healthy habits

Post on 22-Dec-2015






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Healthy Habits

Health is often a manifestation of the habits that govern and individual's lifestyle. As such, healthy habits are important. The key, however, is keeping the bad habits at bay as well. Read on to know about it.

Why You Should Never Share Your MakeupYou should never share your makeup products because borrowing or lending cosmetics can cause diseases such as pink eye, and can even lead to skin infections like ringworm.

Did You Know?The FDA discourages sharing of makeup items as this habit

paves way for some nasty infections.Sharing makeup tips amongst each other can help you know beauty secrets for a flawless skin, but when it comes to sharing makeup products it is a strict no-no. Health experts are unanimous about the need to stop the habit of lending or borrowing makeup. Although the habit of sharing anything from games to food has been inculcated since childhood, it is of utmost importance that you purchase your own makeup products and avoid sharing them with anyone.

From a health standpoint, sharing makeup products can be risky. This bad habit can make you susceptible to a wide range of infections, the most common being pink eye. The frequent handling of cosmetic products makes it a potent source of bacterial growth and contamination. The bacteria residing on

these products can easily get transferred onto your skin while doing your makeup. So, borrowing a makeup brush or lipstick from your friend is like asking for skin infections. Also, if your friend is least bothered about cleaning her makeup kit, then there is no reason why you shouldn't get an infection from sharing her cosmetics.

Infections That You May Get from Sharing Makeup Products

Pink EyeSharing eye makeups such as eyeliner increases the risk of getting eye infections like conjunctivitis that causes reddening of the eye, thick white discharge, and swelling. You can also get a sty, a painful bacterial infection of the eyelash, from sharing mascara and eyeliner.

Oral HerpesIf you lend or borrow lipstick from your friend who is affected with oral herpes or cold sores, you may get these infections, that are marked by formation of blisters on the lips. Thus, any infection that occurs on the lips can easily get transmitted via lip pencil, lip gloss, and lipstick. Dermatologists warn that a small cut in the lip can pave way for infections via cosmetic products that are used by people infected with cold sores. Also, with the lips being extremely sensitive, you need to desist from sharing your cosmetics.

RingwormFoundation and blush that are often used to conceal skin flaws can actually cause skin infections like ringworm, if they are shared amongst each other. Ringworm is

a fungal infection of the skin that can be easily transferred through these makeup products.

AcneA makeup brush that is used often, acts as a breeding ground for bacteria. It is run over an oily face many times, which can spread bacteria. So, in case you decide to share makeup brush without cleaning it regularly, expect frequent breakouts of acne. In other words, it is believed that one may get acne from sharing makeup brushes if proper hygiene is not followed.

Scientific Evidence

A 2-year study was done to analyze the contamination of makeup items that are kept for testing at cosmetic counters in various departmental stores. The study, conducted under the guidance of Dr

Elizabeth Brooks, a biological sciences professor at Jefferson Medical College in Philadelphia, showed that all makeup products, including the moisturizer, were heavily colonized by strep, staph, and E. coli strains of bacteria. The presence of E. Coli bacteria indicated that scant attention is given to washing hands after using the toilet. All in all, the study pointed out that people are predisposed to infections through sharing cosmetic products. So, the next time, if you feel like trying a makeup product at the cosmetics counter that has already been used by a large number of people, think twice.

On the whole, borrowing each others' makeup can wreak havoc on your skin. To put it simply, our skin is unable to adapt to this habit of sharing makeup. Hence, it is best to keep the makeup to yourself as

far as its usage is concerned.

Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is solely for educating the reader. It is not intended to be a substitute for the advice of a medical expert.

Things You Should Not Do After EatingAll of us have certain habits -- some good, some bad, and we are so accustomed to them that they soon become an inevitable part of our lives. This Buzzle article points out some of these habits that should be avoided after eating.

Did You Know?Digestion begins even before we eat something, because when

we see, smell, or even think of some tasty food, the saliva begins to form in our mouth, which is the initial step in digestion.Habits form our lifestyle, and the lifestyle determines our living -- healthy or unhealthy. Habits are plenty in number, and they vary from one individual to another with respect to time and manner. While bad habits are bad at all times, some good ones may also become harmful in particular situations. The intention here is not to scare you about your habits, but to make you aware about certain things that never go well with certain situations. This brings us to our main point, i.e., what should not be done after eating. Our digestive system is strong enough to take in whatever we eat and digest it properly, absorbing all the essential nutrients, but at the same time, it is also pretty sensitive and cannot

perform its function if obstructed by anything. Hence, here are a few things that should be avoided when you finish your meal.

Things to Avoid Immediately After Eating*Please Note: People with a sensitive stomach are more susceptible to the things mentioned in the following sections than others.

Brushing Your Teeth

I agree to the fact that brushing your teeth before bedtime is a must in a healthy routine. However, brushing your teeth right after dinner, or after every meal for that matter, is extremely harmful for your teeth. Brushing after eating will scrub away the layers of enamel on the teeth. Furthermore, when you eat or drink acidic foodstuff, or those

with a lot of sugar, it's even more dangerous. To protect the teeth enamel, wait for at least 30 minutes, and allow the mouth to produce sufficient saliva to neutralize the acidity of the food that soften the tooth enamel.Drinking Too Much Water

It is true that a person should drink 8 glasses of water every day to stay healthy. However, gulping it down right after eating something, or even during meals may disrupt digestion. Too much water after or during the meal might interfere with the natural levels of acid and bile that are essential for proper digestion. Furthermore, drinking cold water might slow down digestion and cause cramping in sensitive people. Try to resist drinking water for at least an hour after a meal, and avoid drinking it while eating.


Digestion requires a large amount of blood and more blood is concentrated in the digestive tract. Consequently, the brain is temporarily deprived of sufficient blood, resulting in lack of concentration. Also, because of satiation you tend to feel sleepy, and driving with sleepy eyes is never safe. Hence, don't force yourself to drive soon after you've had a meal. Take a break, let the body perform its natural functions, and after an hour or two, think of driving.Going for a Walk

Although walking a hundred steps after eating is healthy, doing it immediately after a meal is not. Doing so will make it difficult for the digestive system to absorb the nutrients from the food. Furthermore, the blood will flow towards other organs, like legs, hands, etc., which will leave the

digestive tract with an insufficient amount of blood flow that is needed for proper digestion. Also, some people might feel dizzy or nauseated if they walk soon after consuming food.Sleeping

Going to bed right after taking a meal will lead to improper digestion and several other gastrointestinal problems. The sphincter that is above the stomach will open up and allow the acid to run back into the esophagus and damage it. Furthermore, such a habit will also make you gain more weight. Hence, wait for an hour or two, and then take a nap.Smoking

Smoking is bad for health at all times and so is it after a meal. The blood circulation in the digestive tract after eating is on the rise and several harmful cigarette ingredients are absorbed during this

period, which cause damage to the important organs, like the liver, brain, and blood vessels.Drinking Tea

Many of us have this habit of taking a sip of tea just after lunch or dinner. However, ensure that you get rid of this habit as early as possible because it's really unhealthy. The tea leaves contain a very high amount of acid that obstructs the protein content in the food from getting digested. The best time to consume tea is at least one hour after eating.Taking a Bath

If you take a bath after eating, the blood flow towards hands, legs, and body increases. Thus, the amount of blood will decrease around the stomach area, thereby weakening the digestive system and causing slow digestion. Therefore,

either take a shower before your meal, or wait for at least 1-2 hours till the consumed food is digested.Exercising

After we eat, all the blood flow and the organs involved in the process are concentrated for the process of digestion. If you exercise after eating, it will affect the body's metabolism by decreasing the blood flow and causing difficulty in digesting the nutrients from the food. Wait for at least 2-3 hours after eating, and then begin with your workout.Loosening the Waist Belt

Although there is lack of scientific evidence, it is believed that loosening the waist belt immediately after eating might cause the intestines to get tangled and blocked, hampering the process of digestion. To prevent this, remember to

loosen the belt prior to every meal.Eating Fruits

Consuming fruits at any time during the day is good except consuming them immediately after a meal. Eating fruits right after your meal may fill the stomach with air and cause bloating. They will also take time to reach the digestive tract, disturbing the entire process of digestion. To prevent your stomach from indigestion and other digestive problems, plan your consumption of fruits before or after 1-2 hours of a meal.

