objection against Line-II in Chettinad Cement Corporation Limited.

This representation by an individual from nearby

village , is in support of the project

102 Sri. Nagappa S/o Sri.Narsappa Bhaktampally

No Objection against Line-II in Chettinad Cement Corporation Limited.

This representation by an individual from nearby

village , is in support of the project.

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Content of Representation Chettinad Cement Response

103 Sri.Raghunath Reddy S/o Sri.Govind Reddy Bhaktampally

We are happy to hear about the construction of Line II in Chettinad Cement Corporation Limited. When the company was constructed it has provided lot of jobs to the unemployed residing in the nearby the villages and has been providing a good facilities like Cement Concrete Road, Educational Scholarship and Drinking Water. Company has provided sewing machine and trained ladies so that they are not dependent on others, indirectly improving the economy of this region.

This representation by an individual from nearby

village , is in support of the project.

104 Sri.Mahmod Rafi S/o Sri.Moinuddin, Bhaktampally

We are happy to hear about the construction of Line II in Chettinad Cement Corporation Limited. When the company was constructed it has provided lot of jobs to the unemployed residing in the nearby the villages and has been providing a good facilities like Cement Concrete Road, Educational Scholarship and Drinking Water. Company has provided sewing machine and trained ladies so that they are not dependent on others, indirectly improving the economy of this region.

This representation by an individual from nearby

village , is in support of the project.

105 Sri.Ramesh S/o Sri.Basappa Bhaktampally

We don’t have any objection against construction of Chettinad Cement Corporation Limited Line II project, instead we give support.

This representation by an individual from nearby

village , is in support of the project.

106 Sri.Rajapa S/o Sri.Narsappa Bhaktampally

No Objection against Line-II in Chettinad Cement Corporation Limited .

This representation by an individual from nearby

village , is in support of the project.

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Content of Representation Chettinad Cement Response

107 Sri.Gudushab S/o Sri. RehmanShab Bhaktampally

We are happy to hear about the construction of Line II in Chettinad Cement Corporation Limited. When the company was constructed it has provided lot of jobs to the unemployed residing in the nearby the villages and has been providing a good facilities like Cement Concrete Road, Educational Scholarship and Drinking Water. Company has provided sewing machine and trained ladies so that they are not dependent on others, indirectly improving the economy of this region.

This representation by an individual from nearby

village , is in support of the project.

108 Sri.Babumiya S/o Sri.Sharpudin Bhaktampally

We don’t have any objection against construction of Chettinad Cement Corporation Limited Line II project, instead we give support.

This representation by an individual from nearby

village , is in support of the project.

109 Sri.Jagappa S/o Sri.Bheemsha Bhaktampally

We don’t have any objection against construction of Chettinad Cement Corporation Limited Line II project, instead we give support.

This representation by an individual from nearby

village , is in support of the project.

110 Sri.Narsappa S/o Sri.Hanmanth Bhaktampally

No Objection against Line-II in Chettinad Cement Corporation Limited.

This representation by an individual from nearby

village , is in support of the project.

111 Sri.Narsappa S/o Sri.Balappa Bhaktampally

No Objection against Line-II in Chettinad Cement Corporation Limited..

This representation by an individual from nearby

village , is in support of the project.

112 Sri.Sayappa S/o Sri.Pakkirappa, Bhaktampally

We are happy to hear about the construction of Line II in Chettinad Cement Corporation Limited. When the company was constructed it has provided lot of jobs to the unemployed residing in the nearby the villages and has been providing a good facilities like Cement Concrete Road, Educational Scholarship and Drinking Water. Company has provided sewing machine and trained ladies so that they are not dependent on others, indirectly improving the economy of this region.

This representation by an individual from nearby

village , is in support of the project

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Content of Representation Chettinad Cement Response

113 Sri.Suresh S/o Sri.Ramanna Bhaktampally

We don’t have any objection against construction of Chettinad Cement Corporation Limited Line II project, instead we give support.

This representation by an individual from nearby

village , is in support of the project.

114 Sri.Srikanth S/o Sri.Rajappa Polakpallypally

No Objection against Line-II in Chettinad Cement Corporation Limited.

This representation by an individual from nearby

village , is in support of the project.

115 Sri.EEsub S/o Sri.Chand Pasha Bhaktampally

We don’t have any objection against construction of Chettinad Cement Corporation Limited Line II project, instead we give support.

This representation by an individual from nearby

village , is in support of the project.

116 Sri.Farooq S/o Sri.M.D. Ibrahim Bhaktampally

We don’t have any objection against construction of Chettinad Cement Corporation LimitedLine II project, instead we give support.

This representation by an individual from nearby

village , is in support of the project.

117 Sri.Madhusudhan Reddy S/o Sri.Srinivasa Reddy Bhaktampally

We are happy to hear about the construction of Line II in Chettinad Cement Corporation Limited. When the company was constructed it has provided lot of jobs to the unemployed residing in the nearby the villages and has been providing a good facilities like Cement Concrete Road, Educational Scholarship and Drinking Water. Company has provided Sewing machine and trained ladies so that they are not dependent on other. It is indirectly improving the economy of this region.

This representation by an individual from nearby

village , is in support of the project.

118 Sri.Chandrakanth S/o Sri.Bhojappa,

We don’t have any objection against construction of Chettinad Cement Corporation Limited Line II project, instead we give support.

This representation by an individual from nearby

village , is in support of the project.

119 Sri.Chand Pasha S/o Sri.Nyma sab Bhaktampally

No Objection against Line-II in Chettinad Cement Corporation Limited

This representation by an individual from nearby

village , is in support of the project.

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Content of Representation Chettinad Cement Response

120 Sri.Arif S/o Sri.Chand Pasha Bhaktampally

No Objection against Line-II in Chettinad Cement Corporation Limited

This representation by an individual from nearby

village , is in support of the project.

121 Sri.Sharan Reddy S/o Sri.Govind Reddy Bhaktampally

No Objection against Line-II in Chettinad Cement Corporation Limited

This representation by an individual from nearby

village , is in support of the project.

122 Sri.Prasanth S/o Sri.Venkata Rao Bhaktampally

No Objection against Line-II in Chettinad Cement Corporation Limited

This representation by an individual from nearby

village , is in support of the project.

123 Sri.Sankarappa S/o Sri.Bhimashappa Bhaktampally

No Objection against Line-II in Chettinad Cement Corporation Limited

This representation by an individual from nearby

village , is in support of the project.

124 Sri.Saran Reddy S/o Sri.Anant Reddy Bhaktampally

No Objection against Line-II in Chettinad Cement Corporation Limited

This representation by an individual from earby

village , is in support of the project.

125 Sri.Baswaaraj S/o Sri.Mrushappa Baktampally

No Objection against Line-II in Chettinad Cement Corporation Limited

This representation by an individual from nearby

village , is in support of the project.

126 Sri.Makbul S/o Sri.Mahaboob Sab Bhaktampally

No Objection against Line-II in Chettinad Cement Corporation Limited

This representation by an individual from nearby

village , is in support of the project.

127 Sri.Mohan S/o Sri.Saibanna Motakpally

No Objection against Line-II in Chettinad Cement Corporation Limited

This representation by an individual from nearby

village , is in support of the project.

Chettinad Cement Response to Written Petitions – Kallur Exp. 66

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Content of Representation Chettinad Cement Response

128 Sri.SrinivasaReddy S/o Sri.Saran Reddy Baktampally

No Objection against Line-II in Chettinad Cement Corporation Limited

This representation by an individual from nearby

village , is in support of the project

129 Sri.Bakprabhu S/o Sri.Laxman Baktampally

No Objection against Line-II in Chettinad Cement Corporation Limited

This representation by an individual from nearby

village , is in support of the project

130 Sri.Ramulu S/o Sri.Sayappa Baktampally

We don’t have any objection against construction of Chettinad Cement Corporation Limited Line II project, instead we give support.

This representation by an individual from nearby

village , is in support of the project

131 Sri.Kallapa S/o Sri.Tippanna Bhaktampally

We are happy to hear about the construction of Line II in Chettinad Cement Corporation Limited. When the company was constructed it has provided lot of jobs to the unemployed residing in the nearby the villages and has been providing a good facilities like Cement Concrete Road, Educational Scholarship and Drinking Water. The company is indirectly helping to improve the economy of this region.

This representation by an individual from nearby

village , is in support of the project

132, 133, 134

Sri.Khubu.M.Rathod President Sri.Bhimrao.S.Rathod Secretary Sri.Jagadish Singh. V.Rathod Adviser Taluk Labour Union

We are happy that present Chettinad Cement is going to start Line II project and increasing power plant capacity. For this we don’t have any objection from our side to the Line II project

This representation by the public representative, is

in support of the project.

Chettinad Cement Response to Written Petitions – Kallur Exp. 67

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Content of Representation Chettinad Cement Response

135 Sri.Jagannath S/o Sri.Gundappa Ganganpalli

We are happy to hear about the construction of Line II in Chettinad Cement Corporation Limited. When the company was constructed it has provided lot of jobs to the unemployed residing in the nearby the villages and has been providing a good facilities like Cement Concrete Road, Educational Scholarship and Drinking Water. The company is indirectly helping to improve the economy of this region.

This representation by an individual from nearby village , is in support of the project.

136 Sri.Saranappa S/o Sri.Mogalappa Ganganpally

We don’t have any objection against construction of Chettinad Cement Corporation Limited Line II project, instead we give support.

This representation by an individual from nearby village , is in support of the project.

137-1 137-2, 147

1) Smt. Sridevi W/o Sri.Jaibheem 2) Sri.Baburao S/o Sri.,Himanna Ramathirth

• Electricity (poll number 6) connection has to be given to Government Secondary High School and two computers and one projector are to be given

• Continuous supply of current to our village has to be given from company.

• Pipe line has to be laid from Mullamari river to our village.

• Route from Garagpalli to Ramathirth village to be provided

• For drinking water purpose bore well has to be provided in survey no-105.

• For backward caste people, the company has to build a Ambethkar Bhavan

• Construction of bus stop has to be done. • Company has shifted moram from near ramteetha village surrounding village area by heavy trucks due to this road has been damaged so has to repair the road from company main gate to Ramathirth main road

As a part of CSR activities, Chettinad Cement will take up welfare measures in consultation with District Administration.

Chettinad Cement Response to Written Petitions – Kallur Exp. 68

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Content of Representation Chettinad Cement Response

138 Sri.Khubu.M.Rathod President Sri.Bhimrao.S.Rathod Secretary Sri.Jagadish Singh.V.Rathod Adviser,Taluk Labour Union

We are happy that present Chettinad Cement is going to start Line II project and increasing Power Plant capacity. For this we don’t have any objection from our side to the Line II project.

This representation by the public representatives,

is in support of the project.

139 Smt. Sunanda Raviraj Korvi Member-Samnaya Sthai Samethi Zilla Panchyat,Gulbarga

I am happy about this and support this project. Due to this we can see more developmental activities related to education, economy and welfare. So , I don’t have any objection for this.

This representation by the public representative, is

in support of the project.

140 Sri.Akkamahadevi Rudragouda Biradar(president) Zilla Panchyat,Gulbarga & Social Justice Standing Committee

I am happy about this and support this project. Due to this we can see more developmental activities related to education, economy and welfare. So, I don’t have any objection for this.

This representation by the public representative, is

in support of the project.

141 Sri.Nitin Venkayya Guttedar(former Vice President) Agriculture Standing Committee Member Zilla Panchyat,Gulbarga

I am happy about this and support this project. Due to this we can see more developmental activities related to education, economy and welfare. So, I don’t have any objection for this.

This representation by the public representative, is

in support of the project.

142 Sri.Harshanand S Guttedar (Member, Ex. vice president) Zilla Panchyat,Gulbarga

I am happy about this and support this project. Due to this we can see more developmental activities related to education, economy and welfare. So, I don’t have any objection for this.

This representation by the public representative, is

in support of the project.

Chettinad Cement Response to Written Petitions – Kallur Exp. 69

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Content of Representation Chettinad Cement Response

143, 144

Sri.Jagadeesh Thakur (President Of Picard Bank Chincholi) Sri.Abdul Basid ( Member of Patana Panchayat Chincholi) Sri.R.Ganapatrao (President of S.C/S.T Block Chincholi) Sri.Ramashetti Pawar (Member of Patana Panchayat Chincholi)

No Objection against Line-II in Chettinad Cement Corporation Limited

This representation by the public representatives,

is in support of the project.

145 Sri.Shoukath Ali N. Aloor Communist Party of India State Asst. Secretary Karnataka

No Objection against Line-II in Chettinad Cement Corporation Limited

This representation by the public representative, is

in support of the project.

146 Sri. Raviraj Koravi District President, Kolli Smaj Gulbarga

No Objection against Line-II in Chettinad Cement Corporation Limited

This representation by the public representative, is

in support of the project.

Chettinad Cement Response to Written Petitions – Kallur Exp. 70

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Content of Representation Chettinad Cement Response

148 Sri . Rudramuni Ramathirthkar Taluk Vice Pressident , Chincholi

The company has started the production. By this, the surrounding villagers are facing problems. During purchasing of land, the company had promised that they would take at least one member from each family for job. Surrounding villages like Garagpalli, Bhaktampally, Motakpally, Sulepeta would be provided with Drinking Water, Educational Facilities .But till now these facilities are not provided. In this matter several times we have protested and submitted request letter to the related officers. The company has given job to the outstate people. For this we have objection for Line II.

65% of land-loosers have been given employment

in the company.

If the family member of the land-looser is having

required qualification/ skills/ experience for a

particular vacancy in the plant or mine, first

preference will be given to that family member of

the land-looser for the job.

As a part of CSR Activities, various welfare

measures covering Health, Education and

Infrastructure are being provided to the nearby

villages .Towards CSR Rs 1.5 crores per annum has

been allocated and the details of actual expenditure

and the purpose for which the expenditure is made

are submitted regularly to the District Collector.

The details of CSR Activities carried out so far have

also been presented during the public hearing.

149 Sri. Prakash Reddy Police Patil, Taluka Secretary , Chincholi, JDS

We are happy to hear about the construction of Line II in Chettinad Cement Corporation Limited. When the company was constructed, it has provided lot of jobs to the unemployed residing in the nearby the villages and has been providing a good facilities like Cement Concrete Road, Educational Scholarship and Drinking Water. The company is indirectly helping to improve the economy of this region.

This representation by the public representative, is

in support of the project.

Chettinad Cement Response to Written Petitions – Kallur Exp. 71

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Content of Representation Chettinad Cement Response

150 Sri. Suresh Ananthkumar President,Karnataka Alpa Sankhyat Rakshna Vedike. Bhaktampally

It is our luck that the company is trying to start the other line. For this we don’t have any kind of objection.

