hcg drops: how they work

Post on 30-Jun-2015






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HCG drops function in the same way that HCG produced in a pregnant woman does



HCG drops contain HCG (Human chorionic gonadotropin hormone).

The HCG drops were developed in line with the discoveries and recommendations made

by Dr.

Simeons in his original diet protocol.

Thousands of people have used HCG for weight loss with remarkable long term


HCG drops function in the same way that HCG produced in a pregnant woman does.

The drops are taken and held under the tongue for a short period before swallowing


This allows for the absorption of the hormone directly into the blood stream.

The hormone stimulates the hypothalamus to encourage the release of stored fats in the


The hormone also stimulates the hypothalamus to encourage the metabolism of

these fats.

It can therefore be said that HCG stimulates an increase in metabolic rate of the body.

HCG drops will assist you in reaching your weight loss goals in a timely and natural way.

When the hormone is combined with a low calorie diet (i.


500 to 1500 calories a day) weight loss results are seen in a period of 3 months.

The hormone ensures that stored fat in the body is used as the primary source of energy.

This is unlike other low calorie diets which may result in the wasting away of muscles

instead of the loss in fat.

Although many people would brush off HCG drops as just another fad, there is a lot of

scientific evidence to back the claims of Dr.


There are also thousands of happy clients who have made the journey to weight loss with HCG drops and have reached their weight loss goals in good time.

It is important to note that the HCG for weight loss program is not a miracle weight loss


Although the HCG drops will ensure that the fat deposited in your body will be burned as the primary source of energy throughout the dieting period, you will also be required to

stick to the diet plan strictly.

You will need to ensure that you eat only those foods that are on the list and avoid


However, you can always get back on the wagon and continue your weight loss journey.

You don't have to travel the path alone.

HCG product support is available 24 hours a day.

You can also email the team for HCG support.

All your questions concerning dieting and HCG drops as well as other products will be

answered in a timely manner.

HCG Wholesale

Wholesale HCG

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