If you avoid doing all the above-said things after eating, it will definitely make your digestion easy, and you will probably be at a lower risk of any digestive problems. Give ample time to your body to adjust to the changes that you are making in the daily routine, and see the


Five Refreshing Ways to Start your Day

Waking up feeling refreshed can be tough for many of us, but it's certainly not impossible. There are a few things you can do to ensure that your mornings are invigorating. Follow these five simple tips and have a stress-free day, everyday.

A Slumber Reminder!In order to increase productivity and ensure optimum health, it is necessary that adults get at least 7 to 9 hours of sleep every night.

No matter how early we crash in bed or get only a few hours of sleep, waking up in the morning is never an easy task. Many of us try unique methods to revive ourselves like, drinking warm water, meditating, splashing cold water on the face, or even engaging in deep breathing exercises. These methods may work for some, but it may not be enough. Of course, there is no special formula or a magical technique that will help you start the day off right. However, there are a few things you can do to boost your mood in the morning and have a smooth day.

Making a Fresh Start

There can be many reasons behind not being able to wake up feeling fresh; perhaps you were burdened with

deadlines at work, chores around the house, or you couldn't stop thinking about the next day's responsibilities. It's quite common to feel exhausted and tired all the time. However, there are certain things you can do to begin each day feeling revitalized and focused.

1) Sunshine is the Key

As soon as your alarm clock goes off, don't hit the 'snooze' button. Get out of bed, even if you cannot open your eyes completely and walk towards the windows. Regardless of the weather outside, open your windows to let fresh air and sunlight in. Stretch as much as you feel like and take plenty of deep breaths. It really doesn't take much to wake up and start the day with a bang.

2) Listen to Music

After you wake up, take merely 10 minutes out of your busy schedule to listen to your favorite music. Put some energetic or inspiring music on your iPod (or turn on the radio) and let the beats charge you from inside. Music can manipulate your body into thinking that it's energetic.

3) 30-minute Workout

Easier said than done, a little bit of exercise in the morning is all it takes. There's no need for you to jog 10 miles or hit the gym. What we are trying to say here is that physical activity can help

increase your body's temperature and kick-start your metabolism. You can choose to do yoga, jog at the same spot, walk or cycle around the block, or do some aerobics at home; all these activities will instantly warm you up.

4) A Relaxing Shower

It is believed that taking a cold shower not only provides you energy, but also improves blood circulation, relieves depression, keeps your skin and hair healthy, and strengthens your immunity. Now not everyone likes the idea of a cold shower, you can splash some cold water on your face initially and then bathe with not-very-cold-slightly-tepid water. Also, the beautiful fragrance of your shower gel will brighten your mood.

5) A Healthy Breakfast

Eating a super-healthy breakfast each morning is something every nutritionist and doctor will approve of. After all, breakfast is one of the most important meals of the day. What you need to be careful about is what you have for breakfast. When we say 'super-healthy', this means combining protein and carbohydrates to keep you alert. Also, it's a great way to interact with your family before you head out for the day.

The Night Before

It's not uncommon to have hectic work schedule, responsibilities and chores around the house, and take care of a whole lot of other things. So what you do

the night before makes a huge difference on how your next morning and the rest of the day will be. Hence, it's necessary to follow a particular routine each night before you go to bed.


1. Set the alarm clock and make a 'to-do' list.

2. Keep your outfit for the next day ready.

3. Remove all clutter from the bedroom.

4. Close the blinds before going to bed.Don'ts

1. Go to bed hungry or eat just before bedtime.

2. Drink coffee or alcohol late at night.

3. Exercise before you go to bed.

4. Keep the alarm clock next to you.

Note: If you cannot fall asleep at night because your mind is preoccupied or you're too stressed out, read something for a while, walk around the house to tire yourself, or have a glass of warm milk.

For a few days, following this routine can be unmanageable and you may feel like going back to the way things were. But try to hold on and keep pushing through. When you motivate yourself to do something positive in your life, things will work out the way you want them to. These are five simple tricks that will help elevate your mood after you wake up in the morning. You will feel more energized and sail through the day effortlessly.

Good Habits That are Bad for HealthNewsflash! Certain good habits that our elders have inculcated in us may not be so good after all. Here's a quick roundup

of good habits that may be actually bad for health.

Staying fit and fine, it seems, is just more than eating the right food, running the right distance, and sleeping the right hours. As medical pundits have put it, certain habits that we have long followed and trusted to be the allies of health, could be actually bad. No, daily exercise and eating healthy are still good habits, so let's not get any wrong ideas!

The habits, that we are going to discuss here, are not downright evil or unhealthy (something like smoking, drug abuse, or being a couch potato), per se. It is just that, they come with the too-much-of-

anything-is-bad tag. Let us know what these habits are, and how they can be reshaped so that they do not interfere with our healthy lifestyle.

Daily ShowerFor most of us, the very concept of good personal hygiene begins with a daily shower. Lathering up with a nice-smelling soap and washing it down with hot steaming water leaves you feeling fresh and clean. But is it bad for the health of the skin? Let's see.

Recent studies have shown that, daily bath, especially using hot water and harsh soaps, can strip the natural oils from the outer layer of your skin, leaving it dry, scaly, or prone to infections. Also, scrubbing too hard with loofahs or washcloths may further irritate the skin and cause itching.

What you can doSkip shower every once in a while, possibly on weekends or when you plan to stay at home all day, or when you are not working out. However, if you still cannot do without a bath, then instead of hot water use warm water (even better, lukewarm or cold water) and a soap or shower gel that is gentle on your skin. You can exfoliate your skin two to three times a week. After taking a shower, pat the skin dry with a soft towel and apply a moisturizer to prevent dryness.

Using Hand SanitizersThe use of hand sanitizers has become increasingly popular over the years. They help kill disease-causing bacteria, are convenient and quicker than soap and water for disinfecting your hands (you just need to squirt and rub), come in small

bottles, and are handy to carry. They are especially popular in hospitals, schools, and workplaces to prevent the spread of infections. The manufacturers also claim that hand sanitizers remove 99.9% of germs. Let's see how far this is true.

Hand sanitizers are gradually replacing the traditional hand washing method (with soap and water), which is in fact, the best way to kill germs and prevent the spread of diseases. What most people are unaware of is the fact that sanitizers are not effective when used for cleaning hands covered with dirt, stain, grease, or blood. In such cases it is necessary to thoroughly wash the hands with soap and water. Furthermore, certain sanitizer brands contain an antibacterial agent called triclosan, which kills the good bacteria along with the bad, and contributes to making bacteria resistant

to antibiotics. Most sanitizers available in the market contain alcohol as their active ingredient, which is effective in killing germs. However, make sure that it contains at least 60% alcohol.

There are some side effects of alcohol-based sanitizers. If ingested, they can cause alcohol poisoning in small children. So keep out of the reach of children. Persistent use of hand sanitizers is not good for young children as their immune systems have not been fully developed. If children are raised in a completely germ-free environment, they may develop various diseases and infections later on in life.

What you can doUse hand sanitizers only when water and soap is not available. It is important to supervise children when using sanitizers.

Ensure that they use only a small amount and rub their hands properly until the liquid dries out completely.Brushing Immediately After MealsIt is definitely a good habit to brush your teeth twice daily - once in the morning, and once after meal before going to bed. This helps keep bacteria away and reduces plaque formation in the mouth, thus aiding in maintaining clean and healthy teeth.

But dentists say that brushing immediately after meals can damage your teeth. This is especially true if you brush right after having sugary and acidic food like tomatoes, citrus fruits, juices, etc. These foods contain high levels of acid which may soften the tooth enamel. So brushing right after meals can erode the enamel and damage your teeth.