This representation by the public representative, is

in support of the project.

151 Sri. Abdul Saleem Alpa Sankhyat Horata Samati Chincholi

Chettinad Cement Company Limited wants to start Line-II in the present plant. For this we don’t have any objection and we support.

This representation is in support of the project.

152 Sri. GopalRao Kattimani President,Water Usage Helping Committee Chandrampally,Taluk:Chincholi,District :Gulbarga

I request you that Chettinad Cement Company Limited wants to start Line-II in the present plant. For this we don’t have any objection. They are providing more facilities, like drinking water, roads and basic needs. In future, we can see more developments if they get permission for Line-II .Due to the above mentioned points, in general, we are happy and request you to give permission for them.

This representation is in support of the project.

153 Sri. K .GopalRao Taluk:Chincholi, District :Gulbarga

No Objection against Line-II in Chettinad Cement Company Limited.

This representation is in support of the project.

154 Sri. K S Gopal Taluk -Chincholi, District -Gulbarga`

Chettinad Cement Company Limited wants to start Line-II in the present plant. For this we don’t have any objection.

This representation is in support of the project.

155 Sri.Gopalrao S K Taluk:Chincholi, District :Gulbarga

Chettinad Cement Company Limited wants to start Line-II in the present plant. For this we don’t have any objection.

This representation is in support of the project.

Chettinad Cement Response to Written Petitions – Kallur Exp. 72

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Content of Representation Chettinad Cement Response

156 Smt. Parvathamma D/o Sri. Kashappa Taluk:Chincholi, District :Gulbarga

Chettinad Cement Company Limited wants to start Line-II in the present plant. For this we don’t have any objection.

This representation is in support of the project.

157 Smt. Roopakala Kasbappa Taluk:Chincholi, District :Gulbarga

Chettinad Cement Company Limited wants to start Line-II in the present plant. For this we don’t have any objection.

This representation is in support of the project.

158 Smt. Vanita Nagreddy Navale Taluk:Chincholi District :Gulbarga

Chettinad Cement Company Limited wants to start Line-II in the present plant. For this we don’t have any objection.

This representation is in support of the project.

159 Smt. Parvathi W/o Sri. Gopal Rao Taluk:Chincholi, District :Gulbarga

Chettinad Cement Company Limited wants to start Line-II in the present plant. For this we don’t have any objection.

This representation is in support of the project.

160 Sri. Shukoor Patel Socio Economic Educational And Welfare Organisation(R) Chandapur- Tq-Chincholi,Dist-Gulbarga

Chettinad Cement Company Limited wants to start Line. For this we don’t have any objection.

This representation is in support of the project.

161 Sri.Shukoor Patel Dr. Kalam Convent School Chandapur, Taluk:Chincholi, District :Gulbarga

Chettinad Cement Company Limited wants to start Line. For this we don’t have any objection.

This representation is in support of the project.

Chettinad Cement Response to Written Petitions – Kallur Exp. 73

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Content of Representation Chettinad Cement Response

162 Smt. M Begum Noble Educitional & Charitable Trust (R) Chandapur, Taluk:Chincholi, District :Gulbarga

Chettinad Cement Company Limited wants to start Line-II in the present plant. For this we don’t have any objection.

This representation is in support of

the project.

163 Sri. Abdul Basit (Ex.President Township Panchyat Chincholi Chandapur-Tq-Chincholi,Dist-Gulbarga

Chettinad Cement Company Limited wants to start Line-II in the present plant. For this we don’t have any objection.

This representation is in support of

the project.

164 Sri.Sangappa Malegiri President of Nagareka Horata Samethi

We are the members of taluk Nagareka Horata Samethi . We are happy. Don’t have any objection for construction of Chettinad Cement Limited Line-II.

This representation by the public

representative, is in support of the


165 Sri. H Gopal Taluk:Chincholi District:Gulbarga

Chettinad Cement Company Limited wants to start Line-II in the present plant. For this we don’t have any objection.

This representation is in support of

the project.

169 District Consumer Disputes Redressal Forum Gulbarga

As mentioned above subject, your letter dated 02.08.2013 has reached us. As per your complaint, you have mentioned that CCCL has not paid money for your contract. We have examined your complaint, whereas you are not a customer of Chettinad Cement, because the company has paid the money to you and availed services from you. Therefore, CCCL is your customer as per Consumer Protection Act 1986 , you will not become their customer. As stated by you , you have mentioned Rs/- 40000 cheque drawn on Krishna Grameena Bank(KGB), Chincholi has been misplaced by KGB. Therefore ,you can complian to the KGB. Also as per Consumer Protection Act, 1986 you need to provide related documents registration and postal fee. You are here by requested to contact our office between 10.00 AM to 5.30 PM for help regarding compliant and registration.You are requested to lodge compliant against reported person in concerned court.This case does not come under our court.


Chettinad Cement Response to Written Petitions – Kallur Exp. 74

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Content of Representation Chettinad Cement Response

170 Joint President Industrial and commercial Department

The complaint against Chettinad Cement Company at Kallur Road, Chincholi is that bills have not been paid to the contractors.

If the contractor has done any work, on submission

of required documents, payment will be made


171 Sri.Jaganath S/o Sri. Tulajappa Ganganlly Taluk : Chincholi District :Gulbarga

Chettinad Cement Company Limited wants to start Line-II in the present plant. For this we don’t have any objection.

This representation is in support of the project.

172 Sri.Jagappa S/o Sri. Gundappa Ganganpally Taluk : Chincholi District :Gulbarga

Chettinad Cement Company Limited wants to start Line-II in the present plant. For this we don’t have any objection.

This representation is in support of the project.

173 Sri. Jagappa S/o Sri. Gundappa Ganganpally Taluk : Chincholi District :Gulbarga

Chettinad Cement Company Limited wants to start Line-II in the present plant. For this we don’t have any objection.

This representation is in support of the project.

174 Sri.Subash S/o Sri. Sharnappa Ganganpally Taluk : Chincholi District :Gulbarga

Chettinad Cement Company Limited wants to start Line-II in the present plant. For this we don’t have any objection.

This representation is in support of the project.

175 Sri .Subash S/o Sri. Sharnappa Ganganpally Taluk : Chincholi, District :Gulbarga

Chettinad Cement Company Limited wants to start Line-II in the present plant. For this we don’t have any objection.

This representation is in support of the project.

Chettinad Cement Response to Written Petitions – Kallur Exp. 75

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Content of Representation Chettinad Cement Response

176, 177

Sri. Vittal S/o Sri. Kashappa Ganganpally Taluk : Chincholi District :Gulbarga

Chettinad Cement Company Limited wants to start Line-II in the present plant. For this we don’t have any objection.

This representation is in support of the project.

178,179 Sri. Revansiddappa S/o Sri. Shivappa Ganganpally Taluk : Chincholi District :Gulbarga

Chettinad Cement Company Limited wants to start Line-II in the present plant. For this we don’t have any objection.

This representation is in support of the project.

180 Sri. Mahantesh S/O Pentappa Ganganpally Taluk : Chincholi District :Gulbarga

Chettinad Cement Company Limited wants to start Line-II in the present plant. For this we don’t have any objection.

This representation is in support of the project.

181 Sri. Mahantesh S/o Sri. Pentappa Ganganpally Taluk : Chincholi, District :Gulbarga

Chettinad Cement Company Limited wants to start Line-II in the present plant. For this we don’t have any objection.

This representation is in support of the project.

182 Sri. Ashok S/o Sri. Pentappa Ganganpally Taluk : Chincholi District :Gulbarga

Chettinad Cement Company Limited wants to start Line-II in the present plant. For this we don’t have any objection.

This representation is in support of the project.

183 Sri. Chandrakanth S/o Sri. Bhoojappa Ganganpally Taluk : Chincholi District :Gulbarga

Chettinad Cement Company Limited wants to start Line-II in the present plant. For this we don’t have any objection.

This representation is in support of the project.

Chettinad Cement Response to Written Petitions – Kallur Exp. 76

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Content of Representation Chettinad Cement Response

184 Sri. Sharanappa S/o Sri. Muglappa Ganganpally Taluk : Chincholi District :Gulbarga

Chettinad Cement Company Limited wants to start Line-II in the present plant. For this we don’t have any objection.

This representation is in support of the project.

185 Sri. Jaganath S/o Sri. Tulajappa Ganganpally Taluk : Chincholi District :Gulbarga

Chettinad Cement Company Limited wants to start Line-II in the present plant. For this we don’t have any objection.

This representation is in support of the project.

186 Sri. Ashok Ganganpally Taluk : Chincholi District :Gulbarga

Chettinad Cement Company Limited wants to start Line-II in the present plant. For this we don’t have any objection.

This representation is in support of the project.

187 Sri. Ramu S/o Sri. Saibanna Gaganpally Taluk : Chincholi District :Gulbarga

Chettinad Cement Company Limited wants to start Line-II in the present plant. For this we don’t have any objection.

This representation is in support of the project.

188 Sri. Jaganath S/o Sri. Gundappa Ganganpally Taluk : Chincholi District :Gulbarga

Chettinad Cement Company Limited wants to start Line-II in the present plant. For this we don’t have any objection.

This representation is in support of the project.

189 Sri. Manik S/o Sri. Siddramapp Ganganpally Taluk : Chincholi District :Gulbarga

Chettinad Cement Company Limited wants to start Line-II in the present plant. For this we don’t have any objection.

This representation is in support of the project.

Chettinad Cement Response to Written Petitions – Kallur Exp. 77

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Content of Representation Chettinad Cement Response

190 Sri. Basappa Ganganpally Taluk : Chincholi District :Gulbarga

Chettinad Cement Company Limited wants to start Line-II in the present plant. For this we don’t have any objection.

This representation is in support of the project.

191 Sri.Nagesh S/o Sri. Shivappa Ganganpally Taluk : Chincholi District :Gulbarga

Chettinad Cement Company Limited wants to start Line-II in the present plant. For this we don’t have any objection.

This representation is in support of the project.

192 Sri.Bhimashankar S/o Sri. Babanna Ganganpally Taluk : Chincholi, District :Gulbarga

Chettinad Cement Company Limited wants to start Line-II in the present plant. For this we don’t have any objection.

This representation is in support of the project.

193 Sri.Prakash S/o Sri. Gundappa Ganganpally Taluk : Chincholi District :Gulbarga

Chettinad Cement Company Limited wants to start Line-II in the present plant. For this we don’t have any objection.

This representation is in support of the project.

194 Sri. Jaiprakash Ganganpally Taluk : Chincholi District :Gulbarga

Chettinad Cement Company Limited wants to start Line-II in the present plant. For this we don’t have any objection.

This representation is in support of the project.

195 Ravindra Ganganpally Taluk : Chincholi District :Gulbarga

Chettinad Cement Company Limited wants to start Line-II in the present plant. For this we don’t have any objection.

This representation is in support of the project.

196 Sri.Baburao Ganganpally Taluk : Chincholi District :Gulbarga

Chettinad Cement Company Limited wants to start Line-II in the present plant. For this we don’t have any objection.

This representation is in support of the project.

Chettinad Cement Response to Written Petitions – Kallur Exp. 78

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Content of Representation Chettinad Cement Response

197 Sri. Narshima S/o Sri. Bheemama Chiklingadalli Taluk : Chincholi District :Gulbarga

Chettinad Cement Company Limited wants to start Line-II in the present plant. For this we don’t have any objection.

This representation is in support of the project.

198 Sri. Shankrap S/o Sri. Bheemama Ganganpally Taluk : Chincholi District :Gulbarga

Chettinad Cement Company Limited wants to start Line-II in the present plant. For this we don’t have any objection.

This representation is in support of the project.

199 Sri. Vadla Ranga Rao S/o Sri. Narayana, Sangam K

I am having land of 6 acres of agriculture land with survey number 16 and it is near to the company compound wall. Due to emission of smoke and dust from company, the crop yield reduced and loss to be repaid in terms of money. My Son V.Srinivasulu is working in Mines Department for the past one year. I request you to regularize my son’s service in your organization by giving appointment order copy.

For the existing production facility, the company

has provided the latest and modern Air Pollution

Control Measures like ESP, Bag Filters etc., and

the concentration of air parameters are within the

norms prescribed by MoEF/CPCB/KSPCB.

Environmental Monitoring Report of the plant and

mine were enclosed in Final EIA Report (

Annexure 13), where it can be seen that all the

parameters are within the norms prescribed.

Hence, there will be no significant impact on


Mr V Srinivasulu has been engaged for carrying

out few temporary works. His request will be

considered in future depending upon the need.

Chettinad Cement Response to Written Petitions – Kallur Exp. 79

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Content of Representation Chettinad Cement Response

200 Sri.R Ganpat Rao Taluka Congress Committee Taluk : Chincholi District :Gulbarga

Chettinad Cement Company Limited wants to start Line-II in the present plant. For this we don’t have any objection.

This representation is in support of the project.

201 Sri. M.Saidi Reddy Founder President. Green Crop Society

Merits of the proposed Expansion project: 1) The plant will come up within the total project area 2) The power requirement will be met from their indigenous FBC and Waste heat recovery.

3) It will install bag house and dust suppression systems for controlling the fugitive dust.

4) Ensuring emissions below 50mg/Mm3. 5) Al l conveyors will be covered by hoods, which will offset fugitive dust.

6) Water requirement will be met from their own bore well. Also proposed rain water harvesting. Hence the plant is preserving the ground water table.

7) Entire waste water, after treatment, will be recycled in the plant activities, and for conditioning fugitive dust emissions. Thus it implements zero discharge.

8) Total fly ash utilization in their cement plant for PPC, as per MoEF’s fly ash utilization notification.

9) Sludge form STP will be used manure for green belt development.

10) Greenbelt will be raised in 51.5 ha of land. 11) Direct and indirect employment for the local people to about 850.

12) Paving way for small and medium engineering ancillaries.

13) Major thrust on CSR activities.

This representation is in support of the project.

Chettinad Cement Response to Written Petitions – Kallur Exp. 80

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Content of Representation Chettinad Cement Response

202 Sri. Ellis Andrews Under secretary to Chief Minister

Chettinad Cement Company Limited in Chincholi Taluka has not given payment of our work which was done in company .

If any work has been carried out for the company, on submission of required documents, payment will be made accordingly.

203 Sri. Ismail Patel S/O Chandpasha Taluk :Chincholi District :Gulbarga

Chettinad Cement Company Limited wants to start Line-II in the present plant. For this we don’t have any objection.

