health risks of living near natural gas development

Post on 07-Jul-2018






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  • 8/19/2019 Health Risks of Living Near Natural Gas Development


    Health Risks of Living Near

    Natural Gas Development

    Anne C. Epstein, MD, FAC

    !""# Rene$a%le Denton &o$n Hall

    Mar'h (), ("!*

  • 8/19/2019 Health Risks of Living Near Natural Gas Development


    Health Ha+ars of Living in the Mistof Dense Natural Gas Development

    • -lo$outs an Eplosions

    • -urns from $ell /res

    lumes of toi' gas•  &oi' air pollutants0 -en+ene

    • Human 1llness o'umente – Congenital heart isease, lo$

    %irth $eight, premature %irth

     – Heart isease, neurologi'

    isease, an hospitali+ations – Respirator2 an skin s2mptoms

    1mage Creit3 Cooper Nell, Denton &4

  • 8/19/2019 Health Risks of Living Near Natural Gas Development


  • 8/19/2019 Health Risks of Living Near Natural Gas Development


    Risk of -urns from -lo$out FiresHale2 M, M'Ca$le2 M, Epstein AC, Arrington -, -6erke EF. Ae7ua'2 of Current 8tate 8et%a'ks for

    Dire'tional High09olume H2rauli' Fra'turing in the Mar'ellus, -arnett, an Nio%rara 8hale la2s. EnvironHealth erspe't: http3;;;!".!(

  • 8/19/2019 Health Risks of Living Near Natural Gas Development


    Ho$ Far Can &oi' Gas lumes &ravelFort @orth League of Neigh%orhoos, Re'ommenations for oli'2 Changes for Gas Drilling Near 8'hools, Fe%


    • ( $ell sites 'lose to s'hools

    • Data from 1nustr2, &CEI

    • Dispersion Moeling

    !ar"on #isul$de0 a neurotoin

    • Dete'te at one site "" timesthe norm for am%ient air0 &CEIviolation – lume etene ! mile from the

    sour'e, full etentJ ( mi

     – Kp to !""" times the short term

    health %en'hmark

    !ar"on%l Sul$de – lume etene in e'ess of !


     – Kp to * times the health%en'hmark

  • 8/19/2019 Health Risks of Living Near Natural Gas Development


    ollutants from Natural Gas o$er lantshttps3;;$$$;ttn'hie!;ap>(;'h";/nal;'"s"!.pf 

    &itrogen '(ides

    Lung isease hospitali+ations, ozone

    !ar"on )ono(ide

    Reu'es o2gen in the %loo

    *'!s  More $;lo$er operating loa0ozone

      +azardous Air ollutants

      Formaleh2e skin, respirator2, 'an'er

    -en+ene %loo 5 immune isease, 'an'er

     &oluene0 neurologi' isease

    Eth2l%en+ene0 respirator2, neurologi'

    42lenes0 neurologi', respirator2

    Sulfur #io(ide A'i rain

    articulate )atter

    8erious heart 5 lung isease in'luingeath, ha+e, a'i rain

    $$$ multiple pages

    1mage3 Calpine Corp, hotographer3 Guaalupe Energ2 Centernear 8an Antonio

  • 8/19/2019 Health Risks of Living Near Natural Gas Development


     &oi' Air Emissions3

    -en+eneA highl% to(ic carcinogen thatoccurs naturall% in oil and gas• *'!-volatile organic comound

    Long0term health ee'ts

    • Leukemia0 a Group ! Car'inogen

    • Life0threatening anemia

    • 1mmune s2stem suppression

    • ossi%le fetal a%normalities

    9er2 high levels of eposure

    • Coma, sei+ures, irregular heart rh2thms,Bui in the lungs, eath

    Chilren an eveloping fetuses are more

    vulnera%le to all toi' air emissions

    A&8DR August (""?, $$.atsr.''.gov;toi'pro/les;, 

    CDC Emergen'2 8afet2 an Health Data%ase

    aulson, &estimon2 %efore House 8u%'ommittee Fe% ("!>

  • 8/19/2019 Health Risks of Living Near Natural Gas Development


    -en+ene from Gas Leaks3 &CEI -arnett 8hale 8tu2 (""=

    •  monitoring sites surve2e (""=

     –Looking for leaks

     –Fl2over, GasFin1R 'ameras, 9Cmonitors

    • Air samples 'olle'te at  sites

    • -en+ene $as ete'te a%ove the long

    term health %ase 'omparison valueJ !.> pp% at (! monitoring sites in!( ierent areas

    • 2 sites re7uire immeiate a'tion forvalue J !