What you can doAfter meals, wait for at least an hour before brushing. This will allow the saliva in your mouth to neutralize the acid and restore the normal pH balance of your mouth, reducing the risk of any damage.Too Much CleanlinessIt is a good habit to keep our home and surroundings clean and germ-free for a healthy living. Cleanliness may be next to godliness, but too much of it may invite the devil right into your house. If you have been feeling low about not cleaning your room or house for a day or two, then cheer up! Keeping your house ultra clean may please you or your guests, but not your child's immune system.

While keeping one's house and surroundings clean may help reduce contact with germs, the practice of keeping everything spic-and-span, may

increase the likelihood of allergies and asthma in children. You may ask how? Research suggests that children who are not exposed to germs during childhood are more likely to develop various diseases later in life. This is because, their immune system has never learned to fight against bacteria and disease-causing germs. Exposure to germs and microbes strengthens the immune system and helps fight off infections. So, a little dirt here and there, may actually make your children less sensitive to allergies and infections.

What you can doSo, how can you protect your kids from nasty, infectious diseases and at the same time, allow them to get exposed to germs so that they do not develop allergies later? There is one simple solution - let your kids be kids. Do not

panic if your child picks up something from the floor and puts it in his mouth, or douse him with antibacterial soap or liquid if he comes home wet and muddy; relax, it's okay.Hiding from the SunSlathering the skin with sunscreens and covering up the body whenever you are out in the sun, helps lower the risk of many skin problems, especially skin cancer. But the benefits of all these precautions come at the price of an essential nutrient, which is vitamin D.

The body produces this vitamin D in response to sun exposure, thus it is also called the sunshine vitamin. Vitamin D deficiency may be associated with various conditions such as, rickets, osteoporosis, cardiovascular diseases, cognitive impairment, asthma, etc.

What you can doPeople who do not get enough vitamin D from sunlight, must include foods like, egg yolk, fish, cheese, and soy products in their diet to make up for the loss. In addition, it is also recommended to take supplements to make sure that the body's needs for vitamin D are met. While it may not be determined how much sun exposure is good for you and how much is bad, health experts stand by the safety of spending little and frequent time in the sun.Going Fat-freeThe present world's new mantra for good health is a fat-free diet. Chucking out Mr. Fat completely from your diet, may give you a flat tummy or a conspicuous collarbone, but it may mess up with your overall health.

According to medical experts, a totally

fat-free diet may do more harm than good. So, what's wrong with fat-free foods? Health experts say, such foods lack taste, so to make up for this, ingredients like sugar, flour, salt, etc. are added to these products, which in turn, ups the calorie content. It's believed that frozen yogurt is low in fat, so one can have as much as they want. Even though it's fat-free it contains high amounts of sugar which increases the calorie count. Hence this does not serve as a healthy option when consumed on a regular basis.

What you can doWhile it is important to keep the fat content in your diet below 30%, one must also pay attention to the type of fat consumed. Include foods rich in monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats (these are known as "good fats") in

your diet. These include vegetable oil, nuts, legumes, seeds, and fatty fish like salmon and tuna. Avoid saturated and trans fats, such as red meat, processed and fast food, etc.Stretching Before WorkoutHow old is the recommendation or belief that stretching before any workout is a good habit? Age-long I'll say! Doing a couple of stretches before working out, is believed to make you more flexible and reduces the risk of injury right? However, fitness experts now beg to differ with this idea. Stretching before exercise may not only be unhelpful in preventing injuries, but it may, in fact, increase the risk of the same.

Common stretching activities like bending over to touch the toes, do not help relax the muscles, but they actually make them tighter. This may keep the body from

moving fast or freely, thereby increasing the risk of injuries during workout.

What you can doIt must be noted that, stretching is not the same as warming up. For instance, walking before running is an ideal warm-up exercise and so is slow cycling before intense biking. So, basically you are warming up your body before a rigorous workout. This is not the case with stretching, which is why, it is more helpful when done after working out, or at the end of the day.To sum up, most of these habits are not technically bad, but they may have negative implications on your health, if not followed in moderation.A Dozen Bad Habits That are Surprisingly Good for YouWho doesn't have bad habits? Barring a few that we can give up on, the rest of us always talk about getting rid of these

habits. But do you know that some of these habits can be a blessing in disguise? You didn't, right? The content to come will enlighten you on just this.

Chocolate - Good or Bad?The oldest woman on record, and only confirmed person ever to live more than 120 years, Jeanne Louise Calment, from Arles, France, went on to live for 122 years and 164 days (1875 - 1997). She used to eat 10 pounds of chocolate every month.Bad habits that are good for you. Does this even sound right? Am sure if a habit is bad, your parents, teachers, relatives, or whoever else, have always been nagging you about it. And we all know that some habits never go away easy. But

what if we were to understand how a particular bad habit can actually be beneficial to us in someway! Awesome, right! Well, let's not waste anymore time, and get right down and check them out.

The Pric(z)e for Being LateThe early bird catches the worm! Everyone knows and believes this one, right? It is widely believed that morning people are more active and productive throughout the day. But dig this! Sleeping-in late sometimes has its own benefits too. It helps in better organization of one's memory, thus improving long-term memory.

Getting up late occasionally also helps in learning things better. Although, make sure you don't make it a habit and end up late to school or work, because then, your teacher or boss won't take it very kindly,

and those aren't going to be pleasant memories for you to keep anyway.With Love, ... Yours LatteThis may come as a surprise to many, but drinking coffee isn't that harmful after all. Though, it does not mean that you go on gulping down mug after mug all day. Ideally, two cups a day would be good, or at the most three. Caffeine helps reduce the risk of kidney stones and gallstones. It also speeds up the rate of metabolism of an individual.

Research has also proven that two to three cups a day of your favorite beverage can counter depression symptoms and diabetes due to old age. So, go ahead and savor that hot mug of coffee that you always thought was doing you more harm than good.No-show to the ShowerA warning first up - please do not read

this and have a broad grin if you are one of those people who have strong body odor. And if you choose to skip your daily dip, at least do it on a day you aren't going out much, or doing anything that is physically demanding. Of course, we need to shower regularly, since hygiene is of utmost importance. But on the flip side, missing a shower is not criminal. Firstly, think about the water that is saved, which will help the environment.

And on the health side, our daily shower and frequent washing robs our skin of precious natural oils that help to keep it hydrated and supple. Excessive washing also deprives the skin of retaining good bacteria that helps in keeping many diseases at bay. Now be smart about this, and do not go to that important meeting or date without showering, please!Nutting Around

In school, time and again we have been told to concentrate on our studies and not be fidgety. At home, we've been hounded by our parents for being fidgety, and not allowing the family to watch their favorite soap or have a peaceful dinner. At work, we get the occasional stare from a colleague who indicates that we are being too fidgety during an important meeting. Which all suggests, buddy, please don't be fidgety, it's irritating to others. But researchers have studied and found out that fidgeting can actually help an individual burn anywhere between 300 to 400 calories a day, and aids in preventing weight gain. Think of it as being equivalent to something like yoga.

Also, children with ADHD tend to concentrate better when they fidget; it is their way of focusing better. But please, don't tap the table or shake your leg and

be an annoyance to the people around you.Dreamer's D'LightHow many times have we been tapped on the back due to our daydreaming habit! And the fact is that, this is not something that only kids do. Daydreaming is directly related to being lazy and wasting precious time. But a study done at the University of British Columbia concluded that sometimes allowing your mind to wander about actually increases your potential to solve problems in a better way. This is because, while you daydream, the part of the brain that works toward problem-solving becomes more active.

But make no mistake, this does not mean that now, with every chance you get, you simply slump back on your chair and become a perpetual daydreamer! It will

not please your teacher or boss.Heard of 'Angry' Birds?Now, aren't we all taught from childhood not to be angry, upset, or lose our temper! Be calm, smile, take a deep breath, etc., are things we were and are always reminded about time and again. Of course, this is how we should be, but research points out to the fact that losing your temper once in a while isn't a bad thing after all. This is just so that you don't bottle up your emotions, to a point where it knocks you off. Venting out your emotions sometimes helps in releasing stress, and is also found to reduce the risk of a heart attack, which can be caused due to bottling up of emotions.

