health 1 2nd grading by. joanne a. saldana

Post on 14-Jun-2015






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By. Joanne A. Saldana

Adolescence is a time of change…

…changes in the body,

…changing emotions,

..being more intellectual,

…changes in social life.

You need to know why these changes are happening……and to realized that these changes are perfectly normal.

All these changes caused you the feeling of awkwardness.

Endocrine Glands

A chemical messenger which is made and secreted by the endocrine gland.


Female Hormone/s• Estrogen• Progesterone

(responsible for thickening the active layer of the uterus or womb)

Male Hormone• Testosterone

HypothalamusSmall but vital gland

•conductor and regulator of daily operations of the body.

•responsible in orchestrating the actions of the pituitary glands which in turn triggers other endocrine glands

•integrating and balancing the works of the internal organs that are governed by the autonomic nervous system

•sleep center, temperature-regulating center, and appetite and hunger center of the body.

It is composed of three parts: anterior lobe, posterior lobe, and pars intermedia.

Anterior lobe• closely associated with hypothalamus because it is connected through a

network of specialized vessels and secrets six different hormones.Posterior lobe• an outgrowth of the brain stream• it secrets two hormones that affect the smooth muscles of the body such as

the uterus, the muscles that are involved in the circulation and in the constriction of blood vessels.

Pars intermedia • boundary between the anterior and posterior lobes of the pituitary

PituitaryA pea-sized mass lying at the base of

the brain.

Pituitary hormones have two functions:

•Secondary sexual characteristics•Promotes fertility

PituitaryA pea-sized mass lying at the base of

the brain.

Parathyroid Glands

*Calcium and phosphorus • minerals required for the growth of healthy bones and good

muscles contraction.

•attached in the thyroid glands.•controls the levels of calcium and phosphorous.

AdrenalsSecretes more than 50 hormones

•Aldosterone-prevents excess sodium and water loss into urine cortisol controls protein metabolism and the production of glucose by the liver-regulates the connective tissue structure-regulates the amount of sodium and potassium in the body

Major hormonal secretions from medulla are: •Epinephrine (adrenalin)-Responsible for the “response fight” in times of great danger, anxiety, or stress.

Releases digestive juices

PancreasBoth part of the digestive and endocrine glands.

Insulin• Regulates

metabolism of sugar in the body• Stimulates cells to

take glucose or blood sugar from the body.

Produces insulin and glucagons

Glycogen• A starch stored

in the liver that maintains blood sugar levels between meals.

“Obese people are more risk to have type II diabetes”A1C >_ 5.7% testing of sugar content of the body. (above 30years old)

Gonads(organs that produces gametes)

•Ovary• Eggs cells

•Testes• Sperm cells

A doctor who specializes in diseases of the endocrine glands (parts of the body which are responsible for producing hormones).


• It usually takes 2-4 yrs. for all of the changes of puberty to be completed.

Puberty -It is the period of physical development during which the people become able to produce children.

• Males and females go through puberty at varying age from as young as 8 yrs. to as old as 16 yrs.

STAGES BOYS GIRLS1 Pre-pubertal: no sexual development Prepubertal: no sexual development

2 Testes enlarge Breast budding First pubic hair Height spurt Body odor Body odor3 Penis enlarges Breasts enlarge Pubic hair starts growing Pubic hair darkens, becomes curlier

Ejaculation (wet dreams) Vaginal discharge4 Continued enlargement of testes and penis Onset of menstruation Nipple is distinct from areola Penis and scrotal sac deepen in color Pubic hair curlier and coarser Height spurt Male breast development 5 Fully mature male Fully mature female

Pubic hair extends to inner thighs Pubic hair extends to inner thighs Increases in height slow, then stop Increases in height slow, then stopSource: Child Development Institute. 2005

Puberty is not

something which

happens overnight.

GnRH(Gonadotrophin Releasing Hormone) or LHRH- "the nourishment of the gonads"

LH (Luteinizing Hormone)- encourages masculinity

FSH (Follicle Stimulating Hormone)-promotes fertility

*Gonads-Organs that produce gametes (eggs or sperm)i.e. the ovaries and testes.

•A rare disorder which affects around 1 in 10,000 men and 1 in 70,000 women

•They have hormonal deficiency (sexually underdeveloped and infertile)

Kallman’s Syndrome(Hypogonadotrophins)

*Franz J. Kallman (1944)

Two Characteristics:• Anosmia –absence of smell• Hyposmia –week sense of smell

-An absence of gonadtrophins.

-Over production of gonadtrophins.

Klinefelter Syndrome(Hypergonadotrophins)

-a condition in which human males have an extra X chromosome.

*Dr. Harry Klinefelter (1942)

• too much sugar in the bloodstream• (diabetes)

• female-like enlargement of one or both breasts because of the presence of female estrogen in males.

• “Gynae” means women’s and “mastia” means breasts

• The active layer of the uterus or womb

• Process by which calcium is deposited to the bones.

Calcification ("growth plates")• located in bone endings

and are responsible for growth in the length of the bone.


• lack of sugar (glucose) in the bloodstream


Endometrium Placenta

• An organ attached to the uterus which holds and nourishes the growing embryo.

Epiphyseal plate

Additional information and facts about


Risk factors of DIABETES: 12Ks

1. KALAHI (Race)2. KATANDAAN (Old age)3. KATENSIYUNAN (Stress)4. KABUNTISAN (Pregnancy)5. KATABAAN (Fats/ Cholesterol)6. KAPAMILYA (Family/ Relatives)7. KALASINGAN (Alcohol content)8. KABALIWAN (Severe Mental Disorder)9. KASIGARILYUHAN (Cigarette Smokers)10. KATAMARAN (Lazy to exercise or move)11. KAPUSO (Cardio Vascular/ Hypertension)12. KATAKAWAN (Overeating/ improper eating)

Criteria for the Diagnosis of Diabetes

• Symptoms of diabetes + casual plasma glucose conc= or > 200mg/dl (11.01 mmol/l)

• FPG =or > 126 mg/dl (7.0 mmol/l)– Normal 80-90 (4.4-5.5 mmol)– Pre-diabetes 100-125 mg/dl (5.5-6.9 mmol) IFG– Diabetes 126 mg/dl

• 2-h PG = or > 200 mg/dl

Symptoms of DIABETES

• Uhaw• Polyuria• Ihi ng ihi• Polydipsia• Polyphagia• Panlalabo ng mata• Unexpalined weight loss• Pamamanhid ng toes and finger tip• Become obese because you eat a lot or develop weight loss even

you eat a lot because the production of insulin is not enough.• Other: Blurring vision, weakness, non-healing wound


• TYPE I– Diagnose on teenagers, adolescence.– No insulin in the body

• TYPE II– Most common form of diabetes– People can develop it at any age– Beta cells do not make enough insulin, or the fat,

muscles, liver cells do not use it properly

How to prevent DIABETES?• Healthy eating habits• Good exercise program• Maintain reasonable body weight• Make wise food choices most of the time• Physically active everyday. Jogging, walking,

cycling (30mind a day, 5times a week)• BMI = Kg(weight)/m2(height)• Avoid four legged animals• ¼ protein, ¼ carbo, ½ vegetables• Drink first, eat veggies, then less rice

How to prevent DIABETES?• Obesity/Overweight leads to diabetes and

hypertension• Avoid crash diets• Set reasonable-loss goal• Diet tip: Loss 1pound per week/ you need to

loss 500calories per week

• The cause are known.• The way forward is clear.• It’s your turn to take action.



By. Joanne A. Saldana

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