  • 8/19/2019 Health Risks of Living Near Natural Gas Development


    Fl2over Air Monitoring in Coloraoetron et al,  American Geophysical Union, Ma2 ("!>

    &ational 'ceanic andAtmosheric Administration

    • A &op Do$n evaluation of%en+ene an other toi' airemissions

    • Air%orne measurements of airpollutants P !( Bights in Ma2("!(

    • Correlate $ith atmospheri'ata

    Results3 -en+ene emissions$ere ? 0 = times higher thanestimate %2 8tate of Coloraoinventories

    1mage Creit3 @ill von Dauster, NAA

  • 8/19/2019 Health Risks of Living Near Natural Gas Development


    Human health risk assessment of air emissions fromevelopment of un'onventional natural gas resour'es M'Qen+ie et al, Science of the Total Environment >(> ("!(

    Colorao 8'hool of u%li' Health

    Measure ha+arous air pollutantsat ierent istan'es from 5G $ells

    Near3 )"" feet from a $ell

    Far3 (*"" feet from a $ell

    Foun elevate levels of -en+ene, &oluene, Eth2l%en+ene, 42lene-&E4 'loser to $ells 'ompare tofarther a$a2

    Cal'ulate the risk of illness

    Con'lue eople living )"" feetor less from $ells ha

    • ) &1ME8 higher risk of illness ueto ha+arous air pollutants

  • 8/19/2019 Health Risks of Living Near Natural Gas Development


    Meian Air &oin Con'entrations During @ellCompletion in Gar/el Count2 C

    M'Qen+ie et al, Science of the Total Environment , (( Mar'h ("!(









    Natural Gas

    Development AreaJ !;( mile a$a2

    @ell Completionsamples !"0)"" ftfrom $ell pa, 'enter,uring un'ontrolle,


    mcg/ m1

  • 8/19/2019 Health Risks of Living Near Natural Gas Development


    @est 9irginia Dept of Environmental rote'tionMa2 ("!

    M'Ca$le2 ("!

    he Stud%

    • Reason for 8tu23 to assess$hether *() foot set%a'k isae7uate to prote't pu%li' health

    8ample sites3 ? un'onventionalrilling sites


    -en+ene levels e'eee minimumrisk levels for a'ute eposure =

    pp% for eposure of !> a2s or lessin

    • ) out of !) samples, from

    • out of ) ierent sites

  • 8/19/2019 Health Risks of Living Near Natural Gas Development


    4&5&S5 5'S735 ' &A73A8 9AS 588S)A; A

  • 8/19/2019 Health Risks of Living Near Natural Gas Development


    -irth ut'omes an Maternal Resientialroimit2 to Natural Gas Development in

    Rural ColoraoM'Qen+ie et al, Environmental Health Perspectives, (< Oanuar2 ("!>

     &he ata3 !==* 0 (""=

    • All %irth re'ors in rural Colorao

    • All hospital an 'lini' re'ors of%irth efe'ts

    • Re'ors of lo'ation an 2ear %uilt forall gas $ells in rural Colorao

    otal 12,?2 "irths

    • Maternal eposure to gas $ells3 ho$far a$a2 an ho$ man2 gas $ells atthe time of %irth

    • eposure groups3 – Lo$ !0 $ells;mile

     – Meium >0!(> $ells; mile – High J!(> $ells; mile

    • Referen'e group3 no gas $ells $ithin!" miles

    1mage Creit3 Erie Rising

  • 8/19/2019 Health Risks of Living Near Natural Gas Development


    -irth ut'omes an Maternal Resiential roimit2 toNatural Gas Development in Rural ColoraoM'Qen+ie et al, Environmental Health Perspectives, (< Oanuar2 ("!>

    Num%er of %a%ies %orn $ithCongenital Heart Disease

    Compare to " $ells $;in !"miles3

    !"# in'rease risk for !0$ells; mile , lo$ eposure (

    ("# in'rease risk for >0!(>$ells; mile, meium eposure ""%irths

    "# in'rease risk for J !()$ells; mile, high eposure )) %irths

    8tatisti'al signi/'an'e pS ".""!