A little bit of swearing also helps in relieving minor pains immediately. Okay, this does not give you the license to turn into a hot-head though.

For the Love of CudThose who find chewing a gum irritating, or bad manners, are not going to like this. But yes, chewing gum, according to research, can help improve both short and long-term memory. Chomping on your favorite gum might also help you lose some weight. It can also stimulate the satiety center of the brain, which gives one a feeling of being full, thus making you eat less at times. Just make sure you go in for sugar-free ones, and please chew on it decently, at least while in public.

Oh, and make sure you don't have your mouth full during a meeting, or at a formal occasion. Lastly, not to forget this, dispose off your gum in a bin safely. It is harmful to many animals, especially birds who choke to death when they try to feed on it.

Oh-so-Sinful Seduction!All those watching their weight tend to stay away from chocolates. And there are those very few (seriously!) who do not like chocolates at all. But this snack isn't so bad for you after all, though not in excess. The ideal thing would be to consume not more than eight bars of chocolate in a month's time. What it does is, its antioxidants reduce the risk of having a stroke.

Chocolates also prevent blood clots, and can help in preventing the growth of cancerous cells, thus increasing your lifespan. And besides that heavenly taste and feeling, we all know quite well that munching on a chocolate bar gives us instant energy.And One for the Slob!Nobody likes messy people, or an untidy room - that's a fact we will all agree to.

But studies have revealed that it is beneficial to keep one's surroundings 'relatively clean', and NOT absolutely pristine. A spic and span environment only goes on to destroy all the harmless germs along with the bad ones, thus clearing the way for serious strains to enter and cause more havoc.

Kenneth Rosenman, M.D., an internal medicine and environmental expert says, "The huge push to disinfect our homes isn't healthy, a little messiness is OK." Folks, this is some really good advice that we should take.Two for the GrapevinePlease note that this is not an advertisement for you to become the biggest gossipmonger in town, though it is a known fact that everyone gossips to some extent, some more, some less. Have you never spoken about your

neighbor's visitors, or your colleague's love interest, or a habit of your boss! Gossiping is definitely not a very good activity, besides being a waste of time.

But healthy gossip can be good for you and the people around as well. It helps bond with the people you are talking to, besides countering anxiety and being a stress-buster. Just make sure you don't overindulge, and do keep it clean for God's sake!Mocktail Instead of Cocktail, I Don't Think So!Common belief is that cutting down or avoiding alcohol is good for health. Of course this is true. But what usually happens is that, some people avoid a cocktail and go in for a mocktail instead. Now, this is not a very wise choice after all. Mocktails are high in sugar content, very addictive, besides being pretty

harmful for the body.

What you can do is have a mocktail that is made from fruit juice, instead of one that is made from syrup. Whatever you do, remember that anything in excess is bad for the health, and the same holds true whether you have your eye on that irresistible cocktail or mocktail.Draining That Tankard and How!Again, this does not give you the liberty to drink till you drop. Research has proven that, as a 'heart-disease fighter', beer is even better than red wine, as widely thought. Beer contains malted barley, which contains beneficial heart-protecting antioxidants. Beer is also high in vitamin B6, which helps reduce coronary risks. Lastly, beer also aids in strengthening the bones in our body.

The only thing here to look out for is,

consume it moderately, instead of getting sloshed and being a nuisance to everyone around. Besides forgetting about the health-related benefits that you will be missing out on, physical harm is also a big possibility then.Okay! Now even if you have a grin on your face, thinking to yourself, hey, I have a few of these habits and they aren't so bad after all, remember, too much of anything is not good. And of course, there is a right time and place for everything. If all this is not followed, then these bad habits that are good for your health will easily turn into 'bad habits', period.Read more at Buzzle:

Most Common Health Mistakes We MakeThe so-called "common" knowledge, in

the face of poised polarity, is as rare as hen's teeth. While viewing that bigger picture of life, we tend to forget and forgo the trifle that vans us through the years, and that trifle, sadly is our health. Perhaps, it's about time we dunk, and sweat the small stuff!

You are being watched! Scanned, if I may say so! Who's doing it? Well, if you are square on this one, here's the deal. While you surf the supermarket aisle, looking for your preferred granola bar, have you ever, from the corner of the eye, caught a halo of curiosity peering at your choice that just went "flump" into your cart? Or, while you were at the wheel draining Diet Coke and biting into a mayo muffin, ...

ever felt pinned by a fleeting glance from a bespectacled co-driver? Or, while you update the world with quagmire statuses at the most happening hubs, (Don't need a prompt here, do you?) and turning off the lights at 3 a.m., ... did you feel monitored while you were preparing to crawl to bed?

Yes, you may have an uninvited pair of eyes wincing at every move you make. No, it's not the black-goggled espionage department tracking you; they are doctors -- experts in their own fields. On second thoughts, doctors, indeed, are spies; they spy on our health, and most have it in them to keep that tunnel shut, while they spy us doing the "odds" in the name of good health as we think, we do the "evens." And this is where we pitch in to spell out the "sadly mistakens."

Those (Un)Healthy WaysTsk, Tsk, Take the Stairs, Will You?You see, each time my eyes fall prey at the site of someone waiting for the elevator to car them from level 3 to level 2, I am reminded of a popular track from Madagascar, "I like to move it, move it. I like to move it, move it. I like to ... ." MOVE IT! Common! you sure can walk down the stairs. For one, it's faster (most of the time); you reach level 2, even before the car arrives at level 3. Health-wise, it's an out-and-out thumbs up. It increases your heart rate for good, giving you a free workout session in the bargain. In short, heart health wins. Take the elevator if you are taken ill, unless you are hellbent on wasting time, or you have a fascination with elevator rides ... I think I better leave it there!Groggy? Blame Yourself.Sleep deprivation affects your health no end. For one, it can only be

nasty to you. You may blow up/down/in/out/left/right/center an innocent soul, not knowing why you did it in the first place. Certainly, it has a major role to essay in life. Sleeping less than 8 hours is not a good sign -- for you and for those who have to bear the brunt, when you don't have a sufficient shut-eye. Sleep deprivation may also lead to an imbalance of hormones causing weight gain. Anxiety and depression follow suit (As expected!). A number of accidents happen, courtesy of a driver, who tried to catch a wink while at the wheel. Perhaps, there is nothing better than this one to teach us the value of a proper snooze!BreakFast ... Break that Word.You know your system fasts after you are done with the last meal for the day. For instance, if you dine at 8, and have breakfast at 8 next morning, it's been 12 hours your system has sustained this way. Now, if

you skip breakfast, add 5 hours on an average to 12. What do we get? The body remains hungry for 18 hours. It needs to break the 12-hour fast to up the metabolism, to burn more calories, and to keep your weight in check.Coffee at 6? ... No.It's simple. Cut cords with coffee after 2 p.m. Why? Try not to follow this, and you will get the answer when you stay up with the owls, while the world sleeps grunting, puffing, and whistling. Some are in the habit of ordering a cup of coffee (Mind you, it's decaf, huh!) several burps after dinner. Now, that's disaster in the making. And the show goes on when you fail to fall asleep; or even if you do, deep sleep is just a "dream" for the night!Let Your Workstation BreatheYou are busy at work, acceptable. You lunch at your desk BECAUSE you are busy at work, unacceptable. To lunch at the workstation, with the desktop and

keyboard for company, is not very good an idea. Skipping breaks may fetch you the desired returns at work; however, the same goodness does not apply to your health. Besides, when you are flooded with work, it's the only element running on your mind. The effect is, you don't eat; you overeat. The rest is history ... and your future! Another reason why you would like to give your desk some me time: Your workstation, precisely the motherboard, consists of more germi-culture than a toilet seat. Yuck!If Only I Had 26 Hours, I Would ... .This is what we call human. Hungry for more. A day of 26 hours is only possible if the world dissolves now! Hello! We still exist, so, the world has not dissolved. Futile, right? Well, understand that crunching a 26-hour schedule into 24, IS futile. Failure is bound to greet you. Acknowledge that your body, ironically called a system, is