This representation is in support of the project.

204 Sri.Prakash S/O Saiappa Taluk :Chincholi District :Gulbarga

Chettinad Cement Company Limited wants to start Line-II in the present plant. For this we don’t have any objection.

This representation is in support of the project.

205 Sri.Saleem S/O Babumiya Taluk :Chincholi District-Gulbarga`

Chettinad Cement Company Limited wants to start Line-II in the present plant. For this we don’t have any objection.

This representation is in support of the project.

206 Sri.Hanmanth Rao Beernali Taluk :Chincholi District-Gulbarga

Chettinad Cement Company Limited wants to start Line-II in the present plant. For this we don’t have any objection.

This representation is in support of the project.

207 Sri. Chandrashekar Taluk -Chincholi District -Gulbarga`

Chettinad Cement Company Limited wants to start Line-II in the present plant. For this we don’t have any objection.

This representation is in support of the project.

208 Sri. Anjaiah President Bhavani Bhajana , Mandal : Miriyan, Taluk :Chincholi District : Gulbarga

Chettinad Cement Company Limited wants to start Line-II in the present plant. For this we don’t have any objection.

This representation by the public representative, is

in support of the project.

Chettinad Cement Response to Written Petitions – Kallur Exp. 81

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Content of Representation Chettinad Cement Response

209 Sri.P.Nagesham President Ambedkar Yuva Sangh Bairampally (Vg) Taluk: Chincholi District: Gulbarga

Chettinad Cement Company Limited wants to start Line-II in the present plant. For this we don’t have any objection.

This representation by the public representative, is

in support of the project

210 Sri.Pava President Sevalal Maharaj Sangh Bairampally Thanda Taluk : Chincholi District: Gulbarga

Chettinad Cement Co.ltd wants to start Line-II in the present plant for this we don’t have any objection

This representation by the public representative, is

in support of the project

211 Sri. Jaffar President Quarry Labour Union Miriyan Taluk:Chincholi District : .Gulbarga

Chettinad Cement Co.ltd wants to start Line-II in the present plant for this we don’t have any objection

This representation by the public representative, is

in support of the project

212,213 Sri.Abdul Rawoof President Quarry Owner Union Miriyan (V) Taluk : Chincholi,District :Gulbarga

Chettinad Cement Co.ltd wants to start Line-II in the present plant for this we don’t have any objection

This representation by the public representative, is

in support of the project

214 Sri.Siddaiah President Arrya Eedigara Sangh Miryan, Taluk : Chincholi,District :Gulbarga

Chettinad Cement Co.ltd wants to start Line-II in the present plant for this we don’t have any objection

This representation by the public representative, is

in support of the project

Chettinad Cement Response to Written Petitions – Kallur Exp. 82

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Content of Representation Chettinad Cement Response

215 Sri. MD., Alias Babu Miya S/o Sri. Hussain Sab , R/o Ghanapur Village, Taluk : Chincholi District :Gulbarga Karnataka State

Chettinad Cement Company Limited wants to start Line-II in the present plant. For this we don’t have any objection.

This representation is in support of the project.

216 Sri.Vital S/o Sri. Hanumanth Bakthampalli

Chettinad Cement Company Limited wants to start Line-II in the present plant. For this we don’t have any objection.

This representation is in support of the project.

217 Sri.Shivaram S/o Sri. Narasappa Chincholi.

Chettinad Cement Company Limited wants to start Line-II in the present plant. For this we don’t have any objection.

This representation is in support of the project.

218 Sri.Nagraj S/o Sri. Tippanna Hogar Bakthampalli

Chettinad Cement Company Limited wants to start Line-II in the present plant. For this we don’t have any objection.

This representation is in support of the project.

219 Sri.Ramalingappa Ranganor Gadikeshwar Ganpur

Chettinad Cement Company Limited wants to start Line-II in the present plant. For this we don’t have any objection.

This representation is in support of the project.

220 Sri Pandappa S/o Sri. Nagappa poojari, Sangam (K)

Chettinad Cement Company Limited wants to start Line-II in the present plant. For this we don’t have any objection.

This representation is in support of the project.

221 Sri.Kishan S/o Sri. Laxman Rathod

Chettinad Cement Company Limited wants to start Line-II in the present plant. For this we don’t have any objection.

This representation is in support of the project.

224 Sri.Shetteppa S/o Sri. Shivlingappa

Chettinad Cement Company Limited wants to start Line-II in the present plant. For this we don’t have any objection.

This representation is in support of the project.

225 Sri.Sharanappa S/o Sri. Siddappa

Chettinad Cement Company Limited wants to start Line-II in the present plant. For this we don’t have any objection.

This representation is in support of the project

Chettinad Cement Response to Written Petitions – Kallur Exp. 83

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Content of Representation Chettinad Cement Response

226 Sri.Babumiya Bakthampalli

Chettinad Cement Company Limited wants to start Line-II in the present plant. For this we don’t have any objection.

This representation is in support of the project.

227 Sri.Yenkappa S/o Sri. Mogalappa Kallur Road, chincholli

I belong to backward caste. My main income is from farming. I had a land of 13 acres and 35 gunta under survey no 199/2 which was purchased by Chettinad Cement. They have been promising me that they will give job to my son for the past 3 years. My son Rajkumar s/o Yenkappa of age 32 years, has completed SSLC. We are approaching company for job since 3years they are not responding to us due to which we are facing problems to maintain our family.

65 % of land-loosers have been given employment

in the company.

If the family member of the land-looser is having required qualification/ skills/ experience for a particular vacancy in the plant or mine, first preference will be given to that family member of the land-looser for the job.

228 Sri.Hussain khureshi Kallur Road

Chettinad Cement Company Limited wants to start Line-II in the present plant. For this we don’t have any objection.

This representation is in support of the project.

229 Sri.Shivkumar Lokhande, Bidar Dist.

Chettinad Cement Company Limited wants to start Line-II in the present plant. For this we don’t have any objection.

This representation is in support of the project.

230 Sri.Rajak sab S/o Sri. Ghafbur Sab Sangam (K)

Chettinad Cement Company Limited wants to start Line-II in the present plant. For this we don’t have any objection.

This representation is in support of the project.

231 Sri.Nagendrappa S/o Sri. Hussainappa Kallur

Chettinad Cement Company Limited wants to start Line-II in the present plant. For this we don’t have any objection.

This representation is in support of the project.

Chettinad Cement Response to Written Petitions – Kallur Exp. 84

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Content of Representation Chettinad Cement Response

232 Sri.Sharnappa B HulTaluka Panchyat Member,Anwar R/O Burgapalli, Taluk : Chincholi District :Gulbarga

1. The farmers have been cheated and got a price of Rs 2.5 lacs for 1 acre land at, but actual price is Rs 6.25 lacs

At the time of land purchase, the rates were finalized only after mutual acceptance between the owner of the land and the company.

2. The company after purchasing land had promised that they would give job.

65 % of land-loosers have been given employment

in the company.

If the family member of the land-looser is having required qualification/ skills/ experience for a particular vacancy in the plant or mine, first preference will be given to that family member of the land-looser for the job.

3. The Mullamari river is only 500 mts away from company and this is getting polluted. Due to this people and animals are suffering a lot.

No effluent, either industrial or domestic effluent, is discharged from the premises. All effluents are treated and reused within the plant for greenbelt development, dust suppression and ash conditioning. Zero discharge is being maintained in existing plant and same will be implemented in the expansion project also. Hence, there will not be any significant impact on people/animals/ Mullamari River

4. The company is just thinking about their own profit. They are least bothered about the environment and human rights.

For the existing production facility, the company has provided the latest and modern Air Pollution Control Measures like ESP, Bag Filters etc., and the concentration of air parameters are within the norms prescribed by MoEF/CPCB/KSPCB. As no waste water is getting discharged from the plant & mine, there is no water pollution. All the wastes generated are handled and disposed as stipulated by the regulatory authorities. The Noise Level is also within the stipulated norms. Hence, there will not be any significant impact on environment.

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Content of Representation Chettinad Cement Response

232 (contd)

5. During mining the houses and huts are being affected which are nearer by the company (Anwar, Bhaktampalli, Ganapur, Sangam-K Garagpalli, and Kallur)

The blasting procedure followed is in line the guidelines of Directorate of Mines Safety. The noise levels are being monitored regularly during the day time and night time. The ambient noise levels are monitored by recognized agency. The results of ambient noise levels for the past six months are shown Environmental Monitoring Report attached in Final EIA Report ( Annexure 13) , which clearly shows that the noise levels below the allowed norm. Blasting Procedure as per Directorate of Mines Safety guidelines followed for Mining to control vibration. • Blast holes are fired with Electric Detonators & Detonation Fuse adopting Trunk line detonation system .

• This system allows only one hole i.e. 80 kg, a fraction of the total explosives to blast at a point of time which minimizes boulder generation, frequent toe occurrence, fly rock generation

• As per the numerical estimation done with this 400 kg charge per delay, the peak particle velocity calculated at a distance of 500m is only 4.5 mm/sec, which is within the permissible limits prescribed by DGMS as 10 mm/sec

• Water spray is provided for the control of air emissions during blasting.

6. The company is situated in 500 mts of the villages due the sound produced by this is causing lot problems.

Chettinad Cement Response to Written Petitions – Kallur Exp. 86

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Content of Representation Chettinad Cement Response

233 Sri.Vijay Kumar S/o Sri. Basava Raj Jadar Kallur

Chettinad Cement Company Limited wants to start Line-II in the present plant. For this we don’t have any objection.

This representation is in support of the project.

234 Sri.Gousoddin S/o Sri. Nayamath Sab,

I have completed B.com. According to my qualifciation, I request you to give a job in Chettinad Cements . Resume and certificates have been enclosed.

If he is having required qualification /skills/ experience for a particular vacancy in the plant or mine, then preference will be given.

235 Sri.Sanjeevan Ramesh Yakapur ZP Member Gulbarga

People mentioned above are getting monthly salary of Rs 4368/- but people who are doing the of same nature of work in Sagar Cements are getting monthly salary of sum 6300/- . So people who are working at Rs 4368 /- salary request for a raise in the salary to 6300/-

Salary is paid as per rules and regulations..

236 Sri.Ramchander S/o Sri. Narsing Rao , Kallur road

Chettinad Cement Company Limited wants to start Line-II in the present plant. For this we don’t have any objection.

This representation is in support of the project.


1. Sri.Hanumanta Rao 2. Sri.Santakumar 3. Sri.Prakash 4. Sri.Rayappa

Chettinad Cement Company Limited wants to start Line-II in the present plant. For this we don’t have any objection.

This representation is in support of the project.

241 Sri.Abdul ajeez S/o Sri. Shakeer Ahmed

Chettinad Cement Company Limited wants to start Line-II in the present plant. For this we don’t have any objection.

This representation is in support of the project.

Chettinad Cement Response to Written Petitions – Kallur Exp. 87

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Content of Representation Chettinad Cement Response

242 President, Gram Panchayat, Kharchkhed Taluk : Chincholi District :Gulbarga

1. Heavy loaded trucks are travelling from this company and the road is getting damaged; By this the public and the school students are facing many problems.

Even before the establishment of the first unit of Chettinad Cement at Sangem (K) & Kallur villages, the road conditions were very bad.

In 2010-2011, even our light vehicles coming from chincholi to plant, were taking one hour for a distance of 12 kms and from Karnataka Border (Miryan) to our plant it was taking one hour for a distance of 10 kms.

Now in 2012-13, there is considerable improvement in the road condition. As far as the nearby National Highways are concerned, the laying of road work by National Highway Authority of India (NHAI) is under progress.

As a part of CSR activities, the company has taken up repairing of roads in the nearby villages.

2. In our Gram Panchyat area villages, for drinking water, we are facing lot of problem as it getting polluted due to the water released by the factory into the Mullamari River.

No effluent, either industrial or domestic effluent, is discharged from the premises. All effluents are treated and reused within the plant for greenbelt development, dust suppression and ash conditioning. Zero discharge is being maintained in existing plant and same will be implemented in the expansion project also. Hence, there will not be any significant impact on Mullamari River

3. The Chettinad Cement Company has not purchased the land directly by the farmers. They have purchased through mediator. In this matter farmers have been cheated.

Lands have been purchased after mutual consent between the land owner and the company.

4. In the past public hearing, the company has promised that they would develop the surrounding villages and provide all the basic amenities

As a part of CSR activities Chettinad Cement is providing infrastructure facilities and amenities for the nearby villages in consultation with District Administration.

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Content of Representation Chettinad Cement Response

242 (contd)

5. Due to gases and dust released by the company, the surrounding air is getting polluted and the villagers are facing lot of health problems

For the existing production facility, the company has provided the latest and modern Air Pollution Control Measures like ESP, Bag Filters etc., and the concentration of air parameters are within the norms prescribed by MoEF/CPCB/KSPCB. As no waste water is getting discharged from the plant & mine, there is no water pollution. All the wastes generated are handled and disposed as stipulated by the regulatory authorities. The Noise Level is also within the stipulated norms. Hence, there will be not be any significant impact on environment and health.

243 President Darul Uloom Husainia Chandapur

Chettinad Cement Company Limited wants to start Line-II in the present plant. For this we don’t have any objection.

This representation is in support of the project.

244 Sri.Gopal S/o Sri. Narsappa, Kallur road

Chettinad Cement Company Limited wants to start Line-II in the present plant. For this we don’t have any objection.

This representation is in support of the project.

245 Sri Rama Rao P Naik President of All India Banjara Seva Sang Chincholi

Chettinad Cement Company Limited wants to start Line-II in the present plant. For this we don’t have any objection.

This representation by the public representative, is

in support of the project.

246 Sri .Vittal Chawan President Kishan Rural Education Society Chandapur Chincholi

Chettinad Cement Company Limited wants to start Line-II in the present plant. For this we don’t have any objection.

This representation by the public representative, is

in support of the project.

247 Sri.Sanjeev Kumar Patil Karnataka Rakshana Vedike Taluka President Gulbarga

Chettinad Cement Company Limited wants to start Line-II in the present plant. For this we don’t have any objection.

This representation by the public representative, is

in support of the project.

Chettinad Cement Response to Written Petitions – Kallur Exp. 89

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Content of Representation Chettinad Cement Response

248 Sri.Md. Khurshid Ali Committee Zamiya Masjid Kallur Road, Chincholi

Chettinad Cement Company Limited wants to start Line-II in the present plant. For this we don’t have any objection.

This representation by the public representative, is

in support of the project.

