hcs 330 advocacy paper

Post on 15-Apr-2017






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Advocacy Paper: Require Dementia Units in All Nursing Homes

Gina Leymeister

Alvernia University




In Berks County there are very few nursing homes that are equipped with the

tools needed to provide care to those with dementia. The objective of this paper is to

provide nursing homes with the knowledge and tools to build a dementia care unit.

Furthermore, to always welcome those who have this disease to the facility.

Keywords: dementia, nursing homes, advocate



Advocacy Paper: Require Dementia Units for All Nursing Homes

Among the population, 35.6 million persons worldwide have dementia

(Alzheimers Fact Sheet). This number holds significance due to the lack of care that the

persons are receiving because of the ill-equipped nursing homes. This number is

projected to double by 2030 and triple by 2050. The statistics show the general

population that if action is not taken soon, society will have a crisis due to the number of

patients out weighing the number of facilities available. Dementia care and treatments

need to be brought up to every nursing home in Berks County, and eventually to be

spoken aloud nationally (What is Dementia?).

This health care predicament will be brought up to the CEO of the nursing home.

For example the president of The Highlands of Wyomissing is Kevin DeAcosta, and one

would advocate for dementia units and would presented the topic to him and his fellow

board of trustees. The Highlands of Wyomissing does not currently have a dementia unit,

but there are many residents who have this disease. One can influence the decision to

build a dementia unit by creating a dashboard, a power point or by using any other

business tool. The company will then be able to see the pros and the cons; therefore the

board can easily make the decision. However, the biggest contributor to this decision

would be the financial aspect of the commitment. On the other hand, this unit will also

increase profit according to the statistics more and more persons will need this type of


In order to take on an issue so large, one must use this strategic plan to achieve

the goal. The first step is to obtain the specific goal, which is to require dementia units in

all nursing homes in Berks County. The second step is to make sure that the goal is



measureable. This goal specifically can be obtained within 5-7 years. This is will be done

by recording the number of patients receiving care and track the number of facilities that

abide by the goal. The third step is determined if this goal is achievable, which this goal

will be with the permission of the CEO or the president of the nursing home. The fourth

step is to ensure that the goal is realistic and will be able to happen for that particular

company. This goal will be realistic provided that the funding is there to achieve this

goal. The fifth step is time. The time that it will take to add a dementia care unit to a

nursing home will take about an estimated 5-7 years. In addition to this plan, the society

needs to be aware of dementia and learn how to be an advocate for this disease.

Currently, there are not many nursing homes that are informing the public of

dementia units at their facility. On the television there are ads for medicine but not for

advocacy. This issue is being viewed as a downfall. Society views a retirement home as a

“place one goes until death”, however, it should be viewed, as a resort to meet the

residents needs to allow one to thrive. Furthermore, that mind set can only be obtained by

meeting every residents need i.e. dementia units. This image should be portrayed to

families that this is not the end but the loved one just needs special care and treatment.

Unfortunately, the only persons that know about this disease are the loved ones of the

family member, doctors, healthcare professionals, and some nursing homes. This issue

has to be talked about on the TV more often.

The family members and the individual with dementia are directly affected by the

media’s lack of knowledge on this topic. It is vital for society to recognize the impact of

dementia and take a stand on how to appropriately handle patients with a need for more

than two hours a day of special attention. In conclusion, it was once said by Eleanor



Roosevelt, “The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams”

(Roosevelt). As healthcare professionals or aspiring healthcare professionals, (we) should

never stop dreaming or fighting for the proper treatment and care for persons with





Alzheimers Fact Sheet. Retrieved from


Krumm, N., Larkin, P., Connolly, M., Rode, P., & Elsner, F. (2014). Improving dementia

care in nursing homes: experiences with a palliative care symptom-assessment

tool (MIDOS). International Journal Of Palliative Nursing, 20(4), 187-192.

Roosevelt, E. Dementia: Inspirational Poems & Quotes. Retrieved from


What Is Dementia? Alzheimer’s Association. Retrieved from http://www.alz.org/what-is-


Zimmerman, S., Anderson, W. L., Brode, S., Jonas, D., Lux, L., Beeber, A. S., & ...

Sloane, P. D. (2013). Systematic Review: Effective Characteristics of Nursing

Homes and Other Residential Long-Term Care Settings for People with

Dementia. Journal Of The American Geriatrics Society, 61(8), 1399-1409.


10 facts on dementia. World Health Organization. Retrieved from




Dementia Fact Sheet


35.6 million people have this disease

Dementia is a progressive brain illness

Dementia is NOT a normal part of aging

New case is diagnosed every 4 seconds

Costs the US 604 billion dollars

Caregivers experience huge amounts of stress

Early diagnoses is vital

This pie chart represents different types of dementia that exists within the general population.

(Alzheimers Fact Sheet)


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