not a machine, after all. As a matter of fact, even machines go flub when overloaded, so why not your body? Work is essential, but assigning a time slot to be with the self, probably can't be worded. Do what you can, and not all you can; get the drift? Spend time with your family, take to music, take a stroll; just give work a break!What Would You Prefer -- Wine or Wit?An occasional "raise-a-toast-to" is fantastic to give you wings. However, when the occasional becomes ongoing, it's dangerous. Drinking in moderation, even if it means regularly, may not be as dangerous as drinking one large at one go. Saving the "units" during weekdays, only to compensate for it on the weekends, may not be an encouraging idea. Complementing the statement is an evidence which spells that young women may consume more than five units in a go, while their

counterparts have the capacity for eight and more units. Your liver suffers undue stress, and conditions, like cancer, ulcers, and strokes may follow suit. It doesn't really matter how well you hold your glass; it all boils down to how well you hold your wit!Don't DoucheWomen think douching is healthy. Apologies for overriding this so-called "evident-cum-obvious" perception, but douching is an absolute no-no. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services estimates that 40% of women douche daily. Not good. Even worse, some women douche even before they are to meet their gynecologist. Now, now, why is this needed? You are to meet your gynecologist; the story ends there, does it not? Know that the activity of douching may throw you over the edge, increasing your chances of enduring bacterial vaginosis. Besides, your vagina balances

its bacterial flora; it needs no assistance whatsoever in cleaning itself. It maintains a self-swishing system -- don't mar the continuity.Why Lie?Lying has another effect besides the proverbial "nose getting longer with each cross." Whether you are complimenting your friend for hosting a/an (un)flattering dinner party, or bragging about an avant-garde "Louis Vuitton" outfit you picked up from the street load (Were you duped?), don't lie. It may seem a good get-away at first; however, it won't serve you long. Health-wise, it increases stress and brings about instances of headaches and more often than not, a runny nose as well. Now you know what to blame when you have that bony faucet leaking!Heels, Flip-flops, and All that's in BetweenYou won't wear flip-flops to attend a conference, will you? How about high-brow heels to fetch a loaf of brown bread from a store a stone's

throw away from your residence? (Someone, please tell me it's a no!) No shoe is a taboo; you can wear them when you please. It's a free country, after all. However, high-heeled shoes, boots even, may hurt your back, your knees, and your hip. If you plan to sport boots on a regular basis, get hold of orthotic arches and replace them with the insoles. You will live longer ... your knees, back, and hip would bless you no end for a favor of this ilk!Your Toothbrush Is Mighty Old, Is It Not?A lot of us on the other side of this page may not find anything extraordinary about changing our toothbrush. What's the big deal? Puncture the brush case, and hang it at the stands! Easy? Yes. Do we do this often? No. There is a huge number that uses their toothbrush until the bristles fall out. Not good. Frayed bristles may harm the enamel, and poke the gums. The result is weak gums and

shaky teeth. So, when you see the bristles fall out, change your toothbrush.Allergic to Continuity, Are We?If you are not religious about taking your medicines, you are inviting trouble to knock you down. A popular reason on board is, you felt much better and didn't feel continuing with the course was necessary. Seriously, weren't we told that braking the course midway may welcome a relapse? We don't want this, do we? While you may feel way better during the treatment, know that there are probabilities of a relapse. Finish the course for permanent relief.Dial D for DoctorIf you are one amongst the clan that procrastinates visiting the doctor for an annual checkup, think again. You maybe doing more harm than good. Women ignore the subtle changes that happen within their body. They put family first; health is nowhere in the vicinity. If detected early, a number of

conditions that take a fatal turn may be averted. Take time off work and family for a thorough health assessment. Chest pain may be a sign of acidity; it may also be a sign of cardiac crises. Can you tell the difference? Attending an annual physical checkup is the answer to reduce the degree of crises.Why Act the Quack?It's been an age-old panacea to comply to your self-signed prescription. While going to the doctor is considered next to one grinning ordeal, know that a visit to the practitioner's clinic may position you safe than sorry. If you start a treatment without consulting an expert, only because your Aunt felt better with it, it's a grave mistake. Each case is different. Let the doctor take a look at yours, and decide the line of treatment thereafter. Do not jump the gun, and take action. Know that your health concerns end best at the doctor's clinic and not at your

Aunt's doorstep.Ditch Those Diet PillsIn the age of size zeros and minus ones, it's no wonder, women find these pills far enchanting than following a healthy regimen. These high-order pills are dummy diuretics that work toward draining the water content from your body. To add to the special effects, you gain the water weight lost before you bat an eyelid. Think about it. The amount you spend on those pills may be invested in visiting a dietitian.It's Time You Bought a New "One"Yes, let's face it ladies! Breasts need ample support, and your bra should fit you perfectly. Otherwise, a strain on your musculoskeletal system may lead to a weak posture, back pain, and neck spasm. Ill-fitting oldies, simply must be shown the door (I don't mean it, literally!) If you are not sure about your cup size, visit a specialty store where they advise you on what size and type is suitable for

you.Who's in There -- You or the Pillows?This is often the case when you see less of the person and more pillows on the bed. Not strange, really, considering the number that does this! They sleep with an army of pillows to barricade them. Agreed, the position is unimaginably comfortable, but spare some mercy on your neck. It goes for a toss each time you wake up with it being sore and pinching. Have a thin pillow to support your neck and one that is slightly thick, to support your back. Bottom line: Two is enough, ten ... no words, seriously.Dear Fitness, I Will Miss You!So, we all know why we must devote an hour of the clock to exercising. How we wish we had a beach body, but that's exactly where the "conditions apply"! Unfortunate, but true; we don't have a Ginnie to drop our dream bubbles to reality. Simply put, to stay taut, exercise is demanded. Some of us

have a tendency to position health and fitness on the back burner, and it stays there until we sweat bullets for our well-being. It's like waiting for a cardiac crises to strike, for us to kick-start a regimen. Be sapient, and change now.Sitting Ladylike Is Not Good Ladies!Now, this is officially official. That dainty leg cross may act cross with your health. Besides, the blood circulation is hampered while you opt to seat yourself in this manner. If you do not want those spider veins mapping their way through your legs, unlearn this supposedly "stately style" of posing when seated. Sitting with your legs together on one side is also a posture you may adopt. As for being graceful to a T, know that it comes naturally to women! You may go ahead ... correct me if I am wrong!For the Love of God, Cover Your MouthThis is applicable to all those who feel spraying their "blessing" around is no issue. It's

common courtesy to cover your mouth if you cough, and your nose, if you sneeze. It gets worse when someone next to you hasn't stocked up on tissues. Keep a fold prepared if you are aware of the explosions. Direct them deep into your kerchief. Be cavalier about people occupying space around you. They may catch the infection. And you know you are the culprit if they do. And you also know what goes around, comes around, don't you?Is That Fat-free Mayo in Your Cart?Are you sure diet food is the ultimate find? Think again. I insist. When you visit the supermarket one fine day, notice the density of the section where you find the "healthy" stuff. It's a crowd. Some look so enthusiastic they brim their carts with fat-free mayo, fat-free cheese, fat-free salad garnish. Enthusiasm is good, but for the right things. The point is, if you love the sight of grated cheese melting over a

sunny side up for a sumptuous breakfast, go for the real deal. Just curb the oscillation on the grater, so you consume less, but you do consume, nonetheless. Why settle for a body-double? You are bound to feel more content with yourself for eating the original and less guilty for staying committed to your diet plan. Besides, some fat-free options are not really fat free. To supplement the absence of calories, they add sugar. Hmm ... do I say more?High Time You Call Sugar on the Carpet!If you have gained an extra pound or two, you might abuse the weighing scale for breaking such obnoxious news to you. If you look years older than your actual age, you might beat the rep of your anti-aging serum black and blue. However, if you are an ardent sugar lover, you might as well shift your aspersions here. It's that pot of sugar sitting on the shelf that is to blame.