249 Sri.Revanasidda Pujari General Secretary Karnataka Rakshana Vedike , Gulbarga

Chettinad Cement Company Limited wants to start Line-II in the present plant. For this we don’t have any objection.

This representation by the public representative, is

in support of the project.

250 Sri.Ahmadia Stone Quary Kallur Road, Taluk : Chincholi

Chettinad Cement Company Limited wants to start Line-II in the present plant. For this we don’t have any objection.

This representation is in support of the project.

251 Sri.Raghunath Reddy Sri.Malleshappa Smt.Gangamma Sri.Vittal Sri.Vishwanath

As per this request letter as mentioned below, the basic needs have not been provided to our Ganganpalli village, kindly do the need full. 1) Company should construct water tank and provide pure

drinking water.

2) Teachers are to be provided because School is running

with only one teacher up to V Standard

3) Diseases are spreading due to by drinking river water so

health care centre should be provided

4) Company should construct toilets to avoid diseases

5) Chincholi is 12 Km away from our village so company

should construct a road from Ganganpalli to Polakpalli.

6) Company should construct a bus stand in our village.

As a part of CSR activities, Chettinad Cement will provide the infrastructure facilities and amenities at nearby villages in consultation with District Administration.

Chettinad Cement Response to Written Petitions – Kallur Exp. 90

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Content of Representation Chettinad Cement Response

251 (contd)

7) Company should construct road from village to pond for

drinking water.

8) Our village is in Polakpalli Gram Panchayat

9) There is no Grave-yard in our village so company should

refer to the Government for 2 acre land

10) Company should provide jobs for our villagers

11) Company should construct a concrete road in our village

12) Company should construct roof for our Hanuman temple.

13) Fair Price Shop should supported from Polakpally.

14) Dips irrigation system should be provided from River to

villages land.

15) Gram Panchayat P.D.O is not at all supporting our village

252 Sri.Ravishankar Reddy Press editor Kesari (The Tiger Voice)

Chettinad Cement Company Limited wants to start Line-II in the present plant. For this we don’t have any objection.

This representation by the editor of ‘The Tiger

Voice’ is in support of the project.

253 Sri.Ravishankar Reddy .S. Muttangi President, B.S.R. Congrees Party , Chincholi ,Gulbarga

Chettinad Cement Company Limited wants to start Line-II in the present plant. For this we don’t have any objection.

This representation by the public representative, is

in support of the project.

Chettinad Cement Response to Written Petitions – Kallur Exp. 91

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Content of Representation Chettinad Cement Response

254 Gangampalli Villagers As per above mentioned in the subject, in Anavar Gram Panchayat circle, elected members of Gangampalli village and Panchayat development officers, as per govt rules should hear public problems by conducting Gram Sabha program in village and provide government facility, like distribution of government houses to poor people, but elected members and Panchayat development officers are very corrupted and help rich people instead of poor people cheating poor people. We Ganganpalli villagers are requesting the concerned officers to investigate as per rules and conduct Gram Sabha to provide government schemes to the real eligible persons. If our request is not fulfilled , then we will act against the taluk panchayat office till we get justice.

This matter is not related to Chettinad Cement.

255 Sri.Shanappa – BSP Sangam- K

1. We are the residents of Sangem K Village, Tandur Mandal, RR District. It is submitted that, there is a Cement Plant namely Chettinad Cement Factory running since 1 year. It is very nearer i.e. 1 KM from our village. Due to heavy dust, we are facing irreparable loss and it is also hazardous to our health. Day by Day our health is deterioting. Agriculture also getting spoiled and water also getting contaminated.

2. It is submitted that, recently 1 KV power plant also installed near by the village which will affect the children also.

3. It is further submitted that, we heard that , there is one more cement plant is going to be established . We are facing heavy and irreparable loss which cannot be compensated in terms of money.

For the existing production facility, the company has provided the latest and modern Air Pollution Control Measures like ESP, Bag Filters etc., and the concentration of air parameters are within the norms prescribed by MoEF/CPCB/KSPCB. As no waste water is getting discharged from the plant & mine, there is no water pollution. All the wastes generated are handled and disposed as stipulated by the regulatory authorities. The Noise Level is also within the stipulated norms. Hence, there will not be any significant impact on environment.

256 Smt. Narasamma W/o Sri.Lakshaman Aavunti, President Gram Punchayat- Kanakpur

Chettinad Cement Co.ltd wants to start Line-II in the present plant.Forr this we don’t have any objection

This representation by the public representative, is

in support of the project.

Chettinad Cement Response to Written Petitions – Kallur Exp. 92

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Content of Representation Chettinad Cement Response

257 Sri.Khubu.M.Rathod President Bhimrao.S.Rathod Secretary Sri.Jagadish Singh. V. Rathod Adviser Taluk labour union

We are happy that present Chettinad Company going to start Line II project and increasing Power Plant capacity. For this we don’t have any objection from our side to the Line II project

This representation by the public representative, is

in support of the project.

258 Sri Lakshman Aunti President Taluka Koli Samaj Chincholi

We are happy that present Chettinad Company going to start Line II project and increasing Power Plant capacity. For this we don’t have any objection from our side to the Line II project

This representation by the public representative, is

in support of the project.

259 Sri.Ashok Kumar S/o Sri. Nagendrappa S Gilavant R/o Malkhed Taluk : Sedam District :Gulbarga

Chettinad Cement Corporation Limited , Kallur In Chincholi Taluk has constructed factory and colony in agriculture land without converting it to non agricultural land, not taking permission from rural and urban development office and not taking permission to build buildings and fix machineries from Miriyan and Anavar Gram Panchayat office. So, cement factory ,power plant, colony and other constructions should be demolished and all the land should be taken back by the government of Karnataka.

Land conversion was already completed. Land documents are enclosed as Annexure 10 in EIA report.

260 Sri.Vijay kumar.S,

We are happy that present Chettinad Company going to start Line II project and increasing Power Plant capacity. For this we don’t have any objection from our side to the Line II project

This representation is in support of the project.

261 Sri.Vithal Rao,

The applicant was working as a Mechanic in Packing Plant and having good experience working with Mr. Pande (Contractor in Chettinad Cement Works, Kallur).Now he wishes to work as a mechanic in the plant.

If local youth is having required qualification /skills/ experience for a particular vacancy in the plant or mine, then preference will be given to that local for the job.

Chettinad Cement Response to Written Petitions – Kallur Exp. 93

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Content of Representation Chettinad Cement Response

262 Sri.Pradeep Metri President, Madiga Dandora Madiga Reservation Horata Samiti(R) Taluk : Chincholi District :Gulbarga

We are happy that present Chettinad Company going to start Line II project and increasing Power Plant capacity. For this we don’t have any objection from our side to the Line II project.

This representation by the public representative, is

in support of the project.

263 Sri.P Rathod Chikningdalli, Taluk : Chincholi District :Gulbarga

We are happy that present Chettinad Company going to start Line II project and increasing power plant capacity. For this we don’t have any objection from our side to the Line II project

This representation is in support of the project.

264 Sri.Jaganrao S/o Sri. Shankar Rao, Sangam (K )

As per survey no- 32, an extent of 19.29 acres of land is

available near Bhaktampalli border.

Before the construction of company , the yield was 8 quinta

per acre. Now only 2 quinta per acre is the yield. This is due

to factory dust and water entering to my land.

For the existing production facility, the company has provided the latest and modern Air Pollution Control Measures like ESP, Bag Filters etc., and the concentration of air parameters are within the norms prescribed by MoEF/CPCB/KSPCB. As no waste water is getting discharged from the plant & mine, there is no water pollution. All the wastes generated are handled and disposed as stipulated by the regulatory authorities. The Noise Level is also within the stipulated norms. Hence, there will be not be any significant impact on environment or land

Chettinad Cement Response to Written Petitions – Kallur Exp. 94

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Content of Representation Chettinad Cement Response

265 1. Sri. Tambar Rao N. ( Member, Gram Panchyat)

2. Smt. Sangam S Patil. ( Member, Gram Panchyat)

3. Smt. Mumtaz Begum. ( Member, Gram Panchyat)

4. Sri.Tukappa Navadgi 5. Sri.Bakku Shab Doddamani

6. Sri.Shivshankrayya 7. Sri.Abdul Shab. 8. Sri.Shakappa Navadgi. 9. Sri.Hunmamnth Rao. (Committee Member)

10.Sri.Mahesh. 11. Sri.Ramesh Navadgi.

We, the land lossers from the villages of Sangam-K and Boragpalli are facing many problems form the company as they have started their production. The dust is being released and crops are not growing properly. The wastes and water are be released to the Mullamari River and the water is getting polluted and many of them are facing health problems.

For the existing production facility, the company has provided the latest and modern Air Pollution Control Measures like ESP, Bag Filters etc., and the concentration of air parameters are within the norms prescribed by MoEF/CPCB/KSPCB. As no waste water is getting discharged from the plant & mine, there is no water pollution. All the wastes generated are handled and disposed as stipulated by the regulatory authorities. The Noise Level is also within the stipulated norms. Hence, there will not be any significant impact on environment or health. .

266 Karnataka Pranta Agri Labour Union

Ms.Chettinad Cement Co.ltd and Sagar Cement in Chincholi-Taluk causing air pollution.

For the existing production facility, the company has provided the latest and modern Air Pollution Control Measures like ESP, Bag Filters etc., and the concentration of air parameters are within the norms prescribed by MoEF/CPCB/KSPCB.Hence, there will not be any significant impact on Air Environment.

267 Sri.Mallikarjun R B, We are happy that present Chettinad Company going to start Line II project and increasing Power Plant capacity. For this we don’t have any objection from our side to the Line II project

This representation is in support of the project.

Chettinad Cement Response to Written Petitions – Kallur Exp. 95

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Content of Representation Chettinad Cement Response

269 Smt.Kalavati W/o Sri. Janardhan Myakal Kallur Road, Taluk : Chincholi District :Gulbarga

I am staying near Kallur road, Chincholi- Taluk. The company has purchased the land and had promised that the company would give job and till now the company has not given job to my grandson pavankumar S/O Hanmunthrao who has finished his M.B.A . Since 2 years the company is promising that job will be given. On 28/02/2013 , the company conducted the interview. After When we checked up ,the company persons told that our documents and details have been forwarded to head office. Till now the company has not given any offer letter, but promising that the job will be given. As we are poor, we lost our land by selling it to company and we are roaming for job like anything and company persons are asking to come today, tomorrow and wasting our time.

65 % of Land owners have been given job. Depending upon the requirement of the company and the qualification /skills/ experience of the land owner’s heir, they will be considered on priority for the job,

270 Sri.Shamrao Korvi Vice President, Pattan Panchyat Chincholi

We are happy that present Chettinad Company going to start Line II project and increasing Power Plant capacity. For this we don’t have any objection from our side to the Line II project

This representation by the public representative is

in support of the project.

271 Sri.Bhramyya S/o Sri.Krishna Chari Kallur Road

The company has purchased land from me at Rs 2.25 lacs per acre and for others they paid Rs 5.5 lacs and informed that we are paying same amount for every one. Later I came to know that I was cheated in this matter. For some Rs 5.5 lacs per acre was paid and for some Rs 2.25 per acre was paid I should be paid the remaining amount and till such time no construction work should take place.

Lands had been purchased after mutual consent between the land owner and the company.

Chettinad Cement Response to Written Petitions – Kallur Exp. 96

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Content of Representation Chettinad Cement Response

272 Sri.Gopal.R.Paladi

Plot No.21, GDA Layout

Phase-3, Cotton Market



Chettinad Cement constructed a factory at Chincholi Taluk in Kallur village, nearer to Bhaktampalli village. Sy.No.37/1 (3-acres & 30 gunta) & Son-in-law Mr.T.Madhu, Sy.No.34/1 ( 5-acres & 14 gunta) near the company compound wall – Environmental pollution affecting our crops and public.The company has not taken any precaution for pollution – because of this reason, we are giving this appeal

For the existing production facility, the company has provided the latest and modern Air Pollution Control Measures like ESP, Bag Filters etc., and the concentration of air parameters are within the norms prescribed by MoEF/CPCB/KSPCB. As no waste water is getting discharged from the plant & mine, there is no water pollution. All the wastes generated are handled and disposed as stipulated by the regulatory authorities. The Noise Level is also within the stipulated norms. Hence, there will not be any significant impact on environment.

273 Smt.Nagratna W/o Sri. Ganpath Rao Goutam Grameena Swayam Seva Samsthe

We are happy that present Chettinad Company is going to start Line II project and increasing Power Plant capacity. For this we don’t have any objection from our side to the Line II project

This representation is in support of the project.

274 Smt.Shantbai W/o Sri. S Shivshankar, Ganapur Taluk : Chincholi District :Gulbarga

The company has purchased all the neighboring land , but they have not purchased my land and am unable to go to my land as I don’t have way to my land and the company has constructed compound wall. Below the wall there is a small hole through which the waste water is being released. It is in between my field . Due to the force of water, the soil also is getting washed out, Due to this I am unable to grow proper crops in my field since 3 years , incurring a loss of 3 to 4 lacs or more . My present life in dependent on my land. For this I have been to the company and complained about this matter and asked them to look after this matter

No effluent, either industrial or domestic effluent, is discharged from the premises. All effluents are treated and reused within the plant for greenbelt development, dust suppression and ash conditioning . Zero discharge is being followed in the existing plant and same will be implemented in the expansion project also. Chettinad Cement has not obstructed the approach path to any land outside its premises. Hence, the allegations made are not true.

275 Sri. Shivkumar Kollur Organiser of Karnataka Pradesh Congress Samthe SC Category

We are happy that present Chettinad Company going to start Line II project and increasing Power Plant capacity. For this we don’t have any objection from our side to the Line II project.

This representation is in support of the project.




Chettinad Cement Response to ADDITIONAL Written Petitions submitted after the Public Hearing

S.No Written Representation Submitted by

Content of Representation Chettinad Cement Response

1 Sri Deepagnag Shashidar Punneshetty Ainolli, Former President and Present Member , Zillaparishath , Gulbarga

1a) That the said Chettinad Cements Corporation Limited already started their plant, Cement production of 2.5 MTPA with 30 MW Power generation by the Power Plant and 4 MTPA Limestone mining/quarrying in an area of 1074.49 Acres held at the villages of Kallur and Sangam (K) by getting the Environment clearance certificate from the KARNATAKA State Pollution Control Board and the Ministry of Environmental & Forests Department of Central Government.


1b) It is brought to your kind notice that the said Chettinad Cements Limited is purely a Private Limited Company.


1c) The lands purchased by it are the Patta Lands of the farmers.