    A6uste for multiple fa'tors 1mage Creit3 -a%2Me.'om

  • 8/19/2019 Health Risks of Living Near Natural Gas Development


    Kn'onventional Natural Gas Development an -irthut'omes in enns2lvania, K8A

    Case2 et al, Epidemiology , a''epte != August ("!)

    All !",""" %a%ies %orn in ( hospitalsin A (""*0("!)

    Cal'ulate %a%iesT eposure to $ella'tivit2 $ithin (" QM uring thepregnan'2

    -a%ies in the highest 7uartile ofeposure avg !(> $ells; (" km ha a

    • >" # in'rease risk of premature%irth

    Compare to %a%ies in the lo$est7uartile of eposure avg * $ells; ("


    • 8tatisti'all2 signi/'ant, a6uste formultiple varia%les

    1mage Creit3 8huttersto'k

  • 8/19/2019 Health Risks of Living Near Natural Gas Development


    erinatal ut'omes an Kn'onventional NaturalGas perations in 8outh$est enns2lvania

    8ta'2 et al, PLOS ONE, Oune , ("!)

    • !),>?! %irth re'ors

     – 'ounties in A (""?0("!"

    • )"= a'tive KNG $ells

    • Estimate eposure

     –num%er an istan'e of $ells $;in !"miles uring pregnan'2

    3esults1nfants in the highest 7uartile ofeposure J * $ells; mile $ere

    • ># more likel2 to have lo$%irth$eight, %elo$ !"th per'entile

    Compare to infants in the lo$est

    7uartile of eposure S ".

  • 8/19/2019 Health Risks of Living Near Natural Gas Development


    Kn'onventional Gas an il Drilling is Asso'iate$ith 1n'rease Hospital Ktili+ation Rates

     Oamielita et al, PLOS ONE Oul2 !), ("!)

    • All =),""" hospitali+ation re'orsfrom rural 'ounties in A (""?0("!!

    • atient Eposure to a'tive $ellssorte %2 +ip 'oe – !? +ip 'oes ha J !"" $ells

    eople in +ip 'oes $ith a highernum"er or densit% of wells  hasigni/'antl2 more

    •  &otal hospitali+ations

    • Hospitali+ations for heart isease


    .  in highest 7uartile'ompare to =.2 $;o $ells

    • Hospitali+ations for neurologi'alisease stroke, arkinsonTs

    Compare to +ip 'oes $ith no$ells

    1mage 'reit3 &o Heisler;&he Ne$ Uork &1mes

  • 8/19/2019 Health Risks of Living Near Natural Gas Development


    roimit2 to Natural Gas @ells an Reporte Health 8tatus3Results of a Househol 8urve2 in @ashington Count2, A

    Ra%ino$it+ et al Environmental Health Perspectives 8ept ("!>

    he #ata


  • 8/19/2019 Health Risks of Living Near Natural Gas Development


    8ummar2 3&he 8'ienti/' Evien'e forHuman 1llness Asso'iate $ith Natural Gas


    1n high 7ualit2 s'ienti/'stuies, intense eposureto KNG natural gas a'tivit2has %een linke to3

    Congenital heart isease• remature %irth

    • Lo$ %irth $eight

    • Ault hospitali+ations

    Ault heart isease• Ault neurologi' isease

    • Respirator2 an skins2mptoms1mage 'reit3 Lighthouse 8olar

  • 8/19/2019 Health Risks of Living Near Natural Gas Development


    Health Ha+ars of Living in the Mistof Dense Natural Gas Development

    • -lo$outs an Eplosions

    • -urns from $ell /res

    • lumes of toi' gas

    •  &oi' air pollutants0 -en+ene

    • Human 1llness o'umente – Congenital heart isease, lo$

    %irth $eight, premature %irth

     – Heart isease, neurologi'

    isease, an hospitali+ations – Respirator2 an skin s2mptoms

    1mage Creit3 Cooper Nell, Denton &4

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