Ditch sugar, and include fiber and protein for breakfast. It fuels you for the day, keeps your cholesterol levels in check, and averts the probability of cardiac crises. It may not be "that great" to taste, but it's good nonetheless. And health comes first, you agree, don't you? High sugar levels lead to glycation -- a process that hampers the suppleness and elasticity of your skin, causing wrinkles and premature aging. As for the waistline expansion, ask your pajamas; do they feel the stretch?Dump these old ways to commit to the new ones because health, once lost, is hard to regain. "Old is gold," needn't stay pat each time!Read more at Buzzle:

Breaking Your Child's Thumb Sucking Habit

Kids develop a number of unusual habits like nail biting, thumb sucking, mud eating, hair twirling, etc., during their growing years. Although some kids outgrow these habits around the age of three or at the onset of permanent teeth, some kids continue with these habits for a long time. Here is an article that will help you break your kid's thumb sucking habit without spanking or using unfair means.

Although, thumb sucking and other such habits in kids are annoying, parents must be patient enough to find ways in breaking such habits and deal with the problem accordingly. Analysis is very important while looking for suitable ways to break the habit. What does thumb

sucking really represent for the age in which your child does it, should be understood. For example, in infancy and toddlerhood it represents anxiety and stress, which will subside gradually as the child grows older and becomes independent. For these circumstances, intervention of parents is not required, rather it might delay the breaking of the habit. Some children also suck their fingers and hands apart from their thumb which can cause adverse effects on the teeth, jaw as well as the hands. Some significant problems caused by this habit are:Thumb and fingernail infectionsProblems in chewingProblems in speechProblems in facial appearanceThe damage caused by thumb sucking is not the same throughout; it depends on factors like intensity, duration and

frequency of the habit. Also, the emphasis lies on the fact that the problems mentioned above may prove to be serious, only if the child does not give up the habit even after completing five years of age or after the eruption of permanent teeth. Let us now find out some effective ways to break thumb sucking habit in your child as he/she hasn't yet given up the habit.

Home Remedies

Even though the habit may not be a concern until the age of four or five, if you are able to break the habit before that it's well and good, because the harm caused to the permanent teeth and the jaws will be minimal.

Explain the Bad EffectsNormally, some kids stop daytime thumb

sucking when they begin their schooling because of the peer pressure. However, they continue to suck their thumb during their bedtime. Tell the child that the habit is not suitable for his/her age, i.e., he/she is too old to suck thumb. You can make the child stand in front of the mirror while he/she is sucking the thumb and show how he/she looks while doing it. If you think your child is mature enough to understand the medical complications of thumb sucking, go ahead and explain it.

Bandage the ThumbThis is a very common kind of trick parents use to break their child's habit of thumb sucking. An unpleasant tasting or smelling liquid is used to coat the thumb so the child won't feel like putting it in the mouth. The child will associate the habit with bad taste and he/she will eventually give it up. You can also tie a handkerchief

to the thumb reminding the child about the wrong habit, thus keeping him/her away from doing it. Many parents also make their children wear gloves before going to bed to prevent thumb sucking.

Engage the Child in Other ActivitiesThis can be the most effective way before going for medical help. Observe your child carefully and look for the reasons that trigger thumb sucking like, tiredness, hunger or fear and deal with it accordingly. If you find that the child has no valid reason, yet he/she is sucking the thumb, try to engage him/her in some activity like painting, coloring, solving puzzles, etc., which will distract him/her in a constructive way.

Remember: Try to understand that children during these years often feel insecure and suck their thumb to calm

and comfort themselves. Make it a point to give attention to your little one, which will comfort and encourage him/her to get rid of the habit. You should also praise the kid whenever you find he/she is not sucking the thumb and spend some quality time to reinforce the spirit.

Dental Treatment

If home remedies don't work, then what to do? Don't lose hope. Medical treatments are available whenever home remedies fail or are inadequate to stop thumb sucking in kids. Usually, a dental crib is helpful to prevent the kid's teeth and jaws from getting damaged due to thumb sucking and also helps the child to do away with the habit. Why is crib placement so effective? It is because, pleasure is derived from the contact of thumb skin with oral mucous membrane.

When the crib is fixed in the mouth of the child, the pleasure factor from the habit is lost and the child no more feels like sucking the thumb. The orthodontist, first, examines the oral condition of the child, takes dental and facial photographs and then constructs a suitable crib. Once the crib is fixed, you don't have to do any adjustments to set it up or remove any parts. It is the simplest device you can use to stop your kid's thumb sucking habit.

It is very important to understand whether your child is a gentle thumb sucker or a vigorous thumb sucker, because the former does not cause as many problems as the latter. If you hear a popping sound when the child removes the thumb from mouth, it is vigorous sucking which is quite serious. It can cause flaring of front teeth, whereas the

lower teeth may grow inward. To avoid such major oral problems, observe your child carefully and take quick steps if you sense any complications.Read more at Buzzle:

Healthy Habits to Lose WeightWhether you are looking for drastic weight loss or interested in shedding only a few pounds, this Buzzle article will acquaint you with a few healthy habits you can incorporate in your daily life to lose weight.

Everybody, today, seems to be conscious about their weight. Not that it is bad,

however, it is good if the weight loss refers to loss of body weight with an aim to improve fitness and health. Losing weight to ape certain stereotypes is not advisable, and definitely not healthy. In some cases, weight loss is achieved with extreme dietary restrictions and vigorous exercising.

Though diet and exercise are vital to lose weight, the core of losing weight lies in adopting healthy habits and making a significant change in one's lifestyle. In that regard, given below are a few healthy habits you can adopt, to lose weight. These habits are simple and easy to incorporate in your day-to-day life. Healthy habits to lose weight will only make your task of losing weight easier than before.

Healthy Eating Habits to Lose Weight

When it comes to weight loss, most people treat food as their enemy by not eating enough, or starving themselves. These activities will not aid weight loss, but simply make you weak. The point is, instead of binging on everything and anything around you, eat consciously. Chalk out a strategy for your meals. Restrict the portion size you eat. A good way to determine portion size is to compare it with hand size. A healthy serving should not be more than the size of your palm. Resort to healthy snacks at those times of the day when you feel hungry. Remember not to starve and not to skip meals in any case. These habits will only weaken the digestive system.This probably comes as an obvious advice to most of us, but do we really follow it? Now, there are several reasons why drinking (at least 2 liters) of water is recommended. Water cleanses your body

and regulates your metabolism, which helps you to get rid of accumulated fat around the midsection. Moreover, drinking plenty of water helps you to feel satiated throughout the day and suppresses the urge of snacking.This may sound funny, but it definitely has some logic to it. When you drink plenty of water, you feel the urge to pee, for which you have to walk to the washroom. This activity helps you break the monotony at work and at the same time, results in some physical activity. It may not be intense but it definitely adds up to the total calories burned.Consumption of excess alcohol is one of the major reasons for accumulated belly fat. This does not mean you completely stop its intake, but make sure you limit the quantity. Smoking too can reduce your appetite and wreck your digestive system. These unhealthy habits can

sabotage your weight loss, so be careful.Make it a habit to chew your food slowly. Chew every morsel 32 times before you swallow it. This habit not only helps in proper digestion, but you also end up eating less. Look for all the unhealthy eating habits you indulge in during the day and make an effort to eliminate them. Like, for example, binging on desserts after dinner, snacking while watching television, having donuts and thick chocolate shakes while you drive to office every morning, and so on.Simple Exercising Habits to Lose WeightIf your job requires you to sit at your desk all day, restricting physical activity, then you can do little things at your workplace which will promote physical activity. Take the staircase instead of taking the elevator. During breaks, try pursuing some active game, which not only will help reduce stress levels at work but will