1d) Whereas the Government of Karnataka in exercise of the powers conferred under the Section 26A (B) of the wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972 (Amendment in 2006) (Central Act, 532 of 1972) has considered the area, situation, limits and extent of Forest areas which are specified in (shown below) Schedule-1 to declare as Chincholi Wildlife Sanctuary, comprising of Government of Karnataka notified reserved forest blocks as shown in (shown below) Schedule-II, as it is of adequate ecological, faunal, floral and Geo morphological importance and for the purpose of protecting, propagating and developing wildlife or its environment.


Annexure – 25 (g)

S.No Written Representation Submitted by

Content of Representation Chettinad Cement Response

1 (contd)

1e) Due to commendable work and study by the Ministry Environment & Forest Department and State Board for Wildlife, of the Government of Karnataka considered that it is necessary to declare the area as a Chincholi Wildlife Sanctuary in the view of the following aspects:


1f) Chincholi Forests are the areas where the natural environment can easily be affected or harmed which needs the special protection. The unique features of this forest deserve to define it as ecologically sensitive zone area. Further, as the area is also having growth of ecological tree species, and vulnerable even to mild disturbances and the area demands careful management. Thus the Chincholi Forest area is considered to be an ecologically and economically important. The list of flora and fauna of the area suggests that, this area is ecologically rich, Valuable and Unique irreplaceable if destroyed.

For existing production facility, the company has provided latest and modern Air Pollution Control Measures like ESP, Bag Filters etc., and the concentration of air parameters are within the norms prescribed by MoEF/CPCB/KSPCB. As no waste water is getting discharged from Plant & Mine, there is no water pollution. All the wastes generated are handled and disposed as stipulated by the regulatory authorities. Noise Level is also within the stipulated norms. Hence, there will be not be any significant impact on environment. For the proposed expansion also, all pollution control measures and the practices will be extended. Cumulative impact of existing industries, proposed new industries and the proposed expansion activity of Chettinad Cement on the said sanctuary has been analysed (Page 4.9 of Chapter 4 in the Final EIA Report) and the resultant concentrations of pollutants like Particulate Matter, SO2, NOx and CO have been found to be far lower than the norms prescribed. Hence, the impact of proposed expansion activities on the Chincholi Wildlife Sanctuary is very insignificant as it is located 5.8 Km from the plant and 3.2.km from mine boundary and 4.6 km from the current mining pit. Please refer Chapter 4 of Final EIA Report and Biological Report included as Annexure 18 in the Final EIA Report.

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Content of Representation Chettinad Cement Response

1 (contd)

1g) Further, by virtue of their biological richness, they are potentially of high value to human societies, help in maintaining the ecological stability of the area and significant in conserving biological diversity. The uniqueness of the services they offer to human society is precious.


1h) Chincholi Forest area is an area having rich natural forest cover having canopy cover about 0.40%. This is the only area in North Karnataka especially rather in the entire Hyderabad , Karnataka Region comprising many of the features that of Western Ghats.


1i) The Chincholi Reserve Forest is having natural environment, ecology, flora & fauna. It is having its own geomorphological importance. It is most Ecologically sentitive Zone. Having Fauna wild life containing Black Buck, Common Fox, Four Horned Antelope, Fruit Bat, Hyena, Indian Wolf, Panther, Wild Bore, Bears. Floral Species like Anogessus Latifolia , Chloroxylon, Bosweelia, Serrat and Madhuca Indica, sandalwood, teakwood, tamarind, bamboos are available in plenty here. The birds of 35 different varieties inhabitate the forest Peacocks, parrots, Blue Pigeon, black Drongo, Black winged Kite, Blossom-Headed Parakeet, Black Heads Oriole, Grey partridge are also found in the region. They are all invaluable and diverse.


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Content of Representation Chettinad Cement Response

1 (contd)

1j). Due to biotic and climatic intervention, there is a threat of degradation of rich natural forest and thereby may cause threat to the Wildlife of the area. Hence, there is a need and also it is our bounden duty to conserve this precious and irreplaceable unique wealth given by our nature.

For the existing production facility, the company has provided the latest and modern Air Pollution Control Measures like ESP, Bag Filters etc., and the concentration of air parameters are within the norms prescribed by MoEF/CPCB/KSPCB. As no waste water is getting discharged from the plant & mine, there is no water pollution. All the wastes generated are handled and disposed as stipulated by the regulatory authorities. The Noise Level is also within the stipulated norms. Hence, there will be not be any significant impact on environment.

For the proposed expansion also, all the pollution control measures and the practices will be extended.

The cumulative impact of existing industries, proposed new industries and the proposed expansion activity of Chettinad Cement on the said sanctuary has been analysed (Page no.4.9 of Chapter 4 in the Final EIA Report) and the resultant concentrations of pollutants like particulate matter, SO2, NOx and CO have been found to be far lower than the norms prescribed.

Hence, the impact of proposed expansion activities on the Chincholi Wildlife Sanctuary is very insignificant as it is located 5.8 Km from the plant and 3.2.km from mine boundary and 4.6 km from the current mining pit. Pl refer Chapter 4 of Final EIA Report and the Biological Report included in the Final EIA Report As Annexure 18.

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Content of Representation Chettinad Cement Response

1 (contd)

1k). Taking into consideration all the above facts, the State Board for Wildlife in its meeting held on 11.08.2010 and 26.07.2011 has taken a decision to declare the Chincholi Forests as Wildlife Sanctuary which comprises of notified and reserve forests only.


1l) Sequel to it, the Ministry of Environment & Forests Government of Karnataka and State Board for Wildlife by notification No. FEE:224FWL:2011 declared the Chincholi Schedule-II area of the Chincholi reserve Forests Zone measuring 13488.31 Ha as Chincholi Wildlife Sanctuary , The particulars of it, as declared by Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of Karnataka and Chief Forest Conservator Regional Forest Office Gulbarga is shown below.

Schedule-I Name of the District : Gulbarga Taluka : Chincholi Area : Say 134.88 Sq. KMs.

Schedule-II S. No

Name of the District

Name of the Range of and Taluka

Reserved Forest

Forest Area in Ha.

1 Gulbarga Chincholi Block-I Block-II Block-III Block-IV Block-V

11985.62 688.39 317.59 327.67 169.04

Total 13488.31


S.No Written Representation Submitted by

Content of Representation Chettinad Cement Response

1 (contd)

1m) Names of certain important reserve forests those comes under Chincholi Wildlife Sanctuary are namely Gottamgotta Reserve Forest, Dharamasagar Reserve Forest, Ramchandra Reserve Forest, Ginguri Reserve Forest, Antavaram Reserve Forest, Burugudhoddi Reserve Forest, Lanchavaram Forest, Shadipur Forest, Lingasagar Forest, Chandanur Forest, Bhogalingadalli Reserve Forest, Somalingadalli Reserve Forest, Chandrampalli reserve Forest, Ganganpalli Forest were importantly noted.


S.No Written Representation Submitted by

Content of Representation Chettinad Cement Response

1 (contd)

1n) This being so, in gross violation of The Forest (Protection) Act-1980, The Environment (Protection) Act-1986 and the order of Honb’e Supreme Court, the said Cements Ltd., has been established in the villages of Kallur & Sangam (K) without obtaining necessary clearance from the Central Empowerment Committee (CEC), National board for Wildlife & State Board for Wildlife. It is brought to your kind notice that the said Cements Ltd, is at distance of 4.6 KM from the Somalingadalli Reserve Forest, which forest is spread on an area of 489.52 Ha, which in turn comes in the total area of 13488.31 Ha. declared by the State Government as Chincholi Wildlife Sanctuary. Obviously, it is established within the perimeter of prohibited 10 KM from Wild life Sanctuary in gross violation of the guidelines for declaration of eco sensitive zones around National Parks and Wildlife Sanctuaries, set by the Indian board for wildlife and Ministry of Environment & Forests, Government of India. The copy of the guidelines for declaration of Eco-sensitive zones for national parks and wildlife sanctuary framed by the Ministry of Environment of Forests (wildlife division), Government of India is annexed herewith.

At the time of execution of the project, there was no Wildlife Sanctuary within 10 km radius from the project site. On 21st Feb ‘12, the Forest Department , Gulbarga advised us to contribute Rs 250 lakhs for carrying out conservation measures like Soil and Moisture Conservation (SMC) measures, Forest Fire Control measures like maintenance of fire lines, deployment of fire watchers, running of two numbers of fire patrolling camps and greenbelt plantation etc. Accordingly, we have spent Rs 22.0 lakhs ( during Mar ’12 : 2.75 lakhs, May ’12 :Rs 3.14 lakhs, Jun ’12 :2.75 lakhs, Mar ’13 : Rs 13.36 lakhs) for implementing the conservation measures mentioned above. Subsequently, on 8th Jan ’13 the Forest Department, Gulbarga again advised us to contribute Rs 56.8 lakhs for the purpose of afforestation in unclassified forests, which is to be spent over a period of 6 Years. The same has been accepted by us. Then, an amount of Rs 12.96 lakhs has been spent towards during Feb ‘14 for implementing various conservation measures inside wildlife sanctuary. The balance amount of Rs 215.04 lakhs will be spent as indicated by the Forest Department, Gulbarga for implementing conservation measures in the wildlife sanctuary in the coming years and Rs 56.8 lakhs will be spent for afforestation in unclassified forest. Further, for the proposed project expansion and for getting NBWL Clearance an application was submitted to Forest Department, Gulbarga which is under process.

S.No Written Representation Submitted by

Content of Representation Chettinad Cement Response

1 (contd)

1o) It is humbly submitted that in the case of T.N. Godavarman Thirumulpada V/s. Union in its orders dated: 12-12-1996 & 14-12-2006, the above facts of eco sensitive zone around National Parks and wildlife Sanctuaries has been established unequivocally. The Hon’ble Supreme Court had given clear cut directions to Central Government and all State Government’s to refrain from granting permission for establishing the industries / quarrying etc. i.e. non-forest activity or any extension of the industry, within the prohibited 10 KM perimeter eco sensitive area (zone), around the National Parks or Wildlife Sanctuary. Further, the Hon’ble Supreme Court has directed, vide their order dated: 04-12-2006, Ministry of Environment & Forests to give a final opportunity to all States/ Union Territories to refer the cases of Environmental Clearances, to the Standing Committee of National board for Wildlife.

MoEF has laid down guidelines for the proposals to get the recommendations of Standing Committee of State Board for Wildlife and for getting the clearance from the Standing Committee of National Board for Wildlife. Accordingly , the application submitted for the Chettinad Cement’s proposal is under process. Copy of the application submitted to the concerned authority with the acknowledgment is included in the Final EIA Report as Annexure 8 (b)

1p) It is disheartening to note that said Chettinad Cements Corporation Ltd., has obtained Clearance Certificate from Ministry of Environment and Forests of both Government of India and Government of Karnataka.

Environmental Clearance from MoEF & Consent Orders from KSPCB have been obtained by complying with the rules and regulations.

1q) It is worth mentioning here about the venture of Harish Cements, in district of Mandi, State of Himachal Pradesh (H.P.). The Hon’ble High Court of H.P. has quashed the Environmental Clearance Certificate (ECC) issued by H.P. Government to Harish Cements. Because the said Harish Cement plant established within 6 KM prohibited eco sensitive area of the Bandi wildlife Sanctuary. So also, is the case of Bondla Wildlife Sanctuary, situated in the State of Goa, by its Hon’ble High Court. The copies of the judgment of Hon’ble High Court of H.P. is annexed herewith.

Not applicable

S.No Written Representation Submitted by

Content of Representation Chettinad Cement Response

1 (contd)

1r) Now, M/s. Chettinad Cements Corporation Ltd., Chincholi, is planning to expand its activity two fold. It intends to increase its cement production from 2.5 MTPA to 8.25 MTPA, its power generation capacity by power plant from 30 MW to 160 Mw, its quarrying / mining capacity from 4 MTPA to 10 MTPA. It will be gross violation of the Forest Protection Acts & Rules 1980. The Environment Protection Act-1986 and the order of Hon’ble Supreme court dt: 04.12.2006 directed the Ministry of Environment & forests to all States / Union territories referred above. Hence, the permission should not be granted to the company of its expansion, rather its earlier license i.e. Environment Clearance Certificate issued by MoEF Government of India should be annulled.

At the time of execution of the project, there was no Wildlife Sanctuary within 10 km radius from the project site. On 21st Feb ‘12, the Forest Department , Gulbarga advised us to contribute Rs 250 lakhs for carrying out conservation measures like Soil and Moisture Conservation (SMC) measures, Forest Fire Control measures like maintenance of fire lines, deployment of fire watchers, running of two numbers of fire patrolling camps and greenbelt plantation etc. Accordingly, we have spent Rs 22.0 lakhs ( during Mar ’12 : 2.75 lakhs, May ’12 :Rs 3.14 lakhs, Jun ’12 :2.75 lakhs, Mar ’13 : Rs 13.36 lakhs) for implementing the conservation measures mentioned above. Subsequently, on 8th Jan ’13 the Forest Department, Gulbarga again advised us to contribute Rs 56.8 lakhs for the purpose of afforestation in unclassified forests, which is to be spent over a period of 6 Years. The same has been accepted by us. Then, an amount of Rs 12.96 lakhs has been spent towards during Feb ‘14 for implementing various conservation measures inside wildlife sanctuary. The balance amount of Rs 215.04 lakhs will be spent as indicated by the Forest Department, Gulbarga for implementing conservation measures in the wildlife sanctuary in the coming years and Rs 56.8 lakhs will be spent for afforestation in unclassified forest. Further, for the proposed project expansion and for getting NBWL Clearance an application was submitted to Forest Department, Gulbarga which is under process.

S.No Written Representation Submitted by

Content of Representation Chettinad Cement Response

1 (contd)

2a) The river by name Mullameri or earlier called as Amrut Dhare, is the Lifeline river of Chincholi taluka. Indeed, it is nectar trickling river. It passes through the villages of Kallur Gargapalli, Bhaktampalli, Sangam(K), Ganganpalli, Ganapur etc. in and around the said Chettinad Cements Ltd. Its water is utilized for irrigation of Agriculture, Horticulture and other purposes like drinking etc, by more than 20,000 people. It is the only source of water for them. The river is situated at about 1 KM south from the said Chettinad Cements Ltd. It is also worth to note that the said Chettinad Cements Ltd. , also extracts water for its production, construction and for daily uses from this river.

