health education for nursing

Post on 06-May-2015






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• Students1.

Mhmd A Atrash

Outline 1. introductions.2. Definitions health education.3. Purposes of health education. 4. characteristics of the health educator .5. HEALTH EDUCATION SCOPES.6. health education course Education. 7.others


Introduction :The past decades have seen a radical change in the patterns of disease spread among members of the community from infectious diseases to chronic diseases, especially diseases that expressed life style diseases such as pressure, heart disease and diabetesMany of these diseases are the result of the erratic behavior Hence, health education is the cornerstone for the prevention of these diseases it is which is the upgrading of knowledge and information and building trends and changing health behaviors.

During the recent years has been promoting the concepts of health education became note of science knowledge is used behavioral and educational theories and methods of communication and means of education and the principles of the media to improve the health level of the individual and society .

Definitions . Health education: is the part of health care that is concerned with promotion of health , prevention of illness, curing diseases , and facilitating rehabilitation, caring a bout the needs and interests of the individual , families , group , organizations , and communities .

Health education : is any combination of learning experiences designed to facilitate voluntary adaptation of behavior conducive to health

Health education : is the process by which people learn about their health and more specifically, how to improve their health. Many different types of people provide health education and there are many different ways health education is delivered, based on various behavioral change models. Health education is critically important in improving the health of communities and individuals.

major components of health education involves: 1. Human biology2 .Nutrition and balanced diet3 .Hygeine and sanitation4 .Family health care5 .Prevention of communicable and non communicable diseases6 .Mental health7 .Prevention of accidents and providing information on first aid8 .Information on use of various health services.

Purposes of health education

1. To provide knowledge and advice the maintain and promote health to achieve the optimum state of health .

2. Training consumers in self-care skills .3. To help the clients to make effective decisions about

their health4. Prevention of disease : 1. primary prevention . 2. secondary prevention . 3. tertiary prevention . 5. Changing mal practices . 6. Affecting social changes.7. Set models for health behavior for other

Who is learner ?

Who is the health educator ???

Learner is :1. Individual at any stage or any condition ‘’e.g. patient ‘’2. Family 3. Community ‘’ e.g .Smokers, pregnant women ,workers

Health educator : Is the health worker who is concerned with helping people to improve their health knowledge , skills , understand their health problems , and choose the most appropriate solutions for their problems .

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six principles that guide the educators :

message :sending a clear message to the learner. format : selecting the most appropriate learning format .

environment :organizing positive and meaningful learning experiences.

participation : engaging the learner in participatory learner .

evaluation : evaluating and giving objective feedback to the learner .


characteristics of the health educator "1. suitable age2 . suitable sex3 .good general appearance4.good professional attitude5.using good teaching approaches6.have suitable communication skills7.good personality8.good health model9.give suitable information

what are the four primary employment setting for health educators ?

1-medical services : develop and implement preventive and rehabilitative heath education in hospitals specialized clinics health centers acute clinics and long term care facilities ,examples include consumer workshops on the use of medical services per-natal and childbirth classes cardiac rehabilitation and life adjustment groups and screening for health conditions ….2- schools: design curricula and teach health education in the public and private schools .

3- worksite: plan and implement programs to keep employees healthy and to maintain safe work environments. example of worksite setting include large corporations and other business and industrial firms.

4-Communities: assess need for health education programs at various sites in the community. Example include voluntary health agencies and government-based services programs such as the Heart Association lung Association , adult day care centers,AIDS/HIV programs , wellness and health promotion institutes , international programs , fitness center and many others .


1-Immunization2-Infant and child care3-Prenatal care4-Nutrition5-Sleep and rest6-Accident prevention7-Dental health8-Rehabilitation9-Hygiene10-Sanitation11-Chronic disease12-Genetic counseling

health education course education the word education has several meanings 1- education : instruction teaching pedagogy educational activity ( the activities of education or instructing or teaching ) ( activities that impart knowledge or skills ) 2- education: knowledge acquired by learning and instruction 3- education : the gradual process of acquiring knowledge " education is a preparation for life " 4- education : the profession of teaching especially at school or college or university

• Education for health begins with people. It hopes to motivate them with whatever interests they may have in improving their living conditions. Its aim is to develop in them a sense of responsibility for health conditions for themselves as individuals, as members of families, and as communities. In communicable disease control, health education commonly includes an appraisal of what is known by a population about a disease, an assessment of habits and attitudes of the people as they relate to spread and frequency of the disease, and the presentation of specific means to remedy observed deficiencies.

• Health education is also an effective tool that helps improve health in developing nations. It not only teaches prevention and basic health knowledge but also conditions ideas that re-shape everyday habits of people with unhealthy lifestyles in developing countries. This type of conditioning not only affects the immediate recipients of such education but also future generations will benefit from an improved and properly cultivated ideas about health that will eventually be ingrained with widely spread health education. Moreover, besides physical health prevention, health education can also provide more aid and help people deal healthier with situations of extreme stress, anxiety, depression or other emotional disturbances to lessen the impact of these sorts of mental and emotional constituents, which can consequently lead to detrimental physical effects

• Responsibility I: Assessing Individual and Community Needs for Health Education

• * Provides the foundation for program planning * Determines what health problems might exist in any given group * Includes determination of community resources available to address the problem * Community Empowerment encourages the population to take ownership of their health problems * Includes careful data collection and analysis Responsibility II: Plan Health Education Strategies, Interventions, and Programs

• * Actions are based on the needs assessment done for the community (see Responsibility I) * Involves the development of goals and objectives which are specific and measurable * Interventions are developed that will meet the goals and objectives * According to Rule of Sufficiency, strategies are implemented which are sufficiently robust, effective enough, and have a reasonable chance of meeting stated objectives Responsibility III: Implement Health Education Strategies, Interventions, and Programs

• * Implementation is based on a thorough understanding of the priority population * Utilize a wide range of educational methods and techniques Responsibility IV: Conduct Evaluation and Research Related to Health Education

• * Depending on the setting, utilize tests, surveys, observations, tracking epidemiological data, or other methods of data collection * Health Educators make use of research to improve their practice Responsibility V: Administer Health Education Strategies, Interventions, and Programs

• * Administration is generally a function of the more experienced practitioner * Involves facilitating cooperation among personnel, both within and between programs Responsibility VI: Serve as a Health Education Resource Person

• * Involves skills to access needed resources, and establish effective conductive relationships Responsibility VII: Communicate and Advocate for Health and Health Education

• * Translates scientific language into understandable information * Address diverse audience in diverse settings * Formulates and support rules, policies and legislation * Advocate for the profession of health education

Thank you :P

Every body

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