also leave you feeling energized.With the fast-paced life we live, it becomes difficult to for us to find time to exercise regularly. However, it is important to squeeze out a little time of your hectic schedule, which should be dedicated to exercising. It no doubt aids weight loss; but exercising should be viewed as a way of life, instead of compulsion. Exercising regularly is a healthy habit, which keeps one fit and feeling energized throughout the day.Another simple exercise you can practice, is to go shopping with a full tummy. One may not realize it, but shopping amounts to miles of walking. On an average, a woman is bound to spend around 3-4 hours shopping per week, which results in walking for more than 20 miles per week and burning about 150 calories per trip.When you are in a bumper-to-bumper situation, don't crib, instead, make use of

that time, by performing a few exercises, which involve simple movements. A torso twist allows you to relax your tense muscles. Point and flex your toes to stretch your calf muscles. You can also perform neck rotations, to enhance the mobility of your neck and in the process, burn some calories.You can also perform simple exercises like squats, push-ups and crunches while watching TV. Synchronize your exercises with the commercials, which will allow you to enjoy your favorite show and at the same time help you burn calories.You cannot come up with an excuse to not incorporate the above-mentioned healthy activities in your daily life, as they are simple and can easily become a habit, when you practice them daily. Remember, the most important habit, besides all those mentioned above, is to keep yourself motivated. You will be

amazed to see how these small alterations in your life bring about a noticeable and welcoming change.

By Divya BichuRead more at Buzzle:


How to Break a Bad HabitBreaking a habit is a very tricky game. It is very easy to quit one that you have recently developed but can be difficult if you have had it for years with you, though this is not a hard and fast rule.

There are many people who have quit their bad habits after 20 years and not gotten back to it, or even craved for it again.

A habit is an established customary practice developed in the form of an automatic pattern of behavior. There are both good and bad habits. A good habit could be you making your bed as soon as you wake up, brushing your teeth twice a day, or wiping your shoes on the doormat before entering, and a bad habit could be not rising early, biting your nails, talking loudly in public, and swearing unnecessarily.

We all have habits that we want to break

free from. These are habits we know are not good for us in some way or the other. A habit is an activity that we have conditioned ourselves to. It's not that it can't be changed, but we have got accustomed to it, and it has become a source of convenience.

Accept That it is a Bad HabitWe are so accustomed to our bad habits that most of the time we don't even realize that we have them, until someone points them out to us. And even after someone has pointed them out, changing is a choice based on perspective. So the first step that will lead to changing a bad habit is accepting and acknowledging it. Let yourself know that you have something that is not good for you and in some cases, those around you.

Make Yourself Aware

Now that you know you have developed a bad habit, its best to find out why you developed it in the first place. This will help you understand why you're so temped to perform that act. Sometimes the reason can be minuscule and sometimes it can even reveal ghosts from the past. There is nothing to feel scared or uncomfortable about. You have to face it and then get rid of it. There is no point in running away from a bad habit without understanding why and how you adopted it.

Know What the Consequences AreA bad habit is termed as 'bad' because its consequences are detrimental. Find out how this habit has spoiled things around you. Your mom must have yelled at you a million of times for it, but after all she is your mother and you tend hear what she says from one ear and throw it out from

the other. But it's now time to change that. Say for example, getting up late can actually ruin your entire day's schedule. And if this is what you do everyday, then imagine how many days has it already eaten up. Realize this and without further ado, make up your mind to quit it.

Use a TriggerA trigger is something that will prevent you from performing your bad habit. For example, let's consider a habit like getting up late or biting your nails. To avoid getting up late, set an alarm and decide that you will get up the moment you hear it. Keep it a little away from where you sleep so that you have to make an effort to reach out to it to switch it off or even snooze it.

Target - 21 Day CycleA study says that it takes 21 days for the

human mind and body to get used to something. So quit your bad habit for 21 days straight and the tendency and the craving will certainly reduce.

Determination - Is the Name of the GameLeaving a bad habit is like throwing a boomerang, you throw it and it will come back to you. So don't just impulsively decide to quit a bad habit; do it after understanding it and being determined not to do it again. Take it as a test of your will power and make it a matter of your ego. Don't be laid-back about it. Be firm that this time you'll break free from it.

Find a SubstituteWhen you've figured out why you adopted this bad habit, you will automatically find a substitute for it. Let's take an example of biting your nails. One is said to bite one's nails, when one is

either nervous or anxious. If so, then realize that you are getting anxious, which triggers this habit. You may benefit by talking to someone about the situation rather than biting your nails to alleviate the anxiety. Also dealing with it confidently will help you be a little less dependent on your habit to support you in times of stress. It is about challenging yourself and fighting something that is not helpful for you.

Take Help from Family and FriendsTell your family and friends about your resolution, so that they can prevent you from performing the bad habit and also remind you about the promise you made to yourself.

Keep an IncentiveBy this I mean that reward yourself every time you stop yourself from the

performing the habit. This will keep you motivated to quit it, and at the same time will also make you happy.

There are habits that people have carried with them for years; it will definitely take some time and will power to get rid of them. Take it up as a personal mission and achieve it. Breaking a habit is a better option than letting it grow with you to become an addiction. Try breaking free from a bad habit, and feel the difference in yourself. You'll be proud of yourself.

By Foram MehtaRead more at Buzzle:

Personal Hygiene TipsPersonal hygiene is very important for living a healthy life free from diseases

and disorders. The tips for women, men and kids mentioned in this article will prove to be very useful for general health and fitness.

Personal hygiene is something all of us have learned at our homes, from our parents and in early days of school. The good habits learned in the childhood are remembered and followed throughout the life and hence doctors, parents and teachers give a special emphasis on personal hygiene. Even adults are taught the importance of personal hygiene through several awareness programs, floated by government and private institutions.

Personal Hygiene Tips for All of Us

The most important tip would be to have a shower or a bath everyday. By doing so, you will feel fresh and fine throughout the day. You can also get rid of body odor by having a shower on a regular basis. Now, let us talk about the hair. Keeping your hair clean is essential to maintain their health and make them look shiny and good. You should use a good shampoo of a reputed brand to keep your hair clean. Visiting the cutting salon and getting your haircut from a god barber is a good practice. Washing your face several times a day is also a good habit. By doing so, your face will get cleaned of the dirt particles which get accumulated on it when you step out of the home.

The clothes which you wear should be of

good quality and must be clean and tidy. It is essential that you wash the clothes, so that they become free of dirt and dust. Make sure that the clothes you wear fit you well and make you feel comfortable and are not too tight. You should avoid applying very strong-smelling perfumes on your clothes, as this can be irritating for you as well as the people around you. Keeping the nails of the hands and the feet in good condition is also very necessary. Use a nail cutter to cut your nails to the proper length. By doing so, you can prevent the germs and bacteria entering your mouth. If you have the habit of biting your nails, you should give it up immediately.

Neglecting oral hygiene can cause a lot of problems in your future life. Brushing the teeth twice or thrice in a day is necessary for good dental care. It has been

observed that many people lack the knowledge of brushing the teeth properly. You can visit your dentist and learn the proper techniques for your own benefit. You should also ensure that your gums are in good health. The age-`old problem of tooth decay can be prevented by taking certain precautions. You should not forget to rinse your mouth at regular intervals during the day.

Washing your hands clean with the help of an antiseptic soap or hand wash of a good brand, is one of the most important personal hygiene tips for kids and adults. You should wash your hands before and after eating your food, after coming home from outside, after having done work, to make your hands free from disease-causing germs. Failure to do so can invite infections and diseases, which may require many days of treatment for

complete cure.

You should be very careful about the kind of food you eat. Ensure that it is clean and has all the essential nutrients for nourishment of the body. You should also make sure that the water which you drink is clean and pure, because contaminated water can cause many waterborne diseases. Clean the surroundings around you and your locality to avoid suffering from diseases. Do your regular exercises to stay fit and fine.

Bad habits like chewing tobacco and smoking should be given up as early as possible. By following these personal hygiene tips, you can live a long and peaceful life.Read more at Buzzle:

What are Some Good Personal Habits to Have?Have you thought of the good personal habits you should essentially have? Read this article to find out.