No water is drawn from the Mullameri river. Water required for existing plant is 900 m3/day and same is sourced from Ground water source within the existing premises. Permission from CGWA has been obtained for 900 m3/day. In fact, company made adequate rainwater harvesting arrangement infrastructure in the existing plant to improve the ground water table. For the proposed expansion, water required will be sourced from Ground water & Mullameri river. Water from Mullameri river/Groundwater will be extracted only after taking necessary approval from concerned departments

2b) However, due to the waste oil and effluents poured out by the said Chettinad Cements, the entire ecology of the said river is jeopardized. Entire water is being polluted, which is increasing day by day in exponential manner. Because of which entire Wildlife is on the edge of extinction. The human life is prone to various diseases. Also, entire agriculture and the irrigation is at high risk. The scarcity of water is felt by one and all. The farming is endangered.

No effluent, either industrial or domestic effluent, is discharged from the premises. All effluents are treated and reused within the plant. for greenbelt development, dust suppression and ash conditioning. Zero Discharge System is being followed in existing plant and same will be implemented in the expansion project also. Hence , there will not be any significant impact on agriculture, health, flora and fauna as no waste water is discharged from the premises.

3a) It is worth to note that to meet its day to day water requirements said Chettinad Cements Ltd has obtained permission for digging 8 bore wells from the senior Geologist, Ground Water Department and Zilla Panchayat Gulbarga. As per the provisions of the Environmental protection Act-1986, R/W. The Environmental impact assessment Rules, the water to be extracted from the bore well or from the underground water source, is limited to 900 m3/day.

The CGWA approval has been obtained for drawl of 900 m3 of ground water per day and based on the approval 9 borewells have been put.

S.No Written Representation Submitted by

Content of Representation Chettinad Cement Response

1 (contd)

3b) However, the said Chettinad Cements company has dug more than 200-300 bore-wells, which is so offensive extracting around 3000-4000 m3/day. It is causing irreversible damage to the ecology of the Chincholi Wildlife Sanctuary & Reserve Forest in gross violation of the provisions of Water Protection Act-1974 and the Environmental impact assessment Rules. It is clear cut case of looting the natural resources, to meet their dubious ends. They have not incorporated the water meters and do not note down the water used. Hence, you are requested to conduct spot inspection in this regard and assess the environmental impact of the same, around 20-30 villages and around 20,000 population is deprived of the right to use the underground water. The said Chettinad Cements Ltd., has no checks and balances and is a free bird to loot the natural resources. Your goodself is requested to take harsh measures to check the same.

The maximum water requirement per day for the existing plant is only 900 m3.There is no need of 3000 or 4000 m3 of water per day as alleged by the complainant. Water readings from the water flow meters provided are used to arrive at water consumption details and the same are submitted to KSPCB in the form of water –cess returns every month. Only 9 borewells have been put based on the approval from CGWA.

S.No Written Representation Submitted by

Content of Representation Chettinad Cement Response

1 (contd)

4a) The emission of the Cements Limited is also very dangerous, which needs serious attention. Its power plant and cement production unit are the main contributors. The coal mill , captive power plant emit the poisonous gases like SO2, NO2 & CO2 apart from pyrites and fluoride the ash and the waste heat emitted from the boiler, contributes too increase of the environmental temperature, causing ecological imbalance. This is causing health hazards. The population in and around the said Chettinad Cements Ltd., is suffering from TB, asthma, cancer, bronchitis etc. Many of the causes are Reported in District General Hospital at Gulbarga. The matter was discussed in Lok Adalat held on 03-09-2013 at Gulbarga, in which the District Health & Family Welfare officer has expressed his opinion and made all present, aware of the situation. The high calorific hazardous waste and the mercury (Hg) cause fatal breathing problems, infertility, TB, Thyroid.

For the existing production facility, the company has provided the latest and modern Air Pollution Control Measures like ESP, Bag Filters etc., and the concentration of air parameters are within the norms prescribed by MoEF/CPCB/KSPCB. As no waste water is getting discharged from the plant & mine, there is no water pollution. All the wastes generated are handled and disposed as stipulated by the regulatory authorities. The Noise Level is also within the stipulated norms. There will not be any significant increase in the ambient temperature due to boiler operation as effective insulation is provided to ensure efficient operation of the boiler. Environmental Monitoring Report of the Plant and Mine have been included in Final EIA Report (Annexure 13.) , where it can be seen that all the parameters are within the norms prescribed. No high calorific hazardous waste is used. Only on getting the permission from CPCB and KSPCB, the hazardous wastes will be used. Hence, there will be not be any significant impact on environment or health. For the proposed expansion also, all the pollution control measures and the practices will be extended.

S.No Written Representation Submitted by

Content of Representation Chettinad Cement Response

1 (contd)

4b) The agriculture is the most affected one of it all. The ash and the emission is affecting the crops and standing trees. They are prone to poisonous gases like SO2, NO2 & CO2, PM10 SPM etc. The oozing of mercury (Hg) into the environment is causing high damages to the standing crops and trees and other flora and wildlife Sanctuary’s Reserve Forest. The most affected one is the Horticulture.

For the existing production facility, the company has provided the latest and modern Air Pollution Control Measures like ESP, Bag Filters etc., and the concentration of air parameters are within the norms prescribed by MoEF/CPCB/KSPCB. As no waste water is getting discharged from the plant & mine, there is no water pollution. All the wastes generated are handled and disposed as stipulated by the regulatory authorities. The Noise Level is also within the stipulated norms.

Environmental Monitoring Report of the plant and mine were enclosed in Final EIA Report ( Annexure 13 where it can be seen that all the parameters are within the norms prescribed.

Hence, there will be not be any significant impact on agricultural activity.

There is no emission of Hg from Cement Process or from Power generation.

S.No Written Representation Submitted by

Content of Representation Chettinad Cement Response

1 (contd)

4c) It is brought to your notice that in addition to the already existing Chettinad Cements the Vikatsagar Cements Limited is also in operation in the same area at about 2 KM. Apart from these two Cements companies 4 other Cement companies by names Penna Cements, CCI Cements, Coromandal Cements, Visakha Cements are also working in its nearby vicinity in Andhra Pradesh State, which are situated within perimeter of about 10 KM. The combined effect all the 6 is much indulging in all illegal activities detrimental to National interest and in gross violation of the provisions of air pollution control Act-1981 and the environmental protection Act-1986.

The cumulative impact of existing industries and proposed new industries within 10 km and the proposed expansion of Chettinad Cement has been assessed and provided in the Final EIA Report (Page No.4.9 of Chapter 4) , which shows that cumulative impact of all the industries put together is within the allowed norms and there will not be any significant impact on surrounding environment.

4d) It is brought to your kind notice that the solid waste (Non-hazardous) like the waste limestone is being dumped in the nearby vicinity of the Cement Factory to be specific in the Government Pastures (Gomala). This is causing hindrance for grazing the bovine and milking animals. Almost no space is left by now, for grazing the cows, buffaloes, sheep etc, in gross violation of Sec.97 of the Karnataka Land Revenue Act. The dairy industry and the farmers are depending on such evocation are prone to great risk rather their employment has been snatched. This is in gross violation of the environmental impact assessment Rules.

There is no waste limestone generated from mining operations. The Fly Ash generated is reused in the cement manufacturing. The Bottom Ash generated is used for various purposes inside the plant premises. Please refer Page 10.23 of Chapter 10 in Final EIA Report for the details of Ash Generation and its Utilization Plan. There will not be any impact on cattle as claimed as the solid wastes generated are used in the plant itself or disposed off as per guidelines stipulated by the authorities.

S.No Written Representation Submitted by

Content of Representation Chettinad Cement Response

1 (contd) 5a) The said Chettinad Cement Corporation Limited is taking up extensive quarrying with the help of modern technology and the equipments, using high capacity dynamites. Because of which the unbearable noise of 140 DBA (Decibel) is created in the atmosphere. This is a very big noise, causing air pollution, exceeding the permitted limits of 75 to 85 DBA. The impact of explosion of the high capacity dynamites, is felt up to 20 KM around it. The ground vibration is damaging the residential houses of poor farmer. In fact, many of the houses have fallen down due to acute vibration. The company cares least about it and has taken no measures to control it. The ecology has lost its balance and the human and animal habitat is unable to bear it. It is causing great trouble in day to day life. It is again brought to your kind notice that this is in fact happening in the area of Chincholi Wildlife Sanctuary and Reserve Forest Area.

The blasting procedure followed is in line the guidelines of Directorate of Mines Safety. The noise levels are being monitored by recognized agency regularly during the day time and night time. The results of ambient noise levels for the past six months are shown Environmental Monitoring Report attached in Final EIA Report ( Annexure – 13) which clearly shows that the noise levels are below the allowed norm. Blasting Procedure followed for Mining

• Blast holes are fired with Electric detonators & Detonation Fuse adopting Trunk Line Detonation system .

• This system allows only one hole i.e. 80 kg, a fraction of the total explosives to blast at a point of time which minimizes boulder generation, frequent toe occurrence, fly rock generation

• As per the numerical estimation done with 400 kg charge per delay, the peak particle velocity calculated at a distance of 500m is only 4.5 mm/sec, which is within the permissible limits prescribed by DGMS as 10 mm/sec

• Water spray is provided for the control of air emissions during blasting.

5b) The company is run round the clock and its machineries spill out very big noise, causing annoyance to the Wildlife of Chincholi Wildlife Sanctuary.

S.No Written Representation Submitted by

Content of Representation Chettinad Cement Response

1 (contd)

6a) The heavy machinery vehicles and goods vehicles meant for transportation of raw material and finished product are numbering about 600 to 800 per day. The Rural villages roads are designed for movement of 15-20 Ton vehicles. They are laid under Pradhkanmantri Gram Sadak Yojana (PMGSY), PWD and Zilla Panchayat. But the said Chettinad cements Ltd, weigh about 80 to 100 tons. Their movement has damaged all the rural roads, causing loss of about 100 to 150 Crores to Government Exchequer. The photo & video of the road are annexed.

The average number of trucks coming to the

plant are 150 and not 600 or 800 as claimed.

Only 20 -40 ton capacity trucks are being used

for transporting materials and not 80 to 100 ton


Even before the establishment of the first unit of

Chettinad Cement at Sangem (K) & Kallur

villages, the road conditions were very bad.

In 2010-2011, even our light vehicles coming from

Chincholi to plant, were taking one hour for a

distance of 12 kms and from Karnataka Border

(Miryan) to our plant it was taking one hour for a

distance of 10 kms.

Now in 2012-13, there is a considerable

improvement in the road condition. As far as the

nearby National Highways are concerned, the

laying of road work by National Highway

Authority of India (NHAI) is under progress.

As a part of CSR activities, the company has taken up repairing of roads in the nearby villages. PUC certificates are available for the trucks engaged by Chettinad Cement. Without RTO registration, no truck will be allowed inside the the premises.

6b) The damage to roads has hindered the vehicle movements of private persons and the State Road Transport Corporation Buses. The rural transport system is in doldrums. Emission testing of the vehicles meant for said Chettinad cements is not performed. About 200 to 300 of such vehicles are not registered with RTO, in gross violation of traffic rules.

S.No Written Representation Submitted by

Content of Representation Chettinad Cement Response

1 (contd)

6c) In particular, it is humbly submitted that a railway line is being laid by the said Chettinad Cements Limited., between Ganapur and its Unit site. It is being done, without conducting the survey. The natural flow of water is being blocked, as the railway line being laid without constructing the under bridges. Aqua ducts and other structures at appropriate places. Also, the approached roads to the villages of Ganapur, Kallur, Garagpali, Bhaktampalli, Nidagunda, Buragpalli have been blocked, creating many transport problems to the villagers. All the laws relating to the Indian motor vehicle Act have been thrown to wind. The specified unloaded, loaded and laden weights are no importance for the said Chettinad company. None of the Authorities of RTO or the concerned Police are controlling it. Rather, they are hand in gloves with the said Chettinad Cement Company.

The proposed railway line will start at CCI Tandur Take Off Point and cross through the villages viz., Gunthabaspalli, Mittabasupalli, Malkapur and Sangem Muktha to reach Chettinad Cement Plant and not as mentioned by complainant. In-principal Clearance for the proposed railway line has been obtained. As the laying of railway line will be carried out as per the approved plan by Railway Department with regular inspection by Railway Authorities, there will not be any hindrance to the public on account of laying of railway line and no water flow will be blocked.

7b) It is in gross violation of Sarojini Mahishi Report of Karnataka State, which recommends the jobs of 85% in any Industrial unit to the localities.

The total employee strength is 311. Out of this, 250 employees are from local, which is around 80 %.

7c) The company has no regards for SC/ST community. None of such eligible candidates are employed by it.

If local youth is having required qualification /skills/ experience for a particular vacancy in the plant or mine, then preference will be given to that local for the job.

8a) The company has utterly failed in keeping its promises, made in the Public Meeting convened on 30.12.2009. All its promises of overall development of the area, and about reserving the special funds for it, have gone to dust bin.

Towards CSR Rs 1.5 crores per annum has been allocated and the details of actual expenditure and the purpose for which the expenditure is made are submitted regularly to the District Collector. The details of CSR Activities carried out so far have also been presented during the public hearing.

S.No Written Representation Submitted by

Content of Representation Chettinad Cement Response

1 (contd)

8b) It is pertinent to note that, one of the conditions of the Environmental Clearance Certificate issued by State as well as Central Pollution Boards, is that the 5% of total scheme budget should be utilized for Corporate Social Responsibilities. It is a mandatory provision, but the said Chettinad Cements has utterly failed to implement it.

Towards CSR Rs 1.5 crores per annum has been allocated and the details of actual expenditure and the purpose for which the expenditure is made are submitted regularly to the District Collector. The details of CSR Activities carried out so far have also been presented during the public hearing.

8c) The said Chettinad Cement Corporation Limited ,thus has least concern for the Corporate Social Responsibility, Environmental impact Assessment and the Environmental Management Plan. Not a single Gram Sabha / Ward Sabha were conducted and parlors held with the localities and the elected representatives. Neither the roads nor potable water supply, nor the health care centers nor the Wildlife Protection Centers nor the schemes and programmes for development of the forest & Ecology have been established by the said Chettinad Cements ltd, in fact, all these schemes have been planned for next 30 years, which is a prolonged period, having no use for the locality.

Towards CSR Rs 1.5 crores per annum has been allocated and the details of actual expenditure and the purpose for which the expenditure is made are submitted regularly to the District Collector. The details of CSR Activities carried out so far have also been presented during the public hearing. Under three heads viz., Health, Education & Infrastructure, various welfare measures like road laying, free medical camps, drinking water supply , providing toilet facilities etc., are being carried out.

9) The said Chettinad Cement Corporation Limited , is mining the sand from the Mullameri River bed and from other Government lands, without getting proper permission from PWD and the department of Mines & Minerals. The sand is being mined and transported to its unit for constructing roads and buildings. This illegal mining has created scarcity of sand for general public, apart from ecological imbalance in the area. The river bed of the Mullameri is completely damaged, paving way for unwanted plant growth, thus polluting the water.

The sand required for the construction of building & road laying purpose are always organized by the contractor from authorized sources.

S.No Written Representation Submitted by

Content of Representation Chettinad Cement Response

1 (contd)

10) The said Chettinad Cement Corporation Limited , is miser in paying the taxes and royalty to Government and Local Bodies for the mined sand. It is requested to stop the illegal mining of sand by it immediately and take proper action for recovery of the arrears.

No sand is mined by Chettinad cement . as The sand required for the construction of building & road laying purpose are always organized by the contractor from authorized sources.

11) The said Chettinad Cement Corporation Limited, have directly purchased Patta lands from the farmers, without initiating proper acquisition proceedings. And while doing so, they have illegally encroached many for Government lands, roads, pathways, cart ways and river lets etc. Hence you are requested to conduct proper enquiry in the matter and the DC Gulbarga may be asked to takes steps to take back such Government lands and give them the harsh punishment.

Land acquired by Chettinad Cement, have been procured from the land owners with mutual consent. There is no encroachment involved. Land documents are attached as Annexure 10 in the Final EIA Report.

12) Hence, the Zilla Panchayat Gulbarga in its 5th General Body Meeting, has discussed in length about all the above mentioned problems visa-vis the M/s. Chettinad Cements Ltd. and have unanimously resolved to take disciplinary action against it. The ZP has lost about Rs. 150 Crores towards its damaged roads and another Rs. 50 Crores towards its encroachments of lands. Also it has resolved to unanimously to utilize 10 MW power from its 30 MW power plant. The copy of the Resolution is annexed.

The copy of the enclosed resolution contain no such points highlighted by this petitioner.

S.No Written Representation Submitted by

Content of Representation Chettinad Cement Response

1 (contd)

13) It is humbly but with heavy heart, submitted that DC Gulbarga, AC Sedam, Pollution Control Board Gulbarga have failed in their duties to check the illegal activities of said Chettinad Cements Ltd, even after a hosts of complaints against it. The copy of the complaint lodged by me to DC Gulbarga is annexed herewith. It has been also discussed in length, in the Lok Adalat held on 03.08.2013, in presence of Hon’ble Justice Sri. Mohandas & Hon’ble Justice Sri. N.A. Yallappa Reddy. The Honb’e Judges have expressed their concern and reprimanded the Pollution Control Board Gulbarga to do its job sincerely, otherwise shut down the office. The copy of the Lok Adalat proceedings is annexed herewith. All the laws and Acts quoted in the reference have been conveniently floated to suit their purpose.

Not applicable

14) Hence, it is hereby called upon that DC Gulbarga and KSPCB should take proper measures to recover the arrears from the said Chettinad Cements Ltd and remit it to Govt. Exchequer. The proper enquiry be held in the matter and the said Chettinad Cements Limited be taken to task. The environment is to be protected from the crooks, who are looting natural resources at their whims and fancies. Don’t be party to it. You are humbly requested to take proper action in the national interest. The development should not be at the cost of environment rather, it should be eco-friendly. It is proper at this stage to temporarily revoke the Clearance issued to the said Chettinad Cements Ltd.

There is no truth in the allegations made.

15) If you fail in your duties, the Youth Congress Committee, Chincholi will start agitation and for the consequences of which you shall be directly responsible. Also we will resort to other legal and democratic actions.


S.No Written Representation Submitted by

Content of Representation Chettinad Cement Response

2a Mr . Moinuddin Munsabdar

As per mentioned above subject public hearing has to be held by hearing public’s views and further formalities have to be done in presences of Deputy Commissioner and other higher officers ,but unfortunately the public hearing was held under many problems like rowdism, by creating a fear in people and not giving opportunity to talk.If we talk in favors of company they clap or if we talk against the company they use to pull out from the crowd etc. By this kind of behavior many social workers were made ashamed in front of public, Deputy Commissioner and higher officer, but they did not object this kind of misbehavior. Under this kind of circumstance they did not give any opportunity to share views.Regarding this matter police complaint has been registered and also requested Deputy Commissioner to take actions against this and published even in news paper. Still company had not provided jobs to land losers and surrounding village-unemployed youngsters but they are giving opportunities to other state people. Cultivation land surrounding the company area, due to dust produced by it, are not giving good yield,Because of this farmers are facing problem and they are fighting for their rights still they have not got any solution from company. Water utilized in company are discarded near mullamari river which is polluting our fresh water source which is used for drinking and agriculture purpose surrounding villages are dependent on this fresh water for many house hold activity.

Everyone was given an opportunity to express his view by the Deputy Commissioner and the Environmental Engineer. The video recording of the proceedings clearly establishes the same. 65 % of land-loosers have been given employment in the company.The percentage of local people employed by Chettinad Cement stands at 80 %. No discharge of any waste water from the premises of the company and Zero Discharge Concept being followed.

S.No Written Representation Submitted by

Content of Representation Chettinad Cement Response

2a (contd)

Agreement held between government and company as per (MOU) according to this many facilities has to be provided.

During commissioning period Mr Ali S/o Babumiya Sakin who was working in company has got injured and he has recovered, when that accident happened company did not register a police complaint at that time they promised to give a permanent job to him but still they have not provided a job.

Towards CSR Rs 1.5 crores per annum has been allocated

and the details of actual expenditure and the purpose for

which the expenditure is made are submitted regularly to

the District Collector. The details of CSR Activities carried

out so far have also been presented during the public

hearing.CSR Activities are being carried out in

consultation with District Administration.

He was working under a sub-contract laborer. Due to his misbehavior with the company official he will not be considered for any job in Chettinad Cement. All applicable compensation being ensured , in case of any accident within the premises.

S.No Written Representation Submitted by

Content of Representation Chettinad Cement Response

2a (contd)

Karnataka State Pollution Control Board is not taking care of environmental issues. Only it is in report, but actually they are not following .For example as per EIA Notification, if any Cement Plant is constructed, they have to conduct a Environmental Meeting. According to rules and regulations, it has to be conducted once in every two years once. But they have conducted in 2006 only. Till now seven years has been completed. Still they have not conducted any kind of Environmental Issue meetings. Even though regarding this issues, KSPCB has not taking any corrective action, against this I will not say anything further, but it has to be understood by KSPCB. Because the present situation is very critical the present public hearing which was held on 9/10/2013 should be withheld and it should be done once again.

2b Sri.Md. Mainuddin


Karnataka Pradesh Janata

Dal (S)

Sr. Vice President Labour Committee

1) The company has purchased lands from farmers

through agents and they are not local peoples , JPA

.They have taken below market rate. They have also

given false information and broke the rules of Govt.

of Revenue Department.

All the lands have been procured after mutual consent of the land owner and the company.

2) As per Govt. of Karnataka Industrial Act- 2009-14,

farmers will be benefitted financially and socially,

but they broke the industrial act.

All the lands have been procured based on the mutual consent of the land owner and the company. 65 % of land-loosers have been given employment in the company. As a part of CSR activities, Chettinad Cement will provide the infrastructure facilities and amenities to the nearby villages in consultation with District Administration.

S.No Written Representation Submitted by

Content of Representation Chettinad Cement Response

2b (contd)

3) As per industrial rules, they have to include farmers as a

partner in the company and also they have to give the

shares. But they have not followed.

65 % of land-loosers have been given employment in the company.

4) The Central Government . Revenue Act, 2007,

S.No.97.98, land acquisition & rehabilitation.

No rehabilitation is involved as the proposal is for a brown filed project in the existing premises.

5) The MoU is to be made between industries and

government and land givers for employment to local

educated peoples. But they have not done.

The total employee strength is 311. Out of this , 250 employees are from local, which is around 80 %.

6) The surrounding crops are getting damaged because of

dust coming from industries as they have not followed

the environmental rules. Even the farmers doing strike,

there is no response from the industries.

For the existing production facility, the company has provided the latest and modern Air Pollution Control Measures like ESP, Bag Filters etc., and the concentration of air parameters are within the norms prescribed by MoEF/CPCB/KSPCB. As no waste water is getting discharged from the plant & mine, there is no water pollution. All the wastes generated are handled and disposed as stipulated by the regulatory authorities. The Noise Level is also within the stipulated norms. Environmental Monitoring Report of the plant and mine were enclosed in Final EIA Report (Annexure 13), where it can be seen that all the parameters are within the norms prescribed. Hence, there will be not be any significant impact on environment.

S.No Written Representation Submitted by

Content of Representation Chettinad Cement Response

2b (contd)

Regarding Environment

1) We will get the true information if the Government

takes up a study the environment. Otherwise, there is

no effect for public.

Monitoring of Environmental Performance and compliance with the conditions stipulated by MoEF/KSPCB are aleady being carried out by Regional Office of MoEF,Bangalore and KSPCB, which are government bodies.

2) Before the meeting, you have to intimate the public for

conducting the environmental meeting and display your

activities, but you didn’t do so.

As per EIA notification, the notice for Public Hearing has been given in Samyuktha Karnataka (Kannada), Times of India (English)on 08.09.2013 and in Prajavani (Kannada) on 09.09.2013. Executive Summary in Kannada and English & EIA Report copy in soft and hard copies were made available at the offices mentioned in the above said advertisement.

3) You have to conduct the environmental meeting within

the 2 years after the EIA notification was done in 2006.

No such stipulation exists.

4) Chettinad Cement, India Cement, Vicat Sagar Cements

are within 6-kms only. CCI, Karankote, ICL Company,

Penna Cement also big companies. Because of these

industries, environmental will become high.

The cumulative impact of existing industries, proposed new industries within 10 km and the proposed expansion of Chettinad Cement has been assessed and provided in the Final EIA Report (Page No. 4.9 of Chapter 4), which shows that cumulative impact of all the industries put together is within the allowed norms and there will not be any significant impact on surrounding environment.

5) These industries are using basic natural resources and

creating the environmental pollution. The raw material

and the effluent are coming outside the premises and

polluting water & earth.

No effluent, either industrial or domestic effluent, or raw material is discharged from the premises . All effluents are treated and reused within the plant for greenbelt development, dust suppression and ash conditioning . Zero discharge is being maintained in existing plant and same will be implemented in the expansion project also.

S.No Written Representation Submitted by

Content of Representation Chettinad Cement Response

2b (contd)

6) The cement industries are producing and selling

cement only not clinker, but they are producing clinker

more than cement, it will not cover for tax to

Government. If you sale the cement, tax will go to

Government, then workers will be benefitted for get

higher bonus.

Clearance available for Cement the finished product and Clinker, an intermediate product. Clinker production will always be lower than Cement production. If Clinker is sold all applicable taxes will be paid.

7) If we apply for environmental meeting it will be

conducted within 45 days, but industries applied on 06-

02-2013, the meeting is conducted after 245 days and

they breaks the law.

The delay in conducting public consultation is due to model code of conduct in force on account of announcement of legislative assembly election.

8) These industries are not following rules and


Chettinad Cement is not violating the rules and regulations.

9) These industries are nearby Kunchavaram forest area,

in the EIA, it is not mentioned; please observe it as a

false statement

The distance of Kunchavaram Village is about 20 km

from the Plant and 18 km from the Mine in the

direction of North East. In EIA Report the study area

considered is 10km from the project site. Hence,

Kunchavaram will not have any mentioning in the

EIA Report.

10) According to Indian Constitution Act-21, every Indian

has to live healthy & wealthy.


11) In the industries, those who are land looser family will

get a job and local peoples are also will get a permanent


65% of land-loosers have been given employment

in the company and the local people employed at

Kallur Works constitute 80 %.

Any remaining land-looser / local person having required qualification / skills / experience for a particular vacancy, then first preference will be given to the land-looser / local person for the job in the same order.

S.No Written Representation Submitted by

Content of Representation Chettinad Cement Response

2b (contd)

12) Government and industries jointly have to do the welfare

activities within the surrounding 10 kms. Road &

Drainage, Water Supply, School& College and Hospital

are to be provided for improvement.

As a part of CSR Activities, various welfare measures covering Health, Education and Infrastructure are being provided to the nearby villages in consultation with District Administration.

13) Mr.Mahaboob Ali S/o, Babumiya Garagapally village

met with accident during construction time. He was

admitted and expenditure incurred. The management

till now not given job as told.

Mr. Mahboob was working under a sub-contract laborer. Due to his misbehavior with the company official he will not be considered for any job in Chettinad Cement. All applicable compensation being ensured , in case of any accident within the premises.

14) M/s.Chettinad Cement Corporation Limited and related

to Governemnt office in Gulbarga,Mr.Basavaraj

S/o,Zaranappa Kerali Sulephate through Criminal was

register.PCC/ /2012 in lokayuktha.


15) Govt. of Karnataka is establishing Aero strip at Gulbarga,

it will process immediately.


16) According to Government rules, financial support and

improvement have to be ensured and more jobs are to

be created. 80% jobs should be given to locals only. C &

D Group has given 100% employment to local only.

The total employee strength is 311. Out of this , 250 employees are from local, which is around 80 %.

17) According to Supreme Court order in industries 50% of

the jute bags have to be used. If Plastics / Polythene bags

are used in Cement industries, it creates a environment


The nature of our finished product viz., Cement does permit use of jute bags for packing.

S.No Written Representation Submitted by

Content of Representation Chettinad Cement Response

3 Ashok Kumar S/o Ngendrappa S Gilavant R/o Malkhed Sedam Taluk Gulbarga District

Above mentioned subject and with reference in Chincholi Taluka M/s.Chettinad Cement Corporation Limited has illegally established Cement Company and various buildings at Sangam K village area (330A-03G) and at Kallur Road village (975A-39G) in agriculture land without converting to non agriculture land, not taken technical permission from Town Planning office and not taken permission from concerned panchyat offices of their Colony and the Cement Plant and Power Plant buildings, machineries from Miriyan and Anavar Gram Panchayat office, from 2009-10 till date.

As per Reference No. 1 the Deputy commissioner Gulbarga issued order has approved on 5.01.2012, Sangam K village land( 330A.03G ) and Kallur Road (975A.39G) totally 1306A.02G have been converted to Non Agricultural land. But concerned officers have not done spot inspections and detail scrutiny of documents.The company has given illegal amount to concerned officers. The officers have not done their duty correctly. The company has built the buildings and established the Cement Plant, Power Plant without converting Agricultural land to Non Agricultural land. By this company violated the Karnataka land Act 1964 Sec 95.