We often talk about cultivating certain good habits that last for a lifetime. We often discuss the importance of having good habits, but we rarely give all this a serious thought. Following is a list of some good habits you should have.

Personal Hygiene: Personal cleanliness and hygiene is one of the determinant factors to a healthy life. A daily bath is the basic good habit that has to be inculcated in children from an early age.

You need to maintain personal hygiene so that you can remain healthy.

Eat Healthy: Following a healthy and balanced diet is one of the good personal habits that you should have. Frequent consumption of junk foods and constant deviation in meal timings affect your health negatively. The most tempting of foods can be addictive and harmful. Follow a balanced diet. Do not skip meals. This good personal habit, if developed from childhood, is sure to be with the person for a lifetime.

Sleep Well: We all know the saying, "Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise." We have heard of this, we think of this, but we seldom follow it. This simple statement says a lot about how a person's lifestyle should be. By sleeping well, we do not

mean to sleep for long hours. The statement rather implies that habit of going to bed early and rising early keeps you fit and fine. An eight-hour sleep is sufficient for a human being. Taking excess of it and sleeping late in the morning is bound to bring laze and ill health.

Exercise: Daily exercise is one of the most important personal habits that every single person needs to have. It is one habit that applies to every phase of life and it reaps plentifully. You need to understand the importance of daily exercise and start following it with dedication. It is absolutely necessary to find some time from your busy schedule and devote it to exercise.

Meditate: Along with making physical activity an integral part of daily life,

mental exercise is equally important. Rather, I look at mental well-being as the most vital factor to creating an environment conducive to thrive in. A daily habit of meditation is very helpful for one's mental health. It helps you achieve mind control and peace of mind. It is beneficial in the fostering of a positive spirit in you. Making meditation a daily habit can actually lead to enhancement of your mental strength and make you feel happy.

Read: This is one personal habit that should be developed since childhood. Children need to be made to take interest in reading during their initial years of learning to read. Once a child develops the habit of reading, it is there to stay! Reading good books opens doors to new horizons and exposes a child to new experiences. Reading is one of the most

effective ways through which a child learns the values of life. Moral stories are the most effective media of cultivating moral values in a child. Reading thus proves a very good personal habit that all of us should have.

Be Humane: This personal habit is the one that makes you a human being. Humanity is one value that needs to be fostered since one's early years. Develop a helpful nature. Man is a social animal and hence needs to take everyone along. Help the less fortunate ones, help them fight their difficulties; help them wear a smile on their face.

These were some of those personal good habits that you should have. The basic understanding of bad habits helps you differentiate between the good and the bad. Make a habit of following everything

that is positive. Cultivate every habit that fosters positivity. Adopt every principle that makes you a better human being.Read more at Buzzle:

Staying Healthy Tips for KidsFor kids, staying healthy is very important, as they are vulnerable to many diseases and infections. Here are some tips on staying fit and healthy for kids.

Kid's health is an issue of prime concern for most parents. Along with underdeveloped immune system, the lack of basic hygiene knowledge makes them

prone to various illnesses. Therefore, the responsibility of keeping kids healthy largely falls upon the shoulder's of the parents. For kids, staying healthy is possible only when you involve the kids in the whole process of staying healthy. The first step for attaining good health is by explaining them the importance of good health and how can one achieve it.

Staying Healthy for Kids

Teach Them Basic HygieneKids are extremely oblivious to basic hygiene. They'll share everything from cola to toothbrushes to half eaten candies. Needless to say, this sets an ideal environment for any kind of infection. Thus, it is imperative that your child knows the basics of hygiene such as washing hands before eating, brushing teeth at least twice a day etc. Similarly,

teach her how to protect herself from other children with various kinds of infections. Tell her the importance of personal hygiene by making her bathe everyday and wearing clean clothes all the time. Make sure she understands the hazards of sharing water bottles, toothbrushes or other personal items.

Protect Them from DiseasesIsolating your child from other people is the only way you can protect your child from contracting infections, when a major epidemic breaks in. Even if any of the other family members falls ill, it would be wise to keep your child away from them. On the other hand, if your own child catches an infection, it is equally important to isolate her from other children to prevent them from catching infections. When your child falls ill, do not send her to school or playgroup. It is

easier for kids to stay healthy during the holidays as interaction with other children is reduced. Yet, it is better to take all the precautions such as vaccination etc. at the start of the holiday season.

Healthy Eating HabitsHealthy eating habits go a long way in setting the foundation for a healthy life ahead. Encourage your kids to eat healthy foods such as fresh fruits and vegetables. Explain to them the hazards of eating junk food. As a parent, pay attention to the eating habits of your child. Include variety of food items as per their availability and season, in the diet of your kids. Proper nutrition is the only way to stay healthy with the changing seasons.

Activities for Kids to Stay Healthy

You can implement various activities which aim at teaching kids the importance of staying healthy. Simple study material which explains the concept of immune system or anatomy of body can get the kids acquainted with their body. Also, setting timers for activities like brushing teeth, bathing etc. can prove to be very useful as kids find them particularly funny. Teaching them small, funny poems that underline the importance of personal hygiene and good health also go a long way in inculcating the values of healthy living. Certain group games and activities or even funny street plays can help the kids understand the importance of staying healthy.

It is very important for kids to stay healthy, as our health during childhood largely affects the status of our health in adult life. Healthy childhood often leads

to healthy adulthood. Therefore, we must give special attention to our kid's health.

By Ashwini Kulkarni SuleRead more at Buzzle:

Creating an Exercise Routine - How to Start a Habit for Your HealthA plan for beginning to exercise with the hopes of making it a permanent habit rather than a temporary fix.

We've all been there: we'll go to the gym for a few days, maybe a week tops, and the next week rolls around and we give in to laziness or exhaustion. We find

ourselves disappointed for not going. Despite all that determination you had in the beginning, you find it difficult to make daily exercise a habit and a priority. What is wrong with these people who are able to run everyday? Why can't I do that too?

The problem isn't motivation or determination. You've probably got plenty of both. The problem is that you didn't keep at it long enough for it to become ingrained in your schedule. It wasn't a habit, but rather a temporary fix. So, how do you make exercise a priority in your life rather than something you do on a whim of inspiration?

Let's break it down into five easy steps, shall we?

1. Schedule the time

Take your day and break it into hours on a piece of paper. Now, pencil in your workout time. It's recommended by many experts that you exercise in the morning. Not only do you burn more calories at that time, but it will energize you for the day. Plus, a bad day at work or an exhausting day at school won't keep you from getting your exercise in if you do it beforehand.

2. Choose your workout

What do you like to do? Whether it's swimming, running, cycling, or lifting weights, find something you enjoy. If doing the same thing daily bores you, do something different every day. Switch it up. Make it fun!

3. Set your goals

What do you want to get out of this? Do you want flat abs, skinnier waist, more muscle and bulk? Whatever it is, write it down. Post a note by your bed with that goal written on it to motivate you to get up in the morning and actually get out the door.

4. Stick to your plan

You wake up one morning and you're feeling a little sleepy. Ooooh, an extra hour of sleep would feel really good right now... That's probably what you're thinking, but you know what else would feel good? Exercise! Once you decide you're going to do something, stick to it. This will be difficult and don't think that it ever will be easy. If you can make it through the first few weeks then you're fast on your way to making exercise a habit.

5. Reward yourself for good behavior

Is there a new pair of shoes you've been eying? How about treating yourself to a small piece of your favorite dessert? It's okay to reward yourself for being good. If it keeps you on track to creating a habit out of exercise, then go for it (as long as it's safe, healthy, and legal!).

What exactly does building a habit do for you? Most importantly, it makes exercise a priority in your life. Just like someone who makes a habit out of drinking coffee, someone who has a habit of exercising won't feel right if they don't get in their daily exercise time. And think of it this way: what a great thing to become addicted to! Most importantly, try your best. If you fall off track, don't get discouraged. Get right back on track and

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