As per Reference No.3 and 4 the Panchayat Development Officer Miriyan and Anwar have issued the Notice on 16.09.2011 and 18.06.2011 to the General Manager Chettinad Cement Corporation Limited,Kallur about the illegal activities of factory and to stop the work. But they have violated Karnataka Panchayat Raj Act 1993 as per Sec 64 construction of permission and as per Sec66 erection of machineries should take the permission by the concern Gram Panchayat. In this matter concern Panchayat development officer are not done their duties. They should take this issue to higher officers but they have failed in the matter, they mingled with company .

Land conversion already completed. Permission from Pancahyats and Town Planning also available.

Contrary statements made by the complainant.

Panchayat a approvals available.

S.No Written Representation Submitted by

Content of Representation Chettinad Cement Response

3 (contd)

As per the reference No.2 the company have taken NA order of 975A.39G of Kallur Road village land for their mining purpose vide the approval letter on 7.4.2012. But the company have started the work before one year back.

The town planning officers and staff mingled with company.Without doing spot inspection, the technical approval was given. In this matter the company have violated the Town Planning (Rural) Act 1961 and Rules.So, the company has violated the 1. Karnataka Land revenue Act - 1964 Sec 95 2., Karnataka Town planning (rural) Act 1961 3. Karnataka Panchayat Act 1993 Sec 64 to 66.So that Company made illegal buildings. Cement Plant and Power plant should be demolished and all the lands are to be taken in Government custody and in this matter the mingled concerned officers should be punished and dismissed from the services. Lastly the expansion of the plant should not be permitted.

Mining activity commenced after obtaining Environmental Clearance from MoEF, Consent for Operation from KSPCB, Approved Mining Plan from IBM and Grant of Mining Lease by State Government of Karnataka. This Town Planning permission was taken for construction of buildings on the Mine Lease Area.

Permission from Pancahyats and Town Planning also available

S.No Written Representation Submitted by

Content of Representation Chettinad Cement Response

4 Gopal.R.Paladi

Plot No.21, GDA Layout

Phase-3,Cotton Market



Chettinad Cement Corporation Limited is constructing Cement

factory in Chincholi Taluk, Kallur village ( Sy.No.37/1, 3-acres &

30 gunta and 5-acres & Son-in-law Mr.T.Madhu, Sy.No.34/1, 5-

acres & 14 gunta). Nearer to company compound wall, due to

environmental pollution our crops are getting damaged and

public also affected with some diseases.

For the existing production faclility, the

company has provided the latest and modern

Air Pollution Control Measures like ESP, Bag

Filters etc., and the concentration of air

parameters are within the norms prescribed

by MoEF/CPCB/KSPCB. As no waste water

is getting discharged from the plant & mine,

there is no water pollution. All the wastes

generated are handled and disposed as

stipulated by the regulatory authorities. The

Noise Level is also within the stipulated


Environmental Monitoring Report of the

plant and mine were enclosed in Final EIA

Report, (Annexure 13) where it can be seen

that all the parameters are within the norms


Hence, there will be not be any significant impact on environment or health.

We are loosing everything, if company will give better prices,

we are ready to give a land, otherwise we are going for legal

proceedings. Chettinad Cement management committee has

to come for discussions.We are ready. We are enclosing pahani

copy and Prajavani public hearing notice also for your

reference .For this reason, we are requesting for justice.

Now there is no need of any additional land for the Plant or Mine. If additional requirement of land is coming up in future, the request of this representative will be considered.

S.No Written Representation Submitted by

Content of Representation Chettinad Cement Response

5 President, Gram

Panchayat Annavar

1. Chettinad Cement Corporation Limited has decided to

expand the present plant.Due to this environment is getting

polluted. It is not obeying any government rules, for

example- under Annavar Gram Panchayat some 331 acres of

land will come.This should be registered under non

agricultural land. Till now they have not yet registered and

cheated to Panchayat and breaking government rules and

they also started their production.

Land conversion already completed

2. The surrounding villages should not get polluted and

environment should not be harmed and they should take

some developmental measures. But till now, in our village

there is no development and no facilities given to villagers by


For the existing production faclility, the

company has provided the latest and modern

Air Pollution Control Measures like ESP, Bag

Filters etc., and the concentration of air

parameters are within the norms prescribed

by MoEF/CPCB/KSPCB. As no waste water

is getting discharged from the plant & mine,

there is no water pollution. All the wastes

generated are handled and disposed as

stipulated by the regulatory authorities. The

Noise Level is also within the stipulated


Environmental Monitoring Report of the

plant and mine were enclosed in Final EIA

Report, (Annexure – 13) where it can be seen

that all the parameters are within the norms


Hence, there will be not be any significant impact on environment

S.No Written Representation Submitted by

Content of Representation Chettinad Cement Response

5 (contd)

Towards CSR Rs 1.5 crores per annum has been allocated and the details of actual expenditure and the purpose for which the expenditure is made are submitted regularly to the District Collector. The details of CSR Activities carried out so far have also been presented during the public hearing.CSR activities are being carried out under in consultation with District Administration

3. As per government norms job should be given to

unemployed, but the HRD is not doing so.

The percentage of local people employed by Chettinad Cement stands at 80 %.

4. When company was constructed job should be given to a

single person to the land loser.

65% of land-loosers have been given

employment in the company .Any remaining

land-looser / local person having required

qualification / skills / experience for a

particular vacancy, then first preference will

be given to the land-looser / local person for

the job in the same order.

5. In company 125 employees are at top level in those only 10

employees are from Karnataka, by this our educated

Karnataka people are being cheated.

Based on the qualification / skills / experience, the hierarchial position will be decided.

6. In company there are 12 sub divisions like electrician, packing

plant for this the contract has been given to other state

person by this the local persons are loosing

For contract jobs, local contractors are given preference. Only when the required expertise is not available in the local area, the option of taking the services from other places will be considered.

7. The land losers life has been ruined after losing their land. 65% of land-loosers have been given employment in the company

S.No Written Representation Submitted by

Content of Representation Chettinad Cement Response

5 (contd)

8. By travelling of heavy vehicles the road is getting spoiled and

by this the people are facing lot of problem.Under the Gram

Panchayat of the surrounding villages are facing lot of


Even before the establishment of the first unit

of Chettinad Cement at Sangem (K) & Kallur

villages, the road conditions were very bad.

In 2010-2011, even our light vehicles coming

from Chincholi to plant, were taking one hour

for a distance of 12 kms and from Karnataka

Border (Miryan) to our plant it was taking one

hour for a distance of 10 kms.

Now in 2012-13, there is a considerable

improvement in the road condition. As far as

the nearby National Highways are concerned,

the laying of road work by National Highway

Authority of India (NHAI) is under progress.

As a part of CSR activities, the company has taken up repairing of roads in the nearby villages.

9. Many company have been constructed in and surrounding

Chincholi Taluka , due to this the farmers are facing lot of

problems and the agricultural land has also been spoiled.

The cumulative impact of the existing and proposed industries on the Environment is within the permissible limits. Kindly the page 4.9 of Chapter 4 in the Final EIA Report may be referred

10. The other state labors are been given Rs 400 wages and the

local people are been given Rs 150-200 wages. This is how

local people have been done injustice.

The payment is being made as per rules and regulations

S.No Written Representation Submitted by

Content of Representation Chettinad Cement Response

5 (contd)

So, till now the environment has been polluted. Due to this the

people and animals are facing lot of problems. If you give

permission for line-II there would lot of environmental

damages. It is hard to lead pleasant and healthy life.

As mentioned in all the above points, the following in Annavar

Gram Panchyat have taken a common meeting and came to this


1. Bhaktampally Gram.

2. Annavar Gram.

3. Bedakpally Gram.

4. Ramtheerth Gram.

5. Indra paad Hosalli.

6. Pardar Morakpally Gram.

Taking the view of all the above villages, we came to a decision

on 26/08/2013 that we are against the expansion of the present


If in case you won’t fulfill or go against us, we have to take help

of court.

For the existing production faclility, the

company has provided the latest and modern

Air Pollution Control Measures like ESP, Bag

Filters etc., and the concentration of air

parameters are within the norms prescribed

by MoEF/CPCB/KSPCB. As no waste water

is getting discharged from the plant & mine,

there is no water pollution. All the wastes

generated are handled and disposed as

stipulated by the regulatory authorities. The

Noise Level is also within the stipulated


Environmental Monitoring Report of the

plant and mine were enclosed in Final EIA

Report, (Annexure) where it can be seen that

all the parameters are within the norms


Hence, there will be not be any significant impact on environment or health.

S.No Written Representation Submitted by

Content of Representation Chettinad Cement Response

6 Siddaling Reddy • Before construction of Industries which causes environmental pollution, the company should take permission by surrounding villages

All required clearances will be taken before commencing the establishment activities of proposed expansion.

• Public hearing which was going to be held in Chettinad Cements, the ads in news papers were given only two days before and publicity activities was given to company which is against the law

The advertisements regarding the venue, data and time of public consultation in newspapers were given 30 days before the scheduled date of public consultation.

• For all the meeting held by industries the PCB should be responsible and the total amount should be spent by them only.(Memorandum dated: July 19th,2006)


• Regarding public hearing, they have to inform to local officials like Taluk Panchayat , Township Parliament Chincholli and other related government officials. Circular has to be circulated 30days before so that public can give their ideas and opinions but they have not followed this rules and regulation

The advertisements regarding the venue, data and time of public consultation in newspapers were given 30 days before the scheduled date of public consultation.

• Regarding public hearing, the company activities have to be informed to surrounding villages by giving pamphlets , informing in loudspeakers and other publicities awareness activities but this rule has also not followed

The public consultation date and venue were informed to the nearby villagers by thandora also.

• As mentioned above steps have to be handled by regional officers because as many public as possible can give their ideas and opinions


S.No Written Representation Submitted by

Content of Representation Chettinad Cement Response

6 (contd)

• But regional officers have only given ads only for two days in news papers. Other responsibilities were given to company purposely. Company did not call local people, instead of that they kept there employees as local people. They have given money to some of the farmers and made them to speak in favor of company, which was heard by some of the people speaking there in public hearing, people those who where talking against the company where taken inside by rowdies and they were not allowed to talk.For example BJP political leader from Sedam while talking, they caught his shirt color and pulled outside from the place. All this was happened in front of DC and higher officers who were keeping quite.

The advertisements regarding the venue, data and time of public consultation in newspapers were given 30 days before the scheduled date of public consultation. All the opinions/views of the people, who were interested in expressing their point of view, were heard by the Deputy Commissioner irrespective of whether a particular person is interested in talking in favour of the project or against the project.

• As mentioned above, the problems were faced during public hearing held on 9/10/2013. It was not held according to rules and regulation and hence I request to you to do the public hearing once again. If you are not giving permission for another public hearing we have to go to the high court

The public consultation was conducted on 09.10.13, as stipulated in the EIA Notification 2006.

7 Ashok Kumar S Shelvant

Bus Stand colony,

Malkhed(R), Sedam Taluk,

Gulbarga District

As per law 330 acers and 3 gonta in Sangem (K), 975 acres and

39 gonta used without registration. The constructed structure

is to be removed.During the public hearing, we would write a

request letter on this. We have sent you a request letter on

5/1/2013. Non registered total land is 1306 acers and 2

gonta.This should be registered like this. Order is to be passed

by you. The past District Commissioner, Thaslidhar Assistant .

Commissioner, without any inspection, they have given

permission to company by taking the money from them. They

have not taken any steps or action against them. The company

have installed big machines and structures.As per Bho kanday

1964, Klam 95, their should not be any construction.Before

doing this, they should register the land.

Land conversion already completed.

S.No Written Representation Submitted by

Content of Representation Chettinad Cement Response

7 (contd)

The government without surveying, have given permission.

The Health, PWD, Agricultural, PCB,. Miryan Gram Panchayat,

Annavar and Gramantar Yojena Departments have been

involved with company.Without inspecting they have given


All clearances/approvals have been obtained following procedures and guidelines stipulated.

18/6/2013 and 16/6/2013 Annavar Panchayat and Miryan

Panchayat Development Officer have passed a notice and

requested against the company for not registering and even

after this they started constructing and installed equipments. But

no action was taken.

Panchayat approval obtained for Plant and Mines for construction of buildings/installation of machinery.

As per Karnataka Panchyat Raj Adyan 1993 ,Kalm 64

construction and as per kalm 66 installation of equipment

permission should be taken by Gram Panchayat. Company

started production of cement, clinker, electricity till now they

have not taken permission for the installation of equipment.

Panchayat approval obtained for Plant and Mines for construction of buildings. /installation of machinery.

The government officers are also involved with company, Since

from 3-4 years Zila Panchayat and Taluka Panchayat,Health

officer are coming. Even then, the company is crossing its limit.

The higher authority has not even see towards this side.


Not obeying the Government rules and regulations, they have

constructed and installed the equipment at Kallur Road 965

acres 39 gonta .This land is has been used for mining and

production from 7/12/2013, one year before expectation.But the

company is using land for production.

Mining activity commenced after obtaining Environmental Clearance from MoEF, Consent for Operation from KSPCB, Approved Mining Plan from IBM and Grant of Mining Lease by State Government of Karnataka. Town Planning permission was taken for construction of buildings in the Mine Lease Area.

S.No Written Representation Submitted by

Content of Representation Chettinad Cement Response

7 (contd)

The agricultural land has been used without registering. As per

Karnataka Panchayat Raj Adyan 1993, Kalm 64 , for the

construction and as per Kalm 66, for the installation of

equipment permission should be taken from Gram Panchayat.

Company started production of Cement, Clinker &

Electricity.Till now they have not taken permission for the

installation of equipment. On 9/10/2013, during the public

hearing, the company HRD General Manager Sri. Satish Kumar

was appreciated and was lifted by public and he was behaving as

if everything was good for him. It was the hearing related to

line-II and environment but it was looking like a fare of cows,

nobody was given chance to speak and at that time company

worker created a scary situation.If you were talking in favour of

company they would get applause of claps. If you talk against

company every one would make noise .

Panchayat approval obtained for Plant and Mines for construction of buildings. /installation of machinery.

The land, in which Chettinad Cement Corporation Limited,

have constructed and installed equipment under 1964, Klam 64

company should be returned. Till now, whatever land the

company have utilized , the amount should be given and the

officers,those who are involved in this, should be suspended..All

the activities of the company should be stopped and mining,

water resource, agricultural officer, etc should be investigated.

Panchayat approval obtained for Plant and Mines for construction of buildings. /installation of machinery.

top related